module Network.AMQP.Generated where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Network.AMQP.Types

getContentHeaderProperties :: ShortInt -> Get ContentHeaderProperties
getContentHeaderProperties 10 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHConnection
getContentHeaderProperties 20 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHChannel
getContentHeaderProperties 40 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHExchange
getContentHeaderProperties 50 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHQueue
getContentHeaderProperties 60 = getPropBits 14 >>= \[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n] -> condGet a >>= \a' -> condGet b >>= \b' -> condGet c >>= \c' -> condGet d >>= \d' -> condGet e >>= \e' -> condGet f >>= \f' -> condGet g >>= \g' -> condGet h >>= \h' -> condGet i >>= \i' -> condGet j >>= \j' -> condGet k >>= \k' -> condGet l >>= \l' -> condGet m >>= \m' -> condGet n >>= \n' ->  return (CHBasic a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' i' j' k' l' m' n' )
getContentHeaderProperties 90 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHTx
getContentHeaderProperties 85 = getPropBits 0 >>= \[] ->  return CHConfirm

getContentHeaderProperties n = error ("Unexpected content header properties: " ++ show n)
putContentHeaderProperties :: ContentHeaderProperties -> Put
putContentHeaderProperties CHConnection = putPropBits []
putContentHeaderProperties CHChannel = putPropBits []
putContentHeaderProperties CHExchange = putPropBits []
putContentHeaderProperties CHQueue = putPropBits []
putContentHeaderProperties (CHBasic a b c d e f g h i j k l m n) = putPropBits [isJust a,isJust b,isJust c,isJust d,isJust e,isJust f,isJust g,isJust h,isJust i,isJust j,isJust k,isJust l,isJust m,isJust n]  >> condPut a >> condPut b >> condPut c >> condPut d >> condPut e >> condPut f >> condPut g >> condPut h >> condPut i >> condPut j >> condPut k >> condPut l >> condPut m >> condPut n
putContentHeaderProperties CHTx = putPropBits []
putContentHeaderProperties CHConfirm = putPropBits []

getClassIDOf :: ContentHeaderProperties -> ShortInt
getClassIDOf (CHConnection) = 10
getClassIDOf (CHChannel) = 20
getClassIDOf (CHExchange) = 40
getClassIDOf (CHQueue) = 50
getClassIDOf (CHBasic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = 60
getClassIDOf (CHTx) = 90
getClassIDOf (CHConfirm) = 85

data ContentHeaderProperties =




        (Maybe ShortString) -- content-type
        (Maybe ShortString) -- content-encoding
        (Maybe FieldTable) -- headers
        (Maybe Octet) -- delivery-mode
        (Maybe Octet) -- priority
        (Maybe ShortString) -- correlation-id
        (Maybe ShortString) -- reply-to
        (Maybe ShortString) -- expiration
        (Maybe ShortString) -- message-id
        (Maybe Timestamp) -- timestamp
        (Maybe ShortString) -- typ
        (Maybe ShortString) -- user-id
        (Maybe ShortString) -- app-id
        (Maybe ShortString) -- reserved


