Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Mpeg2Settings = Mpeg2Settings' {
- adaptiveQuantization :: Maybe Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization
- afdSignaling :: Maybe AfdSignaling
- colorMetadata :: Maybe Mpeg2ColorMetadata
- colorSpace :: Maybe Mpeg2ColorSpace
- displayAspectRatio :: Maybe Mpeg2DisplayRatio
- filterSettings :: Maybe Mpeg2FilterSettings
- fixedAfd :: Maybe FixedAfd
- gopClosedCadence :: Maybe Natural
- gopNumBFrames :: Maybe Natural
- gopSize :: Maybe Double
- gopSizeUnits :: Maybe Mpeg2GopSizeUnits
- scanType :: Maybe Mpeg2ScanType
- subgopLength :: Maybe Mpeg2SubGopLength
- timecodeBurninSettings :: Maybe TimecodeBurninSettings
- timecodeInsertion :: Maybe Mpeg2TimecodeInsertionBehavior
- framerateNumerator :: Natural
- framerateDenominator :: Natural
- newMpeg2Settings :: Natural -> Natural -> Mpeg2Settings
- mpeg2Settings_adaptiveQuantization :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization)
- mpeg2Settings_afdSignaling :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe AfdSignaling)
- mpeg2Settings_colorMetadata :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ColorMetadata)
- mpeg2Settings_colorSpace :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ColorSpace)
- mpeg2Settings_displayAspectRatio :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2DisplayRatio)
- mpeg2Settings_filterSettings :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2FilterSettings)
- mpeg2Settings_fixedAfd :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe FixedAfd)
- mpeg2Settings_gopClosedCadence :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Natural)
- mpeg2Settings_gopNumBFrames :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Natural)
- mpeg2Settings_gopSize :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Double)
- mpeg2Settings_gopSizeUnits :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2GopSizeUnits)
- mpeg2Settings_scanType :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ScanType)
- mpeg2Settings_subgopLength :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2SubGopLength)
- mpeg2Settings_timecodeBurninSettings :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe TimecodeBurninSettings)
- mpeg2Settings_timecodeInsertion :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2TimecodeInsertionBehavior)
- mpeg2Settings_framerateNumerator :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings Natural
- mpeg2Settings_framerateDenominator :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings Natural
data Mpeg2Settings Source #
Mpeg2 Settings
See: newMpeg2Settings
smart constructor.
Mpeg2Settings' | |
:: Natural | |
-> Natural | |
-> Mpeg2Settings |
Create a value of Mpeg2Settings
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, mpeg2Settings_adaptiveQuantization
- Choose Off to disable adaptive quantization. Or choose another value to
enable the quantizer and set its strength. The strengths are: Auto, Off,
Low, Medium, High. When you enable this field, MediaLive allows
intra-frame quantizers to vary, which might improve visual quality.
, mpeg2Settings_afdSignaling
- Indicates the AFD values that MediaLive will write into the video
encode. If you do not know what AFD signaling is, or if your downstream
system has not given you guidance, choose AUTO. AUTO: MediaLive will try
to preserve the input AFD value (in cases where multiple AFD values are
valid). FIXED: MediaLive will use the value you specify in fixedAFD.
, mpeg2Settings_colorMetadata
- Specifies whether to include the color space metadata. The metadata
describes the color space that applies to the video (the colorSpace
field). We recommend that you insert the metadata.
, mpeg2Settings_colorSpace
- Choose the type of color space conversion to apply to the output. For
detailed information on setting up both the input and the output to
obtain the desired color space in the output, see the section on
\"MediaLive Features - Video - color space\" in the MediaLive User
Guide. PASSTHROUGH: Keep the color space of the input content - do not
convert it. AUTO:Convert all content that is SD to rec 601, and convert
all content that is HD to rec 709.
, mpeg2Settings_displayAspectRatio
- Sets the pixel aspect ratio for the encode.
, mpeg2Settings_filterSettings
- Optionally specify a noise reduction filter, which can improve quality
of compressed content. If you do not choose a filter, no filter will be
applied. TEMPORAL: This filter is useful for both source content that is
noisy (when it has excessive digital artifacts) and source content that
is clean. When the content is noisy, the filter cleans up the source
content before the encoding phase, with these two effects: First, it
improves the output video quality because the content has been cleaned
up. Secondly, it decreases the bandwidth because MediaLive does not
waste bits on encoding noise. When the content is reasonably clean, the
filter tends to decrease the bitrate.
, mpeg2Settings_fixedAfd
- Complete this field only when afdSignaling is set to FIXED. Enter the
AFD value (4 bits) to write on all frames of the video encode.
, mpeg2Settings_gopClosedCadence
- MPEG2: default is open GOP.
, mpeg2Settings_gopNumBFrames
- Relates to the GOP structure. The number of B-frames between reference
frames. If you do not know what a B-frame is, use the default.
, mpeg2Settings_gopSize
- Relates to the GOP structure. The GOP size (keyframe interval) in the
units specified in gopSizeUnits. If you do not know what GOP is, use the
default. If gopSizeUnits is frames, then the gopSize must be an integer
and must be greater than or equal to 1. If gopSizeUnits is seconds, the
gopSize must be greater than 0, but does not need to be an integer.
, mpeg2Settings_gopSizeUnits
- Relates to the GOP structure. Specifies whether the gopSize is specified
in frames or seconds. If you do not plan to change the default gopSize,
leave the default. If you specify SECONDS, MediaLive will internally
convert the gop size to a frame count.
