Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides an "applicative" (functional) way of composing
lenses through the data type L
. For example, this module enables us
to define a "lens" version of unlines
as follows.
unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String unlinesF [] = new "" unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs) where catLineF = lift2 catLineL catLineL :: Lens' (String, String) String catLineL = ...
To make a lens from such "lens functions", one can use unlifting
functions (unlift
, unlift2
, unliftT
) as follows.
unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
The obtained lens works as expected (here ^.
, &
and .~
are taken from Control.Lens).
["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
One can understand that L s a
is an updatable a
The type [L s String] -> L s String
of unlinesF
tells us that
we can update only the list elements.
Actually, insertion or deletion of lines to the view will fail, as below.
["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple"
*** Exception: ...>>>
["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n\n"
*** Exception: ...
If you want to reflect insertions and deletions, one have to write a
function of type L s [String] -> L s String
, which says that the
list structure itself would be updatable. To write a function of this
type, liftC
and liftC2
functions would be sometimes useful.
unlinesF' :: L s [String] -> L s String unlinesF' = liftC (foldWithDefault "" "n") (lift catLineL') catLineL' :: Lens' (Either () (String,String)) String catLineL' = ... foldWithDefault :: a -> (Lens' (Either () (a,b)) b) -> Lens' [a] b foldWithDefault d f = ...
- data L s a
- lens' :: (s -> (v, v -> s)) -> Lens' s v
- unit :: L s ()
- pair :: L s a -> L s b -> L s (a, b)
- list :: [L s a] -> L s [a]
- sequenceL :: (Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => t (L s a) -> L s (t a)
- new :: Eq a => a -> L s a
- lift :: Lens' a b -> forall s. L s a -> L s b
- lift2 :: Lens' (a, b) c -> L s a -> L s b -> L s c
- liftT :: (Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => Lens' (t a) b -> forall s. t (L s a) -> L s b
- liftLens :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> a) -> forall s. L s a -> L s b
- liftLens' :: (a -> (b, b -> a)) -> forall s. L s a -> L s b
- unlift :: Eq a => (forall s. L s a -> L s b) -> Lens' a b
- unlift2 :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s c) -> Lens' (a, b) c
- unliftT :: (Eq a, Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => (forall s. t (L s a) -> L s b) -> Lens' (t a) b
- data R s a
- observe :: Eq w => L s w -> R s w
- liftO :: Eq w => (a -> w) -> L s a -> R s w
- liftO2 :: Eq w => (a -> b -> w) -> L s a -> L s b -> R s w
- unliftM :: Eq a => (forall s. L s a -> R s (L s b)) -> Lens' a b
- unliftM2 :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> R s (L s c)) -> Lens' (a, b) c
- unliftMT :: (Eq a, Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => (forall s. t (L s a) -> R s (L s b)) -> Lens' (t a) b
- liftC :: Eq a => (Lens' a b -> Lens' c d) -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b) -> forall s. L s c -> L s d
- liftC2 :: (Eq a, Eq c) => (Lens' a b -> Lens' c d -> Lens' e f) -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b) -> (forall s. L s c -> L s d) -> forall s. L s e -> L s f
- module Control.LensFunction.Exception
Core Datatype
An abstract type for "updatable" data. Bidirectional programming through our module is to write manipulation of this datatype.
Categorical Notes
The type constructor L s
together with lift
, unit
and pair
defines a lax monoidal functor from the category of lenses to that of
Haskell functions. The lift
function does transfor a lens to a
function. The unit
and pair
functions are the core operations on
this lax monoidal functor. Any lifting functions defined in this
module can be defined by these three functions.
Other constructors for Lens'
lens' :: (s -> (v, v -> s)) -> Lens' s v Source #
A variant of lens
. Sometimes, this function would be
easier to use because one can re-use a source information to define a "put".
Functions handling pairs and containers
The unit element in the lifted world.
Let elimUnitL
and elimUnitR
are lenses defined as follows.
elimUnitL = lens ((x,()) -> x) (_ x -> (x,())) elimUnitR = lens (((),x) -> x) (_ x -> ((),x))
Then, we have the following laws.
lift2 elimUnitL x unit = x
lift2 elimUnitR unit x = x
pair :: L s a -> L s b -> L s (a, b) Source #
A paring function of L s a
-typed values.
