{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.MsSmoothGroupSettings
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.MsSmoothGroupSettings where

import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core
import qualified Amazonka.Core.Lens.Internal as Lens
import qualified Amazonka.Data as Data
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.OutputLocationRef
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupCertificateMode
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupEventIdMode
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
import Amazonka.MediaLive.Types.SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude

-- | Ms Smooth Group Settings
-- /See:/ 'newMsSmoothGroupSettings' smart constructor.
data MsSmoothGroupSettings = MsSmoothGroupSettings'
  { -- | The ID to include in each message in the sparse track. Ignored if
    -- sparseTrackType is NONE.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | If set to passthrough for an audio-only MS Smooth output, the fragment
    -- absolute time will be set to the current timecode. This option does not
    -- write timecodes to the audio elementary stream.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl,
    -- | If set to verifyAuthenticity, verify the https certificate chain to a
    -- trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This will cause https outputs to
    -- self-signed certificates to fail.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode,
    -- | Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the IIS server
    -- if the connection is lost. Content will be cached during this time and
    -- the cache will be be delivered to the IIS server once the connection is
    -- re-established.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | MS Smooth event ID to be sent to the IIS server. Should only be
    -- specified if eventIdMode is set to useConfigured.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
eventId :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | Specifies whether or not to send an event ID to the IIS server. If no
    -- event ID is sent and the same Live Event is used without changing the
    -- publishing point, clients might see cached video from the previous run.
    -- Options: - \"useConfigured\" - use the value provided in eventId -
    -- \"useTimestamp\" - generate and send an event ID based on the current
    -- timestamp - \"noEventId\" - do not send an event ID to the IIS server.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode,
    -- | When set to sendEos, send EOS signal to IIS server when stopping the
    -- event
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior,
    -- | Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Length of mp4 fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must
    -- be compatible with GOP size and framerate.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
fragmentLength :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Parameter that control output group behavior on input loss.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction :: Prelude.Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut,
    -- | Number of retry attempts.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
numRetries :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Number of seconds before initiating a restart due to output failure, due
    -- to exhausting the numRetries on one segment, or exceeding
    -- filecacheDuration.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
restartDelay :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | useInputSegmentation has been deprecated. The configured segment size is
    -- always used.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode,
    -- | Number of milliseconds to delay the output from the second pipeline.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural,
    -- | Identifies the type of data to place in the sparse track: - SCTE35:
    -- Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source content. With each message,
    -- insert an IDR frame to start a new segment. -
    -- SCTE35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION: Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source
    -- content. With each message, insert an IDR frame but don\'t start a new
    -- segment. - NONE: Don\'t generate a sparse track for any outputs in this
    -- output group.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType,
    -- | When set to send, send stream manifest so publishing point doesn\'t
    -- start until all streams start.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior,
    -- | Timestamp offset for the event. Only used if timestampOffsetMode is set
    -- to useConfiguredOffset.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
timestampOffset :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text,
    -- | Type of timestamp date offset to use. - useEventStartDate: Use the date
    -- the event was started as the offset - useConfiguredOffset: Use an
    -- explicitly configured date as the offset
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode :: Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode,
    -- | Smooth Streaming publish point on an IIS server. Elemental Live acts as
    -- a \"Push\" encoder to IIS.
    MsSmoothGroupSettings -> OutputLocationRef
destination :: OutputLocationRef
  deriving (MsSmoothGroupSettings -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Bool
$c/= :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Bool
== :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Bool
$c== :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Bool
Prelude.Eq, ReadPrec [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
ReadPrec MsSmoothGroupSettings
Int -> ReadS MsSmoothGroupSettings
ReadS [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
readPrec :: ReadPrec MsSmoothGroupSettings
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec MsSmoothGroupSettings
readList :: ReadS [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
$creadList :: ReadS [MsSmoothGroupSettings]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MsSmoothGroupSettings
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MsSmoothGroupSettings
Prelude.Read, Int -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> ShowS
[MsSmoothGroupSettings] -> ShowS
MsSmoothGroupSettings -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MsSmoothGroupSettings] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MsSmoothGroupSettings] -> ShowS
show :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> String
$cshow :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> ShowS
Prelude.Show, forall x. Rep MsSmoothGroupSettings x -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
forall x. MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Rep MsSmoothGroupSettings x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MsSmoothGroupSettings x -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
$cfrom :: forall x. MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Rep MsSmoothGroupSettings x

