{-# LINE 1 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 2 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

{-# LINE 4 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}


-- |

-- Module      :  System.Win32.Registry

-- Copyright   :  (c) Alastair Reid, 1997-2003

-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)


-- Maintainer  :  Esa Ilari Vuokko <ei@vuokko.info>

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable


-- A collection of FFI declarations for accessing the Win32 registry.



module System.Win32.Registry

                ( module System.Win32.Registry

                ) where

{- What's really on offer:


          regCloseKey        -- :: HKEY -> IO ()

        , regConnectRegistry -- :: Maybe String -> HKEY -> IO HKEY

        , regCreateKey       -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO HKEY

        , regCreateKeyEx     -- :: HKEY -> String -> Maybe String

                             -- -> RegCreateOptions -> REGSAM

                             -- -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES

                             -- -> IO (HKEY, Bool)

        , regDeleteKey       -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

        , regDeleteValue     -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

        , regEnumKeys        -- :: HKEY -> IO [String]

        , regEnumKey         -- :: HKEY -> DWORD -> Addr -> DWORD -> IO String

        , regEnumKeyValue    -- :: HKEY -> DWORD -> Addr -> DWORD -> Addr -> DWORD -> IO String

        , regFlushKey        -- :: HKEY -> IO ()

        , regLoadKey         -- :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

        , regNotifyChangeKeyValue -- :: HKEY -> Bool -> RegNotifyOptions

                                  -- -> HANDLE -> Bool -> IO ()

        , regOpenKey         -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO HKEY

        , regOpenKeyEx       -- :: HKEY -> String -> REGSAM -> IO HKEY

        , regQueryInfoKey    -- :: HKEY -> IO RegInfoKey

        , regQueryValue      -- :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> IO String

        , regQueryDefaultValue -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO String

        , regQueryValueEx    -- :: HKEY -> String -> Addr -> Int -> IO RegValueType

        , regReplaceKey      -- :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> String -> String -> IO ()

        , regRestoreKey      -- :: HKEY -> String -> RegRestoreFlags -> IO ()

        , regSaveKey         -- :: HKEY -> String -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> IO ()

        , regGetValue        -- :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> RegTypeRestriction

                             -- -> Maybe LPDWORD -> Maybe LPVOID -> Maybe LPDWORD -> IO ()

        , regSetValue        -- :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

        , regSetValueEx      -- :: HKEY -> String -> RegValueType -> LPTSTR -> Int -> IO ()

        , regSetStringValue  -- :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

        , regUnloadKey       -- :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

        ) where



 Registry API omissions:




import Data.Word (Word32)

import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)

import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes, free, mallocBytes)

import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray0)

import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (maybeWith, with)

import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr, nullPtr)

import Foreign.Storable (peek, peekByteOff, peekElemOff, sizeOf)

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import System.Win32.File (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)

import System.Win32.Time (FILETIME)

import System.Win32.Types (DWORD, ErrCode, HKEY, LPCTSTR, PKEY, withTString)

import System.Win32.Types (HANDLE, LONG, LPBYTE, newForeignHANDLE, peekTString)

import System.Win32.Types (LPTSTR, TCHAR, LPDWORD, LPVOID, failUnlessSuccess)

import System.Win32.Types (castUINTPtrToPtr, failUnlessSuccessOr, maybePtr)

#include "windows_cconv.h"


hKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     = (unsafePerformIO . newForeignHANDLE . castUINTPtrToPtr) 18446744071562067968


hKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG   = (unsafePerformIO . newForeignHANDLE . castUINTPtrToPtr) 18446744071562067973


hKEY_CURRENT_USER     = (unsafePerformIO . newForeignHANDLE . castUINTPtrToPtr) 18446744071562067969


hKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE    = (unsafePerformIO . newForeignHANDLE . castUINTPtrToPtr) 18446744071562067970

hKEY_USERS            :: HKEY

hKEY_USERS            = (unsafePerformIO . newForeignHANDLE . castUINTPtrToPtr) 18446744071562067971

{-# LINE 92 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}


-- , HKEY_DYN_DATA     95/98 only

regCloseKey :: HKEY -> IO ()

regCloseKey key =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegCloseKey" $ c_RegCloseKey p_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegCloseKey"

  c_RegCloseKey :: PKEY -> IO ErrCode

-- Connects to a predefined registry handle on another computer.

