Copyright | Bryan O'Sullivan 2007-2015 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | unknown |
Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Simple, efficient combinator parsing that can consume lazy Text
strings, loosely based on the Parsec library.
This is essentially the same code as in the Text
module, only with a parse
function that can consume a lazy
incrementally, and a Result
type that does not allow
more input to be fed in. Think of this as suitable for use with a
lazily read file, e.g. via readFile
or hGetContents
Note: The various parser functions and combinators such as
still expect strict Text
parameters, and return
strict Text
results. Behind the scenes, strict Text
are still used internally to store parser input and manipulate it
- data Result r
- compareResults :: (Eq i, Eq r) => IResult i r -> IResult i r -> Maybe Bool
- endOfInput :: forall t. Chunk t => Parser t ()
- atEnd :: Chunk t => Parser t Bool
- data Number
- try :: Parser i a -> Parser i a
- (<?>) :: Parser i a -> String -> Parser i a
- choice :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a
- option :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a
- many' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m [a]
- many1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
- many1' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m [a]
- sepBy :: Alternative f => f a -> f s -> f [a]
- sepBy' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m s -> m [a]
- sepBy1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f s -> f [a]
- sepBy1' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m s -> m [a]
- manyTill :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f [a]
- manyTill' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m b -> m [a]
- skipMany :: Alternative f => f a -> f ()
- skipMany1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f ()
- count :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
- eitherP :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
- feed :: Monoid i => IResult i r -> i -> IResult i r
- type Parser = Parser Text
- satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
- skip :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
- satisfyWith :: (Char -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Parser a
- take :: Int -> Parser Text
- string :: Text -> Parser Text
- stringCI :: Text -> Parser Text
- asciiCI :: Text -> Parser Text
- skipWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
- takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text
- takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text
- takeText :: Parser Text
- takeLazyText :: Parser Text
- scan :: s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> Parser Text
- runScanner :: s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> Parser (Text, s)
- takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text
- inClass :: String -> Char -> Bool
- notInClass :: String -> Char -> Bool
- anyChar :: Parser Char
- char :: Char -> Parser Char
- notChar :: Char -> Parser Char
- peekChar :: Parser (Maybe Char)
- peekChar' :: Parser Char
- endOfLine :: Parser ()
- match :: Parser a -> Parser (Text, a)
- isEndOfLine :: Char -> Bool
- isHorizontalSpace :: Char -> Bool
- hexadecimal :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Parser a
- decimal :: Integral a => Parser a
- signed :: Num a => Parser a -> Parser a
- rational :: Fractional a => Parser a
- double :: Parser Double
- number :: Parser Number
- scientific :: Parser Scientific
- digit :: Parser Char
- letter :: Parser Char
- space :: Parser Char
- skipSpace :: Parser ()
- (.*>) :: Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
- (<*.) :: Parser a -> Text -> Parser a
- parse :: Parser a -> Text -> Result a
- parseOnly :: Parser a -> Text -> Either String a
- parseTest :: Show a => Parser a -> Text -> IO ()
- maybeResult :: Result r -> Maybe r
- eitherResult :: Result r -> Either String r
The result of a parse.
Fail Text [String] String | The parse failed. The |
Done Text r | The parse succeeded. The |
endOfInput :: forall t. Chunk t => Parser t () Source #
Match only if all input has been consumed.
atEnd :: Chunk t => Parser t Bool Source #
Return an indication of whether the end of input has been reached.
A numeric type that can represent integers accurately, and
floating point numbers to the precision of a Double
Note: this type is deprecated, and will be removed in the next
major release. Use the Scientific
type instead.
Eq Number Source # | |
Fractional Number Source # | |
Data Number Source # | |
Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Number Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Number -> c Number # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Number # toConstr :: Number -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Number -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Number) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Number) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Number -> Number # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Number -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Number -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Number -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Number -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Number -> m Number # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Number -> m Number # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Number -> m Number # | |
Num Number Source # | |
Ord Number Source # | |
Real Number Source # | |
Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Number Methods toRational :: Number -> Rational # | |
RealFrac Number Source # | |
Show Number Source # | |
NFData Number Source # | |
Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Number |
try :: Parser i a -> Parser i a Source #
Attempt a parse, and if it fails, rewind the input so that no input appears to have been consumed.