    deriving Show

--Bits need special handling because AMQP requires contiguous bits to be packed into a Word8
-- | Packs up to 8 bits into a Word8
putBits :: [Bit] -> Put
putBits = putWord8 . putBits' 0
putBits' :: Int -> [Bit] -> Word8
putBits' _ [] = 0
putBits' offset (x:xs) = (shiftL (toInt x) offset) .|. (putBits' (offset+1) xs)
    where toInt True = 1
          toInt False = 0
getBits :: Int -> Get [Bit]
getBits num = getWord8 >>= return . getBits' num 0
getBits' :: Int -> Int -> Word8 -> [Bit]
getBits' 0 _ _ = []
getBits' num offset x = ((x .&. (2^offset)) /= 0) : (getBits' (num-1) (offset+1) x)
-- | Packs up to 15 Bits into a Word16 (=Property Flags)
putPropBits :: [Bit] -> Put
putPropBits = putWord16be . putPropBits' 0
putPropBits' :: Int -> [Bit] -> Word16
putPropBits' _ [] = 0
putPropBits' offset (x:xs) = (shiftL (toInt x) (15-offset)) .|. (putPropBits' (offset+1) xs)
    where toInt True = 1
          toInt False = 0
getPropBits :: Int -> Get [Bit]
getPropBits num = getWord16be >>= return . getPropBits' num 0
getPropBits' :: Int -> Int -> Word16 -> [Bit]
getPropBits' 0 _ _ = []
getPropBits' num offset x = ((x .&. (2^(15-offset))) /= 0) : (getPropBits' (num-1) (offset+1) x)
condGet :: Binary a => Bool -> Get (Maybe a)
condGet False = return Nothing
condGet True = get >>= return . Just

