Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AccountFilterType
- AccountGateStatus
- CallAs
- Capability
- Category
- ChangeAction
- ChangeSetHooksStatus
- ChangeSetStatus
- ChangeSetType
- ChangeSource
- ChangeType
- DeprecatedStatus
- DifferenceType
- EvaluationType
- ExecutionStatus
- HandlerErrorCode
- HookFailureMode
- HookInvocationPoint
- HookStatus
- HookTargetType
- IdentityProvider
- OnFailure
- OperationResultFilterName
- OperationStatus
- PermissionModels
- ProvisioningType
- PublisherStatus
- RegionConcurrencyType
- RegistrationStatus
- RegistryType
- Replacement
- RequiresRecreation
- ResourceAttribute
- ResourceSignalStatus
- ResourceStatus
- StackDriftDetectionStatus
- StackDriftStatus
- StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- StackInstanceFilterName
- StackInstanceStatus
- StackResourceDriftStatus
- StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- StackSetDriftStatus
- StackSetOperationAction
- StackSetOperationResultStatus
- StackSetOperationStatus
- StackSetStatus
- StackStatus
- TemplateStage
- ThirdPartyType
- TypeTestsStatus
- VersionBump
- Visibility
- AccountGateResult
- AccountLimit
- AutoDeployment
- BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError
- Change
- ChangeSetHook
- ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails
- ChangeSetHookTargetDetails
- ChangeSetSummary
- DeploymentTargets
- Export
- LoggingConfig
- ManagedExecution
- ModuleInfo
- OperationResultFilter
- Output
- Parameter
- ParameterConstraints
- ParameterDeclaration
- PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair
- PropertyDifference
- RequiredActivatedType
- ResourceChange
- ResourceChangeDetail
- ResourceIdentifierSummary
- ResourceTargetDefinition
- ResourceToImport
- RollbackConfiguration
- RollbackTrigger
- Stack
- StackDriftInformation
- StackDriftInformationSummary
- StackEvent
- StackInstance
- StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
- StackInstanceFilter
- StackInstanceSummary
- StackResource
- StackResourceDetail
- StackResourceDrift
- StackResourceDriftInformation
- StackResourceDriftInformationSummary
- StackResourceSummary
- StackSet
- StackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- StackSetOperation
- StackSetOperationPreferences
- StackSetOperationResultSummary
- StackSetOperationStatusDetails
- StackSetOperationSummary
- StackSetSummary
- StackSummary
- Tag
- TemplateParameter
- TypeConfigurationDetails
- TypeConfigurationIdentifier
- TypeFilters
- TypeSummary
- TypeVersionSummary
- defaultService :: Service
- _AlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _CFNRegistryException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ChangeSetNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _CreatedButModifiedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InsufficientCapabilitiesException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidChangeSetStatusException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidOperationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidStateTransitionException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _NameAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _OperationIdAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _OperationInProgressException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _OperationNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _OperationStatusCheckFailedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _StackInstanceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _StackNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _StackSetNotEmptyException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _StackSetNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _StaleRequestException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _TokenAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _TypeConfigurationNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _TypeNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- newtype AccountFilterType where
- AccountFilterType' { }
- pattern AccountFilterType_DIFFERENCE :: AccountFilterType
- pattern AccountFilterType_INTERSECTION :: AccountFilterType
- pattern AccountFilterType_NONE :: AccountFilterType
- pattern AccountFilterType_UNION :: AccountFilterType
- newtype AccountGateStatus where
- AccountGateStatus' { }
- pattern AccountGateStatus_FAILED :: AccountGateStatus
- pattern AccountGateStatus_SKIPPED :: AccountGateStatus
- pattern AccountGateStatus_SUCCEEDED :: AccountGateStatus
- newtype CallAs where
- CallAs' {
- fromCallAs :: Text
- pattern CallAs_DELEGATED_ADMIN :: CallAs
- pattern CallAs_SELF :: CallAs
- CallAs' {
- newtype Capability where
- Capability' { }
- pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND :: Capability
- pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_IAM :: Capability
- pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM :: Capability
- newtype Category where
- Category' {
- fromCategory :: Text
- pattern Category_ACTIVATED :: Category
- pattern Category_AWS_TYPES :: Category
- pattern Category_REGISTERED :: Category
- pattern Category_THIRD_PARTY :: Category
- Category' {
- newtype ChangeAction where
- ChangeAction' { }
- pattern ChangeAction_Add :: ChangeAction
- pattern ChangeAction_Dynamic :: ChangeAction
- pattern ChangeAction_Import :: ChangeAction
- pattern ChangeAction_Modify :: ChangeAction
- pattern ChangeAction_Remove :: ChangeAction
- newtype ChangeSetHooksStatus where
- newtype ChangeSetStatus where
- ChangeSetStatus' { }
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_COMPLETE :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_PENDING :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_COMPLETE :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_PENDING :: ChangeSetStatus
- pattern ChangeSetStatus_FAILED :: ChangeSetStatus
- newtype ChangeSetType where
- ChangeSetType' { }
- pattern ChangeSetType_CREATE :: ChangeSetType
- pattern ChangeSetType_IMPORT :: ChangeSetType
- pattern ChangeSetType_UPDATE :: ChangeSetType
- newtype ChangeSource where
- ChangeSource' { }
- pattern ChangeSource_Automatic :: ChangeSource
- pattern ChangeSource_DirectModification :: ChangeSource
- pattern ChangeSource_ParameterReference :: ChangeSource
- pattern ChangeSource_ResourceAttribute :: ChangeSource
- pattern ChangeSource_ResourceReference :: ChangeSource
- newtype ChangeType where
- ChangeType' { }
- pattern ChangeType_Resource :: ChangeType
- newtype DeprecatedStatus where
- DeprecatedStatus' { }
- pattern DeprecatedStatus_DEPRECATED :: DeprecatedStatus
- pattern DeprecatedStatus_LIVE :: DeprecatedStatus
- newtype DifferenceType where
- DifferenceType' { }
- pattern DifferenceType_ADD :: DifferenceType
- pattern DifferenceType_NOT_EQUAL :: DifferenceType
- pattern DifferenceType_REMOVE :: DifferenceType
- newtype EvaluationType where
- EvaluationType' { }
- pattern EvaluationType_Dynamic :: EvaluationType
- pattern EvaluationType_Static :: EvaluationType
- newtype ExecutionStatus where
- ExecutionStatus' { }
- pattern ExecutionStatus_AVAILABLE :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_COMPLETE :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_FAILED :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_IN_PROGRESS :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_OBSOLETE :: ExecutionStatus
- pattern ExecutionStatus_UNAVAILABLE :: ExecutionStatus
- newtype HandlerErrorCode where
- HandlerErrorCode' { }
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_AccessDenied :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_AlreadyExists :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_GeneralServiceException :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_HandlerInternalFailure :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_InternalFailure :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_InvalidCredentials :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_InvalidRequest :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_InvalidTypeConfiguration :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_NetworkFailure :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_NonCompliant :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_NotFound :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_NotStabilized :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_NotUpdatable :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_ResourceConflict :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_ServiceInternalError :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_ServiceLimitExceeded :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_Throttling :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_Unknown :: HandlerErrorCode
- pattern HandlerErrorCode_UnsupportedTarget :: HandlerErrorCode
- newtype HookFailureMode where
- HookFailureMode' { }
- pattern HookFailureMode_FAIL :: HookFailureMode
- pattern HookFailureMode_WARN :: HookFailureMode
- newtype HookInvocationPoint where
- newtype HookStatus where
- HookStatus' { }
- pattern HookStatus_HOOK_COMPLETE_FAILED :: HookStatus
- pattern HookStatus_HOOK_COMPLETE_SUCCEEDED :: HookStatus
- pattern HookStatus_HOOK_FAILED :: HookStatus
- pattern HookStatus_HOOK_IN_PROGRESS :: HookStatus
- newtype HookTargetType where
- HookTargetType' { }
- pattern HookTargetType_RESOURCE :: HookTargetType
- newtype IdentityProvider where
- IdentityProvider' { }
- pattern IdentityProvider_AWS_Marketplace :: IdentityProvider
- pattern IdentityProvider_Bitbucket :: IdentityProvider
- pattern IdentityProvider_GitHub :: IdentityProvider
- newtype OnFailure where
- OnFailure' { }
- pattern OnFailure_DELETE :: OnFailure
- pattern OnFailure_DO_NOTHING :: OnFailure
- pattern OnFailure_ROLLBACK :: OnFailure
- newtype OperationResultFilterName where
- newtype OperationStatus where
- OperationStatus' { }
- pattern OperationStatus_FAILED :: OperationStatus
- pattern OperationStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: OperationStatus
- pattern OperationStatus_PENDING :: OperationStatus
- pattern OperationStatus_SUCCESS :: OperationStatus
- newtype PermissionModels where
- newtype ProvisioningType where
- ProvisioningType' { }
- pattern ProvisioningType_FULLY_MUTABLE :: ProvisioningType
- pattern ProvisioningType_IMMUTABLE :: ProvisioningType
- pattern ProvisioningType_NON_PROVISIONABLE :: ProvisioningType
- newtype PublisherStatus where
- PublisherStatus' { }
- pattern PublisherStatus_UNVERIFIED :: PublisherStatus
- pattern PublisherStatus_VERIFIED :: PublisherStatus
- newtype RegionConcurrencyType where
- newtype RegistrationStatus where
- newtype RegistryType where
- RegistryType' { }
- pattern RegistryType_HOOK :: RegistryType
- pattern RegistryType_MODULE :: RegistryType
- pattern RegistryType_RESOURCE :: RegistryType
- newtype Replacement where
- Replacement' { }
- pattern Replacement_Conditional :: Replacement
- pattern Replacement_False :: Replacement
- pattern Replacement_True :: Replacement
- newtype RequiresRecreation where
- RequiresRecreation' { }
- pattern RequiresRecreation_Always :: RequiresRecreation
- pattern RequiresRecreation_Conditionally :: RequiresRecreation
- pattern RequiresRecreation_Never :: RequiresRecreation
- newtype ResourceAttribute where
- ResourceAttribute' { }
- pattern ResourceAttribute_CreationPolicy :: ResourceAttribute
- pattern ResourceAttribute_DeletionPolicy :: ResourceAttribute
- pattern ResourceAttribute_Metadata :: ResourceAttribute
- pattern ResourceAttribute_Properties :: ResourceAttribute
- pattern ResourceAttribute_Tags :: ResourceAttribute
- pattern ResourceAttribute_UpdatePolicy :: ResourceAttribute
- newtype ResourceSignalStatus where
- newtype ResourceStatus where
- ResourceStatus' { }
- pattern ResourceStatus_CREATE_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_CREATE_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_DELETE_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_DELETE_SKIPPED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: ResourceStatus
- pattern ResourceStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: ResourceStatus
- newtype StackDriftDetectionStatus where
- newtype StackDriftStatus where
- StackDriftStatus' { }
- pattern StackDriftStatus_DRIFTED :: StackDriftStatus
- pattern StackDriftStatus_IN_SYNC :: StackDriftStatus
- pattern StackDriftStatus_NOT_CHECKED :: StackDriftStatus
- pattern StackDriftStatus_UNKNOWN :: StackDriftStatus
- newtype StackInstanceDetailedStatus where
- StackInstanceDetailedStatus' { }
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_CANCELLED :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_FAILED :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_INOPERABLE :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_PENDING :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_RUNNING :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- pattern StackInstanceDetailedStatus_SUCCEEDED :: StackInstanceDetailedStatus
- newtype StackInstanceFilterName where
- newtype StackInstanceStatus where
- newtype StackResourceDriftStatus where
- StackResourceDriftStatus' { }
- pattern StackResourceDriftStatus_DELETED :: StackResourceDriftStatus
- pattern StackResourceDriftStatus_IN_SYNC :: StackResourceDriftStatus
- pattern StackResourceDriftStatus_MODIFIED :: StackResourceDriftStatus
- pattern StackResourceDriftStatus_NOT_CHECKED :: StackResourceDriftStatus
- newtype StackSetDriftDetectionStatus where
- StackSetDriftDetectionStatus' { }
- pattern StackSetDriftDetectionStatus_COMPLETED :: StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- pattern StackSetDriftDetectionStatus_FAILED :: StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- pattern StackSetDriftDetectionStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- pattern StackSetDriftDetectionStatus_PARTIAL_SUCCESS :: StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- pattern StackSetDriftDetectionStatus_STOPPED :: StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- newtype StackSetDriftStatus where
- newtype StackSetOperationAction where
- newtype StackSetOperationResultStatus where
- StackSetOperationResultStatus' { }
- pattern StackSetOperationResultStatus_CANCELLED :: StackSetOperationResultStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationResultStatus_FAILED :: StackSetOperationResultStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationResultStatus_PENDING :: StackSetOperationResultStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationResultStatus_RUNNING :: StackSetOperationResultStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationResultStatus_SUCCEEDED :: StackSetOperationResultStatus
- newtype StackSetOperationStatus where
- StackSetOperationStatus' { }
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_FAILED :: StackSetOperationStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_QUEUED :: StackSetOperationStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_RUNNING :: StackSetOperationStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_STOPPED :: StackSetOperationStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_STOPPING :: StackSetOperationStatus
- pattern StackSetOperationStatus_SUCCEEDED :: StackSetOperationStatus
- newtype StackSetStatus where
- StackSetStatus' { }
- pattern StackSetStatus_ACTIVE :: StackSetStatus
- pattern StackSetStatus_DELETED :: StackSetStatus
- newtype StackStatus where
- StackStatus' { }
- pattern StackStatus_CREATE_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_CREATE_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_DELETE_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_IMPORT_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_IMPORT_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_IMPORT_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED :: StackStatus
- pattern StackStatus_UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS :: StackStatus
- newtype TemplateStage where
- TemplateStage' { }
- pattern TemplateStage_Original :: TemplateStage
- pattern TemplateStage_Processed :: TemplateStage
- newtype ThirdPartyType where
- ThirdPartyType' { }
- pattern ThirdPartyType_HOOK :: ThirdPartyType
- pattern ThirdPartyType_MODULE :: ThirdPartyType
- pattern ThirdPartyType_RESOURCE :: ThirdPartyType
- newtype TypeTestsStatus where
- TypeTestsStatus' { }
- pattern TypeTestsStatus_FAILED :: TypeTestsStatus
- pattern TypeTestsStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: TypeTestsStatus
- pattern TypeTestsStatus_NOT_TESTED :: TypeTestsStatus
- pattern TypeTestsStatus_PASSED :: TypeTestsStatus
- newtype VersionBump where
- VersionBump' { }
- pattern VersionBump_MAJOR :: VersionBump
- pattern VersionBump_MINOR :: VersionBump
- newtype Visibility where
- Visibility' { }
- pattern Visibility_PRIVATE :: Visibility
- pattern Visibility_PUBLIC :: Visibility
- data AccountGateResult = AccountGateResult' {}
- newAccountGateResult :: AccountGateResult
- accountGateResult_status :: Lens' AccountGateResult (Maybe AccountGateStatus)
- accountGateResult_statusReason :: Lens' AccountGateResult (Maybe Text)
- data AccountLimit = AccountLimit' {}
- newAccountLimit :: AccountLimit
- accountLimit_name :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Text)
- accountLimit_value :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Int)
- data AutoDeployment = AutoDeployment' {}
- newAutoDeployment :: AutoDeployment
- autoDeployment_enabled :: Lens' AutoDeployment (Maybe Bool)
- autoDeployment_retainStacksOnAccountRemoval :: Lens' AutoDeployment (Maybe Bool)
- data BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError = BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError' {}
- newBatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError :: BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError
- batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe Text)
- batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe Text)
- batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_typeConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe TypeConfigurationIdentifier)
- data Change = Change' {}
- newChange :: Change
- change_hookInvocationCount :: Lens' Change (Maybe Natural)
- change_resourceChange :: Lens' Change (Maybe ResourceChange)
- change_type :: Lens' Change (Maybe ChangeType)
- data ChangeSetHook = ChangeSetHook' {}
- newChangeSetHook :: ChangeSetHook
- changeSetHook_failureMode :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe HookFailureMode)
- changeSetHook_invocationPoint :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe HookInvocationPoint)
- changeSetHook_targetDetails :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe ChangeSetHookTargetDetails)
- changeSetHook_typeConfigurationVersionId :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text)
- changeSetHook_typeName :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text)
- changeSetHook_typeVersionId :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text)
- data ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails = ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails' {}
- newChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails :: ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails
- changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe Text)
- changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceAction :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe ChangeAction)
- changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceType :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe Text)
- data ChangeSetHookTargetDetails = ChangeSetHookTargetDetails' {}
- newChangeSetHookTargetDetails :: ChangeSetHookTargetDetails
- changeSetHookTargetDetails_resourceTargetDetails :: Lens' ChangeSetHookTargetDetails (Maybe ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails)
- changeSetHookTargetDetails_targetType :: Lens' ChangeSetHookTargetDetails (Maybe HookTargetType)
- data ChangeSetSummary = ChangeSetSummary' {
- changeSetId :: Maybe Text
- changeSetName :: Maybe Text
- creationTime :: Maybe ISO8601
- description :: Maybe Text
- executionStatus :: Maybe ExecutionStatus
- includeNestedStacks :: Maybe Bool
- parentChangeSetId :: Maybe Text
- rootChangeSetId :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackName :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe ChangeSetStatus
- statusReason :: Maybe Text
- newChangeSetSummary :: ChangeSetSummary
- changeSetSummary_changeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_changeSetName :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- changeSetSummary_description :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_executionStatus :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe ExecutionStatus)
- changeSetSummary_includeNestedStacks :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Bool)
- changeSetSummary_parentChangeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_rootChangeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_stackId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_stackName :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- changeSetSummary_status :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe ChangeSetStatus)
- changeSetSummary_statusReason :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- data DeploymentTargets = DeploymentTargets' {}
- newDeploymentTargets :: DeploymentTargets
- deploymentTargets_accountFilterType :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe AccountFilterType)
- deploymentTargets_accounts :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe [Text])
- deploymentTargets_accountsUrl :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe Text)
- deploymentTargets_organizationalUnitIds :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe [Text])
- data Export = Export' {}
- newExport :: Export
- export_exportingStackId :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text)
- export_name :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text)
- export_value :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text)
- data LoggingConfig = LoggingConfig' {
- logRoleArn :: Text
- logGroupName :: Text
- newLoggingConfig :: Text -> Text -> LoggingConfig
- loggingConfig_logRoleArn :: Lens' LoggingConfig Text
- loggingConfig_logGroupName :: Lens' LoggingConfig Text
- data ManagedExecution = ManagedExecution' {}
- newManagedExecution :: ManagedExecution
- managedExecution_active :: Lens' ManagedExecution (Maybe Bool)
- data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo' {}
- newModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo
- moduleInfo_logicalIdHierarchy :: Lens' ModuleInfo (Maybe Text)
- moduleInfo_typeHierarchy :: Lens' ModuleInfo (Maybe Text)
- data OperationResultFilter = OperationResultFilter' {}
- newOperationResultFilter :: OperationResultFilter
- operationResultFilter_name :: Lens' OperationResultFilter (Maybe OperationResultFilterName)
- operationResultFilter_values :: Lens' OperationResultFilter (Maybe Text)
- data Output = Output' {
- description :: Maybe Text
- exportName :: Maybe Text
- outputKey :: Maybe Text
- outputValue :: Maybe Text
- newOutput :: Output
- output_description :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_exportName :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_outputKey :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- output_outputValue :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text)
- data Parameter = Parameter' {}
- newParameter :: Parameter
- parameter_parameterKey :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text)
- parameter_parameterValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text)
- parameter_resolvedValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text)
- parameter_usePreviousValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Bool)
- data ParameterConstraints = ParameterConstraints' {
- allowedValues :: Maybe [Text]
- newParameterConstraints :: ParameterConstraints
- parameterConstraints_allowedValues :: Lens' ParameterConstraints (Maybe [Text])
- data ParameterDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration' {}
- newParameterDeclaration :: ParameterDeclaration
- parameterDeclaration_defaultValue :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text)
- parameterDeclaration_description :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text)
- parameterDeclaration_noEcho :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Bool)
- parameterDeclaration_parameterConstraints :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe ParameterConstraints)
- parameterDeclaration_parameterKey :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text)
- parameterDeclaration_parameterType :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text)
- data PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair = PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair' {}
- newPhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair :: Text -> Text -> PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair
- physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_key :: Lens' PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Text
- physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_value :: Lens' PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Text
- data PropertyDifference = PropertyDifference' {}
- newPropertyDifference :: Text -> Text -> Text -> DifferenceType -> PropertyDifference
- propertyDifference_propertyPath :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text
- propertyDifference_expectedValue :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text
- propertyDifference_actualValue :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text
- propertyDifference_differenceType :: Lens' PropertyDifference DifferenceType
- data RequiredActivatedType = RequiredActivatedType' {}
- newRequiredActivatedType :: RequiredActivatedType
- requiredActivatedType_originalTypeName :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text)
- requiredActivatedType_publisherId :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text)
- requiredActivatedType_supportedMajorVersions :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe [Natural])
- requiredActivatedType_typeNameAlias :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text)
- data ResourceChange = ResourceChange' {}
- newResourceChange :: ResourceChange
- resourceChange_action :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe ChangeAction)
- resourceChange_changeSetId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text)
- resourceChange_details :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe [ResourceChangeDetail])
- resourceChange_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text)
- resourceChange_moduleInfo :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe ModuleInfo)
- resourceChange_physicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text)
- resourceChange_replacement :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Replacement)
- resourceChange_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text)
- resourceChange_scope :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe [ResourceAttribute])
- data ResourceChangeDetail = ResourceChangeDetail' {}
- newResourceChangeDetail :: ResourceChangeDetail
- resourceChangeDetail_causingEntity :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe Text)
- resourceChangeDetail_changeSource :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe ChangeSource)
- resourceChangeDetail_evaluation :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe EvaluationType)
- resourceChangeDetail_target :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe ResourceTargetDefinition)
- data ResourceIdentifierSummary = ResourceIdentifierSummary' {}
- newResourceIdentifierSummary :: ResourceIdentifierSummary
- resourceIdentifierSummary_logicalResourceIds :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceIdentifiers :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe [Text])
- resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe Text)
- data ResourceTargetDefinition = ResourceTargetDefinition' {}
- newResourceTargetDefinition :: ResourceTargetDefinition
- resourceTargetDefinition_attribute :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe ResourceAttribute)
- resourceTargetDefinition_name :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe Text)
- resourceTargetDefinition_requiresRecreation :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe RequiresRecreation)
- data ResourceToImport = ResourceToImport' {}
- newResourceToImport :: Text -> Text -> ResourceToImport
- resourceToImport_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceToImport Text
- resourceToImport_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceToImport Text
- resourceToImport_resourceIdentifier :: Lens' ResourceToImport (HashMap Text Text)
- data RollbackConfiguration = RollbackConfiguration' {}
- newRollbackConfiguration :: RollbackConfiguration
- rollbackConfiguration_monitoringTimeInMinutes :: Lens' RollbackConfiguration (Maybe Natural)