This combinator is provided for compatibility with Parsec. attoparsec parsers always backtrack on failure.
Name the parser, in case failure occurs.
choice :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a Source #
choice ps
tries to apply the actions in the list ps
in order,
until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding
option :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a Source #
option x p
tries to apply action p
. If p
fails without
consuming input, it returns the value x
, otherwise the value
returned by p
priority = option 0 (digitToInt <$> digit)
many' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m [a] Source #
many' p
applies the action p
zero or more times. Returns a
list of the returned values of p
. The value returned by p
forced to WHNF.
word = many' letter
many1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f [a] Source #
many1 p
applies the action p
one or more times. Returns a
list of the returned values of p
word = many1 letter
many1' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m [a] Source #
many1' p
applies the action p
one or more times. Returns a
list of the returned values of p
. The value returned by p
forced to WHNF.
word = many1' letter
sepBy :: Alternative f => f a -> f s -> f [a] Source #
sepBy p sep
applies zero or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of the values returned by p
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (char ',')
sepBy' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m s -> m [a] Source #
sepBy' p sep
applies zero or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of the values returned by p
. The value
returned by p
is forced to WHNF.
commaSep p = p `sepBy'` (char ',')
sepBy1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f s -> f [a] Source #
sepBy1 p sep
applies one or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of the values returned by p
commaSep p = p `sepBy1` (char ',')
sepBy1' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m s -> m [a] Source #
sepBy1' p sep
applies one or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of the values returned by p
. The value
returned by p
is forced to WHNF.
commaSep p = p `sepBy1'` (char ',')
manyTill :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f [a] Source #
manyTill p end
applies action p
zero or more times until
action end
succeeds, and returns the list of values returned by
. This can be used to scan comments:
simpleComment = string "<!--" *> manyTill anyChar (string "-->")
(Note the overlapping parsers anyChar
and string "-->"
While this will work, it is not very efficient, as it will cause a
lot of backtracking.)
manyTill' :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m b -> m [a] Source #
manyTill' p end
applies action p
zero or more times until
action end
succeeds, and returns the list of values returned by
. This can be used to scan comments:
simpleComment = string "<!--" *> manyTill' anyChar (string "-->")
(Note the overlapping parsers anyChar
and string "-->"
While this will work, it is not very efficient, as it will cause a
lot of backtracking.)
The value returned by p
is forced to WHNF.
skipMany :: Alternative f => f a -> f () Source #
Skip zero or more instances of an action.
skipMany1 :: Alternative f => f a -> f () Source #
Skip one or more instances of an action.
count :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a] Source #
Apply the given action repeatedly, returning every result.
eitherP :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b) Source #
Combine two alternatives.
feed :: Monoid i => IResult i r -> i -> IResult i r Source #
If a parser has returned a Partial
result, supply it with more
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char Source #
The parser satisfy p
succeeds for any character for which the
predicate p
returns True
. Returns the character that is
actually parsed.
digit = satisfy isDigit where isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
skip :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser () Source #
The parser skip p
succeeds for any character for which the
predicate p
returns True
skipDigit = skip isDigit where isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
satisfyWith :: (Char -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Parser a Source #
The parser satisfyWith f p
transforms a character, and succeeds
if the predicate p
returns True
on the transformed value. The
parser returns the transformed character that was parsed.
string :: Text -> Parser Text Source #
string s
parses a sequence of characters that identically match
. Returns the parsed string (i.e. s
). This parser consumes no
input if it fails (even if a partial match).
Note: The behaviour of this parser is different to that of the
similarly-named parser in Parsec, as this one is all-or-nothing.
To illustrate the difference, the following parser will fail under
Parsec given an input of "for"
string "foo" <|> string "for"
The reason for its failure is that the first branch is a
partial match, and will consume the letters 'f'
and 'o'
before failing. In attoparsec, the above parser will succeed on
that input, because the failed first branch will consume nothing.
stringCI :: Text -> Parser Text Source #
Deprecated: this is very inefficient, use asciiCI instead
Satisfy a literal string, ignoring case.
Note: this function is currently quite inefficient. Unicode case folding can change the length of a string ("ß" becomes "ss"), which makes a simple, efficient implementation tricky. We have (for now) chosen simplicity over efficiency.
asciiCI :: Text -> Parser Text Source #
Satisfy a literal string, ignoring case for characters in the ASCII range.
skipWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser () Source #
Skip past input for as long as the predicate returns True
takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text Source #
Consume input as long as the predicate returns False
(i.e. until it returns True
), and return the consumed input.
