aivika-1.0: A multi-paradigm simulation library

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2009-2013, David Sorokin <>
MaintainerDavid Sorokin <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Tested with: GHC 7.6.3

The processor of simulation data.


Processor Type

newtype Processor a b Source

Represents a processor of simulation data.




runProcessor :: Stream a -> Stream b

Run the processor.

Creating Simple Processor

simpleProcessor :: (a -> Process b) -> Processor a b Source

Create a simple processor by the specified handling function that runs the discontinuous process for each input value to get the output.

statefulProcessor :: s -> ((s, a) -> Process (s, b)) -> Processor a b Source

Like simpleProcessor but allows creating a processor that has a state which is passed in to every new iteration.

Specifying Identifier

processorUsingId :: ProcessId -> Processor a b -> Processor a b Source

Create a processor that will use the specified process identifier. It can be useful to refer to the underlying Process computation which can be passivated, interrupted, canceled and so on. See also the processUsingId function for more details.

Buffer Processor

bufferProcessor Source


:: (Stream a -> Process ())

a separate process to consume the input

-> Stream b

the resulting stream of data

-> Processor a b 

Create a buffer processor, where the process from the first argument consumes the input stream but the stream passed in as the second argument and produced usually by some other process is returned as an output. This kind of processor is very useful for modeling the queues.

bufferProcessorLoop Source


:: (Stream a -> Stream c -> Process ())

consume two streams: the input values of type a and the values of type c returned by the loop

-> Stream d

the stream of data that may become results

-> Processor d (Either c b)

process and then decide what values of type c should be processed again

-> Processor a b 

Like bufferProcessor but allows creating a loop when some items can be returned for processing them again. It is very useful for modeling the processors with queues and loop-backs.

Processing Queues

queueProcessor Source


:: (a -> Process ())

enqueue the input item and wait while the queue is full if required so that there was no hanging items

-> Process b

dequeue an output item

-> Processor a b

the buffering processor

Return a processor with help of which we can model the queue.

Although the function doesn't refer to the queue directly, its main use case is namely a processing of the queue. The first argument should be the enqueueing operation, while the second argument should be the opposite dequeueing operation.

The reason is as follows. There are many possible combinations how the queues can be modeled. There is no sense to enumerate all them creating a separate function for each case. We can just use combinators to define exactly what we need.

So, the queue can lose the input items if the queue is full, or the input process can suspend while the queue is full, or we can use priorities for enqueueing, storing and dequeueing the items in different combinations. There are so many use cases!

There is a hope that this function along with other similar functions from this module is sufficient to cover the most important cases. Even if it is not sufficient then you can use a more generic function bufferProcessor which this function is based on. In case of need, you can even write your own function from scratch. It is quite easy actually.

queueProcessorLoopMerging Source


:: (Stream a -> Stream d -> Stream e)

merge two streams: the input values of type a and the values of type d returned by the loop

-> (e -> Process ())

enqueue the input item and wait while the queue is full if required so that there was no hanging items

-> Process c

dequeue an item for the further processing

-> Processor c (Either d b)

process and then decide what values of type d should be processed again

-> Processor a b

the buffering processor

Like queueProcessor creates a queue processor but allows creating a loop when some items can be returned and added to the queue again. Also it allows specifying how two input streams of data can be merged.

queueProcessorLoopSeq Source


:: (a -> Process ())

enqueue the input item and wait while the queue is full if required so that there was no hanging items

-> Process c

dequeue an item for the further processing

-> Processor c (Either a b)

process and then decide what values of type a should be processed again

-> Processor a b

the buffering processor

Like queueProcessorLoopMerging creates a queue processor and allows creating a loop when some items can be returned and added to the queue again. Only it sequentially merges two input streams of data: one stream that come from the external source and another stream of data returned by the loop. The first stream has a priority over the second one.

queueProcessorLoopParallel Source


:: (a -> Process ())

enqueue the input item and wait while the queue is full if required so that there was no hanging items

-> Process c

dequeue an item for the further processing

-> Processor c (Either a b)

process and then decide what values of type a should be processed again

-> Processor a b

the buffering processor

Like queueProcessorLoopMerging creates a queue processor and allows creating a loop when some items can be returned and added to the queue again. Only it runs two simultaneous processes to enqueue the input streams of data: one stream that come from the external source and another stream of data returned by the loop.

Parallelizing Processors

processorParallel :: [Processor a b] -> Processor a b Source

Launches the processors in parallel consuming the same input stream and producing a combined output stream. This version applies the FCFS strategy both for input and output, which suits the most part of uses cases.

processorQueuedParallel Source


:: (EnqueueStrategy si qi, EnqueueStrategy so qo) 
=> si

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> so

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output data

-> [Processor a b]

the processors to parallelize

-> Processor a b

the parallelized processor

Launches the specified processors in parallel consuming the same input stream and producing a combined output stream.

If you don't know what the enqueue strategies to apply, then you will probably need FCFS for the both parameters, or function processorParallel that does namely this.

processorPrioritisingOutputParallel Source


:: (EnqueueStrategy si qi, PriorityQueueStrategy so qo po) 
=> si

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> so

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output data

-> [Processor a (po, b)]

the processors to parallelize

-> Processor a b

the parallelized processor

Launches the specified processors in parallel using priorities for combining the output.

processorPrioritisingInputParallel Source


:: (PriorityQueueStrategy si qi pi, EnqueueStrategy so qo) 
=> si

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> so

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output data

-> [(Stream pi, Processor a b)]

the streams of input priorities and the processors to parallelize

-> Processor a b

the parallelized processor

Launches the specified processors in parallel using priorities for consuming the intput.

processorPrioritisingInputOutputParallel Source


:: (PriorityQueueStrategy si qi pi, PriorityQueueStrategy so qo po) 
=> si

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> so

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output data

-> [(Stream pi, Processor a (po, b))]

the streams of input priorities and the processors to parallelize

-> Processor a b

the parallelized processor

Launches the specified processors in parallel using priorities for consuming the input and combining the output.