- rollbackConfiguration_rollbackTriggers :: Lens' RollbackConfiguration (Maybe [RollbackTrigger])
- data RollbackTrigger = RollbackTrigger' {}
- newRollbackTrigger :: Text -> Text -> RollbackTrigger
- rollbackTrigger_arn :: Lens' RollbackTrigger Text
- rollbackTrigger_type :: Lens' RollbackTrigger Text
- data Stack = Stack' {
- capabilities :: Maybe [Capability]
- changeSetId :: Maybe Text
- deletionTime :: Maybe ISO8601
- description :: Maybe Text
- disableRollback :: Maybe Bool
- driftInformation :: Maybe StackDriftInformation
- enableTerminationProtection :: Maybe Bool
- lastUpdatedTime :: Maybe ISO8601
- notificationARNs :: Maybe [Text]
- outputs :: Maybe [Output]
- parameters :: Maybe [Parameter]
- parentId :: Maybe Text
- roleARN :: Maybe Text
- rollbackConfiguration :: Maybe RollbackConfiguration
- rootId :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- tags :: Maybe [Tag]
- timeoutInMinutes :: Maybe Natural
- stackName :: Text
- creationTime :: ISO8601
- stackStatus :: StackStatus
- newStack :: Text -> UTCTime -> StackStatus -> Stack
- stack_capabilities :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Capability])
- stack_changeSetId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_deletionTime :: Lens' Stack (Maybe UTCTime)
- stack_description :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_disableRollback :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Bool)
- stack_driftInformation :: Lens' Stack (Maybe StackDriftInformation)
- stack_enableTerminationProtection :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Bool)
- stack_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' Stack (Maybe UTCTime)
- stack_notificationARNs :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Text])
- stack_outputs :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Output])
- stack_parameters :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Parameter])
- stack_parentId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_roleARN :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_rollbackConfiguration :: Lens' Stack (Maybe RollbackConfiguration)
- stack_rootId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_stackId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_stackStatusReason :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text)
- stack_tags :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Tag])
- stack_timeoutInMinutes :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Natural)
- stack_stackName :: Lens' Stack Text
- stack_creationTime :: Lens' Stack UTCTime
- stack_stackStatus :: Lens' Stack StackStatus
- data StackDriftInformation = StackDriftInformation' {}
- newStackDriftInformation :: StackDriftStatus -> StackDriftInformation
- stackDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackDriftInformation (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackDriftInformation_stackDriftStatus :: Lens' StackDriftInformation StackDriftStatus
- data StackDriftInformationSummary = StackDriftInformationSummary' {}
- newStackDriftInformationSummary :: StackDriftStatus -> StackDriftInformationSummary
- stackDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackDriftInformationSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackDriftInformationSummary_stackDriftStatus :: Lens' StackDriftInformationSummary StackDriftStatus
- data StackEvent = StackEvent' {
- clientRequestToken :: Maybe Text
- hookFailureMode :: Maybe HookFailureMode
- hookInvocationPoint :: Maybe HookInvocationPoint
- hookStatus :: Maybe HookStatus
- hookStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- hookType :: Maybe Text
- logicalResourceId :: Maybe Text
- physicalResourceId :: Maybe Text
- resourceProperties :: Maybe Text
- resourceStatus :: Maybe ResourceStatus
- resourceStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- resourceType :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Text
- eventId :: Text
- stackName :: Text
- timestamp :: ISO8601
- newStackEvent :: Text -> Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> StackEvent
- stackEvent_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_hookFailureMode :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookFailureMode)
- stackEvent_hookInvocationPoint :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookInvocationPoint)
- stackEvent_hookStatus :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookStatus)
- stackEvent_hookStatusReason :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_hookType :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_resourceProperties :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe ResourceStatus)
- stackEvent_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_resourceType :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text)
- stackEvent_stackId :: Lens' StackEvent Text
- stackEvent_eventId :: Lens' StackEvent Text
- stackEvent_stackName :: Lens' StackEvent Text
- stackEvent_timestamp :: Lens' StackEvent UTCTime
- data StackInstance = StackInstance' {
- account :: Maybe Text
- driftStatus :: Maybe StackDriftStatus
- lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- lastOperationId :: Maybe Text
- organizationalUnitId :: Maybe Text
- parameterOverrides :: Maybe [Parameter]
- region :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackInstanceStatus :: Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
- stackSetId :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StackInstanceStatus
- statusReason :: Maybe Text
- newStackInstance :: StackInstance
- stackInstance_account :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_driftStatus :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackDriftStatus)
- stackInstance_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackInstance_lastOperationId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_parameterOverrides :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe [Parameter])
- stackInstance_region :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_stackId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_stackInstanceStatus :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus)
- stackInstance_stackSetId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- stackInstance_status :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackInstanceStatus)
- stackInstance_statusReason :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text)
- data StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus = StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus' {}
- newStackInstanceComprehensiveStatus :: StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
- stackInstanceComprehensiveStatus_detailedStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus (Maybe StackInstanceDetailedStatus)
- data StackInstanceFilter = StackInstanceFilter' {}
- newStackInstanceFilter :: StackInstanceFilter
- stackInstanceFilter_name :: Lens' StackInstanceFilter (Maybe StackInstanceFilterName)
- stackInstanceFilter_values :: Lens' StackInstanceFilter (Maybe Text)
- data StackInstanceSummary = StackInstanceSummary' {
- account :: Maybe Text
- driftStatus :: Maybe StackDriftStatus
- lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- lastOperationId :: Maybe Text
- organizationalUnitId :: Maybe Text
- region :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackInstanceStatus :: Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
- stackSetId :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StackInstanceStatus
- statusReason :: Maybe Text
- newStackInstanceSummary :: StackInstanceSummary
- stackInstanceSummary_account :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_driftStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackDriftStatus)
- stackInstanceSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackInstanceSummary_lastOperationId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_region :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_stackId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_stackInstanceStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus)
- stackInstanceSummary_stackSetId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackInstanceSummary_status :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackInstanceStatus)
- stackInstanceSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text)
- data StackResource = StackResource' {
- description :: Maybe Text
- driftInformation :: Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation
- moduleInfo :: Maybe ModuleInfo
- physicalResourceId :: Maybe Text
- resourceStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackName :: Maybe Text
- logicalResourceId :: Text
- resourceType :: Text
- timestamp :: ISO8601
- resourceStatus :: ResourceStatus
- newStackResource :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> ResourceStatus -> StackResource
- stackResource_description :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text)
- stackResource_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation)
- stackResource_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe ModuleInfo)
- stackResource_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text)
- stackResource_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text)
- stackResource_stackId :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text)
- stackResource_stackName :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text)
- stackResource_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResource Text
- stackResource_resourceType :: Lens' StackResource Text
- stackResource_timestamp :: Lens' StackResource UTCTime
- stackResource_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResource ResourceStatus
- data StackResourceDetail = StackResourceDetail' {
- description :: Maybe Text
- driftInformation :: Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation
- metadata :: Maybe Text
- moduleInfo :: Maybe ModuleInfo
- physicalResourceId :: Maybe Text
- resourceStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackName :: Maybe Text
- logicalResourceId :: Text
- resourceType :: Text
- lastUpdatedTimestamp :: ISO8601
- resourceStatus :: ResourceStatus
- newStackResourceDetail :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> ResourceStatus -> StackResourceDetail
- stackResourceDetail_description :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation)
- stackResourceDetail_metadata :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe ModuleInfo)
- stackResourceDetail_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_stackId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_stackName :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDetail_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail Text
- stackResourceDetail_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceDetail Text
- stackResourceDetail_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDetail UTCTime
- stackResourceDetail_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDetail ResourceStatus
- data StackResourceDrift = StackResourceDrift' {
- actualProperties :: Maybe Text
- expectedProperties :: Maybe Text
- moduleInfo :: Maybe ModuleInfo
- physicalResourceId :: Maybe Text
- physicalResourceIdContext :: Maybe [PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair]
- propertyDifferences :: Maybe [PropertyDifference]
- stackId :: Text
- logicalResourceId :: Text
- resourceType :: Text
- stackResourceDriftStatus :: StackResourceDriftStatus
- timestamp :: ISO8601
- newStackResourceDrift :: Text -> Text -> Text -> StackResourceDriftStatus -> UTCTime -> StackResourceDrift
- stackResourceDrift_actualProperties :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDrift_expectedProperties :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDrift_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe ModuleInfo)
- stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceIdContext :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe [PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair])
- stackResourceDrift_propertyDifferences :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe [PropertyDifference])
- stackResourceDrift_stackId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text
- stackResourceDrift_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text
- stackResourceDrift_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text
- stackResourceDrift_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDrift StackResourceDriftStatus
- stackResourceDrift_timestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDrift UTCTime
- data StackResourceDriftInformation = StackResourceDriftInformation' {}
- newStackResourceDriftInformation :: StackResourceDriftStatus -> StackResourceDriftInformation
- stackResourceDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformation (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackResourceDriftInformation_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformation StackResourceDriftStatus
- data StackResourceDriftInformationSummary = StackResourceDriftInformationSummary' {}
- newStackResourceDriftInformationSummary :: StackResourceDriftStatus -> StackResourceDriftInformationSummary
- stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformationSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformationSummary StackResourceDriftStatus
- data StackResourceSummary = StackResourceSummary' {}
- newStackResourceSummary :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> ResourceStatus -> StackResourceSummary
- stackResourceSummary_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformationSummary)
- stackResourceSummary_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe ModuleInfo)
- stackResourceSummary_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceSummary_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackResourceSummary_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceSummary Text
- stackResourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceSummary Text
- stackResourceSummary_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceSummary UTCTime
- stackResourceSummary_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResourceSummary ResourceStatus
- data StackSet = StackSet' {
- administrationRoleARN :: Maybe Text
- autoDeployment :: Maybe AutoDeployment
- capabilities :: Maybe [Capability]
- description :: Maybe Text
- executionRoleName :: Maybe Text
- managedExecution :: Maybe ManagedExecution
- organizationalUnitIds :: Maybe [Text]
- parameters :: Maybe [Parameter]
- permissionModel :: Maybe PermissionModels
- stackSetARN :: Maybe Text
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- stackSetId :: Maybe Text
- stackSetName :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StackSetStatus
- tags :: Maybe [Tag]
- templateBody :: Maybe Text
- newStackSet :: StackSet
- stackSet_administrationRoleARN :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_autoDeployment :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe AutoDeployment)
- stackSet_capabilities :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Capability])
- stackSet_description :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_executionRoleName :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_managedExecution :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe ManagedExecution)
- stackSet_organizationalUnitIds :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Text])
- stackSet_parameters :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Parameter])
- stackSet_permissionModel :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe PermissionModels)
- stackSet_stackSetARN :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails)
- stackSet_stackSetId :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_stackSetName :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- stackSet_status :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe StackSetStatus)
- stackSet_tags :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Tag])
- stackSet_templateBody :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text)
- data StackSetDriftDetectionDetails = StackSetDriftDetectionDetails' {
- driftDetectionStatus :: Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionStatus
- driftStatus :: Maybe StackSetDriftStatus
- driftedStackInstancesCount :: Maybe Natural
- failedStackInstancesCount :: Maybe Natural
- inProgressStackInstancesCount :: Maybe Natural
- inSyncStackInstancesCount :: Maybe Natural
- lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- totalStackInstancesCount :: Maybe Natural
- newStackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: StackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftDetectionStatus :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionStatus)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftStatus :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe StackSetDriftStatus)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_failedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inProgressStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inSyncStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_totalStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural)
- data StackSetOperation = StackSetOperation' {
- action :: Maybe StackSetOperationAction
- administrationRoleARN :: Maybe Text
- creationTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- deploymentTargets :: Maybe DeploymentTargets
- endTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- executionRoleName :: Maybe Text
- operationId :: Maybe Text
- operationPreferences :: Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences
- retainStacks :: Maybe Bool
- stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- stackSetId :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StackSetOperationStatus
- statusDetails :: Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails
- statusReason :: Maybe Text
- newStackSetOperation :: StackSetOperation
- stackSetOperation_action :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationAction)
- stackSetOperation_administrationRoleARN :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperation_creationTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetOperation_deploymentTargets :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe DeploymentTargets)
- stackSetOperation_endTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetOperation_executionRoleName :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperation_operationId :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperation_operationPreferences :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences)
- stackSetOperation_retainStacks :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Bool)
- stackSetOperation_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails)
- stackSetOperation_stackSetId :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperation_status :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationStatus)
- stackSetOperation_statusDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails)
- stackSetOperation_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text)
- data StackSetOperationPreferences = StackSetOperationPreferences' {}
- newStackSetOperationPreferences :: StackSetOperationPreferences
- stackSetOperationPreferences_failureToleranceCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetOperationPreferences_failureTolerancePercentage :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentPercentage :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural)
- stackSetOperationPreferences_regionConcurrencyType :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe RegionConcurrencyType)
- stackSetOperationPreferences_regionOrder :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe [Text])
- data StackSetOperationResultSummary = StackSetOperationResultSummary' {}
- newStackSetOperationResultSummary :: StackSetOperationResultSummary
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_account :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_accountGateResult :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe AccountGateResult)
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_region :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationResultStatus)
- stackSetOperationResultSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text)
- data StackSetOperationStatusDetails = StackSetOperationStatusDetails' {}
- newStackSetOperationStatusDetails :: StackSetOperationStatusDetails
- stackSetOperationStatusDetails_failedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationStatusDetails (Maybe Natural)
- data StackSetOperationSummary = StackSetOperationSummary' {
- action :: Maybe StackSetOperationAction
- creationTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- endTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- operationId :: Maybe Text
- operationPreferences :: Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences
- status :: Maybe StackSetOperationStatus
- statusDetails :: Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails
- statusReason :: Maybe Text
- newStackSetOperationSummary :: StackSetOperationSummary
- stackSetOperationSummary_action :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationAction)
- stackSetOperationSummary_creationTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetOperationSummary_endTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetOperationSummary_operationId :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetOperationSummary_operationPreferences :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences)
- stackSetOperationSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationStatus)
- stackSetOperationSummary_statusDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails)
- stackSetOperationSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe Text)
- data StackSetSummary = StackSetSummary' {
- autoDeployment :: Maybe AutoDeployment
- description :: Maybe Text
- driftStatus :: Maybe StackDriftStatus
- lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Maybe ISO8601
- managedExecution :: Maybe ManagedExecution
- permissionModel :: Maybe PermissionModels
- stackSetId :: Maybe Text
- stackSetName :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StackSetStatus
- newStackSetSummary :: StackSetSummary
- stackSetSummary_autoDeployment :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe AutoDeployment)
- stackSetSummary_description :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetSummary_driftStatus :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe StackDriftStatus)
- stackSetSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSetSummary_managedExecution :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe ManagedExecution)
- stackSetSummary_permissionModel :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe PermissionModels)
- stackSetSummary_stackSetId :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetSummary_stackSetName :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSetSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe StackSetStatus)
- data StackSummary = StackSummary' {
- deletionTime :: Maybe ISO8601
- driftInformation :: Maybe StackDriftInformationSummary
- lastUpdatedTime :: Maybe ISO8601
- parentId :: Maybe Text
- rootId :: Maybe Text
- stackId :: Maybe Text
- stackStatusReason :: Maybe Text
- templateDescription :: Maybe Text
- stackName :: Text
- creationTime :: ISO8601
- stackStatus :: StackStatus
- newStackSummary :: Text -> UTCTime -> StackStatus -> StackSummary
- stackSummary_deletionTime :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSummary_driftInformation :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe StackDriftInformationSummary)
- stackSummary_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- stackSummary_parentId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSummary_rootId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSummary_stackId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSummary_stackStatusReason :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSummary_templateDescription :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text)
- stackSummary_stackName :: Lens' StackSummary Text
- stackSummary_creationTime :: Lens' StackSummary UTCTime
- stackSummary_stackStatus :: Lens' StackSummary StackStatus
- data Tag = Tag' {}
- newTag :: Text -> Text -> Tag
- tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text
- tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text
- data TemplateParameter = TemplateParameter' {
- defaultValue :: Maybe Text
- description :: Maybe Text
- noEcho :: Maybe Bool
- parameterKey :: Maybe Text
- newTemplateParameter :: TemplateParameter
- templateParameter_defaultValue :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text)
- templateParameter_description :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text)
- templateParameter_noEcho :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Bool)
- templateParameter_parameterKey :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text)
- data TypeConfigurationDetails = TypeConfigurationDetails' {}
- newTypeConfigurationDetails :: TypeConfigurationDetails
- typeConfigurationDetails_alias :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationDetails_arn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationDetails_configuration :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationDetails_isDefaultConfiguration :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool)
- typeConfigurationDetails_lastUpdated :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- typeConfigurationDetails_typeArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationDetails_typeName :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text)
- data TypeConfigurationIdentifier = TypeConfigurationIdentifier' {}
- newTypeConfigurationIdentifier :: TypeConfigurationIdentifier
- typeConfigurationIdentifier_type :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe ThirdPartyType)
- typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationAlias :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeName :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text)
- data TypeFilters = TypeFilters' {}
- newTypeFilters :: TypeFilters
- typeFilters_category :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Category)
- typeFilters_publisherId :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Text)
- typeFilters_typeNamePrefix :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Text)
- data TypeSummary = TypeSummary' {
- defaultVersionId :: Maybe Text
- description :: Maybe Text
- isActivated :: Maybe Bool
- lastUpdated :: Maybe ISO8601
- latestPublicVersion :: Maybe Text
- originalTypeName :: Maybe Text
- publicVersionNumber :: Maybe Text
- publisherId :: Maybe Text
- publisherIdentity :: Maybe IdentityProvider
- publisherName :: Maybe Text
- type' :: Maybe RegistryType
- typeArn :: Maybe Text
- typeName :: Maybe Text
- newTypeSummary :: TypeSummary
- typeSummary_defaultVersionId :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_description :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_isActivated :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Bool)
- typeSummary_lastUpdated :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- typeSummary_latestPublicVersion :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_originalTypeName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_publicVersionNumber :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_publisherId :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_publisherIdentity :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe IdentityProvider)
- typeSummary_publisherName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_type :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe RegistryType)
- typeSummary_typeArn :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeSummary_typeName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text)
- data TypeVersionSummary = TypeVersionSummary' {}
- newTypeVersionSummary :: TypeVersionSummary
- typeVersionSummary_arn :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeVersionSummary_description :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeVersionSummary_isDefaultVersion :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Bool)
- typeVersionSummary_publicVersionNumber :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeVersionSummary_timeCreated :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- typeVersionSummary_type :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe RegistryType)
- typeVersionSummary_typeName :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text)
- typeVersionSummary_versionId :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2010-05-15
of the Amazon CloudFormation SDK configuration.
_AlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The resource with the name requested already exists.
