Copyright | (c) Justin Le 2015 |
License | MIT |
Maintainer | |
Stability | unstable |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides tools for generating and manipulating "blip
streams". The blip stream abstraction is not fundamental to Auto
, but
rather, like interval, is a very useful semantic tool for the
denotation of many programs, games, simulations, and computations in
general that you are likely to write with this library.
- data Blip a
- perBlip :: Monad m => Auto m a b -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- merge :: (a -> a -> a) -> Blip a -> Blip a -> Blip a
- mergeL :: Blip a -> Blip a -> Blip a
- mergeR :: Blip a -> Blip a -> Blip a
- mergeLs :: [Blip a] -> Blip a
- mergeRs :: [Blip a] -> Blip a
- foldrB :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [Blip a] -> Blip a
- foldlB' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [Blip a] -> Blip a
- emitJusts :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Auto m a (Blip b)
- emitOn :: (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- onJusts :: Auto m (Maybe a) (Blip a)
- fromBlips :: a -> Auto m (Blip a) a
- fromBlipsWith :: b -> (a -> b) -> Auto m (Blip a) b
- holdWith :: Serialize a => a -> Auto m (Blip a) a
- holdWith_ :: a -> Auto m (Blip a) a
- never :: Auto m a (Blip b)
- immediately :: Auto m a (Blip a)
- inB :: Int -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- every :: Int -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- eachAt :: Serialize b => Int -> [b] -> Auto m a (Blip b)
- eachAt_ :: Int -> [b] -> Auto m a (Blip b)
- tagBlips :: b -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- modifyBlips :: (a -> b) -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- (<&) :: Monad m => Auto m a (Blip b) -> Auto m a (Blip b) -> Auto m a (Blip b)
- (&>) :: Monad m => Auto m a (Blip b) -> Auto m a (Blip b) -> Auto m a (Blip b)
- once :: Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- notYet :: Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- lagBlips :: Serialize a => Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- lagBlips_ :: Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- filterB :: (a -> Bool) -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- joinB :: Auto m (Blip (Blip a)) (Blip a)
- mapMaybeB :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- takeB :: Int -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- takeWhileB :: (a -> Bool) -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- dropB :: Int -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- dropWhileB :: (a -> Bool) -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a)
- accumB :: Serialize b => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- accumB_ :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b)
- scanB :: Serialize b => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto m (Blip a) b
- scanB_ :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto m (Blip a) b
- mscanB :: (Monoid a, Serialize a) => Auto m (Blip a) a
- mscanB_ :: Monoid a => Auto m (Blip a) a
- countB :: Auto m (Blip a) Int
- onChange :: (Serialize a, Eq a) => Auto m a (Blip a)
- onChange_ :: Eq a => Auto m a (Blip a)
- became :: Serialize a => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- became_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- became' :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip ())
- noLonger :: Serialize a => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- noLonger_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- noLonger' :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip ())
- onFlip :: (Serialize a, Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- onFlip_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip a)
- onFlip' :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Auto m a (Blip Bool)
In the context of inputs/outputs of Auto
, a
a "blip stream" that occasionally, in isolated incidents, emits a value
of type Blip
For example,
is an Auto'
a (Blip
that a stream of a
as input and outputs a *blip stream* that occasionally emits with a b
is an Auto'
a) bAuto'
that takes a *blip stream* that
occasionally emits with a a
and outputs a stream of b
If an Auto
takes or outputs a "blip stream", it comes with some
"semantic" contracts on to how the stream behaves. The main contract is
that your blip stream should only output on (meaningfully) "isolated"
incidents, and never on continuous regions of the input stream.
By this, we mean that every emitted value is (conceptually) emitted "alone", and not as a part of continuous on/off chunks.
Example situations
A good example would be, say, a blip stream that emits every time a user/player sends a certain type of command. Or a blip stream that emits every time a slowly-moving value crosses over from positive to negative.
A bad example would be a blip stream that emits when a player doesn't send a certain less-common type of command. Or a blip stream that emits whenever a slowly-moving value is positive or negative.
Contrast with Intervals
Blip streams are contrasted with another semantic tool: stream _intervals_, manipulated with Control.Auto.Interval. Intervals are adjacentcontiguous "chunks" of onoff behavior, and are on or off for contiguous "chunks" at a time. So when deciding whether or not you want to use the semantics of blip streams or the semantics of Interval, consider: is this behavior going to be "on/off" for chunks at a time (such as an interval that is on whenever a slowly-moving value is positive)? Or is it something that is usually "not on", but makes separate, isolated, "blips" --- each emitted value alone and (semantically) isolated from the rest.
