Packages tagged web

2055 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (1927), bsd3 (1275), mit (497), program (438), deprecated (166), yesod (84), network (78), text (76), servant (66), gpl (55), apache (46), json (42), snap (34), public-domain (31), distributed-computing (24), javascript (23), language (23), agpl (21), mpl (20), data (18), html (18), development (17), lgpl (16), aws (14), gui (13), happstack (13), csv (12), frp (12), authentication (11), cloud (11), database (11), graphics (11), graphql (11), swagger (11), bsd2 (10), system (10), user-interfaces (10), testing (9), xml (9), api (8), conduit (8), finance (8), reactive (8), reactivity (8), user-interface (8), fay (7), cryptography (6), game (6), io-streams (6), application (5), browser (5), console (5), email (5), cli (4), compiler (4), distribution (4), enumerator (4), logging (4), n2o (4), opentelemetry (4), reflex (4), security (4), control (3), databases (3), embedded (3), hakyll (3), http (3), music (3), network-apis (3), parser (3), pipes (3), template (3), test (3), time (3), tonatona (3), utils (3), wai (3), webdriver (3), big-data (2), data-structures (2), fedora (2), filesystem (2), markdown (2), miso (2), monitoring (2), pretty-printer (2), scotty (2), selenium (2), streamly (2), tracing (2), yaml (2), aeson (1), algorithms (1), amazon (1), application-server (1), arrows (1), bitcoin (1), cgi (1), chat (1), cli-tool (1), client (1), codec (1), codecs (1), combinators (1), compilers-interpreters (1), concurrency (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Ansi2Html100.01Convert ANSI Terminal Sequences to nice HTML markup (bsd3, program, web)2011-09-100.9JensStimpfle
Bitly (deprecated)130.01A library to access URL shortener. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-02-020.1.0SergeyAstanin
Blammo-wai120.01Using Blammo with WAI (library, logging, mit, web)2024-08-, dukerutledge, mjgpy3, chris_martin, FreckleEngineering
BlogLiterately1520.02A tool for posting Haskelly articles to blogs (gpl, library, program, web)2023-02-, RobertGreayer
BlogLiterately-diagrams360.01Include images in blog posts with inline diagrams code (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-08-220.3.1BrentYorgey
Blogdown91.51A markdown-like markup language designed for blog posts (agpl, library, program, web)2018-02-050.2.4alexbecker
BluePrintCSS (deprecated)50.01Html document layout library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, web)2010-08-030.1SergeyMironov
Buster30.01Hits a set of urls periodically to bust caches (mit, program, web)2013-05-220.1.1MichaelXavier
CHXHtml110.01A W3C compliant (X)HTML generating library (bsd3, library, web)2011-07-260.2.0PaulTalaga
Cassava (deprecated in favor of cassava)31.751A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, deprecated, library, text, web)2017-09-300.5.1.0fozworth
Clash-Royale-Hack-Cheats (deprecated)00.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.1
ClasshSS20.00Typified Tailwind for Rapid Development (library, mit, web)2024-03-300.1.0.0lazyLambda
DAV710.01RFC 4918 WebDAV support (gpl, library, program, web)2020-01-061.3.4ClintAdams
DOM40.02DOM Level 2 bindings for the WebBits package. (bsd3, library, web)2009-04-262.0.1DmitryGolubovsky
DarcsHelpers20.01Code used by Patch-Shack that seemed sensible to open for reusability (library, web)2008-11-260.1ThomasHartman
Eight-Ball-Pool-Hack-Cheats (deprecated)00.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.1
Facebook-Password-Hacker-Online-Latest-Version (deprecated)00.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.1
FermatsLastMargin20.01Annotate ps and pdf documents (program, web)2008-03-120.1GwernBranwen
Finance-Quote-Yahoo260.01Obtain quote data from (bsd3, library, web)2014-04-190.8.0BradClawsie
Finance-Treasury70.01Obtain Treasury yield curve data (bsd3, library, web)2008-06-180.1.2DonaldStewart, StephenLihn
Fortnite-Hack-Cheats-Free-V-Bucks-Generator (deprecated)00.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.1
GeocoderOpenCage32.01Geocoder and Reverse Geocoding Service Wrapper (library, web)2015-10-, jhahn
HAppS-Data (deprecated in favor of happstack-data)60.05HAppS data manipulation libraries (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2008-11-090.9.3DavidHimmelstrup
HAppS-IxSet (deprecated in favor of happstack-ixset)50.03 (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2008-11-090.9.3DavidHimmelstrup
HAppS-Server (deprecated in favor of happstack-server)60.04Web related tools and services. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2008-11-
HAppS-State (deprecated in favor of happstack-state)50.04Event-based distributed state. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2008-11-090.9.3DavidHimmelstrup
HAppS-Util (deprecated in favor of happstack-util)70.05Web framework (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2008-11-090.9.3DavidHimmelstrup
HAppSHelpers (deprecated in favor of happstack-helpers)160.01OBSOLETE. Please use happstack-helpers (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2010-05-090.11ThomasHartman
HFitUI50.01The library for generating a graphical interface on the web (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-06-
HJScript140.02HJScript is a Haskell EDSL for writing JavaScript programs. (bsd3, language, library, web)2013-07-180.7.0JeremyShaw, NiklasBroberg
Haggressive60.01Aggression analysis for Tweets on Twitter (gpl, library, web)2014-12-
Hastodon152.01mastodon client module for Haskell (library, mit, web)2018-05-280.6.0syucream
Hawk30.01Haskell Web Application Kit (bsd3, library, web)2010-06-010.0.2BjoernPeemoeller
HsYAML-aeson1142.257JSON to YAML Adapter (codec, gpl, json, library, text, web, yaml)2021-11-, HerbertValerioRiedel, sjakobi
Hydrogen30.00The library for generating a WebGL scene for the web (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-06-
Ketchup180.01A super small web framework for those who don't like big and fancy codebases (ketchup, library, mit, web)2015-02-240.4.3Hamcha
LinkChecker30.01Check a bunch of local html files for broken links (bsd3, program, web)2011-08-260.1JensStimpfle
Lykah30.01A static website and blog generator (library, mit, program, web)2017-01-260.0.2johannesgerer
MFlow600.01stateful, RESTful web framework (application-server, bsd3, library, web)2015-09-
MailchimpSimple50.01Haskell library to interact with Mailchimp JSON API Version 3.0 (bsd3, library, web)2016-03-
Mobile-Legends-Hack-Cheats (deprecated)00.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.1
Phsu50.01Personal Happstack Server Utils (gpl, program, web)2015-08-
Quickson (deprecated in favor of aeson-quick)50.01Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2015-07-120.2ssadler
RESTng30.01A framework for writing RESTful applications. (library, web)2009-05-150.1SergioUrinovsky
RandomDotOrg110.01Haskell bindings to the RANDOM.ORG Core API (bsd3, library, public-domain, web)2024-10-121.0AustinSeipp, mpilgrem
Redmine90.01Library to access Redmine's REST services (library, mit, network, web)2017-01-220.0.8cstpierre
SJW50.01The Simple Javascript Wrench (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-02-
SSTG202.00STG Symbolic Execution (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-08-
Shpadoinkle112.011A programming model for declarative, high performance user interface. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-backend-pardiff170.01A Virtual Dom in pure Haskell, based on Html as an Alignable Functor. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-backend-snabbdom260.00Use the high-performance Snabbdom virtual dom library written in JavaScript. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-backend-static140.03A backend for rendering Shpadoinkle as Text. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-console110.00Support for the native browser console (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-debug (deprecated in favor of Shpadoinkle-console)80.00Debugging tools for Shpadoinkle applications. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2020-06-
Shpadoinkle-developer-tools70.00Chrome extension to aide in development (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-disembodied80.00Shpadoinkle as a static site. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-examples50.00Example usages of Shpadoinkle (bsd3, program, web)2021-01-
Shpadoinkle-html90.03A typed, template generated Html DSL, and helpers. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-isreal30.00Isreal Swan will make a snowman for you! (gpl, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-lens90.00Lens combinators for Shpadoinkle applications. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-router110.01A single page application rounter for Shpadoinkle based on Servant. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-streaming50.00Integration of the streaming library with Shpadoinkle continuations. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-template50.00Read standard file formats into Shpadoinkle with Template Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
Shpadoinkle-widgets90.00A collection of common reusable types and components. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-
SimpleServer60.01A simple static file server, for when apache is overkill (library, mit, program, web)2017-06-
Spock792.759Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-, BrandonSimmons
Spock-api140.02Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-
Spock-api-ghcjs50.01Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-
Spock-api-server90.01Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-
Spock-auth (deprecated)60.01Provides authentification helpers for Spock (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-07-
Spock-core220.04Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)2022-07-, BrandonSimmons
Spock-digestive100.02Digestive functors support for Spock (library, mit, web)2016-08-
Spock-lucid70.02Lucid support for Spock (bsd3, library, web)2017-08-
Spock-worker150.01Background workers for Spock (library, mit, web)2016-08-
SvgIcons60.00Svg Icons and more (bsd3, graphics, library, web)2023-05-131.1.1RamiroPastor
TinyURL20.01Use TinyURL to compress URLs (bsd3, library, web)2009-02-160.1.0ReidBarton
URLT (deprecated in favor of web-routes)40.02Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)2010-03-160.14JeremyShaw
UrlDisp30.01Url dispatcher. Helps to retain friendly URLs in web applications. (bsd3, library, network, web)2009-02-040.1.7ArtyomShalkhakov
VKHS540.01Provides access to Vkontakte social network via public API (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-01-151.9.2SergeyMironov
Villefort511.50Villefort is a task manager and time tracker (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-04-300.1.2.19AliceReuter
WURFL (deprecated)40.01Convert the WURFL file into a Parsec parser (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2007-09-300.1alpheccar
WashNGo30.01WASH is a family of EDSLs for programming Web applications in Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)2010-05-
WebCont30.01Continuation based web programming for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)2010-07-020.0.1SamAnklesaria
Wheb70.04The frictionless WAI Framework (bsd3, library, web)2014-09-
Yablog60.01A simple blog engine powered by Yesod. (bsd3, web)2013-01-010.2.0HiromiIshii
accentuateus60.01A Haskell implementation of the API. (bsd3, library, web)2011-06-030.9.4MichaelSchade
achille30.00A library for building static site generators (library, mit, web)2020-09-270.0.0flupe
acme-http80.01fastest Haskell PONG server in the world (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-08-050.2.3JeremyShaw
activitypub40.01ActivityPub Haskell Library (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
adblock2privoxy392.01Convert adblock config files to privoxy format (gpl, program, web)2024-02-152.3.0zubr, essandess
adobe-swatch-exchange70.01parse Adobe Swatch Exchange files and (optionally) output .css files with the colors (bsd3, library, program, web)2013-04-120.2.0JeremyShaw
advent-of-code-api442.00Advent of Code REST API bindings and servant API (bsd3, library, web)2023-12-
aeson10753.02348Fast JSON parsing and encoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-06-, BasVanDijk, BryanOSullivan, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, lyxia
aeson-attoparsec130.02Embed an Attoparsec text parser into an Aeson parser (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-150.0.0athanclark
aeson-better-errors500.012Better error messages when decoding JSON values. (json, library, mit, text, web)2022-03-
aeson-coerce70.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-
aeson-combinators490.00Aeson combinators for dead simple JSON decoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2023-12-
aeson-commit140.00Parse Aeson data with commitment (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-06-161.6.0jonascarpay
aeson-compat (deprecated in favor of aeson)330.08Compatibility layer for aeson (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2021-10-090.3.10phadej
aeson-diff572.06Extract and apply patches to JSON documents. (algorithms, bsd3, json, library, program, web)2022-05-, clintonmead, clinton, janus, velveteer
aeson-diff-generic80.01Apply a json-patch to any haskell datatype. (bsd3, json, library, web)2018-04-170.0.3KristofBastiaensen
aeson-filthy60.02Several newtypes and combinators for dealing with less-than-cleanly JSON input. (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2019-12-080.1.4AlecHeller
aeson-flat70.01Tools for creating flat JSON serializations (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-110.1.1seanhess
aeson-flatten90.01JSON flatten for Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2016-05-
aeson-flowtyped190.01Create Flow or TypeScript type definitions from Haskell data types. (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-130.14.0MikeLedger
aeson-generic-default60.00Type-level default fields for aeson Generic FromJSON parser (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-10-
aeson-generics-typescript40.01Generates TypeScript definitions that match Generic Aeson encodings (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-12-
aeson-injector512.07Injecting fields into aeson values (data, json, library, mit, web)2023-11-
aeson-jsonpath382.00Parse and run JSONPath queries on Aeson documents (json, library, mit, text, web)2025-02-
aeson-match-qq250.00Declarative JSON matchers. (bsd2, library, web)2023-07-191.7.0MatveyAksenov
aeson-modern-tojson60.00Provide a handy way for derving ToJSON proprely. (json, library, text, web)2022-07-
aeson-native (deprecated in favor of aeson)60.010Fast JSON parsing and encoding (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2012-01-
aeson-picker100.01Tiny library to get fields from JSON format (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-03-, maksbotan
aeson-possible70.00Possible values for aeson (bsd3, data, json, library, web)2024-06-
aeson-prefix50.01Hiearchical prefixing for aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2016-04-
aeson-pretty3282.25144JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool. (bsd3, json, library, pretty-printer, text, web)2023-07-010.8.10FalkoPeters, martijnbastiaan
aeson-result110.02API Result for aeson (aeson, api, bsd3, library, web)2022-04-
aeson-single-field22.00Conveniently wrap a single value in a record when encoding to and from JSON (json, library, mit, text, web)2022-06-
aeson-smart32.01Smart derivation of Aeson instances (library, mit, web)2012-08-
aeson-streams20.01An HTTP client library for JSON-based APIs (bsd3, library, web)2014-12-060.1.0VoMinhThu
aeson-toolkit90.01A generalization of Aeson over Failure (json, library, mit, text, web)2013-12-070.0.1SimonHengel
aeson-typescript750.02Generate TypeScript definition files from your ADTs (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-11-
aeson-yaml411.51Output any Aeson value as YAML (pure Haskell library) (bsd3, json, library, text, web, yaml)2021-11-, janey
airgql62.01Automatically generate a GraphQL API for an SQLite database (agpl, cli-tool, database, graphql, library, servant, sql, sqlite, web)2024-06-
airship180.01A Webmachine-inspired HTTP library (library, mit, web)2022-04-110.9.5lambda_foo, reiddraper, patrick_thomson
airtable-api120.01Requesting and introspecting Tables within an Airtable project. (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
alerta90.01Bindings to the alerta REST API (api, bsd3, library, monitoring, web)2017-11-
alerts60.01Alert messages for web applications (bsd3, library, web)2019-06-, DanielCampoverde
algebraic-prelude62.01Algebraically structured Prelude (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
algolia20.01A client implementing the Algolia search API (bsd3, library, web)2018-06-
alternative-vector120.01Use vectors instead of lists for many and some (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-110.0.0athanclark
alto20.00Implement a menu experience fit for web users. (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-04-020davean
altsvc60.00HTTP Alternative Services (bsd3, library, network, web)2019-11-
amazon-products30.01Connector for Amazon Products API (library, mit, program, web)2014-07-
analyze-client40.01Client for analyze service (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-
android-lint-summary30.00A pretty printer for Android Lint errors (apache, library, program, web)2015-06-300.2.1passy
antagonist250.01A web interface to Antisplice dungeons. (agpl, library, program, web)2016-04-
apecs-gloss230.00Simple gloss renderer for apecs (bsd3, library, web)2020-02-110.2.4AlexanderBondarenko, jship, jonascarpay
apecs-physics330.022D physics for apecs (bsd3, library, web)2023-10-050.4.6AlexanderBondarenko, jship, jonascarpay
apecs-physics-gloss (deprecated in favor of apecs-gloss)80.01Gloss rendering for apecs-physics (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-10-
api-maker52.00Package to make APIs (bsd3, library, web)2021-12-300.1.0.6schnecki
api-monobank112.00 (library, mit, program, web)2019-07-
api-rpc-accumulate30.00JSON-RPC API client for Accumulate blockchain (library, mit, program, web)2022-02-
api-rpc-factom50.00RPC API client for Factom (library, mit, program, web)2019-10-
api-rpc-pegnet60.00simple json-rpc client for PegNet (library, mit, web)2020-01-
api-tools210.03DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs (bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, program, web)2024-08-, ChrisDornan
api-yoti20.00Api bindings for Yoti services (library, mit, web)2019-07-300.1.0.0sigrlami
apiary752.515Simple and type safe web framework that generate web API documentation. (library, mit, web)2017-10-272.1.2HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-authenticate230.01authenticate support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-271.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-clientsession310.02clientsession support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-271.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-cookie370.02Cookie support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-261.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-eventsource230.01eventsource support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-271.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-helics110.01helics support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2015-03-041.4.0HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-http-client60.01A http client for Apiary. (library, mit, web)2017-11-
apiary-logger240.02fast-logger support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-271.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-memcached100.01memcached client for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2015-03-041.4.0HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-mongoDB180.01mongoDB support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-271.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-persistent292.01persistent support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-251.5.1HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-purescript200.01purescript compiler for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2015-03-041.4.0HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-redis50.01redis support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-11-111.5.1winterland
apiary-session70.03session support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-241.5.0HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apiary-websockets340.01websockets support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)2017-10-241.5.0HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
apioiaf-client92.01Consumer library for (bsd3, library, web)2016-12-
apis30.01A Template Haskell library for generating type safe API calls (bsd2, library, web)2014-12-220.0.1FabianBergmark
arch-web200.01Arch Linux official and AUR web interface binding (library, mit, web)2024-10-250.3.1felixonmars, berberman
asap60.00Atlassian Service Authentication Protocol (apache, library, web)2019-03-260.0.4puffnfresh
asn1-codec (deprecated in favor of language-asn, snmp)40.01Encode and decode ASN.1 (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-05-180.2.0andrewthad, chessai
assert4hs-tasty30.00Provider for tasty runner to run assert4hs tests (library, mit, web)2021-04-080.1.0paweln1986
asset-map30.01Asset map support for the JavaScript broccoli-asset-rev library. (bsd3, library, web)2018-06-
async-ajax100.01Crossbrowser async AJAX Bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)2016-07-
async-extra160.01Useful concurrent combinators (library, mit, web)2017-05-
atlassian-connect-core690.01Atlassian Connect snaplet for the Snap Framework and helper code. (apache, library, snap, web)2023-08-, eero, AshleyValent
atndapi30.01An interface of ATND API (bsd3, library, web)2016-03-
atom-basic220.01Basic Atom feed construction (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-030.2.5cbaatz
attic-schedule20.01A script I use to run "attic" for my backups. (bsd3, program, web)2017-01-280.2.0passy
attoparsec-base64120.01Fetch only base64 characters, erroring in the attoparsec monad on failure (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-240.0.0athanclark
attoparsec-ip (deprecated in favor of ip)100.01Parse IP data types with attoparsec (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-11-140.0.5athanclark
attoparsec-path180.01Convenience bindings between path and attoparsec (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
attoparsec-uri210.06URI parser / printer using attoparsec (bsd3, library, web)2023-09-270.0.9athanclark
aur-api40.01ArchLinux AUR json v5 API (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-
authenticate1310.013Authentication methods for Haskell web applications. (library, mit, web)2023-09-, MichaelSnoyman
authenticate-kerberos120.02Authentication methods for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)2012-01-281.0.0ArashRouhani
authenticate-ldap80.02LDAP authentication for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)2012-03-290.0.3MichaelLitchard
authenticate-oauth1800.020Library to authenticate with OAuth for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-201.7FelipeLessa, HiromiIshii, MichaelLitchard, MichaelSnoyman, achirkin, janus
awesomium20.02High-level Awesomium bindings. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)2012-11-
awesomium-glut30.01Utilities for using Awesomium with GLUT. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)2012-11-
awesomium-raw20.03Low-level Awesomium bindings. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)2012-11-
aws1570.021Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)2025-01-200.24.4AristidBreitkreuz, BenGamari, FelipeLessa, JoeyHess, JohnWiegley, MichaelSnoyman
aws-cloudfront-signer120.01For signing AWS CloudFront HTTP URL requests (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)2015-10-
aws-ec2170.01AWS EC2/VPC, ELB and CloudWatch client library for Haskell (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, program, web)2017-05-180.3.7AmitLevy, DavidTerei, IanRoss, VladimirKirillov
aws-elastic-transcoder120.01Haskell suite for the Elastic Transcoder service (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)2014-02-
aws-general90.07Bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) General Reference (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)2015-03-300.2.2larsk
aws-kinesis90.04Bindings for Amazon Kinesis (apache, aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)2015-03-300.1.5larsk
aws-performance-tests50.01Performance Tests for the Haskell bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, program, web)2014-09-020.1.1larsk
aws-route5380.01Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package. (bsd3, library, web)2016-02-, DavidTerei
aws-sdk-text-converter100.02The text converter for aws-sdk. (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-300.4.1YusukeNomura
aws-sign490.02Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature v4 HTTP request signer (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)2014-07-
aws-simple40.01Dead simple bindings to commonly used AWS Services (library, mit, web)2017-03-
aws-sns20.01Bindings for AWS SNS Version 2013-03-31 (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)2014-08-050.1larsk
aws-sns-verify130.00Parse and verify AWS SNS messages (amazon, aws, cloud, cryptography, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)2023-07-, dukerutledge, mjgpy3, chris_martin, FreckleEngineering
aws-transcribe-ws20.00Websocket streaming to Amazon Transcribe service (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-
axiom80.01Web EDSL for running in browsers and server nodes using transient (library, mit, web)2018-05-290.4.7AlbertoCorona
azure-acs30.02Windows Azure ACS (bsd3, library, web)2014-05-
azure-email30.01send email with microsoft azure (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-
azure-servicebus80.01Haskell wrapper over Microsoft Azure ServiceBus REST API (bsd3, library, web)2014-05-
ballast40.01Shipwire API client (bsd3, library, web)2017-08-
bamboo290.04A blog engine on Hack (library, web)2010-02-242010.2.25JinjingWang
bamboo-launcher80.01bamboo-launcher (program, web)2010-02-242010.2.25JinjingWang
bamboo-plugin-highlight40.01A highlight middleware (library, web)2009-07-052009.7.5JinjingWang
bamboo-plugin-photo30.01A photo album middleware (bsd3, library, web)2009-07-052009.7.5JinjingWang
bamboo-theme-blueprint120.01bamboo blueprint theme (bsd3, library, web)2010-02-242010.2.25.1JinjingWang
bamboo-theme-mini-html5100.01bamboo mini html5 theme (library, web)2009-11-262009.11.27JinjingWang
barley50.01A web based environment for learning and tinkering with Haskell (program, web)2011-02-
base58address60.03Parsing and serialization for Base58 addresses (Bitcoin and Ripple) (library, web)2013-04-280.4StephenWeber
basement3701.7519Foundation scrap box of array & string (bsd3, web)2023-06-140.0.16MichaelSnoyman, VincentHanquez, nicolasdp
basement-cd30.02Foundation scrap box of array & string (bsd3, web)2021-12-
bdo40.01Update CSS in the browser without reloading the page. (bsd3, library, program, web)2013-09-111.0.1ChrisDone
bech321762.05Implementation of the Bech32 cryptocurrency address format (BIP 0173). (apache, library, program, web)2024-12-281.1.8ErikDeCastroLopo, JonathanKnowles, rvl, KtorZ, KingWilliamNoel
bech32-th670.00Template Haskell extensions to the Bech32 library. (apache, library, web)2024-12-281.1.8ErikDeCastroLopo, JonathanKnowles, rvl, KtorZ, KingWilliamNoel
binance-exports112.00Generate CSV Exports of your Binance Trade History. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)2023-06-
binary-instances860.010Orphan instances for binary (bsd3, library, web)2024-06-041.0.5phadej
bindings-libg1530.01Bindings to libg15 (bsd2, library, web)2017-08-
bird200.01A simple, sinatra-inspired web framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)2010-08-230.0.19MattParker
bitly-cli (deprecated)50.01A command line tool to access URL shortener. (bsd3, deprecated, program, utils, web)2011-12-080.1.2SergeyAstanin
bittrex (deprecated)100.00Bindings for the Bittrex API (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2018-01-
bitx-bitcoin221.51A Haskell library for working with the BitX bitcoin exchange. (bitcoin, bsd3, finance, library, web)2017-12-
blatex122.01Blog in LaTeX (mit, program, web)2016-05-
blaze-bootstrap150.02Blaze helper functions for bootstrap pages (library, mit, web)2015-08-
blaze-colonnade310.02blaze-html backend for colonnade (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-, l3c_amartin
blaze-html-contrib90.01Some contributions to add handy things to blaze html. (bsd3, library, web)2012-04-050.2.2AdityaBhargava
blaze-htmx50.00Blaze integration of the htmx library (bsd3, library, text, web)2022-05-
blaze-shields82.01create svg by Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2015-09-
blazeT90.01A true monad (transformer) version of the blaze-markup and blaze-html libraries (data, library, mit, text, web)2023-09-110.0.6alaminium, johannesgerer pretty-printing utilities (apache, library, web)2021-09-, blockfrost
blockhash20.00Blockhash perceptual image hash algorithm (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-07-
blogination (deprecated)90.01Very simple static blog software (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2009-02-260.5ChrisDone
bloodhound-amazonka-auth150.01Adds convenient Amazon ElasticSearch Service authentication to Bloodhound. (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-300.1.2.1MichaelXavier
