Copyright | (c) Conal Elliott 2007-2013 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | see LANGUAGE pragma |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Various type constructor compositions and instances for them. Some come from "Applicative Programming with Effects"
- type Unop a = a -> a
- type Binop a = a -> a -> a
- result :: Category cat => (b `cat` b') -> (a `cat` b) -> a `cat` b'
- argument :: Category cat => (a' `cat` a) -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b
- (~>) :: Category cat => (a' `cat` a) -> (b `cat` b') -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b'
- (~>*) :: (Functor p, Functor q) => (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> (p a -> q b) -> p a' -> q b'
- (<~) :: Category cat => (b `cat` b') -> (a' `cat` a) -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b'
- (*<~) :: (Functor p, Functor q) => (b -> b') -> (a' -> a) -> (p a -> q b) -> p a' -> q b'
- class ContraFunctor h where
- bicomap :: ContraFunctor f => (a :<->: b) -> f a :<->: f b
- newtype (g :. f) a = O (g (f a))
- type O = (:.)
- unO :: (g :. f) a -> g (f a)
- biO :: g (f a) :<->: (g :. f) a
- convO :: Functor g => (b :<->: g c) -> (c :<->: f a) -> b :<->: (g :. f) a
- coconvO :: ContraFunctor g => (b :<->: g c) -> (c :<->: f a) -> b :<->: (g :. f) a
- inO :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a'
- inO2 :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a') -> g'' (f'' a'')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a''
- inO3 :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a') -> g'' (f'' a'') -> g''' (f''' a''')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a'' -> (g''' :. f''') a'''
- oPure :: Applicative g => f a -> (g :. f) a
- oFmap :: Functor g' => (f a -> f' a') -> (g' :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a'
- oLiftA2 :: Applicative g'' => (f a -> f' a' -> f'' a'') -> (g'' :. f) a -> (g'' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a''
- oLiftA3 :: Applicative g''' => (f a -> f' a' -> f'' a'' -> f''' a''') -> (g''' :. f) a -> (g''' :. f') a' -> (g''' :. f'') a'' -> (g''' :. f''') a'''
- fmapFF :: (Functor g, Functor f) => (a -> b) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b
- fmapCC :: (ContraFunctor g, ContraFunctor f) => (a -> b) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b
- contraFmapFC :: (Functor g, ContraFunctor f) => (b -> a) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b
- contraFmapCF :: (ContraFunctor g, Functor f) => (b -> a) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b
- class DistribM m n where
- joinDistribM :: (Monad m, Monad n, DistribM m n) => (m :. n) ((m :. n) a) -> (m :. n) a
- bindDistribM :: (Functor m, Functor n, Monad m, Monad n, DistribM m n) => (m :. n) a -> (a -> (m :. n) b) -> (m :. n) b
- returnDistribM :: (Monad m, Monad n) => a -> (m :. n) a
- joinMMT :: (Monad m, Monad n, Traversable n, Applicative m) => m (n (m (n a))) -> m (n a)
- joinComposeT :: (Monad m, Monad n, Traversable n, Applicative m) => (m :. n) ((m :. n) a) -> (m :. n) a
- newtype OO f j a b = OO {
- unOO :: f (a `j` b)
- newtype FunA h a b = FunA {
- unFunA :: h a -> h b
- inFunA :: ((h a -> h b) -> h' a' -> h' b') -> FunA h a b -> FunA h' a' b'
- inFunA2 :: ((h a -> h b) -> (h' a' -> h' b') -> h'' a'' -> h'' b'') -> FunA h a b -> FunA h' a' b' -> FunA h'' a'' b''
- class FunAble h where
- class Monoid_f m where
- newtype Flip j b a = Flip {
- unFlip :: a `j` b
- biFlip :: (a `j` b) :<->: Flip j b a
- inFlip :: ((a `j` b) -> a' `k` b') -> Flip j b a -> Flip k b' a'
- inFlip2 :: ((a `j` b) -> (a' `k` b') -> a'' `l` b'') -> Flip j b a -> Flip k b' a' -> Flip l b'' a''