The main motivations of the semantic concept of blip streams (and why they even exist in the first place) is probably for how well they integrate with Interval semantics and, with intervals, the various powerful switching combinators from Control.Auto.Switch. Many of the combinators in that module are designed so that switches can be "triggered" by blip stream emissions.
Blip streams have many usages, as will be explained later. You'll also find that blip streams work well with their cousins, interval streams. But perhaps the use case that stands out above all (and is alone enough to motivate their existence) is in switching.
"Blip semantics"
We say that a blip stream has "blip semantics" when it is used in a way that its emitted values are "isolated", "alone", "discrete", in this way. When it is not, we say that the stream "breaks" blip semantics.
Note that this can't really be enforced by the types, so if you're a library or framework developer, it's up to you to take care that the blip streams you offer all conform to blip semantics. However, if you're just making an application, you can use most of the combinators in this library/module and not worry.
Also note that in many of these cases, "blip semantics" depends on how
the Auto
s are composed, and what they are composed to. If the value
in question is "almost always" positive and only negative at isolated
points in time, then such a "blip stream that emits whenever the value
is negative" has proper blip semantics. If the value in question is
slowly-moving and meandering, and might spend a lot of time negative at
a time, then the same blip stream would not preserve blip semantics.
Why semantics are important
Why should you care? I can't tell you want to do, right?
Well, for the same reason that typeclasses like Eq
, Functor
, and
have laws. Yeah, you can make any instance you want that
satisfies the types. But almost all of the usefulness of those
typeclasses comes from our ability to "reason" about the behavior of
their instances, and to be able to develop an intuition about their
usage. We would be surprised if we had an Eq
instance where x == x
and x /= x
are both true...and it would completely break down any
attempt at understanding what Eq
code "means".
You can think of "blip semantics" as being the "laws" of blip streams. If we assume that things follow blip semantics properly, then we can reason about them in a unified and useful way. If we can trust that blip streams actually behave "like blip streams", then blip streams become an extremely useful tool for denoting certain behaviors and programs.
If we can't...then it becomes a lot less useful :)
In particular, one big use case for blip streams (the switching mechanisms Control.Auto.Switch) all only "work well" when your blip streams follow proper semantics.
Combinators preserve semantics
Most of the combinators in this module try their best to preserve blip semantics. That is, you can't use them in a way that will produce a non-semantic-abiding blip stream. You can "trust" them, and if you use only safe combinators, you don't ever have to worry. Well. That much, at least.
There are a few notable exceptions:
, when you pass in an interval of 1.onChange
, when the input value isn't ever expected to stay the same between steps.emitOn
, in the cases mentioned in the documentation foremitOn
Practical examples
There are many practical examples of using blip streams in the various examples in auto-examples, especially from chatbot. There, blip streams are used in many situations, primarily streams for players sending certain commands. It's also used in hangman, to signify player events such as victory, good/bad guesses, etc.
Blip streams work very closely with the various switching combinators in Control.Auto.Switch. If anything, if there is only one reason to use blip streams, it's with the various switching mechanisms in that module. All of the switching combinators rely on the fact that your blip streams follow proper semantics, further emphasizing the importance of conforming to the semantics.
For library, framework, and back-end developers
Remember that this module is only meant to export "safe" combinators that try their best to maintain blip semantics. Think of this module as a useful guideline to help programmers maintain semantics at compile-time, by only exporting not-as-dangerous combinators.
However, all of these rules are for the denotation of your /program logic/. These rules are for the benefit of reasoning about the behavior of your program at the logic level.
As a library or framework or back-end developer, however, you aren't programming at the logic level, but rather at the gritty implementation level. So, you might want to provide blip streams and for your library users or application developers or the game logic you are writing.
For this, you might find the hidden constructors and tools in Control.Auto.Blip.Internal helpful, and there is more information at the documentation for that module.
When used in the context of an input or output of an Auto
, a
represents a stream that occasionally, at "independent" or "discrete"
points, emits a value of type Blip
Contrast this to Interval
, where things are meant to be "on" or "off"
for contiguous chunks at a time; blip streams are "blippy", and
s are "chunky".
It's here mainly because it's a pretty useful abstraction in the context
of the many combinators found in various modules of this library. If
you think of an
as producing a "blip stream",
then there are various combinators and functions that are specifically
designed to manipulate blip streams.Auto
m a (Blip
For the purposes of the semantics of what Blip
is supposed to
represent, its constructors are hidden. (Almost) all of the various
combinators (and its very useful Functor
instance) "preserve
ness" --- one-at-a-time occurrences remain one-at-a-time under all
of these combinators, and you should have enough so that direct access
to the constructor is not needed.
