Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
List offerings available for purchase.
This operation returns paginated results.
- data ListOfferings = ListOfferings' {
- channelClass :: Maybe Text
- channelConfiguration :: Maybe Text
- codec :: Maybe Text
- duration :: Maybe Text
- maxResults :: Maybe Natural
- maximumBitrate :: Maybe Text
- maximumFramerate :: Maybe Text
- nextToken :: Maybe Text
- resolution :: Maybe Text
- resourceType :: Maybe Text
- specialFeature :: Maybe Text
- videoQuality :: Maybe Text
- newListOfferings :: ListOfferings
- listOfferings_channelClass :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_channelConfiguration :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_codec :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_duration :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_maxResults :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Natural)
- listOfferings_maximumBitrate :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_maximumFramerate :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_resolution :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_resourceType :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_specialFeature :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- listOfferings_videoQuality :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text)
- data ListOfferingsResponse = ListOfferingsResponse' {}
- newListOfferingsResponse :: Int -> ListOfferingsResponse
- listOfferingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listOfferingsResponse_offerings :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe [Offering])
- listOfferingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse Int
Creating a Request
data ListOfferings Source #
Placeholder documentation for ListOfferingsRequest
See: newListOfferings
smart constructor.
ListOfferings' | |
newListOfferings :: ListOfferings Source #
Create a value of ListOfferings
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listOfferings_channelClass
- Filter by channel class, 'STANDARD' or 'SINGLE_PIPELINE'
, listOfferings_channelConfiguration
- Filter to offerings that match the configuration of an existing channel,
e.g. '2345678' (a channel ID)
, listOfferings_codec
- Filter by codec, 'AVC', 'HEVC', 'MPEG2', 'AUDIO', or 'LINK'
, listOfferings_duration
- Filter by offering duration, e.g. '12'
, listOfferings_maxResults
- Undocumented member.
, listOfferings_maximumBitrate
- Filter by bitrate, 'MAX_10_MBPS', 'MAX_20_MBPS', or 'MAX_50_MBPS'
, listOfferings_maximumFramerate
- Filter by framerate, 'MAX_30_FPS' or 'MAX_60_FPS'
, listOfferings_nextToken
- Undocumented member.
, listOfferings_resolution
- Filter by resolution, 'SD', 'HD', 'FHD', or 'UHD'
, listOfferings_resourceType
- Filter by resource type, 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'MULTIPLEX', or
, listOfferings_specialFeature
- Filter by special feature, 'ADVANCED_AUDIO' or 'AUDIO_NORMALIZATION'
, listOfferings_videoQuality
- Filter by video quality, 'STANDARD', 'ENHANCED', or 'PREMIUM'
Request Lenses
listOfferings_channelClass :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by channel class, 'STANDARD' or 'SINGLE_PIPELINE'
listOfferings_channelConfiguration :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter to offerings that match the configuration of an existing channel, e.g. '2345678' (a channel ID)
listOfferings_codec :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by codec, 'AVC', 'HEVC', 'MPEG2', 'AUDIO', or 'LINK'
listOfferings_duration :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by offering duration, e.g. '12'
listOfferings_maxResults :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Natural) Source #
Undocumented member.
listOfferings_maximumBitrate :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by bitrate, 'MAX_10_MBPS', 'MAX_20_MBPS', or 'MAX_50_MBPS'
listOfferings_maximumFramerate :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by framerate, 'MAX_30_FPS' or 'MAX_60_FPS'
listOfferings_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Undocumented member.
listOfferings_resolution :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by resolution, 'SD', 'HD', 'FHD', or 'UHD'
listOfferings_resourceType :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by resource type, 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'MULTIPLEX', or 'CHANNEL'
listOfferings_specialFeature :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by special feature, 'ADVANCED_AUDIO' or 'AUDIO_NORMALIZATION'
listOfferings_videoQuality :: Lens' ListOfferings (Maybe Text) Source #
Filter by video quality, 'STANDARD', 'ENHANCED', or 'PREMIUM'
Destructuring the Response
data ListOfferingsResponse Source #
Placeholder documentation for ListOfferingsResponse
See: newListOfferingsResponse
smart constructor.
ListOfferingsResponse' | |
newListOfferingsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListOfferingsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listOfferingsResponse_nextToken
- Token to retrieve the next page of results
, listOfferingsResponse_offerings
- List of offerings
, listOfferingsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
Response Lenses
listOfferingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
Token to retrieve the next page of results
listOfferingsResponse_offerings :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse (Maybe [Offering]) Source #
List of offerings
listOfferingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListOfferingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.