- inFlip3 :: ((a `j` b) -> (a' `k` b') -> (a'' `l` b'') -> a''' `m` b''') -> Flip j b a -> Flip k b' a' -> Flip l b'' a'' -> Flip m b''' a'''
- type OI = Flip (->) (IO ())
- class ToOI sink where
- newtype f :$ a = App {
- unApp :: f a
- type App = (:$)
- biApp :: f a :<->: App f a
- inApp :: (f a -> f' a') -> App f a -> App f' a'
- inApp2 :: (f a -> f' a' -> f'' a'') -> App f a -> App f' a' -> App f'' a''
- newtype Id a = Id a
- unId :: Id a -> a
- biId :: a :<->: Id a
- inId :: (a -> b) -> Id a -> Id b
- inId2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Id a -> Id b -> Id c
- newtype (f :*: g) a = Prod {
- unProd :: (f a, g a)
- (*:*) :: f a -> g a -> (f :*: g) a
- biProd :: (f a, g a) :<->: (f :*: g) a
- convProd :: (b :<->: f a) -> (c :<->: g a) -> (b, c) :<->: (f :*: g) a
- (***#) :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a' -> b' -> c') -> (a, a') -> (b, b') -> (c, c')
- ($*) :: (a -> b, a' -> b') -> (a, a') -> (b, b')
- inProd :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a'
- inProd2 :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a') -> (f'' a'', g'' a'')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a' -> (f'' :*: g'') a''
- inProd3 :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a') -> (f'' a'', g'' a'') -> (f''' a''', g''' a''')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a' -> (f'' :*: g'') a'' -> (f''' :*: g''') a'''
- newtype (f ::*:: g) a b = Prodd {
- unProdd :: (f a b, g a b)
- (*::*) :: f a b -> g a b -> (f ::*:: g) a b
- inProdd :: ((f a b, g a b) -> (f' a' b', g' a' b')) -> (f ::*:: g) a b -> (f' ::*:: g') a' b'
- inProdd2 :: ((f a b, g a b) -> (f' a' b', g' a' b') -> (f'' a'' b'', g'' a'' b'')) -> (f ::*:: g) a b -> (f' ::*:: g') a' b' -> (f'' ::*:: g'') a'' b''
- newtype Arrw j f g a = Arrw {
- unArrw :: f a `j` g a
- type (:->:) = Arrw (->)
- biFun :: (f a -> g a) :<->: (f :->: g) a
- convFun :: (b :<->: f a) -> (c :<->: g a) -> (b -> c) :<->: (f :->: g) a
- inArrw :: ((f a `j` g a) -> f' a' `j` g' a') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a'
- inArrw2 :: ((f a `j` g a) -> (f' a' `j` g' a') -> f'' a'' `j` g'' a'') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a' -> Arrw j f'' g'' a''
- inArrw3 :: ((f a `j` g a) -> (f' a' `j` g' a') -> (f'' a'' `j` g'' a'') -> f''' a''' `j` g''' a''') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a' -> Arrw j f'' g'' a'' -> Arrw j f''' g''' a'''
- biConst :: a :<->: Const a b
- inConst :: (a -> b) -> Const a u -> Const b v
- inConst2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Const a u -> Const b v -> Const c w
- inConst3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Const a u -> Const b v -> Const c w -> Const d x
- biEndo :: (a -> a) :<->: Endo a
- inEndo :: (Unop a -> Unop a') -> Endo a -> Endo a'
Value transformers
Specialized semantic editor combinators
argument :: Category cat => (a' `cat` a) -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b Source #
Add pre-processing argument :: (a' -> a) -> ((a -> b) -> (a' -> b))
(~>) :: Category cat => (a' `cat` a) -> (b `cat` b') -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b' infixr 1 Source #
Add pre- and post processing
(~>*) :: (Functor p, Functor q) => (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> (p a -> q b) -> p a' -> q b' infixr 1 Source #
Like '(~>)' but specialized to functors and functions.
(<~) :: Category cat => (b `cat` b') -> (a' `cat` a) -> (a `cat` b) -> a' `cat` b' infixl 1 Source #
(*<~) :: (Functor p, Functor q) => (b -> b') -> (a' -> a) -> (p a -> q b) -> p a' -> q b' infixl 1 Source #
Contravariant functors
class ContraFunctor h where Source #
Contravariant functors. often useful for acceptors (consumers, sinks) of values.
