{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Text.XML.Output
( serializeXML
, serializeXMLDoc
, serializeXMLRoot
, SerializeXMLOptions(..), defaultSerializeXMLOptions
) where
import Common
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import qualified Data.Text.Short as TS
import Text.XML.Types
import Utils
serializeXMLDoc :: Element -> TL.Text
serializeXMLDoc el
= serializeXMLRoot defaultSerializeXMLOptions
(Root (Just (XmlDeclaration Nothing Nothing)) [] Nothing el [])
serializeXML :: [Content] -> TL.Text
serializeXML = TL.pack . foldr (ppContentS defaultSerializeXMLOptions) ""
defaultSerializeXMLOptions :: SerializeXMLOptions
defaultSerializeXMLOptions = SerializeXMLOptions
{ serializeAllowEmptyTag = const True
, serializeProEpilogAddNLs = False
, serializeSortAttributes = False
data SerializeXMLOptions = SerializeXMLOptions
{ serializeAllowEmptyTag :: QName -> Bool
, serializeProEpilogAddNLs :: Bool
, serializeSortAttributes :: Bool
serializeXMLRoot :: SerializeXMLOptions -> Root -> TL.Text
serializeXMLRoot sopts Root{..} = TLB.toLazyText $
(if serializeProEpilogAddNLs sopts then bUnlines else mconcat) $
maybeToList xmldecl ++
map bMisc rootPreElem ++
(case rootDoctype of
Nothing -> []
Just (dtd,moreMisc) -> ("<!DOCTYPE" <+> TLB.fromText dtd <+> ">") : map bMisc moreMisc
) ++
[TLB.fromString (ppElementS sopts rootElement "")] ++
map bMisc rootPostElem
xmldecl = case rootXmlDeclaration of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (XmlDeclaration Nothing Nothing) -> Just "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
Just (XmlDeclaration menc mstand) -> Just $
("<?xml version=\"1.0\"" <+>) $
(maybe id (\enc cont -> " encoding=\"" <+> bFromShortText enc <+> "\"" <+> cont) menc) $
(maybe id (\b cont -> " standalone=\"" <+> (if b then "yes" else "no") <+> "\"" <+> cont) mstand) $
bMisc (Left (Comment t)) = "<!--" <+> TLB.fromText (T.replace "--" "-~" t) <+> "-->"
bMisc (Right (PI tgt dat)) = "<?" <+> bFromShortText tgt <+> (if T.null dat then mempty else " ") <+> TLB.fromText dat <+> "?>"
ppContentS :: SerializeXMLOptions -> Content -> ShowS
ppContentS c x xs = case x of
Elem e -> ppElementS c e xs
Text t -> showCDataS t xs
CRef r -> showCRefS r xs
Proc p -> ppProcS p xs
Comm t -> ppCommS t xs
ppElementS :: SerializeXMLOptions -> Element -> ShowS
ppElementS c e xs = tagStart (serializeSortAttributes c) (elName e) (elAttribs e) $ case elContent e of
[] | allowEmpty -> "/>" ++ xs
[Text t] -> ">" ++ showCDataS t (tagEnd name xs)
cs -> '>' : foldr (ppContentS c) (tagEnd name xs) cs
name = elName e
allowEmpty = serializeAllowEmptyTag c name
ppCommS :: Comment -> ShowS
ppCommS (Comment t) xs = "<!--" ++ T.unpack (T.replace "--" "-~" t) ++ "-->" ++ xs
ppProcS :: PI -> ShowS
ppProcS (PI tgt dat) xs = "<?" ++ TS.unpack tgt ++ (if T.null dat then mempty else " ") ++ T.unpack dat ++ "?>" ++ xs
showCRefS :: ShortText -> ShowS
showCRefS r xs = '&' : TS.unpack r ++ ';' : xs
showCDataS :: CData -> ShowS
showCDataS cd =
case cdVerbatim cd of
CDataText -> escStr (T.unpack $ cdData cd)
CDataVerbatim -> showString "<![CDATA[" . escCData (T.unpack $ cdData cd)
. showString "]]>"
CDataRaw -> \ xs -> T.unpack (cdData cd) ++ xs
escCData :: String -> ShowS
escCData (']' : ']' : '>' : cs) = showString "]]]]><![CDATA[>" . escCData cs
escCData (c : cs) = showChar c . escCData cs
escCData [] = id
escChar :: Char -> ShowS
escChar c = case c of
'<' -> showString "<"
'>' -> showString ">"
'&' -> showString "&"
'\x0D' -> showString "
_ -> showChar c
escCharAttr :: Char -> ShowS
escCharAttr c = case c of
'<' -> showString "<"
'&' -> showString "&"
'"' -> showString """
'\x09' -> showString "	"
'\x0A' -> showString "
'\x0D' -> showString "
_ -> showChar c
escStr :: String -> ShowS
escStr cs rs = foldr escChar rs cs
escStrAttr :: String -> ShowS
escStrAttr cs rs = foldr escCharAttr rs cs
tagEnd :: QName -> ShowS
tagEnd qn rs = '<':'/':showQName qn ++ '>':rs
tagStart :: Bool -> QName -> [Attr] -> ShowS
tagStart sortAttr qn as rs = '<':showQName qn ++ as_str ++ rs
as_str = if null as then "" else ' ' : unwords (map showAttr as')
as' | sortAttr = sort as
| otherwise = as
showAttr :: Attr -> String
showAttr (Attr qn v) = showQName qn ++ '=' : '"' : escStrAttr (T.unpack v) "\""
showQName :: QName -> String
showQName q = pre ++ showLName (qLName q)
where pre = case qPrefix q of
Nothing -> ""
Just p -> TS.unpack p ++ ":"
showLName :: LName -> String
showLName = TS.unpack . unLName