{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module      : Z.Data.Array.Unaligned
Description : unaligned access for primitive arrays
Copyright   : (c) Dong Han, 2017-2019
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : winterland1989@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

This module implements unaligned element access with ghc primitives (> 8.6), which can be used
as a simple binary encoding \/ decoding method.

module Z.Data.Array.Unaligned where

import           Control.Monad.Primitive
import           Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import           Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import           GHC.Int
import           GHC.Exts
import           GHC.Word
import           GHC.Float (stgFloatToWord32, stgWord32ToFloat, stgWord64ToDouble, stgDoubleToWord64)
import           Foreign.C.Types

-- toggle these defs to test different implements
#define USE_BSWAP
-- #define USE_SHIFT


-- | Primitive types which can be unaligned accessed
-- It can also be used as a lightweight method to peek\/poke value from\/to C structs
-- when you pass 'MutableByteArray#' to FFI as struct pointer, e.g.
-- @
--  -- | note the .hsc syntax
--  peekSocketAddrMBA :: HasCallStack => MBA## SocketAddr -> IO SocketAddr
--  peekSocketAddrMBA p = do
--      family <- peekMBA p (#offset struct sockaddr, sa_family)
--      case family :: CSaFamily of
--          (#const AF_INET) -> do
--              addr <- peekMBA p (#offset struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr)
--              port <- peekMBA p (#offset struct sockaddr_in, sin_port)
--              return (SocketAddrInet (PortNumber port) addr)
--          ....
-- @
class Unaligned a where
    {-# MINIMAL unalignedSize, indexWord8ArrayAs#, writeWord8ArrayAs#, readWord8ArrayAs# |
        unalignedSize, indexBA, peekMBA, pokeMBA #-}
    -- | byte size
    unalignedSize :: a -> Int

    -- | index element off byte array with offset in bytes(maybe unaligned)
    indexWord8ArrayAs# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> a
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = indexBA ba# (I# i#)

    -- | read element from byte array with offset in bytes(maybe unaligned)
    readWord8ArrayAs#  :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
    {-# INLINE  readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s# =
        (unsafeCoerce# (peekMBA (unsafeCoerce# mba#) (I# i#) :: IO a)) s#

    -- | write element to byte array with offset in bytes(maybe unaligned)
    writeWord8ArrayAs# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
    {-# INLINE  writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# x s# =
        unsafeCoerce# (pokeMBA (unsafeCoerce# mba#) (I# i#) x) s#

    -- | IO version of 'writeWord8ArrayAs#' but more convenient to write manually.
    peekMBA :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int -> IO a
    {-# INLINE peekMBA #-}
    peekMBA mba# (I# i#) = primitive (readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i#)

    -- | IO version of 'readWord8ArrayAs#' but more convenient to write manually.
    pokeMBA  :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int -> a -> IO ()
    {-# INLINE pokeMBA #-}
    pokeMBA mba# (I# i#) x = primitive_ (writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# x)

    -- | index element off byte array with offset in bytes(maybe unaligned)
    indexBA :: ByteArray# -> Int -> a
    {-# INLINE indexBA #-}
    indexBA ba# (I# i#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#

-- | Lifted version of 'writeWord8ArrayAs#'
writeWord8ArrayAs :: (PrimMonad m, Unaligned a) => MutableByteArray (PrimState m) -> Int -> a -> m ()
{-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs #-}
writeWord8ArrayAs (MutableByteArray mba#) (I# i#) x = primitive_ (writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# x)

-- | Lifted version of 'readWord8ArrayAs#'
readWord8ArrayAs :: (PrimMonad m, Unaligned a) => MutableByteArray (PrimState m) -> Int -> m a
{-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs #-}
readWord8ArrayAs (MutableByteArray mba#) (I# i#) = primitive (readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i#)

-- | Lifted version of 'indexWord8ArrayAs#'
indexWord8ArrayAs :: Unaligned a => ByteArray -> Int -> a
{-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs #-}
indexWord8ArrayAs (ByteArray ba#) (I# i#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#