_CFNRegistryException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred during a CloudFormation registry operation.
_ChangeSetNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified change set name or ID doesn't exit. To view valid change
sets for a stack, use the ListChangeSets
_CreatedButModifiedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified resource exists, but has been changed.
_InsufficientCapabilitiesException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The template contains resources with capabilities that weren't specified in the Capabilities parameter.
_InvalidChangeSetStatusException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified change set can't be used to update the stack. For
example, the change set status might be CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
, or the
stack status might be UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS
_InvalidOperationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified operation isn't valid.
_InvalidStateTransitionException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Error reserved for use by the CloudFormation CLI. CloudFormation doesn't return this error to users.
_LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The quota for the resource has already been reached.
For information about resource and stack limitations, see CloudFormation quotas in the CloudFormation User Guide.
_NameAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified name is already in use.
_OperationIdAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified operation ID already exists.
_OperationInProgressException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Another operation is currently in progress for this stack set. Only one operation can be performed for a stack set at a given time.
_OperationNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified ID refers to an operation that doesn't exist.
_OperationStatusCheckFailedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Error reserved for use by the CloudFormation CLI. CloudFormation doesn't return this error to users.
_StackInstanceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified stack instance doesn't exist.
_StackNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified stack ARN doesn't exist or stack doesn't exist corresponding to the ARN in input.
_StackSetNotEmptyException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
You can't yet delete this stack set, because it still contains one or more stack instances. Delete all stack instances from the stack set before deleting the stack set.
_StackSetNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified stack set doesn't exist.
_StaleRequestException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Another operation has been performed on this stack set since the specified operation was performed.
_TokenAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
A client request token already exists.
_TypeConfigurationNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified extension configuration can't be found.
_TypeNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified extension doesn't exist in the CloudFormation registry.
newtype AccountFilterType Source #
AccountFilterType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AccountFilterType_DIFFERENCE :: AccountFilterType | |
pattern AccountFilterType_INTERSECTION :: AccountFilterType | |
pattern AccountFilterType_NONE :: AccountFilterType | |
pattern AccountFilterType_UNION :: AccountFilterType |
newtype AccountGateStatus Source #
AccountGateStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AccountGateStatus_FAILED :: AccountGateStatus | |
pattern AccountGateStatus_SKIPPED :: AccountGateStatus | |
pattern AccountGateStatus_SUCCEEDED :: AccountGateStatus |
CallAs' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern CallAs_DELEGATED_ADMIN :: CallAs | |
pattern CallAs_SELF :: CallAs |
newtype Capability Source #
Capability' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND :: Capability | |
pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_IAM :: Capability | |
pattern Capability_CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM :: Capability |
Category' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Category_ACTIVATED :: Category | |
pattern Category_AWS_TYPES :: Category | |
pattern Category_REGISTERED :: Category | |
pattern Category_THIRD_PARTY :: Category |
newtype ChangeAction Source #
ChangeAction' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeAction_Add :: ChangeAction | |
pattern ChangeAction_Dynamic :: ChangeAction | |
pattern ChangeAction_Import :: ChangeAction | |
pattern ChangeAction_Modify :: ChangeAction | |
pattern ChangeAction_Remove :: ChangeAction |
newtype ChangeSetHooksStatus Source #
ChangeSetHooksStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeSetHooksStatus_PLANNED :: ChangeSetHooksStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetHooksStatus_PLANNING :: ChangeSetHooksStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetHooksStatus_UNAVAILABLE :: ChangeSetHooksStatus |
newtype ChangeSetStatus Source #
ChangeSetStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_COMPLETE :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_CREATE_PENDING :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_COMPLETE :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_FAILED :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_DELETE_PENDING :: ChangeSetStatus | |
pattern ChangeSetStatus_FAILED :: ChangeSetStatus |
newtype ChangeSetType Source #
ChangeSetType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeSetType_CREATE :: ChangeSetType | |
pattern ChangeSetType_IMPORT :: ChangeSetType | |
pattern ChangeSetType_UPDATE :: ChangeSetType |
newtype ChangeSource Source #
ChangeSource' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeSource_Automatic :: ChangeSource | |
pattern ChangeSource_DirectModification :: ChangeSource | |
pattern ChangeSource_ParameterReference :: ChangeSource | |
pattern ChangeSource_ResourceAttribute :: ChangeSource | |
pattern ChangeSource_ResourceReference :: ChangeSource |
newtype ChangeType Source #
ChangeType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ChangeType_Resource :: ChangeType |
newtype DeprecatedStatus Source #
DeprecatedStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DeprecatedStatus_DEPRECATED :: DeprecatedStatus | |
pattern DeprecatedStatus_LIVE :: DeprecatedStatus |
newtype DifferenceType Source #
DifferenceType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DifferenceType_ADD :: DifferenceType | |
pattern DifferenceType_NOT_EQUAL :: DifferenceType | |
pattern DifferenceType_REMOVE :: DifferenceType |
newtype EvaluationType Source #
EvaluationType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EvaluationType_Dynamic :: EvaluationType | |
pattern EvaluationType_Static :: EvaluationType |
newtype ExecutionStatus Source #
ExecutionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ExecutionStatus_AVAILABLE :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_COMPLETE :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_FAILED :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_EXECUTE_IN_PROGRESS :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_OBSOLETE :: ExecutionStatus | |
pattern ExecutionStatus_UNAVAILABLE :: ExecutionStatus |
newtype HandlerErrorCode Source #
HandlerErrorCode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype HookFailureMode Source #
HookFailureMode' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HookFailureMode_FAIL :: HookFailureMode | |
pattern HookFailureMode_WARN :: HookFailureMode |
newtype HookInvocationPoint Source #
HookInvocationPoint' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HookInvocationPoint_PRE_PROVISION :: HookInvocationPoint |
newtype HookStatus Source #
HookStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HookStatus_HOOK_COMPLETE_FAILED :: HookStatus | |
pattern HookStatus_HOOK_COMPLETE_SUCCEEDED :: HookStatus | |
pattern HookStatus_HOOK_FAILED :: HookStatus | |
pattern HookStatus_HOOK_IN_PROGRESS :: HookStatus |
newtype HookTargetType Source #
HookTargetType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HookTargetType_RESOURCE :: HookTargetType |
newtype IdentityProvider Source #
IdentityProvider' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern IdentityProvider_AWS_Marketplace :: IdentityProvider | |
pattern IdentityProvider_Bitbucket :: IdentityProvider | |
pattern IdentityProvider_GitHub :: IdentityProvider |
OnFailure' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern OnFailure_DELETE :: OnFailure | |
pattern OnFailure_DO_NOTHING :: OnFailure | |
pattern OnFailure_ROLLBACK :: OnFailure |
newtype OperationResultFilterName Source #
OperationResultFilterName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern OperationResultFilterName_OPERATION_RESULT_STATUS :: OperationResultFilterName |
newtype OperationStatus Source #
OperationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern OperationStatus_FAILED :: OperationStatus | |
pattern OperationStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: OperationStatus | |
pattern OperationStatus_PENDING :: OperationStatus | |
pattern OperationStatus_SUCCESS :: OperationStatus |
newtype PermissionModels Source #
PermissionModels' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PermissionModels_SELF_MANAGED :: PermissionModels | |
pattern PermissionModels_SERVICE_MANAGED :: PermissionModels |
newtype ProvisioningType Source #
ProvisioningType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ProvisioningType_FULLY_MUTABLE :: ProvisioningType | |
pattern ProvisioningType_IMMUTABLE :: ProvisioningType | |
pattern ProvisioningType_NON_PROVISIONABLE :: ProvisioningType |
newtype PublisherStatus Source #
PublisherStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern PublisherStatus_UNVERIFIED :: PublisherStatus | |
pattern PublisherStatus_VERIFIED :: PublisherStatus |
newtype RegionConcurrencyType Source #
RegionConcurrencyType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RegionConcurrencyType_PARALLEL :: RegionConcurrencyType | |
pattern RegionConcurrencyType_SEQUENTIAL :: RegionConcurrencyType |
newtype RegistrationStatus Source #
RegistrationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RegistrationStatus_COMPLETE :: RegistrationStatus | |
pattern RegistrationStatus_FAILED :: RegistrationStatus | |
pattern RegistrationStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: RegistrationStatus |
newtype RegistryType Source #
RegistryType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RegistryType_HOOK :: RegistryType | |
pattern RegistryType_MODULE :: RegistryType | |
pattern RegistryType_RESOURCE :: RegistryType |
newtype Replacement Source #
Replacement' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Replacement_Conditional :: Replacement | |
pattern Replacement_False :: Replacement | |
pattern Replacement_True :: Replacement |
newtype RequiresRecreation Source #
RequiresRecreation' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern RequiresRecreation_Always :: RequiresRecreation | |
pattern RequiresRecreation_Conditionally :: RequiresRecreation | |
pattern RequiresRecreation_Never :: RequiresRecreation |
newtype ResourceAttribute Source #
ResourceAttribute' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ResourceAttribute_CreationPolicy :: ResourceAttribute | |
pattern ResourceAttribute_DeletionPolicy :: ResourceAttribute | |
pattern ResourceAttribute_Metadata :: ResourceAttribute | |
pattern ResourceAttribute_Properties :: ResourceAttribute | |
pattern ResourceAttribute_Tags :: ResourceAttribute | |
pattern ResourceAttribute_UpdatePolicy :: ResourceAttribute |
newtype ResourceSignalStatus Source #
ResourceSignalStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ResourceSignalStatus_FAILURE :: ResourceSignalStatus | |
pattern ResourceSignalStatus_SUCCESS :: ResourceSignalStatus |
newtype ResourceStatus Source #
ResourceStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackDriftDetectionStatus Source #
StackDriftDetectionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackDriftStatus Source #
StackDriftStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StackDriftStatus_DRIFTED :: StackDriftStatus | |
pattern StackDriftStatus_IN_SYNC :: StackDriftStatus | |
pattern StackDriftStatus_NOT_CHECKED :: StackDriftStatus | |
pattern StackDriftStatus_UNKNOWN :: StackDriftStatus |
newtype StackInstanceDetailedStatus Source #
StackInstanceDetailedStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackInstanceFilterName Source #
StackInstanceFilterName' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StackInstanceFilterName_DETAILED_STATUS :: StackInstanceFilterName | |
pattern StackInstanceFilterName_LAST_OPERATION_ID :: StackInstanceFilterName |
newtype StackInstanceStatus Source #
StackInstanceStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StackInstanceStatus_CURRENT :: StackInstanceStatus | |
pattern StackInstanceStatus_INOPERABLE :: StackInstanceStatus | |
pattern StackInstanceStatus_OUTDATED :: StackInstanceStatus |
newtype StackResourceDriftStatus Source #
StackResourceDriftStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackSetDriftDetectionStatus Source #
StackSetDriftDetectionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackSetDriftStatus Source #
StackSetDriftStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StackSetDriftStatus_DRIFTED :: StackSetDriftStatus | |
pattern StackSetDriftStatus_IN_SYNC :: StackSetDriftStatus | |
pattern StackSetDriftStatus_NOT_CHECKED :: StackSetDriftStatus |
newtype StackSetOperationAction Source #
StackSetOperationAction' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackSetOperationResultStatus Source #
StackSetOperationResultStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackSetOperationStatus Source #
StackSetOperationStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype StackSetStatus Source #
StackSetStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StackSetStatus_ACTIVE :: StackSetStatus | |
pattern StackSetStatus_DELETED :: StackSetStatus |
newtype StackStatus Source #
StackStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype TemplateStage Source #
TemplateStage' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TemplateStage_Original :: TemplateStage | |
pattern TemplateStage_Processed :: TemplateStage |
newtype ThirdPartyType Source #
ThirdPartyType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ThirdPartyType_HOOK :: ThirdPartyType | |
pattern ThirdPartyType_MODULE :: ThirdPartyType | |
pattern ThirdPartyType_RESOURCE :: ThirdPartyType |
newtype TypeTestsStatus Source #
TypeTestsStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern TypeTestsStatus_FAILED :: TypeTestsStatus | |
pattern TypeTestsStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: TypeTestsStatus | |
pattern TypeTestsStatus_NOT_TESTED :: TypeTestsStatus | |
pattern TypeTestsStatus_PASSED :: TypeTestsStatus |
newtype VersionBump Source #
VersionBump' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern VersionBump_MAJOR :: VersionBump | |
pattern VersionBump_MINOR :: VersionBump |
newtype Visibility Source #
Visibility' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Visibility_PRIVATE :: Visibility | |
pattern Visibility_PUBLIC :: Visibility |
data AccountGateResult Source #
Structure that contains the results of the account gate function which CloudFormation invokes, if present, before proceeding with a stack set operation in an account and Region.
For each account and Region, CloudFormation lets you specify a Lambda
function that encapsulates any requirements that must be met before
CloudFormation can proceed with a stack set operation in that account
and Region. CloudFormation invokes the function each time a stack set
operation is requested for that account and Region; if the function
returns FAILED
, CloudFormation cancels the operation in that account
and Region, and sets the stack set operation result status for that
account and Region to FAILED
For more information, see Configuring a target account gate.
See: newAccountGateResult
smart constructor.
AccountGateResult' | |
newAccountGateResult :: AccountGateResult Source #
Create a value of AccountGateResult
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, accountGateResult_status
- The status of the account gate function.
: The account gate function has determined that the account and Region passes any requirements for a stack set operation to occur. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack operation in that account and Region.FAILED
: The account gate function has determined that the account and Region doesn't meet the requirements for a stack set operation to occur. CloudFormation cancels the stack set operation in that account and Region, and sets the stack set operation result status for that account and Region toFAILED
: CloudFormation has skipped calling the account gate function for this account and Region, for one of the following reasons:- An account gate function hasn't been specified for the account and Region. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack set operation in this account and Region.
- The
of the stack set administration account lacks permissions to invoke the function. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack set operation in this account and Region. - Either no action is necessary, or no action is possible, on the stack. CloudFormation skips the stack set operation in this account and Region.
, accountGateResult_statusReason
- The reason for the account gate status assigned to this account and
Region for the stack set operation.
accountGateResult_status :: Lens' AccountGateResult (Maybe AccountGateStatus) Source #
The status of the account gate function.
: The account gate function has determined that the account and Region passes any requirements for a stack set operation to occur. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack operation in that account and Region.FAILED
: The account gate function has determined that the account and Region doesn't meet the requirements for a stack set operation to occur. CloudFormation cancels the stack set operation in that account and Region, and sets the stack set operation result status for that account and Region toFAILED
: CloudFormation has skipped calling the account gate function for this account and Region, for one of the following reasons:- An account gate function hasn't been specified for the account and Region. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack set operation in this account and Region.
- The
of the stack set administration account lacks permissions to invoke the function. CloudFormation proceeds with the stack set operation in this account and Region. - Either no action is necessary, or no action is possible, on the stack. CloudFormation skips the stack set operation in this account and Region.
accountGateResult_statusReason :: Lens' AccountGateResult (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the account gate status assigned to this account and Region for the stack set operation.
data AccountLimit Source #
The AccountLimit data type.
CloudFormation has the following limits per account:
- Number of concurrent resources
- Number of stacks
- Number of stack outputs
For more information about these account limits, and other CloudFormation limits, see CloudFormation quotas in the CloudFormation User Guide.
See: newAccountLimit
smart constructor.
AccountLimit' | |
newAccountLimit :: AccountLimit Source #
Create a value of AccountLimit
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, accountLimit_name
- The name of the account limit.
Values: ConcurrentResourcesLimit
| StackLimit
| StackOutputsLimit
, accountLimit_value
- The value that's associated with the account limit name.
accountLimit_name :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the account limit.
Values: ConcurrentResourcesLimit
| StackLimit
| StackOutputsLimit
accountLimit_value :: Lens' AccountLimit (Maybe Int) Source #
The value that's associated with the account limit name.
data AutoDeployment Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- Describes whether StackSets automatically deploys to Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU).
See: newAutoDeployment
smart constructor.
AutoDeployment' | |
newAutoDeployment :: AutoDeployment Source #
Create a value of AutoDeployment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoDeployment_enabled
- If set to true
, StackSets automatically deploys additional stack
instances to Organizations accounts that are added to a target
organization or organizational unit (OU) in the specified Regions. If an
account is removed from a target organization or OU, StackSets deletes
stack instances from the account in the specified Regions.
, autoDeployment_retainStacksOnAccountRemoval
- If set to true
, stack resources are retained when an account is
removed from a target organization or OU. If set to false
, stack
resources are deleted. Specify only if Enabled
is set to True
autoDeployment_enabled :: Lens' AutoDeployment (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, StackSets automatically deploys additional stack
instances to Organizations accounts that are added to a target
organization or organizational unit (OU) in the specified Regions. If an
account is removed from a target organization or OU, StackSets deletes
stack instances from the account in the specified Regions.
autoDeployment_retainStacksOnAccountRemoval :: Lens' AutoDeployment (Maybe Bool) Source #
If set to true
, stack resources are retained when an account is
removed from a target organization or OU. If set to false
, stack
resources are deleted. Specify only if Enabled
is set to True
data BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError Source #
Detailed information concerning an error generated during the setting of configuration data for a CloudFormation extension.
See: newBatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError
smart constructor.
BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError' | |
newBatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError :: BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError Source #
Create a value of BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorCode
- The error code.
, batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorMessage
- The error message.
, batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_typeConfigurationIdentifier
- Undocumented member.
batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorCode :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error code.
batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_errorMessage :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message.
batchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError_typeConfigurationIdentifier :: Lens' BatchDescribeTypeConfigurationsError (Maybe TypeConfigurationIdentifier) Source #
Undocumented member.
The Change
structure describes the changes CloudFormation will perform
if you execute the change set.
See: newChange
smart constructor.
Change' | |
FromXML Change Source # | |
Generic Change Source # | |
Read Change Source # | |
Show Change Source # | |
NFData Change Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Change | |
Eq Change Source # | |
Hashable Change Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Change | |
type Rep Change Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Change type Rep Change = D1 ('MetaData "Change" "Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Change" "amazonka-cloudformation-2.0-2g2oPzedi5AcwbDRlNZfB" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Change'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "hookInvocationCount") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Natural)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "resourceChange") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe ResourceChange)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "type'") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe ChangeType))))) |
Create a value of Change
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, change_hookInvocationCount
- Is either null
, if no hooks invoke for the resource, or contains the
number of hooks that will invoke for the resource.
, change_resourceChange
- A ResourceChange
structure that describes the resource and action that
CloudFormation will perform.
, change_type
- The type of entity that CloudFormation changes. Currently, the only
entity type is Resource
change_hookInvocationCount :: Lens' Change (Maybe Natural) Source #
Is either null
, if no hooks invoke for the resource, or contains the
number of hooks that will invoke for the resource.
change_resourceChange :: Lens' Change (Maybe ResourceChange) Source #
A ResourceChange
structure that describes the resource and action that
CloudFormation will perform.
change_type :: Lens' Change (Maybe ChangeType) Source #
The type of entity that CloudFormation changes. Currently, the only
entity type is Resource
data ChangeSetHook Source #
Specifies the resource, the hook, and the hook version to be invoked.
See: newChangeSetHook
smart constructor.
ChangeSetHook' | |
newChangeSetHook :: ChangeSetHook Source #
Create a value of ChangeSetHook
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, changeSetHook_failureMode
- Specify the hook failure mode for non-compliant resources in the
followings ways.
Stops provisioning resources.WARN
Allows provisioning to continue with a warning message.
, changeSetHook_invocationPoint
- Specifies the points in provisioning logic where a hook is invoked.
, changeSetHook_targetDetails
- Specifies details about the target that the hook will run against.
, changeSetHook_typeConfigurationVersionId
- The version ID of the type configuration.
, changeSetHook_typeName
- The unique name for your hook. Specifies a three-part namespace for your
hook, with a recommended pattern of Organization::Service::Hook
The following organization namespaces are reserved and can't be used in your hook type names:
, changeSetHook_typeVersionId
- The version ID of the type specified.
changeSetHook_failureMode :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe HookFailureMode) Source #
Specify the hook failure mode for non-compliant resources in the followings ways.
Stops provisioning resources.WARN
Allows provisioning to continue with a warning message.
changeSetHook_invocationPoint :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe HookInvocationPoint) Source #
Specifies the points in provisioning logic where a hook is invoked.
changeSetHook_targetDetails :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe ChangeSetHookTargetDetails) Source #
Specifies details about the target that the hook will run against.
changeSetHook_typeConfigurationVersionId :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text) Source #
The version ID of the type configuration.
changeSetHook_typeName :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique name for your hook. Specifies a three-part namespace for your
hook, with a recommended pattern of Organization::Service::Hook
The following organization namespaces are reserved and can't be used in your hook type names:
changeSetHook_typeVersionId :: Lens' ChangeSetHook (Maybe Text) Source #
The version ID of the type specified.
data ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails Source #
Specifies RESOURCE
type target details for activated hooks.
See: newChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails
smart constructor.
ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails' | |
newChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails :: ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails Source #
Create a value of ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_logicalResourceId
- The resource's logical ID, which is defined in the stack's template.
, changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceAction
- Specifies the action of the resource.
, changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceType
- The type of CloudFormation resource, such as AWS::S3::Bucket
changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource's logical ID, which is defined in the stack's template.
changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceAction :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe ChangeAction) Source #
Specifies the action of the resource.
changeSetHookResourceTargetDetails_resourceType :: Lens' ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of CloudFormation resource, such as AWS::S3::Bucket
data ChangeSetHookTargetDetails Source #
Specifies target details for an activated hook.
See: newChangeSetHookTargetDetails
smart constructor.
ChangeSetHookTargetDetails' | |
newChangeSetHookTargetDetails :: ChangeSetHookTargetDetails Source #
Create a value of ChangeSetHookTargetDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, changeSetHookTargetDetails_resourceTargetDetails
- Required if TargetType
, changeSetHookTargetDetails_targetType
- The name of the type.
changeSetHookTargetDetails_resourceTargetDetails :: Lens' ChangeSetHookTargetDetails (Maybe ChangeSetHookResourceTargetDetails) Source #
Required if TargetType
changeSetHookTargetDetails_targetType :: Lens' ChangeSetHookTargetDetails (Maybe HookTargetType) Source #
The name of the type.
data ChangeSetSummary Source #
The ChangeSetSummary
structure describes a change set, its status, and
the stack with which it's associated.
See: newChangeSetSummary
smart constructor.
ChangeSetSummary' | |
newChangeSetSummary :: ChangeSetSummary Source #
Create a value of ChangeSetSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, changeSetSummary_changeSetId
- The ID of the change set.
, changeSetSummary_changeSetName
- The name of the change set.
, changeSetSummary_creationTime
- The start time when the change set was created, in UTC.
, changeSetSummary_description
- Descriptive information about the change set.
, changeSetSummary_executionStatus
- If the change set execution status is AVAILABLE
, you can execute the
change set. If you can't execute the change set, the status indicates
why. For example, a change set might be in an UNAVAILABLE
because CloudFormation is still creating it or in an OBSOLETE
because the stack was already updated.
, changeSetSummary_includeNestedStacks
- Specifies the current setting of IncludeNestedStacks
for the change
, changeSetSummary_parentChangeSetId
- The parent change set ID.
, changeSetSummary_rootChangeSetId
- The root change set ID.
, changeSetSummary_stackId
- The ID of the stack with which the change set is associated.
, changeSetSummary_stackName
- The name of the stack with which the change set is associated.
, changeSetSummary_status
- The state of the change set, such as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
, changeSetSummary_statusReason
- A description of the change set's status. For example, if your change
set is in the FAILED
state, CloudFormation shows the error message.
changeSetSummary_changeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the change set.
changeSetSummary_changeSetName :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the change set.
changeSetSummary_creationTime :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The start time when the change set was created, in UTC.
changeSetSummary_description :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Descriptive information about the change set.
changeSetSummary_executionStatus :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe ExecutionStatus) Source #
If the change set execution status is AVAILABLE
, you can execute the
change set. If you can't execute the change set, the status indicates
why. For example, a change set might be in an UNAVAILABLE
because CloudFormation is still creating it or in an OBSOLETE
because the stack was already updated.
changeSetSummary_includeNestedStacks :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies the current setting of IncludeNestedStacks
for the change
changeSetSummary_parentChangeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The parent change set ID.
changeSetSummary_rootChangeSetId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The root change set ID.
changeSetSummary_stackId :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the stack with which the change set is associated.
changeSetSummary_stackName :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the stack with which the change set is associated.
changeSetSummary_status :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe ChangeSetStatus) Source #
The state of the change set, such as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
changeSetSummary_statusReason :: Lens' ChangeSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the change set's status. For example, if your change
set is in the FAILED
state, CloudFormation shows the error message.
data DeploymentTargets Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The Organizations accounts to which StackSets deploys. StackSets doesn't deploy stack instances to the organization management account, even if the organization management account is in your organization or in an OU in your organization.
For update operations, you can specify either Accounts
. For create and delete operations, specify
See: newDeploymentTargets
smart constructor.
DeploymentTargets' | |
newDeploymentTargets :: DeploymentTargets Source #
Create a value of DeploymentTargets
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deploymentTargets_accountFilterType
- Limit deployment targets to individual accounts or include additional
accounts with provided OUs.
The following is a list of possible values for the AccountFilterType
: StackSets deploys to the accounts specified inAccounts
: StackSets excludes the accounts specified inAccounts
parameter. This enables user to avoid certain accounts within an OU such as suspended accounts.UNION
: StackSets includes additional accounts deployment targets.This is the default value if
is not provided. This enables user to update an entire OU and individual accounts from a different OU in one request, which used to be two separate requests.NONE
: Deploys to all the accounts in specified organizational units (OU).
, deploymentTargets_accounts
- The names of one or more Amazon Web Services accounts for which you want
to deploy stack set updates.
, deploymentTargets_accountsUrl
- Returns the value of the AccountsUrl
, deploymentTargets_organizationalUnitIds
- The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs to which
StackSets deploys.
deploymentTargets_accountFilterType :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe AccountFilterType) Source #
Limit deployment targets to individual accounts or include additional accounts with provided OUs.
The following is a list of possible values for the AccountFilterType
: StackSets deploys to the accounts specified inAccounts
: StackSets excludes the accounts specified inAccounts
parameter. This enables user to avoid certain accounts within an OU such as suspended accounts.UNION
: StackSets includes additional accounts deployment targets.This is the default value if
is not provided. This enables user to update an entire OU and individual accounts from a different OU in one request, which used to be two separate requests.NONE
: Deploys to all the accounts in specified organizational units (OU).
deploymentTargets_accounts :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The names of one or more Amazon Web Services accounts for which you want to deploy stack set updates.
deploymentTargets_accountsUrl :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe Text) Source #
Returns the value of the AccountsUrl
deploymentTargets_organizationalUnitIds :: Lens' DeploymentTargets (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs to which StackSets deploys.
The Export
structure describes the exported output values for a stack.
See: newExport
smart constructor.
Export' | |
FromXML Export Source # | |
Generic Export Source # | |
Read Export Source # | |
Show Export Source # | |
NFData Export Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Export | |
Eq Export Source # | |
Hashable Export Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Export | |
type Rep Export Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Export type Rep Export = D1 ('MetaData "Export" "Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Export" "amazonka-cloudformation-2.0-2g2oPzedi5AcwbDRlNZfB" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Export'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "exportingStackId") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))))) |
Create a value of Export
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, export_exportingStackId
- The stack that contains the exported output name and value.
, export_name
- The name of exported output value. Use this name and the
function to import the associated value into other
stacks. The name is defined in the Export
field in the associated
stack's Outputs
, export_value
- The value of the exported output, such as a resource physical ID. This
value is defined in the Export
field in the associated stack's
export_exportingStackId :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text) Source #
The stack that contains the exported output name and value.
export_name :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of exported output value. Use this name and the
function to import the associated value into other
stacks. The name is defined in the Export
field in the associated
stack's Outputs
export_value :: Lens' Export (Maybe Text) Source #
The value of the exported output, such as a resource physical ID. This
value is defined in the Export
field in the associated stack's
data LoggingConfig Source #
Contains logging configuration information for an extension.
See: newLoggingConfig
smart constructor.
LoggingConfig' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> LoggingConfig |
Create a value of LoggingConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, loggingConfig_logRoleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that CloudFormation should
assume when sending log entries to CloudWatch Logs.
, loggingConfig_logGroupName
- The Amazon CloudWatch Logs group to which CloudFormation sends error
logging information when invoking the extension's handlers.
loggingConfig_logRoleArn :: Lens' LoggingConfig Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that CloudFormation should assume when sending log entries to CloudWatch Logs.
loggingConfig_logGroupName :: Lens' LoggingConfig Text Source #
The Amazon CloudWatch Logs group to which CloudFormation sends error logging information when invoking the extension's handlers.
data ManagedExecution Source #
Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
See: newManagedExecution
smart constructor.
ManagedExecution' | |
newManagedExecution :: ManagedExecution Source #
Create a value of ManagedExecution
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, managedExecution_active
- When true
, StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently
and queues conflicting operations. After conflicting operations finish,
StackSets starts queued operations in request order.
If there are already running or queued operations, StackSets queues all incoming operations even if they are non-conflicting.
You can't modify your stack set's execution configuration while there are running or queued operations for that stack set.
When false
(default), StackSets performs one operation at a time in
request order.
managedExecution_active :: Lens' ManagedExecution (Maybe Bool) Source #
When true
, StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently
and queues conflicting operations. After conflicting operations finish,
StackSets starts queued operations in request order.
If there are already running or queued operations, StackSets queues all incoming operations even if they are non-conflicting.
You can't modify your stack set's execution configuration while there are running or queued operations for that stack set.
When false
(default), StackSets performs one operation at a time in
request order.
data ModuleInfo Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
For more information about modules, see Using modules to encapsulate and reuse resource configurations in the CloudFormation User Guide.
See: newModuleInfo
smart constructor.
ModuleInfo' | |
newModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo Source #
Create a value of ModuleInfo
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, moduleInfo_logicalIdHierarchy
- A concatenated list of the logical IDs of the module or modules
containing the resource. Modules are listed starting with the inner-most
nested module, and separated by /
In the following example, the resource was created from a module,
, that's nested inside a parent module, moduleB
For more information, see Referencing resources in a module in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, moduleInfo_typeHierarchy
- A concatenated list of the module type or types containing the resource.
Module types are listed starting with the inner-most nested module, and
separated by /
In the following example, the resource was created from a module of type
, that's nested inside a parent module of
type AWS::Second::Example::MODULE
moduleInfo_logicalIdHierarchy :: Lens' ModuleInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
A concatenated list of the logical IDs of the module or modules
containing the resource. Modules are listed starting with the inner-most
nested module, and separated by /
In the following example, the resource was created from a module,
, that's nested inside a parent module, moduleB
For more information, see Referencing resources in a module in the CloudFormation User Guide.
moduleInfo_typeHierarchy :: Lens' ModuleInfo (Maybe Text) Source #
A concatenated list of the module type or types containing the resource.
Module types are listed starting with the inner-most nested module, and
separated by /
In the following example, the resource was created from a module of type
, that's nested inside a parent module of
type AWS::Second::Example::MODULE
data OperationResultFilter Source #
The status that operation results are filtered by.
See: newOperationResultFilter
smart constructor.
OperationResultFilter' | |
newOperationResultFilter :: OperationResultFilter Source #
Create a value of OperationResultFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, operationResultFilter_name
- The type of filter to apply.
, operationResultFilter_values
- The value to filter by.
operationResultFilter_name :: Lens' OperationResultFilter (Maybe OperationResultFilterName) Source #
The type of filter to apply.
operationResultFilter_values :: Lens' OperationResultFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The value to filter by.
The Output data type.
See: newOutput
smart constructor.
Output' | |
FromXML Output Source # | |
Generic Output Source # | |
Read Output Source # | |
Show Output Source # | |
NFData Output Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Output | |
Eq Output Source # | |
Hashable Output Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Output | |
type Rep Output Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Output type Rep Output = D1 ('MetaData "Output" "Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Output" "amazonka-cloudformation-2.0-2g2oPzedi5AcwbDRlNZfB" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Output'" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "description") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "exportName") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "outputKey") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "outputValue") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text))))) |
Create a value of Output
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, output_description
- User defined description associated with the output.
, output_exportName
- The name of the export associated with the output.
, output_outputKey
- The key associated with the output.
, output_outputValue
- The value associated with the output.
output_description :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
User defined description associated with the output.
output_exportName :: Lens' Output (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the export associated with the output.
The Parameter data type.
See: newParameter
smart constructor.
Parameter' | |
newParameter :: Parameter Source #
Create a value of Parameter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, parameter_parameterKey
- The key associated with the parameter. If you don't specify a key and
value for a particular parameter, CloudFormation uses the default value
that's specified in your template.
, parameter_parameterValue
- The input value associated with the parameter.
, parameter_resolvedValue
- Read-only. The value that corresponds to a SSM parameter key. This field
is returned only for
parameter types in the template.
, parameter_usePreviousValue
- During a stack update, use the existing parameter value that the stack
is using for a given parameter key. If you specify true
, do not
specify a parameter value.
parameter_parameterKey :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) Source #
The key associated with the parameter. If you don't specify a key and value for a particular parameter, CloudFormation uses the default value that's specified in your template.
parameter_parameterValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) Source #
The input value associated with the parameter.
parameter_resolvedValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) Source #
Read-only. The value that corresponds to a SSM parameter key. This field is returned only for SSM parameter types in the template.
parameter_usePreviousValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Bool) Source #
During a stack update, use the existing parameter value that the stack
is using for a given parameter key. If you specify true
, do not
specify a parameter value.
data ParameterConstraints Source #
A set of criteria that CloudFormation uses to validate parameter values.
Although other constraints might be defined in the stack template,
CloudFormation returns only the AllowedValues
See: newParameterConstraints
smart constructor.
ParameterConstraints' | |
newParameterConstraints :: ParameterConstraints Source #
Create a value of ParameterConstraints
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, parameterConstraints_allowedValues
- A list of values that are permitted for a parameter.
parameterConstraints_allowedValues :: Lens' ParameterConstraints (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of values that are permitted for a parameter.
data ParameterDeclaration Source #
The ParameterDeclaration data type.
See: newParameterDeclaration
smart constructor.
ParameterDeclaration' | |
newParameterDeclaration :: ParameterDeclaration Source #
Create a value of ParameterDeclaration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, parameterDeclaration_defaultValue
- The default value of the parameter.
, parameterDeclaration_description
- The description that's associate with the parameter.
, parameterDeclaration_noEcho
- Flag that indicates whether the parameter value is shown as plain text
in logs and in the Amazon Web Services Management Console.
, parameterDeclaration_parameterConstraints
- The criteria that CloudFormation uses to validate parameter values.
, parameterDeclaration_parameterKey
- The name that's associated with the parameter.
, parameterDeclaration_parameterType
- The type of parameter.
parameterDeclaration_defaultValue :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text) Source #
The default value of the parameter.
parameterDeclaration_description :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text) Source #
The description that's associate with the parameter.
parameterDeclaration_noEcho :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Bool) Source #
Flag that indicates whether the parameter value is shown as plain text in logs and in the Amazon Web Services Management Console.
parameterDeclaration_parameterConstraints :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe ParameterConstraints) Source #
The criteria that CloudFormation uses to validate parameter values.
parameterDeclaration_parameterKey :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text) Source #
The name that's associated with the parameter.
parameterDeclaration_parameterType :: Lens' ParameterDeclaration (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of parameter.
data PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Source #
Context information that enables CloudFormation to uniquely identify a resource. CloudFormation uses context key-value pairs in cases where a resource's logical and physical IDs aren't enough to uniquely identify that resource. Each context key-value pair specifies a resource that contains the targeted resource.
See: newPhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair
smart constructor.
PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair' | |
newPhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair |
Create a value of PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_key
- The resource context key.
, physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_value
- The resource context value.
physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_key :: Lens' PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Text Source #
The resource context key.
physicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair_value :: Lens' PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair Text Source #
The resource context value.
data PropertyDifference Source #
Information about a resource property whose actual value differs from
its expected value, as defined in the stack template and any values
specified as template parameters. These will be present only for
resources whose StackResourceDriftStatus
. For more
information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
See: newPropertyDifference
smart constructor.
PropertyDifference' | |
newPropertyDifference Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DifferenceType | |
-> PropertyDifference |
Create a value of PropertyDifference
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, propertyDifference_propertyPath
- The fully-qualified path to the resource property.
, propertyDifference_expectedValue
- The expected property value of the resource property, as defined in the
stack template and any values specified as template parameters.
, propertyDifference_actualValue
- The actual property value of the resource property.
, propertyDifference_differenceType
- The type of property difference.
: A value has been added to a resource property that's an array or list data type.REMOVE
: The property has been removed from the current resource configuration.NOT_EQUAL
: The current property value differs from its expected value (as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters).
propertyDifference_propertyPath :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text Source #
The fully-qualified path to the resource property.
propertyDifference_expectedValue :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text Source #
The expected property value of the resource property, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters.
propertyDifference_actualValue :: Lens' PropertyDifference Text Source #
The actual property value of the resource property.
propertyDifference_differenceType :: Lens' PropertyDifference DifferenceType Source #
The type of property difference.
: A value has been added to a resource property that's an array or list data type.REMOVE
: The property has been removed from the current resource configuration.NOT_EQUAL
: The current property value differs from its expected value (as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters).
data RequiredActivatedType Source #
For extensions that are modules, a public third-party extension that must be activated in your account in order for the module itself to be activated.
For more information, see Activating public modules for use in your account in the CloudFormation User Guide.
See: newRequiredActivatedType
smart constructor.
RequiredActivatedType' | |
newRequiredActivatedType :: RequiredActivatedType Source #
Create a value of RequiredActivatedType
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, requiredActivatedType_originalTypeName
- The type name of the public extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when enabling the extension in this
account and region, CloudFormation treats that alias as the extension's
type name within the account and region, not the type name of the public
extension. For more information, see
Specifying aliases to refer to extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, requiredActivatedType_publisherId
- The publisher ID of the extension publisher.
, requiredActivatedType_supportedMajorVersions
- A list of the major versions of the extension type that the macro
, requiredActivatedType_typeNameAlias
- An alias assigned to the public extension, in this account and region.
If you specify an alias for the extension, CloudFormation treats the
alias as the extension type name within this account and region. You
must use the alias to refer to the extension in your templates, API
calls, and CloudFormation console.
requiredActivatedType_originalTypeName :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text) Source #
The type name of the public extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when enabling the extension in this
account and region, CloudFormation treats that alias as the extension's
type name within the account and region, not the type name of the public
extension. For more information, see
Specifying aliases to refer to extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
requiredActivatedType_publisherId :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text) Source #
The publisher ID of the extension publisher.
requiredActivatedType_supportedMajorVersions :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe [Natural]) Source #
A list of the major versions of the extension type that the macro supports.
requiredActivatedType_typeNameAlias :: Lens' RequiredActivatedType (Maybe Text) Source #
An alias assigned to the public extension, in this account and region. If you specify an alias for the extension, CloudFormation treats the alias as the extension type name within this account and region. You must use the alias to refer to the extension in your templates, API calls, and CloudFormation console.
data ResourceChange Source #
The ResourceChange
structure describes the resource and the action
that CloudFormation will perform on it if you execute this change set.
See: newResourceChange
smart constructor.
ResourceChange' | |
newResourceChange :: ResourceChange Source #
Create a value of ResourceChange
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceChange_action
- The action that CloudFormation takes on the resource, such as Add
(adds a new resource), Modify
(changes a resource), Remove
a resource), Import
(imports a resource), or Dynamic
(exact action
for the resource can't be determined).
, resourceChange_changeSetId
- The change set ID of the nested change set.
, resourceChange_details
- For the Modify
action, a list of ResourceChangeDetail
that describes the changes that CloudFormation will make to the
, resourceChange_logicalResourceId
- The resource's logical ID, which is defined in the stack's template.
, resourceChange_moduleInfo
- Contains information about the module from which the resource was
created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack
, resourceChange_physicalResourceId
- The resource's physical ID (resource name). Resources that you are
adding don't have physical IDs because they haven't been created.
, resourceChange_replacement
- For the Modify
action, indicates whether CloudFormation will replace
the resource by creating a new one and deleting the old one. This value
depends on the value of the RequiresRecreation
property in the
structure. For example, if the
field is Always
and the Evaluation
field is
, Replacement
is True
. If the RequiresRecreation
field is
and the Evaluation
field is Dynamic
, Replacement
If you have multiple changes with different RequiresRecreation
the Replacement
value depends on the change with the most impact. A
value of Always
has the most impact, followed by
, and then Never
, resourceChange_resourceType
- The type of CloudFormation resource, such as AWS::S3::Bucket
, resourceChange_scope
- For the Modify
action, indicates which resource attribute is
triggering this update, such as a change in the resource attribute's
, Properties
, or Tags
resourceChange_action :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe ChangeAction) Source #
The action that CloudFormation takes on the resource, such as Add
(adds a new resource), Modify
(changes a resource), Remove
a resource), Import
(imports a resource), or Dynamic
(exact action
for the resource can't be determined).
resourceChange_changeSetId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text) Source #
The change set ID of the nested change set.
resourceChange_details :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe [ResourceChangeDetail]) Source #
For the Modify
action, a list of ResourceChangeDetail
that describes the changes that CloudFormation will make to the
resourceChange_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource's logical ID, which is defined in the stack's template.
resourceChange_moduleInfo :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe ModuleInfo) Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
resourceChange_physicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text) Source #
The resource's physical ID (resource name). Resources that you are adding don't have physical IDs because they haven't been created.
resourceChange_replacement :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Replacement) Source #
For the Modify
action, indicates whether CloudFormation will replace
the resource by creating a new one and deleting the old one. This value
depends on the value of the RequiresRecreation
property in the
structure. For example, if the
field is Always
and the Evaluation
field is
, Replacement
is True
. If the RequiresRecreation
field is
and the Evaluation
field is Dynamic
, Replacement
If you have multiple changes with different RequiresRecreation
the Replacement
value depends on the change with the most impact. A
value of Always
has the most impact, followed by
, and then Never
resourceChange_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of CloudFormation resource, such as AWS::S3::Bucket
resourceChange_scope :: Lens' ResourceChange (Maybe [ResourceAttribute]) Source #
For the Modify
action, indicates which resource attribute is
triggering this update, such as a change in the resource attribute's
, Properties
, or Tags
data ResourceChangeDetail Source #
For a resource with Modify
as the action, the ResourceChange
structure describes the changes CloudFormation will make to that
See: newResourceChangeDetail
smart constructor.
