Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Shpadoinkle Continuation is the abstract structure of Shpadoinkle's event handling system. It allows for asynchronous effects in event handlers by providing a model for atomic updates of application state.
- data Continuation m a
- = Continuation (a -> a) (a -> m (Continuation m a))
- | Rollback (Continuation m a)
- | Merge (Continuation m a)
- | Pure (a -> a)
- runContinuation :: Monad m => Continuation m a -> a -> m (a -> a)
- done :: Continuation m a
- pur :: (a -> a) -> Continuation m a
- impur :: Applicative m => m (a -> a) -> Continuation m a
- kleisli :: (a -> m (Continuation m a)) -> Continuation m a
- causes :: Applicative m => m () -> Continuation m a
- causedBy :: m (Continuation m a) -> Continuation m a
- merge :: Continuation m a -> Continuation m a
- contIso :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
- before :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a
- after :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a
- class Continuous f where
- mapC :: (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> f m a -> f m b
- hoist :: Functor m => (forall b. m b -> n b) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation n a
- voidC' :: Monad m => Continuation m () -> Continuation m a
- voidC :: Monad m => Continuous f => f m () -> f m a
- forgetC :: Continuous f => f m a -> f m b
- liftC' :: Functor m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
- liftCMay' :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
- liftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> f m a -> f m b
- liftCMay :: Applicative m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> f m a -> f m b
- leftC' :: Functor m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (a, b)
- leftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (a, b)
- rightC' :: Functor m => Continuation m b -> Continuation m (a, b)
- rightC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m b -> f m (a, b)
- eitherC' :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m b -> Continuation m (Either a b)
- eitherC :: Applicative m => Continuous f => (a -> f m a) -> (b -> f m b) -> Either a b -> f m (Either a b)
- maybeC' :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (Maybe a)
- maybeC :: Applicative m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (Maybe a)
- comaybe :: (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
- comaybeC' :: Functor m => Continuation m (Maybe a) -> Continuation m a
- comaybeC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m (Maybe a) -> f m a
- writeUpdate :: MonadUnliftIO m => NFData a => TVar a -> Continuation m a -> m ()
- shouldUpdate :: forall a b m. MonadJSM m => MonadUnliftIO m => Eq a => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> TVar a -> m ()
- constUpdate :: a -> Continuation m a
- newtype ContinuationT model m a = ContinuationT {
- runContinuationT :: m (a, Continuation m model)
- voidRunContinuationT :: Functor m => ContinuationT model m a -> Continuation m model
- kleisliT :: Applicative m => (model -> ContinuationT model m a) -> Continuation m model
- commit :: Applicative m => Continuation m model -> ContinuationT model m ()
- class NFData a where
- rnf :: a -> ()
- force :: NFData a => a -> a
The Continuation Type
data Continuation m a Source #
A Continuation builds up an atomic state update incrementally in a series of stages. For each stage we perform a monadic IO computation and we may get a pure state updating function. When all of the stages have been executed we are left with a composition of the resulting pure state updating functions, and this composition is applied atomically to the state.
Additionally, a Continuation stage may feature a Rollback action which cancels all state updates generated so far but allows for further state updates to be generated based on further monadic IO computation.
The functions generating each stage of the Continuation are called with states which reflect the current state of the app, with all the pure state updating functions generated so far having been applied to it, so that each stage "sees" both the current state (even if it changed since the start of computing the Continuation), and the updates made so far, although those updates are not committed to the real state until the Continuation finishes and they are all done atomically together.