regConnectRegistry :: Maybe String -> HKEY -> IO HKEY

regConnectRegistry mb_machine key =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  maybeWith withTString mb_machine $ \ c_machine ->

  alloca $ \ p_out_key -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegConnectRegistry" $

    c_RegConnectRegistry c_machine p_key p_out_key

  p_new_key <- peek p_out_key

  newForeignHANDLE p_new_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegConnectRegistryW"

  c_RegConnectRegistry :: LPCTSTR -> PKEY -> Ptr PKEY -> IO ErrCode

regCreateKey :: HKEY -> String -> IO HKEY

regCreateKey key subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_out_key -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegCreateKey" $

    c_RegCreateKey p_key c_subkey p_out_key

  p_new_key <- peek p_out_key

  newForeignHANDLE p_new_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegCreateKeyW"

  c_RegCreateKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> Ptr PKEY -> IO ErrCode

type RegCreateOptions = DWORD

rEG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE       :: RegCreateOptions


rEG_OPTION_VOLATILE           :: RegCreateOptions

rEG_OPTION_VOLATILE           =  1

{-# LINE 134 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

type REGSAM = Word32

{-# LINE 136 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}


kEY_ALL_ACCESS        =  983103


kEY_CREATE_LINK       =  32





kEY_EXECUTE           :: REGSAM

kEY_EXECUTE           =  131097

kEY_NOTIFY            :: REGSAM

kEY_NOTIFY            =  16


kEY_QUERY_VALUE       =  1

kEY_READ              :: REGSAM

kEY_READ              =  131097


kEY_SET_VALUE         =  2

kEY_WRITE             :: REGSAM

kEY_WRITE             =  131078

{-# LINE 149 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

regCreateKeyEx :: HKEY -> String -> Maybe String -> RegCreateOptions -> REGSAM -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> IO (HKEY, Bool)

regCreateKeyEx key subkey cls opts sam mb_attr =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  maybeWith withTString cls $ \ c_cls ->

  alloca $ \ p_res ->

  alloca $ \ p_disp -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegCreateKeyEx" $

    c_RegCreateKeyEx p_key c_subkey 0 c_cls opts sam (maybePtr mb_attr) p_res p_disp

  p_out_key <- peek p_res

  out_key <- newForeignHANDLE p_out_key

  disp <- peek p_disp

  return (out_key, disp == 1)

{-# LINE 163 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegCreateKeyExW"

  c_RegCreateKeyEx :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> LPCTSTR -> RegCreateOptions -> REGSAM -> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> Ptr PKEY -> Ptr DWORD -> IO ErrCode

regDeleteKey :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

regDeleteKey key subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegDeleteKey" $ c_RegDeleteKey p_key c_subkey

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegDeleteKeyW"

  c_RegDeleteKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> IO ErrCode

regDeleteValue :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

regDeleteValue key name =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString name $ \ c_name ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegDeleteValue" $ c_RegDeleteValue p_key c_name

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegDeleteValueW"

  c_RegDeleteValue :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> IO ErrCode

-- XXX Not 100% sure this is right, but I think it is.

-- Surely this function already exists somewhere?

mallocWideChars :: Int -> IO (Ptr a)

mallocWideChars i = mallocBytes (4 * i)

regEnumKeys :: HKEY -> IO [String]

regEnumKeys hkey = do

   hinfo <- regQueryInfoKey hkey

   let buflen = 1+max_subkey_len hinfo

   buf   <- mallocWideChars (fromIntegral buflen)

   ls    <- go 0 buf buflen

   free buf

   return ls


   go n buf buflen = do

      (v,flg)  <- regEnumKey hkey n buf buflen

      if flg /= 0

       then return []

       else do

         vs <- go (n+1) buf buflen

         return (v:vs)

regEnumKeyVals :: HKEY -> IO [(String,String,RegValueType)]

regEnumKeyVals hkey = do

   hinfo <- regQueryInfoKey hkey

   let nmlen  = 1+max_value_name_len hinfo  -- add spc for terminating NUL.

   let vallen = 1+max_value_len hinfo

   nmbuf  <- mallocWideChars (fromIntegral nmlen)

   valbuf <- mallocWideChars (fromIntegral vallen)

   ls     <- go 0 nmbuf nmlen valbuf vallen

   free nmbuf

   free valbuf

   return ls


   go n nmbuf nmlen valbuf vallen = do

      (ty,nm,flg) <- regEnumValue hkey n nmbuf nmlen valbuf vallen

      if flg /= 0

       then return []

       else do

        val <-

           case ty of

             x | x == rEG_SZ    -> peekTString (castPtr valbuf)

               | x == rEG_DWORD -> peekElemOff (castPtr valbuf) 0 >>= \ v -> return (show (v :: DWORD))

               | otherwise      -> return "<<unknown>>"

        vs <- go (n+1) nmbuf nmlen valbuf vallen

        return ((nm,val,ty):vs)

