Shpadoinkle-examples: Example usages of Shpadoinkle

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A collection of illustrative applications to show various Shpadoinkle utilities.

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Dependencies aeson, base (>=4.12.0 && <4.16), beam-core, beam-sqlite, bytestring, containers, ease, exceptions, file-embed, generic-lens, generic-monoid, ghcjs-dom, jsaddle, lens, mtl, optparse-applicative, pretty-show, safe, servant, servant-client, servant-client-js, servant-server, Shpadoinkle, Shpadoinkle-backend-pardiff, Shpadoinkle-backend-snabbdom, Shpadoinkle-backend-static, Shpadoinkle-console, Shpadoinkle-html, Shpadoinkle-lens, Shpadoinkle-router, Shpadoinkle-widgets, split, sqlite-simple, stm, text, unliftio, wai, wai-app-static, warp [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Isaac Shapira
Category Web
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by fresheyeball at 2021-01-06T22:19:47Z
Executables widgets, todomvc, throttle-and-debounce, servant-crud-server, servant-crud-dev, servant-crud-client, lens, counter, calculator-ie, calculator, animation
Downloads 546 total (5 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2021-01-06 [all 3 reports]

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Shpadoinkle Examples

Goldwater BSD-3 built with nix Hackage Hackage Deps Hackage CI

Work in progress developing a compelling collection of example applications using Shpadoinkle. This repo will be used with the Shpadoinkle tutorial when it is finished.

Complete examples

This package also houses experimental designs, and other explorations.