Continuation (a -> a) (a -> m (Continuation m a)) | |
Rollback (Continuation m a) | |
Merge (Continuation m a) | |
Pure (a -> a) |
Continuous Continuation Source # | |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Continuation Methods mapC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b Source # | |
Applicative m => Functor EndoIso EndoIso (Continuation m :: Type -> Type) Source # |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Continuation Methods map :: forall (a :: α) (b :: α). EndoIso a b -> EndoIso (Continuation m a) (Continuation m b) # | |
Applicative m => Semigroup (Continuation m a) Source # | You can combine multiple Continuations homogeneously using the |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Continuation Methods (<>) :: Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a # sconcat :: NonEmpty (Continuation m a) -> Continuation m a # stimes :: Integral b => b -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a # | |
Applicative m => Monoid (Continuation m a) Source # | Since combining Continuations homogeneously is an associative operation,
and this operation has a unit element (done), Continuations are a |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Continuation Methods mempty :: Continuation m a # mappend :: Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a # mconcat :: [Continuation m a] -> Continuation m a # |
runContinuation :: Monad m => Continuation m a -> a -> m (a -> a) Source #
takes a Continuation
and a state value and runs the whole Continuation
as if the real state was frozen at the value given to runContinuation
. It performs all the
IO actions in the stages of the Continuation and returns a pure state updating function
which is the composition of all the pure state updating functions generated by the
non-rolled-back stages of the Continuation. If you are trying to update a Continuous
territory, then you should probably be using writeUpdate
instead of runContinuation
because writeUpdate
will allow each stage of the Continuation to see any extant updates
made to the territory after the Continuation started running.
done :: Continuation m a Source #
A Continuation which doesn't touch the state and doesn't have any side effects
pur :: (a -> a) -> Continuation m a Source #
A pure state updating function can be turned into a Continuation. This function is here so that users of the Continuation API can do basic things without needing to depend on the internal structure of the type.
impur :: Applicative m => m (a -> a) -> Continuation m a Source #
A monadic computation of a pure state updating function can be turned into a Continuation.
kleisli :: (a -> m (Continuation m a)) -> Continuation m a Source #
This turns a Kleisli arrow for computing a Continuation into the Continuation which reads the state, runs the monadic computation specified by the arrow on that state, and runs the resulting Continuation.
causes :: Applicative m => m () -> Continuation m a Source #
A monadic computation can be turned into a Continuation which does not touch the state.
causedBy :: m (Continuation m a) -> Continuation m a Source #
merge :: Continuation m a -> Continuation m a Source #
A continuation can be forced to write its changes midflight.
contIso :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b Source #
Transform the type of a Continuation using an isomorphism.
before :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a Source #
Sequences two continuations one after the other.
after :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m a Source #
The Class
class Continuous f where Source #
is a Functor to Hask from the category where the objects are
Continuation types and the morphisms are functions.
mapC :: (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> f m a -> f m b Source #
Continuous Continuation Source # | |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Continuation Methods mapC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b Source # | |
Continuous Props Source # | Given a lens, you can change the type of a Props by using the lens to convert the types of the Continuations inside. |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Core Methods mapC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> Props m a -> Props m b Source # | |
Continuous Prop Source # | Given a lens, you can change the type of a Prop by using the lens to convert the types of the Continuations which it contains if it is a listener. |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Core Methods mapC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> Prop m a -> Prop m b Source # | |
Continuous Html Source # | Given a lens, you can change the type of an Html by using the lens to convert the types of the Continuations inside it. |
Defined in Shpadoinkle.Core Methods mapC :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> Html m a -> Html m b Source # |
hoist :: Functor m => (forall b. m b -> n b) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation n a Source #
Given a natural transformation, change a Continuation's underlying functor.
voidC' :: Monad m => Continuation m () -> Continuation m a Source #
Change a void continuation into any other type of Continuation.
voidC :: Monad m => Continuous f => f m () -> f m a Source #
Change the type of the f-embedded void Continuations into any other type of Continuation.
forgetC :: Continuous f => f m a -> f m b Source #
Forget about the Continuations.
liftC' :: Functor m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b Source #
Apply a lens inside a Continuation to change the Continuation's type.
liftCMay' :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b Source #
Apply a traversal inside a Continuation to change the Continuation's type.
liftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> f m a -> f m b Source #
Given a lens, change the value type of f
by applying the lens in the Continuations inside f
liftCMay :: Applicative m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> f m a -> f m b Source #
Given a traversal, change the value of f
by apply the traversal in the Continuations inside f
leftC' :: Functor m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (a, b) Source #
leftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (a, b) Source #
Change the type of f
by applying the Continuations inside f
to the left coordinate of a tuple.
rightC' :: Functor m => Continuation m b -> Continuation m (a, b) Source #
Change the type of a Continuation by applying it to the right coordinate of a tuple.
rightC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m b -> f m (a, b) Source #
Change the value type of f
by applying the Continuations inside f
to the right coordinate of a tuple.
eitherC' :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m b -> Continuation m (Either a b) Source #
Combine Continuations heterogeneously into coproduct Continuations. The first value the Continuation sees determines which of the two input Continuation branches it follows. If the coproduct Continuation sees the state change to a different Either-branch, then it cancels itself. If the state is in a different Either-branch when the Continuation completes than it was when the Continuation started, then the coproduct Continuation will have no effect on the state.
eitherC :: Applicative m => Continuous f => (a -> f m a) -> (b -> f m b) -> Either a b -> f m (Either a b) Source #
Create a structure containing coproduct Continuations using two case alternatives which generate structures containing Continuations of the types inside the coproduct. The Continuations in the resulting structure will only have effect on the state while it is in the branch of the coproduct selected by the input value used to create the structure.
maybeC' :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (Maybe a) Source #
maybeC :: Applicative m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (Maybe a) Source #
Change the value type of f
by transforming the Continuations inside f
to work on Maybe
s using maybeC'.
comaybe :: (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a Source #
Turn a Maybe a
updating function into an a
updating function which acts as
the identity function when the input function outputs Nothing
comaybeC' :: Functor m => Continuation m (Maybe a) -> Continuation m a Source #
Change the type of a Maybe-valued Continuation into the Maybe-wrapped type.
The resulting Continuation acts like the input Continuation except that
when the input Continuation would replace the current value with Nothing
instead the current value is retained.
comaybeC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m (Maybe a) -> f m a Source #
Transform the Continuations inside f
using comaybeC'.
writeUpdate :: MonadUnliftIO m => NFData a => TVar a -> Continuation m a -> m () Source #
Run a Continuation on a state variable. This may update the state. This is a synchronous, non-blocking operation for pure updates, and an asynchronous, non-blocking operation for impure updates.
shouldUpdate :: forall a b m. MonadJSM m => MonadUnliftIO m => Eq a => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> TVar a -> m () Source #
Execute a fold by watching a state variable and executing the next step of the fold each time it changes.
constUpdate :: a -> Continuation m a Source #
Create an update to a constant value.
Monad Transformer
newtype ContinuationT model m a Source #
A monad transformer for building up a Continuation in a series of steps in a monadic computation
ContinuationT | |
voidRunContinuationT :: Functor m => ContinuationT model m a -> Continuation m model Source #
This turns a monadic computation to build up a Continuation into the Continuation which it represents. The actions inside the monadic computation will be run when the Continuation is run. The return value of the monadic computation will be discarded.
kleisliT :: Applicative m => (model -> ContinuationT model m a) -> Continuation m model Source #
This turns a function for building a Continuation in a monadic computation which is parameterized by the current state of the model into a Continuation which reads the current state of the model, runs the resulting monadic computation, and runs the Continuation resulting from that computation.
commit :: Applicative m => Continuation m model -> ContinuationT model m () Source #
This adds the given Continuation to the Continuation being built up in the monadic context where this function is invoked.
A class of types that can be fully evaluated.
