module Z.Data.Vector.FlatIntMap
FlatIntMap, sortedKeyValues, size, null, empty, map', imap'
, pack, packN, packR, packRN
, unpack, unpackR, packVector, packVectorR
, lookup
, delete
, insert
, adjust'
, merge, mergeWithKey'
, foldrWithKey, foldrWithKey', foldlWithKey, foldlWithKey', traverseWithKey
, binarySearch
, linearSearch, linearSearchR
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Primitive.SmallArray as A
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Base as V
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Sort as V
import qualified Z.Data.Text.ShowT as T
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Bits (shiftR)
import Data.Data
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary(..), CoArbitrary(..))
newtype FlatIntMap v = FlatIntMap { sortedKeyValues :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance T.ShowT v => T.ShowT (FlatIntMap v) where
{-# INLINE toTextBuilder #-}
toTextBuilder p (FlatIntMap vec) = T.parenWhen (p > 10) $ do
T.unsafeFromBuilder "FlatIntMap {"
T.intercalateVec T.comma (\ (V.IPair i v) ->
T.toTextBuilder 0 i >> ":" >> T.toTextBuilder 0 v) vec
T.char7 '}'
instance (Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (FlatIntMap v) where
arbitrary = pack <$> arbitrary
shrink v = pack <$> shrink (unpack v)
instance (CoArbitrary v) => CoArbitrary (FlatIntMap v) where
coarbitrary = coarbitrary . unpack
instance Semigroup.Semigroup (FlatIntMap v) where
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
(<>) = merge
instance Monoid.Monoid (FlatIntMap v) where
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
mappend = merge
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
mempty = empty
instance NFData v => NFData (FlatIntMap v) where
{-# INLINE rnf #-}
rnf (FlatIntMap ivs) = rnf ivs
instance Functor (FlatIntMap) where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (FlatIntMap vs) = FlatIntMap (' (fmap f) vs)
instance Foldable.Foldable FlatIntMap where
{-# INLINE foldr' #-}
foldr' f = foldrWithKey' (const f)
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
foldr f = foldrWithKey (const f)
{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
foldl' f = foldlWithKey' (\ a _ v -> f a v)
{-# INLINE foldl #-}
foldl f = foldlWithKey (\ a _ v -> f a v)
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = fmap V.isnd . unpack
{-# INLINE null #-}
null (FlatIntMap vs) = V.null vs
{-# INLINE length #-}
length (FlatIntMap vs) = V.length vs
{-# INLINE elem #-}
elem a (FlatIntMap vs) = elem a (map V.isnd $ V.unpack vs)
instance Traversable.Traversable FlatIntMap where
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
traverse f = traverseWithKey (const f)
size :: FlatIntMap v -> Int
{-# INLINE size #-}
size = V.length . sortedKeyValues
null :: FlatIntMap v -> Bool
{-# INLINE null #-}
null = V.null . sortedKeyValues
map' :: (v -> v') -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v'
{-# INLINE map' #-}
map' f (FlatIntMap vs) = FlatIntMap (' (V.mapIPair' f) vs)
imap' :: (Int -> v -> v') -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v'
{-# INLINE imap' #-}
imap' f (FlatIntMap vs) = FlatIntMap (V.imap' (\ i -> V.mapIPair' (f i)) vs)
empty :: FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE empty #-}
empty = FlatIntMap V.empty
pack :: [V.IPair v] -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE pack #-}
pack kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentLeft ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) (V.pack kvs)))
