{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module PyF.Internal.QQ (
import Text.Megaparsec
import qualified Formatting as F
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import qualified Data.Text as SText
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified Data.Int as Int
import Numeric.Natural
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse (parseExp)
import PyF.Internal.PythonSyntax
import qualified PyF.Formatters as Formatters
import PyF.Formatters (AnyAlign(..))
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
toExp:: String -> Q Exp
toExp s = do
filename <- loc_filename <$> location
(line, col) <- loc_start <$> location
let change_log "<interactive>" currentState = currentState
change_log _ currentState = let
(SourcePos sName _ _) NonEmpty.:| xs = statePos currentState
in currentState {statePos = (SourcePos sName (mkPos line) (mkPos col)) NonEmpty.:| xs}
case parse (updateParserState (change_log filename) >> parsePythonFormatString) filename s of
Left err -> do
if filename == "<interactive>"
then do
fail (parseErrorPretty' s err)
else do
fileContent <- runIO (readFile filename)
fail (parseErrorPretty' fileContent err)
Right items -> goFormat items
goFormat :: [Item] -> Q Exp
goFormat items = foldl1 fofo <$> (mapM toFormat items)
fofo :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
fofo s0 s1 = InfixE (Just s0) (VarE '(F.%)) (Just s1)
toFormat :: Item -> Q Exp
toFormat (Raw x) = [| F.now (Builder.fromString x) |]
toFormat (Replacement x y) = do
formatExpr <- padAndFormat (fromMaybe DefaultFormatMode y)
case parseExp x of
Right expr -> pure (AppE (VarE 'F.now) (VarE 'Builder.fromString `AppE` (formatExpr `AppE` expr)))
Left err -> fail err
changePrec :: Precision -> Maybe Int
changePrec PrecisionDefault = Just 6
changePrec (Precision n) = Just (fromIntegral n)
changePrec' :: Precision -> Maybe Int
changePrec' PrecisionDefault = Nothing
changePrec' (Precision n) = Just (fromIntegral n)
toGrp :: Maybe b -> a -> Maybe (a, b)
toGrp mb a = (a,) <$> mb
withAlt :: AlternateForm -> Formatters.Format t t' t'' -> Q Exp
withAlt NormalForm e = [| e |]
withAlt AlternateForm e = [| Formatters.Alternate e |]
padAndFormat :: FormatMode -> Q Exp
padAndFormat (FormatMode padding tf grouping) = case tf of
BinaryF alt s -> [| formatAnyIntegral $(withAlt alt Formatters.Binary) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 4) |]
CharacterF -> [| formatAnyIntegral Formatters.Character Formatters.Minus (newPadding padding) Nothing |]
DecimalF s -> [| formatAnyIntegral Formatters.Decimal s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) |]
HexF alt s -> [| formatAnyIntegral $(withAlt alt Formatters.Hexa) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 4) |]
OctalF alt s -> [| formatAnyIntegral $(withAlt alt Formatters.Octal) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 4) |]
HexCapsF alt s -> [| formatAnyIntegral (Formatters.Upper $(withAlt alt Formatters.Hexa)) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 4) |]
ExponentialF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional $(withAlt alt Formatters.Exponent) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
ExponentialCapsF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional (Formatters.Upper $(withAlt alt Formatters.Exponent)) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
GeneralF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional $(withAlt alt Formatters.Generic) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
GeneralCapsF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional (Formatters.Upper $(withAlt alt Formatters.Generic)) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
FixedF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional $(withAlt alt Formatters.Fixed) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
FixedCapsF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional (Formatters.Upper $(withAlt alt Formatters.Fixed)) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
PercentF prec alt s -> [| formatAnyFractional $(withAlt alt Formatters.Percent) s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec prec) |]
DefaultF prec s -> [| \v ->
case categorise (Proxy :: Proxy $(typeAllowed)) v of
