{- |

   Module      :  System.Win32.Console.CtrlHandler

   Copyright   :  2008-2013 Judah Jacobson, 2013 shelarcy

   License     :  BSD-style

   Maintainer  :  shelarcy@gmail.com

   Stability   :  Provisional

   Portability :  Non-portable (Win32 API)

   Set handlers of console Ctrl events.


module System.Win32.Console.CtrlHandler 

  ( CtrlEvent, Handler, PHANDLER_ROUTINE

  , withConsoleCtrlHandler

  , setConsoleCtrlHandler, c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler

  , mkHandler


  ) where

import Control.Exception    ( bracket )

import Control.Monad        ( void )

import Foreign.Ptr          ( FunPtr )

import System.Win32.Console ( CtrlEvent, cTRL_C_EVENT, cTRL_BREAK_EVENT )

import System.Win32.Types   ( BOOL, failIfFalse_ )

#include "windows_cconv.h"

type Handler = CtrlEvent -> IO BOOL

-- type HandlerRoutine = Handler

type PHANDLER_ROUTINE = FunPtr Handler

withConsoleCtrlHandler :: Handler -> IO a -> IO a

withConsoleCtrlHandler handler io

  = bracket (do hd <- mkHandler handler

                -- don't fail if we can't set the Ctrl-C handler

                -- for example, we might not be attached to a console?

                void $ c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler hd True

                return hd)

            (\hd -> void $ c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler hd False)

            $ const io

-- | This function isn't suitable when we want to set the cTRL_C_EVENT handler.

-- If you want to set the cTRL_C_EVENT handler, use 'c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler' instead.

setConsoleCtrlHandler :: PHANDLER_ROUTINE -> BOOL -> IO ()

setConsoleCtrlHandler handler flag

  = failIfFalse_ "SetConsoleCtrlHandler"

      $ c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler handler flag

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "wrapper" mkHandler :: Handler -> IO PHANDLER_ROUTINE

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV "windows.h SetConsoleCtrlHandler"

  c_SetConsoleCtrlHandler :: PHANDLER_ROUTINE -> BOOL -> IO BOOL