-- |
-- Create a value of 'MsSmoothGroupSettings' with all optional fields omitted.
-- Use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens generic-lens> or <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optics optics> to modify other optional fields.
-- The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided
-- for backwards compatibility:
-- 'acquisitionPointId', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_acquisitionPointId' - The ID to include in each message in the sparse track. Ignored if
-- sparseTrackType is NONE.
-- 'audioOnlyTimecodeControl', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_audioOnlyTimecodeControl' - If set to passthrough for an audio-only MS Smooth output, the fragment
-- absolute time will be set to the current timecode. This option does not
-- write timecodes to the audio elementary stream.
-- 'certificateMode', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_certificateMode' - If set to verifyAuthenticity, verify the https certificate chain to a
-- trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This will cause https outputs to
-- self-signed certificates to fail.
-- 'connectionRetryInterval', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_connectionRetryInterval' - Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the IIS server
-- if the connection is lost. Content will be cached during this time and
-- the cache will be be delivered to the IIS server once the connection is
-- re-established.
-- 'eventId', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_eventId' - MS Smooth event ID to be sent to the IIS server. Should only be
-- specified if eventIdMode is set to useConfigured.
-- 'eventIdMode', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_eventIdMode' - Specifies whether or not to send an event ID to the IIS server. If no
-- event ID is sent and the same Live Event is used without changing the
-- publishing point, clients might see cached video from the previous run.
-- Options: - \"useConfigured\" - use the value provided in eventId -
-- \"useTimestamp\" - generate and send an event ID based on the current
-- timestamp - \"noEventId\" - do not send an event ID to the IIS server.
-- 'eventStopBehavior', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_eventStopBehavior' - When set to sendEos, send EOS signal to IIS server when stopping the
-- event
-- 'filecacheDuration', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_filecacheDuration' - Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs.
-- 'fragmentLength', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_fragmentLength' - Length of mp4 fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must
-- be compatible with GOP size and framerate.
-- 'inputLossAction', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_inputLossAction' - Parameter that control output group behavior on input loss.
-- 'numRetries', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_numRetries' - Number of retry attempts.
-- 'restartDelay', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_restartDelay' - Number of seconds before initiating a restart due to output failure, due
-- to exhausting the numRetries on one segment, or exceeding
-- filecacheDuration.
-- 'segmentationMode', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_segmentationMode' - useInputSegmentation has been deprecated. The configured segment size is
-- always used.
-- 'sendDelayMs', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_sendDelayMs' - Number of milliseconds to delay the output from the second pipeline.
-- 'sparseTrackType', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_sparseTrackType' - Identifies the type of data to place in the sparse track: - SCTE35:
-- Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source content. With each message,
-- insert an IDR frame to start a new segment. -
-- SCTE35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION: Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source
-- content. With each message, insert an IDR frame but don\'t start a new
-- segment. - NONE: Don\'t generate a sparse track for any outputs in this
-- output group.
-- 'streamManifestBehavior', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_streamManifestBehavior' - When set to send, send stream manifest so publishing point doesn\'t
-- start until all streams start.
-- 'timestampOffset', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffset' - Timestamp offset for the event. Only used if timestampOffsetMode is set
-- to useConfiguredOffset.
-- 'timestampOffsetMode', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffsetMode' - Type of timestamp date offset to use. - useEventStartDate: Use the date
-- the event was started as the offset - useConfiguredOffset: Use an
-- explicitly configured date as the offset
-- 'destination', 'msSmoothGroupSettings_destination' - Smooth Streaming publish point on an IIS server. Elemental Live acts as
-- a \"Push\" encoder to IIS.
newMsSmoothGroupSettings ::
  -- | 'destination'
  OutputLocationRef ->
newMsSmoothGroupSettings :: OutputLocationRef -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
newMsSmoothGroupSettings OutputLocationRef
pDestination_ =
    { $sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId =
        forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
eventId = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
fragmentLength = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
numRetries = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
restartDelay = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
timestampOffset = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode = forall a. Maybe a
      $sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: OutputLocationRef
destination = OutputLocationRef

