{- |

   Module      :  System.Win32.HardLink

   Copyright   :  2013 shelarcy

   License     :  BSD-style

   Maintainer  :  shelarcy@gmail.com

   Stability   :  Provisional

   Portability :  Non-portable (Win32 API)

   Handling hard link using Win32 API. [NTFS only]

   Note: You should worry about file system type when use this module's function in your application:

     * NTFS only supprts this functionality.

     * ReFS doesn't support hard link currently.


module System.Win32.HardLink

  ( module System.Win32.HardLink

  ) where

import System.Win32.File   ( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, failIfFalseWithRetry_ )

import System.Win32.String ( LPCTSTR, withTString )

import System.Win32.Types  ( BOOL, nullPtr )

#include "windows_cconv.h"

-- | NOTE: createHardLink is /flipped arguments/ to provide compatiblity for Unix.


-- If you want to create hard link by Windows way, use 'createHardLink'' instead.

createHardLink :: FilePath -- ^ Target file path

               -> FilePath -- ^ Hard link name

               -> IO ()

createHardLink = flip createHardLink'

createHardLink' :: FilePath -- ^ Hard link name

                -> FilePath -- ^ Target file path

                -> IO ()

createHardLink' link target =

   withTString target $ \c_target ->

   withTString link   $ \c_link ->

        failIfFalseWithRetry_ (unwords ["CreateHardLinkW",show link,show target]) $

          c_CreateHardLink c_link c_target nullPtr

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h CreateHardLinkW"

  c_CreateHardLink :: LPCTSTR -- ^ Hard link name

                   -> LPCTSTR -- ^ Target file path

                   -> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -- ^ This parameter is reserved. You should pass just /nullPtr/.

                   -> IO BOOL


-- We plan to check file system type internally.

-- We are thinking about API design, currently...

data VolumeInformation = VolumeInformation

      { volumeName         :: String

      , volumeSerialNumber :: DWORD

      , maximumComponentLength :: DWORD

      , fileSystemFlags    :: DWORD

      , fileSystemName     :: String

      } deriving Show

getVolumeInformation :: Maybe String -> IO VolumeInformation

getVolumeInformation drive =

   maybeWith withTString drive $ \c_drive ->

   withTStringBufferLen 256    $ \(vnBuf, vnLen) ->

   alloca $ \serialNum ->

   alloca $ \maxLen ->

   alloca $ \fsFlags ->

   withTStringBufferLen 256 $ \(fsBuf, fsLen) -> do

       failIfFalse_ (unwords ["GetVolumeInformationW", drive]) $

         c_GetVolumeInformation c_drive vnBuf (fromIntegral vnLen)

                                serialNum maxLen fsFlags

                                fsBuf (fromIntegral fsLen)

       return VolumeInformation

         <*> peekTString vnBuf

         <*> peek serialNum

         <*> peek maxLen

         <*> peek fsFlags

         <*> peekTString fsBuf

-- Which is better?

getVolumeFileType :: String -> IO String

getVolumeFileType drive = fileSystemName <$> getVolumeInformation drive

getVolumeFileType :: String -> IO String

getVolumeFileType drive =

   withTString drive        $ \c_drive ->

   withTStringBufferLen 256 $ \(buf, len) -> do

       failIfFalse_ (unwords ["GetVolumeInformationW", drive]) $

         c_GetVolumeInformation c_drive nullPtr 0 nullPtr nullPtr nullPtr buf (fromIntegral len)

       peekTString buf

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetVolumeInformationW"