-- It's up to the programmer to ensure that a large enough

-- buffer is passed in here.

regEnumKey :: HKEY -> DWORD -> LPTSTR -> DWORD -> IO (String, Int)

regEnumKey key index c_name len =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key -> do

  no_more <- failUnlessSuccessOr eRROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS "RegEnumKey" $

    c_RegEnumKey p_key index c_name len

  str <- peekTString c_name

  return (str, fromEnum no_more)

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegEnumKeyW"

  c_RegEnumKey :: PKEY -> DWORD -> LPTSTR -> DWORD -> IO ErrCode

regEnumValue :: HKEY -> DWORD -> LPTSTR -> DWORD -> LPBYTE -> DWORD -> IO (RegValueType, String, Int)

regEnumValue key index name name_len value value_len =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  with name_len $ \ p_name_len ->

  with value_len $ \ p_value_len ->

  alloca $ \ p_reg_ty -> do

  no_more <- failUnlessSuccessOr eRROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS "RegEnumValue" $

    c_RegEnumValue p_key index name p_name_len nullPtr p_reg_ty value p_value_len

  reg_ty <- peek p_reg_ty

  str <- peekTString name

  return (reg_ty, str, fromEnum no_more)

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegEnumValueW"

  c_RegEnumValue :: PKEY -> DWORD -> LPTSTR -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> LPBYTE -> Ptr DWORD -> IO ErrCode



{-# LINE 260 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

regFlushKey :: HKEY -> IO ()

regFlushKey key =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegFlushKey" $ c_RegFlushKey p_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegFlushKey"

  c_RegFlushKey :: PKEY -> IO ErrCode



-- endif

regLoadKey :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

regLoadKey key subkey file =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  withTString file $ \ c_file ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegLoadKey" $ c_RegLoadKey p_key c_subkey c_file

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegLoadKeyW"

  c_RegLoadKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> IO ErrCode


type RegNotifyOptions = DWORD

rEG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME        :: RegNotifyOptions




rEG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET    :: RegNotifyOptions




{-# LINE 292 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

regNotifyChangeKeyValue :: HKEY -> Bool -> RegNotifyOptions -> HANDLE -> Bool -> IO ()

regNotifyChangeKeyValue key watch notifyFilter event async =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegNotifyChangeKeyValue" $

    c_RegNotifyChangeKeyValue p_key watch notifyFilter event async

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegNotifyChangeKeyValue"

  c_RegNotifyChangeKeyValue :: PKEY -> Bool -> RegNotifyOptions -> HANDLE -> Bool -> IO ErrCode

-- endif

-- for Win 3.x compatibility, use RegOpenKeyEx instead.

regOpenKey :: HKEY -> String -> IO HKEY

regOpenKey key subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_res -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegOpenKey" $ c_RegOpenKey p_key c_subkey p_res

  p_res_key <- peek p_res

  newForeignHANDLE p_res_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegOpenKeyW"

  c_RegOpenKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> Ptr PKEY -> IO ErrCode

regOpenKeyEx :: HKEY -> String -> REGSAM -> IO HKEY

regOpenKeyEx key subkey sam =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_res -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegOpenKeyEx" $ c_RegOpenKeyEx p_key c_subkey 0 sam p_res

  p_res_key <- peek p_res

  newForeignHANDLE p_res_key

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegOpenKeyExW"

  c_RegOpenKeyEx :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> REGSAM -> Ptr PKEY -> IO ErrCode

data RegInfoKey =

  RegInfoKey {

    class_string       :: String,

    class_id           :: Int,

    subkeys            :: Word32,

    max_subkey_len     :: Word32,

    max_class_len      :: Word32,

    values             :: Word32,

    max_value_name_len :: Word32,

    max_value_len      :: Word32,

    sec_len            :: Int,

    lastWrite_lo       :: Word32,

    lastWrite_hi       :: Word32


regQueryInfoKey :: HKEY -> IO RegInfoKey

regQueryInfoKey key =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  allocaBytes 100 $ \ c_class_string ->

  alloca $ \ p_class_id ->

  alloca $ \ p_subkeys ->

  alloca $ \ p_max_subkey_len ->

  alloca $ \ p_max_class_len ->

  alloca $ \ p_values ->

  alloca $ \ p_max_value_name_len ->

  alloca $ \ p_max_value_len ->

  alloca $ \ p_sec_len ->

  allocaBytes ((8)) $ \ p_lastWrite -> do

{-# LINE 355 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

  failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryInfoKey" $

    c_RegQueryInfoKey p_key c_class_string p_class_id nullPtr p_subkeys

        p_max_subkey_len p_max_class_len p_values p_max_value_name_len

        p_max_value_len p_sec_len p_lastWrite

  class_string' <- peekTString c_class_string

  class_id' <- peek p_class_id

  subkeys' <- peek p_subkeys

  max_subkey_len' <- peek p_max_subkey_len

  max_class_len' <- peek p_max_class_len

  values' <- peek p_values

  max_value_name_len' <- peek p_max_value_name_len

  max_value_len' <- peek p_max_value_len

  sec_len' <- peek p_sec_len

  lastWrite_lo' <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0) p_lastWrite