This function can be defined by lift2
as below.
pair = lift2 (lens id (const id))
sequenceL :: (Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => t (L s a) -> L s (t a) Source #
A data-type generic version of list
. The contraint Eq (t ())
says that we can check the equivalence of shapes of containers t
Lifting Functions
new :: Eq a => a -> L s a Source #
The nullary version of a lifting function. Since there is no source,
every view generated by new
is not updatable.
The function will throw ConstantUpdateException
, if its view is
lift :: Lens' a b -> forall s. L s a -> L s b Source #
The lifting function. Note that it forms a functor from the category of lenses to the category of sets and functions.
is a left-inverse of this function.
unlift (lift x) = x
lift2 :: Lens' (a, b) c -> L s a -> L s b -> L s c Source #
The lifting function for binary lenses. unlift2
is a left inverse of this function.
unlift2 (lift2 l) = l
This function can be defined from lift
and pair
as below.
lift2 l x y = lift l (pair x y)
NB: This is not a right inverse of unlift2
(\x y -> x) /= lift2 (unlift2 (\x y -> x))
set (unlift (\z -> (\x y -> x) z z)) "A" "B"
set (unlift (\z -> lift2 (unlift2 (\x y -> x)) (z,z))) "A" "B"
Error: ...
liftT :: (Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => Lens' (t a) b -> forall s. t (L s a) -> L s b Source #
A datatype-generic version of lift2
liftLens :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> a) -> forall s. L s a -> L s b Source #
Just a composition of lift
and lens
Sometimes, this function would be more efficient than the composition
due to eliminated conversion from the lens to the internal representation.
Since both of the internal and the external representations are functions (= normal forms), we have to pay the conversion cost for each time when the lifted lens function is evaluated, even in the lazy evaluation.
We actually has the RULE to make the composition of lift
to liftLens
. However, the rule may not be fired
especially when profiling codes are inserted by GHC.
Unlifting Functions
unlift :: Eq a => (forall s. L s a -> L s b) -> Lens' a b Source #
The unlifting function, satisfying unlift (lift x) = x
unlift2 :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s c) -> Lens' (a, b) c Source #
The unlifting function for binary functions, satisfying
unlift2 (lift2 x) = x
unliftT :: (Eq a, Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => (forall s. t (L s a) -> L s b) -> Lens' (t a) b Source #
The unlifting function for functions that manipulate data structures,
satisfying unliftT (liftT x) = x
if x
keeps the shape.
The constraint Eq (t ())
says that we can compare the shapes of
given two containers.
Functions for Handling Observations
Core Monad
An abstract monad used to keep track of observations. By this monad, we can inspect the value of 'L s a'-data.
It is worth noting that we cannot change the inspection result to ensure the consistency property (aka PutGet in some context).
Lifting Observations
observe :: Eq w => L s w -> R s w Source #
A primitive used to define liftO
and liftO2
With observe
, one can inspect the current value of a lifted '(L s a)'-value
as below.
f x :: L s A -> R s (L s B)
f x = do viewX <- observe x
... computation depending on viewX
Once the observe
function is used in a lens function,
the lens function becomes not able to change
change the "observed" value to ensure the correctness.
liftO :: Eq w => (a -> w) -> L s a -> R s w Source #
Lifting of observations. A typical use of this function would be as follows.
f x :: L s Int -> R s (L s B) f x = do b liftO ( 0) x if b then ... else ...
Unlifting Functions
unliftM :: Eq a => (forall s. L s a -> R s (L s b)) -> Lens' a b Source #
A monadic version of unlift
unliftM2 :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> R s (L s c)) -> Lens' (a, b) c Source #
A monadic version of unlift2
unliftMT :: (Eq a, Eq (t ()), Traversable t) => (forall s. t (L s a) -> R s (L s b)) -> Lens' (t a) b Source #
A monadic version of unliftT
Lifting Functions for Combinators
liftC :: Eq a => (Lens' a b -> Lens' c d) -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b) -> forall s. L s c -> L s d Source #
A lifting function for lens combinators. One can understand that the universal quantification for the second argument as closedness restriction.