{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes
, DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances
, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, DeriveDataTypeable
, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Language.ANTLR4.G4 (g4) where
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Text.ANTLR.Common
import Text.ANTLR.Grammar
import Text.ANTLR.Parser
import qualified Text.ANTLR.LR as LR
import Text.ANTLR.Lex.Tokenizer as T
import qualified Text.ANTLR.Set as S
import Text.ANTLR.Set (Hashable(..), Generic(..))
import Text.ANTLR.Pretty
import Text.ANTLR.Lex.Regex (regex2dfa)
import Data.Data (Data(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift (Lift(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.ANTLR4.Boot.Quote (antlr4)
import Language.ANTLR4.Syntax
import qualified Language.ANTLR4.Boot.Syntax as G4S
import qualified Language.ANTLR4.Boot.Quote as G4Q
import Debug.Trace as D
char :: String -> Char
char = head
append :: String -> String -> String
append = (++)
list a = [a]
cons = (:)
lexemeDirective r d = G4S.LRHS r (Just d)
lexemeNoDir r = G4S.LRHS r Nothing
lexDecl = G4S.Lex Nothing
lexFragment = G4S.Lex (Just G4S.Fragment)
literalRegex :: String -> G4S.Regex Char
literalRegex = G4S.Literal
prodDirective as d = G4S.PRHS as Nothing Nothing (Just d)
prodNoDir as = G4S.PRHS as Nothing Nothing Nothing
list2 a b = [a,b]
range a b = [a .. b]
gterm = G4S.GTerm G4S.NoAnnot
gnonTerm = G4S.GNonTerm G4S.NoAnnot
maybeGTerm = G4S.GTerm (G4S.Regular '?')
maybeGNonTerm = G4S.GNonTerm (G4S.Regular '?')
starGTerm = G4S.GTerm (G4S.Regular '*')
starGNonTerm = G4S.GNonTerm (G4S.Regular '*')
plusGTerm = G4S.GTerm (G4S.Regular '+')
plusGNonTerm = G4S.GNonTerm (G4S.Regular '+')
regexAnyChar = G4S.Negation (G4S.CharSet [])
dQual [] = G4S.UpperD []
dQual xs = case last xs of
[] -> G4S.UpperD $ concatWith "." xs
| isUpper a -> G4S.UpperD $ concatWith "." xs
| otherwise -> G4S.LowerD $ concatWith "." xs
qDir l u = [l,u]
$( return [] )
grammar G4;
decls : decl1 ';' -> list
| decl1 ';' decls -> cons
decl1 : 'grammar' UpperID -> G4S.Grammar
| LowerID ':' prods -> G4S.Prod
| UpperID ':' lexemeRHS -> lexDecl
| 'fragment' UpperID ':' lexemeRHS -> lexFragment
prods : prodRHS -> list
| prodRHS '|' prods -> cons
lexemeRHS : regexes1 '->' directive -> lexemeDirective
| regexes1 -> lexemeNoDir
prodRHS : alphas '->' directive -> prodDirective
| alphas -> prodNoDir
directive : qDirective -> dQual
| UpperID -> G4S.UpperD
| LowerID -> G4S.LowerD
| '${' HaskellExp '}' -> G4S.HaskellD
qDirective : UpperID '.' qDot -> qDir
qDot : UpperID
| LowerID
HaskellExp : ( ~ '}' )+ -> String;
alphas : alpha -> list
| alpha alphas -> cons
| '(' alphas ')'
| '(' alphas ')' '?'
| '(' alphas ')' '*'
| '(' alphas ')' '+'
alpha : Literal '?' -> maybeGTerm
| LowerID '?' -> maybeGNonTerm
| UpperID '?' -> maybeGNonTerm
| Literal '*' -> starGTerm
| LowerID '*' -> starGNonTerm
| UpperID '*' -> starGNonTerm
| Literal '+' -> plusGTerm
| LowerID '+' -> plusGNonTerm
| UpperID '+' -> plusGNonTerm
| Literal -> gterm
| LowerID -> gnonTerm
| UpperID -> gnonTerm
// Regex Stuff:
regexes1 : regexes -> G4S.Concat
regexes : regex -> list
| regex regexes -> cons
regex : regex1 '?' -> G4S.Question
| regex1 '*' -> G4S.Kleene
| regex1 '+' -> G4S.PosClos
| '~' regex1 -> G4S.Negation
| regex1 -> id
regex1 : '[' charSet ']' -> G4S.CharSet
| Literal -> literalRegex
| UpperID -> G4S.Named
| '(' regexes1 ')'
| unionR -> G4S.Union
| '.' -> regexAnyChar
unionR : regex '|' regex -> list2
| regex '|' unionR -> cons
charSet : charSet1 -> id
| charSet1 charSet -> append
charSet1 : SetChar '-' SetChar -> range
| SetChar -> list
| EscapedChar -> list
UpperID : [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* -> String;
LowerID : [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* -> String;
Literal : '\'' (~ '\'')+ '\'' -> stripQuotesReadEscape;
LineComment : '//' (~ '\n')* '\n' -> String;
SetChar : ~ ']' -> char ;
WS : [ \t\n\r\f\v]+ -> String;
EscapedChar : '\\' [tnrfv] -> readEscape ;
isWhitespace T_LineComment = True
isWhitespace T_WS = True
isWhitespace _ = False
g4_codeGen :: String -> TH.Q [TH.Dec]
g4_codeGen input = do
loc <- TH.location
let fileName = TH.loc_filename loc
let (line,column) = TH.loc_start loc
case glrParse isWhitespace input of
r@(LR.ResultAccept ast) -> codeGen r
LR.ResultSet s ->
if S.size s == 1
then codeGen (S.findMin s)
else D.trace (pshow' s) $ codeGen (S.findMin s)
err -> error $ pshow' err
codeGen (LR.ResultAccept ast) = G4Q.g4_decls $ ast2decls ast
g4 :: QuasiQuoter
g4 = QuasiQuoter
(error "parse exp")
(error "parse pattern")
(error "parse type")