-- | Lifted version of 'writeWord8ArrayAs#'
writePrimWord8ArrayAs :: (PrimMonad m, Unaligned a) => MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) Word8 -> Int -> a -> m ()
{-# INLINE writePrimWord8ArrayAs #-}
writePrimWord8ArrayAs (MutablePrimArray mba#) (I# i#) x = primitive_ (writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# x)

-- | Lifted version of 'readWord8ArrayAs#'
readPrimWord8ArrayAs :: (PrimMonad m, Unaligned a) => MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) Word8 -> Int -> m a
{-# INLINE readPrimWord8ArrayAs #-}
readPrimWord8ArrayAs (MutablePrimArray mba#) (I# i#) = primitive (readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i#)

-- | Lifted version of 'indexWord8ArrayAs#'
indexPrimWord8ArrayAs :: Unaligned a => PrimArray Word8 -> Int -> a
{-# INLINE indexPrimWord8ArrayAs #-}
indexPrimWord8ArrayAs (PrimArray ba#) (I# i#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#

instance Unaligned Word8 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 1
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (W8# x#) = writeWord8Array# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, W8# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = W8# (indexWord8Array# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned Int8 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 1
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (I8# x#) = writeInt8Array# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readInt8Array# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, I8# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = I8# (indexInt8Array# ba# i#)

-- | little endianess wrapper
newtype LE a = LE { getLE :: a } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | big endianess wrapper
newtype BE a = BE { getBE :: a } deriving (Show, Eq)

#define USE_HOST_IMPL(END) \
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}; \
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (END x) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# x; \
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}; \
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 = \
        let !(# s1, x #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, END x #); \
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}; \
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = END (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#);


instance Unaligned Word16 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (W16# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsWord16# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord16# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, W16# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = W16# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord16# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Word16) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W16# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# x# s0#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s1#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
        in (# s2, LE (W16# (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8# `or#` w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
        in LE (W16# (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8# `or#` w1#))

instance Unaligned (BE Word16) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
-- on X86 we use bswap
-- TODO: find out if arch64 support this
#if (defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)) && defined(USE_BSWAP)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W16# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAsWord16# mba# i# (byteSwap16# x#)
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord16# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (W16# (byteSwap16# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = BE (W16# (byteSwap16# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord16# ba# i#)))
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W16# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s0#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) x# s1#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
        in (# s2, BE (W16# (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8# `or#`  w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
        in BE (W16# (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8# `or#`  w1#))


instance Unaligned Word32 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (W32# x#) =  writeWord8ArrayAsWord32# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord32# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, W32# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = W32# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord32# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Word32) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W32# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# x# s0#
            s2# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s1#
            s3# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 16#) s2#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 24#) s3#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
            !(# s3, w3# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) s2
            !(# s4, w4# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) s3
        in (# s4, LE (W32# ((uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
            w3# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 2#)
            w4# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 3#)
        in LE (W32# ((uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#))

instance Unaligned (BE Word32) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
-- on X86 we use bswap
-- TODO: find out if arch64 support this
#if (defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)) && defined(USE_BSWAP)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W32# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAsWord32# mba# i# (byteSwap32# x#)
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord32# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (W32# (byteSwap32# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = BE (W32# (byteSwap32# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord32# ba# i#)))
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W32# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 24#) s0#
            s2# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 16#) s1#
            s3# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s2#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) x# s3#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w4# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w3# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
            !(# s3, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) s2
            !(# s4, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) s3
        in (# s4, BE (W32# ((uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w4# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w3# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
            w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 2#)
            w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 3#)
        in BE (W32# ((uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#))