bluemix-sdk60.01Bindings to Bluemix APIs (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
bluesky-tools100.00Tools for interacting with Bluesky / AT Protocol (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-
blunt (deprecated)231.51Convert between pointfree and pointful expressions. (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2015-04-141.0.2fozworth
bnb-staking-csvs172.00Generate CSV Exports of Your BNB Staking Rewards. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)2024-02-
board-games290.01Three games for inclusion in a web server (game, library, web)2023-01-150.4HenningThielemann
boomange270.01A bookmarks manager with an HTML generator (gpl, program, web)2018-12-
boots-cloud (deprecated)30.00Factory for quickly building a microservice (application, consul, deprecated, library, microservice, mit, servant, swagger, web)2019-08-280.2leptonyu
boots-web (deprecated)30.01Factory for quickly building a web application (application, deprecated, library, mit, servant, swagger, web)2019-09-
bootstrap-types110.01Bootstrap CSS Framework type-safe interface (library, mit, web)2017-01-310.3andrewthad
boring-game60.00An educational game (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-02-
botpp20.01Build tool for Lambdabot (development, library, program, web)2008-08-190.1GwernBranwen
bower-json492.02Read bower.json from Haskell (library, mit, web)2022-05-
box-socket200.02Box websockets (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-10-
brainheck160.00Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-09-
breve300.01a url shortener (gpl, program, web)2024-06-300.5.1.0rnhmjoj
browscap30.01A reader and interface for the Browser Capabilities Project data files. (bsd3, data, library, web)2017-04-300davean
bugsnag200.03Bugsnag error reporter for Haskell (library, mit, web)2024-12-
bugsnag-haskell (deprecated in favor of bugsnag, bugsnag-wai, bugsnag-yesod)190.01Bugsnag error reporter for Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, web)2022-02-
bugsnag-hs362.252A Bugsnag client for Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)2023-09-, JasperWoudenberg
bugsnag-wai90.01WAI integration for Bugsnag error reporting for Haskell (library, mit, web)2022-03-311.0.0.1PatrickBrisbin
bugsnag-yesod90.00Yesod integration for Bugsnag error reporting for Haskell (library, mit, web)2023-12-
bugzilla70.01A Haskell interface to the Bugzilla native REST API (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-, sethfowler
bugzilla-redhat210.00A Haskell interface to the Bugzilla native REST API (bsd3, library, web)2023-10-
bulmex (deprecated)60.00Reflex infused with bulma (css) (deprecated, library, mit, web)2019-11-244.0.0
bureaucromancy50.00Parse webforms & render to interactive hypertext (gpl, library, program, web)2024-01-
calamity1170.02A library for writing discord bots in haskell (library, mit, network, web)2024-10-
campfire50.01Haskell implementation of the Campfire API (bsd3, library, web)2012-06-110.2.1MichaelXavier
canteven-template70.01A few utilites and helpers for using Template Haskell in your projects. (apache, library, web)2015-12-, potomak, glasserc, mhova
car-pool90.01Simple web-server for organizing car-pooling for an event (bsd3, program, web)2023-12-
cascading (deprecated in favor of clay)60.01DSL for HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2013-06-200.1.0ErtugrulSoeylemez, esz
cassava2932.597A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2024-08-, HerbertValerioRiedel, JohanTibell, phadej
cassava-megaparsec740.02Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava (csv, library, mit, parsing, text, web)2024-02-282.1.1jsl, stackbuilders, sestrella, wild_willy
cassava-records90.01Auto-generation of records data type. (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-01-
cayene-lpp (deprecated in favor of cayenne-lpp)60.01Cayenne Low Power Payload (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-07-310.1.0.0srk
cayenne-lpp60.01Cayenne Low Power Payload (bsd3, library, web)2021-03-
cgi-utils60.01Simple modular utilities for CGI/FastCGI (sessions, etc.) (bsd3, cgi, library, web)2011-03-290.2.1
chakra90.00A REST Web Api server template for building (micro)services. (library, mit, program, web)2021-11-070.1.2cackharot
charade62.01Rapid prototyping websites with Snap and Heist (bsd3, library, program, web)2014-11-
chatwork170.00The ChatWork API in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)2018-08-
cheapskate-lucid60.01Use cheapskate with Lucid (bsd3, library, web)2016-03-
cheapskate-terminal30.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-01-
chez-grater80.00Parse and scrape recipe blogs (library, mit, program, web)2022-11-290.1.2dfithian
chitauri30.01Helper for the Major System (bsd3, program, web)2016-10-
chu2110.01FFI for Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface (bsd3, library, web)2012-11-202012.11.20JinjingWang
cielo30.01Cielo API v3 Bindings for Haskell (agpl, library, web)2016-11-
circle20.00Circle API client for Haskell (library, mit, web)2022-11-
circlehs32.01The CircleCI REST API for Haskell (api, library, mit, web)2016-04-280.0.3dshevchenko
cisco-spark-api100.00DEPRECATED in favor of webex-teams-api (library, mit, program, web)2018-12-
classy-miso30.00Typeclass based support for Miso, the Tasty Web Framework for Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-03-
clay1452.2518CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell. (bsd3, graphics, library, web)2024-01-130.15.0SebastiaanVisser, tomjaguarpaw, turion
clientsession2120.031Securely store session data in a client-side cookie. (library, mit, program, web)2024-07-, MichaelSnoyman
clit280.01Post tweets from stdin (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-03-
clock-extras60.01A couple functions that probably should be in the 'clock' package (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-
cmark-lucid120.01Use cmark with Lucid (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
codepad22.01Submit and retrieve paste output from (bsd3, library, web)2010-10-010.1ChrisDone, TheKing
coinbase-exchange190.00Connector library for the coinbase exchange. (library, mit, program, web)2017-09-
coinbase-pro242.00Client for Coinbase Pro (finance, library, mit, program, web)2022-12-
cointracking-imports192.02Generate CSV & XLSX files for importing into CoinTracking. (bsd3, finance, library, web)2022-10-
colonnade442.257Generic types and functions for columnar encoding and decoding (bsd3, library, web)2019-05-, chessai, l3c_amartin
colorless330.03Colorless | The Programmatic IDL (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-172.2.20jxv
colorless-http-client110.01Http Client addon for Colorless (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-100.0.4jxv
colorless-scotty50.01Scotty server add-on for Colorless (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-110.0.2jxv
coltrane20.01A jazzy, minimal web framework for Haskell, inspired by Sinatra. (bsd3, library, web)2013-12-
columnar120.00A CSV toolkit based on cassava and enum-text (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-07-
commonmark-wikilink30.01Obsidian-friendly commonmark wikilink parser (library, mit, web)2022-11-
compaREST30.00Compatibility checker for OpenAPI (library, mit, program, web)2022-03-, typeable, iko
compact-mutable20.02Mutable arrays living on the compact heap (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-260.1andrewthad
composable-associations150.01Types and helpers for composing types into a single larger key-value type. (bsd3, library, web)2017-07-
composable-associations-aeson120.01Aeson ToJSON/FromJSON implementation for the types of composable-associations (bsd3, library, web)2021-03-
composite-ix20.00Indexing utilities for composite records. (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-
concur-core80.01A client side web UI framework for Haskell. Core framework. (bsd3, library, web)2018-08-
container-builder70.01Functions for building containers from a known number of elements (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-190.1andrewthad
context-http-client180.00Modify HTTP requests/responses using context (library, mit, web)2023-09-
context-wai-middleware190.00Add request-specific (or not!) context to your WAI applications (library, mit, web)2023-09-
cookie3412.075HTTP cookie parsing and rendering (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-03-040.5.0MichaelSnoyman
cookie-tray30.00For serving cookies (apache, library, web)2025-01-
cookies80.01web cookies (bsd3, library, web)2018-06-
copr40.01Haskell interface to the Fedora Copr system (bsd3, fedora, library, web)2014-04-101.1.1RickyElrod
couchdb-enumerator110.01Couch DB client library using http-enumerator and aeson (bsd3, database, library, web)2012-03-130.3.7JohnLenz
country670.04Country data type and functions (bsd3, library, web)2024-12-, chessai, l3c_amartin
cqrs-example120.01Example for cqrs package (mit, program, web)2015-09-160.10.0BardurArantsson
crawlchain110.01Simulation user crawl paths (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-
craze60.00HTTP Racing Library (library, mit, program, web)2016-08-
crc120.03Implements various Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC) (library, mit, web)2020-10-
cryptocompare150.01Haskell wrapper for the cryptocompare API (library, mit, web)2020-09-250.1.2aviaviavi
cryptoids-class30.03Typeclass-based interface to cryptoids (bsd3, library, web)2018-01-180.0.0gkleen
cryptoids-types30.04Shared types for encrypting internal object identifiers before exposure (bsd3, library, web)2018-12-171.0.0gkleen
cryptsy-api (deprecated)50.01Bindings for Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange API. (agpl, deprecated, library, web)2015-04-110.2.1
css-easings60.00Defining and manipulating css easing strings. (bsd3, library, web, webdevelopment)2022-06-
css-selectors90.00Parsing, rendering and manipulating css selectors in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-
css-simple42.00eDSL for CSS (gpl, library, web)2022-07-
css-text740.09CSS parser and renderer. (library, mit, web, yesod)2018-02-, MichaelSnoyman
curl-aeson120.02Communicate with web services using JSON (bsd3, json, library, network, web)2024-09-
curl-cookiejar80.00Parsing and pretty-printing of cURL/wget cookie jars (library, mit, web)2019-03-
curryer50.01A simple HTTP server framework (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
daemonize-doublefork50.01Start background daemons by double-forking (gpl, library, web)2012-08-150.1.1AlexandruScvortov
dani-servant-lucid2120.00Servant support for lucid2 (bsd3, library, web)2024-04-
darcsden80.01Darcs repository UI and hosting/collaboration app ( branch). (development, distribution, program, web)2015-04-221.1.1AlexSuraci, SimonMichael
data-check (deprecated)40.01Library for checking and normalization of data (e.g. from web forms) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, web)2017-05-210.1.1mrkkrp
data-object-yaml (deprecated in favor of yaml)220.05Serialize data to and from Yaml files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-310.3.4.2MichaelSnoyman
datarobot70.01Client for DataRobot API (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-271.0.1seanhess
dataurl130.01Handle data-urls (library, mit, web)2015-11-
deepl100.00Call DeepL to translate you files (bsd3, language, library, program, web)2021-04-
delicious50.01Accessing the APIs from Haskell (v2) (bsd3, library, web)2013-12-300.3.4SigbjornFinne
delivery-status-notification40.00Parse bounce messages per RFC3464, RFC3463 (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-
dgs40.01Haskell front-end for DGS' bot interface (bsd3, game, library, network, web)2010-02-140.2DanielWagner
digestive-bootstrap70.01Speed up form designing using digestive functors and bootstrap (library, mit, web)2016-11-300.3.0.0AlexanderThiemann
digestive-foundation-lucid40.01Speed up form designing using digestive functors and foundation (library, mit, web)2015-02-
digestive-functors1300.024A practical formlet library (bsd3, library, web)2020-05-
digestive-functors-aeson940.01Run digestive-functors forms against JSON (gpl, json, library, web)2019-02-161.1.27OliverCharles, nieled
digestive-functors-blaze600.03Blaze frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
digestive-functors-happstack470.01Happstack backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2020-05-
digestive-functors-heist870.03Heist frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2018-07-
digestive-functors-hsp170.01HSP support for digestive-functors (bsd3, library, web)2012-04-240.5.0JeremyShaw
digestive-functors-lucid150.03Lucid frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2017-07-, athanclark
digestive-functors-scotty180.01Scotty backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2014-07-
digestive-functors-snap610.03Snap backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)2018-07-
digitalocean-kzs70.01digitalocean api for haskell (library, mit, web)2015-06-
dingo-core110.02Dingo is a Rich Internet Application platform based on the Warp web server. (library, mit, web)2012-02-060.2.0BardurArantsson
dingo-example40.01Dingo Example (mit, program, web)2012-02-060.2.0BardurArantsson
dingo-widgets70.01Dingo Widgets (library, mit, web)2012-02-060.2.0BardurArantsson
discogs-haskell20.01Client for Discogs REST API (library, mit, web)2016-04-
discord-register40.00Discord verification bot (library, mpl, program, web)2021-06-020.0.2HughSipiere
disjoint-containers172.01Disjoint containers (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-, l3c_amartin
distance20.01Useful distance datatype and functions (library, mit, web)2017-01-
ditto182.03ditto is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library (bsd3, library, web)2022-08-210.4.1goolord
ditto-lucid210.02Add support for using lucid with Ditto (bsd3, library, web)2019-08-220.4goolord
dixi180.00A wiki implemented with a firm theoretical foundation. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-11-
doc-review100.01Document review Web application, like (bsd3, program, web)2010-12-060.7.1JoshHoyt
dom-events112.00DOM Events expressed as Haskell types (bsd3, library, web)2020-04-
dom-selector70.02DOM traversal by CSS selectors for xml-conduit package (bsd3, library, web)2013-06-
domaindriven22.00Batteries included event sourcing and CQRS (bsd3, library, web)2023-02-020.5.0tommyengstrom
domaindriven-core20.01Batteries included event sourcing and CQRS (bsd3, library, web)2023-02-020.5.0tommyengstrom
domplate40.01A simple templating library using HTML5 as its template language. (bsd3, library, text, web)2015-05-
dormouse-client80.00Simple, type-safe and testable HTTP client (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-
dormouse-uri70.01Library for type-safe representations of Uri/Urls (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-
dozens30.01dozens api library (library, mit, web)2015-06-120.1.1HirotomoMoriwaki
dsc60.01Helper functions for setting up Double Submit Cookie defense for forms (library, mit, web)2017-03-210.2.0qoelet
duplo (deprecated)170.01Frontend development build tool (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2015-02-241.8.1kenhkan
dustme60.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-06-
easy-api30.01Utility code for building HTTP API bindings more quickly. (library, mit, web)2013-11-
ebird-api32.02A Haskell description of the eBird API (library, mit, web)2023-12-
ebird-cli52.00A command-line utility for interacting with the eBird API. (library, mit, program, web)2023-12-
ebird-client42.01Client functions for querying the eBird API. (library, mit, web)2023-12-
ede1210.05Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2. (library, mpl, program, template, text, web)2024-12-
ekg-cloudwatch162.01An ekg backend for Amazon Cloudwatch (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
ekg-prometheus-adapter230.02Easily expose your EKG metrics to Prometheus (library, mit, web)2024-08-, MikolajKonarski
elm-bridge492.02Derive Elm types and Json code from Haskell types, using aeson's options (bsd3, compiler, language, library, web)2024-09-260.8.4AlexanderThiemann, SimonMarechal
elm-export230.02A library to generate Elm types from Haskell source. (library, web)2017-01-310.6.0.1krisajenkins, domenkozar
elm-export-persistent170.01elm-export persistent entities (data, database, library, mit, web)2021-01-091.0.0WilliamCasarin
elm-hybrid110.01Combine Elm with Haskell for data based applications (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
elm-websocket20.00Generate ELM code from a Wai websocket application. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-11-011.0rhyskeepence
elm-yesod90.01The Elm language Yesod compatibility module. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2013-04-230.2VincentAmbo
elo40.01Elo Rating Library (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-130.1.0markfine
ema130.03Static site generator library with hot reload (agpl, library, web)2023-08-
ema-extra20.00Useful route types for Ema (agpl, library, web)2022-11-
ema-generics20.01Generic deriving for Ema routes (agpl, library, web)2022-11-
email-validate-json180.01Aeson instances for email-validate (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-
emanote60.00Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes (agpl, library, program, web)2023-08-
engine-io350.06A Haskell implementation of Engine.IO (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-141.2.23OliverCharles, RenzoCarbonara, TimBaumann
engine-io-growler40.01 (library, mit, web)2015-04-
envelope220.01Defines generic 'Envelope' type to wrap reponses from a JSON API. (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-
esotericbot80.01Esotericbot is a sophisticated, lightweight IRC bot. (bsd3, library, program, web)2009-06-230.0.6JohnnyMorrice
espial150.00Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server. (agpl, library, web)2024-01-190.0.20jonschoning
ethereum-analyzer-webui240.00A web frontend for ethereum-analyzer (apache, ethereum, library, program, static-analysis, web)2017-12-253.3.4zchn
ety60.01Random etymology online entry. (bsd3, library, program, web)2012-02-150.1ChrisDone
eved110.00A value level web framework (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-
every140.02Run a process every so often. (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-090.0.1athanclark
exh90.00A library for crawling exhentai (bsd3, library, web)2021-02-141.0.2berberman, Poscat
extemp20.01automated printing for extemp speakers (bsd3, program, web)2010-10-050.0.1SamAnklesaria
extralife80.01API Client for ExtraLife team and user data (bsd3, library, web)2021-11-
factual-api160.01A driver for the Factual API (api, bsd3, library, web)2012-11-080.6.1RudigerLippert
fast-mult80.01Numeric type with asymptotically faster multiplications. (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
fastly20.01A highly experimental Fastly API client. (bsd3, library, web)2018-06-
fay1130.013A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript. (bsd3, development, fay, library, program, web)2021-01-, ChrisDone, swamp_agr
fay-builder (deprecated)120.01Compile Fay code on cabal install, and ad-hoc recompile during development (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2015-04-, ErikHesselink
fay-dom100.03DOM FFI wrapper library for Fay (bsd3, fay, library, web)2015-02-, ChrisDone
fay-geoposition100.01W3C compliant implementation of GeoPosition API. (bsd3, library, web)2015-06-
fay-jquery230.06jQuery bindings for Fay. (bsd3, fay, library, web)2015-08-, ChrisDone
fay-simplejson40.01SimpleJSON library for Fay. (bsd3, fay, library, web)2016-10-300.1.3.0Lupino
fay-uri50.01Persistent FFI bindings for using jsUri in Fay (bsd3, library, web)2013-02-
fay-websockets90.01Websockets FFI library for Fay (bsd3, fay, library, web)2018-12-
fb1010.07Bindings to Facebook's API. (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-, psibi
fb-persistent160.01Provides Persistent instances to Facebook types. (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-300.3.6FelipeLessa
fbmessenger-api90.00High-level bindings to Facebook Messenger Platform API (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-11-
fckeditor20.01Server-Side Integration for FCKeditor (bsd3, library, web)2008-03-240.1PeterGammie
feature-flipper90.01A minimally obtrusive feature flag library (library, mit, web)2017-08-
feature-flipper-postgres110.01A minimally obtrusive feature flag library (library, mit, web)2017-08-
fedora-packages60.01Haskell interface to the Fedora Packages webapp API. (bsd3, fedora, library, web)2014-04-100.0.3RickyElrod
feed-cli40.01A simple command line interface for creating and updating feeds like RSS (bsd3, program, text, web)2009-07-052009.7.5IsaacJones
feed-collect60.00Watch RSS/Atom feeds (and do with them whatever you like). (library, public-domain, web)2016-02-
feed-translator40.01Translate syndication feeds (agpl, program, web)2015-09-
feed2twitter30.01Send posts from a feed to Twitter (bsd3, library, program, web)2009-05-210.2.0TomLokhorst
fernet20.00Generate and verify HMAC-based authentication tokens. (authentication, lgpl, library, web)2017-03-
ffeed50.01Haskell binding to the FriendFeed API (bsd3, library, program, web)2008-11-230.3.2SigbjornFinne
ficketed30.01update statically hosted file in a push stule through socketed (mit, program, web)2017-04-
fields-json280.02Abusing monadic syntax JSON objects generation. (bsd3, library, web)2019-10-310.4.0.0GracjanPolak, MagnusCarlsson, MariuszRak, MikhailGlushenkov, arybczak
fileplow130.01Library to process and search large files or a collection of files (bsd3, library, web)2017-07-
filter-logger190.00Filterable request logging wai middleware. Change how data is logged and when. (library, mit, program, web)2017-07-
firefly101.50A simple HTTP server framework (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
firefly-example20.01A simple example using Firefly (bsd3, program, web)2017-09-
fixed-width (deprecated)40.01Fixed width subsets of an Int64/Word64. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2016-12-
flags-applicative640.00Applicative flag parsing (bsd3, library, web)2021-04-
flamethrower150.01A template engine for HTML (html, library, mit, text, web)2014-12-
flickr80.01Haskell binding to the Flickr API (bsd3, library, program, web)2009-01-030.3.3SigbjornFinne
flink-statefulfun110.00Flink stateful functions SDK (flink, library, mpl, web)2021-08-
flowdock60.01Flowdock client library for Haskell (library, mit, web)2015-06-
flowdock-rest20.01Flowdock REST API (bsd3, library, web)2015-09-
fluffy52.01A simple web application as a online practice website for XDU SE 2017 fall SPM. (gpl, program, web)2017-11-
fluid-idl122.02Code-generated, Auto-versioned, & Smart Web APIs (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-090.0.6jxv
fluid-idl-http-client32.01Http Client addon for Fluid (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-170.0.0jxv
fluid-idl-scotty22.01Scotty server add-on for Fluid (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-170.0.0jxv
fn242.251A functional web framework. (library, web)2017-09-, LibbyHoracek
fn-extra82.01Extras for Fn, a functional web framework. (library, web)2017-09-, LibbyHoracek
follow20.00Haskell library to follow content published on any subject. (lgpl, library, program, web)2018-09-
follower20.01Follow Tweets anonymously (application, console, gpl, program, web)2011-01-230.0.1EmreBasar
font-awesome-type90.01A Font Awesome data type enumerating all icon classes (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-120.1SeanLeather
foobar (deprecated)70.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2016-06-
forecast-io40.01A Haskell library for working with data. (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-
forma190.01Parse and validate forms in JSON format (bsd3, library, web)2021-10-111.2.0mrkkrp, tzemanovic
format-numbers230.02Various number formatting functions (library, mit, web)2020-02-
formlets (deprecated in favor of digestive-functors)240.06Formlets implemented in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)2010-12-220.8ChrisEidhof, DougBeardsley
formlets-hsp (deprecated in favor of digestive-functors-hsp)40.02HSP support for Formlets (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)2010-10-182.3.1JeremyShaw
frame20.02A simple web framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)2010-05-300.1AdamDunkley
frame-markdown30.01A markdown to Frame GUI writer for Pandoc (bsd3, library, web)2010-05-300.1AdamDunkley
freer-simple-http20.01Make HTTP requests with freer-simple! (control, http, library, mit, web)2018-11-
freesound70.01Access the Freesound Project database (bsd3, library, sound, web)2016-02-190.3.0StefanKersten
friendly-time240.05Print time information in friendly ways (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2017-07-210.4.1PatrickBrisbin
front130.00A reactive frontend web framework (bsd3, library, web)2020-05-
ftp-client372.252Transfer files with FTP and FTPS (library, public-domain, web)2024-05-, janus, flipstone
ftp-client-conduit162.251Transfer file with FTP and FTPS with Conduit (library, public-domain, web)2019-09-
funbot-client40.00Report events to FunBot over a JSON/HTTP API. (library, network, public-domain, web)2015-09-
funbot-ext-events90.01Interact with FunBot's external events. (library, network, public-domain, web)2016-01-
funbot-git-hook40.01Git hook which sends events to FunBot. (network, program, public-domain, web)2015-09-270.1akrasner
gc-monitoring-wai50.01a wai application to show GHC.GCStats (bsd3, library, web)2012-03-290.1.2YiHuang
gdax40.00API Wrapping for Coinbase's GDAX exchange. (library, mit, program, web)2017-10-
geek120.02Geek blog engine (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-
geek-server40.01Geek blog engine server (library, program, web)2014-05-191.1JinjingWang
gelatin-freetype240.01FreeType2 based text rendering for the gelatin realtime rendering system. (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
gelatin-shaders20.01Gelatin's OpenGL shaders. (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
gemini-exports110.00Generate CSV Exports of Your Gemini Trades, Transfers, & Earn Transactions (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)2024-07-
gen-imports40.01Code to generate instances for the package "ghc-instances" (bsd3, library, web)2018-01-
gendocs100.01Library for generating interface documentation from types (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-010.1.3seanhess
gentlemark20.01Gentle markup language (bsd3, library, text, web)2012-09-301.0.0AndriyPolishchuk
geo-resolver20.01Performs geo location lookups and parses the results (library, mit, web)2015-10-
geolite-csv40.01Geolite CSV Parser (bsd3, library, web)2016-08-010.2andrewthad, l3c_amartin
getemx20.01Fetch from emusic using .emx files (bsd3, program, web)2011-05-180.1BenWolfson
ghc-instances40.01Easily import all instances contained in GHC distributed libraries (bsd3, library, web)2018-01-
ghcjs-ajax70.01Crossbrowser AJAX Bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)2016-07-
ghcjs-base252.049base library for GHCJS (mit, web)2024-05-, LuiteStegeman
ghcjs-base-stub132.05Allow GHCJS projects to compile under GHC and develop using intero. (bsd3, library, web)2019-10-
ghcjs-codemirror210.02Installs CodeMirror JavaScript files (library, mit, web)2018-07-
ghcjs-dom852.2523DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC (library, mit, web)2024-05-
ghcjs-dom-hello110.01GHCJS DOM Hello World, an example package (library, mit, program, web)2017-06-
ghcjs-dom-javascript80.01DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS (mit, web)2024-09-
ghcjs-dom-jsaddle480.01DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC using jsaddle (library, mit, web)2024-04-
ghcjs-dom-jsffi310.02DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS (mit, web)2024-04-
ghcjs-dom-webkit20.02DOM library that supports both GHCJS and WebKitGTK (library, mit, web)2016-06-
ghcjs-fetch40.01GHCJS bindings for the JavaScript Fetch API (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
ghcjs-hplay100.01Client-side web EDSL for transient nodes running in the web browser (library, mit, web)2017-03-050.4.2AlbertoCorona, geraldus
ghcjs-perch212.02GHCJS version of Perch library. (library, mit, web)2018-12-
ghcjs-vdom20.01Virtual-dom bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)2017-01-
ghcjs-websockets (deprecated)150.01Deprecated: use ghcjs-base's native websockets (deprecated, library, mit, web)2015-08-
ghcjs-xhr20.02XmlHttpRequest ("AJAX") bindings for GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)2017-01-
ghclive40.01Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser. (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program, web)2012-08-
gingersnap222.251Consistent and safe JSON APIs with snap-core and (by default) postgresql-simple (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-300.3.1.0TomMurphy, TomBop
giphy-api180.01Giphy HTTP API wrapper and CLI search tool. (bsd3, library, web)2019-10-
gist20.01A reliable command-line client for (gpl, program, web)2012-04-220.1SimonMichael
gitea-api130.00Auto-generated gitea-api API Client (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-
github-post-receive290.01GitHub webhooks library (bsd3, library, web)2014-11-
gitlab-api (deprecated in favor of gitlab-haskell)41.250Gitlab Web API (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-06-
glabrous490.02A template DSL library (bsd3, library, text, web)2024-01-
glazier-react170.01ReactJS binding using Glazier.Command. (bsd3, gui, library, web)2018-07-
glazier-react-examples (deprecated)60.01Examples of using glazier-react (bsd3, deprecated, gui, program, web)2017-04-
glazier-react-widget90.00Generic widget library using glazier-react (bsd3, gui, library, web)2018-07-