ResourceChangeDetail' | |
newResourceChangeDetail :: ResourceChangeDetail Source #
Create a value of ResourceChangeDetail
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceChangeDetail_causingEntity
- The identity of the entity that triggered this change. This entity is a
member of the group that's specified by the ChangeSource
field. For
example, if you modified the value of the KeyPairName
parameter, the
is the name of the parameter (KeyPairName
If the ChangeSource
value is DirectModification
, no value is given
for CausingEntity
, resourceChangeDetail_changeSource
- The group to which the CausingEntity
value belongs. There are five
entity groups:
entities areRef
intrinsic functions that refer to resources in the template, such as{ "Ref" : "MyEC2InstanceResource" }
entities areRef
intrinsic functions that get template parameter values, such as{ "Ref" : "MyPasswordParameter" }
entities areFn::GetAtt
intrinsic functions that get resource attribute values, such as{ "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "MyEC2InstanceResource", "PublicDnsName" ] }
entities are changes that are made directly to the template.Automatic
entities areAWS::CloudFormation::Stack
resource types, which are also known as nested stacks. If you made no changes to theAWS::CloudFormation::Stack
resource, CloudFormation sets theChangeSource
because the nested stack's template might have changed. Changes to a nested stack's template aren't visible to CloudFormation until you run an update on the parent stack.
, resourceChangeDetail_evaluation
- Indicates whether CloudFormation can determine the target value, and
whether the target value will change before you execute a change set.
For Static
evaluations, CloudFormation can determine that the target
value will change, and its value. For example, if you directly modify
the InstanceType
property of an EC2 instance, CloudFormation knows
that this property value will change, and its value, so this is a
For Dynamic
evaluations, can't determine the target value because it
depends on the result of an intrinsic function, such as a Ref
intrinsic function, when the stack is updated. For example,
if your template includes a reference to a resource that's
conditionally recreated, the value of the reference (the physical ID of
the resource) might change, depending on if the resource is recreated.
If the resource is recreated, it will have a new physical ID, so all
references to that resource will also be updated.
, resourceChangeDetail_target
- A ResourceTargetDefinition
structure that describes the field that
CloudFormation will change and whether the resource will be recreated.
resourceChangeDetail_causingEntity :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The identity of the entity that triggered this change. This entity is a
member of the group that's specified by the ChangeSource
field. For
example, if you modified the value of the KeyPairName
parameter, the
is the name of the parameter (KeyPairName
If the ChangeSource
value is DirectModification
, no value is given
for CausingEntity
resourceChangeDetail_changeSource :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe ChangeSource) Source #
The group to which the CausingEntity
value belongs. There are five
entity groups:
entities areRef
intrinsic functions that refer to resources in the template, such as{ "Ref" : "MyEC2InstanceResource" }
entities areRef
intrinsic functions that get template parameter values, such as{ "Ref" : "MyPasswordParameter" }
entities areFn::GetAtt
intrinsic functions that get resource attribute values, such as{ "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "MyEC2InstanceResource", "PublicDnsName" ] }
entities are changes that are made directly to the template.Automatic
entities areAWS::CloudFormation::Stack
resource types, which are also known as nested stacks. If you made no changes to theAWS::CloudFormation::Stack
resource, CloudFormation sets theChangeSource
because the nested stack's template might have changed. Changes to a nested stack's template aren't visible to CloudFormation until you run an update on the parent stack.
resourceChangeDetail_evaluation :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe EvaluationType) Source #
Indicates whether CloudFormation can determine the target value, and whether the target value will change before you execute a change set.
For Static
evaluations, CloudFormation can determine that the target
value will change, and its value. For example, if you directly modify
the InstanceType
property of an EC2 instance, CloudFormation knows
that this property value will change, and its value, so this is a
For Dynamic
evaluations, can't determine the target value because it
depends on the result of an intrinsic function, such as a Ref
intrinsic function, when the stack is updated. For example,
if your template includes a reference to a resource that's
conditionally recreated, the value of the reference (the physical ID of
the resource) might change, depending on if the resource is recreated.
If the resource is recreated, it will have a new physical ID, so all
references to that resource will also be updated.
resourceChangeDetail_target :: Lens' ResourceChangeDetail (Maybe ResourceTargetDefinition) Source #
A ResourceTargetDefinition
structure that describes the field that
CloudFormation will change and whether the resource will be recreated.
data ResourceIdentifierSummary Source #
Describes the target resources of a specific type in your import
template (for example, all AWS::S3::Bucket
resources) and the
properties you can provide during the import to identify resources of
that type.
See: newResourceIdentifierSummary
smart constructor.
ResourceIdentifierSummary' | |
newResourceIdentifierSummary :: ResourceIdentifierSummary Source #
Create a value of ResourceIdentifierSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceIdentifierSummary_logicalResourceIds
- The logical IDs of the target resources of the specified ResourceType
as defined in the import template.
, resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceIdentifiers
- The resource properties you can provide during the import to identify
your target resources. For example, BucketName
is a possible
identifier property for AWS::S3::Bucket
, resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceType
- The template resource type of the target resources, such as
resourceIdentifierSummary_logicalResourceIds :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The logical IDs of the target resources of the specified ResourceType
as defined in the import template.
resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceIdentifiers :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The resource properties you can provide during the import to identify
your target resources. For example, BucketName
is a possible
identifier property for AWS::S3::Bucket
resourceIdentifierSummary_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceIdentifierSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The template resource type of the target resources, such as
data ResourceTargetDefinition Source #
The field that CloudFormation will change, such as the name of a resource's property, and whether the resource will be recreated.
See: newResourceTargetDefinition
smart constructor.
ResourceTargetDefinition' | |
newResourceTargetDefinition :: ResourceTargetDefinition Source #
Create a value of ResourceTargetDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceTargetDefinition_attribute
- Indicates which resource attribute is triggering this update, such as a
change in the resource attribute's Metadata
, Properties
, or Tags
, resourceTargetDefinition_name
- If the Attribute
value is Properties
, the name of the property. For
all other attributes, the value is null.
, resourceTargetDefinition_requiresRecreation
- If the Attribute
value is Properties
, indicates whether a change to
this property causes the resource to be recreated. The value can be
, Always
, or Conditionally
. To determine the conditions for a
recreation, see the update behavior for that
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
resourceTargetDefinition_attribute :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe ResourceAttribute) Source #
Indicates which resource attribute is triggering this update, such as a
change in the resource attribute's Metadata
, Properties
, or Tags
resourceTargetDefinition_name :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe Text) Source #
If the Attribute
value is Properties
, the name of the property. For
all other attributes, the value is null.
resourceTargetDefinition_requiresRecreation :: Lens' ResourceTargetDefinition (Maybe RequiresRecreation) Source #
If the Attribute
value is Properties
, indicates whether a change to
this property causes the resource to be recreated. The value can be
, Always
, or Conditionally
. To determine the conditions for a
recreation, see the update behavior for that
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
data ResourceToImport Source #
Describes the target resource of an import operation.
See: newResourceToImport
smart constructor.
ResourceToImport' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ResourceToImport |
Create a value of ResourceToImport
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, resourceToImport_resourceType
- The type of resource to import into your stack, such as
. For a list of supported resource types, see
Resources that support import operations
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, resourceToImport_logicalResourceId
- The logical ID of the target resource as specified in the template.
, resourceToImport_resourceIdentifier
- A key-value pair that identifies the target resource. The key is an
identifier property (for example, BucketName
for AWS::S3::Bucket
resources) and the value is the actual property value (for example,
resourceToImport_resourceType :: Lens' ResourceToImport Text Source #
The type of resource to import into your stack, such as
. For a list of supported resource types, see
Resources that support import operations
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
resourceToImport_logicalResourceId :: Lens' ResourceToImport Text Source #
The logical ID of the target resource as specified in the template.
resourceToImport_resourceIdentifier :: Lens' ResourceToImport (HashMap Text Text) Source #
A key-value pair that identifies the target resource. The key is an
identifier property (for example, BucketName
for AWS::S3::Bucket
resources) and the value is the actual property value (for example,
data RollbackConfiguration Source #
Structure containing the rollback triggers for CloudFormation to monitor during stack creation and updating operations, and for the specified monitoring period afterwards.
Rollback triggers enable you to have CloudFormation monitor the state of your application during stack creation and updating, and to roll back that operation if the application breaches the threshold of any of the alarms you've specified. For more information, see Monitor and Roll Back Stack Operations.
See: newRollbackConfiguration
smart constructor.
RollbackConfiguration' | |
newRollbackConfiguration :: RollbackConfiguration Source #
Create a value of RollbackConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rollbackConfiguration_monitoringTimeInMinutes
- The amount of time, in minutes, during which CloudFormation should
monitor all the rollback triggers after the stack creation or update
operation deploys all necessary resources.
The default is 0 minutes.
If you specify a monitoring period but don't specify any rollback triggers, CloudFormation still waits the specified period of time before cleaning up old resources after update operations. You can use this monitoring period to perform any manual stack validation desired, and manually cancel the stack creation or update (using CancelUpdateStack, for example) as necessary.
If you specify 0 for this parameter, CloudFormation still monitors the specified rollback triggers during stack creation and update operations. Then, for update operations, it begins disposing of old resources immediately once the operation completes.
, rollbackConfiguration_rollbackTriggers
- The triggers to monitor during stack creation or update actions.
By default, CloudFormation saves the rollback triggers specified for a stack and applies them to any subsequent update operations for the stack, unless you specify otherwise. If you do specify rollback triggers for this parameter, those triggers replace any list of triggers previously specified for the stack. This means:
- To use the rollback triggers previously specified for this stack, if any, don't specify this parameter.
- To specify new or updated rollback triggers, you must specify all the triggers that you want used for this stack, even triggers you've specified before (for example, when creating the stack or during a previous stack update). Any triggers that you don't include in the updated list of triggers are no longer applied to the stack.
- To remove all currently specified triggers, specify an empty list for this parameter.
If a specified trigger is missing, the entire stack operation fails and is rolled back.
rollbackConfiguration_monitoringTimeInMinutes :: Lens' RollbackConfiguration (Maybe Natural) Source #
The amount of time, in minutes, during which CloudFormation should monitor all the rollback triggers after the stack creation or update operation deploys all necessary resources.
The default is 0 minutes.
If you specify a monitoring period but don't specify any rollback triggers, CloudFormation still waits the specified period of time before cleaning up old resources after update operations. You can use this monitoring period to perform any manual stack validation desired, and manually cancel the stack creation or update (using CancelUpdateStack, for example) as necessary.
If you specify 0 for this parameter, CloudFormation still monitors the specified rollback triggers during stack creation and update operations. Then, for update operations, it begins disposing of old resources immediately once the operation completes.
rollbackConfiguration_rollbackTriggers :: Lens' RollbackConfiguration (Maybe [RollbackTrigger]) Source #
The triggers to monitor during stack creation or update actions.
By default, CloudFormation saves the rollback triggers specified for a stack and applies them to any subsequent update operations for the stack, unless you specify otherwise. If you do specify rollback triggers for this parameter, those triggers replace any list of triggers previously specified for the stack. This means:
- To use the rollback triggers previously specified for this stack, if any, don't specify this parameter.
- To specify new or updated rollback triggers, you must specify all the triggers that you want used for this stack, even triggers you've specified before (for example, when creating the stack or during a previous stack update). Any triggers that you don't include in the updated list of triggers are no longer applied to the stack.
- To remove all currently specified triggers, specify an empty list for this parameter.
If a specified trigger is missing, the entire stack operation fails and is rolled back.
data RollbackTrigger Source #
A rollback trigger CloudFormation monitors during creation and updating of stacks. If any of the alarms you specify goes to ALARM state during the stack operation or within the specified monitoring period afterwards, CloudFormation rolls back the entire stack operation.
See: newRollbackTrigger
smart constructor.
RollbackTrigger' | |
Create a value of RollbackTrigger
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rollbackTrigger_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rollback trigger.
If a specified trigger is missing, the entire stack operation fails and is rolled back.
, rollbackTrigger_type
- The resource type of the rollback trigger. Specify either
resource types.
rollbackTrigger_arn :: Lens' RollbackTrigger Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rollback trigger.
If a specified trigger is missing, the entire stack operation fails and is rolled back.
rollbackTrigger_type :: Lens' RollbackTrigger Text Source #
The resource type of the rollback trigger. Specify either AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm or AWS::CloudWatch::CompositeAlarm resource types.
The Stack data type.
See: newStack
smart constructor.
Stack' | |
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> StackStatus | |
-> Stack |
Create a value of Stack
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stack_capabilities
- The capabilities allowed in the stack.
, stack_changeSetId
- The unique ID of the change set.
, stack_deletionTime
- The time the stack was deleted.
, stack_description
- A user-defined description associated with the stack.
, stack_disableRollback
- Boolean to enable or disable rollback on stack creation failures:
: disable rollback.false
: enable rollback.
, stack_driftInformation
- Information about whether a stack's actual configuration differs, or
has drifted, from it's expected configuration, as defined in the
stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more
information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
, stack_enableTerminationProtection
- Whether termination protection is enabled for the stack.
For nested stacks, termination protection is set on the root stack and can't be changed directly on the nested stack. For more information, see Protecting a Stack From Being Deleted in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stack_lastUpdatedTime
- The time the stack was last updated. This field will only be returned if
the stack has been updated at least once.
, stack_notificationARNs
- Amazon SNS topic Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to which stack related
events are published.
, stack_outputs
- A list of output structures.
, stack_parameters
- A list of Parameter
, stack_parentId
- For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the
stack ID of the direct parent of this stack. For the first level of
nested stacks, the root stack is also the parent stack.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stack_roleARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Identity and Access Management
(IAM) role that's associated with the stack. During a stack operation,
CloudFormation uses this role's credentials to make calls on your
, stack_rollbackConfiguration
- The rollback triggers for CloudFormation to monitor during stack
creation and updating operations, and for the specified monitoring
period afterwards.
, stack_rootId
- For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the
stack ID of the top-level stack to which the nested stack ultimately
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stack_stackId
- Unique identifier of the stack.
, stack_stackStatusReason
- Success/failure message associated with the stack status.
, stack_tags
- A list of Tag
s that specify information about the stack.
, stack_timeoutInMinutes
- The amount of time within which stack creation should complete.
, stack_stackName
- The name associated with the stack.
, stack_creationTime
- The time at which the stack was created.
, stack_stackStatus
- Current status of the stack.
stack_capabilities :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Capability]) Source #
The capabilities allowed in the stack.
stack_description :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text) Source #
A user-defined description associated with the stack.
stack_disableRollback :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Bool) Source #
Boolean to enable or disable rollback on stack creation failures:
: disable rollback.false
: enable rollback.
stack_driftInformation :: Lens' Stack (Maybe StackDriftInformation) Source #
Information about whether a stack's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from it's expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
stack_enableTerminationProtection :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether termination protection is enabled for the stack.
For nested stacks, termination protection is set on the root stack and can't be changed directly on the nested stack. For more information, see Protecting a Stack From Being Deleted in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stack_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' Stack (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the stack was last updated. This field will only be returned if the stack has been updated at least once.
stack_notificationARNs :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Amazon SNS topic Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to which stack related events are published.
stack_parentId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text) Source #
For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the stack ID of the direct parent of this stack. For the first level of nested stacks, the root stack is also the parent stack.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stack_roleARN :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that's associated with the stack. During a stack operation, CloudFormation uses this role's credentials to make calls on your behalf.
stack_rollbackConfiguration :: Lens' Stack (Maybe RollbackConfiguration) Source #
The rollback triggers for CloudFormation to monitor during stack creation and updating operations, and for the specified monitoring period afterwards.
stack_rootId :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text) Source #
For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the stack ID of the top-level stack to which the nested stack ultimately belongs.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stack_stackStatusReason :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/failure message associated with the stack status.
stack_tags :: Lens' Stack (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of Tag
s that specify information about the stack.
stack_timeoutInMinutes :: Lens' Stack (Maybe Natural) Source #
The amount of time within which stack creation should complete.
stack_stackStatus :: Lens' Stack StackStatus Source #
Current status of the stack.
data StackDriftInformation Source #
Contains information about whether the stack's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.
See: newStackDriftInformation
smart constructor.
StackDriftInformation' | |
newStackDriftInformation Source #
Create a value of StackDriftInformation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when a drift detection operation was initiated on the
stack, or any of its individual resources that support drift detection.
, stackDriftInformation_stackDriftStatus
- Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected
template configuration.
: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
stackDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackDriftInformation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when a drift detection operation was initiated on the stack, or any of its individual resources that support drift detection.
stackDriftInformation_stackDriftStatus :: Lens' StackDriftInformation StackDriftStatus Source #
Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected template configuration.
: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
data StackDriftInformationSummary Source #
Contains information about whether the stack's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.
See: newStackDriftInformationSummary
smart constructor.
StackDriftInformationSummary' | |
newStackDriftInformationSummary Source #
:: StackDriftStatus | |
-> StackDriftInformationSummary |
Create a value of StackDriftInformationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when a drift detection operation was initiated on the
stack, or any of its individual resources that support drift detection.
, stackDriftInformationSummary_stackDriftStatus
- Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected
template configuration.
: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
stackDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackDriftInformationSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when a drift detection operation was initiated on the stack, or any of its individual resources that support drift detection.
stackDriftInformationSummary_stackDriftStatus :: Lens' StackDriftInformationSummary StackDriftStatus Source #
Status of the stack's actual configuration compared to its expected template configuration.
: The stack differs from its expected template configuration. A stack is considered to have drifted if one or more of its resources have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack differs from its expected template configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
data StackEvent Source #
The StackEvent data type.
See: newStackEvent
smart constructor.
StackEvent' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> StackEvent |
Create a value of StackEvent
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackEvent_clientRequestToken
- The token passed to the operation that generated this event.
All events triggered by a given stack operation are assigned the same
client request token, which you can use to track operations. For
example, if you execute a CreateStack
operation with the token
, then all the StackEvents
generated by that operation will
have ClientRequestToken
set as token1
In the console, stack operations display the client request token on the
Events tab. Stack operations that are initiated from the console use the
token format Console-StackOperation-ID, which helps you easily
identify the stack operation . For example, if you create a stack using
the console, each stack event would be assigned the same token in the
following format:
, stackEvent_hookFailureMode
- Specify the hook failure mode for non-compliant resources in the
followings ways.
Stops provisioning resources.WARN
Allows provisioning to continue with a warning message.
, stackEvent_hookInvocationPoint
- Invocation points are points in provisioning logic where hooks are
, stackEvent_hookStatus
- Provides the status of the change set hook.
, stackEvent_hookStatusReason
- Provides the reason for the hook status.
, stackEvent_hookType
- The name of the hook.
, stackEvent_logicalResourceId
- The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
, stackEvent_physicalResourceId
- The name or unique identifier associated with the physical instance of
the resource.
, stackEvent_resourceProperties
- BLOB of the properties used to create the resource.
, stackEvent_resourceStatus
- Current status of the resource.
, stackEvent_resourceStatusReason
- Success/failure message associated with the resource.
, stackEvent_resourceType
- Type of resource. (For more information, go to
Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference
in the CloudFormation User Guide.)
, stackEvent_stackId
- The unique ID name of the instance of the stack.
, stackEvent_eventId
- The unique ID of this event.
, stackEvent_stackName
- The name associated with a stack.
, stackEvent_timestamp
- Time the status was updated.
stackEvent_clientRequestToken :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The token passed to the operation that generated this event.
All events triggered by a given stack operation are assigned the same
client request token, which you can use to track operations. For
example, if you execute a CreateStack
operation with the token
, then all the StackEvents
generated by that operation will
have ClientRequestToken
set as token1
In the console, stack operations display the client request token on the
Events tab. Stack operations that are initiated from the console use the
token format Console-StackOperation-ID, which helps you easily
identify the stack operation . For example, if you create a stack using
the console, each stack event would be assigned the same token in the
following format:
stackEvent_hookFailureMode :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookFailureMode) Source #
Specify the hook failure mode for non-compliant resources in the followings ways.