If you are creating a framework, library, or backend, you might want to
manually create blip stream-producing Auto
s for your users to
access. In this case, you can import the constructors and useful
internal (and, of course, semantically unsafe) functions from
Functor Blip | |
Show a => Show (Blip a) | |
Generic (Blip a) | |
Semigroup a => Monoid (Blip a) | Merge two blip streams together; the result emits with either of the
two merged streams emit. When both emit at the same time, emit the
result of |
Serialize a => Serialize (Blip a) | |
NFData a => NFData (Blip a) | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Blip a) | Merge two blip streams together; the result emits with either of the
two merged streams emit. When both emit at the same time, emit the
result of |
Typeable (* -> *) Blip | |
type Rep (Blip a) |
perBlip :: Monad m => Auto m a b -> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b) Source
Takes an
(an Auto
m a bAuto
that turns incoming a
s into
outputting b
s) into an
; the original
m (Blip
a) (Blip
is lifted to only be applied to emitted contents of a blip
When the stream emits, the original Auto
is "stepped" with the emitted
value; when it does not, it is paused and frozen until the next
let sums = perBlip (sumFrom 0)
let blps = eachAt 2 [1,5,2]
take 8 . streamAuto' blps $ repeat ()
[NoBlip, Blip 1, NoBlip, Blip 5, NoBlip, Blip 2, NoBlip, NoBlip]>>>
take 8 . streamAuto' (sums . blps) $ repeat ()
[NoBlip, Blip 1, NoBlip, Blip 6, NoBlip, Blip 8, NoBlip, NoBlip]
:: (a -> a -> a) | merging function |
-> Blip a | first stream |
-> Blip a | second stream |
-> Blip a | merged stream |
Merge two blip streams together; the result emits with either of the two merged streams emit. When both emit at the same time, emit the result of applying the given function on the two emitted values.
Note that this might be too strict for some purposes; see mergeL
for lazier alternatives.
mergeLs :: [Blip a] -> Blip a Source
Merge all the blip streams together into one, favoring the first emitted value.
mergeRs :: [Blip a] -> Blip a Source
Merge all the blip streams together into one, favoring the last emitted value.
foldrB :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [Blip a] -> Blip a Source
Merge all of the blip streams together, using the given merging function associating from the right.
foldlB' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [Blip a] -> Blip a Source
Merge all of the blip streams together, using the given merging function associating from the left.
Blip stream creation (dangerous!)
An Auto
that runs every input through a a ->
test and
produces a blip stream that emits the value inside every Maybe
Particularly useful with prisms from the lens package, where things
like emitJusts (preview _Right)
will emit the b
whenever the input
Either a b
stream is a Right
Warning! Carries all of the same dangers of emitOn
. You can easily
break blip semantics with this if you aren't sure what you are doing.
Remember to only emit at discrete, separate occurences, and not for
interval-like (on and off for chunks at a time) things. For interval
semantics, we have Control.Auto.Interval.
See the examples of emitOn
for more concrete good/bad use cases.
Produces a blip stream that emits the input value whenever the input satisfies a given predicate.
Warning! This Auto
has the capability of "breaking" blip semantics.
Be sure you know what you are doing when using this. Blip streams are
semantically supposed to only emit at discrete, separate occurrences.
Do not use this for interval-like (on and off for chunks at a time)
things; each input should be dealt with as a separate thing.
For interval semantics, we have Interval
from Control.Auto.Interval.
Good example:
-- is only emitting at discrete blips emitOn even . iterator (+ 1) 0
Bad examples:
-- is emitting for "durations" or "intervals" of time. emitOn (< 10) . iterator (+ 1) 0 emitOn (const True) . foo
These bad examples would be good use cases of Interval
onJusts :: Auto m (Maybe a) (Blip a) Source
An Auto
that emits whenever it receives a Just
input, with the
value inside the Just
Warning! Carries all of the same dangers of emitOn
. You can easily
break blip semantics with this if you aren't sure what you are doing.
Remember to only emit at discrete, separate occurences, and not for
interval-like (on and off for chunks at a time) things. For interval
semantics, we have Control.Auto.Interval.
See the examples of emitOn
for more concrete good/bad use cases.
Blip stream collapse
:: b | the 'default value" to output when the input is not emitting. |
-> (a -> b) | the function to apply to the emitted value whenever input is emitting. |
-> Auto m (Blip a) b |
is an fromBlipsWith
d fAuto
that decomposes the incoming blip
stream by constantly outputting d
except when the stream emits, and
outputs the result of applying f
to the emitted value when it does.
holdWith :: Serialize a => a -> Auto m (Blip a) a Source
is an holdWith
whose output is always the /most recently
emitted/ value from the input blip stream. Before anything is emitted,
is outputted as a placeholder.