godot-haskell20.00Haskell bindings for the Godot game engine API (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-
google-html5-slide50.01Google HTML5 Slide generator (bsd3, program, web)2012-07-182011.0HideyukiTanaka
google-isbn190.01 (bsd3, library, text, web)2018-11-161.0.3apeyroux
google-mail-filters40.01Write GMail filters and output to importable XML (bsd3, data, library, web, xml)2016-03-310.0.1.2LiyangHu
google-maps-geocoding290.01Bindings to the Google Geocoding API (formerly Maps Geocoding API) (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-
google-oauth2-for-cli70.01Get Google OAuth2 token for CLI tools (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
google-search50.02EDSL for Google and GMail search expressions (bsd3, language, library, text, web)2016-03-310.2.0.0LiyangHu
google-server-api230.02Google APIs for server to server applications (library, mit, web)2023-09-
google-static-maps230.01Bindings to the Google Maps Static API (formerly Static Maps API) (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-
google-translate142.251Google Translate API bindings (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-070.5DavidJohnson
googleplus70.01Haskell implementation of the Google+ API v1 (bsd3, library, web)2011-10-
gopro-plus390.00GoPro Plus Client API. (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
gore-and-ash-sync50.00Gore&Ash module for high level network synchronization (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
graphql-api72.01GraphQL API (library, program, web)2019-10-150.4.0teh, jml
graylog50.01Support for graylog output. (library, web)2016-02-
growler120.02A revised version of the scotty library that attempts to be simpler and more performant. (library, mit, web)2015-02-210.6.0IanDuncan
gscholar-rss220.00scrapes google scholar, provides RSS feed (gpl, program, utils, web)2023-11-
gym-http-api31.50REST client to the gym-http-api project (learning-environments, library, mit, program, web)2018-06-
h-booru40.01Haskell library for retrieving data from various booru image sites (gpl, library, program, web)2014-11-
h3spec60.00QUIC (bsd3, program, web)2024-08-190.1.11KazuYamamoto
hS3230.03Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) (bsd3, library, network, program, web)2014-09-280.5.9GergelyRisko, GregHeartsfield
hScraper52.251A Haskell library to scrape and crawl web-pages (bsd3, library, web)2015-11-
hSimpleDB40.01Interface to Amazon's SimpleDB service. (bsd3, database, library, network, web)2009-09-170.3DavidHimmelstrup
habit30.00Haskell message bot framework (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-01-
hablo40.00A minimalist static blog generator (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-01-
hablog120.00A blog system (library, mit, program, web)2021-01-270.8.0gilmi
hack (deprecated in favor of hack2)300.028a Haskell Webserver Interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-02-062012.2.6AlbertoCorona, JinjingWang
hack-contrib (deprecated)400.012Hack contrib (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2010-09-292010.9.28JinjingWang
hack-contrib-press70.01Hack helper that renders Press templates (library, text, web)2009-08-070.1.2BrandonBickford
hack-frontend-happstack (deprecated)100.01hack-frontend-happstack (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2009-06-242009.6.24.1JinjingWang
hack-frontend-monadcgi (deprecated in favor of wai-frontend-monadcgi)150.02Allows programs written against MonadCGI to run with any hack handler. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-handler-cgi (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)90.02Hack handler using CGI protocol. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-handler-epoll90.01hack handler implementation using epoll (library, web)2010-02-200.1.3ToralfWittner
hack-handler-evhttp70.02Hack EvHTTP (libevent) Handler (library, web)2009-08-042009.8.4BrandonBickford
hack-handler-fastcgi (deprecated in favor of wai-handler-fastcgi)170.01Hack handler direct to fastcgi (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-handler-happstack (deprecated)290.02Hack Happstack server handler (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2009-12-202009.12.20JinjingWang
hack-handler-hyena (deprecated)120.01Hyena hack handler (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2010-03-152010.3.15JinjingWang
hack-handler-kibro (deprecated)60.01Hack Kibro handler (deprecated, library, web)2009-05-262009.5.27JinjingWang
hack-handler-simpleserver (deprecated in favor of warp)220.03A simplistic HTTP server handler for Hack. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-02-060.2.2AlbertoCorona, MichaelSnoyman, UweSchmidt
hack-middleware-cleanpath (deprecated)100.01Applies some basic redirect rules to get cleaner paths. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-middleware-clientsession (deprecated)90.01Middleware for easily keeping session data in client cookies. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-middleware-gzip (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)80.01Automatic gzip compression of responses. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack-middleware-jsonp (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)110.01Automatic wrapping of JSON responses to convert into JSONP. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
hack2100.012a Haskell Webserver Interface (V2) (bsd3, library, web)2014-11-172014.11.17JinjingWang
hack2-contrib280.04Hack2 contrib (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-032015.5.4JinjingWang
hack2-contrib-extra100.01Hack2 contrib extra (bsd3, library, web)2014-12-202014.12.20JinjingWang
hack2-handler-happstack-server100.01Hack2 Happstack server handler (bsd3, library, web)2011-06-202011.6.20JinjingWang
hack2-handler-mongrel2-http140.01Hack2 Mongrel2 HTTP handler (bsd3, library, web)2011-10-312011.10.31JinjingWang
hack2-handler-snap-server190.04Hack2 Snap server handler (bsd3, library, web)2015-03-092015.3.9JinjingWang
hack2-handler-warp80.01Hack2 warp handler (bsd3, library, web)2012-05-252012.5.25JinjingWang
hack2-interface-wai140.02Hack2 interface to WAI (bsd3, library, web)2017-01-042017.1.4JinjingWang
hackage2twitter20.01Send new Hackage releases to Twitter (bsd3, distribution, program, web)2009-05-210.2.1TomLokhorst
hackernews260.01API for Hacker News (library, mit, program, web)2017-12-
haggis80.01A static site generator with blogging/comments support (library, mit, program, web)2015-12-
hails150.01Multi-app web platform framework (library, mit, program, web)2015-04-, DavidMazieres, DeianStefan
hails-bin (deprecated in favor of hails)40.01Dynamic launcher of Hails applications (deprecated, gpl, program, web)2012-04-
hairy (deprecated)60.01A JSON REST API (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2014-10-160.1.3taylorfausak, fozworth
hakismet20.01Akismet spam protection library (library, mit, web)2010-10-050.1NilsSchweinsberg
hakyll3752.7530A static website compiler library (bsd3, library, program, web)2025-02-, AlexanderBatischev, LaurentRDC
hakyll-R (deprecated in favor of R-pandoc)70.01A package allowing to write Hakyll blog posts in Rmd (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2015-07-
hakyll-agda220.01Wrapper to integrate literate Agda files with Hakyll (bsd3, library, web)2021-04-120.1.13FrancescoMazzoli
hakyll-alectryon80.00Hakyll extension for rendering Coq code using Alectryon (library, mit, text, web)2022-09-
hakyll-blaze-templates (deprecated)60.01Blaze templates for Hakyll (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2013-05-
hakyll-contrib70.01Extra modules for the hakyll website compiler (bsd3, library, program, web)2012-07-
hakyll-contrib-csv50.01Generate Html tables from Csv files (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-
hakyll-contrib-elm40.00Compile Elm code for inclusion in Hakyll static site. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-05-
hakyll-contrib-hyphenation150.01automatic hyphenation for Hakyll (library, mit, web)2014-12-
hakyll-contrib-i18n30.00A Hakyll library for internationalization. (hakyll, i18n, library, program, web)2020-11-
hakyll-contrib-links30.01A hakyll library that helps maintain a separate links database. (bsd3, hakyll, library, web)2012-10-
hakyll-dhall140.00Dhall compiler for Hakyll (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-12-
hakyll-dir-list80.01Allow Hakyll to create hierarchical menues from directories. (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
hakyll-elm40.01Hakyll wrapper for the Elm compiler. (bsd3, library, web)2014-01-220.2.1maxiepoo
hakyll-favicon60.00 (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-04-230.1.0elaye
hakyll-filestore230.01FileStore utilities for Hakyll (library, public-domain, web)2023-07-020.1.11aergus
hakyll-images572.00Hakyll utilities to work with images (bsd3, library, web)2025-02-111.3.0LaurentRDC
hakyll-ogmarkup (deprecated)60.01Integrate ogmarkup document with Hakyll (deprecated, library, mit, web)2017-12-254.0lethom
hakyll-process50.01Hakyll compiler for arbitrary external processes. (bsd3, library, web)2021-09-
hakyll-sass160.01Hakyll SASS compiler over hsass (library, mit, web)2018-12-130.2.4meoblast001
hakyll-series20.01Adds series functionality to hakyll (library, mit, web)2016-11-
hakyll-shakespeare60.01Hakyll Hamlet compiler (library, mit, web)2016-09-
hakyll-shortcode20.01A shortcode extension module for Hakyll (gpl, library, web)2017-10-110.0.2nbloomf
hakyll-shortcut-links160.00Use shortcut-links in markdown file for Hakyll (hakyll, library, markdown, mpl, web)2021-12-
hakyll-typescript60.00Typescript and javascript hakyll compilers. (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-
hakyllbars60.00A Hakyll compiler for Handlebars-like templates (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-11-
hal620.01A runtime environment for Haskell applications running on AWS Lambda. (aws, bsd3, library, web)2023-12-191.1nikeoss
halvm-web30.01A simple, static HaLVM web server (bsd3, program, web)2016-10-
hamlet (deprecated in favor of shakespeare)1150.037Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-03-301.2.0FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
happs-hsp-template20.01Utilities for using HSP templates in HAppS applications. (bsd3, library, web)2008-05-200.2DavidHimmelstrup
happs-tutorial350.01A Happstack Tutorial that is its own web 2.0-type demo. (bsd3, program, web)2010-05-110.9.5CreightonHogg, ThomasHartman
happstack (deprecated in favor of happstack-server)760.04The haskell application server stack + code generation (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2014-06-267.0.2JeremyShaw, MatthewElder
happstack-auth40.01A Happstack Authentication Suite (bsd3, library, web)2010-10-
happstack-authenticate960.010Happstack Authentication Library (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-262.6.1JeremyShaw
happstack-clientsession330.01client-side session data (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2021-04-097.3.3JeremyShaw
happstack-contrib30.01Web related tools and services. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library, web)2009-03-040.2.1MatthewElder
happstack-data (deprecated in favor of safecopy)240.011Happstack data manipulation libraries (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2012-02-086.0.1JeremyShaw, MatthewElder
happstack-dlg40.01Cross-request user interactions for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)2010-02-030.1.2ChrisSmith
happstack-facebook (deprecated in favor of fb)100.01A package for building Facebook applications using Happstack (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)2011-02-060.30JeremyShaw
happstack-fastcgi90.03Happstack extension for use with FastCGI. (bsd3, library, web)2014-03-070.1.5ChrisEidhof, EelcoLempsink, tomberek
happstack-hamlet250.01Support for Hamlet HTML templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2014-04-017.0.4JeremyShaw
happstack-heist250.01Support for using Heist templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2014-10-147.2.4JeremyShaw
happstack-hsp560.011Support for using HSP templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2023-01-
happstack-hstringtemplate230.01Support for using HStringTemplate in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2014-06-267.0.4JeremyShaw
happstack-ixset (deprecated in favor of ixset)180.07Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2011-04-256.0.1JeremyShaw, MatthewElder
happstack-jmacro382.04Support for using JMacro with Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2024-01-
happstack-lite240.01Happstack minus the useless stuff (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2022-04-227.3.8JeremyShaw
happstack-monad-peel20.01monad-peel instances for Happstack types (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2013-02-220.1NilsSchweinsberg
happstack-plugins170.01The haskell application server stack + reload (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2012-11-297.0.2JeremyShaw
happstack-server2842.2554Web related tools and services. (bsd3, happstack, web)2024-08-, MatthewElder
happstack-server-tls490.03extend happstack-server with https:// support (TLS/SSL) (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2024-08-
happstack-server-tls-cryptonite50.01Extend happstack-server with native HTTPS support (TLS/SSL) (bsd3, happstack, library, web)2015-08-070.1.1blaze
happstack-state (deprecated in favor of acid-state)200.09Event-based distributed state. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2012-02-166.1.4JeremyShaw, MatthewElder
happstack-static-routing280.01Support for static URL routing with overlap detection for Happstack. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library, web)2024-09-, MikhailGlushenkov, arybczak, jonathanjouty_scrive, trin_cz
happstack-util (deprecated)150.09Web framework (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)2012-02-016.0.3JeremyShaw, MatthewElder
happstack-yui (deprecated)200.01Utilities for using YUI3 with Happstack. (bsd3, deprecated, happstack, library, web)2012-10-207373.5.3DagOdenhall
haroonga-httpd30.01Yet another Groonga http server. (lgpl, program, web)2015-04-
harvest-api (deprecated)30.01Bindings for Harvest API (deprecated, library, mit, web)2016-05-200.1.0jsl, stackbuilders, mrkkrp
hashids280.01Hashids generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers. (library, mit, web)2023-12-301.1.1.0arbelos
haskeline-repl70.01 (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
haskell-abci20.00Haskell Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) Server Library (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-08-
haskell-admin-core20.03Core Modules of Haskell Admin (library, mit, remote-management, web)2022-06-
haskell-bitmex-client70.00Complete BitMEX Client (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-10-
haskell-bitmex-rest20.01Auto-generated bitmex API Client (bsd3, library, web)2018-10-
haskell-fake-user-agent70.01Simple library for retrieving current user agent strings (library, public-domain, web)2016-06-150.0.2grzegorzgolda
haskell-google-trends90.01Simple library for accessing Google Trends (library, public-domain, web)2016-06-170.0.2grzegorzgolda
haskell-kubernetes40.01Haskell bindings to the Kubernetes API (via swagger-codegen) (library, mit, web)2016-12-110.5.0aaronlevin
haskell-proxy-list60.01Simple library for retrieving proxy servers info from (library, public-domain, web)2016-06-170.0.1grzegorzgolda
haskmon60.01A haskell wrapper for ( (game, library, mit, web)2016-03-
haskoon30.03Web Application Abstraction (library, web)2010-10-, StefanWehr
haskoon-httpspec20.01Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon (library, web)2010-10-
haskoon-salvia20.01Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon (library, web)2010-10-
haskyapi (deprecated)50.00HTTP server (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2018-02-
hasql-generic30.01Generic encoder and decoder deriving for Hasql (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
hasql-queue120.00A PostgreSQL backed queue (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-07-
hasql-simple20.01A somewhat opinionated "simpler" API to hasql (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
haste30.01A universal pastebin tool, written in Haskell. (bsd3, program, web)2009-10-120.1.1DavidSiegel
haste-app20.01Framework for type-safe, distributed web applications. (library, mit, web)2017-09-
haste-compiler750.07Haskell To ECMAScript compiler (bsd3, compiler, javascript, program, web)2017-09-
haste-gapi32.01Google API bindings for the Haste compiler (library, mit, web)2016-04-
haste-lib30.08Base libraries for haste-compiler. (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
haste-markup20.01A port of blaze-markup and blaze-html to Haste (library, mit, web)2014-06-
haste-perch110.02Create, navigate and modify the DOM tree with composable syntax, with the haste compiler (gpl, library, web)2015-04-
haste-prim20.02Low level primitives for the Haste compiler. (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
haveibeenpwned110.00Library for checking for weak/compromised passwords. (bsd3, library, program, web)2025-01-, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
hawitter40.01A twitter client for GTK+. Beta version. (bsd3, program, web)2010-03-250.4DaikiHanda
haxl-amazonka30.01Haxl data source for accessing AWS services through amazonka. (bsd3, library, web)2017-01-170.1.1TvH
haxy60.01A simple HTTP proxy server library (bsd3, library, web)2015-08-251.0.1AndreyChudnov
hbro530.02Minimal extensible web-browser (browser, library, program, web)2016-11-
hbro-contrib190.01Third-party extensions to hbro. (browser, library, program, web)2016-11-
hcheat (deprecated)80.05A collection of code cheatsheet (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2010-01-262010.1.16JinjingWang
hdigest20.01Server-side HTTP Digest (RFC2617) in the CGI monad (bsd3, library, web)2010-01-041.0JameySharp
heckle240.00Jekyll in Haskell (feat. LaTeX) (library, mit, program, web)2017-03-
hedgehog-checkers30.01 (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
hedgehog-checkers-lens20.01 (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-
hedis-namespace20.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-07-
heist982.024An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML. (bsd3, library, snap, web)2023-10-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
heist-aeson80.01Use JSON directly from Heist templates. (library, public-domain, web)2011-05-110.5DavidHimmelstrup
heist-async50.01Adding support for asynchronous updates ("AJAX") with heist (bsd3, library, web)2014-01-
heist-emanote30.02An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML. (bsd3, library, snap, web)2022-05-
heist-extra60.01Extra heist functionality (library, mit, web)2023-08-
helium-overture90.01A backwards-compatible, modern replacement for the Prelude. (library, public-domain, web)2016-08-261.0.0patrick_thomson
hermes (deprecated)00.00 (deprecated, library, web)2015-10-
hermes-json262.00Fast JSON decoding via simdjson C++ bindings (ffi, json, library, mit, text, web)2023-08-
heroku120.03helpers for deploying to Heroku (bsd3, library, web)2015-06-300.1.2.3GregWeber
herringbone160.03A library for compiling and serving static web assets. (library, mit, web)2014-07-270.1.1hdgarrood
herringbone-embed40.01Embed preprocessed web assets in your executable with Template Haskell. (library, mit, web)2014-07-270.1.1hdgarrood
herringbone-wai30.01Wai adapter for the Herringbone web asset preprocessor. (library, mit, web)2014-07-270.1.1hdgarrood
heterocephalus560.03A type-safe template engine for working with front end development tools (library, mit, web)2022-07-
hgis230.01Library and for GIS with Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
hharp50.01Binding to libharp (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-
highjson90.02Spec based JSON parsing/serialisation (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
highjson-swagger50.01Derive swagger instances from highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
highjson-th40.01Template Haskell helpers for highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
hipbot90.01A library for building HipChat Bots (bsd3, library, web)2015-06-090.5purefn
hipchat-hs40.01Hipchat API bindings in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-140.0.4oswynb
hissmetrics140.01Unofficial API bindings to KISSmetrics. (bsd3, library, web)2014-07-050.5.1FelipeLessa
hjsmin1050.014Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-01-110.2.1AlanZimmerman, ErikDeCastroLopo, TonyMorris
hkdf50.01Implementation of HKDF (RFC 5869) (bsd3, cryptography, library, web)2016-01-
hkt22.01A library for higher kinded types. (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-100.0.1eliaslfox
hlongurl40.01Library and utility interfacing to (bsd3, library, program, web)2009-01-250.9.3RobinGreen
hls-exactprint-utils (deprecated in favor of ghcide)20.01Common utilities to interaction between ghc-exactprint and HLS plugins. (apache, deprecated, library, web)2021-01-, HiromiIshii, PepeIborra, Ailrun, isovector, wz1000, luke_, jneira
horname70.00Rename function definitions returned by SMT solvers (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-07-
hourglass-orphans150.01Orphan Aeson instances to hourglass (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-
hpaste70.01Haskell paste web site. (program, web)2013-07-021.2.0ChrisDone, DonaldStewart
hpasteit110.01A command-line client for (bsd3, program, web)2013-03-110.3.3PatrickPalka
hplayground230.01monadic, reactive Formlets running in the Web browser (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-
hprox290.00a lightweight HTTP proxy server, and more (apache, library, program, proxy, web)2025-01-190.6.4BinJin
hquery110.02A query language for transforming HTML5 (library, mit, web)2014-06-
hreq-client30.01A Type dependent Highlevel HTTP client library. (library, mit, network, program, web)2019-11-
hreq-conduit30.00Conduit streaming support for Hreq. (conduit, library, mit, network, web)2019-11-
hreq-core40.02Core functionality for Hreq Http client library (library, mit, network, web)2019-11-
hs-brotli20.01Compression and decompression in the brotli format (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
hs-duktape170.01Haskell bindings for a very compact embedded ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine. (library, mit, web)2019-02-281.0.0valpackett
hs-nombre-generator30.01Name generator. (mit, program, web)2014-06-
hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-wai500.03WAI instrumentation middleware for OpenTelemetry (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, web)2024-11-, OliverCharles, PatrickBrisbin, kakkun61, velveteer, michaelpj
hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-yesod150.00Yesod middleware for providing OpenTelemetry instrumentation (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, web)2024-11-, OliverCharles, PatrickBrisbin, kakkun61, velveteer, michaelpj
hs-opentelemetry-propagator-b3480.01Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the b3 tracestate spec. (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, tracing, web)2024-11-, OliverCharles, PatrickBrisbin, kakkun61, velveteer, michaelpj
hs-opentelemetry-propagator-w3c550.03Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the w3c tracestate spec. (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, tracing, web)2024-11-, OliverCharles, PatrickBrisbin, kakkun61, velveteer, michaelpj
hs-rs-notify270.00Experimental! Wraps this awesome rust library so you can use it in haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-02-
hs-scrape20.01Simple and easy web scraping and automation in Haskell. (library, mit, web)2014-12-
hs-twitter110.02Haskell binding to the Twitter API (bsd3, library, web)2009-05-280.2.8SigbjornFinne
hsakamai40.00Akamai API(Edgegrid and Netstorage) (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-03-
hsaml260.01OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0 (apache, library, network, security, web)2022-02-030.1.2DylanSimon
hscim160.01hscim json schema and server implementation (agpl, library, program, web)2024-11-, MatthiasFischmann, battermann, supersven
hscuid60.00Collision-resistant IDs (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-04-
hsebaysdk110.01Haskell eBay SDK (bsd3, library, web)2020-04-, CodyReichert
hsforce30.00Salesforce API Client (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-
hsoz70.00Iron, Hawk, Oz: Web auth protocols (authentication, bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
hsp260.030Haskell Server Pages is a library for writing dynamic server-side web pages. (bsd3, language, library, web)2013-11-120.10.0GwernBranwen, JeremyShaw, NiklasBroberg
hsp-cgi30.01Facilitates running Haskell Server Pages web pages as CGI programs. (bsd3, library, network, web)2008-05-170.4.4NiklasBroberg
hspec-hashable100.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-, scottfleischmanplow
hspec-pg-transact70.01Helpers for creating database tests with hspec and pg-transact (bsd3, library, web)2021-09-, hecate
hspec-snap292.02A library for testing with Hspec and the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2022-01-, imalsogreg
hspec-stack-rerun70.01Simple project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
hspec-webdriver262.01Write end2end web application tests using webdriver and hspec (library, mit, web)2023-06-151.2.2JohnLenz, dfordivam
hspec-yesod40.00A variation of yesod-test that follows hspec idioms more closely (library, mit, testing, web, yesod)2024-06-060.1.0parsonsmatt
hsreadability30.01Access to the Readability API. (library, mit, network-apis, web)2015-04-
hsx-jmacro250.04hsp+jmacro support (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-
hsx-xhtml20.01XHTML utilities to use together with HSX. (bsd3, library, web)2008-05-170.4.4NiklasBroberg
html790.023HTML combinator library (bsd3, library, web)2008-10-
html-charset120.00Determine character encoding of HTML documents/fragments (lgpl, library, program, web)2022-12-120.1.1hongminhee
html-conduit1020.019Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes. (conduit, library, mit, text, web)2021-08-, MichaelSnoyman
html-kure50.01HTML rewrite engine, using KURE. (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-190.2.1AndyGill, ryanglscott
html-presentation-text40.00Simple tool to create html presentation for text. (mit, program, web)2022-01-
html-rules40.01Perform traversals of HTML structures using sets of rules. (bsd3, html, library, text, transformation, web)2014-05-
html-validator-cli110.00A command-line interface for (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-10-
htmx270.02Use htmx with various haskell libraries (html, library, mit, web)2024-09-
htmx-lucid240.01Use htmx with lucid (html, library, mit, web)2024-09-
htmx-servant120.00Use htmx with servant (html, library, mit, web)2024-09-
http-accept100.02Functions for working with HTTP Accept headers (library, web)2012-10-090.2StephenWeber
http-api-data4050.0144Converting to/from HTTP API data like URL pieces, headers and query parameters. (bsd3, library, web)2024-05-220.6.1MichaelSnoyman, NickolayKudasov, phadej
http-api-data-ip20.00Code for using the ip package with http-api-data (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-
http-api-data-qq90.00Quasiquoter for building URLs with ToHttpApiData types (bsd3, library, web)2021-12-
http-attoparsec90.03Attoparsec parsers for http-types. (bsd3, library, network, web)2014-01-110.1.1TeroLaitinen
http-client-streams80.01http-client for io-streams supporting openssl (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2015-04-
http-common412.03Common types for HTTP clients and servers (bsd3, library, web)2021-08-
http-conduit6562.25326HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support. (bsd3, conduit, library, web)2024-10-
http-conduit-browser430.01Browser interface to the http-conduit package (bsd3, conduit, library, web)2017-06-, MylesMaxfield
http-conduit-downloader1282.02HTTP downloader tailored for web-crawler needs. (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-141.1.5VladimirShabanov
http-date2040.016HTTP Date parser/formatter (bsd3, library, network, web)2021-02-240.0.11KazuYamamoto
http-encodings80.02A library for encoding and decoding bodies of HTTP messages (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-070.9.3AndreyChudnov
http-enumerator (deprecated in favor of http-conduit)680.023HTTP client package with enumerator interface and HTTPS support. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, web)2012-04-
http-grammar30.01Attoparsec-based parsers for the RFC-2616 HTTP grammar rules. (apache, library, web)2017-03-
http-io-streams250.02HTTP and WebSocket client based on io-streams (io-streams, library, web)2024-02-, HerbertValerioRiedel
http-kinder30.02Generic kinds and types for working with HTTP (bsd3, library, web)2016-02-
http-link-header450.08HTTP Link header parser/writer (apache, library, public-domain, web)2021-10-101.2.1SShuck, valpackett
http-listen (deprecated in favor of warp)40.00Listen to HTTP requests and handle them in arbitrary ways. (deprecated, library, network, public-domain, web)2015-08-
http-media2350.0159Processing HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers (library, mit, web)2023-09-
http-proxy260.01A library for writing HTTP and HTTPS proxies (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-04-
http-query300.05Simple http queries (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-170.1.3JensPetersen
http-reverse-proxy1132.08Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI (bsd3, web)2024-06-, psibi