Stops provisioning resources.WARN
Allows provisioning to continue with a warning message.
stackEvent_hookInvocationPoint :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookInvocationPoint) Source #
Invocation points are points in provisioning logic where hooks are initiated.
stackEvent_hookStatus :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe HookStatus) Source #
Provides the status of the change set hook.
stackEvent_hookStatusReason :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
Provides the reason for the hook status.
stackEvent_hookType :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the hook.
stackEvent_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
stackEvent_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique identifier associated with the physical instance of the resource.
stackEvent_resourceProperties :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
BLOB of the properties used to create the resource.
stackEvent_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe ResourceStatus) Source #
Current status of the resource.
stackEvent_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/failure message associated with the resource.
stackEvent_resourceType :: Lens' StackEvent (Maybe Text) Source #
Type of resource. (For more information, go to Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide.)
stackEvent_stackId :: Lens' StackEvent Text Source #
The unique ID name of the instance of the stack.
stackEvent_eventId :: Lens' StackEvent Text Source #
The unique ID of this event.
stackEvent_stackName :: Lens' StackEvent Text Source #
The name associated with a stack.
stackEvent_timestamp :: Lens' StackEvent UTCTime Source #
Time the status was updated.
data StackInstance Source #
An CloudFormation stack, in a specific account and Region, that's part of a stack set operation. A stack instance is a reference to an attempted or actual stack in a given account within a given Region. A stack instance can exist without a stack—for example, if the stack couldn't be created for some reason. A stack instance is associated with only one stack set. Each stack instance contains the ID of its associated stack set, in addition to the ID of the actual stack and the stack status.
See: newStackInstance
smart constructor.
StackInstance' | |
newStackInstance :: StackInstance Source #
Create a value of StackInstance
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackInstance_account
- [Self-managed permissions] The name of the Amazon Web Services account
that the stack instance is associated with.
, stackInstance_driftStatus
- Status of the stack instance's actual configuration compared to the
expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which
it belongs.
: The stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack instance differs from its expected stack set configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack instance's actual configuration matches its expected stack set configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
, stackInstance_lastDriftCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack instance. This value will be NULL
for any stack
instance on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
, stackInstance_lastOperationId
- The last unique ID of a StackSet operation performed on a stack
, stackInstance_organizationalUnitId
- [Service-managed permissions] The organization root ID or organizational
unit (OU) IDs that you specified for
, stackInstance_parameterOverrides
- A list of parameters from the stack set template whose values have been
overridden in this stack instance.
, stackInstance_region
- The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that the stack instance is
associated with.
, stackInstance_stackId
- The ID of the stack instance.
, stackInstance_stackInstanceStatus
- The detailed status of the stack instance.
, stackInstance_stackSetId
- The name or unique ID of the stack set that the stack instance is
associated with.
, stackInstance_status
- The status of the stack instance, in terms of its synchronization with
its associated stack set.
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.OUTDATED
: The stack isn't currently up to date with the stack set because:- The associated stack failed during a
operation. - The stack was part of a
operation that failed or was stopped before the stack was created or updated.
- The associated stack failed during a
: The stack is currently up to date with the stack set.
, stackInstance_statusReason
- The explanation for the specific status code that's assigned to this
stack instance.
stackInstance_account :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
- Self-managed permissions
- The name of the Amazon Web Services account that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstance_driftStatus :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackDriftStatus) Source #
Status of the stack instance's actual configuration compared to the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs.
: The stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack instance differs from its expected stack set configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack instance's actual configuration matches its expected stack set configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
stackInstance_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack instance. This value will be NULL
for any stack
instance on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
stackInstance_lastOperationId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The last unique ID of a StackSet operation performed on a stack instance.
stackInstance_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs that you specified for DeploymentTargets.
stackInstance_parameterOverrides :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe [Parameter]) Source #
A list of parameters from the stack set template whose values have been overridden in this stack instance.
stackInstance_region :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstance_stackId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the stack instance.
stackInstance_stackInstanceStatus :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus) Source #
The detailed status of the stack instance.
stackInstance_stackSetId :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique ID of the stack set that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstance_status :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe StackInstanceStatus) Source #
The status of the stack instance, in terms of its synchronization with its associated stack set.
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.OUTDATED
: The stack isn't currently up to date with the stack set because:- The associated stack failed during a
operation. - The stack was part of a
operation that failed or was stopped before the stack was created or updated.
- The associated stack failed during a
: The stack is currently up to date with the stack set.
stackInstance_statusReason :: Lens' StackInstance (Maybe Text) Source #
The explanation for the specific status code that's assigned to this stack instance.
data StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus Source #
The detailed status of the stack instance.
See: newStackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
smart constructor.
StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus' | |
newStackInstanceComprehensiveStatus :: StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus Source #
Create a value of StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackInstanceComprehensiveStatus_detailedStatus
: The operation in the specified account and Region has
been canceled. This is either because a user has stopped the stack
set operation, or because the failure tolerance of the stack set
operation has been exceeded.
: The operation in the specified account and Region failed. If the stack set operation fails in enough accounts within a Region, the failure tolerance for the stack set operation as a whole might be exceeded.INOPERABLE
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.PENDING
: The operation in the specified account and Region has yet to start.RUNNING
: The operation in the specified account and Region is currently in progress.SUCCEEDED
: The operation in the specified account and Region completed successfully.
stackInstanceComprehensiveStatus_detailedStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus (Maybe StackInstanceDetailedStatus) Source #
: The operation in the specified account and Region has been canceled. This is either because a user has stopped the stack set operation, or because the failure tolerance of the stack set operation has been exceeded.FAILED
: The operation in the specified account and Region failed. If the stack set operation fails in enough accounts within a Region, the failure tolerance for the stack set operation as a whole might be exceeded.INOPERABLE
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.PENDING
: The operation in the specified account and Region has yet to start.RUNNING
: The operation in the specified account and Region is currently in progress.SUCCEEDED
: The operation in the specified account and Region completed successfully.
data StackInstanceFilter Source #
The filter to apply to stack instances
See: newStackInstanceFilter
smart constructor.
StackInstanceFilter' | |
newStackInstanceFilter :: StackInstanceFilter Source #
Create a value of StackInstanceFilter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackInstanceFilter_name
- The type of filter to apply.
, stackInstanceFilter_values
- The status to filter by.
stackInstanceFilter_name :: Lens' StackInstanceFilter (Maybe StackInstanceFilterName) Source #
The type of filter to apply.
stackInstanceFilter_values :: Lens' StackInstanceFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The status to filter by.
data StackInstanceSummary Source #
The structure that contains summary information about a stack instance.
See: newStackInstanceSummary
smart constructor.
StackInstanceSummary' | |
newStackInstanceSummary :: StackInstanceSummary Source #
Create a value of StackInstanceSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackInstanceSummary_account
- [Self-managed permissions] The name of the Amazon Web Services account
that the stack instance is associated with.
, stackInstanceSummary_driftStatus
- Status of the stack instance's actual configuration compared to the
expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which
it belongs.
: The stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack instance differs from its expected stack set configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack instance's actual configuration matches its expected stack set configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
, stackInstanceSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack instance. This value will be NULL
for any stack
instance on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
, stackInstanceSummary_lastOperationId
- The last unique ID of a StackSet operation performed on a stack
, stackInstanceSummary_organizationalUnitId
- [Service-managed permissions] The organization root ID or organizational
unit (OU) IDs that you specified for
, stackInstanceSummary_region
- The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that the stack instance is
associated with.
, stackInstanceSummary_stackId
- The ID of the stack instance.
, stackInstanceSummary_stackInstanceStatus
- The detailed status of the stack instance.
, stackInstanceSummary_stackSetId
- The name or unique ID of the stack set that the stack instance is
associated with.
, stackInstanceSummary_status
- The status of the stack instance, in terms of its synchronization with
its associated stack set.
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.OUTDATED
: The stack isn't currently up to date with the stack set because:- The associated stack failed during a
operation. - The stack was part of a
operation that failed or was stopped before the stack was created or updated.
- The associated stack failed during a
: The stack is currently up to date with the stack set.
, stackInstanceSummary_statusReason
- The explanation for the specific status code assigned to this stack
stackInstanceSummary_account :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
- Self-managed permissions
- The name of the Amazon Web Services account that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstanceSummary_driftStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackDriftStatus) Source #
Status of the stack instance's actual configuration compared to the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs.
: The stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set to which it belongs. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the stack instance differs from its expected stack set configuration.IN_SYNC
: The stack instance's actual configuration matches its expected stack set configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
stackInstanceSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack instance. This value will be NULL
for any stack
instance on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
stackInstanceSummary_lastOperationId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The last unique ID of a StackSet operation performed on a stack instance.
stackInstanceSummary_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs that you specified for DeploymentTargets.
stackInstanceSummary_region :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstanceSummary_stackId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the stack instance.
stackInstanceSummary_stackInstanceStatus :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackInstanceComprehensiveStatus) Source #
The detailed status of the stack instance.
stackInstanceSummary_stackSetId :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique ID of the stack set that the stack instance is associated with.
stackInstanceSummary_status :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe StackInstanceStatus) Source #
The status of the stack instance, in terms of its synchronization with its associated stack set.
: ADeleteStackInstances
operation has failed and left the stack in an unstable state. Stacks in this state are excluded from furtherUpdateStackSet
operations. You might need to perform aDeleteStackInstances
operation, withRetainStacks
set totrue
, to delete the stack instance, and then delete the stack manually.OUTDATED
: The stack isn't currently up to date with the stack set because:- The associated stack failed during a
operation. - The stack was part of a
operation that failed or was stopped before the stack was created or updated.
- The associated stack failed during a
: The stack is currently up to date with the stack set.
stackInstanceSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackInstanceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The explanation for the specific status code assigned to this stack instance.
data StackResource Source #
The StackResource data type.
See: newStackResource
smart constructor.
StackResource' | |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ResourceStatus | |
-> StackResource |
Create a value of StackResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResource_description
- User defined description associated with the resource.
, stackResource_driftInformation
- Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs,
or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the
stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more
information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
, stackResource_moduleInfo
- Contains information about the module from which the resource was
created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack
, stackResource_physicalResourceId
- The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID
of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
, stackResource_resourceStatusReason
- Success/failure message associated with the resource.
, stackResource_stackId
- Unique identifier of the stack.
, stackResource_stackName
- The name associated with the stack.
, stackResource_logicalResourceId
- The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
, stackResource_resourceType
- Type of resource. For more information, go to
Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackResource_timestamp
- Time the status was updated.
, stackResource_resourceStatus
- Current status of the resource.
stackResource_description :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text) Source #
User defined description associated with the resource.
stackResource_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation) Source #
Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
stackResource_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe ModuleInfo) Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
stackResource_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
stackResource_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/failure message associated with the resource.
stackResource_stackId :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier of the stack.
stackResource_stackName :: Lens' StackResource (Maybe Text) Source #
The name associated with the stack.
stackResource_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResource Text Source #
The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
stackResource_resourceType :: Lens' StackResource Text Source #
Type of resource. For more information, go to Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackResource_timestamp :: Lens' StackResource UTCTime Source #
Time the status was updated.
stackResource_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResource ResourceStatus Source #
Current status of the resource.
data StackResourceDetail Source #
Contains detailed information about the specified stack resource.
See: newStackResourceDetail
smart constructor.
StackResourceDetail' | |
newStackResourceDetail Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ResourceStatus | |
-> StackResourceDetail |
Create a value of StackResourceDetail
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResourceDetail_description
- User defined description associated with the resource.
, stackResourceDetail_driftInformation
- Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs,
or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the
stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more
information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
, stackResourceDetail_metadata
- The content of the Metadata
attribute declared for the resource. For
more information, see
Metadata Attribute
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackResourceDetail_moduleInfo
- Contains information about the module from which the resource was
created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack
, stackResourceDetail_physicalResourceId
- The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID
of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
, stackResourceDetail_resourceStatusReason
- Success/failure message associated with the resource.
, stackResourceDetail_stackId
- Unique identifier of the stack.
, stackResourceDetail_stackName
- The name associated with the stack.
, stackResourceDetail_logicalResourceId
- The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
, stackResourceDetail_resourceType
- Type of resource. For more information, go to
Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackResourceDetail_lastUpdatedTimestamp
- Time the status was updated.
, stackResourceDetail_resourceStatus
- Current status of the resource.
stackResourceDetail_description :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
User defined description associated with the resource.
stackResourceDetail_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformation) Source #
Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
stackResourceDetail_metadata :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The content of the Metadata
attribute declared for the resource. For
more information, see
Metadata Attribute
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackResourceDetail_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe ModuleInfo) Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
stackResourceDetail_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
stackResourceDetail_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/failure message associated with the resource.
stackResourceDetail_stackId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique identifier of the stack.
stackResourceDetail_stackName :: Lens' StackResourceDetail (Maybe Text) Source #
The name associated with the stack.
stackResourceDetail_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDetail Text Source #
The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
stackResourceDetail_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceDetail Text Source #
Type of resource. For more information, go to Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackResourceDetail_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDetail UTCTime Source #
Time the status was updated.
stackResourceDetail_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDetail ResourceStatus Source #
Current status of the resource.
data StackResourceDrift Source #
Contains the drift information for a resource that has been checked for drift. This includes actual and expected property values for resources in which CloudFormation has detected drift. Only resource properties explicitly defined in the stack template are checked for drift. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
Resources that don't currently support drift detection can't be checked. For a list of resources that support drift detection, see Resources that Support Drift Detection.
Use DetectStackResourceDrift to detect drift on individual resources, or DetectStackDrift to detect drift on all resources in a given stack that support drift detection.
See: newStackResourceDrift
smart constructor.
StackResourceDrift' | |
newStackResourceDrift Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> StackResourceDriftStatus | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> StackResourceDrift |
Create a value of StackResourceDrift
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResourceDrift_actualProperties
- A JSON structure containing the actual property values of the stack
For resources whose StackResourceDriftStatus
, this
structure will not be present.
, stackResourceDrift_expectedProperties
- A JSON structure containing the expected property values of the stack
resource, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as
template parameters.
For resources whose StackResourceDriftStatus
, this
structure will not be present.
, stackResourceDrift_moduleInfo
- Contains information about the module from which the resource was
created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack
, stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceId
- The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID
of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
, stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceIdContext
- Context information that enables CloudFormation to uniquely identify a
resource. CloudFormation uses context key-value pairs in cases where a
resource's logical and physical IDs aren't enough to uniquely identify
that resource. Each context key-value pair specifies a unique resource
that contains the targeted resource.
, stackResourceDrift_propertyDifferences
- A collection of the resource properties whose actual values differ from
their expected values. These will be present only for resources whose
, stackResourceDrift_stackId
- The ID of the stack.
, stackResourceDrift_logicalResourceId
- The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
, stackResourceDrift_resourceType
- The type of the resource.
, stackResourceDrift_stackResourceDriftStatus
- Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected
: The resource differs from its expected template configuration because the resource has been deleted.MODIFIED
: One or more resource properties differ from their expected values (as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters).IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation does not currently return this value.
, stackResourceDrift_timestamp
- Time at which CloudFormation performed drift detection on the stack
stackResourceDrift_actualProperties :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text) Source #
A JSON structure containing the actual property values of the stack resource.
For resources whose StackResourceDriftStatus
, this
structure will not be present.
stackResourceDrift_expectedProperties :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text) Source #
A JSON structure containing the expected property values of the stack resource, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters.
For resources whose StackResourceDriftStatus
, this
structure will not be present.
stackResourceDrift_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe ModuleInfo) Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by CloudFormation.
stackResourceDrift_physicalResourceIdContext :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe [PhysicalResourceIdContextKeyValuePair]) Source #
Context information that enables CloudFormation to uniquely identify a resource. CloudFormation uses context key-value pairs in cases where a resource's logical and physical IDs aren't enough to uniquely identify that resource. Each context key-value pair specifies a unique resource that contains the targeted resource.
stackResourceDrift_propertyDifferences :: Lens' StackResourceDrift (Maybe [PropertyDifference]) Source #
A collection of the resource properties whose actual values differ from
their expected values. These will be present only for resources whose
stackResourceDrift_stackId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text Source #
The ID of the stack.
stackResourceDrift_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text Source #
The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
stackResourceDrift_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceDrift Text Source #
The type of the resource.
stackResourceDrift_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDrift StackResourceDriftStatus Source #
Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.
: The resource differs from its expected template configuration because the resource has been deleted.MODIFIED
: One or more resource properties differ from their expected values (as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters).IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected template configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation does not currently return this value.
stackResourceDrift_timestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDrift UTCTime Source #
Time at which CloudFormation performed drift detection on the stack resource.
data StackResourceDriftInformation Source #
Contains information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration.
See: newStackResourceDriftInformation
smart constructor.
StackResourceDriftInformation' | |
newStackResourceDriftInformation Source #
:: StackResourceDriftStatus |
-> StackResourceDriftInformation |
Create a value of StackResourceDriftInformation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResourceDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp
- When CloudFormation last checked if the resource had drifted from its
expected configuration.
, stackResourceDriftInformation_stackResourceDriftStatus
- Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected
: The resource differs from its expected configuration in that it has been deleted.MODIFIED
: The resource differs from its expected configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation has not checked if the resource differs from its expected configuration.Any resources that do not currently support drift detection have a status of
. For more information, see Resources that Support Drift Detection.IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected configuration.
stackResourceDriftInformation_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When CloudFormation last checked if the resource had drifted from its expected configuration.
stackResourceDriftInformation_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformation StackResourceDriftStatus Source #
Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration
: The resource differs from its expected configuration in that it has been deleted.MODIFIED
: The resource differs from its expected configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation has not checked if the resource differs from its expected configuration.Any resources that do not currently support drift detection have a status of
. For more information, see Resources that Support Drift Detection.IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected configuration.
data StackResourceDriftInformationSummary Source #
Summarizes information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration.
See: newStackResourceDriftInformationSummary
smart constructor.
StackResourceDriftInformationSummary' | |
newStackResourceDriftInformationSummary Source #
:: StackResourceDriftStatus |
-> StackResourceDriftInformationSummary |
Create a value of StackResourceDriftInformationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp
- When CloudFormation last checked if the resource had drifted from its
expected configuration.
, stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_stackResourceDriftStatus
- Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected
: The resource differs from its expected configuration in that it has been deleted.MODIFIED
: The resource differs from its expected configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the resource differs from its expected configuration.Any resources that don't currently support drift detection have a status of
. For more information, see Resources that Support Drift Detection. If you performed an ContinueUpdateRollback operation on a stack, any resources included inResourcesToSkip
will also have a status ofNOT_CHECKED
. For more information about skipping resources during rollback operations, see Continue Rolling Back an Update in the CloudFormation User Guide.IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected configuration.
stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_lastCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformationSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When CloudFormation last checked if the resource had drifted from its expected configuration.
stackResourceDriftInformationSummary_stackResourceDriftStatus :: Lens' StackResourceDriftInformationSummary StackResourceDriftStatus Source #
Status of the resource's actual configuration compared to its expected configuration.
: The resource differs from its expected configuration in that it has been deleted.MODIFIED
: The resource differs from its expected configuration.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked if the resource differs from its expected configuration.Any resources that don't currently support drift detection have a status of
. For more information, see Resources that Support Drift Detection. If you performed an ContinueUpdateRollback operation on a stack, any resources included inResourcesToSkip
will also have a status ofNOT_CHECKED
. For more information about skipping resources during rollback operations, see Continue Rolling Back an Update in the CloudFormation User Guide.IN_SYNC
: The resource's actual configuration matches its expected configuration.
data StackResourceSummary Source #
Contains high-level information about the specified stack resource.
See: newStackResourceSummary
smart constructor.
StackResourceSummary' | |
newStackResourceSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ResourceStatus | |
-> StackResourceSummary |
Create a value of StackResourceSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackResourceSummary_driftInformation
- Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs,
or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the
stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more
information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
, stackResourceSummary_moduleInfo
- Contains information about the module from which the resource was
created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack
, stackResourceSummary_physicalResourceId
- The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID
of the resource.
, stackResourceSummary_resourceStatusReason
- Success/failure message associated with the resource.
, stackResourceSummary_logicalResourceId
- The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
, stackResourceSummary_resourceType
- Type of resource. (For more information, go to
Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference
in the CloudFormation User Guide.)
, stackResourceSummary_lastUpdatedTimestamp
- Time the status was updated.
, stackResourceSummary_resourceStatus
- Current status of the resource.
stackResourceSummary_driftInformation :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe StackResourceDriftInformationSummary) Source #
Information about whether the resource's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
stackResourceSummary_moduleInfo :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe ModuleInfo) Source #
Contains information about the module from which the resource was created, if the resource was created from a module included in the stack template.
stackResourceSummary_physicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name or unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of the resource.
stackResourceSummary_resourceStatusReason :: Lens' StackResourceSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/failure message associated with the resource.
stackResourceSummary_logicalResourceId :: Lens' StackResourceSummary Text Source #
The logical name of the resource specified in the template.
stackResourceSummary_resourceType :: Lens' StackResourceSummary Text Source #
Type of resource. (For more information, go to Amazon Web Services Resource Types Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide.)
stackResourceSummary_lastUpdatedTimestamp :: Lens' StackResourceSummary UTCTime Source #
Time the status was updated.
stackResourceSummary_resourceStatus :: Lens' StackResourceSummary ResourceStatus Source #
Current status of the resource.
