{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.IO where
import Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface
import Terminal.Game.Plane
import Terminal.Game.Utils
import qualified Control.Concurrent as CC
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as T
import qualified Data.List.Split as LS
import qualified System.Clock as SC
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as CA
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as TS
import qualified System.IO as SI
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Monad m, T.MonadIO m) => MonadInput m where
startEvents fps = T.liftIO $ startIOInput Nothing fps
pollEvents ve = T.liftIO $ CC.swapMVar ve []
stopEvents ts = T.liftIO $ stopEventsIO ts
startIOInput :: Maybe (CC.MVar [Event]) -> FPS -> IO InputHandle
startIOInput mr fps =
SI.hSetBuffering SI.stdin SI.NoBuffering >>
SI.hSetBuffering SI.stdout SI.NoBuffering >>
SI.hSetEcho SI.stdin False >>
CC.newMVar [] >>= \ve ->
CC.forkIO (addTick mr ve fps) >>= \te ->
CC.forkIO (addKeypress mr ve) >>= \tk ->
return (InputHandle ve [te, tk])
addTick :: Maybe (CC.MVar [Event]) -> CC.MVar [Event] -> FPS -> IO ()
addTick mr ve fps = addEvent mr ve Tick >>
CC.threadDelay delayAmount >>
addTick mr ve fps
delayAmount :: Int
delayAmount = fromIntegral $ quot oneTickSec fps
addKeypress :: Maybe (CC.MVar [Event]) -> CC.MVar [Event] -> IO ()
addKeypress mr ve =
inputCharTerminal >>= \c ->
addEvent mr ve (KeyPress c) >>
addKeypress mr ve
addEvent :: Maybe (CC.MVar [Event]) -> CC.MVar [Event] -> Event -> IO ()
addEvent mr ve e | (Just d) <- mr = vf d >> vf ve
| otherwise = vf ve
vf d = CC.modifyMVar_ d (return . (++[e]))
stopEventsIO :: [CC.ThreadId] -> IO ()
stopEventsIO ts = mapM_ CC.killThread ts
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Monad m, T.MonadIO m) => MonadTimer m where
getTime = T.liftIO $ SC.toNanoSecs <$> SC.getTime SC.Monotonic
sleepABit fps = T.liftIO $
CC.threadDelay (fromIntegral $ quot oneTickSec (fps*10))
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Monad m, T.MonadIO m, MC.MonadMask m) =>
MonadException m where
cleanUpErr m c = MC.finally m c
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Monad m, T.MonadIO m) =>
MonadLogic m where
checkQuit fb s = return (fb s)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Monad m, T.MonadIO m) => MonadDisplay m where
setupDisplay = T.liftIO initPart
clearDisplay = T.liftIO clearScreen
displaySize = T.liftIO displaySizeIO
blitPlane w h mp p = T.liftIO (blitPlaneIO w h mp p)
shutdownDisplay = T.liftIO cleanAndExit
displaySizeIO :: IO (Integer, Integer)
displaySizeIO =
TS.size >>= \ts ->
isWin32Console >>= \bw ->
let (TS.Window h w) = maybe (error "cannot get TERM size") id ts
h' | bw = h - 1
| otherwise = h
in return (w, h')
blitPlaneIO :: Width -> Height -> Maybe Plane -> Plane -> IO ()
blitPlaneIO tw th mpo pn =
(pw, ph) = planeSize pn
bp = blankPlane pw ph
po = pastePlane (maybe bp id mpo) bp (1, 1)
let pn' = pastePlane pn bp (1, 1)
CA.setSGR [CA.Reset] >>
blitMap po pn' tw th
initPart :: IO ()
initPart =
CM.unless CC.rtsSupportsBoundThreads
(error errMes) >>
CA.hideCursor >>
SI.mkTextEncoding "UTF-8//TRANSLIT" >>= \te ->
SI.hSetEncoding SI.stdout te >>
errMes = unlines
["\nError: you *must* compile this program with -threaded!",
"Just add",
" ghc-options: -threaded",
"in your .cabal file (executale section) and you will be fine!"]
clearScreen :: IO ()
clearScreen = CA.setCursorPosition 0 0 >>
CA.setSGR [CA.Reset] >>
displaySizeIO >>= \(w, h) ->
CM.replicateM_ (fromIntegral $ w*h) (putChar ' ')
cleanAndExit :: IO ()
cleanAndExit = CA.setSGR [CA.Reset] >>
CA.clearScreen >>
CA.setCursorPosition 0 0 >>
blitMap :: Plane -> Plane -> Width -> Height -> IO ()
blitMap po pn tw th =
CM.when (planeSize po /= planeSize pn)
(error "blitMap: different plane sizes") >>
CA.setCursorPosition (fi cr) (fi cc) >>
blitToTerminal (cr, cc) (orderedCells po) (orderedCells pn)
(pw, ph) = planeSize pn
cr = div (th - ph) 2
cc = div (tw - pw) 2
fi = fromIntegral
orderedCells :: Plane -> [[Cell]]
orderedCells p = LS.chunksOf (fromIntegral w) cells
cells = map snd $ assocsPlane p
(w, _) = planeSize p
blitToTerminal :: Coords -> [[Cell]] -> [[Cell]] -> IO ()
blitToTerminal (rr, rc) ocs ncs = CM.foldM_ blitLine rr oldNew
oldNew :: [[(Cell, Cell)]]
oldNew = zipWith zip ocs ncs
blitLine :: Row -> [(Cell, Cell)] -> IO Row
blitLine pr ccs =
CM.foldM blitCell 0 ccs >>
let wr = pr + 1 in
CA.setCursorPosition (fromIntegral wr)
(fromIntegral rc) >>
return wr
blitCell :: Int -> (Cell, Cell) -> IO Int
blitCell k (clo, cln)
| cln == clo = return (k+1)
| otherwise = moveIf k >>= \k' ->
putCellStyle cln >>
return k'
moveIf :: Int -> IO Int
moveIf k | k == 0 = return k
| otherwise = CA.cursorForward k >>
return 0
putCellStyle :: Cell -> IO ()
putCellStyle c = CA.setSGR ([CA.Reset] ++ sgrb ++ sgrr ++ sgrc) >>
putChar (cellChar c)
sgrb | isBold c = [CA.SetConsoleIntensity CA.BoldIntensity]
| otherwise = []
sgrr | isReversed c = [CA.SetSwapForegroundBackground True]
| otherwise = []
sgrc | Just (k, i) <- cellColor c = [CA.SetColor CA.Foreground i k]
| otherwise = []
oneTickSec :: Integer
oneTickSec = 10 ^ (6 :: Integer)