Minimal complete definition
contraFmap :: (a -> b) -> h b -> h a Source #
Arrow arr => ContraFunctor (Flip arr b) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Functor f, ContraFunctor g) => ContraFunctor (Arrw j f g) Source # | |
bicomap :: ContraFunctor f => (a :<->: b) -> f a :<->: f b Source #
Bijections on contravariant functors
Unary/unary composition
newtype (g :. f) a infixl 9 Source #
Composition of unary type constructors
There are (at least) two useful Monoid
instances, so you'll have to
pick one and type-specialize it (filling in all or parts of g
and/or f
-- standard Monoid instance for Applicative applied to Monoid instance (Applicative (g :. f), Monoid a) => Monoid ((g :. f) a) where { mempty = pure mempty; mappend = liftA2 mappend } -- Especially handy when g is a Monoid_f. instance Monoid (g (f a)) => Monoid ((g :. f) a) where { mempty = O mempty; mappend = inO2 mappend }
Corresponding to the first and second definitions above,
instance (Applicative g, Monoid_f f) => Monoid_f (g :. f) where { mempty_f = O (pure mempty_f); mappend_f = inO2 (liftA2 mappend_f) } instance Monoid_f g => Monoid_f (g :. f) where { mempty_f = O mempty_f; mappend_f = inO2 mappend_f }
Similarly, there are two useful Functor
instances and two useful
instance ( Functor g, Functor f) => Functor (g :. f) where fmap = fmapFF instance (ContraFunctor g, ContraFunctor f) => Functor (g :. f) where fmap = fmapCC instance ( Functor g, ContraFunctor f) => ContraFunctor (g :. f) where contraFmap = contraFmapFC instance (ContraFunctor g, Functor f) => ContraFunctor (g :. f) where contraFmap = contraFmapCF
However, it's such a bother to define the Functor instances per composition type, I've left the fmapFF case in. If you want the fmapCC one, you're out of luck for now. I'd love to hear a good solution. Maybe someday Haskell will do Prolog-style search for instances, subgoaling the constraints, rather than just matching instance heads.
O (g (f a)) |
Applicative f => Lambda f ((:.) (Flip (->) o) f) Source # | |
Applicative f => Lambda f ((:.) f (Flip (->) o)) Source # | |
(Functor g, Functor f) => Functor ((:.) g f) Source # | |
(Applicative g, Applicative f) => Applicative ((:.) g f) Source # | |
(Foldable g, Foldable f, Functor g) => Foldable ((:.) g f) Source # | |
(Traversable g, Traversable f) => Traversable ((:.) g f) Source # | |
Functor g => Generic1 ((:.) g f) Source # | |
Title_f g => Title_f ((:.) g f) Source # | |
(Functor h, Copair f) => Copair ((:.) h f) Source # | |
(Functor h, Cozip f) => Cozip ((:.) h f) Source # | |
Eq (g (f a)) => Eq ((:.) g f a) Source # | |
Ord (g (f a)) => Ord ((:.) g f a) Source # | |
Show (g (f a)) => Show ((:.) g f a) Source # | |
Generic ((:.) g f a) Source # | |
type Rep1 ((:.) g f) Source # | |
type Rep ((:.) g f a) Source # | |
convO :: Functor g => (b :<->: g c) -> (c :<->: f a) -> b :<->: (g :. f) a Source #
Compose a bijection, Functor style
coconvO :: ContraFunctor g => (b :<->: g c) -> (c :<->: f a) -> b :<->: (g :. f) a Source #
Compose a bijection, ContraFunctor style
inO :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a' Source #
Apply a unary function within the O
inO2 :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a') -> g'' (f'' a'')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a'' Source #
Apply a binary function within the O
inO3 :: (g (f a) -> g' (f' a') -> g'' (f'' a'') -> g''' (f''' a''')) -> (g :. f) a -> (g' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a'' -> (g''' :. f''') a''' Source #
Apply a ternary function within the O
oLiftA2 :: Applicative g'' => (f a -> f' a' -> f'' a'') -> (g'' :. f) a -> (g'' :. f') a' -> (g'' :. f'') a'' Source #
oLiftA3 :: Applicative g''' => (f a -> f' a' -> f'' a'' -> f''' a''') -> (g''' :. f) a -> (g''' :. f') a' -> (g''' :. f'') a'' -> (g''' :. f''') a''' Source #
fmapFF :: (Functor g, Functor f) => (a -> b) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b Source #
Used for the Functor :. Functor
instance of Functor
fmapCC :: (ContraFunctor g, ContraFunctor f) => (a -> b) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b Source #
Used for the ContraFunctor :. ContraFunctor
instance of Functor
contraFmapFC :: (Functor g, ContraFunctor f) => (b -> a) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b Source #
Used for the Functor :. ContraFunctor
instance of Functor
contraFmapCF :: (ContraFunctor g, Functor f) => (b -> a) -> (g :. f) a -> (g :. f) b Source #
Used for the ContraFunctor :. Functor
instance of Functor
class DistribM m n where Source #
Monad distributivity.
