Portability | non-portable (concurrency) |
Stability | experimental |
Maintainer | haskell@list.mightyreason.com |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
This is a literate haskell version of Control.Concurrent.MSem for increased clarity.
A semaphore in which operations may wait
for or signal
single units of value. This modules
is intended to improve on Control.Concurrent.QSem.
This semaphore gracefully handles threads which die while blocked waiting. The fairness guarantee is that blocked threads are servied in a FIFO order.
If with
is used to guard a critical section then no quantity of the semaphore will be lost if
the activity throws an exception or if this thread is killed by the rest of the program.
can initialize the semaphore to negative, zero, or positive quantity.
always leaves the MSem
with non-negative quantity.
alawys adds one to the quantity.
The functions below are generic in (Integral i) with specialization to Int, Word, and Integer.
Overflow warning: These operations do not check for overflow errors. If the Integral type is too
small to accept the new total then the behavior of signal
is undefined. Using (MSem
Integer) prevents the possibility of an overflow error. [ A version of signal
that checks the upper
bound could be added, but how would it report failure and how would you use this sanely? ]
A MSem
is a semaphore in which the available quantity can be added and removed in single
units, and which can start with positive, zero, or negative value.
wait :: Integral i => MSem i -> IO ()Source
will take one unit of value from the sempahore, but will block if the quantity available
is not positive.
If wait
returns normally (not interrupted) then it left the MSem
with a remaining quantity that was
greater than or equal to zero. If wait
is interrupted then no quantity is lost. If wait
returns without interruption then it is known that each earlier waiter has definitely either been
interrupted or has retured without interruption (the FIFO guarantee).
peekAvail :: Integral i => MSem i -> IO iSource
skips the queue of any blocked wait
threads, but may momentarily block on
, other peekAvail
, and the head waiter. This returns the amount of value available to
be taken. Using this value without producing unwanted race conditions is left up to the
Note that Control.Concurrent.MSemN offers a more powerful API for making decisions based on the available amount.