{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Data.Aviation.Aip.Processing(
, defaultOnAipRecords
, removeDate
, getSymbolicLinkTarget'
, latestLinkList
, latestLink
, followLinks
, archive
, timeLink
, doRelative
, removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink
, mkdir
, removeFileIfExists
, removeDateFilePath
) where
import Control.Applicative(liftA2, pure)
import Control.Category((.), id)
import Control.Exception(IOException, throwIO)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad((>>=), unless, join)
import Control.Monad.Catch(MonadCatch(catch))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Data.Aviation.Aip.Href(Href(Href), _ManyHref, windows_replace)
import Data.Aviation.Aip.HttpRequest(downloadHref)
import Data.Aviation.Aip.OnAipRecords(OnAipRecordsIO, logShowOnAipRecords, logeachOnAipRecords, prefixedAipRecordsOnAipRecords, downloaddirOnAipRecords, basedirOnAipRecords, aipRecordsTimesOnAipRecords)
import Data.Aviation.Aip.PerHref(PerHrefAipCon, logShowPerHref, logeachPerHref)
import Data.Bool(Bool(True), bool)
import Data.Char(isDigit, isUpper)
import Data.Either(Either)
import Data.Foldable(toList, and, all)
import Data.Function(($))
import Data.Functor((<$), (<$>))
import Data.List(intercalate, dropWhile, reverse, drop)
import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Nothing, Just), maybe)
import Data.Ord((<))
import Data.Semigroup((<>))
import Data.String(String)
import Data.Time(UTCTime(UTCTime), toGregorian)
import Data.Traversable(mapM)
import Prelude(Integer, show, round, (*))
import System.Directory(createDirectoryLink, getSymbolicLinkTarget, doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile)
import System.Exit(ExitCode)
import System.FilePath(FilePath, splitDirectories, isPathSeparator, joinPath, (</>), takeDirectory, splitFileName, makeRelative, splitPath)
import System.IO(IO)
import System.IO.Error(isDoesNotExistError)
import System.Process(system)
defaultPerHref ::
PerHrefAipCon ()
defaultPerHref =
do z <- downloadHref
logShowPerHref z
defaultOnAipRecords ::
OnAipRecordsIO ()
defaultOnAipRecords =
do k <- latestLink
t <- timeLink
r <- removeDate
c <- archive (latestLinkList k)
logShowOnAipRecords k
logShowOnAipRecords t
logShowOnAipRecords r
logShowOnAipRecords c
removeDate ::
OnAipRecordsIO [FilePath]
removeDate =
let linkHref ::
Either IOException FilePath
-> Href
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
linkHref d (Href h) =
let ms =
do d' <- d ^? _Right
(a, r) <- unsnoc . splitDirectories . dropWhile isPathSeparator $ h
pure (d', a, r)
in mapM (\(d', a, j) ->
do let i = joinPath a
let i' = d' </> "nodate" </> i
let link = i' </> removeDateFilePath j
mkdir i'
_ <- removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink
(".." </> joinPath (".." <$ a) </> d' </> i </> j)
pure link
) ms
in do r <- prefixedAipRecordsOnAipRecords
d <- downloaddirOnAipRecords
z <- liftIO $ traverse (linkHref d) (toListOf (_Right . _ManyHref) r)
pure (z ^.. folded . _Just)
getSymbolicLinkTarget' ::
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getSymbolicLinkTarget' x =
let catchIOException ::
MonadCatch m =>
m a ->
(IOException -> m a)
-> m a
catchIOException =
in catchIOException (Just <$> getSymbolicLinkTarget x) (pure (pure Nothing))
latestLinkList ::
Either IOException (Maybe FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
-> [FilePath]
latestLinkList g =
maybe [] pure (g ^? _Right . _2)
latestLink ::
OnAipRecordsIO (Either IOException (Maybe FilePath, FilePath, FilePath))
latestLink =
downloaddirOnAipRecords >>=
mapM (\p -> let lt = takeDirectory p </> "latest"
in do z <- liftIO (removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink lt p)
b <- basedirOnAipRecords
let bt = b </> "latest"
_ <- liftIO (removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink bt lt)