A structure that contains information about a stack set. A stack set enables you to provision stacks into Amazon Web Services accounts and across Regions by using a single CloudFormation template. In the stack set, you specify the template to use, in addition to any parameters and capabilities that the template requires.
See: newStackSet
smart constructor.
StackSet' | |
newStackSet :: StackSet Source #
Create a value of StackSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSet_administrationRoleARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to create or update
the stack set.
Use customized administrator roles to control which users or groups can manage specific stack sets within the same administrator account. For more information, see Prerequisites: Granting Permissions for Stack Set Operations in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackSet_autoDeployment
- [Service-managed permissions] Describes whether StackSets automatically
deploys to Organizations accounts that are added to a target
organization or organizational unit (OU).
, stackSet_capabilities
- The capabilities that are allowed in the stack set. Some stack set
templates might include resources that can affect permissions in your
Amazon Web Services account—for example, by creating new Identity and
Access Management (IAM) users. For more information, see
Acknowledging IAM Resources in CloudFormation Templates.
, stackSet_description
- A description of the stack set that you specify when the stack set is
created or updated.
, stackSet_executionRoleName
- The name of the IAM execution role used to create or update the stack
Use customized execution roles to control which stack resources users and groups can include in their stack sets.
, stackSet_managedExecution
- Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations
concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
, stackSet_organizationalUnitIds
- [Service-managed permissions] The organization root ID or organizational
unit (OU) IDs that you specified for
, stackSet_parameters
- A list of input parameters for a stack set.
, stackSet_permissionModel
- Describes how the IAM roles required for stack set operations are
- With
permissions, you must create the administrator and execution roles required to deploy to target accounts. For more information, see Grant Self-Managed Stack Set Permissions. - With
permissions, StackSets automatically creates the IAM roles required to deploy to accounts managed by Organizations. For more information, see Grant Service-Managed Stack Set Permissions.
, stackSet_stackSetARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stack set.
, stackSet_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- Detailed information about the drift status of the stack set.
For stack sets, contains information about the last completed drift operation performed on the stack set. Information about drift operations currently in progress isn't included.
, stackSet_stackSetId
- The ID of the stack set.
, stackSet_stackSetName
- The name that's associated with the stack set.
, stackSet_status
- The status of the stack set.
, stackSet_tags
- A list of tags that specify information about the stack set. A maximum
number of 50 tags can be specified.
, stackSet_templateBody
- The structure that contains the body of the template that was used to
create or update the stack set.
stackSet_administrationRoleARN :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to create or update the stack set.
Use customized administrator roles to control which users or groups can manage specific stack sets within the same administrator account. For more information, see Prerequisites: Granting Permissions for Stack Set Operations in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackSet_autoDeployment :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe AutoDeployment) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- Describes whether StackSets automatically deploys to Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU).
stackSet_capabilities :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Capability]) Source #
The capabilities that are allowed in the stack set. Some stack set templates might include resources that can affect permissions in your Amazon Web Services account—for example, by creating new Identity and Access Management (IAM) users. For more information, see Acknowledging IAM Resources in CloudFormation Templates.
stackSet_description :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the stack set that you specify when the stack set is created or updated.
stackSet_executionRoleName :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM execution role used to create or update the stack set.
Use customized execution roles to control which stack resources users and groups can include in their stack sets.
stackSet_managedExecution :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe ManagedExecution) Source #
Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
stackSet_organizationalUnitIds :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Text]) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs that you specified for DeploymentTargets.
stackSet_parameters :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Parameter]) Source #
A list of input parameters for a stack set.
stackSet_permissionModel :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe PermissionModels) Source #
Describes how the IAM roles required for stack set operations are created.
- With
permissions, you must create the administrator and execution roles required to deploy to target accounts. For more information, see Grant Self-Managed Stack Set Permissions. - With
permissions, StackSets automatically creates the IAM roles required to deploy to accounts managed by Organizations. For more information, see Grant Service-Managed Stack Set Permissions.
stackSet_stackSetARN :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stack set.
stackSet_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails) Source #
Detailed information about the drift status of the stack set.
For stack sets, contains information about the last completed drift operation performed on the stack set. Information about drift operations currently in progress isn't included.
stackSet_stackSetName :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The name that's associated with the stack set.
stackSet_status :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe StackSetStatus) Source #
The status of the stack set.
stackSet_tags :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe [Tag]) Source #
A list of tags that specify information about the stack set. A maximum number of 50 tags can be specified.
stackSet_templateBody :: Lens' StackSet (Maybe Text) Source #
The structure that contains the body of the template that was used to create or update the stack set.
data StackSetDriftDetectionDetails Source #
Detailed information about the drift status of the stack set.
For stack sets, contains information about the last completed drift operation performed on the stack set. Information about drift operations in-progress isn't included.
For stack set operations, includes information about drift operations currently being performed on the stack set.
For more information, see Detecting unmanaged changes in stack sets in the CloudFormation User Guide.
See: newStackSetDriftDetectionDetails
smart constructor.
StackSetDriftDetectionDetails' | |
newStackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: StackSetDriftDetectionDetails Source #
Create a value of StackSetDriftDetectionDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftDetectionStatus
- The status of the stack set drift detection operation.
: The drift detection operation completed without failing on any stack instances.FAILED
: The drift detection operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance.PARTIAL_SUCCESS
: The drift detection operation completed without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.IN_PROGRESS
: The drift detection operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the drift detection operation.
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftStatus
- Status of the stack set's actual configuration compared to its expected
template and parameter configuration. A stack set is considered to have
drifted if one or more of its stack instances have drifted from their
expected template and parameter configuration.
: One or more of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked the stack set for drift.IN_SYNC
: All of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack match from the expected template and parameter configuration.
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftedStackInstancesCount
- The number of stack instances that have drifted from the expected
template and parameter configuration of the stack set. A stack instance
is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the
associated stack don't match their expected configuration.
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_failedStackInstancesCount
- The number of stack instances for which the drift detection operation
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inProgressStackInstancesCount
- The number of stack instances that are currently being checked for
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inSyncStackInstancesCount
- The number of stack instances which match the expected template and
parameter configuration of the stack set.
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_lastDriftCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack set. This value will be NULL
for any stack set
on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
, stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_totalStackInstancesCount
- The total number of stack instances belonging to this stack set.
The total number of stack instances is equal to the total of:
- Stack instances that match the stack set configuration.
- Stack instances that have drifted from the stack set configuration.
- Stack instances where the drift detection operation has failed.
- Stack instances currently being checked for drift.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftDetectionStatus :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionStatus) Source #
The status of the stack set drift detection operation.
: The drift detection operation completed without failing on any stack instances.FAILED
: The drift detection operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance.PARTIAL_SUCCESS
: The drift detection operation completed without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.IN_PROGRESS
: The drift detection operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the drift detection operation.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftStatus :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe StackSetDriftStatus) Source #
Status of the stack set's actual configuration compared to its expected template and parameter configuration. A stack set is considered to have drifted if one or more of its stack instances have drifted from their expected template and parameter configuration.
: One or more of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked the stack set for drift.IN_SYNC
: All of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack match from the expected template and parameter configuration.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_driftedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of stack instances that have drifted from the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack don't match their expected configuration.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_failedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of stack instances for which the drift detection operation failed.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inProgressStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of stack instances that are currently being checked for drift.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_inSyncStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of stack instances which match the expected template and parameter configuration of the stack set.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack set. This value will be NULL
for any stack set
on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
stackSetDriftDetectionDetails_totalStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetDriftDetectionDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The total number of stack instances belonging to this stack set.
The total number of stack instances is equal to the total of:
- Stack instances that match the stack set configuration.
- Stack instances that have drifted from the stack set configuration.
- Stack instances where the drift detection operation has failed.
- Stack instances currently being checked for drift.
data StackSetOperation Source #
The structure that contains information about a stack set operation.
See: newStackSetOperation
smart constructor.
StackSetOperation' | |
newStackSetOperation :: StackSetOperation Source #
Create a value of StackSetOperation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetOperation_action
- The type of stack set operation: CREATE
. Create
and delete operations affect only the specified stack set instances that
are associated with the specified stack set. Update operations affect
both the stack set itself, in addition to all associated stack set
, stackSetOperation_administrationRoleARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to perform this
stack set operation.
Use customized administrator roles to control which users or groups can manage specific stack sets within the same administrator account. For more information, see Define Permissions for Multiple Administrators in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackSetOperation_creationTimestamp
- The time at which the operation was initiated. Note that the creation
times for the stack set operation might differ from the creation time of
the individual stacks themselves. This is because CloudFormation needs
to perform preparatory work for the operation, such as dispatching the
work to the requested Regions, before actually creating the first
, stackSetOperation_deploymentTargets
- [Service-managed permissions] The Organizations accounts affected by the
stack operation.
, stackSetOperation_endTimestamp
- The time at which the stack set operation ended, across all accounts and
Regions specified. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the
stack set operation was successful, or even attempted, in each account
or Region.
, stackSetOperation_executionRoleName
- The name of the IAM execution role used to create or update the stack
Use customized execution roles to control which stack resources users and groups can include in their stack sets.
, stackSetOperation_operationId
- The unique ID of a stack set operation.
, stackSetOperation_operationPreferences
- The preferences for how CloudFormation performs this stack set
, stackSetOperation_retainStacks
- For stack set operations of action type DELETE
, specifies whether to
remove the stack instances from the specified stack set, but doesn't
delete the stacks. You can't re-associate a retained stack, or add an
existing, saved stack to a new stack set.
, stackSetOperation_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails
- Detailed information about the drift status of the stack set. This
includes information about drift operations currently being performed on
the stack set.
This information will only be present for stack set operations whose
For more information, see Detecting Unmanaged Changes in Stack Sets in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackSetOperation_stackSetId
- The ID of the stack set.
, stackSetOperation_status
- The status of the operation.
: The operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance. The failure tolerance value that you've set for an operation is applied for each Region during stack create and update operations. If the number of failed stacks within a Region exceeds the failure tolerance, the status of the operation in the Region is set toFAILED
. This in turn sets the status of the operation as a whole toFAILED
, and CloudFormation cancels the operation in any remaining Regions.QUEUED
: [Service-managed permissions] For automatic deployments that require a sequence of operations, the operation is queued to be performed. For more information, see the stack set operation status codes in the CloudFormation User Guide.RUNNING
: The operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the operation.STOPPING
: The operation is in the process of stopping, at user request.SUCCEEDED
: The operation completed creating or updating all the specified stacks without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.
, stackSetOperation_statusDetails
- Detailed information about the StackSet operation.
, stackSetOperation_statusReason
- The status of the operation in details.
stackSetOperation_action :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationAction) Source #
The type of stack set operation: CREATE
. Create
and delete operations affect only the specified stack set instances that
are associated with the specified stack set. Update operations affect
both the stack set itself, in addition to all associated stack set
stackSetOperation_administrationRoleARN :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role used to perform this stack set operation.
Use customized administrator roles to control which users or groups can manage specific stack sets within the same administrator account. For more information, see Define Permissions for Multiple Administrators in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackSetOperation_creationTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the operation was initiated. Note that the creation times for the stack set operation might differ from the creation time of the individual stacks themselves. This is because CloudFormation needs to perform preparatory work for the operation, such as dispatching the work to the requested Regions, before actually creating the first stacks.
stackSetOperation_deploymentTargets :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe DeploymentTargets) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The Organizations accounts affected by the stack operation.
stackSetOperation_endTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the stack set operation ended, across all accounts and Regions specified. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the stack set operation was successful, or even attempted, in each account or Region.
stackSetOperation_executionRoleName :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the IAM execution role used to create or update the stack set.
Use customized execution roles to control which stack resources users and groups can include in their stack sets.
stackSetOperation_operationId :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique ID of a stack set operation.
stackSetOperation_operationPreferences :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences) Source #
The preferences for how CloudFormation performs this stack set operation.
stackSetOperation_retainStacks :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Bool) Source #
For stack set operations of action type DELETE
, specifies whether to
remove the stack instances from the specified stack set, but doesn't
delete the stacks. You can't re-associate a retained stack, or add an
existing, saved stack to a new stack set.
stackSetOperation_stackSetDriftDetectionDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetDriftDetectionDetails) Source #
Detailed information about the drift status of the stack set. This includes information about drift operations currently being performed on the stack set.
This information will only be present for stack set operations whose
For more information, see Detecting Unmanaged Changes in Stack Sets in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackSetOperation_stackSetId :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the stack set.
stackSetOperation_status :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationStatus) Source #
The status of the operation.
: The operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance. The failure tolerance value that you've set for an operation is applied for each Region during stack create and update operations. If the number of failed stacks within a Region exceeds the failure tolerance, the status of the operation in the Region is set toFAILED
. This in turn sets the status of the operation as a whole toFAILED
, and CloudFormation cancels the operation in any remaining Regions.QUEUED
: [Service-managed permissions] For automatic deployments that require a sequence of operations, the operation is queued to be performed. For more information, see the stack set operation status codes in the CloudFormation User Guide.RUNNING
: The operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the operation.STOPPING
: The operation is in the process of stopping, at user request.SUCCEEDED
: The operation completed creating or updating all the specified stacks without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.
stackSetOperation_statusDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails) Source #
Detailed information about the StackSet operation.
stackSetOperation_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperation (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the operation in details.
data StackSetOperationPreferences Source #
The user-specified preferences for how CloudFormation performs a stack set operation.
For more information about maximum concurrent accounts and failure tolerance, see Stack set operation options.
See: newStackSetOperationPreferences
smart constructor.
StackSetOperationPreferences' | |
newStackSetOperationPreferences :: StackSetOperationPreferences Source #
Create a value of StackSetOperationPreferences
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetOperationPreferences_failureToleranceCount
- The number of accounts, per Region, for which this operation can fail
before CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If the
operation is stopped in a Region, CloudFormation doesn't attempt the
operation in any subsequent Regions.
Conditional: You must specify either FailureToleranceCount
(but not both).
By default, 0
is specified.
, stackSetOperationPreferences_failureTolerancePercentage
- The percentage of accounts, per Region, for which this stack operation
can fail before CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If
the operation is stopped in a Region, CloudFormation doesn't attempt
the operation in any subsequent Regions.
When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number.
Conditional: You must specify either FailureToleranceCount
, but not both.
By default, 0
is specified.
, stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentCount
- The maximum number of accounts in which to perform this operation at one
time. This is dependent on the value of
is at most one more than
the FailureToleranceCount
Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.
Conditional: You must specify either MaxConcurrentCount
, but not both.
By default, 1
is specified.
, stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentPercentage
- The maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at
one time.
When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number. This is true except in cases where rounding down would result is zero. In this case, CloudFormation sets the number as one instead.
Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.
Conditional: You must specify either MaxConcurrentCount
, but not both.
By default, 1
is specified.
, stackSetOperationPreferences_regionConcurrencyType
- The concurrency type of deploying StackSets operations in Regions, could
be in parallel or one Region at a time.
, stackSetOperationPreferences_regionOrder
- The order of the Regions in where you want to perform the stack
stackSetOperationPreferences_failureToleranceCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of accounts, per Region, for which this operation can fail before CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If the operation is stopped in a Region, CloudFormation doesn't attempt the operation in any subsequent Regions.
Conditional: You must specify either FailureToleranceCount
(but not both).
By default, 0
is specified.
stackSetOperationPreferences_failureTolerancePercentage :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural) Source #
The percentage of accounts, per Region, for which this stack operation can fail before CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If the operation is stopped in a Region, CloudFormation doesn't attempt the operation in any subsequent Regions.
When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number.
Conditional: You must specify either FailureToleranceCount
, but not both.
By default, 0
is specified.
stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of accounts in which to perform this operation at one
time. This is dependent on the value of
is at most one more than
the FailureToleranceCount
Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.
Conditional: You must specify either MaxConcurrentCount
, but not both.
By default, 1
is specified.
stackSetOperationPreferences_maxConcurrentPercentage :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time.
When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number. This is true except in cases where rounding down would result is zero. In this case, CloudFormation sets the number as one instead.
Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.
Conditional: You must specify either MaxConcurrentCount
, but not both.
By default, 1
is specified.
stackSetOperationPreferences_regionConcurrencyType :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe RegionConcurrencyType) Source #
The concurrency type of deploying StackSets operations in Regions, could be in parallel or one Region at a time.
stackSetOperationPreferences_regionOrder :: Lens' StackSetOperationPreferences (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The order of the Regions in where you want to perform the stack operation.
data StackSetOperationResultSummary Source #
The structure that contains information about a specified operation's results for a given account in a given Region.
See: newStackSetOperationResultSummary
smart constructor.
StackSetOperationResultSummary' | |
newStackSetOperationResultSummary :: StackSetOperationResultSummary Source #
Create a value of StackSetOperationResultSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_account
- [Self-managed permissions] The name of the Amazon Web Services account
for this operation result.
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_accountGateResult
- The results of the account gate function CloudFormation invokes, if
present, before proceeding with stack set operations in an account.
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_organizationalUnitId
- [Service-managed permissions] The organization root ID or organizational
unit (OU) IDs that you specified for
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_region
- The name of the Amazon Web Services Region for this operation result.
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_status
- The result status of the stack set operation for the given account in
the given Region.
: The operation in the specified account and Region has been canceled. This is either because a user has stopped the stack set operation, or because the failure tolerance of the stack set operation has been exceeded.FAILED
: The operation in the specified account and Region failed.If the stack set operation fails in enough accounts within a Region, the failure tolerance for the stack set operation as a whole might be exceeded.
: The operation in the specified account and Region is currently in progress.PENDING
: The operation in the specified account and Region has yet to start.SUCCEEDED
: The operation in the specified account and Region completed successfully.
, stackSetOperationResultSummary_statusReason
- The reason for the assigned result status.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_account :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
- Self-managed permissions
- The name of the Amazon Web Services account for this operation result.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_accountGateResult :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe AccountGateResult) Source #
The results of the account gate function CloudFormation invokes, if present, before proceeding with stack set operations in an account.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_organizationalUnitId :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs that you specified for DeploymentTargets.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_region :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon Web Services Region for this operation result.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationResultStatus) Source #
The result status of the stack set operation for the given account in the given Region.
: The operation in the specified account and Region has been canceled. This is either because a user has stopped the stack set operation, or because the failure tolerance of the stack set operation has been exceeded.FAILED
: The operation in the specified account and Region failed.If the stack set operation fails in enough accounts within a Region, the failure tolerance for the stack set operation as a whole might be exceeded.
: The operation in the specified account and Region is currently in progress.PENDING
: The operation in the specified account and Region has yet to start.SUCCEEDED
: The operation in the specified account and Region completed successfully.
stackSetOperationResultSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperationResultSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for the assigned result status.
data StackSetOperationStatusDetails Source #
Detailed information about the StackSet operation.
See: newStackSetOperationStatusDetails
smart constructor.
StackSetOperationStatusDetails' | |
newStackSetOperationStatusDetails :: StackSetOperationStatusDetails Source #
Create a value of StackSetOperationStatusDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetOperationStatusDetails_failedStackInstancesCount
- The number of stack instances for which the StackSet operation failed.
stackSetOperationStatusDetails_failedStackInstancesCount :: Lens' StackSetOperationStatusDetails (Maybe Natural) Source #
The number of stack instances for which the StackSet operation failed.
data StackSetOperationSummary Source #
The structures that contain summary information about the specified operation.
See: newStackSetOperationSummary
smart constructor.
StackSetOperationSummary' | |
newStackSetOperationSummary :: StackSetOperationSummary Source #
Create a value of StackSetOperationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetOperationSummary_action
- The type of operation: CREATE
. Create and
delete operations affect only the specified stack instances that are
associated with the specified stack set. Update operations affect both
the stack set itself and all associated stack set instances.
, stackSetOperationSummary_creationTimestamp
- The time at which the operation was initiated. Note that the creation
times for the stack set operation might differ from the creation time of
the individual stacks themselves. This is because CloudFormation needs
to perform preparatory work for the operation, such as dispatching the
work to the requested Regions, before actually creating the first
, stackSetOperationSummary_endTimestamp
- The time at which the stack set operation ended, across all accounts and
Regions specified. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the
stack set operation was successful, or even attempted, in each account
or Region.
, stackSetOperationSummary_operationId
- The unique ID of the stack set operation.
, stackSetOperationSummary_operationPreferences
- Undocumented member.
, stackSetOperationSummary_status
- The overall status of the operation.
: The operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance. The failure tolerance value that you've set for an operation is applied for each Region during stack create and update operations. If the number of failed stacks within a Region exceeds the failure tolerance, the status of the operation in the Region is set toFAILED
. This in turn sets the status of the operation as a whole toFAILED
, and CloudFormation cancels the operation in any remaining Regions.QUEUED
: [Service-managed permissions] For automatic deployments that require a sequence of operations, the operation is queued to be performed. For more information, see the stack set operation status codes in the CloudFormation User Guide.RUNNING
: The operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the operation.STOPPING
: The operation is in the process of stopping, at user request.SUCCEEDED
: The operation completed creating or updating all the specified stacks without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.