This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
predicate returns True
on the first character of input.
Note: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
combinators such as many
, because such
parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
in an infinite loop.
takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text Source #
Consume input as long as the predicate returns True
, and return
the consumed input.
This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
predicate returns False
on the first character of input.
Note: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
combinators such as many
, because such
parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
in an infinite loop.
takeLazyText :: Parser Text Source #
Consume all remaining input and return it as a single string.
scan :: s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> Parser Text Source #
A stateful scanner. The predicate consumes and transforms a
state argument, and each transformed state is passed to successive
invocations of the predicate on each character of the input until one
returns Nothing
or the input ends.
This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the
predicate returns Nothing
on the first character of input.
Note: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
combinators such as many
, because such
parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
in an infinite loop.
runScanner :: s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> Parser (Text, s) Source #
Like scan
, but generalized to return the final state of the
inClass :: String -> Char -> Bool Source #
Match any character in a set.
vowel = inClass "aeiou"
Range notation is supported.
halfAlphabet = inClass "a-nA-N"
To add a literal '-'
to a set, place it at the beginning or end
of the string.
peekChar :: Parser (Maybe Char) Source #
Match any character, to perform lookahead. Returns Nothing
end of input has been reached. Does not consume any input.
Note: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with
combinators such as many
, because such
parsers loop until a failure occurs. Careless use will thus result
in an infinite loop.
peekChar' :: Parser Char Source #
Match any character, to perform lookahead. Does not consume any input, but will fail if end of input has been reached.
endOfLine :: Parser () Source #
Match either a single newline character '\n'
, or a carriage
return followed by a newline character "\r\n"
match :: Parser a -> Parser (Text, a) Source #
Return both the result of a parse and the portion of the input that was consumed while it was being parsed.
isEndOfLine :: Char -> Bool Source #
A predicate that matches either a carriage return '\r'
newline '\n'
isHorizontalSpace :: Char -> Bool Source #
A predicate that matches either a space ' '
or horizontal tab
hexadecimal :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Parser a Source #
Parse and decode an unsigned hexadecimal number. The hex digits
through 'f'
may be upper or lower case.
This parser does not accept a leading "0x"
signed :: Num a => Parser a -> Parser a Source #
Parse a number with an optional leading '+'
or '-'
rational :: Fractional a => Parser a Source #
Parse a rational number.
The syntax accepted by this parser is the same as for double
Note: this parser is not safe for use with inputs from untrusted
sources. An input with a suitably large exponent such as
will cause a huge Integer
to be allocated,
resulting in what is effectively a denial-of-service attack.
In most cases, it is better to use double
or scientific
double :: Parser Double Source #
Parse a Double
This parser accepts an optional leading sign character, followed by
at most one decimal digit. The syntax is similar to that accepted by
the read
function, with the exception that a trailing '.'
These examples use this helper:
r ::Parser
a ->Text
a r p s =feed
p s)mempty
Examples with behaviour identical to read
, if you feed an empty
continuation to the first result:
r double "3" == Done "" 3.0 r double "3.1" == Done "" 3.1 r double "3e4" == Done "" 30000.0 r double "3.1e4" == Done "" 31000.0 r double "3e" == Done "e" 3.0
Examples with behaviour identical to read
r double ".3" == Fail ".3" _ _ r double "e3" == Fail "e3" _ _
Example of difference from read
r double "" == Done "foo" 3.0
This function does not accept string representations of "NaN" or "Infinity".
number :: Parser Number Source #
Deprecated: Use scientific
Parse a number, attempting to preserve both speed and precision.
The syntax accepted by this parser is the same as for double
This function does not accept string representations of "NaN" or "Infinity".
scientific :: Parser Scientific Source #
Parse a scientific number.
The syntax accepted by this parser is the same as for double
Running parsers
parseOnly :: Parser a -> Text -> Either String a Source #
Run a parser that cannot be resupplied via a Partial
This function does not force a parser to consume all of its input. Instead, any residual input will be discarded. To force a parser to consume all of its input, use something like this:
parseTest :: Show a => Parser a -> Text -> IO () Source #
Run a parser and print its result to standard output.