Since: deepseq-
Minimal complete definition
should reduce its argument to normal form (that is, fully
evaluate all sub-components), and then return ()
Starting with GHC 7.2, you can automatically derive instances
for types possessing a Generic
Note: Generic1
can be auto-derived starting with GHC 7.4
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) import Control.DeepSeq data Foo a = Foo a String deriving (Eq, Generic, Generic1) instance NFData a => NFData (Foo a) instance NFData1 Foo data Colour = Red | Green | Blue deriving Generic instance NFData Colour
Starting with GHC 7.10, the example above can be written more
concisely by enabling the new DeriveAnyClass
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-} import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.DeepSeq data Foo a = Foo a String deriving (Eq, Generic, Generic1, NFData, NFData1) data Colour = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Generic, NFData)
Compatibility with previous deepseq
Prior to version, the default implementation of the rnf
method was defined as
a =seq
a ()
However, starting with deepseq-
, the default
implementation is based on DefaultSignatures
allowing for
more accurate auto-derived NFData
instances. If you need the
previously used exact default rnf
method implementation
semantics, use
instance NFData Colour where rnf x = seq x ()
or alternatively
instance NFData Colour where rnf = rwhnf
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} instance NFData Colour where rnf !_ = ()
NFData Bool | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Char | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Double | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Float | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Int | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Int8 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Int16 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Int32 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Int64 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Integer | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Natural | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Ordering | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Word | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Word8 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Word16 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Word32 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Word64 | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CallStack | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData () | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData TyCon | NOTE: Prior to Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData ByteString | |
Defined in Data.ByteString.Internal Methods rnf :: ByteString -> () # | |
NFData Scientific | |
Defined in Data.Scientific Methods rnf :: Scientific -> () # | |
NFData JSONPathElement | |
Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal Methods rnf :: JSONPathElement -> () # | |
NFData Value | |
Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal | |
NFData ThreadId | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Void | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Unique | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Version | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData ExitCode | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData MaskingState | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: MaskingState -> () # | |
NFData TypeRep | NOTE: Prior to Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData All | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Any | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CChar | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CSChar | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUChar | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CShort | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUShort | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CInt | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUInt | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CLong | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CULong | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CLLong | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CULLong | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CBool | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CFloat | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CDouble | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CPtrdiff | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CSize | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CWchar | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CSigAtomic | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: CSigAtomic -> () # | |
NFData CClock | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CTime | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUSeconds | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CSUSeconds | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: CSUSeconds -> () # | |
NFData CFile | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CFpos | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CJmpBuf | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CIntPtr | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUIntPtr | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CIntMax | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData CUIntMax | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData Fingerprint | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: Fingerprint -> () # | |
NFData SrcLoc | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData JSValueForSend | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types Methods rnf :: JSValueForSend -> () # | |
NFData JSObjectForSend | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types Methods rnf :: JSObjectForSend -> () # | |
NFData JSStringForSend | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types Methods rnf :: JSStringForSend -> () # | |
NFData AsyncCommand | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types Methods rnf :: AsyncCommand -> () # | |
NFData Command | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types | |
NFData Batch | |
Defined in Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types | |
NFData JSVal | |
Defined in GHCJS.Prim.Internal | |
NFData Doc | |
Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ | |
NFData TextDetails | |
Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ Methods rnf :: TextDetails -> () # | |
NFData ByteArray | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray | |
NFData StdGen | |
Defined in System.Random.Internal | |
NFData ZonedTime | |
Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime | |
NFData LocalTime | |
Defined in Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.LocalTime | |
NFData UUID | |
Defined in Data.UUID.Types.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData [a] | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Maybe a) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Ratio a) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (Ptr a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (FunPtr a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (IResult a) | |
Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData (Result a) | |
Defined in Data.Aeson.Types.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData (Complex a) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Min a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Max a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (First a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Last a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData m => NFData (WrappedMonoid m) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: WrappedMonoid m -> () # | |
NFData a => NFData (Option a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (StableName a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq Methods rnf :: StableName a -> () # | |
NFData a => NFData (ZipList a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Identity a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (IORef a) | NOTE: Only strict in the reference and not the referenced value. Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (First a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Last a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Dual a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Sum a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Product a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Down a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (MVar a) | NOTE: Only strict in the reference and not the referenced value. Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (NonEmpty a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData1 f => NFData (Fix f) | |
NFData a => NFData (DNonEmpty a) | |
Defined in Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData (DList a) | |
Defined in Data.DList.Internal | |
NFData (Vector a) | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Primitive | |
NFData (Vector a) | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Storable | |
NFData (Vector a) | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base | |
NFData a => NFData (HashSet a) | |
Defined in Data.HashSet.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData (Vector a) | |
Defined in Data.Vector | |
NFData a => NFData (Doc a) | |
Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ | |
NFData a => NFData (AnnotDetails a) | |
Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ Methods rnf :: AnnotDetails a -> () # | |
NFData (PrimArray a) | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray | |
NFData (MutableByteArray s) | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.ByteArray Methods rnf :: MutableByteArray s -> () # | |
NFData a => NFData (SmallArray a) | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.SmallArray Methods rnf :: SmallArray a -> () # | |
NFData a => NFData (Array a) | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.Array | |
NFData g => NFData (AtomicGen g) | |
Defined in System.Random.Stateful | |
NFData g => NFData (IOGen g) | |
Defined in System.Random.Stateful | |
NFData g => NFData (STGen g) | |
Defined in System.Random.Stateful | |
NFData g => NFData (StateGen g) | |
Defined in System.Random.Internal | |
NFData a => NFData (Maybe a) | |
Defined in Data.Strict.Maybe | |
NFData (a -> b) | This instance is for convenience and consistency with Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Either a b) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (a, b) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData k, NFData v) => NFData (HashMap k v) | |
Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal | |
(NFData k, NFData a) => NFData (Map k a) | |
Defined in Data.Map.Internal | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Array a b) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData i, NFData r) => NFData (IResult i r) | |
Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types | |
NFData (Fixed a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Arg a b) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (Proxy a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (STRef s a) | NOTE: Only strict in the reference and not the referenced value. Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (MutablePrimArray s a) | |
Defined in Data.Primitive.PrimArray Methods rnf :: MutablePrimArray s a -> () # | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Pair a b) | |
Defined in Data.Strict.Tuple | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (These a b) | |
Defined in Data.Strict.These | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Either a b) | |
Defined in Data.Strict.Either | |
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (These a b) | Since: these-0.7.1 |
Defined in Data.These | |
(NFData k, NFData v) => NFData (Leaf k v) | |
Defined in Data.HashMap.Internal | |
NFData (MVector s a) | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3) => NFData (a1, a2, a3) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData a => NFData (Const a b) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (a :~: b) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData b => NFData (Tagged s b) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
(NFData1 f, NFData1 g, NFData a) => NFData (These1 f g a) | This instance is available only with |
Defined in Data.Functor.These | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData1 f, NFData1 g, NFData a) => NFData (Product f g a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData1 f, NFData1 g, NFData a) => NFData (Sum f g a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData (a :~~: b) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData1 f, NFData1 g, NFData a) => NFData (Compose f g a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5, NFData a6) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5, NFData a6, NFData a7) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5, NFData a6, NFData a7, NFData a8) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5, NFData a6, NFData a7, NFData a8, NFData a9) => NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) | |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq |
a variant of deepseq
that is useful in some circumstances:
force x = x `deepseq` x
force x
fully evaluates x
, and then returns it. Note that
force x
only performs evaluation when the value of force x
itself is demanded, so essentially it turns shallow evaluation into
deep evaluation.
can be conveniently used in combination with ViewPatterns
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ViewPatterns #-} import Control.DeepSeq someFun :: ComplexData -> SomeResult someFun (force -> !arg) = {- 'arg' will be fully evaluated -}
Another useful application is to combine force
in order to force deep evaluation
relative to other IO
import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.DeepSeq main = do result <- evaluate $ force $ pureComputation {- 'result' will be fully evaluated at this point -} return ()
Finally, here's an exception safe variant of the readFile'
readFile' :: FilePath -> IO String readFile' fn = bracket (openFile fn ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> evaluate . force =<< hGetContents h
Since: deepseq-