ShortestPathProblems- grammars for TSP and SHP

Safe HaskellNone



Calculate minimum-distance Hamiltonian Shortest Paths and probabilities for starting nodes.

NOTE: We explicitly model starting nodes. For symmetrical distance matrices, this reports begin/end probabilities. For asymmetrical distance matrices, a second instances with Last instead of First boundary should be created to calculate begin/end probabilities separately.



aMinDist :: Monad m => ScoreMatrix Double -> SigMinDist m Double Double (From :. To) (Int :. To) Source #

Minimal distance algebra

TODO The two Ints are the indices of the nodes and could be replaced?

aMaxEdgeProb :: Monad m => ScoreMatrix (Log Double) -> SigMinDist m (Log Double) (Log Double) (From :. To) (Int :. To) Source #

Maximum edge probability following the probabilities generated from the EdgeProb grammar.

data PathBT Source #


BTnode !(Int :. To) 
BTedge !(From :. To) 


aPathBT :: Monad m => ScoreMatrix t -> SigMinDist m [PathBT] [[PathBT]] (From :. To) (Int :. To) Source #

This should give the correct order of nodes independent of the underlying Set1 First or Set1 Last because the (From:.To) system is agnostic over these.

aPretty :: Monad m => ScoreMatrix t -> SigMinDist m Text [Text] (From :. To) (Int :. To) Source #

This should give the correct order of nodes independent of the underlying Set1 First or Set1 Last because the (From:.To) system is agnostic over these.

aInside :: Monad m => ScoreMatrix (Log Double) -> SigMinDist m (Log Double) (Log Double) (From :. To) (Int :. To) Source #

Before using aInside the ScoreMatrix needs to be scaled appropriately! Due to performance reasons we don't want to do this within aInside.

forwardMinDist1 :: ScoreMatrix Double -> (Z :. TS1 Double) :. U Double Source #

Run the minimal distance algebra.

This produces one-boundary sets. Meaning that for each boundary we get the total distance within the set.

runCoOptDist :: ScoreMatrix Double -> (Double, [Text]) Source #

Given the Set1 produced in forwardMinDist1 we can now extract the co-optimal paths using the Set1 -> () index change.

TODO do we want this one explicitly or make life easy and just extract from all forwardMinDist1 paths?

runMinDist :: ScoreMatrix Double -> (Double, [[PathBT]]) Source #

Return the minimal distance and provide a list of co-optimal backtraces.

boundaryPartFun :: Double -> ScoreMatrix Double -> [(Boundary First I, Log Double)] Source #

Extract the individual partition scores.

forwardMaxEdgeProbFirst :: ScoreMatrix (Log Double) -> (Z :. TS1 (Log Double)) :. U (Log Double) Source #

Run the maximal edge probability grammar.

runMaxEdgeProbFirst :: ScoreMatrix (Log Double) -> (Log Double, [[PathBT]]) Source #

Given the Set1 produced in forwardMinDist1 we can now extract the co-optimal paths using the Set1 -> () index change.

TODO do we want this one explicitly or make life easy and just extract from all forwardMinDist1 paths?