condPut :: Binary a => Maybe a -> Put
condPut = maybe (return ()) put
instance Binary MethodPayload where
    put (Connection_start a b c d e) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e
    put (Connection_start_ok a b c d) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 11 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
    put (Connection_secure a) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 20 >> put a
    put (Connection_secure_ok a) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 21 >> put a
    put (Connection_tune a b c) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 30 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Connection_tune_ok a b c) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 31 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Connection_open a b c) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 40 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Connection_open_ok a) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 41 >> put a
    put (Connection_close a b c d) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 50 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
    put Connection_close_ok = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 51
    put (Connection_blocked a) = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 60 >> put a
    put Connection_unblocked = putWord16be 10 >> putWord16be 61
    put (Channel_open a) = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a
    put (Channel_open_ok a) = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 11 >> put a
    put (Channel_flow a) = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 20 >> put a
    put (Channel_flow_ok a) = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 21 >> put a
    put (Channel_close a b c d) = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 40 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
    put Channel_close_ok = putWord16be 20 >> putWord16be 41
    put (Exchange_declare a b c d e f g h i) = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> putBits [d,e,f,g,h] >> put i
    put Exchange_declare_ok = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 11
    put (Exchange_delete a b c d) = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 20 >> put a >> put b >> putBits [c,d]
    put Exchange_delete_ok = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 21
    put (Exchange_bind a b c d e f) = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 30 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e >> put f
    put Exchange_bind_ok = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 31
    put (Exchange_unbind a b c d e f) = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 40 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e >> put f
    put Exchange_unbind_ok = putWord16be 40 >> putWord16be 51
    put (Queue_declare a b c d e f g h) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a >> put b >> putBits [c,d,e,f,g] >> put h
    put (Queue_declare_ok a b c) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 11 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Queue_bind a b c d e f) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 20 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e >> put f
    put Queue_bind_ok = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 21
    put (Queue_unbind a b c d e) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 50 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e
    put Queue_unbind_ok = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 51
    put (Queue_purge a b c) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 30 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Queue_purge_ok a) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 31 >> put a
    put (Queue_delete a b c d e) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 40 >> put a >> put b >> putBits [c,d,e]
    put (Queue_delete_ok a) = putWord16be 50 >> putWord16be 41 >> put a
    put (Basic_qos a b c) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put Basic_qos_ok = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 11
    put (Basic_consume a b c d e f g h) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 20 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> putBits [d,e,f,g] >> put h
    put (Basic_consume_ok a) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 21 >> put a
    put (Basic_cancel a b) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 30 >> put a >> put b
    put (Basic_cancel_ok a) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 31 >> put a
    put (Basic_publish a b c d e) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 40 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> putBits [d,e]
    put (Basic_return a b c d) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 50 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
    put (Basic_deliver a b c d e) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 60 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e
    put (Basic_get a b c) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 70 >> put a >> put b >> put c
    put (Basic_get_ok a b c d e) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 71 >> put a >> put b >> put c >> put d >> put e
    put (Basic_get_empty a) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 72 >> put a
    put (Basic_ack a b) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 80 >> put a >> put b
    put (Basic_reject a b) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 90 >> put a >> put b
    put (Basic_recover_async a) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 100 >> put a
    put (Basic_recover a) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 110 >> put a
    put Basic_recover_ok = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 111
    put (Basic_nack a b c) = putWord16be 60 >> putWord16be 120 >> put a >> putBits [b,c]
    put Tx_select = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 10
    put Tx_select_ok = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 11
    put Tx_commit = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 20
    put Tx_commit_ok = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 21
    put Tx_rollback = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 30
    put Tx_rollback_ok = putWord16be 90 >> putWord16be 31
    put (Confirm_select a) = putWord16be 85 >> putWord16be 10 >> put a
    put Confirm_select_ok = putWord16be 85 >> putWord16be 11
    get = do
        classID <- getWord16be
        methodID <- getWord16be
        case (classID, methodID) of
            (10,10) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e ->  return (Connection_start a b c d e)
            (10,11) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d ->  return (Connection_start_ok a b c d)
            (10,20) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Connection_secure a)
            (10,21) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Connection_secure_ok a)
            (10,30) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Connection_tune a b c)
            (10,31) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Connection_tune_ok a b c)
            (10,40) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Connection_open a b c)
            (10,41) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Connection_open_ok a)
            (10,50) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d ->  return (Connection_close a b c d)
            (10,51) ->  return Connection_close_ok
            (10,60) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Connection_blocked a)
            (10,61) ->  return Connection_unblocked
            (20,10) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Channel_open a)
            (20,11) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Channel_open_ok a)
            (20,20) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Channel_flow a)
            (20,21) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Channel_flow_ok a)
            (20,40) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d ->  return (Channel_close a b c d)
            (20,41) ->  return Channel_close_ok
            (40,10) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> getBits 5 >>= \[d,e,f,g,h] -> get >>= \i ->  return (Exchange_declare a b c d e f g h i)
            (40,11) ->  return Exchange_declare_ok
            (40,20) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> getBits 2 >>= \[c,d] ->  return (Exchange_delete a b c d)
            (40,21) ->  return Exchange_delete_ok
            (40,30) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e -> get >>= \f ->  return (Exchange_bind a b c d e f)
            (40,31) ->  return Exchange_bind_ok
            (40,40) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e -> get >>= \f ->  return (Exchange_unbind a b c d e f)
            (40,51) ->  return Exchange_unbind_ok
            (50,10) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> getBits 5 >>= \[c,d,e,f,g] -> get >>= \h ->  return (Queue_declare a b c d e f g h)
            (50,11) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Queue_declare_ok a b c)
            (50,20) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e -> get >>= \f ->  return (Queue_bind a b c d e f)
            (50,21) ->  return Queue_bind_ok
            (50,50) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e ->  return (Queue_unbind a b c d e)
            (50,51) ->  return Queue_unbind_ok
            (50,30) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Queue_purge a b c)
            (50,31) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Queue_purge_ok a)
            (50,40) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> getBits 3 >>= \[c,d,e] ->  return (Queue_delete a b c d e)
            (50,41) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Queue_delete_ok a)
            (60,10) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Basic_qos a b c)
            (60,11) ->  return Basic_qos_ok
            (60,20) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> getBits 4 >>= \[d,e,f,g] -> get >>= \h ->  return (Basic_consume a b c d e f g h)
            (60,21) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Basic_consume_ok a)
            (60,30) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b ->  return (Basic_cancel a b)
            (60,31) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Basic_cancel_ok a)
            (60,40) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> getBits 2 >>= \[d,e] ->  return (Basic_publish a b c d e)
            (60,50) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d ->  return (Basic_return a b c d)
            (60,60) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e ->  return (Basic_deliver a b c d e)
            (60,70) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c ->  return (Basic_get a b c)
            (60,71) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> get >>= \c -> get >>= \d -> get >>= \e ->  return (Basic_get_ok a b c d e)
            (60,72) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Basic_get_empty a)
            (60,80) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b ->  return (Basic_ack a b)
            (60,90) -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b ->  return (Basic_reject a b)
            (60,100) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Basic_recover_async a)
            (60,110) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Basic_recover a)
            (60,111) ->  return Basic_recover_ok
            (60,120) -> get >>= \a -> getBits 2 >>= \[b,c] ->  return (Basic_nack a b c)
            (90,10) ->  return Tx_select
            (90,11) ->  return Tx_select_ok
            (90,20) ->  return Tx_commit
            (90,21) ->  return Tx_commit_ok
            (90,30) ->  return Tx_rollback
            (90,31) ->  return Tx_rollback_ok
            (85,10) -> get >>= \a ->  return (Confirm_select a)
            (85,11) ->  return Confirm_select_ok
            x -> error ("Unexpected classID and methodID: " ++ show x)
data MethodPayload =