, stackSetOperationSummary_statusDetails
- Detailed information about the stack set operation.
, stackSetOperationSummary_statusReason
- The status of the operation in details.
stackSetOperationSummary_action :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationAction) Source #
The type of operation: CREATE
. Create and
delete operations affect only the specified stack instances that are
associated with the specified stack set. Update operations affect both
the stack set itself and all associated stack set instances.
stackSetOperationSummary_creationTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the operation was initiated. Note that the creation times for the stack set operation might differ from the creation time of the individual stacks themselves. This is because CloudFormation needs to perform preparatory work for the operation, such as dispatching the work to the requested Regions, before actually creating the first stacks.
stackSetOperationSummary_endTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the stack set operation ended, across all accounts and Regions specified. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the stack set operation was successful, or even attempted, in each account or Region.
stackSetOperationSummary_operationId :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The unique ID of the stack set operation.
stackSetOperationSummary_operationPreferences :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationPreferences) Source #
Undocumented member.
stackSetOperationSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationStatus) Source #
The overall status of the operation.
: The operation exceeded the specified failure tolerance. The failure tolerance value that you've set for an operation is applied for each Region during stack create and update operations. If the number of failed stacks within a Region exceeds the failure tolerance, the status of the operation in the Region is set toFAILED
. This in turn sets the status of the operation as a whole toFAILED
, and CloudFormation cancels the operation in any remaining Regions.QUEUED
: [Service-managed permissions] For automatic deployments that require a sequence of operations, the operation is queued to be performed. For more information, see the stack set operation status codes in the CloudFormation User Guide.RUNNING
: The operation is currently being performed.STOPPED
: The user has canceled the operation.STOPPING
: The operation is in the process of stopping, at user request.SUCCEEDED
: The operation completed creating or updating all the specified stacks without exceeding the failure tolerance for the operation.
stackSetOperationSummary_statusDetails :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe StackSetOperationStatusDetails) Source #
Detailed information about the stack set operation.
stackSetOperationSummary_statusReason :: Lens' StackSetOperationSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The status of the operation in details.
data StackSetSummary Source #
The structures that contain summary information about the specified stack set.
See: newStackSetSummary
smart constructor.
StackSetSummary' | |
newStackSetSummary :: StackSetSummary Source #
Create a value of StackSetSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSetSummary_autoDeployment
- [Service-managed permissions] Describes whether StackSets automatically
deploys to Organizations accounts that are added to a target
organizational unit (OU).
, stackSetSummary_description
- A description of the stack set that you specify when the stack set is
created or updated.
, stackSetSummary_driftStatus
- Status of the stack set's actual configuration compared to its expected
template and parameter configuration. A stack set is considered to have
drifted if one or more of its stack instances have drifted from their
expected template and parameter configuration.
: One or more of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked the stack set for drift.IN_SYNC
: All the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack match from the expected template and parameter configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
, stackSetSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp
- Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack set. This value will be NULL
for any stack set
on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
, stackSetSummary_managedExecution
- Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations
concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
, stackSetSummary_permissionModel
- Describes how the IAM roles required for stack set operations are
- With
permissions, you must create the administrator and execution roles required to deploy to target accounts. For more information, see Grant Self-Managed Stack Set Permissions. - With
permissions, StackSets automatically creates the IAM roles required to deploy to accounts managed by Organizations. For more information, see Grant Service-Managed Stack Set Permissions.
, stackSetSummary_stackSetId
- The ID of the stack set.
, stackSetSummary_stackSetName
- The name of the stack set.
, stackSetSummary_status
- The status of the stack set.
stackSetSummary_autoDeployment :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe AutoDeployment) Source #
- Service-managed permissions
- Describes whether StackSets automatically deploys to Organizations accounts that are added to a target organizational unit (OU).
stackSetSummary_description :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the stack set that you specify when the stack set is created or updated.
stackSetSummary_driftStatus :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe StackDriftStatus) Source #
Status of the stack set's actual configuration compared to its expected template and parameter configuration. A stack set is considered to have drifted if one or more of its stack instances have drifted from their expected template and parameter configuration.
: One or more of the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack differs from the expected template and parameter configuration. A stack instance is considered to have drifted if one or more of the resources in the associated stack have drifted.NOT_CHECKED
: CloudFormation hasn't checked the stack set for drift.IN_SYNC
: All the stack instances belonging to the stack set stack match from the expected template and parameter configuration.UNKNOWN
: This value is reserved for future use.
stackSetSummary_lastDriftCheckTimestamp :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
Most recent time when CloudFormation performed a drift detection
operation on the stack set. This value will be NULL
for any stack set
on which drift detection hasn't yet been performed.
stackSetSummary_managedExecution :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe ManagedExecution) Source #
Describes whether StackSets performs non-conflicting operations concurrently and queues conflicting operations.
stackSetSummary_permissionModel :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe PermissionModels) Source #
Describes how the IAM roles required for stack set operations are created.
- With
permissions, you must create the administrator and execution roles required to deploy to target accounts. For more information, see Grant Self-Managed Stack Set Permissions. - With
permissions, StackSets automatically creates the IAM roles required to deploy to accounts managed by Organizations. For more information, see Grant Service-Managed Stack Set Permissions.
stackSetSummary_stackSetId :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the stack set.
stackSetSummary_stackSetName :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the stack set.
stackSetSummary_status :: Lens' StackSetSummary (Maybe StackSetStatus) Source #
The status of the stack set.
data StackSummary Source #
The StackSummary Data Type
See: newStackSummary
smart constructor.
StackSummary' | |
:: Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> StackStatus | |
-> StackSummary |
Create a value of StackSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stackSummary_deletionTime
- The time the stack was deleted.
, stackSummary_driftInformation
- Summarizes information about whether a stack's actual configuration
differs, or has drifted, from it's expected configuration, as defined
in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters.
For more information, see
Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
, stackSummary_lastUpdatedTime
- The time the stack was last updated. This field will only be returned if
the stack has been updated at least once.
, stackSummary_parentId
- For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the
stack ID of the direct parent of this stack. For the first level of
nested stacks, the root stack is also the parent stack.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackSummary_rootId
- For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the
stack ID of the top-level stack to which the nested stack ultimately
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, stackSummary_stackId
- Unique stack identifier.
, stackSummary_stackStatusReason
- Success/Failure message associated with the stack status.
, stackSummary_templateDescription
- The template description of the template used to create the stack.
, stackSummary_stackName
- The name associated with the stack.
, stackSummary_creationTime
- The time the stack was created.
, stackSummary_stackStatus
- The current status of the stack.
stackSummary_deletionTime :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the stack was deleted.
stackSummary_driftInformation :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe StackDriftInformationSummary) Source #
Summarizes information about whether a stack's actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from it's expected configuration, as defined in the stack template and any values specified as template parameters. For more information, see Detecting Unregulated Configuration Changes to Stacks and Resources.
stackSummary_lastUpdatedTime :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time the stack was last updated. This field will only be returned if the stack has been updated at least once.
stackSummary_parentId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the stack ID of the direct parent of this stack. For the first level of nested stacks, the root stack is also the parent stack.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackSummary_rootId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For nested stacks--stacks created as resources for another stack--the stack ID of the top-level stack to which the nested stack ultimately belongs.
For more information, see Working with Nested Stacks in the CloudFormation User Guide.
stackSummary_stackId :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Unique stack identifier.
stackSummary_stackStatusReason :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
Success/Failure message associated with the stack status.
stackSummary_templateDescription :: Lens' StackSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The template description of the template used to create the stack.
stackSummary_stackName :: Lens' StackSummary Text Source #
The name associated with the stack.
stackSummary_creationTime :: Lens' StackSummary UTCTime Source #
The time the stack was created.
stackSummary_stackStatus :: Lens' StackSummary StackStatus Source #
The current status of the stack.
The Tag type enables you to specify a key-value pair that can be used to store information about an CloudFormation stack.
See: newTag
smart constructor.
Tag' | |
ToQuery Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Tag Methods toQuery :: Tag -> QueryString # | |
FromXML Tag Source # | |
Generic Tag Source # | |
Read Tag Source # | |
Show Tag Source # | |
NFData Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Tag | |
Eq Tag Source # | |
Hashable Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Tag | |
type Rep Tag Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Tag type Rep Tag = D1 ('MetaData "Tag" "Amazonka.CloudFormation.Types.Tag" "amazonka-cloudformation-2.0-2g2oPzedi5AcwbDRlNZfB" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tag'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "key") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "value") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) |
Create a value of Tag
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tag_key
- Required. A string used to identify this tag. You can specify a
maximum of 128 characters for a tag key. Tags owned by Amazon Web
Services (Amazon Web Services) have the reserved prefix: aws:
, tag_value
- Required. A string containing the value for this tag. You can specify
a maximum of 256 characters for a tag value.
tag_key :: Lens' Tag Text Source #
Required. A string used to identify this tag. You can specify a
maximum of 128 characters for a tag key. Tags owned by Amazon Web
Services (Amazon Web Services) have the reserved prefix: aws:
tag_value :: Lens' Tag Text Source #
Required. A string containing the value for this tag. You can specify a maximum of 256 characters for a tag value.
data TemplateParameter Source #
The TemplateParameter data type.
See: newTemplateParameter
smart constructor.
TemplateParameter' | |
newTemplateParameter :: TemplateParameter Source #
Create a value of TemplateParameter
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, templateParameter_defaultValue
- The default value associated with the parameter.
, templateParameter_description
- User defined description associated with the parameter.
, templateParameter_noEcho
- Flag indicating whether the parameter should be displayed as plain text
in logs and UIs.
, templateParameter_parameterKey
- The name associated with the parameter.
templateParameter_defaultValue :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text) Source #
The default value associated with the parameter.
templateParameter_description :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text) Source #
User defined description associated with the parameter.
templateParameter_noEcho :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Bool) Source #
Flag indicating whether the parameter should be displayed as plain text in logs and UIs.
templateParameter_parameterKey :: Lens' TemplateParameter (Maybe Text) Source #
The name associated with the parameter.
data TypeConfigurationDetails Source #
Detailed information concerning the specification of a CloudFormation extension in a given account and region.
For more information, see Configuring extensions at the account level in the CloudFormation User Guide.
See: newTypeConfigurationDetails
smart constructor.
TypeConfigurationDetails' | |
newTypeConfigurationDetails :: TypeConfigurationDetails Source #
Create a value of TypeConfigurationDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, typeConfigurationDetails_alias
- The alias specified for this configuration, if one was specified when
the configuration was set.
, typeConfigurationDetails_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the configuration data, in this
account and region.
, typeConfigurationDetails_configuration
- A JSON string specifying the configuration data for the extension, in
this account and region.
If a configuration hasn't been set for a specified extension,
CloudFormation returns {}
, typeConfigurationDetails_isDefaultConfiguration
- Whether this configuration data is the default configuration for the
, typeConfigurationDetails_lastUpdated
- When the configuration data was last updated for this extension.
If a configuration hasn't been set for a specified extension,
CloudFormation returns null
, typeConfigurationDetails_typeArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the extension, in this account and
For public extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you activate the type in this account and region. For private extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you register the type in this account and region.
, typeConfigurationDetails_typeName
- The name of the extension.
typeConfigurationDetails_alias :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The alias specified for this configuration, if one was specified when the configuration was set.
typeConfigurationDetails_arn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the configuration data, in this account and region.
typeConfigurationDetails_configuration :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A JSON string specifying the configuration data for the extension, in this account and region.
If a configuration hasn't been set for a specified extension,
CloudFormation returns {}
typeConfigurationDetails_isDefaultConfiguration :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether this configuration data is the default configuration for the extension.
typeConfigurationDetails_lastUpdated :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the configuration data was last updated for this extension.
If a configuration hasn't been set for a specified extension,
CloudFormation returns null
typeConfigurationDetails_typeArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the extension, in this account and region.
For public extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you activate the type in this account and region. For private extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you register the type in this account and region.
typeConfigurationDetails_typeName :: Lens' TypeConfigurationDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the extension.
data TypeConfigurationIdentifier Source #
Identifying information for the configuration of a CloudFormation extension.
See: newTypeConfigurationIdentifier
smart constructor.
TypeConfigurationIdentifier' | |
newTypeConfigurationIdentifier :: TypeConfigurationIdentifier Source #
Create a value of TypeConfigurationIdentifier
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, typeConfigurationIdentifier_type
- The type of extension.
, typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the extension, in this account and
For public extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you activate the type in this account and region. For private extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you register the type in this account and region.
, typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationAlias
- The alias specified for this configuration, if one was specified when
the configuration was set.
, typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the configuration, in this account
and region.
, typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeName
- The name of the extension type to which this configuration applies.
typeConfigurationIdentifier_type :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe ThirdPartyType) Source #
The type of extension.
typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the extension, in this account and region.
For public extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you activate the type in this account and region. For private extensions, this will be the ARN assigned when you register the type in this account and region.
typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationAlias :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The alias specified for this configuration, if one was specified when the configuration was set.
typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeConfigurationArn :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the configuration, in this account and region.
typeConfigurationIdentifier_typeName :: Lens' TypeConfigurationIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the extension type to which this configuration applies.
data TypeFilters Source #
Filter criteria to use in determining which extensions to return.
See: newTypeFilters
smart constructor.
TypeFilters' | |
newTypeFilters :: TypeFilters Source #
Create a value of TypeFilters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, typeFilters_category
- The category of extensions to return.
: Private extensions that have been registered for this account and region.ACTIVATED
: Public extensions that have been activated for this account and region.THIRD_PARTY
: Extensions available for use from publishers other than Amazon. This includes:- Private extensions registered in the account.
- Public extensions from publishers other than Amazon, whether activated or not.
: Extensions available for use from Amazon.
, typeFilters_publisherId
- The id of the publisher of the extension.
Extensions published by Amazon aren't assigned a publisher ID. Use the
category to specify a list of types published by Amazon.
, typeFilters_typeNamePrefix
- A prefix to use as a filter for results.
typeFilters_category :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Category) Source #
The category of extensions to return.
: Private extensions that have been registered for this account and region.ACTIVATED
: Public extensions that have been activated for this account and region.THIRD_PARTY
: Extensions available for use from publishers other than Amazon. This includes:- Private extensions registered in the account.
- Public extensions from publishers other than Amazon, whether activated or not.
: Extensions available for use from Amazon.
typeFilters_publisherId :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Text) Source #
The id of the publisher of the extension.
Extensions published by Amazon aren't assigned a publisher ID. Use the
category to specify a list of types published by Amazon.
typeFilters_typeNamePrefix :: Lens' TypeFilters (Maybe Text) Source #
A prefix to use as a filter for results.
data TypeSummary Source #
Contains summary information about the specified CloudFormation extension.
See: newTypeSummary
smart constructor.
TypeSummary' | |
newTypeSummary :: TypeSummary Source #
Create a value of TypeSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, typeSummary_defaultVersionId
- The ID of the default version of the extension. The default version is
used when the extension version isn't specified.
This applies only to private extensions you have registered in your
account. For public extensions, both those provided by Amazon and
published by third parties, CloudFormation returns null
. For more
information, see
To set the default version of an extension, use
, typeSummary_description
- The description of the extension.
, typeSummary_isActivated
- Whether the extension is activated for this account and region.
This applies only to third-party public extensions. Extensions published by Amazon are activated by default.
, typeSummary_lastUpdated
- When the specified extension version was registered. This applies only
- Private extensions you have registered in your account. For more information, see RegisterType.
- Public extensions you have activated in your account with auto-update specified. For more information, see ActivateType.
For all other extension types, CloudFormation returns null
, typeSummary_latestPublicVersion
- For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the latest version of the public extension that is available.
For any extensions other than activated third-arty extensions,
CloudFormation returns null
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, typeSummary_originalTypeName
- For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the type name of the public extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when enabling the extension in this
account and region, CloudFormation treats that alias as the extension's
type name within the account and region, not the type name of the public
extension. For more information, see
Specifying aliases to refer to extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, typeSummary_publicVersionNumber
- For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the version of the public extension to be used for
CloudFormation operations in this account and Region.
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, typeSummary_publisherId
- The ID of the extension publisher, if the extension is published by a
third party. Extensions published by Amazon don't return a publisher
, typeSummary_publisherIdentity
- The service used to verify the publisher identity.
For more information, see Registering your account to publish CloudFormation extensions in the CFN-CLI User Guide for Extension Development.
, typeSummary_publisherName
- The publisher name, as defined in the public profile for that publisher
in the service used to verify the publisher identity.
, typeSummary_type
- The kind of extension.
, typeSummary_typeArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the extension.
, typeSummary_typeName
- The name of the extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when you
activate this extension
in your account and region, CloudFormation considers that alias as the
type name.
typeSummary_defaultVersionId :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the default version of the extension. The default version is used when the extension version isn't specified.
This applies only to private extensions you have registered in your
account. For public extensions, both those provided by Amazon and
published by third parties, CloudFormation returns null
. For more
information, see
To set the default version of an extension, use
typeSummary_description :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the extension.
typeSummary_isActivated :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the extension is activated for this account and region.
This applies only to third-party public extensions. Extensions published by Amazon are activated by default.
typeSummary_lastUpdated :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the specified extension version was registered. This applies only to:
- Private extensions you have registered in your account. For more information, see RegisterType.
- Public extensions you have activated in your account with auto-update specified. For more information, see ActivateType.
For all other extension types, CloudFormation returns null
typeSummary_latestPublicVersion :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the latest version of the public extension that is available.
For any extensions other than activated third-arty extensions,
CloudFormation returns null
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
typeSummary_originalTypeName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For public extensions that have been activated for this account and region, the type name of the public extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when enabling the extension in this
account and region, CloudFormation treats that alias as the extension's
type name within the account and region, not the type name of the public
extension. For more information, see
Specifying aliases to refer to extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
typeSummary_publicVersionNumber :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For public extensions that have been activated for this account and region, the version of the public extension to be used for CloudFormation operations in this account and Region.
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
typeSummary_publisherId :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the extension publisher, if the extension is published by a third party. Extensions published by Amazon don't return a publisher ID.
typeSummary_publisherIdentity :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe IdentityProvider) Source #
The service used to verify the publisher identity.
For more information, see Registering your account to publish CloudFormation extensions in the CFN-CLI User Guide for Extension Development.
typeSummary_publisherName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The publisher name, as defined in the public profile for that publisher in the service used to verify the publisher identity.
typeSummary_type :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe RegistryType) Source #
The kind of extension.
typeSummary_typeArn :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the extension.
typeSummary_typeName :: Lens' TypeSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the extension.
If you specified a TypeNameAlias
when you
activate this extension
in your account and region, CloudFormation considers that alias as the
type name.
data TypeVersionSummary Source #
Contains summary information about a specific version of a CloudFormation extension.
See: newTypeVersionSummary
smart constructor.
TypeVersionSummary' | |
newTypeVersionSummary :: TypeVersionSummary Source #
Create a value of TypeVersionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, typeVersionSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the extension version.
, typeVersionSummary_description
- The description of the extension version.
, typeVersionSummary_isDefaultVersion
- Whether the specified extension version is set as the default version.
This applies only to private extensions you have registered in your
account, and extensions published by Amazon. For public third-party
extensions, CloudFormation returns null
, typeVersionSummary_publicVersionNumber
- For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the version of the public extension to be used for
CloudFormation operations in this account and region. For any extensions
other than activated third-arty extensions, CloudFormation returns
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
, typeVersionSummary_timeCreated
- When the version was registered.
, typeVersionSummary_type
- The kind of extension.
, typeVersionSummary_typeName
- The name of the extension.
, typeVersionSummary_versionId
- The ID of a specific version of the extension. The version ID is the
value at the end of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the
extension version when it's registered.
typeVersionSummary_arn :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the extension version.
typeVersionSummary_description :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the extension version.
typeVersionSummary_isDefaultVersion :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Bool) Source #
Whether the specified extension version is set as the default version.
This applies only to private extensions you have registered in your
account, and extensions published by Amazon. For public third-party
extensions, CloudFormation returns null
typeVersionSummary_publicVersionNumber :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
For public extensions that have been activated for this account and
region, the version of the public extension to be used for
CloudFormation operations in this account and region. For any extensions
other than activated third-arty extensions, CloudFormation returns
How you specified AutoUpdate
when enabling the extension affects
whether CloudFormation automatically updates the extension in this
account and region when a new version is released. For more information,
Setting CloudFormation to automatically use new versions of extensions
in the CloudFormation User Guide.
typeVersionSummary_timeCreated :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
When the version was registered.
typeVersionSummary_type :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe RegistryType) Source #
The kind of extension.
typeVersionSummary_typeName :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the extension.
typeVersionSummary_versionId :: Lens' TypeVersionSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of a specific version of the extension. The version ID is the value at the end of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the extension version when it's registered.