Contrast with hold
from Control.Auto.Interval.
Step/"time" based Blip streams and generators
never :: Auto m a (Blip b) Source
An Auto
that ignores its input and produces a blip stream never
immediately :: Auto m a (Blip a) Source
Produces a blip stream that emits with the first received input value, and never again after that.
Often used with pure
immediately . pure "Emit me!"
Or, in proc notation:
blp <- immediately -< "Emit me!"
to get a blip stream that emits a given value (eg., "Emit me!") once and stops emitting ever again.
streamAuto' (immediately . pure "Emit me!") [1..5]
[Blip "Emit Me!", NoBlip, NoBlip, NoBlip, NoBlip]
Produces a blip stream that only emits once, with the input value on the given step number. It emits the input on that many steps.
immediately == inB 1
is an eachAt
n xsAuto
that ignores its input and creates
a blip stream that emits each element of xs
one at a time, evey n
steps. First emitted value is at step n
Once the list is exhausted, never emits again.
Obviously breaks blip semantics when you pass in 1.
The process of serializing and resuming this Auto
is O(n) space and
time with the length of xs
. So don't serialize this if you plan on
passing an infinite list :) See Control.Auto.Generate for more
eachAt n xs == perBlip (fromList xs) . every n
The non-serializing/non-resumable version of eachAt
Modifying Blip streams
Re-emits every emission from the input blip stream, but replaces its value with the given value.
tagBlips x == modifyBlips (const x)
Re-emits every emission from the input blip stream, but applies the given function to the emitted value.
once :: Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a) Source
Supress all upstream emitted values except for the very first.
notYet :: Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a) Source
Suppress only the first emission coming from upstream, and let all the others pass uninhibited.
lagBlips :: Serialize a => Auto m (Blip a) (Blip a) Source
Takes in a blip stream and outputs a blip stream where each emission is delayed/lagged by one step.
streamAuto' (emitOn (\x -> x `mod` 3 == 0)) [1..9]
[NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 3, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 6, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 9]
streamAuto' (lagBlips . emitOn (\x -> x `mod` 3 == 0)) [1..9]
[NoBlip, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 3, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 6, NoBlip, NoBlip]
Suppress all upstream emissions when the predicate (on the emitted value) fails.
joinB :: Auto m (Blip (Blip a)) (Blip a) Source
Collapses a blip stream of blip streams into single blip stream. that emits whenever the inner-nested stream emits.
allows only the first takeB
emissions to pass; it suppresses
all of the rest.
Allow all emitted valuesto pass until the first that fails the predicate.
suppresses the first dropB
emissions from upstream and
passes through the rest uninhibited.
Suppress all emited values until the first one satisfying the predicate, then allow the rest to pass through.
Scanning & Accumulating Blip streams
:: Serialize b | |
=> (b -> a -> b) | folding function |
-> b | initial value |
-> Auto m (Blip a) (Blip b) |
Accumulates all emissions in the incoming blip stream with
a "folding function", with a given starting value. b -> a -> b
, with
a starting b
, gives
m (Blip
a) (Blip
The resulting blip stream will emit every time the input stream emits, but with the "accumulated value".
Basically accum
, but on blip stream emissions.
accumB f x0 == perBlip (accum f x0)
The non-serializing/non-resuming version of accumB
The output is the result of folding up every emitted value seen thus far, with the given folding function and initial value.
scanB f x0 == holdWith x0 . accumB f x0
let a = scanB (+) 0 . eachAt 2 [1,2,3]
take 8 . streamAuto' a $ repeat ()
[0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6]
The non-serializing/non-resuming version of scanB
mscanB :: (Monoid a, Serialize a) => Auto m (Blip a) a Source
The output is the mconcat
(monoid sum) of all emitted values seen
this far.
countB :: Auto m (Blip a) Int Source
The output is the number of emitted values received from the upstream blip stream so far.
Blips on edges
onChange :: (Serialize a, Eq a) => Auto m a (Blip a) Source
Blip stream that emits whenever the input value changes. Emits with the new value.
Warning: Note that, when composed on a value that is never expected to keep the same value twice, this technically breaks blip semantics.
Blip stream that emits whenever the predicate applied to the input switches from false to true. Emits with the triggering input value.
The non-serializing/non-resumable version of became
Blip stream that emits whenever the predicate applied to the input switches from true to false. Emits with the triggering input value.
The non-serializing/non-resumable version of noLonger
Blip stream that emits whenever the predicate applied to the input switches from true to false or false to true. Emits with the triggering input value.
The non-serializing/non-resumable version of onFlip