packN :: Int -> [V.IPair v] -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE packN #-}
packN n kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentLeft ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) (V.packN n kvs)))
packR :: [V.IPair v] -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE packR #-}
packR kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentRight ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) (V.pack kvs)))
packRN :: Int -> [V.IPair v] -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE packRN #-}
packRN n kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentRight ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) (V.packN n kvs)))
unpack :: FlatIntMap v -> [V.IPair v]
{-# INLINE unpack #-}
unpack = V.unpack . sortedKeyValues
unpackR :: FlatIntMap v -> [V.IPair v]
{-# INLINE unpackR #-}
unpackR = V.unpackR . sortedKeyValues
packVector :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE packVector #-}
packVector kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentLeft ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) kvs))
packVectorR :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE packVectorR #-}
packVectorR kvs = FlatIntMap (V.mergeDupAdjacentRight ((==) `on` V.ifst) (V.mergeSortBy (compare `on` V.ifst) kvs))
lookup :: Int -> FlatIntMap v -> Maybe v
{-# INLINABLE lookup #-}
lookup _ (FlatIntMap (V.Vector _ _ 0)) = Nothing
lookup k' (FlatIntMap (V.Vector arr s0 l)) = go s0 (s0+l-1)
go !s !e
| s == e =
case arr `A.indexSmallArray` s of (V.IPair k v) | k == k' -> Just v
| otherwise -> Nothing
| s > e = Nothing
| otherwise =
let mid = (s+e) `shiftR` 1
(V.IPair k v) = arr `A.indexSmallArray` mid
in case k' `compare` k of LT -> go s (mid-1)
GT -> go (mid+1) e
_ -> Just v
insert :: Int -> v -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE insert #-}
insert k v (FlatIntMap vec@(V.Vector arr s l)) =
case binarySearch vec k of
Left i -> FlatIntMap (V.create (l+1) (\ marr -> do
when (i>s) $ A.copySmallArray marr 0 arr s (i-s)
A.writeSmallArray marr i (V.IPair k v)
when (i<(s+l)) $ A.copySmallArray marr (i+1) arr i (s+l-i)))
Right i -> FlatIntMap (V.Vector (runST (do
let arr' = A.cloneSmallArray arr s l
marr <- A.unsafeThawSmallArray arr'
A.writeSmallArray marr i (V.IPair k v)
A.unsafeFreezeSmallArray marr)) 0 l)
delete :: Int -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE delete #-}
delete k m@(FlatIntMap vec@(V.Vector arr s l)) =
case binarySearch vec k of
Left _ -> m
Right i -> FlatIntMap $ V.create (l-1) (\ marr -> do
when (i>s) $ A.copySmallArray marr 0 arr s (i-s)
let !end = s+l
!j = i+1
when (end > j) $ A.copySmallArray marr 0 arr j (end-j))
adjust' :: (v -> v) -> Int -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE adjust' #-}
adjust' f k m@(FlatIntMap vec@(V.Vector arr s l)) =
case binarySearch vec k of
Left _ -> m
Right i -> FlatIntMap $ V.create l (\ marr -> do
A.copySmallArray marr 0 arr s l
let !v' = f (V.isnd (A.indexSmallArray arr i))
A.writeSmallArray marr i (V.IPair k v'))
merge :: forall v. FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINE merge #-}
merge fmL@(FlatIntMap (V.Vector arrL sL lL)) fmR@(FlatIntMap (V.Vector arrR sR lR))
| null fmL = fmR
| null fmR = fmL
| otherwise = FlatIntMap (V.createN (lL+lR) (go sL sR 0))
endL = sL + lL
endR = sR + lR
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> A.SmallMutableArray s (V.IPair v) -> ST s Int
go !i !j !k marr
| i >= endL = do
A.copySmallArray marr k arrR j (lR-j)