-- | The ID to include in each message in the sparse track. Ignored if
-- sparseTrackType is NONE.
msSmoothGroupSettings_acquisitionPointId :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_acquisitionPointId :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_acquisitionPointId = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId :: Maybe Text
$sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId} -> Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Text
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
acquisitionPointId = Maybe Text
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | If set to passthrough for an audio-only MS Smooth output, the fragment
-- absolute time will be set to the current timecode. This option does not
-- write timecodes to the audio elementary stream.
msSmoothGroupSettings_audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl)
msSmoothGroupSettings_audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Lens'
  MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl)
msSmoothGroupSettings_audioOnlyTimecodeControl = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
$sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl} -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
audioOnlyTimecodeControl = Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | If set to verifyAuthenticity, verify the https certificate chain to a
-- trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This will cause https outputs to
-- self-signed certificates to fail.
msSmoothGroupSettings_certificateMode :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_certificateMode :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_certificateMode = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
$sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode} -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
certificateMode = Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the IIS server
-- if the connection is lost. Content will be cached during this time and
-- the cache will be be delivered to the IIS server once the connection is
-- re-established.
msSmoothGroupSettings_connectionRetryInterval :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_connectionRetryInterval :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_connectionRetryInterval = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval :: Maybe Natural
$sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval} -> Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
connectionRetryInterval = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | MS Smooth event ID to be sent to the IIS server. Should only be
-- specified if eventIdMode is set to useConfigured.
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventId :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventId :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventId = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Text
eventId :: Maybe Text
$sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
eventId} -> Maybe Text
eventId) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Text
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
eventId = Maybe Text
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Specifies whether or not to send an event ID to the IIS server. If no
-- event ID is sent and the same Live Event is used without changing the
-- publishing point, clients might see cached video from the previous run.
-- Options: - \"useConfigured\" - use the value provided in eventId -
-- \"useTimestamp\" - generate and send an event ID based on the current
-- timestamp - \"noEventId\" - do not send an event ID to the IIS server.
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventIdMode :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventIdMode :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventIdMode = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
$sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode} -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventIdMode = Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | When set to sendEos, send EOS signal to IIS server when stopping the
-- event
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventStopBehavior :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventStopBehavior :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior)
msSmoothGroupSettings_eventStopBehavior = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
$sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior} -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventStopBehavior = Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Size in seconds of file cache for streaming outputs.
msSmoothGroupSettings_filecacheDuration :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_filecacheDuration :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_filecacheDuration = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration :: Maybe Natural
$sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration} -> Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Length of mp4 fragments to generate (in seconds). Fragment length must
-- be compatible with GOP size and framerate.
msSmoothGroupSettings_fragmentLength :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_fragmentLength :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_fragmentLength = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
fragmentLength :: Maybe Natural
$sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
fragmentLength} -> Maybe Natural
fragmentLength) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
fragmentLength = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Parameter that control output group behavior on input loss.