http-rfc780770.00RFC7807 style response messages (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-12-
http-streams722.030An HTTP client using io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2023-10-
http-test240.01Test framework for HTTP APIs (bsd3, library, program, test, web)2016-03-030.2.5glutamate
http-trace122.00Tracking http redirects (library, mit, program, web)2016-06-
http-types3030.0895Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code). (bsd3, library, network, web)2023-11-300.12.4AristidBreitkreuz, nideco
http2-client332.2512A native HTTP2 client library. (bsd3, library, web)2024-05-, ProofOfKeags
http2-client-exe70.01A command-line http2 client. (bsd3, program, web)2019-04-, ProofOfKeags
httpd-shed490.02A simple web-server with an interact style API (bsd3, library, network, web)2024-03-, GaneshSittampalam
httpspec30.02Specification of HTTP request/response generators and parsers (data, library, web)2010-10-, StefanWehr
hup52.00Upload packages and/or documentation to a hackage server (bsd2, distribution, documentation, library, program, web)2022-01-
hurl-xml60.00Fetch parsed XML & possibly CSS for a URL based on MIMEtype. (gpl, library, web)2023-06-
hw-aws-sqs-conduit90.00AWS SQS conduit (bsd3, library, web)2021-02-
hweblib200.01Haskell Web Library (bsd3, library, web)2014-05-250.6.3AycanIrican
hworker-ses50.01Library for sending email with Amazon's SES and hworker (library, web)2017-09-, LibbyHoracek
hxweb20.01Minimal webframework using fastcgi, libxml2 and libxslt. (bsd3, library, web)2006-09-260.1DavidHimmelstrup
hyperbole310.00Interactive HTML apps using type-safe serverside Haskell (bsd3, library, network, program, web)2025-01-310.4.3seanhess
hyperdrive30.01a fast, trustworthy HTTP(s) server built (bsd3, library, program, web)2013-01-080.1JeremyShaw
hyperpublic50.01A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API (library, public-domain, web)2011-10-270.1.1MichaelCraig
hyperscript30.00A parser for the _hyperscript programming language (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-01-300.1.0.1rashad1030
hzaif90.00This package is Zaif Exchange Api wrapper (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-01-
hzulip322.02A haskell wrapper for the Zulip API. (gpl, library, web)2016-01-
ical (deprecated in favor of iCalendar)52.00iCalendar format parser and org-mode converter. (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2015-11-240.0.1ChrisDone
icepeak70.00A fast JSON document store with push notification support. (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-11-, rkrzr
iconv-typed40.01Type safe iconv wrapper (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-
ig162.01Bindings to Instagram's API. (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-300.8FelipeLessa, JeanPhilippeMoresmau, cdepillabout
imgurder40.01Uploader for Imgur (bsd3, library, program, web)2011-10-271.2DanColish
imm360.01Execute arbitrary actions for each item from RSS/Atom feeds (library, program, public-domain, web)2024-09-
indieweb-algorithms50.01A collection of implementations of IndieWeb algorithms. (library, public-domain, web)2022-10-180.1.1valpackett
informative230.01A yesod subsite serving a wiki. (agpl, library, program, web)2016-04-
inquire20.01Console client for encyclopedias (gpl, program, web)2014-01-080.1orbifx
insert-ordered-containers1940.033Associative containers retaining insertion order for traversals. (bsd3, library, web)2024-07-030.2.6phadej
inspector-wrecker30.00Create benchmarks from the HAR files (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-09-
instapaper-sender50.01Basic HTTP gateway to save articles to Instapaper (agpl, program, web)2017-02-
instrument-cloudwatch30.00Adds a worker for the instrument package that exports to Amazon CloudWatch (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-
io-streams-http120.01http-client for io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2015-05-
ip720.025Library for IP and MAC addresses (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-011.7.8andrewthad, chessai, l3c_amartin
ipfs-api40.01Auto-generated IPFS HTTP API (bsd3, library, network, web)2019-05-, jkarni
iptadmin120.01web-interface for iptables (application, bsd3, program, system, tools, web)2013-05-191.3.4EvgenyTarasov
isohunt70.01Bindings to the isoHunt torrent search API (bsd3, library, web)2012-04-030.1.3ReinerPope
ivy-web40.01A lightweight web framework (bsd3, library, web)2011-10-280.2JamesDeng
javascript-extras240.02Extra javascript functions when using GHCJS (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-07-
jcdecaux-vls20.01JCDecaux self-service bicycles API client (library, mit, web)2014-04-290.1.0Herzult
jespresso60.01Extract all JavaScript from an HTML page and consolidate it in one script. (bsd3, library, program, web)2015-06-221.0.2AndreyChudnov
jmacro-rpc62.03JSON-RPC clients and servers using JMacro, and evented client-server Reactive Programming. (bsd3, library, network, web)2018-05-110.3.3GershomBazerman, JeremyShaw
jmacro-rpc-happstack120.01Happstack backend for jmacro-rpc (bsd3, library, network, web)2015-05-180.3.2GershomBazerman, JeremyShaw
jmacro-rpc-snap40.01Snap backend for jmacro-rpc (bsd3, library, network, web)2014-07-050.3GershomBazerman, JeremyShaw
jml-web-service30.01Common utilities for running a web service (apache, library, web)2018-01-300.1.0jml
jmonkey30.01Jmonkey is very restricted but handy EDSL for JavaScript. (library, mit, web)2018-10-
jobs-ui40.00A library for creating a jobs management website running custom jobs. (apache, library, web)2019-12-
join-api20.01Bindings for Join push notifications (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
jonathanscard30.01An implementation of the Jonathan's Card API. (bsd3, library, web)2011-08-080.1.1MichaelSchade
jordan-servant20.03Servant Combinators for Jordan (library, mit, web)2022-07-
jordan-servant-client30.00Servant Client Instances for Jordan Servant Types (library, mit, web)2022-07-
jordan-servant-openapi30.00OpenAPI schemas for Jordan-Powered Servant APIs (library, mit, web)2022-07-
jordan-servant-server30.00Servers for Jordan-Based Servant Combinators (library, mit, web)2022-07-
jsaddle1190.036Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)2024-05-
jsaddle-clib140.01Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)2024-05-
jsaddle-dom600.05DOM library that uses jsaddle to support both GHCJS and GHC (library, mit, web)2024-05-
jsaddle-hello60.01JSaddle Hello World, an example package (library, mit, program, web)2021-06-
jsaddle-warp520.06Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)2024-05-
jsaddle-wasm370.01Run JSaddle JSM with the GHC Wasm backend (javascript, library, web)2025-03-
jsaddle-webkit2gtk420.01Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)2024-04-
jsaddle-webkitgtk160.01Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)2017-06-
jsaddle-wkwebview380.02Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, mit, web)2024-04-
jsc (deprecated in favor of jsaddle)30.01High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore (deprecated, javascript, library, mit, web)2014-03-
jsdom-extras30.00Convenience utilities for JSDOM (bsd3, library, web)2024-12-300.1.0.0abrar
json1271.7575Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON (bsd3, library, web)2023-07-170.11DonaldStewart, EricMertens, IavorDiatchki, SigbjornFinne
json-feed510.02JSON Feed (library, mit, web)2025-02-
json-spec-elm-servant570.00Generated elm code for servant APIs. (elm, json, library, mit, servant, web)2025-02-
json2yaml (deprecated in favor of yaml)190.01Utility to convert a file from JSON to YAML format. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)2014-04-
json5hs112.00Serialising to and from JSON5 (bsd3, json5, library, text, web)2020-09-
jsonextfilter20.01Filter select values in JSON objects to unix programs (mit, program, web)2017-03-
jsonl150.01JSON Lines (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-05-
jsonl-conduit162.00Conduit interface to JSONL-encoded data (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2023-05-010.1.4ocramz
jsonpath320.02Library to parse and execute JSONPath (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-07-
jsons-to-schema20.00JSON to JSON Schema (data, json, library, mit, program, web)2017-07-300.1.0.0garetht
juandelacosa70.01Manage users in MariaDB >= 10.1.1 (databases, mit, program, web)2021-03-170.1.2ip1981
junit-xml462.252Producing JUnit-style XML test reports. (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-, JasperWoudenberg
jwt871.7521JSON Web Token (JWT) decoding and encoding (library, mit, web)2021-12-100.11.0puffnfresh
kansas-comet420.04A JavaScript push mechanism based on the comet idiom (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-260.4.3AndyGill, ryanglscott
karps50.01Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets (apache, big-data, library, web)2017-04-
katip-raven90.00Katip scribe for raven ( (apache, library, web)2024-01-
katip-syslog52.01Syslog Katip Scribe (bsd3, library, web)2021-04-, ChrisDornan, MikolajKonarski
katip-wai220.00WAI middleware for logging request and response info through katip. (bsd3, library, logging, web)2024-09-
kawaii30.01Utilities for serving static sites and blogs with Wai/Warp (library, web)2016-08-
keenser80.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-07-
keera-hails-reactive-htmldom130.00Keera Hails Reactive bindings for HTML DOM via GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-050.8.0keera_studios_ci
keter902.251Web application deployment manager, focusing on Haskell web frameworks. It mitigates downtime. (library, mit, program, web, yesod)2024-10-262.1.8MichaelSnoyman, ChristopherReichert, Jappie, jgt
keycode330.05Maps web browser keycodes to their corresponding keyboard keys (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-220.2.3ryanglscott
kontrakcja-templates130.01Utilities for working with many HStringTemplate templates from files. (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-, arybczak
krapsh50.01Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets (apache, big-data, library, web)2017-01-
kubernetes-api1390.00Auto-generated kubernetes-api API Client (apache, library, web)2025-02-11132.0.0thomasjm
kubernetes-api-client220.00Client library for Kubernetes (apache, library, web)2025-02-
kubernetes-client150.00Client library for Kubernetes (apache, library, web)2020-12-, guoshimin
kubernetes-client-core290.01Auto-generated kubernetes-client-core API Client (apache, library, web)2020-11-, guoshimin
kubernetes-webhook-haskell230.00Create Kubernetes Admission Webhooks in Haskell (library, mit, web)2020-08-
kurita40.00Find the alpha emoji (bsd3, game, library, program, web)2019-05-060davean
lackey650.01Generate Ruby clients from Servant APIs. (library, mit, web)2025-02-
lambdaFeed70.01RSS 2.0 feed generator (program, web)2007-02-130.3.1DonaldStewart
lambdabot452.01Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot (development, program, web)2023-11-, DmitryMalikov, GwernBranwen, IsaacJones, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-core360.08Lambdabot core functionality (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-haskell-plugins320.01Lambdabot Haskell plugins (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-irc-plugins390.01IRC plugins for lambdabot. (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-misc-plugins290.01Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-novelty-plugins480.01Novelty plugins for Lambdabot (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-reference-plugins310.02Lambdabot reference plugins. (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-social-plugins360.01Social plugins for Lambdabot (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-telegram-plugins80.00Lambdabot for Telegram (development, gpl, library, program, web)2022-09-240.2.1swamp_agr
lambdabot-trusted350.02Lambdabot trusted code. (development, library, web)2023-11-, JamesCook, ncfavier
lambdabot-utils (deprecated in favor of lambdabot)80.01Utility libraries for the advanced IRC bot, Lambdabot (deprecated, development, library, web)2013-02-164.2.2GwernBranwen, JanStolarek
lambdabot-zulip20.00Lambdabot for Zulip Chat (library, mit, program, web)2018-11-200.1.0NiklasHambuechen
lambdacms-core110.02LambdaCms 'core' subsite for Yesod apps (library, mit, web)2015-07-, matsrietdijk
lambdacms-media80.01LambdaCms "media" extension (library, mit, web)2015-07-, matsrietdijk
lambdatwit20.01Lambdabot running as a twitter bot. Similar to the @fsibot f# bot. (mit, program, web)2014-10-
language-elm272.01Generate elm code (bsd3, library, web)2018-12-
large-hashable222.01Efficiently hash (large) Haskell values (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-, DavidLeuschner, StefanWehr
launchdarkly-server-sdk1350.01Server-side SDK for integrating with LaunchDarkly (apache, library, web)2024-12-244.4.1launchdarkly
launchdarkly-server-sdk-redis-hedis60.00LaunchDarkly Server-Side SDK - Redis Integration (apache, library, web)2023-02-221.0.0launchdarkly
ld-intervals20.01Data structures for representing arbitrary intervals (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-
leaf40.01A simple portfolio generator (gpl, program, web)2013-02-
leanpub-concepts102.01Types for the Leanpub API (library, mit, web)2022-03-, Monoid_Mary
leanpub-wreq132.00Use the Leanpub API via Wreq (library, mit, web)2022-03-, Monoid_Mary
legion-discovery-client (deprecated)240.01Client library for communicating with legion-discovery. (apache, deprecated, library, web)2017-08-
lens-prelude30.01Alternate prelude that exports lens combinators (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-270.2andrewthad
lens-xml40.01Lenses for the xml package. (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
less-arbitrary182.00Linear time testing with variant of Arbitrary class that always terminates. (bsd3, library, web)2023-03-
libjwt-typed30.00A Haskell implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) (library, mpl, web)2020-09-210.2rzeznik
libravatar170.01Use Libravatar, the decentralized avatar delivery service (library, network, public-domain, web)2017-12-
lightning-haskell50.01Haskell client for lightning-viz REST API (bsd3, library, visualization, web)2016-10-
lighttpd-conf40.02Lighttpd configuration file tools. (bsd3, library, web)2008-08-060.4MattMorrow
lighttpd-conf-qq70.01A QuasiQuoter for lighttpd configuration files. (bsd3, library, web)2008-08-060.5MattMorrow
linden21.250Zen gardening, based on l-systems (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-05-010davean
line-bot-sdk212.250Haskell SDK for LINE Messaging API (bsd3, library, network, web)2021-08-250.7.2moleike
link-relations60.01Use web link relation types (RFC 5988) in Haskell (data, library, public-domain, web)2016-01-
lio-simple90.01LIO support for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, program, web)2014-04-
listenbrainz-client50.01A client library to the ListenBrainz project (bsd3, library, web)2018-02-031.1.1OliverCharles
lmdb-high-level70.01Higher level API for working with LMDB (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-050.1andrewthad
lmonad-yesod50.01LMonad for Yesod integrates LMonad's IFC with Yesod web applications. (library, mit, security, web, yesod)2016-04-
logentries20.01Request logger middleware for Logentries (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
loli (deprecated in favor of miku)150.02A minimum web dev DSL in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2011-06-242011.6.24JinjingWang
lord140.01A command line interface to online radios. (library, music, program, public-domain, web)2015-01-222.20150122rnons
lti13180.01Core functionality for LTI 1.3 (lgpl, library, web)2022-11-
ltiv1p160.01Partial implementation of a service provider for LTI 1.1. (library, mit, network, web)2016-08-
lucid2732.582Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML (bsd3, library, web)2025-03-032.11.20250303ChrisDone
lucid-alpine90.00Use Alpine.js in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, program, web)2022-01-300.1.0.7rashad1030
lucid-aria30.00Provides ARIA attributes for Lucid templates (apache, library, web)2022-04-
lucid-cdn220.01Curated list of CDN imports for lucid. (library, mit, web)2020-10-
lucid-colonnade40.01Helper functions for using lucid with colonnade (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-061.0.2andrewthad, l3c_amartin
lucid-extras162.01Generate more HTML with Lucid - Bootstrap, Rdash, Vega-Lite, Leaflet JS, Email. (graphics, library, mit, web)2019-02-190.2.2glutamate, ocramz
lucid-htmx182.00Use htmx in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, web)2023-09-
lucid-hyperscript120.00Use _hyperscript with lucid (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-01-300.1.0.2rashad1030
lucid2750.05Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML (bsd3, library, web)2025-03-030.0.20250303ChrisDone
lucid2-htmx60.00Use htmx in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, web)2022-09-
lucienne (deprecated)30.01Server side feed aggregator/reader (deprecated, program, web)2012-06-090.0.2AlexanderBau
luis-client40.01An unofficial client for the LUIS NLP service. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, web)2016-04-010.0.2MicxjoFunkcio
lz4-frame-conduit130.00Conduit implementing the official LZ4 frame streaming format (library, mit, program, web)2024-12-
mackerel-client170.01An API client library for Mackerel (library, mit, web)2020-07-180.3.0itchyny
magicbane120.01A web framework that integrates Servant, RIO, EKG, fast-logger, wai-cli… (library, public-domain, web)2020-11-120.5.1valpackett
mahoro30.01ImageBoards to XMPP gate (program, web)2009-09-160.1.2OlegIvanov
maid220.01A simple static web server (bsd3, program, web)2014-10-142014.10.14JinjingWang
mailchimp80.01Bindings for the MailChimp API (library, mit, web)2017-06-070.3.0jpvillaisaza
mailgun112.02API binding for Mailgun (bsd3, email, library, web)2019-05-060.2andrewrademacher, davean
mameya90.00Static Website Generator in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)2018-09-160.2.1bururabit
mangopay380.02Bindings to the MangoPay API (bsd3, library, program, web)2015-12-311.12FelipeLessa, JeanPhilippeMoresmau, alanpog
mangrove80.00A parser for web documents according to the HTML5 specification. (library, mpl, web)2021-04-
mapquest-api90.01Bindings to the MapQuest API (bsd3, library, web)2018-02-170.3.1ocramz
marihana100.00Minimal tool to make your blog in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)2018-04-
markdown (deprecated in favor of cmark, cmark-gfm)520.012Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2021-09-
markdown-kate (deprecated in favor of markdown)30.01Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2013-05-
markup260.01Abstraction for HTML-embedded content (bsd3, data, library, web)2018-04-114.2.0athanclark
masakazu-bot50.01@minamiyama1994_bot on haskell (gpl, program, web)2014-08-
matcha20.00A micro web framework based on pattern matching (bsd3, http, library, program, web)2024-06-
mathblog70.01A program for creating and managing a static weblog with LaTeX math and diagrams (bsd3, program, web)2015-10-030.6JonathanDaugherty
mathgenealogy120.01Discover your (academic) ancestors! (gpl, program, web)2015-11-221.4.0PeterRobinson
mattermost-api630.02Client API for Mattermost chat system (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-0390000.0.0JonathanDaugherty, KevinQuick
mcaeson70.00An Aeson parsing toolkit (bsd3, json, library, program, web)2021-04-
mediawiki110.01Interfacing with the MediaWiki API (bsd3, library, program, web)2013-11-200.2.6SigbjornFinne
medium-sdk-haskell30.01Haskell SDK for communicating with the Medium API (gpl, library, web)2015-11-
mellon-web140.00A REST web service for Mellon controllers (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-
menshen (deprecated)50.04Data Validation (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2019-04-010.0.3leptonyu
metadata220.01metadata library for semantic web (bsd3, data, library, text, web)2016-03-
metro-socket50.01Socket transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)2021-04-
metro-transport-crypto70.00Crypto transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-
metro-transport-tls80.00TLS transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-
metro-transport-websockets90.00Websockets transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-
metro-transport-xor90.00XOR transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-
microaeson1230.01A tiny JSON library with light dependency footprint (gpl, json, library, text, web)2024-06-, HerbertValerioRiedel
microformats2-parser312.01A Microformats 2 parser. (library, public-domain, web)2022-10-
microformats2-types (deprecated in favor of microformats2-parser, aeson)130.02Microformats 2 types (with Aeson instances) (deprecated, library, public-domain, web)2015-07-300.4.1valpackett
micrologger90.00A super simple logging module. (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-
mig100.05Build lightweight and composable servers (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mig-client60.01Build http-clients from API definition for mig servers (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mig-extra80.01Extra utils for Mig core library (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mig-server50.00Build lightweight and composable servers (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mig-swagger-ui50.01Swagger servers for mig library (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mig-wai50.01Render mig-servers as wai-applications (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
mighttpd21010.01High performance web server on WAI/warp (bsd3, library, network, program, web)2024-11-074.0.8KazuYamamoto
miku210.02A minimum web dev DSL (bsd3, library, web)2016-03-162016.3.17JinjingWang
mime-mail-ses580.01Send mime-mail messages via Amazon SES (library, mit, program, web)2020-09-040.4.3MichaelSnoyman, psibi, kindaro
mime-types2850.059Basic mime-type handling types and functions (library, mit, web)2023-10-
minion60.05A Haskell introspectable web router (library, mit, program, web)2024-10-
minion-conduit30.00Minion conduit support (library, mit, program, web)2024-09-
minion-htmx20.00Minion HTMX support (library, mit, web)2024-09-
minion-jwt20.00Minion JWT support (library, mit, program, web)2024-09-
minion-openapi380.00Minion openapi3 support (library, mit, web)2024-10-
minion-wai-extra20.01Minion wrappers for wai-extra (library, mit, program, web)2024-09-
mirror-tweet30.01Tweet mirror (gpl, program, web)2014-08-
miso1612.255A tasty Haskell front-end web framework (bsd3, data-structures, library, miso, web)2025-02-
miso-action-logger40.00Miso state transition logger (bsd3, library, web)2019-06-
miso-examples510.00A tasty Haskell front-end web framework (bsd3, data-structures, miso, web)2025-02-
miso-from-html70.00Convert HTML to miso View syntax (bsd3, program, web)2020-05-
moe200.03html with style (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-032015.5.4JinjingWang
mohws150.01Modular Haskell Web Server (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-01-, HenningThielemann
mollie-api-haskell100.01Mollie API client for Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2019-10-, tolgapaksoy
monad-http20.01A class of monads which can do http requests (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-
monad-metrics292.03A convenient wrapper around EKG metrics (library, mit, web)2024-07-
monad-metrics-extensible112.00An extensible and type-safe wrapper around EKG metrics (bsd3, library, web)2021-02-
mondo (deprecated in favor of monzo)40.01Haskell bindings for the Mondo API (deprecated, library, mit, web)2016-04-
mongrel2-handler110.01Mongrel2 Handler Library (library, mit, web)2011-08-060.3.2BardurArantsson
monoid-owns (deprecated in favor of air)50.03a practical monoid implementation (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2010-05-292010.5.29JinjingWang
monzo30.01Haskell bindings for the Monzo API (library, mit, web)2016-08-
moonshine60.01A web service framework for Haskell, similar in purpose to dropwizard. (apache, library, web)2015-06-, potomak, glasserc, mhova
morpheus-graphql982.50Morpheus GraphQL (graphql, library, mit, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-app1060.03Morpheus GraphQL App (graphql, library, mit, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-cli40.00Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, program, web)2019-11-010.1.0nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-client1162.250Morpheus GraphQL Client (client, graphql, library, mit, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-code-gen1130.02Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, library, program, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-code-gen-utils1050.02Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, library, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-core1662.07Morpheus GraphQL Core (graphql, library, mit, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-server660.02Morpheus GraphQL (graphql, library, mit, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-subscriptions890.01Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions (graphql, library, mit, subscriptions, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
morpheus-graphql-tests710.00Morpheus GraphQL Test (graphql, library, mit, test, web)2024-06-100.28.1nalchevanidze
mosquitto-hs (deprecated)100.01Mosquitto client library bindings (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, web)2017-03-
moss150.00Haskell client for Moss (library, mit, web)2022-05-
ms-auth70.00Microsoft Authentication API (bsd3, library, web)2023-08-
ms-azure-api120.00Microsoft Azure API (bsd3, library, web)2023-08-
ms-graph-api150.00Microsoft Graph API (bsd3, library, web)2023-07-
muon110.01Static blog generator (bsd3, program, web)2014-08-
murmur30.00Simple CUI Twitter Client. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-04-
musicw150.00Sound synthesis library, to be used with GHCJS and Web Audio API (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-230.3.10dktr0
my-package-testing (deprecated)30.01spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-221.0.6
my-test-docs (deprecated)00.01spam (authentication, bsd3, deprecated, library, servant, web)2018-02-221.0.12
myanimelist-export120.00Export from MyAnimeList (gpl, library, program, web)2018-07-
mysnapsession110.01Sessions and continuations for Snap web apps (bsd3, library, web)2011-10-090.4.1ChrisSmith
mysnapsession-example60.01Example projects using mysnapsession (bsd3, program, web)2011-02-140.4ChrisSmith
mywatch70.01Web application to view and kill MySQL queries (databases, mit, program, web)2017-05-200.3.0ip1981
n2o180.03Abstract Protocol Loop (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)2018-11-010.11.15HT, xafizoff
n2o-nitro120.01Nitro Elements, Events and Actions (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)2018-11-010.11.2xafizoff
n2o-protocols40.01N2O Protocols Starter Pack (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)2018-11-010.11.2xafizoff
n2o-web30.01N2O adapter for WebSockets (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)2018-11-010.11.2xafizoff
nagios-config70.00EDSL to specify Nagios configuration files. (gpl, library, program, web)2019-05-
named-formlet80.01A simple formlet library with named formlets. (bsd3, library, web)2013-03-010.2ChrisDone
nationstates152.01NationStates API client (apache, library, network, web)2015-10-
nemesis-titan140.01A collection of Nemesis tasks to bootstrap a Haskell project with a focus on continuous integration (bsd3, library, web)2014-05-192014.5.19JinjingWang
neptune-backend50.01Neptune Client (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-01-010.3.0JiasenWu
nero60.03Lens-based HTTP toolkit (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-160.3.1jdnavarro
nero-wai20.02WAI adapter for Nero server applications (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-120.3jdnavarro
nero-warp20.01Run Nero server applications with Warp (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-120.3jdnavarro
nested-routes540.02Declarative, compositional Wai responses (bsd3, library, web)2023-09-2810.0.0athanclark
netease-fm30.00NetEase Cloud Music FM client in Haskell. (bsd3, library, music, program, web)2017-01-041.2.2foreverbell
network-pgi20.01Library for writing PGI applications (library, web)2012-08-170.0.1HarryTerkelsen
network-wai-router60.01A routing library for wai (library, mit, web)2014-08-
neuron80.00Future-proof system for plain-text notes. (agpl, library, program, web)2020-10-
newsletter20.01A basic newsletter implimentation, using various backends. (bsd3, email, library, program, web)2019-05-060davean
next-ref40.01A concurrency primitive for a slow consumer. (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-
nice-html90.01A fast and nice HTML templating library with distinct compilation/rendering phases. (library, mit, web)2018-01-150.4.1MikeLedger
nikepub50.01Command line utility publishes Nike+ runs on blogs and Twitter (program, web)2009-07-081.1.2UweHoffmann
nixpkgs-update30.01Tool for semi-automatic updating of nixpkgs repository (library, program, web)2021-08-250.3.0ryantm
noli100.00A static site generator (library, mit, web)2020-07-
nonlinear20.00Low-dimensional vectors (bsd3, library, web)2022-06-260.1.0jonascarpay
notmuch-web80.01A web interface to the notmuch email indexer (library, web)2013-12-170.2.0JohnLenz
now-haskell20.00Zeit Now haskell-side integration and introspection tools. (library, mit, program, web)2019-08-
nri-env-parser192.04Read environment variables as settings to build 12-factor apps. (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks
nri-http132.00Make Elm style HTTP requests (bsd3, library, web)2022-11-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks, adauguet
nri-kafka52.00Functions for working with Kafka (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks
nri-observability222.254Report log spans collected by nri-prelude. (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks
nri-postgresql72.00Make queries against Postgresql. (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks
nri-prelude262.07A Prelude inspired by the Elm programming language (bsd3, library, web)2022-02-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks, yataboom
nri-redis142.01An intuitive hedis wrapper library. (bsd3, library, web)2024-12-, JasperWoudenberg, NoRedInk, michaelglass, waj, julianobs, brianhicks
nullpipe20.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-
oasis-xrd20.01Extensible Resource Descriptor (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-071.0AlexanderBondarenko
oauth10a60.01Fully Automatic Luxury OAuth 1.0a headers (gpl, library, web)2016-11-
oauthenticated120.01Simple OAuth for http-client (library, mit, network, web)2022-03-300.3.0.0JosephAbrahamson, ibotty, dfithian
ocaml-export140.01Convert Haskell types in OCaml types (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-170.13.0mchaver
odd-jobs72.250A full-featured PostgreSQL-backed job queue (with an admin UI) (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-07-070.2.2saurabhnanda
ogmarkup (deprecated)101.52A lightweight markup language for story writers (deprecated, library, mit, web)2018-02-285.0lethom
ohloh-hs40.01Interface to the Ohloh API (bsd3, library, program, web)2012-11-290.0.2FrankThomas
oidc-client490.05OpenID Connect 1.0 library for RP (library, mit, web)2024-01-
okapi40.00A microframework based on monadic parsing (bsd3, library, web)2022-05-300.1.0.2rashad1030
ollama-haskell242.00Haskell bindings for ollama. (library, mit, ollama, web)2024-11-
olwrapper180.01An OpenLayers JavaScript Wrapper and Webframework with snaplet-fay (bsd3, library, map, openlayers, program, snaplet-fay, web, webframework)2015-02-020.4.1tomnobleman
om-elm182.01Haskell utilities for building embedded Elm programs. (library, mit, web)2024-08-
om-http400.01Http utilities. (library, mit, web)2025-02-
om-http-logging (deprecated in favor of om-http)30.00om-http-logging (deprecated, library, mit, web)2020-08-
on-a-horse50.01"Haskell on a Horse" - A combinatorial web framework (bsd3, library, web)2013-06-030.3JasonPriestley
one-liner-instances210.01Generics-based implementations for common typeclasses (bsd3, library, web)2021-11-
open-browser1792.259Open a web browser from Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-01-
openai-hs190.00Unofficial OpenAI client (bsd3, library, web)2023-07-
openai-servant180.01Unofficial OpenAI servant types (bsd3, library, web)2023-07-
openai-servant-gen40.01Auto-generated API bindings for openai (library, mit, web)2024-03-
openapi-petstore50.00Auto-generated openapi-petstore API Client (library, mit, web)2019-03-
openapi3860.025OpenAPI 3.0 data model (bsd3, library, openapi, program, swagger, web)2023-11-203.2.4maksbotan
opendatatable20.03A library for working with Open Data Tables (bsd2, library, web)2014-12-120.0.0FabianBergmark
opentok90.01An OpenTok SDK for Haskell (library, mit, web, webrtc)2018-09-070.0.5adrice727
openweathermap90.00Access data at OpenWeatherMap (library, public-domain, web)2023-01-050.3.0ip1981
operational-extra70.01Interpretation functions and simple instruction sets for operational (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-160.4andrewthad
opml60.02Representing and handling OPML subscription information. (bsd3, library, text, web)2008-07-180.4DonaldStewart
orc90.01Orchestration-style co-ordination EDSL (bsd3, library, program, web)2014-06-
orchid60.01Haskell Wiki Library (bsd3, library, network, web)2009-04-010.0.8SebastiaanVisser
orchid-demo50.01Haskell Wiki Demo (bsd3, network, program, web)2009-04-010.0.6SebastiaanVisser
org-mode-lucid180.00Lucid integration for org-mode. (bsd3, library, web)2023-04-191.7.0fosskers
ory-hydra-client190.00Auto-generated ory-hydra API Client (library, mit, network, oauth, web)2023-06-
ory-kratos220.00API bindings for Ory Kratos (apache, library, web)2022-06-
package-description-remote120.01Fetches a 'GenericPackageDescription' from Hackage (library, mit, web)2015-11-
paddle60.00API to the Paddle payment processor (library, mit, web)2020-12-
pagarme (deprecated)30.01Pagarme API wrapper (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2015-03-
pagure-hook-receiver (deprecated)30.01Receive hooks from pagure and do things with them (bsd2, deprecated, library, web)2015-06-
panda (deprecated in favor of bamboo)420.01A simple static blog engine (deprecated, library, web)2009-03-312009.4.1JinjingWang
pansite30.00Pansite: a simple web site management tool (library, mit, program, web)2018-04-
paranoia20.00http proxy server (library, mit, program, web)2016-05-
partial-uri110.01Datatype for passing around unresolved URIs. (library, web)2014-12-290.2StephenWeber
pasta (deprecated)60.01PostgreSQL Abstract Syntax Tree Assember (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2017-09-
pastis70.01Interface to the URL shortening service (bsd3, library, web)2011-09-260.1.2AlpMestanogullari
path-extra320.03URLs without host information (bsd3, filesystem, library, system, web)2023-10-020.3.1athanclark
path-pieces1140.044Components of paths. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2015-10-280.2.1MichaelSnoyman
patronscraper40.01A webpage scraper for Patreon which dumps a list of patrons to a text file. (mit, program, web)2015-02-
paypal-adaptive-hoops (deprecated)320.01Client for a limited part of PayPal's Adaptive Payments API (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2015-12-
pb-next (deprecated)40.00Utility CLI for working with protobuf files (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2017-03-
pcre-heavy542.517A regexp (regex) library on top of pcre-light you can actually use. (library, public-domain, web)2022-10-
pdf-slave170.01Tool to generate PDF from haskintex templates and YAML input (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-06-
pdf-slave-server60.00Web service for pdf-slave tool (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-07-
pdf-slave-template40.01Template format definition for pdf-slave tool (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
pencil90.00Static site generator (bsd3, library, web)2019-05-311.0.1elben
periodic20.00A reliable at-least-once periodic job scheduler backed by redis. (library, program, web)2016-07-
periodic-client30.00Periodic task system haskell client. (bsd3, library, system, web)2020-10-
periodic-client-exe20.00Periodic task system haskell client executables (bsd3, program, system, web)2020-08-
periodic-common30.02Periodic task system common. (bsd3, library, system, web)2020-08-
periodic-server30.00Periodic task system haskell server (bsd3, library, program, system, web)2020-08-
persistent-discover230.00Persistent module discover utilities (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-10-
persistent-ip20.00Code for using the ip package with yesod (bsd3, library, web)2024-07-090.6.0Jappie
persistent-typed-db222.00Type safe access to multiple database schemata. (bsd3, library, web)2022-08-
persona30.01Persona (BrowserID) library (agpl, library, web)2016-03-
persona-idp40.01Persona (BrowserID) Identity Provider (agpl, program, web)2015-03-
pg-recorder30.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-07-
pg-transact190.05A postgresql-simple transaction monad (bsd3, library, web)2021-06-, hecate
pi-calculus60.01Applied pi-calculus interpreter (gpl, program, web)2014-06-170.0.5renzyq19
piki100.01Yet another text-to-html converter (bsd3, program, web)2017-11-140.5.3KazuYamamoto
pipes-http180.09HTTP client with pipes interface (bsd3, library, pipes, web)2019-02-071.0.6GabrielGonzalez
pipes-wai150.03A port of wai-conduit for the pipes ecosystem (library, mit, pipes, web)2016-01-083.2.0IanDuncan
pipes-websockets130.01WebSockets in the Pipes framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-01-, NoonSilk
pivotal-tracker40.00A library and a CLI tool for accessing Pivotal Tracker API (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-05-
pixela100.01Pixela client. (bsd3, library, web)2019-01-
pixiv140.00Pixiv API binding based on servant-client (bsd3, library, web)2022-07-250.1.1berberman, Poscat api integration library (bsd3, data, library, network, plaid, program, web)2020-03-
plat30.01Simple templating library (bsd3, library, template, text, web)2012-10-300.1.0.1MiguelMitrofanov
plocketed30.01plot data from stdin through socketed (mit, program, web)2017-04-
plzwrk132.00A front-end framework (bsd3, library, web)2020-05-
pocket40.01Bindings for the Pocket API (library, mit, web)2020-05-300.3.0jpvillaisaza
poke (deprecated in favor of discord-register)20.00Discord verification bot (deprecated, library, mpl, program, web)2020-11-
polydata-core30.01Core data definitions for the "polydata" package (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
polysemy-account50.01Account management with Servant and Polysemy (library, web)2023-03-
polysemy-account-api50.00Account management with Servant and Polysemy (library, web)2023-03-
polysemy-req70.00Polysemy effect for req (bsd3, library, network, web)2021-06-270.1.0MorrowM
polysemy-webserver180.00Start web servers from within a Polysemy effect stack (bsd3, library, web)2023-06-
pomohoro20.00Initial project template from stack (library, program, web)2016-10-
porcupine-http30.00A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks (arrows, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program, web)2019-10-
postgres-websockets330.00Middleware to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets (bsd3, database, library, postgresql, program, web, websockets)2023-11-
postgresql-connector120.01Initial project postgresql-connector from stack (bsd3, library, web)2018-10-120.2.7markfine
postgresql-named20.01Generic deserialization of PostgreSQL rows based on column names (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-150.1.0cocreature
postgresql-simple-queue200.01A PostgreSQL backed queue (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-211.0.1JonathanFischoff
postgrest-ws (deprecated in favor of postgres-websockets)170.00PostgREST extension to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2017-11-
powerqueue80.03A flexible job queue with exchangeable backends (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
powerqueue-distributed100.01A distributed worker backend for powerqueu (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
powerqueue-levelmem50.01A high performance in memory and LevelDB backend for powerqueue (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
powerqueue-sqs30.01A Amazon SQS backend for powerqueue (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
praglude90.01A pragmatic Prelude (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
press40.02Text template library targeted at the web / HTML generation (library, text, web)2009-08-080.1.2BrandonBickford
prettyprinter-lucid180.00A prettyprinter backend for lucid (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-
prim-array90.03Primitive byte array with type variable (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-200.2.2andrewthad
prim-ref20.01Primitive byte array with type variable (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-050.1andrewthad
primula-board30.01ImageBoard on Happstack and HSP (program, web)2009-09-150.0.1OlegIvanov
primula-bot30.01Jabber-bot for primula-board ImageBoard (program, web)2009-09-160.0.2OlegIvanov
pringletons40.01Classes and data structures complementing the singletons library (bsd3, library, web)2016-10-300.4andrewthad
prodapi-userauth20.00a base lib for performing user-authentication in prodapi services (bsd3, library, web)2024-04-
prometheus1562.255Prometheus Haskell Client (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, system, web)2024-08-072.3.0wraithm, LukeHoersten, cdepillabout
prometheus-wai-middleware100.00Instrument a wai application with various metrics (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-07-301.0.1.0wraithm, IanShipman
proto-lens-jsonpb162.01JSON protobuf encoding for proto-lens (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-050.2.2patrick_thomson, tclem, robrix, rewinfrey
proton-haskell110.01Simple XML templating library (apache, library, web)2015-06-080.7jrbriggs
prove-everywhere-server50.01The server for ProveEverywhere (bsd3, program, web)2014-09-130.1.1ShoheiYasutake
psql-helpers140.01A small collection of helper functions to generate postgresql queries (library, mit, web)2016-03-
pubsub30.01A library for Google/SixApart pubsub hub interaction (bsd3, library, program, web)2009-08-090.11SigbjornFinne
punycode220.04Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492 (bsd3, library, text, web)2013-01-052.0JonKristensen, MylesMaxfield
purescheme-wai-routing-core190.00Simple Routing functions for Wai Applications (apache, library, program, web)2020-11-
purescript-bridge1171.251Generate PureScript data types from Haskell data types (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-, peterbecich
purescript-iso190.01Isomorphic trivial data type definitions over JSON (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-290.0.6athanclark
pursuit-client (deprecated)80.00A cli client for pursuit (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2016-04-300.1.0gilmi
purview60.00A simple, fun way to build websites (bsd3, library, web)2023-09-
pushbullet-types110.01Datatypes used by the Pushbullet APIs (library, mit, web)2018-03-
pusher-haskell30.01A client written in Haskell (library, mit, web)2015-07-
pushover70.01A Haskell Pushover API library (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-
quack60.01Convenience parser combinators for URI query strings (bsd3, library, web)2016-08-300.0.0.3athanclark API library (api, bsd3, data, library, web)2015-05-
quantification320.08Rage against the quantification (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-060.8andrewthad, chessai
quantification-aeson50.00Rage against the quantification - integration with Aeson (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-060.8andrewthad
querystring-pickle120.01Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from query strings (data, library, network, web)2014-06-230.2.0BrendanHay
quic650.03QUIC (bsd3, library, web)2024-12-030.2.7KazuYamamoto
quickbooks20.01QuickBooks API binding. (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-, scottmurphy09, stackbuilders, mrkkrp
quickson (deprecated in favor of aeson-quick)80.01Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2017-01-090.3ssadler
quickwebapp50.01A quick webapp generator for any file processing tool (gpl, library, web)2015-09-
radixtree90.01 (bsd3, library, web)2022-05-
rails-session72.01Decrypt Ruby on Rails sessions in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-, ChrisDornan, filib, etherz10
rakuten150.01The Rakuten API in Haskell (library, mit, web)2018-08-
rallod20.02'$' in reverse. (bsd3, library, web)2010-07-010.0.1MattParker
raml30.01RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) library for Haskell (library, mit, web)2015-06-050.1.0fnoble
rascal50.01A command-line client for Reddit (library, mit, program, web)2014-01-131.1.6soli
ratelimiter70.00In-memory rate limiter (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-210.1.0AlexanderThiemann
raven-haskell-scotty70.01Sentry http interface for Scotty web server. (library, mit, web)2024-08-
rdioh80.01A Haskell wrapper for Rdio's API. (api, library, mit, network, program, web)2013-06-070.2.1AdityaBhargava
react20.00Create React components in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2023-08-
react-flux222.51A binding to React based on the Flux application architecture for GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)2016-09-051.2.3JohnLenz
react-flux-servant60.01Allow react-flux stores to send requests to a servant server (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-230.1.1JohnLenz
react-haskell60.01Haskell React bindings (library, mit, web)2015-07-312.0.1joelb
react-tutorial-haskell-server50.01react-tutorial web server (agpl, program, web)2016-04-041.0.0alexander
readcsv120.01Lightweight CSV parser/emitter based on ReadP (library, mit, web)2017-03-140.1.1gtsteel
real-day-end40.01Tiny library to calculate date considering when your day realy ends (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-260.0.1AlekseyUymanov
reason-export80.01Generate Reason types from Haskell (library, mit, web)2019-06-
redHandlers20.02Monadic HTTP request handlers combinators to build a standalone web apps. (library, web)2009-05-150.1SergioUrinovsky
redis-glob230.01Specify valid redis globs (bsd3, library, redis, web)2025-01-
reflex-backend-wai20.00Reflex interface to `wai` (bsd3, frp, library, program, web)2019-04-
reflex-dom342.59Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-ace80.00Basic support for using the Ace editor with Reflex. (bsd3, library, web)2021-05-
reflex-dom-colonnade (deprecated)140.01Use colonnade with reflex-dom (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2016-10-170.4.6andrewthad, l3c_amartin
reflex-dom-core522.011Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-fragment-shader-canvas190.00A reflex-dom widget to draw on a canvas with a fragment shader program (library, mit, program, web)2018-10-120.2JoachimBreitner
reflex-dom-helpers (deprecated)50.02Html tag helpers for reflex-dom (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2019-08-
reflex-dom-ionic50.00Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-04-
reflex-dom-retractable152.00Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2020-11-
reflex-dom-svg30.00Reflex functions for SVG elements. (bsd3, frp, graphics, library, web)2019-05-
reflex-dom-th90.00reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-10-010.3.4ChristophBauer
reflex-external-ref80.02External reference with reactivity support (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-jsx32.01Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, jsx, language, library, web)2016-05-
reflex-localize130.01Localization library for reflex (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-localize-dom80.00Helper widgets for reflex-localize (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-monad-auth60.00Utilities to split reflex app to authorized and not authorized contexts (library, mit, web)2020-11-
reform252.018reform is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-
reform-blaze300.05Add support for using blaze-html with Reform (bsd3, library, web)2022-04-
reform-hamlet170.01Add support for using Hamlet with Reform (bsd3, library, web)2017-02-
reform-happstack220.013Happstack support for reform. (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-
reform-hsp250.09Add support for using HSP with Reform (bsd3, library, web)2019-12-
reform-lucid90.00Add support for using lucid with Reform (bsd3, library, web)2019-07-
refresht40.01Environment Monad with automatic resource refreshment (bsd3, library, web)2017-01-
refty70.01Formatted JSON generator for API server inspired by normalizr. (library, mit, web)2017-01-
regular-web30.01Generic programming for the web (bsd3, generics, library, web)2010-03-200.1.1ChrisEidhof
reload40.00A web based Haskell IDE (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-08-
remark20.00A DSL for marking student work (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-01-
remarks200.00A DSL for marking student work (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-02-170.1.13oleks
replicant20.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-07-
repo-based-blog50.01Blogging module using blaze html for markup (bsd3, library, program, web)2014-11-140.0.1saep
reproject30.01Define and combine "materialized" projections (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
req1762.549HTTP client library (bsd3, library, network, web)2024-09-293.13.4HerbertValerioRiedel, mrkkrp
req-conduit310.04Conduit helpers for the req HTTP client library (bsd3, conduit, library, network, web)2023-12-301.0.2mrkkrp
req-url-extra30.01Provides URI/URL helper functions for use with Req (library, mit, network, program, web)2019-02-
reqcatcher110.01A local http server to catch the HTTP redirect (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-
request172.250 (bsd3, library, web)2023-12-
reroute560.06abstract implementation of typed and untyped web routing (library, mit, web)2022-07-, BrandonSimmons
reserve50.01Reserve reloads web applications (mit, program, web)2021-07-120.1.2SimonHengel
respond50.01process and route HTTP requests and generate responses on top of WAI (bsd3, library, program, web)2014-12-201.1.0raptros
rest-client252.01Utility library for use in generated API client libraries. (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-, ErikHesselink
rest-core422.56Rest API library. (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-, ErikHesselink
rest-example140.01Example project for rest (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-, ErikHesselink
rest-gen660.02Documentation and client generation from rest definition. (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-, ErikHesselink
rest-happstack210.01Rest driver for Happstack. (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-, ErikHesselink
rest-snap220.01Rest driver for Snap. (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-310.3.0.0AdamBergmark, ErikHesselink
rest-types232.08Silk Rest Framework Types (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-301.14.1.2AdamBergmark, ErikHesselink
rest-wai130.01Rest driver for WAI applications. (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-, ErikHesselink, SebastiaanVisser
restful-snap60.02 (bsd3, library, snap, web)2022-04-260.4.2DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
rfc-http-client20.01The HTTP client extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons. (library, mit, web)2018-07-
rfc1413-server70.01rfc1413 server (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
rfc1413-types80.01An rfc1413 parser and response renderer (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
rfc333990.02Parse and display time according to RFC3339 (deprecated) (bsd3, library, time, web)2015-04-111.0.5HugoGomes
rib112.01Static site generator based on Shake (bsd3, library, web)2020-10-
rib-core90.01Static site generator based on Shake (bsd3, library, web)2020-10-
ridley170.01Quick metrics to grow your app strong. (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-, ChrisDornan, MikolajKonarski
ridley-extras (deprecated in favor of ridley)110.01Handy metrics that don't belong to ridley. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2024-05-, ChrisDornan, MikolajKonarski
riscv-isa50.01Haskell representation of the RISC-V instruction set architecture (bsd3, library, web)2016-12-
rison80.01Parses and renders RISON strings. (bsd3, library, web)2016-06-
rivet-adaptor-postgresql70.01Rivet migration library postgresql backend (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
roboservant102.00Automatic session-aware servant testing (bsd3, library, web)2022-12-, sgschlesinger
robots-txt210.01Parser for robots.txt (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-310.4.1.8MarkWotton
roc-cluster-demo20.01Gloss interactive demo for roc-cluster package (bsd3, program, web)2017-05-
rollbar-hs80.02Core Rollbar data types and APIs. (bsd3, library, web)2018-08-
rowdy60.01An EDSL for web application routes. (bsd3, library, web)2018-04-
rowdy-yesod80.01An EDSL for web application routes. (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-
rpc-framework112.01a remote procedure call framework (bsd3, library, network, program, web)2012-09-
saferoute70.01A simple type-safe routing library. (bsd3, library, web)2014-07-
sajson30.00Fast JSON parsing powered by Chad Austin's sajson library (json, library, mit, program, text, web)2021-09-
salvia70.07Modular web application framework. (bsd3, library, network, web)2010-03-211.0.0SebastiaanVisser
salvia-demo30.01Demo Salvia servers. (bsd3, library, network, program, web)2010-03-211.0.0SebastiaanVisser
salvia-extras50.03Collection of non-fundamental handlers for the Salvia web server. (bsd3, library, network, web)2010-03-211.0.0SebastiaanVisser
salvia-protocol30.07Salvia webserver protocol suite supporting URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME. (bsd3, library, network, protocol, web)2010-03-211.0.1SebastiaanVisser
salvia-sessions20.02Session support for the Salvia webserver. (bsd3, library, network, web)2010-03-211.0.0SebastiaanVisser
salvia-websocket30.02Websocket implementation for the Salvia Webserver. (bsd3, library, network, web)2010-03-211.0.0SebastiaanVisser
scalp-webhooks40.00Test webhooks locally (apache, library, program, web)2015-09-
scalpel592.54A high level web scraping library for Haskell. (apache, library, web)2023-12-
scalpel-core440.04A high level web scraping library for Haskell. (apache, library, web)2023-12-
scalpel-search40.00scalpel scrapers for search engines (gpl, library, web)2023-03-
scottish40.01scotty with batteries included (bsd3, library, web)2014-03-
scotty2132.563Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-090.22AndrewFarmer, FumiakiKinoshita, ryanglscott, ocramz, chessai, danielbrice
scotty-binding-play60.01The Play Framework style data binding in Scotty. (bsd3, library, web)2014-10-261.3YusukeNomura
scotty-blaze (deprecated)40.01blaze-html integration for Scotty (deprecated, library, mit, web)2013-09-040.1.3WilliamCasarin
scotty-cookie (deprecated)100.01Cookie management helper functions for Scotty framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-09-
scotty-fay60.01Fay integration for Scotty. (development, fay, library, mit, web)2013-12-120.1.1hdgarrood
scotty-form50.00Html form validation using `ditto` (library, mit, web)2022-08-
scotty-format80.01Response format helper for the Scotty web framework. (apache, library, program, web)2016-12-
scotty-hastache40.01Easy Mustache templating support for Scotty (bsd3, library, web)2014-04-030.2.1DaniilFrumin
scotty-haxl70.00Combine scotty and haxl (bsd3, concurrency, library, scotty, web)2020-09-
scotty-params-parser60.01HTTP-request's query parameters parser abstraction for "scotty" (library, mit, parser, web)2016-06-
scotty-path-normalizer82.01Redirect to a normalized path (library, mit, web)2018-10-
scotty-resource (deprecated)82.02[Deprecated] A Better way of modeling web resources. (apache, deprecated, library, web)2018-04-
scotty-rest50.01Webmachine-style REST library for scotty (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-
scotty-session (deprecated in favor of Spock)70.01Adding session functionality to scotty (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2015-04-240.0.5AlexanderThiemann
scotty-tls60.02TLS for Scotty (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-280.4.1DavidJohnson
scotty-utils50.00Scotty utils library (bsd3, library, scotty, utils, web)2022-04-
scotty-view30.00 (library, mit, program, web)2016-04-141.0.0Philemon
scrapbook40.00collect posts of site that is wrote in config yaml using feed or scraping (library, mit, program, web)2020-12-050.5.0matsubara0507
scrapbook-core30.01Core Package for scrapbook (library, mit, web)2020-12-050.5.0matsubara0507
sdl2-sprite60.00Sprite previewer/animator (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-05-120.0.1ChrisDone
seacat60.01Small web framework using Warp and WAI (library, web)2014-07-311.0.0.3barrucadu
selenium50.01Test web applications through a browser. (bsd3, library, web)2012-04-240.2.5AaronTomb, DonaldStewart
sendgrid-haskell20.01Sengrid API (library, mit, web)2015-04-211.0owainlewis
serpentine (deprecated in favor of trasa)40.00Simple project template from stack (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)2016-05-170.2andrewthad
serv30.01Dependently typed API framework (bsd3, library, web)2016-02-
serv-wai30.01Dependently typed API servers with Serv (bsd3, library, web)2016-02-
servant3783.0314A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.20.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx, janus
servant-activeresource60.00Servant endpoints compatible with Rails's ActiveResources (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-07-, Bellroy
servant-aeson-generics-typescript80.00Generates a TypeScript client for Servant APIs (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-01-
servant-aeson-specs190.02generic tests for aeson serialization in servant (library, mit, web)2018-05-, scottmurphy09, mchaver, scottfleischmanplow
servant-auth650.018Authentication combinators for servant (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.4.2.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, mchaver, domenkozar, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-auth-client590.06servant-client/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.4.2.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, mchaver, domenkozar, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-auth-cookie622.01Authentication via encrypted cookies (bsd3, library, web)2018-01-
servant-auth-docs230.01servant-docs/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.2.11.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, mchaver, domenkozar, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-auth-hmac30.00Authentication via HMAC (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-08-