        Octet -- version-major
        Octet -- version-minor
        FieldTable -- server-properties
        LongString -- mechanisms
        LongString -- locales
        FieldTable -- client-properties
        ShortString -- mechanism
        LongString -- response
        ShortString -- locale
        LongString -- challenge
        LongString -- response
        ShortInt -- channel-max
        LongInt -- frame-max
        ShortInt -- heartbeat
        ShortInt -- channel-max
        LongInt -- frame-max
        ShortInt -- heartbeat
        ShortString -- virtual-host
        ShortString -- reserved-1
        Bit -- reserved-2
        ShortString -- reserved-1
        ShortInt -- reply-code
        ShortString -- reply-text
        ShortInt -- class-id
        ShortInt -- method-id

        ShortString -- reason

        ShortString -- reserved-1
        LongString -- reserved-1
        Bit -- active
        Bit -- active
        ShortInt -- reply-code
        ShortString -- reply-text
        ShortInt -- class-id
        ShortInt -- method-id

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- typ
        Bit -- passive
        Bit -- durable
        Bit -- auto-delete
        Bit -- internal
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- exchange
        Bit -- if-unused
        Bit -- no-wait

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- destination
        ShortString -- source
        ShortString -- routing-key
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- destination
        ShortString -- source
        ShortString -- routing-key
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        Bit -- passive
        Bit -- durable
        Bit -- exclusive
        Bit -- auto-delete
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments
        ShortString -- queue
        LongInt -- message-count
        LongInt -- consumer-count
        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        FieldTable -- arguments

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        Bit -- no-wait
        LongInt -- message-count
        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        Bit -- if-unused
        Bit -- if-empty
        Bit -- no-wait
        LongInt -- message-count
        LongInt -- prefetch-size
        ShortInt -- prefetch-count
        Bit -- global

        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        ShortString -- consumer-tag
        Bit -- no-local
        Bit -- no-ack
        Bit -- exclusive
        Bit -- no-wait
        FieldTable -- arguments
        ShortString -- consumer-tag
        ShortString -- consumer-tag
        Bit -- no-wait
        ShortString -- consumer-tag
        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        Bit -- mandatory
        Bit -- immediate
        ShortInt -- reply-code
        ShortString -- reply-text
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        ShortString -- consumer-tag
        LongLongInt -- delivery-tag
        Bit -- redelivered
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        ShortInt -- reserved-1
        ShortString -- queue
        Bit -- no-ack
        LongLongInt -- delivery-tag
        Bit -- redelivered
        ShortString -- exchange
        ShortString -- routing-key
        LongInt -- message-count
        ShortString -- reserved-1
        LongLongInt -- delivery-tag
        Bit -- multiple
        LongLongInt -- delivery-tag
        Bit -- requeue
        Bit -- requeue
        Bit -- requeue

        LongLongInt -- delivery-tag
        Bit -- multiple
        Bit -- requeue






        Bit -- nowait

    deriving Show