{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : TaskMonad -- Copyright : Max magorsch <max@magorsch.de> -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- TaskMonad bundles a number of tools that can be used to directly interact -- with taskwarrior from within xmonad. Furthermore, workflows following the -- Getting Things Done principles are implemented. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module TaskMonad ( -- * Installation -- ** Install with Cabal -- $installWithCabal -- ** Install without Cabal -- $installWithoutCabal -- * Usage -- $usage -- * Step 1: Capture -- $capture taskwarriorPrompt , -- * Step 2 & 3: Clarify & Organize -- $organize processInbox , -- * Step 4: Reflect -- $reflect togglePriority , -- * Step 5: Engage -- $engage taskSelect , dueSelect , tagSelect , projectSelect , -- * Scratchpad -- $scratchpad taskwarriorScratchpads , taskwarriorScratchpad -- * All Components -- $components ) where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import System.Process import System.IO import Control.Monad ( filterM ) import XMonad hiding ( liftX ) import XMonad.Util.Font import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import XMonad.Layout.Decoration import XMonad.Prompt import XMonad.Prompt.Input import XMonad.Util.Image import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows import XMonad.Util.XUtils import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad import XMonad.Util.Run import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect import qualified GridSelect.Extras import TaskMonad.Prompt import TaskMonad.ScratchPad import TaskMonad.Utils import TaskMonad.GridSelect -- $installWithCabal -- -- To install TaskMonad from hackage just execute: -- -- > cabal update -- > cabal install TaskMonad -- -- Afterwards import TaskMonad in your `xmonad.hs` -- -- > import TaskMonad -- -- $installWithoutCabal -- -- To install Taskmonad without using cabal just download and copy the source code into your `~/.xmonad/-- lib/` folder. The folder structure should afterwards look like this: -- -- -- > .xmonad -- > |-- lib -- > | |-- Taskmonad.hs -- > | |-- Taskmonad -- > | | |-- GridSelect.hs -- > | | |-- Prompt.hs -- > | | |-- ScratchPad.hs -- > | | `-- Utils.hs -- > | |-- GridSelect -- > | | `-- Extras.hs -- > | `-- ... -- > |-- xmonad.hs -- -- -- Afterwards import TaskMonad in your `xmonad.hs` -- -- > import TaskMonad -- -- $usage -- To get started, add a manage hook for the taskwarrior scratchpad: -- -- > import TaskMonad -- > -- > -- ... -- > -- > ... , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads -- -- After that you can bind the taskwarrior prompt to a key to get started: -- -- > ... , ("M-p", taskwarriorPrompt [(\x -> x == "processInbox", processInbox)]) -- -- You can also bind any other TaskMonad action to a key. For example: -- -- > ... , ("M-S-p", taskwarriorScratchpad) -- Opens the taskwarrior scratchpad -- > -- > ... , ("M-C-p", taskSelect "status:pending") -- Displays all pending tasks -- > -- > ... , ("M-C-S-p", tagSelect) -- Displays all tags -- -- In general you can customize the tools ad libitum. A good way to get started is to implement custom actions for the taskwarrior prompt. Please refer to 'taskwarriorPrompt' for further information. -- $capture -- -- You can easily capture tasks, ideas or notes using the 'taskwarriorPrompt' like this: -- -- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/capture.png >> -- -- $organize -- You can clarify and organize your tasks using 'processInbox'. -- It implements the typical Getting Things Done workflow using GridSelects: -- -- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/workflow.png >> -- -- $reflect -- You can implement your own custom daily- and weeklyreview routines. -- For example you can use 'togglePriority' to adjust the priority of tasks -- during the daily- / weeklyreview like this: -- -- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-gridselect.png >> -- $engage -- To decide which task to do next, you can use a collection of gridselects. -- You can use 'tagSelect', 'projectSelect', 'dueSelect' to display a gridselect -- to filter the tasks by tag, project or due date. However you can also display -- all pending tasks using 'taskSelect' like this: -- -- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/engage.png >> -- $scratchpad -- The taskwarrior scratchpad is used to display taskwarrior reports that -- have been invoked using the taskwarrior prompt. However, you can use the -- scratchpad at your convenience. Just add a manage hook: -- -- > ... , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads -- -- Afterwards you can bind a key to 'taskwarriorScratchpad'. The Scratchpad will look like this -- -- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-scratchpad.png >> -- $components -- * 'TaskMonad' -- -- * 'TaskMonad.Prompt' -- * 'TaskMonad.Scratchpad' -- * 'TaskMonad.GridSelect' -- * 'TaskMonad.Utils' -- -- * 'GridSelect.Extras' -- | Opens a set of gridselects used to process the inbox using the Getting Things Done workflow processInbox :: X () processInbox = io (getTaskwarriorTaskList "+INBOX" ["id", "description"]) >>= \ts -> startInboxProcessing ts -- | Recursively processes a given list of tasks using the typical GTD workflow. startInboxProcessing :: [[String]] -> X () startInboxProcessing [] = dummyAction startInboxProcessing (t : ts) = twgs ("Actionable? " ++ t !! 