servant-auth-server640.05servant-server/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.4.9.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, mchaver, domenkozar, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-auth-swagger220.05servant-swagger/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.2.11.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, mchaver, domenkozar, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-auth-token540.05Servant based API and server for token based authorisation (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
servant-auth-token-acid120.01Acid-state backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
servant-auth-token-api420.06Servant based API for token based authorisation (bsd3, library, web)2019-11-
servant-auth-token-leveldb360.01Leveldb backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
servant-auth-token-persistent360.01Persistent backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-
servant-auth-token-rocksdb280.01RocksDB backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)2018-02-
servant-auth-wordpress80.00Authenticate Routes Using Wordpress Cookies (bsd3, library, servant, web)2021-05-301.0.0.2lysergia
servant-avro20.00Avro content type for Servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2019-02-
servant-benchmark140.00Generate benchmark files from a Servant API (bsd3, library, web)2021-10-113kyro
servant-blaze1052.016Blaze-html support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-11-040.9.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-cassava270.01Servant CSV content-type for cassava (bsd3, csv, library, servant, web)2022-08-170.10.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-checked-exceptions622.01Checked exceptions for Servant APIs. (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-, cdepillabout
servant-checked-exceptions-core332.01Checked exceptions for Servant APIs. (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-, cdepillabout
servant-cli150.00Command line interface for Servant API clients (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-01-
servant-client2542.25129Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.20.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx, janus
servant-client-core1900.058Core functionality and class for client function generation for servant APIs (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.20.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-client-js30.01A servant client for frontend JavaScript (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-09-300.1.0.0morganthomas
servant-client-namedargs110.00Automatically derive API client functions with named and optional parameters (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-
servant-combinators30.00Extra servant combinators for full WAI functionality. (library, mit, web)2023-04-210.0.2TheWizardTower
servant-conduit460.03Servant Stream support for conduit. (bsd3, enumerator, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.16.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-csharp140.01Generate servant client library for C# (bsd3, library, web)2016-04-
servant-dhall50.01Servant Dhall content-type (bsd3, dhall, library, servant, web)2020-01-240.3AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-docs1432.024generate API docs for your servant webservice (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)2024-08-300.13.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-ede60.00Combinators for rendering EDE templates in servant web applications (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-09-160.6AlpMestanogullari
servant-ekg120.00Helpers for using ekg with servant (bsd3, library, servant, system, web)2020-01-240.3.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-elm311.51Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, web)2023-02-120.7.3k_bx, mattjbray, domenkozar, iko
servant-event-stream90.00Servant support for Server-Sent events (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-09-
servant-examples152.01Example programs for servant (bsd3, program, web)2016-03-, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, jkarni
servant-exceptions190.01Extensible exceptions for servant APIs (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-250.2.1ch1bo
servant-exceptions-server200.00Extensible exceptions for servant API servers (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-250.2.1ch1bo
servant-fiat-content (deprecated)80.00Fiat content types (deprecated, library, mit, servant, web)2022-01-081.0.1
servant-flatten150.02Utilities for flattening servant API types (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-190.2AlpMestanogullari
servant-foreign1112.014Helpers for generating clients for servant APIs in any programming language (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.16.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-generate40.01Utilities for generating mock server implementations (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-220.1AlpMestanogullari
servant-generic (deprecated in favor of servant)70.03Specify Servant APIs with records. (deprecated, library, mit, web)2018-07-
servant-github82.00Bindings to GitHub API using servant. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-11-
servant-github-webhook240.01Servant combinators to facilitate writing GitHub webhooks. (library, mit, web)2019-08-
servant-hateoas160.00HATEOAS extension for servant (bsd3, hateoas, library, rest, servant, web)2024-12-300.3.4bruderj15
servant-haxl-client40.01automatical derivation of querying functions for servant webservices (bsd3, library, web)2016-03-
servant-hmac-auth140.00Servant authentication with HMAC (cryptography, library, mit, web)2024-11-080.1.8vrom911, HolmuskTechTeam
servant-htmx50.00A library for using servant with htmx (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-04-300.1.0.2rashad1030
servant-http-streams230.00Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.20.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-http2-client40.01Generate HTTP2 clients from Servant API descriptions. (bsd3, library, web)2018-10-
servant-iCalendar112.01Servant support for iCalendar (bsd3, library, web)2017-08-
servant-jquery (deprecated in favor of servant-js)202.01Automatically derive (jquery) javascript functions to query servant webservices (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2016-03-, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, jkarni
servant-js390.03Automatically derive javascript functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-07-, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-jsonrpc140.04JSON-RPC messages and endpoints (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-281.2.0IanShipman
servant-jsonrpc-client100.03Generate JSON-RPC servant clients (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-281.2.0IanShipman
servant-jsonrpc-server220.00JSON-RPC servant servers (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-282.2.0IanShipman
servant-kotlin170.01Automatically derive Kotlin class to query servant webservices (library, mit, web)2019-09-
servant-lint20.00Lint Servant Routes (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-
servant-lucid822.07Servant support for lucid (bsd3, library, servant, web)2023-01-, DavidJohnson, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-machines250.01Servant Stream support for machines (bsd3, enumerator, library, servant, web)2024-08-300.16.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-match60.01Standalone implementation of servant’s dispatching mechanism (bsd3, library, web)2017-12-040.1.1cocreature
servant-matrix-param90.01Matrix parameter combinator for servant (library, mit, web)2016-11-030.3.3SoenkeHahn, jkarni
servant-mock402.01Derive a mock server for free from your servant API types (bsd3, library, servant, testing, web)2020-07-310.8.7AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-multipart512.011multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2021-06-050.12.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx
servant-multipart-api510.09multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)2021-06-050.12.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx
servant-multipart-client450.05multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)2023-09-290.12.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx
servant-named50.01Add named endpoints to servant (bsd3, library, web)2017-02-
servant-namedargs90.02Combinators for servant providing named parameters (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-
servant-nix20.01Servant Nix content-type (bsd3, library, nix, servant, web)2018-06-130.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-oauth230.01A library for OAuth2 authentication in servant. (library, web)2022-07-
servant-oauth2-examples40.00Example applications using this library in three ways. (library, program, web)2022-07-
servant-openapi3650.07Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 3.0 specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2022-12-
servant-options80.02Provide responses to OPTIONS requests for Servant applications. (library, mit, web)2017-04-
servant-pagination290.01Type-safe pagination for Servant APIs (lgpl, library, web)2023-12-132.5.1JeroenBransen, KtorZ, swamp_agr
servant-pandoc132.01Use Pandoc to render servant API documentation (library, mit, servant, web)2018-01-, MatthiasFischmann, mpickering, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-pipes250.02Servant Stream support for pipes (bsd3, library, pipes, servant, web)2024-08-300.16.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-polysemy80.00Utilities for using servant in a polysemy stack (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)2022-11-040.1.4AlexChapman
servant-pool (deprecated)30.02Utility functions for creating servant 'Context's with "context/connection pooling" support (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-07-250.1AlpMestanogullari
servant-postgresql (deprecated in favor of servant)40.01Useful functions and instances for using servant with a PostgreSQL context (bsd3, database, deprecated, library, web)2014-07-250.1AlpMestanogullari
servant-prometheus112.00Helpers for using prometheus with servant (bsd3, library, servant, system, web)2023-12-151.2.0worm2fed
servant-proto-lens110.01Servant Content-Type for proto-lens protobuf modules. (bsd3, library, web)2018-09-300.1.0.3plredmond
servant-purescript530.01Generate PureScript accessor functions for you servant API (bsd3, library, web)2020-03-
servant-pushbullet-client190.00Bindings to the Pushbullet API using servant-client (library, mit, web)2018-02-
servant-py80.01Automatically derive python functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, web)2019-01-
servant-queryparam-client100.00Client support for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2023-05-262.0.0deemp
servant-queryparam-core130.03Use records for query parameters in servant APIs. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2023-05-262.0.1deemp
servant-queryparam-openapi3140.00Instances of classes from openapi3 for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2023-05-262.0.0deemp
servant-queryparam-server170.00Server support for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2023-05-262.0.0deemp
servant-quickcheck522.01QuickCheck entire APIs (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-300.1.1.0AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, psibi, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, parsonsmatt, erewok, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx, janus
servant-rawm210.05Embed a raw 'Application' in a Servant API (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-06-, Krasjet
servant-rawm-client160.00The client implementation of servant-rawm. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2021-03-, Krasjet
servant-rawm-docs70.00Documentation generator for 'RawM' endpoints. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-07-, Krasjet
servant-rawm-server190.01The server implementation of servant-rawm. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2020-07-, Krasjet
servant-reason40.00Derive Reason types to interact with a Haskell backend (bsd3, library, web)2019-06-
servant-reflex42.00servant API generator for reflex apps (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-230.3.5imalsogreg
servant-response (deprecated in favor of servant)100.03Machinery to express how servant should turn results of database operations into proper JSON-encodable response types (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-07-250.1AlpMestanogullari
servant-router60.01Servant router for non-server applications. (bsd3, library, web)2016-08-040.9.0willfancher
servant-ruby271.51Generate a Ruby client from a Servant API with Net::HTTP. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2018-12-
servant-scotty (deprecated in favor of servant)40.01Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-08-270.1.1AlpMestanogullari
servant-seo70.00Generate Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, web)2025-02-020.1.3swamp_agr
servant-serf240.00Automatically generate Servant API modules. (library, mit, program, web)2024-01-, goolord
servant-server3812.75146A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)2024-08-300.20.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, ChristianMarie, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, fisx, janus
servant-server-namedargs90.00Automatically derive API server functions with named and optional parameters (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-
servant-smsc-ru30.01Servant client for service for sending SMS to cell phones (bsd3, library, web)2016-08-
servant-snap212.00A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-09-070.9.0imalsogreg
servant-stache60.00Content-Types for rendering Mustache in servant (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-07-
servant-streamly50.00Servant Stream support for streamly. (bsd3, library, program, servant, streamly, web)2021-08-
servant-subscriber390.01When REST is not enough ... (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-02-
servant-swagger1222.523Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 2.0 specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2024-08-301.2.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, NickolayKudasov, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-swagger-tags30.00Swagger Tags for Servant (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2020-06-
servant-swagger-ui1180.07Servant swagger ui (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2024-07-, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, NickolayKudasov, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-swagger-ui-core620.08Servant swagger ui core components (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2021-04-180.3.5AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, NickolayKudasov, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp, janus
servant-swagger-ui-jensoleg330.01Servant swagger ui: Jens-Ole Graulund theme (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2021-04-180.3.4AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, NickolayKudasov, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-swagger-ui-redoc110.01Servant swagger ui: ReDoc theme (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)2021-04-, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, NickolayKudasov, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-typed-error50.01Typed error wrapper for Servant (library, mit, servant, web)2022-11-
servant-typescript70.00TypeScript client generation for Servant (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-03-
servant-util211.251Servant servers utilities. (library, mpl, program, servant, web)2022-10-290.4martoon, serokell
servant-util-beam-pg251.250Implementation of servant-util primitives for beam-postgres. (database, library, mpl, program, servant, web)2022-11-010.4.1martoon, serokell
servant-validate50.00Chekc static properties of servant APIs (bsd3, library, web)2021-02-
servant-waargonaut80.00Servant Integration for Waargonaut JSON Package (bsd3, json, library, web)2019-09-, topos
servant-wasm110.00Servant support for delivering WebAssembly (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-05-
servant-websockets362.03Small library providing WebSocket endpoints for servant. (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)2019-10-272.0.0moesenle
servant-xml260.01Servant support for the XML Content-Type (bsd3, library, web)2024-01-311.0.3fosskers
servant-xml-conduit40.00Servant XML content-type with support for xml-conduit (agpl, library, web)2023-11-
servant-yaml30.01Servant support for yaml (bsd3, library, servant, web)2018-11-, DavidJohnson, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
servant-zeppelin50.03Types and definitions of servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
servant-zeppelin-client90.01Client library for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
servant-zeppelin-server90.01Server library for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
servant-zeppelin-swagger100.01Swagger instances for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
server-generic20.01Auto-generate a server for your datatype (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-041.0.0GabrielGonzalez
serversession270.06Secure, modular server-side sessions. (library, mit, web)2022-07-041.0.3FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-backend-acid-state370.01Storage backend for serversession using acid-state. (library, mit, web)2022-07-191.0.5FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-backend-persistent390.01Storage backend for serversession using persistent and an RDBMS. (library, mit, web)2024-09-062.0.3FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-backend-redis270.01Storage backend for serversession using Redis. (library, mit, web)2022-07-191.0.5FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-frontend-snap90.01Snap bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)2017-03-031.0.1FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-frontend-wai190.01wai-session bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)2022-07-191.0.1FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
serversession-frontend-yesod130.01Yesod bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)2022-07-231.0.1FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, MichaelXavier, ncaq
services20.01Tools for building services (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-210.2.0seanhess
serviette (deprecated)110.01JSON to Sql (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2017-06-
servius320.01Warp web server with template rendering (mit, program, web)2018-08-
ses-html220.03Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, web)2017-10-
ses-html-snaplet (deprecated in favor of snaplet-ses-html)20.01Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, deprecated, email, library, network, snap, web)2014-09-
shadowsocks150.01A fast SOCKS5 proxy that help you get through firewalls (library, mit, program, web)2018-04-081.20180408rnons
shake-minify130.01Shake Minify Rules (bsd3, development, library, shake, web)2015-08-040.1.4LukeHoersten
shakebook280.00Shake-based technical documentation generator; HTML & PDF (library, mit, web)2020-11-
shakespeare2842.085A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-08-05GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, parsonsmatt
shakespeare-css (deprecated in favor of shakespeare)510.013Stick your haskell variables into css at compile time. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-03-301.1.0GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
shakespeare-i18n (deprecated in favor of shakespeare)360.04A type-based approach to internationalization. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-03-301.1.0GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
shakespeare-js (deprecated in favor of shakespeare)840.021Stick your haskell variables into javascript/coffeescript at compile time. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-03-301.3.0GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
shakespeare-sass50.01SASS support for Shakespeare and Yesod (bsd3, library, web)2019-09-
shakespeare-text (deprecated in favor of shakespeare)490.015Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-03-301.1.0GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
sheets30.00Spreadsheet type for composite. (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-
shelduck70.00Test webhooks locally (apache, library, program, web)2015-11-
shine82.251Declarative graphics for the browser using GHCJS (graphics, javascript, library, mit, web)2020-01-
shine-examples20.00Examples for the shine package (game, graphics, javascript, mit, web)2020-01-040.1fgaz
shine-varying22.01FRP interface for shine using the varying package (frp, graphics, javascript, library, mit, web)2016-04-
shortcut-links120.02Link shortcuts for use in text markup (library, markdown, mpl, text, web)2021-01-
shorten-strings30.01Shorten a variety of string-like types adding ellipsis (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2012-04-
shpider130.01Web automation library in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)2011-11-, OzgunAtaman
shunya-library110.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
shunyalib110.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
sibe130.00Machine Learning algorithms (data-science, gpl, library, machine-learning, program, web)2017-05-
signal-messaging-dbus50.00Bindings for signal-cli's DBus interface (library, program, web)2023-05-
simfin20.00A library to fetch and parse financial data from the SimFin(+) API. (finance, library, mit, program, web)2022-05-211.0.0414owen
simple420.05A minimalist web framework for the WAI server interface (lgpl, library, program, web)2023-04-292.0.0AmitLevy
simple-css50.01simple binding of css and html (bsd3, library, web)2011-03-080.0.4AntonKholomiov
simple-download30.01A simple wrapper of http-conduit for file download. (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-280.0.2terrorjack
simple-form90.01Forms that configure themselves based on type (library, web)2014-12-290.5.0StephenWeber
simple-postgresql-orm160.01Connector package for integrating postgresql-orm with the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)2023-04-292.0.0AmitLevy
simple-session252.01Cookie-based session management for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)2023-04-292.0.0AmitLevy
simple-templates310.03A basic template language for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)2023-04-292.0.0AmitLevy
simpleconfig70.01Short description of your package (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-200.0.10AlexeyKotlyarov
simplemesh (deprecated)80.01Generators for primitive meshes (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2017-12-
simplexmq132.00SimpleXMQ message broker (agpl, chat, cryptography, library, network, program, system, web)2022-04-211.1.0epoberezkin, EfimPoberezkin
since120.01Get the number of seconds since the last invocation (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-160.0.0athanclark
siphon130.01Encode and decode CSV files (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-, l3c_amartin
sitemap200.01Sitemap parser (bsd3, library, web)2015-01-120.1.2AlpMestanogullari
sitemap-gen192.01Generate XML Sitemaps & Sitemap Indexes (bsd3, library, web)2020-01-
sitepipe110.01A simple to understand static site generator (bsd3, library, web)2022-10-
skell100.01An overly complex Haskell web framework. (bsd3, library, web)2014-07-
skemmtun20.01A client. (mit, program, web)2015-12-
skews120.01A very quick-and-dirty WebSocket server. (bsd3, library, test, web)2020-03-
skylighting-lucid130.00Lucid support for Skylighting (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-201.0.4fosskers
slack-api222.51Bindings to the Slack RTM API. (library, mit, program, web)2017-03-020.12mpickering, asayers, rickeyski
slack-notify-haskell90.01Slack notifier for Haskell project. (library, mit, program, web)2015-02-260.2.3tattsun
slack-verify22.00Slack API Request Verification HMAC (library, mit, web)2018-12-
slack-web360.01Bindings for the Slack web API (library, mit, web)2025-01-, EmmanuelTouzery, parsonsmatt, danielbrice, jade
slick300.02A quick & easy static site builder built with shake and pandoc. (bsd3, library, web)2024-08-
slidemews30.01ws convert markdown to reveal-js (program, web)2014-01-290.3j4pe
slope-field70.00Visualize mathematical function's slope fields (gpl, library, program, web)2016-11-
slug (deprecated)120.01Type-safe slugs for Yesod ecosystem (bsd3, deprecated, library, web, yesod)2017-07-220.1.7mrkkrp
slugger122.00Clean URI slugs for Haskell (bsd3, data, library, program, text, web)2023-01-310.1.0.2robertwpearce
smartword40.01Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies (bsd3, education, program, web)2009-03-
smsaero140.01SMSAero API and HTTP client based on servant library. (bsd3, library, web)2016-12-090.7.1NickolayKudasov
smtpbz60.00Unofficial API client for (bsd2, library, web)2024-09-131.1.0MatveyAksenov
snap3352.566Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2023-10-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
snap-accept50.02Accept header branching for the Snap web framework (library, mit, web)2017-06-260.2.1TimothyJones
snap-auth-cli40.01Command-line tool to manage Snap AuthManager database (bsd3, program, snap, web)2018-03-300.2DmitryDzhus
snap-configuration-utilities30.01Methods to manipulate Configurator objects for Snap & Snaplets (bsd3, library, web)2014-12-
snap-core2272.572Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types) (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)2023-02-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
snap-cors (deprecated in favor of snap-core)220.01Add CORS headers to Snap applications (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-02-061.3.0OliverCharles
snap-elm60.01Serve Elm files through the Snap web framework. (bsd3, library, web)2013-10-
snap-error-collector380.01Collect errors in batches and dispatch them (bsd3, library, web)2018-02-061.1.5OliverCharles
snap-extras220.03A collection of useful helpers and utilities for Snap web applications. (bsd3, library, snap, web)2023-12-, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
snap-language110.01Language handling for Snap (bsd3, library, web)2019-05-
snap-loader-dynamic200.04Snap dynamic loader (bsd3, library, snap, web)2020-09-, GregoryCollins
snap-loader-static190.04Snap static loader (bsd3, library, snap, web)2020-09-, GregoryCollins
snap-server2492.519A web server for the Snap Framework (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)2023-02-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
snap-stream60.01Streaming Snap handlers (bsd3, library, web)2024-01-, abrar
snap-templates150.01Scaffolding CLI for the Snap Framework (bsd3, program, snap, web)2018-07-
snap-testing (deprecated in favor of hspec-snap)110.01A library for BDD-style testing with the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, snap, web)2014-07-
snap-utils60.01Snap Framework utilities. (bsd3, library, snap, web)2014-03-160.1.2LukeHoersten
snap-web-routes120.01Type safe URLs for Snap (bsd3, library, snap, web)2015-08-
snaplet-acid-state210.01acid-state snaplet for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2015-06-160.2.7DougBeardsley
snaplet-actionlog50.01Generic action log snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2022-04-260.4.0DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
snaplet-amqp150.01Snap framework snaplet for the AMQP library (bsd3, library, web)2014-11-
snaplet-auth-acid40.01Provides an Acid-State backend for the Auth Snaplet (bsd3, library, snap, web)2015-06-080.1.0DavidJohnson
snaplet-coffee60.01CoffeeScript for Snap, auto-compilation and pre-compilation. (gpl, library, snap, web)2013-04-
snaplet-css-min50.01A Snaplet for CSS minification (library, mit, web)2014-03-170.1.2TimothyJones
snaplet-customauth70.01Alternate authentication snaplet (bsd3, library, web)2021-09-160.2.1kaol
snaplet-environments30.01DEPRECATED! You should use standard Snap >= 0.9 "environments" functionality. It provided ability to easly read configuration based on given app environment given at command line, envs are defined in app configuration file (bsd3, library, web)2012-06-220.1.1KamilCiemniewski
snaplet-fay (deprecated)260.02Fay integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation. (bsd3, deprecated, fay, library, snap, web)2017-01-
snaplet-ghcjs60.01Serve javascript files compiled with GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-
snaplet-hasql60.01A Hasql snaplet (library, mit, web)2015-06-251.0.2MikeLedger
snaplet-haxl40.01Snaplet for Facebook's Haxl (bsd3, library, snap, web)2014-08-
snaplet-hdbc190.01HDBC snaplet for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, web)2012-08-080.9.1JurrienStutterheim
snaplet-hslogger60.01Snap framework snaplet for the Logger API library. (bsd3, library, web)2014-10-
snaplet-i18n170.01snaplet-i18n (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-02-020.2.0HaishengWu
snaplet-influxdb110.01Snap framework snaplet for the InfluxDB library (bsd3, library, web)2014-12-
snaplet-mandrill60.01Snap framework snaplet for the Mandrill API library. (bsd3, library, web)2014-10-
snaplet-mongoDB20.01Snap Framework MongoDB support as Snaplet (bsd3, library, web)2011-12-120.2KamilCiemniewski
snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic380.01Minimalistic MongoDB Snaplet. (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-
