-- | -- -- Copyright: -- This file is part of the package addy. It is subject to the license -- terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this -- distribution and at: -- -- https://code.devalot.com/open/addy -- -- No part of this package, including this file, may be copied, -- modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms -- contained in the LICENSE file. -- -- License: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Internal functions representing character classes in email -- addresses. -- -- Obsolete characters are only supported in -- 'Addy.Internal.Parser.Lenient' mode and are filtered out after -- parsing. module Addy.Internal.Char ( utf8NonAscii, obsNoWsCtl, wsp, vchar, atext, dtext, ctext, ctextObs, qtext, qtextObs, quotedPair, quotedPairObs, ) where import Data.Char -- | Is a character in the @UTF8-non-ascii@ class from RFC 6532? -- -- @since utf8NonAscii :: Char -> Bool utf8NonAscii c = ord c >= 0xc2 && isPrint c -- | Obsolete control characters. -- -- > obs-NO-WS-CTL = %d1-8 / ; US-ASCII control -- > %d11 / ; characters that do not -- > %d12 / ; include the carriage -- > %d14-31 / ; return, line feed, and -- > %d127 ; white space characters -- -- @since obsNoWsCtl :: Char -> Bool obsNoWsCtl = ord >>> go where go n = (n >= 1 && n <= 8) || n == 11 || n == 12 || (n >= 14 && n <= 31) || n == 127 -- | Whitepace. -- -- @since wsp :: Char -> Bool wsp c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' -- | RFC 5234: Visible character. -- -- > VCHAR = %x21-7E -- > ; visible (printing) characters -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2 -- -- > VCHAR =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- -- @since vchar :: Char -> Bool vchar c = vchar' (ord c) || utf8NonAscii c where vchar' n = n >= 0x21 && n <= 0x7e -- | RFC 5322 §3.2.3 -- -- > atext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > "!" / "#" / ; characters not including -- > "$" / "%" / ; specials. Used for atoms. -- > "&" / "'" / -- > "*" / "+" / -- > "-" / "/" / -- > "=" / "?" / -- > "^" / "_" / -- > "`" / "{" / -- > "|" / "}" / -- > "~" -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2 -- -- > atext =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- -- @since atext :: Char -> Bool atext c = isAlphaNum c || utf8NonAscii c || c == '!' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' || c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '=' || c == '?' || c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '`' || c == '{' || c == '|' || c == '}' || c == '~' -- | RFC 5322 @dtext@. -- -- > dtext = %d33-90 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d94-126 / ; characters not including -- > obs-dtext ; "[", "]", or "\" -- > obs-dtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL / quoted-pair -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2 -- -- > dtext =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- @since dtext :: Char -> Bool dtext c = asciidtext (ord c) || utf8NonAscii c where asciidtext n = (n >= 33 && n <= 90) || (n >= 94 && n <= 126) -- | RFC 5322 @ctext@. -- -- > ctext = %d33-39 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d42-91 / ; characters not including -- > %d93-126 / ; "(", ")", or "\" -- > obs-ctext -- > -- > obs-ctext = obs-NO-WS-CTL -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2 -- -- > ctext =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- -- @since ctext :: Char -> Bool ctext c = asciictext (ord c) || utf8NonAscii c where asciictext n = (n >= 33 && n <= 39) || (n >= 42 && n <= 91) || (n >= 93 && n <= 126) -- | Obsolete @ctext@. -- -- > obs-ctext = obs-NO-WS-CTL -- -- @since ctextObs :: Char -> Bool ctextObs = obsNoWsCtl -- | Characters that can appear in a quoted string. -- -- RFC 5322 §3.2.4: -- -- > qtext = %d33 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d35-91 / ; characters not including -- > %d93-126 / ; "\" or the quote character -- > obs-qtext -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2: -- -- > qtext =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- @since qtext :: Char -> Bool qtext c = asciiqtext (ord c) || utf8NonAscii c where asciiqtext n = n == 33 || (n >= 35 && n <= 91) || (n >= 93 && n <= 126) -- | Obsolete @qtext@. -- -- > obs-qtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL -- -- @since qtextObs :: Char -> Bool qtextObs = obsNoWsCtl -- | Characters that can follow a backslash. -- -- > quoted-pair = ("\" (VCHAR / WSP)) / obs-qp -- -- @since quotedPair :: Char -> Bool quotedPair c = vchar c || wsp c -- | Obsolete characters that can be escaped with a backslash. -- -- > obs-qp = "\" (%d0 / obs-NO-WS-CTL / LF / CR) -- -- @since quotedPairObs :: Char -> Bool quotedPairObs c = obsNoWsCtl c || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\0'