{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.Sign.V2Header
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This module provides an AWS compliant V2 Header request signer. It is based
-- heavily on boto (https://github.com/boto/boto), specifically boto's
-- @HmacAuthV1Handler@ AWS capable signer. AWS documentation is available
-- <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RESTAuthentication.html here>.
-- /Notice/: Limitations include an inability to sign with a security token and
-- inability to overwrite the @Date@ header with an expiry.
module Network.AWS.Sign.V2Header
    ( v2Header
    ) where

import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Time
import           Network.AWS.Data.Body
import           Network.AWS.Data.ByteString
import           Network.AWS.Data.Crypto
import           Network.AWS.Data.Headers
import           Network.AWS.Data.Log
import           Network.AWS.Data.Path
import           Network.AWS.Data.Time
import qualified Network.AWS.Sign.V2Header.Base as V2
import           Network.AWS.Types
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit           as Client
import           Network.HTTP.Types

data V2Header = V2Header
    { metaTime      :: !UTCTime
    , metaEndpoint  :: !Endpoint
    , metaSignature :: !ByteString
    , headers       :: !Network.HTTP.Types.RequestHeaders
    , signer        :: !ByteString

instance ToLog V2Header where
    build V2Header{..} = buildLines
        [ "[Version 2 Header Metadata] {"
        , "  time      = " <> build metaTime
        , "  endpoint  = " <> build (_endpointHost metaEndpoint)
        , "  signature = " <> build metaSignature
        , "  headers = "   <> build headers
        , "  signer = "    <> build signer
        , "}"

v2Header :: Signer
v2Header = Signer sign (const sign)

sign :: Algorithm a
sign Request{..} AuthEnv{..} r t = Signed meta rq
    meta = Meta (V2Header t end signature headers signer)

    signer = V2.newSigner headers meth path' _rqQuery

    rq = (clientRequest end _svcTimeout)
        { Client.method         = meth
        , Client.path           = path'
        , Client.queryString    = toBS _rqQuery
        , Client.requestHeaders = headers
        , Client.requestBody    = toRequestBody _rqBody

    meth  = toBS _rqMethod
    path' = toBS (escapePath _rqPath)

    end@Endpoint{..} = _svcEndpoint r

    Service{..} = _rqService

    signature = digestToBase Base64
        . hmacSHA1 (toBS _authSecret) $ signer

    headers =
          hdr hDate time
        . hdr hAuthorization ("AWS " <> toBS _authAccess <> ":" <> signature)
        $ _rqHeaders

    time = toBS (Time t :: RFC822)