Integral i -> formatAnyIntegral Formatters.Decimal s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) i
Fractional f -> formatAnyFractional Formatters.Generic s (newPadding padding) (toGrp grouping 3) (changePrec' prec) f
StringType f -> Formatters.formatString (newPaddingForString padding) (changePrec' prec) f
typeAllowed :: Q Type
typeAllowed = case padding of
PaddingDefault -> [t| EnableForString |]
Padding _ Nothing -> [t| EnableForString |]
Padding _ (Just (_, AnyAlign a)) -> case Formatters.getAlignForString a of
Nothing -> [t| DisableForString |]
Just _ -> [t| EnableForString |]
StringF prec -> [| Formatters.formatString pad (changePrec' prec) |]
where pad = newPaddingForString padding
newPaddingForString :: Padding -> Maybe (Int, Formatters.AlignMode 'Formatters.AlignAll, Char)
newPaddingForString padding = case padding of
PaddingDefault -> Nothing
Padding i Nothing -> Just (fromIntegral i, Formatters.AlignLeft, ' ')
Padding i (Just (mc, AnyAlign a)) -> case Formatters.getAlignForString a of
Nothing -> error alignErrorMsg
Just al -> pure (fromIntegral i, al, fromMaybe ' ' mc)
newPadding :: Padding -> Maybe (Integer, AnyAlign, Char)
newPadding padding = case padding of
PaddingDefault -> Nothing
(Padding i al) -> case al of
Nothing -> Just (i, AnyAlign Formatters.AlignRight, ' ')
Just (Nothing, a) -> Just (i, a, ' ')
Just (Just c, a) -> Just (i, a, c)
formatAnyIntegral :: (Show i, Integral i) => Formatters.Format t t' 'Formatters.Integral -> Formatters.SignMode -> Maybe (Integer, AnyAlign, Char) -> Maybe (Int, Char) -> i -> String
formatAnyIntegral f s Nothing grouping i = Formatters.formatIntegral f s Nothing grouping i
formatAnyIntegral f s (Just (padSize, AnyAlign alignMode, c)) grouping i = Formatters.formatIntegral f s (Just (fromIntegral padSize, alignMode, c)) grouping i
formatAnyFractional :: (RealFloat i) => Formatters.Format t t' 'Formatters.Fractional -> Formatters.SignMode -> Maybe (Integer, AnyAlign, Char) -> Maybe (Int, Char) -> Maybe Int -> i -> String
formatAnyFractional f s Nothing grouping p i = Formatters.formatFractional f s Nothing grouping p i
formatAnyFractional f s (Just (padSize, AnyAlign alignMode, c)) grouping p i = Formatters.formatFractional f s (Just (fromIntegral padSize, alignMode, c)) grouping p i
data FormattingType where
StringType :: String -> FormattingType
Fractional :: RealFloat t => t -> FormattingType
Integral :: (Show t, Integral t) => t -> FormattingType
class Categorise k t where
categorise :: Proxy k -> t -> FormattingType
instance Categorise k Integer where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Int where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Int.Int8 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Int.Int16 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Int.Int32 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Int.Int64 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Natural where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Word where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Word.Word8 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Word.Word16 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Word.Word32 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Word.Word64 where categorise _ i = Integral i
instance Categorise k Float where categorise _ f = Fractional f
instance Categorise k Double where categorise _ f = Fractional f
data EnableForString
data DisableForString
instance Categorise EnableForString LText.Text where categorise _ t = StringType (LText.unpack t)
instance Categorise EnableForString SText.Text where categorise _ t = StringType (SText.unpack t)
instance Categorise EnableForString String where categorise _ t = StringType t
alignErrorMsg :: String
alignErrorMsg = "String Cannot be aligned with the inside `=` mode"
instance TypeError ('Text "String Cannot be aligned with the inside `=` mode") => Categorise DisableForString LText.Text where categorise _ _ = error "unreachable"
instance TypeError ('Text "String Cannot be aligned with the inside `=` mode") => Categorise DisableForString SText.Text where categorise _ _ = error "unreachable"
instance TypeError ('Text "String Cannot be aligned with the inside `=` mode") => Categorise DisableForString String where categorise _ _ = error "unreachable"