snaplet-mysql-simple131.251mysql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2016-04-
snaplet-oauth30.01snaplet-oauth (bsd3, library, web)2012-12-300.0.6HaishengWu
snaplet-persistent150.02persistent snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2022-04-200.7.1DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier
snaplet-postgresql-simple852.252postgresql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2019-04-
snaplet-postmark30.01Postmark snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2014-03-080.2.0LukeHoersten
snaplet-purescript190.01Automatic (re)compilation of purescript projects (library, mit, web)2021-04-, MikolajKonarski
snaplet-recaptcha70.01A ReCAPTCHA verification snaplet with Heist integration and connection sharing. (bsd3, library, web)2015-03-291.0.3LarsPetersen, MikeLedger
snaplet-redis240.03Redis support for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2021-04-
snaplet-redson30.01CRUD for JSON data with Redis storage (bsd3, library, snap, web)2012-04-
snaplet-rest20.01REST resources for the Snap web framework (library, mit, web)2013-10-200.1.0TimothyJones
snaplet-sass40.01Sass integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation. (bsd3, library, snap, web)2015-06-
snaplet-scoped-session50.01Modularised session state for Snaplets, in a Snaplet (bsd3, library, snap, web)2016-08-130.1.1justus
snaplet-ses-html50.01Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, snap, web)2015-06-
snaplet-sqlite-simple1070.02sqlite-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2016-11-, sigrlami
snaplet-sqlite-simple-jwt-auth150.01Snaplet for JWT authentication with snaplet-sqlite-simple (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
snaplet-stripe50.01Stripe snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)2014-11-190.3.0LukeHoersten
snaplet-tasks40.01Snaplet for Snap Framework enabling developers to administrative tasks akin to Rake tasks from Ruby On Rails framework. (bsd3, library, web)2011-12-190.1.2KamilCiemniewski
snaplet-typed-sessions30.01Typed session snaplets and continuation-based programming for the Snap web framework (bsd3, library, web)2012-08-060.5ChrisSmith
snaplet-wordpress80.01A snaplet that communicates with wordpress over its api. (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-
soap461.753SOAP client tools (library, mit, web)2018-03-
soap-openssl80.01TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using openssl bindings) (library, mit, web)2015-03-
soap-tls80.01TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using tls package) (library, mit, web)2018-03-
socket-icmp70.01Definitions for using ICMP with the `socket` library (bsd3, library, web)2020-09-
socketed20.00simpe tool to serve piped data over http and websocket (library, mit, program, web)2017-04-
socketio70.01Socket.IO server (library, mit, web)2014-05-140.1.3TingYenLai
solana-staking-csvs172.00Generate CSV Exports of your Solana Staking Rewards. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)2024-02-
solga40.01Simple typesafe web routing (library, mit, web)2016-11-
solga-swagger40.01Swagger generation for Solga (library, mit, web)2016-11-
sort-by-pinyin110.01sort by pinyin (bsd3, library, web)2018-07-112018.4.9JinjingWang
source-code-server (deprecated)20.01The server backend for the source code iPhone app (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)2010-08-312010.9.1JinjingWang
space40.01Experimental library (apache, library, web)2017-06-190.1.0XT
sparrow130.01Unified streaming data-dependency framework for web apps (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-
spata40.01brainless form validation (bsd3, library, web)2010-10-102010.10.10JinjingWang
spike60.01Experimental web browser (bsd3, program, web)2012-03-060.3KrzysztofSkrzetnicki
spotify30.00Spotify Web API (bsd3, library, music, program, web)2023-06-
spoty40.01Spotify web API wrapper (bsd3, library, web)2014-08-
sprinkles40.00JSON API to HTML website wrapper (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-10-
sproxy (deprecated in favor of sproxy2)100.01HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2 (deprecated, mit, program, web)2016-11-200.9.9ip1981
sproxy-web40.01Web interface to sproxy database (mit, program, web)2016-06-180.4.1ip1981
sproxy2140.01Secure HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2 (databases, mit, program, web)2019-09-061.97.1ip1981
sqids200.00A small library that lets you generate YouTube-looking IDs from numbers. (library, mit, web)2024-03-
sqsd-local50.01Initial project template from stack (mpl, program, web)2017-01-160.2.0owickstrom
srv20.00A simple web server for local usage. (apache, program, web)2022-12-
ssh-tunnel20.01Proxy http-client via ssh tunnel. (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
stack-network32.01A program for extending Stack to add distributed capabilities (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-05-
stagen82.00Static site generator (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-03-050.2.1jxv
starter-snake-haskell70.00A Haskell Battlesnake starter (bsd3, game, library, program, web)2023-08-261.1.0ccntrq
static-resources (deprecated)100.01JavaScript and Css files concat for http optimization. Now with LESS support. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2014-01-280.1.7MariuszRak
stitch220.01lightweight CSS DSL (bsd3, library, web)2018-08-
stooq-api100.00A simple wrapper around API for downloading market data. (library, mit, web)2023-02-
streaming-pcap100.01Stream packets via libpcap. (bsd3, library, web)2023-06-211.1.2fosskers
streaming-wai140.03Streaming Wai utilities (library, mit, web)2015-11-300.1.1WilliamCasarin
strelka (deprecated)120.02A simple, flexible and composable web-router (deprecated, library, mit, web)2019-04-242.0.5NikitaVolkov
strio60.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2015-08-
stripe110.02A Haskell implementation of the Stripe API. (bsd3, library, web)2015-01-150.8.3MichaelSchade, LukeHoersten
stripe-concepts232.03Types for the Stripe API (library, mit, web)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
stripe-core380.04Stripe API for Haskell - Pure Core (library, mit, web)2020-09-022.6.2DavidJohnson
stripe-haskell362.251Stripe API for Haskell (library, mit, web)2020-09-022.6.2DavidJohnson
stripe-hs80.00Unofficial Stripe client (bsd3, library, web)2021-03-
stripe-http-client240.01Stripe API for Haskell - http-client backend (library, mit, web)2020-09-022.6.2DavidJohnson
stripe-http-streams (deprecated in favor of stripe-http-client)370.02Stripe API for Haskell - http-streams backend (deprecated, library, mit, web)2018-11-142.4.1DavidJohnson
stripe-scotty162.00Listen for Stripe webhook events with Scotty (library, mit, web)2023-06-, Monoid_Mary
stripe-servant120.01Unofficial Stripe servant types (bsd3, library, web)2022-07-310.3.1.0AlexanderThiemann
stripe-signature252.01Verification of Stripe webhook signatures (library, mit, web)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
stripe-tests250.01Tests for Stripe API bindings for Haskell (library, mit, web)2020-09-022.6.2DavidJohnson
stripe-wreq172.00Use the Stripe API via Wreq (library, mit, web)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
stylist-traits100.06Traits, datatypes, & parsers for Haskell Stylist (gpl, library, web)2025-03-
suavemente110.00An applicative functor that seamlessly talks to HTML inputs. (bsd3, library, web)2019-07-
sunroof-compiler30.02Monadic Javascript Compiler (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, library, web)2013-04-120.2JanBracker
sunroof-examples50.01Tests for Sunroof (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, program, web)2014-06-270.2.2JanBracker
sunroof-server40.01Monadic Javascript Compiler - Server Utilities (bsd3, embedded, javascript, language, library, web)2014-06-270.2.1JanBracker
superbuffer290.01Efficiently build a bytestring from smaller chunks (bsd3, library, web)2022-06-, BrandonSimmons
sv130.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2020-04-, GeorgeWilson
sv-cassava40.01Integration to use sv with cassava's parser (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.3qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-core120.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-08-130.5qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-svfactor40.01sv-core + svfactor (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.2qfpl, GeorgeWilson
svfactor30.01Syntax-preserving CSV manipulation (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-07-190.1qfpl
svg-icons640.00Svg Icons and more (bsd3, graphics, library, program, web)2024-08-223.10RamiroPastor
swagger-petstore (deprecated in favor of openapi-petstore)220.01Auto-generated openapi-petstore API Client (deprecated, library, mit, web)2018-05-
swagger21562.2546Swagger 2.0 data model (bsd3, library, swagger, web)2024-07-172.8.9DavidJohnson, NickolayKudasov, phadej, swamp_agr
sws202.01A simple web server for serving directories. (bsd3, program, web)2021-04-
symmetric-properties100.01Monoids for sameness and uniqueness. (bsd3, library, web)2019-01-
systemstats20.01An application that regularly logs system stats for later analysis (bsd3, program, web)2016-07-
tablestorage90.01Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper (api, bsd3, database, library, web)2012-12-
tag-stream50.01streamlined html tag parser (bsd3, library, web)2011-11-060.2.1YiHuang
taggy130.04Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library (bsd3, library, program, text, web)2017-12-210.2.1AlpMestanogullari, vi
taggy-lens80.04Lenses for the taggy html/xml parser (bsd3, library, text, web)2014-07-150.1.2AlpMestanogullari, vi
tagstream-conduit480.08streamlined html tag parser (bsd3, conduit, library, web)2020-06-030.5.6MichaelSnoyman, YiHuang
tagtree60.01Hierarchical Tags & Tag Trees (bsd3, library, web)2023-11-
tahoe-great-black-swamp50.01An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol. (bsd3, cryptography, distributed-computing, filesystem, library, network, network-apis, program, security, service, storage, web)2023-11-, jcalderone
tailwind60.01Tailwind wrapped in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)2022-04-
tapioca20.00A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-02-
tasty-fail-fast130.03Adds the ability to fail a tasty test suite on first test failure (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-090.0.3MichaelXavier
tasty-wai180.01Test 'wai' endpoints via Test.Tasty (bsd3, library, testing, web)2022-07-, qfpl, GeorgeWilson
tdlib90.00complete binding to the Telegram Database Library (bsd3, library, web)2020-06-050.3.0Poscat
tdlib-types50.01Types and Functions generated from tdlib api spec (bsd3, library, web)2020-06-080.4.0Poscat
tdoc140.01TDoc is a typed document builder with support for (X)HTML (bsd3, library, text, web)2017-07-240.4.7NicolasPouillard
tedious-web30.00Easily define multiple interrelated data types (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-07-
telegram-api372.02Telegram Bot API bindings (bsd3, library, web)2018-01-
telegram-bot30.00Telegram Bot microframework for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-12-
telegram-bot-api300.02Easy to use library for building Telegram bots. Exports Telegram Bot API. (bsd3, library, web)2024-11-247.4.4swamp_agr
telegram-bot-simple580.03Easy to use library for building Telegram bots. (bsd3, library, web)2024-11-070.14.4NickolayKudasov, swamp_agr
telegram-raw-api40.00Servant bindings to the Telegram bot API (bsd3, library, web)2020-04-230.3.0Poscat
telegram-types140.01Types used in Telegram bot API (bsd3, library, web)2020-06-060.4.1Poscat
telegraph100.00Binding to the telegraph API (bsd3, library, web)2021-02-101.2.0Poscat
template-hsml50.01Haskell's Simple Markup Language (bsd3, library, template, templating, web)2012-08-300.2.0.3PetrPilar
templateify30.01Make template from website (gpl, program, web)2017-01-
termcolor80.00Composable terminal colors (gpl, library, program, web)2017-03-300.2.0.0mdibaiee
tesla290.00Tesla API client. (bsd3, library, web)2024-09-
text-utils110.01Various text utilities (library, mit, web)2020-05-
textlocal180.01Haskell wrapper for textlocal SMS gateway (bsd3, library, web)2016-12-
thentos-cookie-session70.01All-in-one session handling for servant-based frontends (authentication, library, web)2016-08-030.9.1MatthiasFischmann
threads-extras150.01Extends the threads package with a bounded thread group (bsd3, library, web)2018-12-310.1.0.3JonathanFischoff
threepenny-editors610.01Composable algebraic editors (bsd3, library, web)2018-10-
threepenny-gui872.259GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display. (bsd3, gui, library, web)2024-12-, sjakobi
threepenny-gui-contextmenu40.00Write simple nested context menus for threepenny-gui. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-01-
threepenny-gui-flexbox211.50Flexbox layouts for Threepenny-gui. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-04-250.4.2barischj
tibetan-utils200.03Parse and display tibetan numerals (bsd3, library, web)2022-11-
tightrope40.01Nice API for a Slackbot (library, mit, web)2014-07-
time-http80.02Parse and format HTTP/1.1 Date and Time strings (library, public-domain, time, web)2012-01-030.5MasatakeDaimon
time-w3c30.01Parse, format and convert W3C Date and Time (library, public-domain, web)2011-07-
timeless-tutorials50.00Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-12-
timerep350.023Parse and display time according to some RFCs (RFC3339, RFC2822, RFC822) (bsd3, library, parser, text, time, web)2022-06-, koral
timespan270.08Useful timespan datatype and functions (library, mit, web)2020-05-
tiny-scheduler90.01tiny no-brainer job scheduler (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-
tldr532.00Haskell tldr client (bsd3, cli, library, program, web)2021-10-160.9.2psibi
tls-session-manager1972.04In-memory TLS session DB and session ticket (bsd3, library, web)2024-10-300.0.7KazuYamamoto, VincentHanquez, OlivierCheron
tmapchan160.02An insert-ordered multimap (indexed FIFO) which consumes values as you lookup (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-140.0.3athanclark
tmp-postgres1002.254Start and stop a temporary postgres (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-12-
tnet40.02Library for encoding/decoding TNET strings for PGI (library, web)2012-08-170.0.1HarryTerkelsen
toboggan30.00Twitter bot generator (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-04-
tonatona120.05meta application framework (framework, library, mit, tonatona, web)2023-08-, qnoyxu
tonatona-google-server-api300.00tonatona plugin for google-server-api (database, library, mit, tonatona, web)2022-06-, qnoyxu
tonatona-servant80.00tonatona plugin for servant. (library, mit, servant, tonatona, web)2023-08-, qnoyxu
topaz90.00Extensible records library (bsd3, library, web)2024-06-
tophat240.00Template-to-Haskell preprocessor, and templating language (gpl, library, program, web)2024-05-
torsor590.07Torsor Typeclass (bsd3, library, web)2024-02-, l3c_amartin
toxiproxy-haskell70.01Client library for Toxiproxy: a TCP failure testing proxy. (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-
tpb40.01Applications for interacting with the Pushbullet API (gpl, program, web)2017-08-
tracing340.02Distributed tracing (bsd3, library, web)2024-01-
tracing-control42.02Distributed tracing (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-
trasa72.06Type Safe Web Routing (library, mit, web)2019-07-190.4.1andrewthad, mckeankylej, chessai, goolord
trasa-client70.01Type safe http requests (library, mit, web)2019-03-240.4andrewthad, mckeankylej, chessai, goolord
trasa-extra20.00Extra functions for trasa (bsd3, library, web)2019-07-
trasa-form70.00generate forms using lucid, ditto and trasa (bsd3, library, web)2022-08-210.4.1goolord
trasa-server132.03Type safe web server (library, mit, web)2019-07-190.5.4andrewthad, mckeankylej, chessai, goolord
trasa-th20.00Template Haskell to generate trasa routes (library, mit, web)2019-03-240.4chessai
travis30.01A simple client implementation using Travis CI API. (library, mit, web)2015-09-
travis-pogodi90.00A better travis_wait (bsd3, development, library, program, web)2017-07-120.1.0dbushev
trigger50.00Trigger is a cross platform file system watcher for super fast build-and-restart workflows. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-12-
tsession20.02A Transaction Framework for Web Applications (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-220.1FlorianMicheler
tsession-happstack30.01A Transaction Framework for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-220.1FlorianMicheler
tsetchan70.01Hides duplicating channels when broadcasting (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-140.0.0athanclark
tsweb50.00An API binding Web.Spock to Database.Beam (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-06-210.1.2tsuraan
ttn80.01Things Tracker Network JSON Types (bsd3, library, web)2020-10-
ttn-client90.00TheThingsNetwork client (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-04-
twain260.00Tiny web application framework for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)2024-11-
tweet-hs570.01Command-line tool for twitter (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-07-
twhs20.01CLI twitter client. (library, mit, program, web)2014-06-
twilio110.01Twilio REST API library for Haskell (bsd3, library, network-apis, web)2018-12-, bcj
twiml110.01TwiML library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2018-05-
twirp52.00Haskell twirp foundations (bsd3, library, web)2023-01-, tclem, rewinfrey
twitchapi70.00Client access to API endpoints (bsd3, library, web)2024-05-040.0.5wuest
twitter-conduit540.03Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support. (bsd3, conduit, library, web)2021-11-270.6.1TakahiroHimura
twitter-enumerator (deprecated in favor of twitter-conduit)100.01Twitter API package with enumerator interface and Streaming API support. (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, web)2012-03-170.0.3TakahiroHimura
twitter-feed (deprecated)230.01Client for fetching Twitter timeline via Oauth (deprecated, library, mit, web)2016-10-, stackbuilders, sestrella, mrkkrp, jmorocho
twitter-types420.03Twitter JSON parser and types (bsd3, library, web)2021-11-160.11.0TakahiroHimura
twitter-types-lens350.03Twitter JSON types (lens powered) (bsd3, library, web)2021-11-160.11.0TakahiroHimura
type-of-html582.251High performance type driven html generation. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)2021-02-
type-of-html-static110.01Optimize static parts of type-of-html. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)2018-05-
typed-admin60.00Admin console framework (bsd3, library, web)2019-01-
typed-wire110.00Language-independent type-safe communication (library, mit, program, web)2016-06-
typed-wire-utils80.01Haskell utility library required for code generated by typed-wire compiler (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
tyro50.01Type derived JSON parsing using Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2017-07-
u2f40.01Haskell Universal Two Factor helper toolbox library thing (bsd3, library, web)2018-11-
ua-parser310.03A library for parsing User-Agent strings, official Haskell port of ua-parser (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-, OzgunAtaman
uber40.01Uber client for Haskell (bsd3, library, network, web)2016-08-
ucam-webauth20.00The Ucam-Webauth protocol, used by Raven (library, web)2018-12-
ucam-webauth-types30.01Types for the Ucam-Webauth protocol, as used by Raven (library, web)2018-12-
unitym120.02A monad type class shared between web services (bsd3, library, web)2017-02-
unitym-servant60.01Implementaation of unitym for Servant servers (bsd3, library, web)2017-02-
unitym-yesod50.01Implementation of the unity monad for the Yesod framework (bsd3, library, web)2017-02-
unleash-client-haskell100.00Unleash feature toggle client (library, mit, program, web)2024-06-240.7.0evenbrenden
unleash-client-haskell-core160.01Unleash feature toggle client core (library, mit, web)2025-01-210.12.0evenbrenden
uploadcare20.01Haskell client for Uploadcare. (api, library, mit, web)2012-10-060.1DimitrySolovyov
urbit-airlock20.00Talk to Urbit from Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2020-10-
urbit-api20.00Talk to Urbit from Haskell (bsd3, library, web)2020-11-
uri-bytestring1482.2545Haskell URI parsing as ByteStrings (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-
uri-encode1200.029Unicode aware uri-encoding (bsd3, library, network, web)2020-10-, ErikHesselink
uri-parse40.01A simple library for parsing and generating URIs (bsd3, library, web)2017-10-
uri-template30.02URI template library for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)2008-11-110.2SigbjornFinne
url420.029A library for working with URLs. (bsd3, library, web)2012-03-192.1.3IavorDiatchki
url-decoders30.01Decoders for URL-encoding (aka Percent-encoding) (codecs, library, mit, web)2018-07-270.2.1NikitaVolkov
url-generic20.01Parse/format generic key/value URLs from record data types. (bsd3, library, web)2011-06-190.1ChrisDone
url-slug60.04Encoding and decoding of URL slugs (library, mit, network, web)2022-02-
urlencoded212.07Generate or process x-www-urlencoded data (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-, fgaz
urlpath760.04Painfully simple URL deployment. (bsd3, data, library, web)2023-11-2211.0.2athanclark
users232.05A library simplifying user management for web applications (library, mit, web)2016-02-
users-mysql-haskell60.01A mysql-haskell backend for the users library. (bsd3, library, web)2016-11-
users-postgresql-simple220.01A PostgreSQL backend for the users package (library, mit, web)2016-05-
users-test200.01Library to test backends for the users library (library, mit, web)2016-05-
uzbl-with-source50.01Utility function for reading a source of loaded uzbl pages. (gpl, library, uzbl, web)2014-05-
validate-input150.01Input validation combinator library (library, mit, web)2021-02-
validated-types30.01Type-level constraints on strings and other input (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-280.1.1seanhess
validations50.01A nice way to define field validations in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)2014-06-
validity-scientific650.03Validity instances for scientific (library, mit, web)2020-02-
validity-text480.07Validity instances for text (library, mit, web)2022-04-
validity-uuid150.02Validity instances for uuid (library, mit, web)2020-02-
vcatt20.00Recursively check that a directory is under version control. (bsd3, library, program, web)2016-04-250.1bergey
vcs-web-hook-parse70.00Parse development platform web hook messages. (library, public-domain, web)2016-01-
vgrep130.00A pager for grep (bsd3, library, program, web)2021-01-
vikunja-api40.00Auto-generated vikunja-api API Client (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-
vinyl-json40.01Provide json instances automagically to vinyl types (library, mit, web)2014-03-, heptahedron
vinyl-operational30.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-160.1.1andrewthad
vinyl-plus30.02Vinyl records utilities (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-160.1.1andrewthad
vk-aws-route5320.01Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package. (bsd3, library, web)2014-08-110.1.2VladimirKirillov
waargonaut212.52JSON wrangling (bsd3, json, library, parser, web)2021-01-, qfpl, topos
wahsp20.01A haskell binding of the Web Audio API ala blank-canvas (bsd3, library, web)2016-09-180.2nshaheed
wai2832.5464Web Application Interface. (library, mit, web)2023-12-103.2.4KazuYamamoto, MichaelSnoyman, nideco
wai-accept-language60.00Rewrite based on Accept-Language header (bsd3, library, program, web)2015-12-
wai-app-file-cgi1040.02File/CGI/Rev Proxy App of WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2024-02-023.1.11KazuYamamoto
wai-app-static3320.034WAI application for static serving (library, mit, program, web, yesod)2024-03-043.1.9MichaelSnoyman
wai-cli170.03Command line runner for Wai apps (using Warp) with TLS, CGI, socket activation & graceful shutdown (library, public-domain, web)2021-06-240.2.3valpackett
wai-conduit410.08conduit wrappers for WAI (conduit, library, mit, web)2018-03-
wai-control100.00Run wai Applications in IO based monads (bsd3, control, library, web)2022-07-
wai-cors1752.013CORS for WAI (http, library, mit, network, wai, web)2019-06-060.2.7JonSterling, larsk
wai-cryptocookie40.00Encrypted cookies for WAI (apache, library, web)2024-05-070.1RenzoCarbonara
wai-devel70.00A web server for the development of WAI compliant web applications. (library, mit, program, web)2016-03-
wai-digestive-functors130.01Helpers to bind digestive-functors onto wai requests (library, web)2014-05-150.3StephenWeber
wai-dispatch20.01Nice wrapper around yesod-routes for use with WAI (library, web)2012-08-090.1StephenWeber
wai-enforce-https290.00Enforce HTTPS in Wai server app safely. (bsd3, library, web)2021-11-
wai-env30.00WAI middleware to parameterize requests with environment. (bsd3, library, web)2022-01-
wai-eventsource (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)390.04WAI support for server-sent events (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web)2014-06-093.0.0FelipeLessa, MichaelSnoyman
wai-extra6672.0135Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware. (library, mit, web)2024-11-063.1.17FelipeLessa, GregWeber, KazuYamamoto, MichaelSnoyman, nideco
wai-feature-flags362.00Feature flag support for WAI applications. (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-02-, JasperWoudenberg
wai-frontend-monadcgi420.01Run CGI apps on WAI. (library, mit, web)2016-11-
wai-git-http30.01Git http-backend CGI App of WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2017-12-190.0.0Norfair
wai-handler-devel (deprecated in favor of yesod-bin)360.02WAI server that automatically reloads code after modification. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)2014-03-
wai-handler-fastcgi450.03Wai handler to fastcgi (library, mit, web)2024-05-, janus
wai-handler-launch932.03Launch a web app in the default browser. (library, mit, web)2020-01-, janus
wai-handler-scgi (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)200.01Wai handler to SCGI (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web)2014-03-
wai-handler-snap (deprecated)80.01Web Application Interface handler using snap-server. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2011-11-300.1.1MichaelSnoyman
wai-handler-webkit350.01Turn WAI applications into standalone GUIs using QtWebkit. (library, mit, web)2015-12-303.0.0.3MichaelSnoyman, janus
wai-hastache20.01Nice wrapper around hastache for use with WAI (library, web)2012-08-140.1StephenWeber
wai-hmac-auth30.01hmac authentication tools for WAI apps (bsd3, library, web)2014-12-241.0.0raptros
wai-http2-extra180.00WAI utilities for HTTP/2 (library, mit, web)2020-05-280.1.3KazuYamamoto
wai-lambda80.00Haskell Webapps on AWS Lambda (library, mit, program, web)2023-02-
wai-lens20.03Lenses for WAI (bsd3, library, network, web)2015-03-290.1purefn
wai-lite (deprecated in favor of simple)40.01DEPCRECATED (use package "simple" instead) A minimalist web framework for WAI web applications (deprecated, gpl, library, web)2012-10-300.2.0.0AmitLevy
wai-log160.00A logging middleware for WAI applications (bsd3, library, logging, web)2022-11-, arybczak, trin_cz, jonathanjouty
wai-logger3940.021A logging system for WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2024-10-112.5.0KazuYamamoto
wai-logger-buffered30.00Buffer requets before logging them (bsd3, library, program, web)2018-01-
wai-logger-prefork130.02A logging system for preforked WAI apps (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2012-09-030.3.0KazuYamamoto
wai-middleware-auth242.02Authentication middleware that secures WAI application (library, mit, program, web)2022-03-, lehins, JasperWoudenberg
wai-middleware-bearer100.01WAI Middleware for Bearer Token Authentication (authentication, library, mit, web)2022-05-261.0.3martinbednar
wai-middleware-brotli40.00WAI middleware for brotli compression (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-10-
wai-middleware-cache180.02Caching middleware for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)2012-10-110.3.6AlexanderDorofeev
wai-middleware-cache-redis490.01Redis backend for wai-middleware-cache (bsd3, database, library, web)2012-09-230.4.3AlexanderDorofeev
wai-middleware-caching180.03WAI Middleware to cache things (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-
wai-middleware-caching-lru140.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-
wai-middleware-caching-redis220.01Cache Wai Middleware using Redis backend (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-
wai-middleware-catch170.01Wai error catching middleware (bsd3, library, web)2012-10-110.3.6AlexanderDorofeev
wai-middleware-clacks150.00GNU Terry Pratchett - Add the X-Clacks-Overhead Header to Wai Responses. (bsd3, library, wai, web)2020-03-
wai-middleware-content-type320.02Route to different middlewares based on the incoming Accept header. (bsd3, library, web)2023-09-280.7.0athanclark
wai-middleware-crowd130.00Middleware and utilities for using Atlassian Crowd authentication (library, mit, program, web)2016-08-
wai-middleware-delegate392.01WAI middleware that delegates handling of requests. (bsd3, library, web)2024-11-
wai-middleware-etag50.01WAI ETag middleware for static files (bsd3, library, web)2015-10-
wai-middleware-gunzip110.01WAI middleware to unzip request bodies (library, mpl, web)2015-06-070.0.2ToralfWittner
wai-middleware-headers20.01cors and addHeaders for WAI (bsd3, library, web)2012-02-060.1SeanHess
wai-middleware-hmac30.01HMAC Authentication Middleware for WAI (bsd3, library, web)2015-01-
