aivika-4.3.4: A multi-paradigm simulation library

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2009-2015 David Sorokin <>
MaintainerDavid Sorokin <>
Safe HaskellNone




Tested with: GHC 7.10.1

This module defines the preemptible resource.


Resource Type

Creating Resource

newResource Source #


:: Int

the initial count (and maximal count too) of the resource

-> Event Resource 

Create a new resource with the specified initial count that becomes the upper bound as well.

newResourceWithMaxCount Source #


:: Int

the initial count of the resource

-> Maybe Int

the maximum count of the resource, which can be indefinite

-> Event Resource 

Create a new resource with the specified initial and maximum counts, where Nothing means that the resource has no upper bound.

Resource Properties

resourceMaxCount :: Resource -> Maybe Int Source #

Return the maximum count of the resource, where Nothing means that the resource has no upper bound.

resourceCount :: Resource -> Event Int Source #

Return the current available count of the resource.

resourceCountStats :: Resource -> Event (TimingStats Int) Source #

Return the statistics for the available count of the resource.

resourceUtilisationCount :: Resource -> Event Int Source #

Return the current utilisation count of the resource.

resourceUtilisationCountStats :: Resource -> Event (TimingStats Int) Source #

Return the statistics for the utilisation count of the resource.

resourceQueueCount :: Resource -> Event Int Source #

Return the current queue length of the resource.

resourceQueueCountStats :: Resource -> Event (TimingStats Int) Source #

Return the statistics for the queue length of the resource.

resourceTotalWaitTime :: Resource -> Event Double Source #

Return the total wait time of the resource.

resourceWaitTime :: Resource -> Event (SamplingStats Double) Source #

Return the statistics for the wait time of the resource.

Requesting for and Releasing Resource

requestResourceWithPriority Source #


:: Resource

the requested resource

-> Double

the priority (the less value has a higher priority)

-> Process () 

Request with the priority for the resource decreasing its count in case of success, otherwise suspending the discontinuous process until some other process releases the resource.

It may preempt another process if the latter aquired the resource before but had a lower priority. Then the current process takes an ownership of the resource.

releaseResource Source #


:: Resource

the resource to release

-> Process () 

Release the resource increasing its count and resuming one of the previously suspended or preempted processes as possible.

usingResourceWithPriority Source #


:: Resource

the resource we are going to request for and then release in the end

-> Double

the priority (the less value has a higher priority)

-> Process a

the action we are going to apply having the resource

-> Process a

the result of the action

Acquire the resource with the specified priority, perform some action and safely release the resource in the end, even if the IOException was raised within the action.

Altering Resource

incResourceCount Source #


:: Resource

the resource

-> Int

the increment for the resource count

-> Event () 

Increase the count of available resource by the specified number, invoking the awaiting and preempted processes according to their priorities as needed.

decResourceCount Source #


:: Resource

the resource

-> Int

the decrement for the resource count

-> Event () 

Decrease the count of available resource by the specified number, preempting the processes according to their priorities as needed.

alterResourceCount Source #


:: Resource

the resource

-> Int

a change of the resource count

-> Event () 

Alter the resource count either increasing or decreasing it by calling incResourceCount or decResourceCount respectively.


resourceCountChanged :: Resource -> Signal Int Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceCount property changes.

resourceCountChanged_ :: Resource -> Signal () Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceCount property changes.

resourceUtilisationCountChanged :: Resource -> Signal Int Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceUtilisationCount property changes.

resourceUtilisationCountChanged_ :: Resource -> Signal () Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceUtilisationCount property changes.

resourceQueueCountChanged :: Resource -> Signal Int Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceQueueCount property changes.

resourceQueueCountChanged_ :: Resource -> Signal () Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceQueueCount property changes.

resourceWaitTimeChanged_ :: Resource -> Signal () Source #

Signal triggered when the resourceTotalWaitTime and resourceWaitTime properties change.

resourceChanged_ :: Resource -> Signal () Source #

Signal triggered when one of the resource counters changes.