TODO: what conditions are required so that (m :. n)
satisfies the monad laws?
Minimal complete definition
joinDistribM :: (Monad m, Monad n, DistribM m n) => (m :. n) ((m :. n) a) -> (m :. n) a Source #
A candidate join
for (m :. n)
bindDistribM :: (Functor m, Functor n, Monad m, Monad n, DistribM m n) => (m :. n) a -> (a -> (m :. n) b) -> (m :. n) b Source #
A candidate '(>>=)' for (m :. n)
joinMMT :: (Monad m, Monad n, Traversable n, Applicative m) => m (n (m (n a))) -> m (n a) Source #
-like function for implicitly composed monads
joinComposeT :: (Monad m, Monad n, Traversable n, Applicative m) => (m :. n) ((m :. n) a) -> (m :. n) a Source #
-like function for explicitly composed monads
Type composition
Composition of type constructors: unary with binary. Called StaticArrow in [1].
Common pattern for Arrow
inFunA :: ((h a -> h b) -> h' a' -> h' b') -> FunA h a b -> FunA h' a' b' Source #
Apply unary function in side a FunA
inFunA2 :: ((h a -> h b) -> (h' a' -> h' b') -> h'' a'' -> h'' b'') -> FunA h a b -> FunA h' a' b' -> FunA h'' a'' b'' Source #
Apply binary function in side a FunA
class FunAble h where Source #
arrFun :: (a -> b) -> h a -> h b Source #
firstFun :: (h a -> h a') -> h (a, b) -> h (a', b) Source #
secondFun :: (h b -> h b') -> h (a, b) -> h (a, b') Source #
(***%) :: (h a -> h b) -> (h a' -> h b') -> h (a, a') -> h (b, b') Source #
(&&&%) :: (h a -> h b) -> (h a -> h b') -> h a -> h (b, b') Source #
Monoid constructors
class Monoid_f m where Source #
Simulates universal constraint forall a. Monoid (f a)
See Simulating Quantified Class Constraints ( Instantiate this schema wherever necessary:
instance Monoid_f f where { mempty_f = mempty ; mappend_f = mappend }
Flip a binary constructor's type arguments
Flip type arguments
ToOI OI Source # | |
Lambda IO OI Source # | |
Applicative f => Lambda f ((:.) (Flip (->) o) f) Source # | |
Applicative f => Lambda f ((:.) f (Flip (->) o)) Source # | |
Lambda Id (Flip (->) o) Source # | |
Monoid o => Monoid_f (Flip (->) o) Source # | |
Arrow arr => ContraFunctor (Flip arr b) Source # | |
Title o => Title_f (Flip (->) o) Source # | |
Arrow j => Copair (Flip j o) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Monoid_f (Flip j o)) => Pair (Flip j o) Source # | |
Arrow j => Cozip (Flip j o) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Monoid_f (Flip j o)) => Zip (Flip j o) Source # | |
(Applicative (j a), Monoid o) => Monoid (Flip j o a) Source # | |
inFlip2 :: ((a `j` b) -> (a' `k` b') -> a'' `l` b'') -> Flip j b a -> Flip k b' a' -> Flip l b'' a'' Source #
inFlip3 :: ((a `j` b) -> (a' `k` b') -> (a'' `l` b'') -> a''' `m` b''') -> Flip j b a -> Flip k b' a' -> Flip l b'' a'' -> Flip m b''' a''' Source #
Type application
newtype f :$ a infixr 0 Source #
Type application
We can also drop the App
constructor, but then we overlap with many
other instances, like [a]
. Here's a template for App
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (f a) where mempty = pure mempty mappend = liftA2 mappend
Identity type constructor. Until there's a better place to find it. I'd use Control.Monad.Identity, but I don't want to introduce a dependency on mtl just for Id.