wai-middleware-hmac-client130.01WAI HMAC Authentication Middleware Client (bsd3, library, web)2015-02-
wai-middleware-json-errors130.01Converts errors from plaintext to json (bsd3, library, web)2017-09-200.1.2seanhess
wai-middleware-metrics210.03A WAI middleware to collect EKG request metrics (bsd3, library, web)2017-03-300.2.4Helkafen
wai-middleware-preprocessor50.01WAI middleware for preprocessing static files (gpl, library, web)2015-02-
wai-middleware-rollbar340.01Middleware that communicates to Rollbar. (bsd3, library, wai, web)2018-09-180.11.0joneshf
wai-middleware-route250.01Wai dispatch middleware (bsd3, library, web)2012-09-230.7.3AlexanderDorofeev
wai-middleware-slack-verify100.01WAI Slack request verification middleware (library, mit, web)2018-07-
wai-middleware-static1270.013WAI middleware that serves requests to static files. (bsd3, library, web)2024-12-280.9.3AndrewFarmer, SimonHengel, ryanglscott, ocramz
wai-middleware-static-caching (deprecated in favor of wai-middleware-static)60.01WAI middleware that serves requests to static files. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2015-02-
wai-middleware-static-embedded72.01Serve embedded static files as a Wai middleware (bsd3, library, web)2017-04-
wai-middleware-throttle460.02WAI Middleware for Request Throttling (bsd3, library, web)2019-06-, dfithian
wai-middleware-travisci20.00WAI middleware for authenticating webhook payloads from Travis CI (bsd3, library, web)2018-05-200.1.0mitchellwrosen
wai-middleware-validation100.00WAI Middleware to validate the request and response bodies (bsd3, library, web)2021-05-
wai-middleware-verbs290.01Route Wai middlewares based on HTTP verbs (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-
wai-predicates270.02WAI request predicates (library, web)2020-10-311.0.0ToralfWittner
wai-problem-details40.00Problem details middleware for WAI (library, mit, web)2023-04-
wai-rate-limit-postgres132.00See README for more info (apache, library, network, security, web)2022-06-
wai-route260.02WAI middleware for path-based request routing with captures. (library, mpl, web)2018-11-241.0.0romanb
wai-router30.01Provides basic routing on URL paths for WAI. (library, mit, web)2012-05-
wai-routing270.01Declarative routing for WAI. (library, mpl, web)2016-08-010.13.0ToralfWittner
wai-secure-cookies130.01WAI middleware to automatically encrypt and sign cookies (library, mit, program, web)2023-09-
wai-session220.08Flexible session middleware for WAI (library, web)2018-05-130.3.3StephenWeber
wai-session-alt20.01An alternative session middleware for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-080.0.0athanclark
wai-session-clientsession120.01Session store based on clientsession (library, web)2012-09-070.1StephenWeber
wai-session-mysql20.01MySQL backed Wai session store (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
wai-session-postgresql380.01PostgreSQL backed Wai session store (bsd3, library, web)2020-09-
wai-session-redis72.00Simple Redis backed wai-session backend. (bsd3, library, program, web)2022-03-
wai-session-tokyocabinet30.01Session store based on Tokyo Cabinet (library, web)2012-09-070.1StephenWeber
wai-slack-middleware120.01A Slack middleware for WAI (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-060.2.0psibi
wai-static-cache30.01A simple cache for serving static files in a WAI middleware (agpl, library, web)2014-09-
wai-static-pages130.01generate static html pages from a WAI application (library, mit, web)2015-02-150.3GregWeber
wai-test (deprecated in favor of wai-extra)460.06Unit test framework (built on HUnit) for WAI applications. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, testing, web, yesod)2014-06-093.0.0GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman
wai-thrift50.01Thrift transport layer for Wai (library, mit, web)2015-10-
wai-throttler70.01Wai middleware for request throttling (library, mit, web)2015-02-
wai-token-bucket-ratelimiter92.00A request rate limiting middleware using token buckets (apache, library, web)2023-06-
wai-util190.06Collection of utility functions for use with WAI (library, web)2014-12-290.8StephenWeber
wai-websockets1120.036Provide a bridge between WAI and the websockets package. (library, mit, web, yesod)2018-03-
waitra50.01A very simple Wai router (library, mit, web)2015-09-
waldo20.00A generator of comics based on some ascertainable data about the requester. (bsd3, library, program, web)2017-05-010davean
warp14482.75205A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-12-033.4.7KazuYamamoto, MichaelSnoyman, nideco
warp-static (deprecated in favor of wai-app-static)250.01Static file server based on Warp and wai-app-static (deprecated) (deprecated, mit, program, web)2014-03-
warp-systemd72.00Socket activation and other systemd integration for the Warp web server (WAI) (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-06-, domenkozar
warp-tls3282.028HTTP over TLS support for Warp via the TLS package (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-11-193.4.12KazuYamamoto, MichaelSnoyman
warp-tls-uid200.01set group and user id before running server (bsd3, library, web)2019-04-
web-css20.02Simple functions for CSS. (bsd3, library, web)2011-08-230.1.0BardurArantsson
web-encodings (deprecated)310.012Encapsulate multiple web encoding in a single package. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2012-01-
web-fpco60.01Wrappers for web frameworks to ease usage with the FP Complete environment. (library, mit, web)2013-04-
web-inv-route240.01Composable, reversible, efficient web routing using invertible invariants and bijections (bsd3, library, web)2022-05-
web-mongrel2 (deprecated)70.01Bindings for the Mongrel2 web server. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2011-05-060.0.3ClintMoore
web-page40.01Monoidally construct web pages (bsd3, library, web)2014-09-280.2.0ErtugrulSoeylemez, esz
web-plugins280.010dynamic plugin system for web applications (bsd3, library, web)2022-03-170.4.1JeremyShaw
web-push40.01Send messages using Web Push protocol. (library, mit, web)2020-06-280.3KevinCotrone, sarthakbagaria
web-rep370.03representations of a web page (bsd3, library, program, web)2024-12-
web-routes480.037portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)2024-06-050.27.16JeremyShaw
web-routes-boomerang340.03Use boomerang for type-safe URL parsers/printers (bsd3, language, library, web)2024-06-
web-routes-generics80.00portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)2024-06-
web-routes-happstack470.09Adds support for using web-routes with Happstack (bsd3, language, library, web)2023-01-
web-routes-hsp220.04Adds XMLGenerator instance for RouteT monad (bsd3, language, library, web)2022-04-
web-routes-mtl (deprecated in favor of web-routes)110.02Extends web-routes with mtl-based MonadIO / MonadTrans RouteT instances (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)2011-03-150.20.1JeremyShaw
web-routes-quasi230.08Define data types and parse/build functions for web-routes via a quasi-quoted DSL (deprecated) (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2012-01-
web-routes-regular90.02portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)2015-12-
web-routes-th480.014Support for deriving PathInfo using Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library, web)2024-06-
web-routes-transformers (deprecated in favor of web-routes)50.01Extends web-routes with some transformers instances for RouteT (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)2010-11-040.19.1JeremyShaw
web-routes-wai410.02Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application. (bsd3, language, library, web)2022-04-
web-routing150.07simple routing library (library, mit, web)2015-04-020.6.2HirotomoMoriwaki, winterland
web-view460.01Type-safe HTML and CSS with intuitive layouts and composable styles. (bsd3, library, web)2025-01-210.7.0seanhess
web-view-colonnade222.00Build HTML tables using web-view and colonnade. (library, mit, web)2025-03-
webapi70.01WAI based library for web api (bsd3, library, web)2016-08-030.3magesh, ersran9
webapp202.01Haskell web app framework based on WAI & Warp (library, mit, web)2017-04-140.6.1natesymer
webauthn582.00Relying party (server) implementation of the WebAuthn 2 specification (apache, authentication, library, web)2024-04-, infinisil, ErinvanderVeen
webby180.00A super-simple web server framework (apache, library, web)2023-04-241.1.1AdityaManthramurthy
webcloud20.00Turn an optparse-applicative program into a CGI program! (bsd2, library, program, web)2016-05-
webcrank60.03Webmachine inspired toolkit for building http applications and services. (bsd3, library, web)2015-06-090.2.2purefn
webcrank-dispatch30.02A simple request dispatcher. (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-100.2purefn
webcrank-wai50.02Build a WAI Application from Webcrank Resources (bsd3, library, web)2015-06-090.2.1purefn
webdriver832.010a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (browser, bsd3, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)2024-11-, MichaelSnoyman, thomasjm
webdriver-angular210.01Webdriver actions to assist with testing a webpage which uses Angular.Js (library, mit, web)2016-08-280.1.11JohnLenz
webdriver-snoy (deprecated in favor of webdriver)80.01a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (deprecated) (browser, bsd3, deprecated, library, testing, web)2014-10-
webdriver-w3c60.00Bindings to the WebDriver API (gpl, library, program, testing, web, webdriver)2022-06-290.0.3nbloomf
webdriver-wrapper160.00Wrapper around the webdriver package that automatically manages Selenium (browser, bsd3, geckodriver, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)2024-10-
webex-teams-api150.02A Haskell bindings for Webex Teams API (library, mit, program, web)2020-07-
webex-teams-conduit150.00Conduit wrapper of Webex Teams List API (library, mit, program, web)2020-07-
webex-teams-pipes70.00Pipes wrapper of Webex Teams List API (library, mit, program, web)2020-07-
webfinger-client30.01WebFinger client library (library, network, public-domain, web)2016-01-
webgear-core220.05Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP APIs (library, mpl, web)2024-11-241.3.1rkaippully
webgear-openapi170.00Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)2024-11-241.3.1rkaippully
webgear-server250.00Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)2024-11-241.3.1rkaippully
webgear-swagger90.00Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)2024-11-241.3.1rkaippully
webgear-swagger-ui280.00Host swagger UI based on WebGear API specifications. (library, mpl, web)2024-11-241.3.1rkaippully
webify160.01webfont generator (mit, program, web)2021-08-, srhb
webmention20.00Types and functions for working with Webmentions. (bsd3, library, web)2021-03-
webpage180.01Organized and simple web page scaffold for blaze and lucid (bsd3, library, web)2019-01-
webshow20.00Show programming language printed values in a web UI (bsd3, program, web)2019-04-070.0.0ChrisDone
websnap30.01Transforms URLs to PNGs (bsd3, program, web)2015-03-
websockets-rpc160.01Simple streaming RPC mechanism using WebSockets (bsd3, library, web)2018-03-160.7.0athanclark
websockets-simple310.04Composable websockets clients (bsd3, library, web)2019-10-060.2.0athanclark
webwire (deprecated)30.01Functional reactive web framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2011-09-160.1.0ErtugrulSoeylemez, esz
weigh652.253Measure allocations of a Haskell functions/values (bsd3, web)2024-11-010.0.18ChrisDone, MichaelSnoyman, psibi
welshy30.01Haskell web framework (because Scotty had trouble yodeling) (library, mit, web)2013-09-300.1.0.0MichaelSchroeder
wheb-redis20.01Redis connection for Wheb (bsd3, library, web)2014-08-
wheb-strapped60.01Strapped templates for Wheb (bsd3, library, web)2014-09-
wikicfp-scraper240.01Scrape WikiCFP web site (bsd3, library, web)2022-11-
willow50.01An implementation of the web Document Object Model, and its rendering. (library, mpl, web)2021-04-
windowslive70.01Implements Windows Live Web Authentication and Delegated Authentication (bsd3, library, web)2009-06-260.3JoshHoyt
witty70.01A network server to show bottlenecks of GHC (bsd3, network, program, web)2015-01-230.0.4KazuYamamoto
word-vector40.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-
wordchoice270.00Get word counts and distributions (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-01-
wordpress-auth32.01Validate Wordpress Cookies & Nonces; Build Wordpress Hashes & Salts (bsd3, library, web)2021-05-301.0.0.1lysergia
wrecker250.01An HTTP Performance Benchmarker (bsd3, library, program, web)2020-03-, lorenzo
wrecker-ui110.01A web interface for Wrecker, the HTTP Performance Benchmarker (bsd3, program, web)2018-02-
wreq922.5135An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-, ondrap
wreq-effectful70.00Adaptation of the wreq library for the effectful ecosystem. (library, mit, web)2024-11-
wreq-patchable20.01An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, library, web)2020-04-
wreq-sb (deprecated in favor of wreq)40.02An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2015-04-
wreq-stringless200.01Simple wrapper to use wreq without Strings (library, mit, web)2018-01-
write-buffer-core80.01Buffer your writes, transparently (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
write-buffer-stm50.01A write buffer for STM channels and queues. (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
wryte70.02Pretty output for source generators (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
ws160.00A simple CLI utility for interacting with a websocket (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-11-220.0.6athanclark
wshterm100.00Terminal emulator over websockets. (bsd3, program, web)2019-03-
wstunnel120.00Tunneling program over websocket protocol (bsd3, library, program, web)2023-01-
xhtml420.050An XHTML combinator library (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, web, xml)2024-11-173000.4.0.0BenGamari, BjornBringert, ChrisDornan, HerbertValerioRiedel, IanLynagh, wz1000, hecate
xhtml-combinators110.01Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators. (bsd3, library, text, web)2011-06-070.3AlasdairArmstrong
xing-api40.01Wrapper for the XING API, v1. (bsd3, library, web)2013-06-130.1.3JanAhrens
xml-conduit-stylist110.01Bridge between xml-conduit/html-conduit and stylist (library, mit, web)2023-03-
xml-to-json150.01Library and command line tool for converting XML files to json (library, mit, program, web, xml)2015-03-302.0.1NoamLewis
xml-to-json-fast180.01Fast, light converter of xml to json capable of handling huge xml files (json, library, mit, program, web, xml)2015-03-302.0.0NoamLewis
xml-tydom-conduit30.01Typed XML encoding for an xml-conduit backend. (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2017-02-
xml-tydom-core30.01Typed XML encoding (core library). (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2017-02-
xmonad-vanessa260.01Custom xmonad, which builds with stack or cabal. (bsd3, library, program, web)2019-01-
xss-sanitize1030.016sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks (bsd2, library, web)2023-04-, MichaelSnoyman
yackage360.01Personal Hackage replacement for testing new packages. (bsd3, distribution, program, web, yesod)2016-10-130.8.1MichaelSnoyman
yahoo-finance-api70.01Read quotes from Yahoo Finance API. (bsd3, library, web)2017-11-
yahoo-prices70.00A wrapper around Yahoo API for downloading market data. (library, mit, web)2023-02-
yahoo-web-search40.01Yahoo Web Search Services (bsd3, library, web)2008-09-020.2GordonStewart
yam (deprecated in favor of boots-app)290.02A wrapper of servant (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2019-07-240.7leptonyu
yam-datasource (deprecated in favor of boots-app)250.00Yam DataSource Middleware (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2019-07-240.7leptonyu
yam-redis (deprecated in favor of boots-app)70.00Yam Redis Middleware (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2019-07-240.7leptonyu
yam-servant (deprecated)170.01 (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)2018-05-190.2.0leptonyu
yesod5542.050Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)2022-09-, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-alerts70.01Alert messages for the Yesod framework (bsd3, library, web)2019-06-, DanielCampoverde
yesod-angular60.01Angular JS integratoin (bsd3, library, web)2015-09-, ChristopherReichert
yesod-angular-ui50.01Angular Helpers (bsd3, library, web)2015-05-
yesod-articles20.01Automatically generate article previews for a yesod site (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2017-04-
yesod-auth2090.034Authentication for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-04-, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-auth-account250.01An account authentication plugin for Yesod (library, mit, web)2016-08-281.4.3JohnLenz
yesod-auth-account-fork160.01An account authentication plugin for Yesod (library, mit, web)2015-10-022.0.3FelipeLessa
yesod-auth-basic190.01Yesod Middleware for HTTP Basic Authentication (bsd3, library, web)2020-08-
yesod-auth-bcrypt130.01BCrypt salted and hashed passwords in a database as auth for yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)2015-01-280.2.0olihunt, TobyGoodwin
yesod-auth-bcryptdb110.01Authentication plugin for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)2017-11- remote authentication support for Yesod apps. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2014-10-011.4.0FelipeLessa
yesod-auth-fb430.01Authentication backend for Yesod using Facebook. (bsd3, library, web)2020-03-141.10.1FelipeLessa, psibi
yesod-auth-hashdb511.52Authentication plugin for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)2021-05-
yesod-auth-hmac-keccak60.01An account authentication plugin for yesod with encrypted token transfer. (library, mit, web)2018-03-
yesod-auth-kerberos160.01Kerberos Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2015-09-091.4.3ArashRouhani
yesod-auth-ldap50.01LDAP Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2012-03-290.0.3MichaelLitchard
yesod-auth-ldap-mediocre60.01Very simlple LDAP auth for yesod (library, mit, web)2015-08-190.1.1andrewthad
yesod-auth-ldap-native60.01Yesod LDAP authentication plugin (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2016-06-
yesod-auth-lti13150.00A yesod-auth plugin for LTI 1.3 (lgpl, library, web, yesod)2022-11-
yesod-auth-nopassword72.01A plugin for Yesod to provide email-only authentication. (library, mit, web)2016-12-310.1.1.1danpalmer
yesod-auth-oauth440.01OAuth Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2022-12-091.6.1FelipeLessa, HiromiIshii, MichaelLitchard, MichaelSnoyman
yesod-auth-oauth2870.01OAuth 2.0 authentication plugins (library, mit, web)2024-11-, dukerutledge, mjgpy3, chris_martin, FreckleEngineering
yesod-auth-oidc (deprecated)60.00A yesod-auth plugin for multi-tenant SSO via OpenID Connect (bsd3, deprecated, library, web, yesod)2023-06-140.1.4
yesod-auth-pam30.01Provides PAM authentication module (library, mit, web, yesod)2013-06-
yesod-auth-simple20.00Traditional email/pass auth for Yesod. (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)2022-06-031.1.0Jappie, sethlivy
yesod-auth-smbclient30.01Authentication plugin for Yesod using smbclient (library, mit, web, yesod)2013-06-
yesod-auth-zendesk100.01Zendesk remote authentication support for Yesod apps. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2014-07-051.2.1FelipeLessa
yesod-bin1830.01The yesod helper executable. (mit, program, web, yesod)2024-02-, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-bootstrap70.01Bootstrap widgets for yesod (library, mit, web)2017-01-310.4andrewthad
yesod-colonnade140.01Helper functions for using yesod with colonnade (bsd3, library, web)2024-03-, l3c_amartin
yesod-comments180.01A generic comments interface for a Yesod application (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2014-07-280.9.2PatrickBrisbin
yesod-content-pdf280.01PDF Content Type for Yesod (bsd3, library, web)2019-02-
yesod-continuations30.01Continuations for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web)2010-11-270.1MattBrown
yesod-core4090.0113Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-07-, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, andrewthad, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-crud70.01Generic administrative CRUD operations as a Yesod subsite (bsd3, library, web)2016-05-300.1.7league
yesod-crud-persist110.01Flexible CRUD subsite usable with Yesod and Persistent. (library, mit, web)2016-04-150.3andrewthad
yesod-csp120.01Add CSP headers to Yesod apps (library, mit, web)2024-03-, boblong
yesod-datatables60.01Yesod plugin for DataTables (jQuery grid plugin) (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2013-01-180.1.1TeroLaitinen
yesod-default230.07Default config and main functions for your yesod application (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)2013-05-071.2.0MichaelSnoyman
yesod-dsl320.01DSL for generating Yesod subsite to manage an RDBMS; (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)2016-01-030.2.1TeroLaitinen
yesod-elements110.02Non template haskell markup building function in the spirit of lucid (library, mit, web)2019-07-021.1.1andrewthad
yesod-eventsource320.01Server-sent events support for Yesod apps. (library, mit, web, yesod)2020-11-, MichaelSnoyman, psibi
yesod-examples (deprecated)200.01Example programs using the Yesod Web Framework. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, program, web, yesod)2012-01-
yesod-fay310.02Utilities for using the Fay Haskell-to-JS compiler with Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)2019-04-300.10.0ChrisDone, MichaelSnoyman, swamp_agr
yesod-fb260.02Useful glue functions between the fb library and Yesod. (bsd3, library, web)2020-03-140.6.1FelipeLessa, psibi
yesod-filter70.00Automatic filter generator for Yesod (bsd3, library, web)2020-10-
yesod-form2160.050Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework (library, mit, web, yesod)2024-10-231.7.9FelipeLessa, GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-form-bootstrap4360.01renderBootstrap4 (library, mit, web)2023-08-
yesod-form-bulma80.00support Bulma form for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)2018-06-
yesod-form-json70.01Extension for Yesod web framework to handle JSON requests as applicative forms (library, mit, web, yesod)2014-06-250.0.1acheshkov
yesod-form-multi100.00Multi-input form handling for Yesod Web Framework (library, mit, web, yesod)2021-04-, Burtannia
yesod-form-richtext60.01Various rich-text WYSIWYG editors for Yesod forms. (library, mit, web, yesod)2017-08-
yesod-gitrepo170.01Host content provided by a Git repo (library, mit, web)2018-02-050.3.0MichaelSnoyman
yesod-gitrev120.01A subsite for displaying git information. (bsd3, library, web)2021-07-200.2.2DanBurton
yesod-goodies50.02A collection of various small helpers useful in any yesod application. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2011-09-110.0.5PatrickBrisbin
yesod-ip80.01Code for using the ip package with yesod (bsd3, library, web)2019-03-060.5.1andrewthad
yesod-job-queue182.01Background jobs library for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web)2017-05-
yesod-json310.05Generate content for Yesod using the aeson package. (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)2013-05-071.2.0FelipeLessa, MichaelSnoyman
yesod-katip30.00Logging bridge between Yesod and Katip (bsd3, library, logging, web)2020-12-
yesod-links60.01A typeclass which simplifies creating link widgets throughout your site (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2013-05-300.3.0PatrickBrisbin
yesod-lucid20.01Lucid support for Yesod (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2015-08-050.1JoeyHess
yesod-mangopay240.01Yesod library for MangoPay API access (bsd3, library, web)2015-12-311.12FelipeLessa, JeanPhilippeMoresmau
yesod-markdown750.05Tools for using markdown in a yesod application (gpl, library, web, yesod)2024-05-, PatrickBrisbin
yesod-middleware-csp120.00A middleware for building CSP headers on the fly (library, mit, web, yesod)2023-06-141.2.0Jappie, jgt, Valeri
yesod-newsfeed440.03Helper functions and data types for producing News feeds. (library, mit, web, yesod)2019-10-, MichaelSnoyman, PatrickBrisbin, psibi
yesod-paginate30.01Pagination for Yesod sites. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)2010-12-220.1AlexanderDunlap
yesod-pagination120.01Pagination in Yesod (library, mit, web)2014-09-172.0.0JoelTaylor
yesod-paginator340.01A pagination approach for yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)2022-06-
yesod-persistent1670.018Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod. (database, library, mit, web, yesod)2022-04-, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-platform740.04Meta package for Yesod (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)2014-08-
yesod-pnotify250.01Yet another getMessage/setMessage using pnotify jquery plugins (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)2016-03-
yesod-pure40.01Yesod in pure Haskell: no Template Haskell or QuasiQuotes (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)2013-12-
yesod-purescript120.01PureScript integration for Yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)2015-03-280.0.5mp
yesod-raml70.02RAML style route definitions for Yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)2015-11-060.2.0junjihashimoto
yesod-raml-bin50.01The raml helper executable. (mit, program, web, yesod)2015-11-100.1.2junjihashimoto
yesod-raml-docs30.00A html documentation generator library for RAML. (library, mit, web, yesod)2015-11-090.1.1junjihashimoto
yesod-raml-mock40.00A mock-handler generator library from RAML. (library, mit, web, yesod)2015-11-100.1.1junjihashimoto
yesod-recaptcha280.01Dead simple support for reCAPTCHA on Yesod applications. (bsd3, library, web)2014-11-241.4FelipeLessa
yesod-recaptcha2340.01yesod recaptcha2 (library, mit, web)2023-08-
yesod-routes (deprecated in favor of yesod-core)220.09Efficient routing for Yesod. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)2014-07-
yesod-routes-flow180.01Generate Flow routes for Yesod (library, mit, web)2022-03-313.0.0.2PatrickBrisbin, dukerutledge, mjgpy3, chris_martin, FreckleEngineering
yesod-routes-typescript40.01generate TypeScript routes for Yesod (library, mit, web)2014-04-
yesod-rst70.01Tools for using reStructuredText (RST) in a yesod application (library, web, yesod)2013-01-230.2.3PascalWittmann
yesod-sass40.01A simple quasiquoter to include sass code in yesod (bsd3, library, web)2015-07-
yesod-session-persist80.00SQL session backend for Yesod (library, mit, web)2024-03-, dukerutledge, mjgpy3, chris_martin, FreckleEngineering
yesod-sitemap1020.01Generate XML sitemaps. (library, mit, web, yesod)2018-02-021.6.0MichaelSnoyman, psibi
yesod-static1050.017Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework. (library, mit, web, yesod)2020-07-, MichaelSnoyman, psibi
yesod-static-angular200.01Yesod generators for embedding AngularJs code into yesod-static at compile time (library, mit, web)2016-04-110.1.8JohnLenz
yesod-static-streamly260.00A streamly-based library providing performance-focused alternatives for functionality found in yesod-static. (bsd3, library, streamly, web, yesod)2023-07-
yesod-table (deprecated in favor of colonnade, yesod-colonnade)220.01HTML tables for Yesod (deprecated, library, mit, web)2016-03-282.0.3andrewthad
yesod-test1420.06integration testing for WAI/Yesod Applications (library, mit, testing, web, yesod)2024-10-201.6.19GregWeber, MichaelSnoyman, psibi, MaxGabriel, parsonsmatt
yesod-test-json30.01Utility functions for testing JSON web services written in Yesod (bsd3, library, web)2012-08-
yesod-tls40.01Provides main functions using warp-tls for yesod projects (library, mit, web, yesod)2014-10-051.4.1netom
yesod-transloadit522.01Transloadit support for Yesod (library, mit, web)2015-11-
yesod-vend60.01Simple CRUD classes for easy view creation for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)2013-07-
yesod-websockets460.03WebSockets support for Yesod (library, mit, web)2021-04-, psibi
yesod-websockets-extra90.01Extension to yesod-websockets (bsd3, library, web)2015-04-
yesod-worker40.01Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)2016-07-
youtube (deprecated)180.01Upload video to YouTube via YouTube API (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)2017-07-
yql20.02A YQL engine to execute Open Data Tables (bsd2, library, program, web)2014-12-120.0.0FabianBergmark
ytl60.01mtl-style transformations for Yesod sites (bsd3, library, web)2020-12-
yu-auth60.01Auth module for Yu. (gpl, library, web)2018-02-
yu-core40.00The core of Yu. (gpl, library, web)2018-02-
yu-launch42.01The launcher for Yu. (gpl, program, web)2018-02-
yu-tool50.01Tool for Yu (gpl, program, web)2018-02-
yu-utils80.02Utils for Yu (gpl, library, web)2018-02-
yuiGrid20.02Grids defined by layout hints and implemented on top of Yahoo grids. (library, web)2009-05-150.1SergioUrinovsky
zenacy-html260.00A standard compliant HTML parsing library (library, mit, program, web)2024-12-272.1.2mlcfp
zenacy-unicode190.00Unicode utilities for Haskell (library, mit, web)2024-12-271.0.3mlcfp
zerobin71.50Post to 0bin services (cryptography, library, mit, web)2017-06-081.5.2ip1981
zeromq4-conduit20.01Conduit wrapper around zeromq4-haskell (lgpl, library, web)2017-06-
ziptastic-client130.01A type-safe client for the Ziptastic API for doing forward and reverse geocoding. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
ziptastic-core90.01Core Servant specification for the Ziptastic API for doing forward and reverse geocoding. (bsd3, library, web)2017-06-
zyre220.00Haskell zyre bindings for reliable group messaging over local area networks. (library, mit, program, web)2022-04-