-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CharSet.hs, part of Alex
-- (c) Chris Dornan 1995-2000, Simon Marlow 2003
-- An abstract CharSet type for Alex.  To begin with we'll use Alex's
-- original definition of sets as functions, then later will
-- transition to something that will work better with Unicode.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------}

module CharSet (



  CharSet, -- abstract
  ) where

import Data.Array
import Data.Ranged
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Char (chr,ord)
import UTF8

type Byte = Word8
-- Implementation as functions
type CharSet = RSet Char
type ByteSet = RSet Byte
-- type Utf8Set = RSet [Byte]
type Utf8Range = Span [Byte]

data Encoding = Latin1 | UTF8

emptyCharSet :: CharSet
emptyCharSet = rSetEmpty

byteSetElem :: ByteSet -> Byte -> Bool
byteSetElem = rSetHas

charSetSingleton :: Char -> CharSet
charSetSingleton = rSingleton

setSingleton :: DiscreteOrdered a => a -> RSet a
setSingleton = rSingleton

charSet :: [Char] -> CharSet
charSet = setUnions . fmap charSetSingleton

charSetMinus :: CharSet -> CharSet -> CharSet
charSetMinus = rSetDifference

charSetUnion :: CharSet -> CharSet -> CharSet
charSetUnion = rSetUnion

setUnions :: DiscreteOrdered a => [RSet a] -> RSet a
setUnions = foldr rSetUnion rSetEmpty

charSetComplement :: CharSet -> CharSet
charSetComplement = rSetNegation

charSetRange :: Char -> Char -> CharSet
charSetRange c1 c2 = makeRangedSet [Range (BoundaryBelow c1) (BoundaryAbove c2)]

byteSetToArray :: ByteSet -> Array Byte Bool
byteSetToArray set = array (fst (head ass), fst (last ass)) ass
  where ass = [(c,rSetHas set c) | c <- [0..0xff]]

byteSetElems :: ByteSet -> [Byte]
byteSetElems set = [c | c <- [0 .. 0xff], rSetHas set c]

charToRanges :: Encoding -> CharSet -> [Utf8Range]
charToRanges Latin1 =
    map (fmap ((: []).fromIntegral.ord)) -- Span [Byte]
  . catMaybes
  . fmap (charRangeToCharSpan False)
  . rSetRanges
charToRanges UTF8 =
    concat                  -- Span [Byte]
  . fmap toUtfRange         -- [Span [Byte]]
  . fmap (fmap UTF8.encode) -- Span [Byte]
  . catMaybes
  . fmap (charRangeToCharSpan True)
  . rSetRanges

-- | Turns a range of characters expressed as a pair of UTF-8 byte sequences into a set of ranges, in which each range of the resulting set is between pairs of sequences of the same length
toUtfRange :: Span [Byte] -> [Span [Byte]]
toUtfRange (Span x y) = fix x y

fix :: [Byte] -> [Byte] -> [Span [Byte]]
fix x y
    | length x == length y = [Span x y]
    | length x == 1 = Span x [0x7F] : fix [0xC2,0x80] y
    | length x == 2 = Span x [0xDF,0xBF] : fix [0xE0,0x80,0x80] y
    | length x == 3 = Span x [0xEF,0xBF,0xBF] : fix [0xF0,0x80,0x80,0x80] y
    | otherwise = error "fix: incorrect input given"

byteRangeToBytePair :: Span [Byte] -> ([Byte],[Byte])
byteRangeToBytePair (Span x y) = (x,y)

data Span a = Span a a -- lower bound inclusive, higher bound exclusive
                       -- (SDM: upper bound inclusive, surely??)
instance Functor Span where
    fmap f (Span x y) = Span (f x) (f y)

charRangeToCharSpan :: Bool -> Range Char -> Maybe (Span Char)
charRangeToCharSpan _ (Range BoundaryAboveAll _) = Nothing
charRangeToCharSpan _ (Range _ BoundaryBelowAll) = Nothing
charRangeToCharSpan uni (Range x y) = Just (Span (l x) (h y))
    where l b = case b of
            BoundaryBelowAll -> '\0'
            BoundaryBelow a  -> a
            BoundaryAbove a  -> succ a
            BoundaryAboveAll -> error "panic: charRangeToCharSpan"
          h b = case b of
            BoundaryBelowAll -> error "panic: charRangeToCharSpan"
            BoundaryBelow a  -> pred a
            BoundaryAbove a  -> a
            BoundaryAboveAll | uni -> chr 0x10ffff
                             | otherwise -> chr 0xff

byteRanges :: Encoding -> CharSet -> [([Byte],[Byte])]
byteRanges enc =  fmap byteRangeToBytePair . charToRanges enc

byteSetRange :: Byte -> Byte -> ByteSet
byteSetRange c1 c2 = makeRangedSet [Range (BoundaryBelow c1) (BoundaryAbove c2)]

byteSetSingleton :: Byte -> ByteSet
byteSetSingleton = rSingleton

instance DiscreteOrdered Word8 where
    adjacent x y = x + 1 == y
    adjacentBelow 0 = Nothing
    adjacentBelow x = Just (x-1)

-- TODO: More efficient generated code!
charSetQuote :: CharSet -> String
charSetQuote s = "(\\c -> " ++ foldr (\x y -> x ++ " || " ++ y) "False" (map quoteRange (rSetRanges s)) ++ ")"
    where quoteRange (Range l h) = quoteL l ++ " && " ++ quoteH h
          quoteL (BoundaryAbove a) = "c > " ++ show a
          quoteL (BoundaryBelow a) = "c >= " ++ show a
          quoteL (BoundaryAboveAll) = "False"
          quoteL (BoundaryBelowAll) = "True"
          quoteH (BoundaryAbove a) = "c <= " ++ show a
          quoteH (BoundaryBelow a) = "c < " ++ show a
          quoteH (BoundaryAboveAll) = "True"
          quoteH (BoundaryBelowAll) = "False"