pure (z, bt, lt))
followLinks ::
-> IO FilePath
followLinks p =
do r <- getSymbolicLinkTarget' p
case r of
Nothing ->
pure p
Just s ->
followLinks s
archive ::
-> OnAipRecordsIO (Either IOException [(FilePath, ExitCode)])
archive x =
let system' ::
-> IO ExitCode
system' s =
do let s' = intercalate " " s
e <- system s'
pure e
quote ::
-> String
quote w =
'"' : w <> "\""
targz ::
Traversable f =>
f FilePath
-> OnAipRecordsIO [(FilePath, ExitCode)]
targz d =
liftIO $
(^.. folded . _Just) <$>
mapM (\d' ->
do d'' <- followLinks d'
let (b', z') = splitFileName d''
(b, z) = splitFileName d'
arch = b </> z <> ".tar.gz"
a <- doesFileExist arch
if a
pure Nothing
do t <- doesDirectoryExist d'
if t
do k <- system'
, "--transform"
, quote ("s/" <> z' <> "/" <> z <> "/")
, "-C"
, b'
, "-czvf"
, quote arch
, z'
pure (Just (arch, k))
pure Nothing
) d
in do d <- downloaddirOnAipRecords
mapM (\d' -> targz (x <>
, d' </> "aip" </> "current"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aip"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "erch"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "ercl"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "pca"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "tac"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "vnc"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "aipchart" </> "vtc"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "dap"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "ersa"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "sup"
, d' </> "aip" </> "current" </> "SUP_AIP_Summary"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aip"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "erch"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "ercl"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "pca"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "tac"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "vnc"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "aipchart" </> "vtc"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "dap"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "ersa"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "sup"
, d' </> "aip" </> "pending" </> "SUP_AIP_Summary"
])) d
timeLink ::
OnAipRecordsIO [FilePath]
timeLink =
let timeDirectory ::
-> FilePath
timeDirectory (UTCTime dy f) =
let (y, m, d) =
toGregorian dy
xx n =
bool id ('0':) (n < 10) (show n)
in join
show y
, "-"
, xx m
, "-"
, xx d
, "."
, show (round (f * 1000) :: Integer)
in do d <- basedirOnAipRecords
p <- downloaddirOnAipRecords
let td = d </> "time"
liftIO $ mkdir td
t <- aipRecordsTimesOnAipRecords
let links =
do t' <- t
p' <- toList p
pure (td </> timeDirectory t', p')
liftIO $
mapM (\b ->
let (u, v) = doRelative b d
in do _ <- removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink u v
pure u) links
doRelative ::
(FilePath, FilePath)
-> FilePath
-> (FilePath, FilePath)
doRelative x a =
let (q, r) = (both %~ makeRelative a) x
q' = joinPath . reverse . drop 1 . set (_tail . traverse) ".." . reverse . splitPath $ q
in (a </> q, q' </> r)
removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink ::
-> FilePath
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
removeIfExistsThenCreateDirectoryLink u v =
do r <- getSymbolicLinkTarget' u
removeFileIfExists u
createDirectoryLink v u
pure r
mkdir ::
-> IO ()
mkdir d =
createDirectoryIfMissing True (windows_replace d)
removeFileIfExists ::
-> IO ()
removeFileIfExists fileName =
removeFile fileName `catch` (liftA2 unless isDoesNotExistError throwIO)
removeDateFilePath ::
-> FilePath
removeDateFilePath x =
case reverse x of
(ext3:ext2:ext1:'.':y4:y3:y2:y1:m3:m2:m1:d2:d1:'_':r) ->
if and [all isDigit [y4,y3,y2,y1], all isUpper [m3,m2,m1], all isDigit [d2,d1]]
reverse r <> ('.':ext1:ext2:[ext3])
_ ->