instance Unaligned Word64 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (W64# x#) =  writeWord8ArrayAsWord64# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord64# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, W64# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = W64# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord64# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Word64) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W64# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# x# s0#
            s2# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s1#
            s3# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 16#) s2#
            s4# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 24#) s3#
            s5# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 4#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 32#) s4#
            s6# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 5#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 40#) s5#
            s7# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 6#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 48#) s6#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 7#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 56#) s7#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
            !(# s3, w3# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) s2
            !(# s4, w4# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) s3
            !(# s5, w5# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 4#) s4
            !(# s6, w6# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 5#) s5
            !(# s7, w7# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 6#) s6
            !(# s8, w8# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 7#) s7
        in (# s8, LE (W64# ((uncheckedShiftL# w8# 56#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w7# 48#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w6# 40#) `or#`
                            (uncheckedShiftL# w5# 32#) `or#`
                                (uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
            w3# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 2#)
            w4# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 3#)
            w5# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 4#)
            w6# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 5#)
            w7# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 6#)
            w8# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 7#)
        in LE (W64# ((uncheckedShiftL# w8# 56#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w7# 48#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w6# 40#) `or#`
                            (uncheckedShiftL# w5# 32#) `or#`
                                (uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#))

instance Unaligned (BE Word64) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
-- on X86 we use bswap
-- TODO: find out if arch64 support this
#if (defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)) && defined(USE_BSWAP)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W64# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAsWord64# mba# i# (byteSwap64# x#)
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord64# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (W64# (byteSwap64# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = BE (W64# (byteSwap64# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord64# ba# i#)))
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W64# x#)) s0# =
        let s1# = writeWord8Array# mba# i# (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 56#) s0#
            s2# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 48#) s1#
            s3# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 40#) s2#
            s4# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 32#) s3#
            s5# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 4#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 24#) s4#
            s6# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 5#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 16#) s5#
            s7# = writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 6#) (uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8#) s6#
        in        writeWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 7#) x# s7#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, w8# #) = readWord8Array# mba# i# s0
            !(# s2, w7# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 1#) s1
            !(# s3, w6# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 2#) s2
            !(# s4, w5# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 3#) s3
            !(# s5, w4# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 4#) s4
            !(# s6, w3# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 5#) s5
            !(# s7, w2# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 6#) s6
            !(# s8, w1# #) = readWord8Array# mba# (i# +# 7#) s7
        in (# s8, BE (W64# ((uncheckedShiftL# w8# 56#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w7# 48#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w6# 40#) `or#`
                            (uncheckedShiftL# w5# 32#) `or#`
                                (uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let w8# = indexWord8Array# ba# i#
            w7# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 1#)
            w6# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 2#)
            w5# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 3#)
            w4# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 4#)
            w3# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 5#)
            w2# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 6#)
            w1# = indexWord8Array# ba# (i# +# 7#)
        in BE (W64# ((uncheckedShiftL# w8# 56#) `or#`
                    (uncheckedShiftL# w7# 48#) `or#`
                        (uncheckedShiftL# w6# 40#) `or#`
                            (uncheckedShiftL# w5# 32#) `or#`
                                (uncheckedShiftL# w4# 24#) `or#`
                                    (uncheckedShiftL# w3# 16#) `or#`
                                        (uncheckedShiftL# w2# 8#) `or#` w1#))


instance Unaligned Word where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (W# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsWord# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWord# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, W# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = W# (indexWord8ArrayAsWord# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Word) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W32# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, LE (W# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (LE (W32# x#)) -> LE (W# x#)
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W64# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, LE (W# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (LE (W64# x#)) -> LE (W# x#)

instance Unaligned (BE Word) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W32# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, BE (W# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (BE (W32# x#)) -> BE (W# x#)
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W64# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, BE (W# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (BE (W64# x#)) -> BE (W# x#)


instance Unaligned Int16 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (I16# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsInt16# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsInt16# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, I16# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = I16# (indexWord8ArrayAsInt16# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Int16) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I16# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W16# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W16# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (I16# (narrow16Int# (word2Int# x#))) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (W16# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (I16# (narrow16Int# (word2Int# x#)))

instance Unaligned (BE Int16) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 2
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I16# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W16# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W16# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (I16# (narrow16Int# (word2Int# x#))) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (W16# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (I16# (narrow16Int# (word2Int# x#)))