msSmoothGroupSettings_inputLossAction :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut)
msSmoothGroupSettings_inputLossAction :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut)
msSmoothGroupSettings_inputLossAction = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
$sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction} -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
inputLossAction = Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Number of retry attempts.
msSmoothGroupSettings_numRetries :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_numRetries :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_numRetries = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
numRetries :: Maybe Natural
$sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
numRetries} -> Maybe Natural
numRetries) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
numRetries = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Number of seconds before initiating a restart due to output failure, due
-- to exhausting the numRetries on one segment, or exceeding
-- filecacheDuration.
msSmoothGroupSettings_restartDelay :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_restartDelay :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_restartDelay = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
restartDelay :: Maybe Natural
$sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
restartDelay} -> Maybe Natural
restartDelay) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
restartDelay = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | useInputSegmentation has been deprecated. The configured segment size is
-- always used.
msSmoothGroupSettings_segmentationMode :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_segmentationMode :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_segmentationMode = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
$sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode} -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
segmentationMode = Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Number of milliseconds to delay the output from the second pipeline.
msSmoothGroupSettings_sendDelayMs :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_sendDelayMs :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Natural)
msSmoothGroupSettings_sendDelayMs = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs :: Maybe Natural
$sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs} -> Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Natural
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Natural
sendDelayMs = Maybe Natural
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Identifies the type of data to place in the sparse track: - SCTE35:
-- Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source content. With each message,
-- insert an IDR frame to start a new segment. -
-- SCTE35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION: Insert SCTE-35 messages from the source
-- content. With each message, insert an IDR frame but don\'t start a new
-- segment. - NONE: Don\'t generate a sparse track for any outputs in this
-- output group.
msSmoothGroupSettings_sparseTrackType :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType)
msSmoothGroupSettings_sparseTrackType :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType)
msSmoothGroupSettings_sparseTrackType = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
$sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType} -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sparseTrackType = Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | When set to send, send stream manifest so publishing point doesn\'t
-- start until all streams start.
msSmoothGroupSettings_streamManifestBehavior :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior)
msSmoothGroupSettings_streamManifestBehavior :: Lens'
  MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior)
msSmoothGroupSettings_streamManifestBehavior = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
$sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior} -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
streamManifestBehavior = Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Timestamp offset for the event. Only used if timestampOffsetMode is set
-- to useConfiguredOffset.
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffset :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe Prelude.Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffset :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe Text)
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffset = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Text
timestampOffset :: Maybe Text
$sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
timestampOffset} -> Maybe Text
timestampOffset) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe Text
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe Text
timestampOffset = Maybe Text
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Type of timestamp date offset to use. - useEventStartDate: Use the date
-- the event was started as the offset - useConfiguredOffset: Use an
-- explicitly configured date as the offset
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffsetMode :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Prelude.Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffsetMode :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings (Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode)
msSmoothGroupSettings_timestampOffsetMode = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
$sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode} -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffsetMode = Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

