{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Aeson.GADT.TH where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Some (Some (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH
deriveJSONGADT :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveJSONGADT n = do
tj <- deriveToJSONGADT n
fj <- deriveFromJSONGADT n
return (tj ++ fj)
decCons :: Dec -> [Con]
decCons = \case
DataD _ _ _ _ cs _ -> cs
NewtypeD _ _ _ _ c _ -> [c]
_ -> error "undefined"
conName :: Con -> Name
conName c = case c of
NormalC n _ -> n
RecC n _ -> n
InfixC _ n _ -> n
ForallC _ _ c' -> conName c'
GadtC [n] _ _ -> n
RecGadtC [n] _ _ -> n
_ -> error "conName: GADT constructors with multiple names not yet supported"
conArity :: Con -> Int
conArity c = case c of
NormalC _ ts -> length ts
RecC _ ts -> length ts
InfixC _ _ _ -> 2
ForallC _ _ c' -> conArity c'
GadtC _ ts _ -> length ts
RecGadtC _ ts _ -> length ts
{-# DEPRECATED deriveGADTInstances "Use deriveJSONGADT instead" #-}
deriveGADTInstances :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveGADTInstances = deriveJSONGADT
deriveToJSONGADT :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveToJSONGADT n = do
x <- reify n
let cons = case x of
TyConI d -> decCons d
_ -> error "undefined"
instance ToJSON ($(conT n) a) where
toJSON r = $(caseE [|r|] $ map conMatchesToJSON cons)
deriveFromJSONGADT :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveFromJSONGADT n = do
x <- reify n
let cons = case x of
TyConI d -> decCons d
_ -> error "undefined"
let wild = match wildP (normalB [|fail "deriveFromJSONGADT: Supposedly-complete GADT pattern match fell through in generated code. This shouldn't happen."|]) []
instance FromJSON (Some $(conT n)) where
parseJSON v = do
(tag', v') <- parseJSON v
$(caseE [|tag' :: String|] $ map (conMatchesParseJSON [|v'|]) cons ++ [wild])
conMatchesEqTagged :: Con -> [MatchQ]
conMatchesEqTagged c = case c of
ForallC _ _ c' -> conMatchesEqTagged c'
GadtC _ tys _ -> forTypes (map snd tys)
_ -> error "conMatchesEqTagged: Unmatched constructor type"
name = conName c
forTypes ts =
[ do
as <- mapM (\_ -> newName "a") ts
bs <- mapM (\_ -> newName "b") ts
x <- newName "x"
y <- newName "y"
let compareTagFields = foldr (\(a, b) e -> [| $(varE a) == $(varE b) && $(e) |]) [| True |] (zip as bs)
(tupP [conP name (map varP as), conP name (map varP bs)])
(normalB (lamE [varP x, varP y] [| $(compareTagFields) && eq1 $(varE x) $(varE y) |] ))
, match
(tupP [conP name (map (const wildP) ts), wildP])
(normalB [| \ _ _ -> False |])
conMatchesToJSON :: Con -> MatchQ
conMatchesToJSON c = do
let name = conName c
base = nameBase name
toJSONExp e = [| toJSON $(e) |]
vars <- replicateM (conArity c) (newName "x")
let body = toJSONExp $ tupE [ [| base :: String |] , tupE $ map (toJSONExp . varE) vars ]
match (conP name (map varP vars)) (normalB body) []
conMatchesParseJSON :: ExpQ -> Con -> MatchQ
conMatchesParseJSON e c = do
let name = conName c
match' = match (litP (StringL (nameBase name)))
vars <- replicateM (conArity c) (newName "x")
let forTypes _ = do
let pat = tupP (map varP vars)
conApp = foldl appE (conE name) (map varE vars)
body = doE [ bindS pat [| parseJSON $e |]
, noBindS [| return (This $conApp) |]
match' (normalB body) []
case c of
ForallC _ _ c' -> conMatchesParseJSON e c'
GadtC _ tys _ -> forTypes (map snd tys)
NormalC _ tys -> forTypes (map snd tys)
_ -> error "conMatchesParseJSON: Unmatched constructor type"