instance Unaligned Int32 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (I32# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsInt32# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsInt32# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, I32# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = I32# (indexWord8ArrayAsInt32# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Int32) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I32# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W32# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (I32# (narrow32Int# (word2Int# x#))) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (W32# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (I32# (narrow32Int# (word2Int# x#)))

instance Unaligned (BE Int32) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I32# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W32# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (I32# (narrow32Int# (word2Int# x#))) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (W32# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (I32# (narrow32Int# (word2Int# x#)))


instance Unaligned Int64 where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (I64# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsInt64# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsInt64# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, I64# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = I64# (indexWord8ArrayAsInt64# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Int64) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I64# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W64# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (I64# (word2Int# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (W64# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (I64# (word2Int# x#))

instance Unaligned (BE Int64) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I64# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W64# (int2Word# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (I64# (word2Int# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (W64# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (I64# (word2Int# x#))


instance Unaligned Int where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (I# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsInt# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsInt# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, I# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = I# (indexWord8ArrayAsInt# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Int) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I32# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (I32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, LE (I# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (LE (I32# x#)) -> LE (I# x#)
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I64# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (I64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, LE (I# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (LE (I64# x#)) -> LE (I# x#)

instance Unaligned (BE Int) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I32# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (I32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, BE (I# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (BE (I32# x#)) -> BE (I# x#)
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I# x#)) = writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I64# x#))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (I64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, BE (I# x#) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = case (indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#) of (BE (I64# x#)) -> BE (I# x#)


instance Unaligned Float where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (F# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsFloat# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsFloat# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, F# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = F# (indexWord8ArrayAsFloat# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Float) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (F# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W32# (stgFloatToWord32 x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (F# (stgWord32ToFloat x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (W32# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (F# (stgWord32ToFloat x#))

instance Unaligned (BE Float) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (F# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W32# (stgFloatToWord32 x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (F# (stgWord32ToFloat x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (W32# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (F# (stgWord32ToFloat x#))


instance Unaligned Double where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (D# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsDouble# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsDouble# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, D# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = D# (indexWord8ArrayAsDouble# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Double) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 8
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (D# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (W64# (stgDoubleToWord64 x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (D# (stgWord64ToDouble x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (W64# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (D# (stgWord64ToDouble x#))

instance Unaligned (BE Double) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (D# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (W64# (stgDoubleToWord64 x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (W64# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (D# (stgWord64ToDouble x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (W64# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (D# (stgWord64ToDouble x#))


-- | Char's instance use 31bit wide char prim-op.
instance Unaligned Char where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (C# x#) = writeWord8ArrayAsWideChar# mba# i# x#
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, x# #) = readWord8ArrayAsWideChar# mba# i# s0 in (# s1, C# x# #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# = C# (indexWord8ArrayAsWideChar# ba# i#)

instance Unaligned (LE Char) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (C# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (LE (I32# (ord# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, LE (I32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, LE (C# (chr# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let LE (I32# x#) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in LE (C# (chr# x#))

instance Unaligned (BE Char) where
    {-# INLINE unalignedSize #-}
    unalignedSize _ = 4
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined(USE_SHIFT)
    {-# INLINE writeWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (C# x#)) =
        writeWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# (BE (I32# (ord# x#)))
    {-# INLINE readWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0 =
        let !(# s1, BE (I32# x#) #) = readWord8ArrayAs# mba# i# s0
        in (# s1, BE (C# (chr# x#)) #)
    {-# INLINE indexWord8ArrayAs# #-}
    indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i# =
        let !(BE (I32# x#)) = indexWord8ArrayAs# ba# i#
        in BE (C# (chr# x#))


-- Prim instances for newtypes in Foreign.C.Types
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CChar
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CSChar
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUChar
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CShort
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUShort
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CInt
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUInt
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CLong
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CULong
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CPtrdiff
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CSize
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CWchar
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CSigAtomic
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CLLong
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CULLong
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CBool
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CIntPtr
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUIntPtr
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CIntMax
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUIntMax
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CClock
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CTime
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CUSeconds
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CSUSeconds
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CFloat
deriving newtype instance Unaligned CDouble