Id a |
Monad Id Source # | |
Functor Id Source # | |
Applicative Id Source # | |
Foldable Id Source # | |
Traversable Id Source # | |
Generic1 Id Source # | |
Unpair Id Source # | |
Pair Id Source # | |
Unzip Id Source # | |
Zip Id Source # | |
Lambda Id (Flip (->) o) Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Id a) Source # | |
Ord a => Ord (Id a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Id a) Source # | |
Generic (Id a) Source # | |
type Rep1 Id Source # | |
type Rep (Id a) Source # | |
Constructor pairing
newtype (f :*: g) a infixl 7 Source #
Pairing of unary type constructors
(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Monoid_f f, Monoid_f g) => Monoid_f ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Copair f, Copair g) => Copair ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Pair f, Pair g) => Pair ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Cozip f, Cozip g) => Cozip ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Zip f, Zip g) => Zip ((:*:) f g) Source # | |
(Lambda src snk, Lambda dom' ran') => Lambda ((:*:) src dom') ((:*:) snk ran') Source # | |
Eq (f a, g a) => Eq ((:*:) f g a) Source # | |
Ord (f a, g a) => Ord ((:*:) f g a) Source # | |
Show (f a, g a) => Show ((:*:) f g a) Source # | |
(***#) :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a' -> b' -> c') -> (a, a') -> (b, b') -> (c, c') infixr 3 Source #
Combine two binary functions into a binary function on pairs
($*) :: (a -> b, a' -> b') -> (a, a') -> (b, b') infixl 0 Source #
A handy combining form. See '(***#)' for an sample use.
inProd :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a' Source #
Apply unary function inside of f :*: g
inProd2 :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a') -> (f'' a'', g'' a'')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a' -> (f'' :*: g'') a'' Source #
Apply binary function inside of f :*: g
inProd3 :: ((f a, g a) -> (f' a', g' a') -> (f'' a'', g'' a'') -> (f''' a''', g''' a''')) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f' :*: g') a' -> (f'' :*: g'') a'' -> (f''' :*: g''') a''' Source #
Apply ternary function inside of f :*: g
newtype (f ::*:: g) a b Source #
Pairing of binary type constructors
(Category * f, Category * f') => Category * ((::*::) f f') Source # | |
(Arrow f, Arrow f') => Arrow ((::*::) f f') Source # | |
(Eq (f a b), Eq (g a b)) => Eq ((::*::) f g a b) Source # | |
(Ord (f a b), Ord (g a b)) => Ord ((::*::) f g a b) Source # | |
(Show (f a b), Show (g a b)) => Show ((::*::) f g a b) Source # | |
inProdd :: ((f a b, g a b) -> (f' a' b', g' a' b')) -> (f ::*:: g) a b -> (f' ::*:: g') a' b' Source #
Apply binary function inside of f :*: g
inProdd2 :: ((f a b, g a b) -> (f' a' b', g' a' b') -> (f'' a'' b'', g'' a'' b'')) -> (f ::*:: g) a b -> (f' ::*:: g') a' b' -> (f'' ::*:: g'') a'' b'' Source #
Apply binary function inside of f :*: g
Arrow between two constructor applications
Arrow-like type between type constructors (doesn't enforce Arrow
Applicative f => Lambda f ((:->:) f (Const * o)) Source # | |
(Arrow j, ContraFunctor f, Functor g) => Functor (Arrw j f g) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Functor f, ContraFunctor g) => ContraFunctor (Arrw j f g) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Unpair f, Pair g) => Pair (Arrw j f g) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Unzip f, Zip g) => Zip (Arrw j f g) Source # | |
(Arrow j, Unlambda f f', Lambda g g') => Lambda (Arrw j f g) (Arrw j f' g') Source # | |
Monoid (j (f a) (g a)) => Monoid (Arrw j f g a) Source # | |
convFun :: (b :<->: f a) -> (c :<->: g a) -> (b -> c) :<->: (f :->: g) a Source #
Compose a bijection
inArrw :: ((f a `j` g a) -> f' a' `j` g' a') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a' Source #
Apply unary function inside of Arrw
inArrw2 :: ((f a `j` g a) -> (f' a' `j` g' a') -> f'' a'' `j` g'' a'') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a' -> Arrw j f'' g'' a'' Source #
Apply binary function inside of Arrw j f g
inArrw3 :: ((f a `j` g a) -> (f' a' `j` g' a') -> (f'' a'' `j` g'' a'') -> f''' a''' `j` g''' a''') -> Arrw j f g a -> Arrw j f' g' a' -> Arrw j f'' g'' a'' -> Arrw j f''' g''' a''' Source #
Apply ternary function inside of Arrw j f g