1, [("YES", actionable), ("NO", not_actionable)]) where not_actionable = twgs ( "Next Steps: " ++ t !! 1 , [ ("[Back]" , startInboxProcessing (t : ts)) , ("Reference" , moveToFile t ts) , ("Project Support", moveToFile t ts) , ("Someday/Later" , somedayLater t ts) , ("Trash" , trash t ts) ] ) actionable = twgs ( "Does it take multiple steps?" , [ ("[Back]", startInboxProcessing (t : ts)) , ("YES" , makeProject t ts) , ("NO" , single_step) ] ) single_step = twgs ( "Does it take less than 2 minutes?" , [("[Back]", actionable), ("YES", do_it), ("NO", more_than_2_min)] ) do_it = twgs ("Do it now!", [("[Back]", single_step), ("Finished", done t ts)]) more_than_2_min = twgs ( "Next Steps: " ++ t !! 1 , [ ("[Back]" , single_step) , ("Move to calendar", calendar t ts) , ("Waiting For" , waitingFor t ts) , ("Edit Task" , edit_task) ] ) edit_task = twgs ( "How to process task: " ++ head t , [ ("[Back]" , more_than_2_min) , ("[Finish]" , startInboxProcessing ts) , ("Free Editing" , editTaskAction t ts) , ("Set Tags" , editTaskAction t ts) , ("Set Description", editTaskAction t ts) , ("Set Due Date" , editTaskAction t ts) , ("Set Project" , editTaskAction t ts) , ("Set Context" , editTaskAction t ts) ] ) -- | Sends a message to the notification daemon notify :: MonadIO m => String -> m () notify message = unsafeSpawn $ "notify-send '" ++ message ++ "'" -- | Opens a GridSelect with a custom message and the taskwarrior icon twgs :: (String, [(String, X ())]) -> X () twgs (message, actions) = GridSelect.Extras.runSelectedActionWithMessageAndIcon defaultTWGSExtraConfig message twicon actions -- | Deletes the current task. Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed. trash :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () trash t ts = do runTmuxCommand $ "echo 'yes' | task " ++ head t ++ " delete" notify $ "Deleted Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) startInboxProcessing ts -- | Sets a task to done. Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed. done :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () done t ts = do runTmuxCommand $ "echo 'yes' | task " ++ head t ++ " done" notify $ "Done Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) startInboxProcessing ts -- | Changes the tag of the current task from INBOX to SOMEDAY -- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed. somedayLater :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () somedayLater t ts = do runTmuxCommand $ "task " ++ head t ++ " modify -INBOX +SOMEDAY" notify $ "Changed Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) ++ "\n\n to Somday/Maybe" startInboxProcessing ts -- | Changes the tag of the current task from INBOX to WAITINGFOR -- Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed. waitingFor :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () waitingFor t ts = do runTmuxCommand $ "task " ++ head t ++ " modify -INBOX +WAITINGFOR" notify $ "Changed Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) ++ "\n\n to Waiting For" startInboxProcessing ts -- | Moves the information of the current task to a markdown file. -- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed. moveToFile :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () moveToFile t ts = do runTmuxCommand $ "task information " ++ head t ++ " >> ~/reference/inbox.md && echo 'yes' | task " ++ head t ++ " done" notify $ "Moved the task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) ++ "\n\n to the file: \n\n ~/reference/inbox.md.\n \n Please consider editing the file." startInboxProcessing ts -- | Opens a customPrompt to create an appointment using -- [gcalcli](https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli) -- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed. calendar :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () calendar t ts = customPrompt "gcalcli add" [] (addAndContinue t ts) where addAndContinue t ts x = do runTmuxCommand ("gcalcli add --noprompt " ++ x) notify "Created Appointment." done t ts -- | Opens a customPrompt to create a project for a given task -- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed. makeProject :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () makeProject t ts = do notify ("Please create your first task for the project: \n\n " ++ t !! 1) customPrompt "task add" [] (addAndContinue t ts) where addAndContinue t ts x = do runTmuxCommand ("task add " ++ x) done t ts -- | Opens a customPrompt in order to modify the current taskwarrior task. -- Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed. editTaskAction :: [String] -- ^ the current task -> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks -> X () editTaskAction t ts = do notify "Please edit your task." customPrompt ("task " ++ head t ++ " modify") [] (addAndContinue t ts) where addAndContinue t ts x = do runTmuxCommand ("task " ++ head t ++ " modify " ++ x) notify "Edited the task" startInboxProcessing ts -- | A dummy action for testing purposes dummyAction :: X () dummyAction = createTWwindow >>= deleteWindow where createTWwindow = createNewWindow (Rectangle 450 150 1000 60) Nothing "Test" True