return $! k+lR-j
| j >= endR = do
A.copySmallArray marr k arrL i (lL-i)
return $! k+lL-i
| otherwise = do
kvL@(V.IPair kL _) <- arrL `A.indexSmallArrayM` i
kvR@(V.IPair kR _) <- arrR `A.indexSmallArrayM` j
case kL `compare` kR of LT -> do A.writeSmallArray marr k kvL
go (i+1) j (k+1) marr
EQ -> do A.writeSmallArray marr k kvR
go (i+1) (j+1) (k+1) marr
_ -> do A.writeSmallArray marr k kvR
go i (j+1) (k+1) marr
mergeWithKey' :: forall v. (Int -> v -> v -> v) -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v -> FlatIntMap v
{-# INLINABLE mergeWithKey' #-}
mergeWithKey' f fmL@(FlatIntMap (V.Vector arrL sL lL)) fmR@(FlatIntMap (V.Vector arrR sR lR))
| null fmL = fmR
| null fmR = fmL
| otherwise = FlatIntMap (V.createN (lL+lR) (go sL sR 0))
endL = sL + lL
endR = sR + lR
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> A.SmallMutableArray s (V.IPair v) -> ST s Int
go !i !j !k marr
| i >= endL = do
A.copySmallArray marr k arrR j (lR-j)
return $! k+lR-j
| j >= endR = do
A.copySmallArray marr k arrL i (lL-i)
return $! k+lL-i
| otherwise = do
kvL@(V.IPair kL vL) <- arrL `A.indexSmallArrayM` i
kvR@(V.IPair kR vR) <- arrR `A.indexSmallArrayM` j
case kL `compare` kR of LT -> do A.writeSmallArray marr k kvL
go (i+1) j (k+1) marr
EQ -> do let !v' = f kL vL vR
A.writeSmallArray marr k (V.IPair kL v')
go (i+1) (j+1) (k+1) marr
_ -> do A.writeSmallArray marr k kvR
go i (j+1) (k+1) marr
foldrWithKey :: (Int -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> FlatIntMap v -> a
{-# INLINE foldrWithKey #-}
foldrWithKey f a (FlatIntMap vs) = foldr (\ (V.IPair k v) a' -> f k v a') a vs
foldlWithKey :: (a -> Int -> v -> a) -> a -> FlatIntMap v -> a
{-# INLINE foldlWithKey #-}
foldlWithKey f a (FlatIntMap vs) = foldl (\ a' (V.IPair k v) -> f a' k v) a vs
foldrWithKey' :: (Int -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> FlatIntMap v -> a
{-# INLINE foldrWithKey' #-}
foldrWithKey' f a (FlatIntMap vs) = V.foldr' (\ (V.IPair k v) -> f k v) a vs
foldlWithKey' :: (a -> Int -> v -> a) -> a -> FlatIntMap v -> a
{-# INLINE foldlWithKey' #-}
foldlWithKey' f a (FlatIntMap vs) = V.foldl' (\ a' (V.IPair k v) -> f a' k v) a vs
traverseWithKey :: Applicative t => (Int -> a -> t b) -> FlatIntMap a -> t (FlatIntMap b)
{-# INLINE traverseWithKey #-}
traverseWithKey f (FlatIntMap vs) = FlatIntMap <$> traverse (\ (V.IPair k v) -> V.IPair k <$> f k v) vs
binarySearch :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) -> Int -> Either Int Int
{-# INLINABLE binarySearch #-}
binarySearch (V.Vector _ _ 0) _ = Left 0
binarySearch (V.Vector arr s0 l) !k' = go s0 (s0+l-1)
go !s !e
| s == e =
let V.IPair k _ = arr `A.indexSmallArray` s
in case k' `compare` k of LT -> Left s
GT -> let !s' = s+1 in Left s'
_ -> Right s
| s > e = Left s
| otherwise =
let !mid = (s+e) `shiftR` 1
(V.IPair k _) = arr `A.indexSmallArray` mid
in case k' `compare` k of LT -> go s (mid-1)
GT -> go (mid+1) e
_ -> Right mid
linearSearch :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) -> Int -> Maybe v
{-# INLINABLE linearSearch #-}
linearSearch (V.Vector arr s l) !k' = go s
!end = s + l
go !i
| i >= end = Nothing
| otherwise =
let V.IPair k v = arr `A.indexSmallArray` i
in if k' == k then Just v else go (i+1)
linearSearchR :: V.Vector (V.IPair v) -> Int -> Maybe v
{-# INLINABLE linearSearchR #-}
linearSearchR (V.Vector arr s l) !k' = go (s+l-1)
go !i
| i < s = Nothing
| otherwise =
let V.IPair k v = arr `A.indexSmallArray` i
in if k' == k then Just v else go (i-1)