, mpeg2Settings_scanType
- Set the scan type of the output to PROGRESSIVE or INTERLACED (top field
, mpeg2Settings_subgopLength
- Relates to the GOP structure. If you do not know what GOP is, use the
default. FIXED: Set the number of B-frames in each sub-GOP to the value
in gopNumBFrames. DYNAMIC: Let MediaLive optimize the number of B-frames
in each sub-GOP, to improve visual quality.
, mpeg2Settings_timecodeBurninSettings
- Timecode burn-in settings
, mpeg2Settings_timecodeInsertion
- Determines how MediaLive inserts timecodes in the output video. For
detailed information about setting up the input and the output for a
timecode, see the section on \"MediaLive Features - Timecode
configuration\" in the MediaLive User Guide. DISABLED: do not include
timecodes. GOP_TIMECODE: Include timecode metadata in the GOP header.
, mpeg2Settings_framerateNumerator
- The framerate numerator. For example, 24000. The framerate is the
numerator divided by the denominator. For example, 24000 / 1001 =
23.976 FPS.
, mpeg2Settings_framerateDenominator
- description": "The framerate denominator. For example, 1001. The
framerate is the numerator divided by the denominator. For example,
24000 / 1001 = 23.976 FPS.
mpeg2Settings_adaptiveQuantization :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2AdaptiveQuantization) Source #
Choose Off to disable adaptive quantization. Or choose another value to enable the quantizer and set its strength. The strengths are: Auto, Off, Low, Medium, High. When you enable this field, MediaLive allows intra-frame quantizers to vary, which might improve visual quality.
mpeg2Settings_afdSignaling :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe AfdSignaling) Source #
Indicates the AFD values that MediaLive will write into the video encode. If you do not know what AFD signaling is, or if your downstream system has not given you guidance, choose AUTO. AUTO: MediaLive will try to preserve the input AFD value (in cases where multiple AFD values are valid). FIXED: MediaLive will use the value you specify in fixedAFD.
mpeg2Settings_colorMetadata :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ColorMetadata) Source #
Specifies whether to include the color space metadata. The metadata describes the color space that applies to the video (the colorSpace field). We recommend that you insert the metadata.
mpeg2Settings_colorSpace :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ColorSpace) Source #
Choose the type of color space conversion to apply to the output. For detailed information on setting up both the input and the output to obtain the desired color space in the output, see the section on \"MediaLive Features - Video - color space\" in the MediaLive User Guide. PASSTHROUGH: Keep the color space of the input content - do not convert it. AUTO:Convert all content that is SD to rec 601, and convert all content that is HD to rec 709.
mpeg2Settings_displayAspectRatio :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2DisplayRatio) Source #
Sets the pixel aspect ratio for the encode.
mpeg2Settings_filterSettings :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2FilterSettings) Source #
Optionally specify a noise reduction filter, which can improve quality of compressed content. If you do not choose a filter, no filter will be applied. TEMPORAL: This filter is useful for both source content that is noisy (when it has excessive digital artifacts) and source content that is clean. When the content is noisy, the filter cleans up the source content before the encoding phase, with these two effects: First, it improves the output video quality because the content has been cleaned up. Secondly, it decreases the bandwidth because MediaLive does not waste bits on encoding noise. When the content is reasonably clean, the filter tends to decrease the bitrate.
mpeg2Settings_fixedAfd :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe FixedAfd) Source #
Complete this field only when afdSignaling is set to FIXED. Enter the AFD value (4 bits) to write on all frames of the video encode.
mpeg2Settings_gopClosedCadence :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Natural) Source #
MPEG2: default is open GOP.
mpeg2Settings_gopNumBFrames :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Natural) Source #
Relates to the GOP structure. The number of B-frames between reference frames. If you do not know what a B-frame is, use the default.
mpeg2Settings_gopSize :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Double) Source #
Relates to the GOP structure. The GOP size (keyframe interval) in the units specified in gopSizeUnits. If you do not know what GOP is, use the default. If gopSizeUnits is frames, then the gopSize must be an integer and must be greater than or equal to 1. If gopSizeUnits is seconds, the gopSize must be greater than 0, but does not need to be an integer.
mpeg2Settings_gopSizeUnits :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2GopSizeUnits) Source #
Relates to the GOP structure. Specifies whether the gopSize is specified in frames or seconds. If you do not plan to change the default gopSize, leave the default. If you specify SECONDS, MediaLive will internally convert the gop size to a frame count.
mpeg2Settings_scanType :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2ScanType) Source #
Set the scan type of the output to PROGRESSIVE or INTERLACED (top field first).
mpeg2Settings_subgopLength :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2SubGopLength) Source #
Relates to the GOP structure. If you do not know what GOP is, use the default. FIXED: Set the number of B-frames in each sub-GOP to the value in gopNumBFrames. DYNAMIC: Let MediaLive optimize the number of B-frames in each sub-GOP, to improve visual quality.
mpeg2Settings_timecodeBurninSettings :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe TimecodeBurninSettings) Source #
Timecode burn-in settings
mpeg2Settings_timecodeInsertion :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings (Maybe Mpeg2TimecodeInsertionBehavior) Source #
Determines how MediaLive inserts timecodes in the output video. For detailed information about setting up the input and the output for a timecode, see the section on \"MediaLive Features - Timecode configuration\" in the MediaLive User Guide. DISABLED: do not include timecodes. GOP_TIMECODE: Include timecode metadata in the GOP header.
mpeg2Settings_framerateNumerator :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings Natural Source #
The framerate numerator. For example, 24000. The framerate is the numerator divided by the denominator. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 FPS.
mpeg2Settings_framerateDenominator :: Lens' Mpeg2Settings Natural Source #
description": "The framerate denominator. For example, 1001. The framerate is the numerator divided by the denominator. For example, 24000 / 1001 = 23.976 FPS.