-- | Smooth Streaming publish point on an IIS server. Elemental Live acts as
-- a \"Push\" encoder to IIS.
msSmoothGroupSettings_destination :: Lens.Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings OutputLocationRef
msSmoothGroupSettings_destination :: Lens' MsSmoothGroupSettings OutputLocationRef
msSmoothGroupSettings_destination = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
Lens.lens (\MsSmoothGroupSettings' {OutputLocationRef
destination :: OutputLocationRef
$sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> OutputLocationRef
destination} -> OutputLocationRef
destination) (\s :: MsSmoothGroupSettings
s@MsSmoothGroupSettings' {} OutputLocationRef
a -> MsSmoothGroupSettings
s {$sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: OutputLocationRef
destination = OutputLocationRef
a} :: MsSmoothGroupSettings)

instance Data.FromJSON MsSmoothGroupSettings where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MsSmoothGroupSettings
parseJSON =
    forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
      ( \Object
x ->
          Maybe Text
-> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
-> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
-> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
-> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
-> OutputLocationRef
-> MsSmoothGroupSettings
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
Data..:? Key
            forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<*> (Object
x forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
Data..: Key

instance Prelude.Hashable MsSmoothGroupSettings where
  hashWithSalt :: Int -> MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Int
hashWithSalt Int
_salt MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
Maybe Text
Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
destination :: OutputLocationRef
timestampOffsetMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffset :: Maybe Text
streamManifestBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
sparseTrackType :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sendDelayMs :: Maybe Natural
segmentationMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
restartDelay :: Maybe Natural
numRetries :: Maybe Natural
inputLossAction :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
fragmentLength :: Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration :: Maybe Natural
eventStopBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventIdMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventId :: Maybe Text
connectionRetryInterval :: Maybe Natural
certificateMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
acquisitionPointId :: Maybe Text
$sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> OutputLocationRef
$sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
$sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
$sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
$sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
$sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
$sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
$sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
$sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
$sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
$sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
..} =
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Text
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Text
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Natural
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe Text
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
      forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`Prelude.hashWithSalt` OutputLocationRef

instance Prelude.NFData MsSmoothGroupSettings where
  rnf :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> ()
rnf MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
Maybe Text
Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
destination :: OutputLocationRef
timestampOffsetMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffset :: Maybe Text
streamManifestBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
sparseTrackType :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sendDelayMs :: Maybe Natural
segmentationMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
restartDelay :: Maybe Natural
numRetries :: Maybe Natural
inputLossAction :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
fragmentLength :: Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration :: Maybe Natural
eventStopBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventIdMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventId :: Maybe Text
connectionRetryInterval :: Maybe Natural
certificateMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
acquisitionPointId :: Maybe Text
$sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> OutputLocationRef
$sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
$sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
$sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
$sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
$sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
$sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
$sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
$sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
$sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
$sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
..} =
    forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Text
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Text
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Natural
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe Text
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
      seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`Prelude.seq` forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
Prelude.rnf OutputLocationRef

instance Data.ToJSON MsSmoothGroupSettings where
  toJSON :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Value
toJSON MsSmoothGroupSettings' {Maybe Natural
Maybe Text
Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
destination :: OutputLocationRef
timestampOffsetMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
timestampOffset :: Maybe Text
streamManifestBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
sparseTrackType :: Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
sendDelayMs :: Maybe Natural
segmentationMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
restartDelay :: Maybe Natural
numRetries :: Maybe Natural
inputLossAction :: Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
fragmentLength :: Maybe Natural
filecacheDuration :: Maybe Natural
eventStopBehavior :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
eventIdMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
eventId :: Maybe Text
connectionRetryInterval :: Maybe Natural
certificateMode :: Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
audioOnlyTimecodeControl :: Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
acquisitionPointId :: Maybe Text
$sel:destination:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> OutputLocationRef
$sel:timestampOffsetMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
$sel:timestampOffset:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:streamManifestBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
$sel:sparseTrackType:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
$sel:sendDelayMs:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:segmentationMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
$sel:restartDelay:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:numRetries:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:inputLossAction:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
$sel:fragmentLength:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:filecacheDuration:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:eventStopBehavior:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
$sel:eventIdMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
$sel:eventId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
$sel:connectionRetryInterval:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Natural
$sel:certificateMode:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
$sel:audioOnlyTimecodeControl:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
$sel:acquisitionPointId:MsSmoothGroupSettings' :: MsSmoothGroupSettings -> Maybe Text
..} =
    [Pair] -> Value
      ( forall a. [Maybe a] -> [a]
          [ (Key
"acquisitionPointId" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Text
"audioOnlyTimecodeControl" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupAudioOnlyTimecodeControl
"certificateMode" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupCertificateMode
"connectionRetryInterval" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"eventId" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..=) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Text
"eventIdMode" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..=) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupEventIdMode
"eventStopBehavior" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupEventStopBehavior
"filecacheDuration" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"fragmentLength" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"inputLossAction" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe InputLossActionForMsSmoothOut
"numRetries" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..=) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"restartDelay" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..=) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"segmentationMode" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupSegmentationMode
"sendDelayMs" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..=) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Natural
"sparseTrackType" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupSparseTrackType
"streamManifestBehavior" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupStreamManifestBehavior
"timestampOffset" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe Text
"timestampOffsetMode" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
              forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Prelude.<$> Maybe SmoothGroupTimestampOffsetMode
            forall a. a -> Maybe a
Prelude.Just (Key
"destination" forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
Data..= OutputLocationRef