{-# LINE 369 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

  lastWrite_hi' <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4) p_lastWrite

{-# LINE 370 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

  return $ RegInfoKey

    { class_string = class_string'

    , class_id = fromIntegral class_id'

    , subkeys = subkeys'

    , max_subkey_len = max_subkey_len'

    , max_class_len = max_class_len'

    , values = values'

    , max_value_name_len = max_value_name_len'

    , max_value_len = max_value_len'

    , sec_len = fromIntegral sec_len'

    , lastWrite_lo = lastWrite_lo'

    , lastWrite_hi = lastWrite_hi'


foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegQueryInfoKeyW"

  c_RegQueryInfoKey :: PKEY -> LPTSTR -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr FILETIME -> IO ErrCode

-- RegQueryMultipleValues :: HKEY -> IO ([VALENT],String)

{-# DEPRECATED regQueryValueKey "Use regQueryValue instead." #-}

regQueryValueKey :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> IO String

regQueryValueKey key mb_subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  maybeWith withTString mb_subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_value_len -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValueKey" $

    c_RegQueryValue p_key c_subkey nullPtr p_value_len

  value_len <- peek p_value_len

  allocaArray0 (fromIntegral value_len) $ \ c_value -> do

    failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValueKey" $

      c_RegQueryValue p_key c_subkey c_value p_value_len

    peekTString c_value

regQueryValue :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> IO String

regQueryValue key mb_subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  maybeWith withTString mb_subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_value_len -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValue" $

    c_RegQueryValue p_key c_subkey nullPtr p_value_len

  value_len <- peek p_value_len

  allocaArray0 (fromIntegral value_len) $ \ c_value -> do

    failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValue" $

      c_RegQueryValue p_key c_subkey c_value p_value_len

    peekTString c_value

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegQueryValueW"

  c_RegQueryValue :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> LPTSTR -> Ptr LONG -> IO ErrCode

-- Gets the data associated with the default value of a key (assumed to be of

-- type REG_SZ) using RegQeryValueEx.

regQueryDefaultValue :: HKEY -> String -> IO String

regQueryDefaultValue key mb_subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString mb_subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  alloca $ \ p_ty ->

  alloca $ \ p_value_len -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "regQueryDefaultValue" $

    c_RegQueryValueEx p_key c_subkey nullPtr p_ty nullPtr p_value_len

  ty <- peek p_ty

  failUnlessSuccess "regQueryDefaultValue" $ return (if ty == rEG_SZ then 0 else 1)

  value_len <- peek p_value_len

  allocaArray0 (fromIntegral value_len) $ \ c_value -> do

    failUnlessSuccess "regQueryDefaultValue" $

      c_RegQueryValueEx p_key c_subkey nullPtr p_ty c_value p_value_len

    peekTString (castPtr c_value)

regQueryValueEx :: HKEY -> String -> LPBYTE -> Int -> IO RegValueType

regQueryValueEx key name value value_len =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString name $ \ c_name ->

  alloca $ \ p_ty ->

  with (fromIntegral value_len) $ \ p_value_len -> do

  failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValueEx" $

    c_RegQueryValueEx p_key c_name nullPtr p_ty value p_value_len

  peek p_ty

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegQueryValueExW"

  c_RegQueryValueEx :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> LPBYTE -> Ptr DWORD -> IO ErrCode

regReplaceKey :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> String -> String -> IO ()

regReplaceKey key subkey newfile oldfile =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  maybeWith withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  withTString newfile $ \ c_newfile ->

  withTString oldfile $ \ c_oldfile ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegReplaceKey" $

    c_RegReplaceKey p_key c_subkey c_newfile c_oldfile

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegReplaceKeyW"

  c_RegReplaceKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> IO ErrCode

type RegRestoreFlags = DWORD



rEG_REFRESH_HIVE      :: RegRestoreFlags

rEG_REFRESH_HIVE      =  2

rEG_NO_LAZY_FLUSH     :: RegRestoreFlags

rEG_NO_LAZY_FLUSH     =  4

{-# LINE 465 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

regRestoreKey :: HKEY -> String -> RegRestoreFlags -> IO ()

regRestoreKey key file flags =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString file $ \ c_file ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegRestoreKey" $ c_RegRestoreKey p_key c_file flags

