ac-library-hs- Data structures and algorithms
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A 2D, static wavelet matrix with segment tree, that can handle point add and rectangle sum queries. Points cannot be added after construction, but monoid values in each point can be modified later.



Create a WaveletMatrix2d with initial vertex values:

>>> import AtCoder.Extra.WaveletMatrix2d qualified as WM
>>> import Data.Semigroup (Sum (..))
>>> import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU
>>> -- 8  9 10 11
>>> -- 4  5  6  7
>>> -- 0  1  2  3
>>> wm <- negate $ VU.generate 12 $ \i -> let (!y, !x) = i `divMod` 4 in (x, y, Sum i)

Read the value at \(x = 2, y = 1\):

>>> wm (2, 1)
Sum {getSum = 6}

Other segment tree methods are also available, but in 2D:

>>> WM.allProd wm -- (0 + 11) * 12 / 2 = 66
Sum {getSum = 66}
>>> wm {- x -} 1 3 {- y -} 0 3 -- 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10
Sum {getSum = 33}
>>> WM.modify wm (+ 2) (1, 1)
>>> wm {- x -} 1 3 {- y -} 0 3 -- 1 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 10
Sum {getSum = 35}
>>> WM.write wm (1, 1) $ Sum 0
>>> wm {- x -} 1 3 {- y -} 0 3 -- 1 + 2 + 0 + 6 + 9 + 10
Sum {getSum = 28}

Wavelet matrix 2D

data WaveletMatrix2d s a Source #

Segment Tree on Wavelet Matrix: points on a 2D plane and rectangle products.





new Source #


:: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, Unbox a) 
=> (a -> a)

Inverse operator of the monoid

-> Vector (Int, Int)

Input points

-> m (WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a)

A 2D wavelet matrix

\(O(n \log n)\) Creates a WaveletMatrix2d with mempty as the initial monoid values for each point.

build Source #


:: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, Unbox a) 
=> (a -> a)

Inverse operator of the monoid

-> Vector (Int, Int, a)

Input points with initial values

-> m (WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a)

A 2D wavelet matrix

\(O(n \log n)\) Creates a WaveletMatrix2d with wavelet matrix with segment tree with initial monoid values. Monoids on a duplicate point are accumulated with (<>).

Segment tree methods

read :: (HasCallStack, Unbox a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> (Int, Int) -> m a Source #

\(O(1)\) Returns the monoid value at \((x, y)\).

write :: (HasCallStack, Monoid a, Unbox a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> (Int, Int) -> a -> m () Source #

\(O(\log^2 n)\) Writes the monoid value at \((x, y)\). Access to unknown points are undefined.

modify :: (HasCallStack, Monoid a, Unbox a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> (a -> a) -> (Int, Int) -> m () Source #

\(O(\log^2 n)\) Modifies the monoid value at \((x, y)\). Access to unknown points are undefined.

prod :: (HasCallStack, Unbox a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> m a Source #

\(O(\log^2 n)\) Returns the monoid product in \([l, r) \times [y_1, y_2)\).

prodMaybe :: (Unbox a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe a) Source #

\(O(\log^2 n)\) Returns the monoid product in \([l, r) \times [y_1, y_2)\). Returns Nothing for invalid intervals.

allProd :: (HasCallStack, Unbox a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => WaveletMatrix2d (PrimState m) a -> m a Source #

\(O(\log^2 n)\) Return the monoid product of all of the points in the wavelet matrix.