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegRestoreKeyW"

  c_RegRestoreKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> RegRestoreFlags -> IO ErrCode

regSaveKey :: HKEY -> String -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> IO ()

regSaveKey key file mb_attr =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString file $ \ c_file ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegSaveKey" $ c_RegSaveKey p_key c_file (maybePtr mb_attr)

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegSaveKeyW"




-- endif

-- 3.1 compat. - only allows storage of REG_SZ values.

regGetValue :: HKEY -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> RegTypeRestriction -> Maybe LPDWORD -> Maybe LPVOID -> Maybe LPDWORD -> IO ()

regGetValue key m_subkey m_valuename flags m_type m_value m_size =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  maybeWith withTString m_subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  maybeWith withTString m_valuename $ \ c_valuename ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegGetValue" $

    c_RegGetValue p_key c_subkey c_valuename flags (maybePtr m_type) (maybePtr m_value) (maybePtr m_size)

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegGetValueW"

  c_RegGetValue :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> LPDWORD -> LPVOID -> LPDWORD -> IO ErrCode

type RegTypeRestriction = DWORD

rRF_RT_ANY             :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_ANY             =  65535

rRF_RT_DWORD           :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_DWORD           =  24

rRF_RT_QWORD           :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_QWORD           =  72

rRF_RT_REG_BINARY      :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_BINARY      =  8

rRF_RT_REG_DWORD       :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_DWORD       =  16

rRF_RT_REG_EXPAND_SZ   :: RegTypeRestriction


rRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ    :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ    =  32

rRF_RT_REG_NONE        :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_NONE        =  1

rRF_RT_REG_QWORD       :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_QWORD       =  64

rRF_RT_REG_SZ          :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_RT_REG_SZ          =  2

rRF_NOEXPAND           :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_NOEXPAND           =  268435456

rRF_ZEROONFAILURE      :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_ZEROONFAILURE      =  536870912

rRF_SUBKEY_WOW6464KEY  :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_SUBKEY_WOW6464KEY  =  65536

rRF_SUBKEY_WOW6432KEY  :: RegTypeRestriction

rRF_SUBKEY_WOW6432KEY  =  131072

{-# LINE 518 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

regSetValue :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

regSetValue key subkey value =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  withTString value $ \ c_value ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegSetValue" $

    c_RegSetValue p_key c_subkey rEG_SZ c_value 0 -- cbData is ignored, value needs to be null terminated.

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegSetValueW"

  c_RegSetValue :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> LPCTSTR -> Int -> IO ErrCode

type RegValueType = DWORD

rEG_BINARY            :: RegValueType

rEG_BINARY            =  3

rEG_DWORD             :: RegValueType

rEG_DWORD             =  4





rEG_EXPAND_SZ         :: RegValueType

rEG_EXPAND_SZ         =  2

rEG_LINK              :: RegValueType

rEG_LINK              =  6

rEG_MULTI_SZ          :: RegValueType

rEG_MULTI_SZ          =  7

rEG_NONE              :: RegValueType

rEG_NONE              =  0

rEG_RESOURCE_LIST     :: RegValueType


rEG_SZ                :: RegValueType

rEG_SZ                =  1

{-# LINE 544 "System\\Win32\\Registry.hsc" #-}

-- regSetValueEx has a somewhat wieldly interface if all you want to do is

-- add a string value (a Common Thing to want to do), so we support this

-- specially:

regSetStringValue :: HKEY -> String -> String -> IO ()

regSetStringValue hk key val =

  withTString val $ \ v ->

  regSetValueEx hk key rEG_SZ v ((1+length val) * sizeOf (undefined::TCHAR))

regSetValueEx :: HKEY -> String -> RegValueType -> LPTSTR -> Int -> IO ()

regSetValueEx key subkey ty value value_len =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegSetValueEx" $

    c_RegSetValueEx p_key c_subkey 0 ty value value_len

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegSetValueExW"

  c_RegSetValueEx :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> RegValueType -> LPTSTR -> Int -> IO ErrCode

regUnLoadKey :: HKEY -> String -> IO ()

regUnLoadKey key subkey =

  withForeignPtr key $ \ p_key ->

  withTString subkey $ \ c_subkey ->

  failUnlessSuccess "RegUnLoadKey" $ c_RegUnLoadKey p_key c_subkey

foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h RegUnLoadKeyW"

  c_RegUnLoadKey :: PKEY -> LPCTSTR -> IO ErrCode