{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Automata.Internal
, Nfsa(..)
, TransitionNfsa(..)
, State(..)
, Epsilon(..)
, toDfsa
, toDfsaMapping
, append
, empty
, rejectionNfsa
, unionNfsa
, epsilonClosure
, union
, intersection
, acceptance
, rejection
, minimize
, minimizeMapping
, composeMapping
) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (forM_,(<=<))
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Foldable (foldl',toList)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,isNothing,mapMaybe)
import Data.Primitive (Array,indexArray)
import Data.Semigroup (First(..))
import Data.Semiring (Semiring)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set.Unboxed as SU
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Map.Interval.DBTSLL as DM
import qualified Data.Map.Unboxed.Lifted as MUL
import qualified Data.Primitive.Contiguous as C
import qualified Data.Primitive as PM
import qualified Data.Map.Lifted.Lifted as MLL
import qualified GHC.Exts as E
import qualified Data.Semiring
data Dfsa t = Dfsa
{ dfaTransition :: !(Array (DM.Map t Int))
, dfaFinal :: !(SU.Set Int)
} deriving (Eq,Show)
data Nfsa t = Nfsa
{ nfaTransition :: !(Array (TransitionNfsa t))
, nfaFinal :: !(SU.Set Int)
} deriving (Show)
data TransitionNfsa t = TransitionNfsa
{ transitionNfsaEpsilon :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(SU.Set Int)
, transitionNfsaConsume :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(DM.Map t (SU.Set Int))
} deriving (Eq,Show)
data Conversion = Conversion
{ conversionLabel :: !Int
, conversionResolutions :: !(Map (SU.Set Int) Int)
, conversionTraversed :: !(Set Int)
, conversionPending :: !(Map Int (SU.Set Int))
data Pairing = Pairing
{ pairingMap :: !(Map (Int,Int) Int)
, pairingReversedOld :: ![(Int,Int)]
, pairingState :: !Int
append :: Nfsa t -> Nfsa t -> Nfsa t
append (Nfsa t1 f1) (Nfsa t2 f2) =
let n1 = C.size t1
n2 = C.size t2
n3 = n1 + n2
f3 = SU.mapMonotonic (+n1) f2
t3 = fmap (\(TransitionNfsa eps consume) -> TransitionNfsa (SU.mapMonotonic (+n1) eps) (DM.mapBijection (SU.mapMonotonic (+n1)) consume)) t2
t4 = fmap (\(TransitionNfsa eps consume) -> TransitionNfsa eps (DM.mapBijection (\states -> if SU.null (SU.intersection states f1) then states else states <> transitionNfsaEpsilon (C.index t3 0)) consume)) t1
!(# placeholder #) = C.index# t1 0
t5 = runST $ do
m <- C.replicateM n3 placeholder
C.copy m 0 t4 0 n1
C.copy m n1 t3 0 n2
flip SU.traverse_ f1 $ \ix -> do
TransitionNfsa epsilon consume <- C.read m ix
let transition = TransitionNfsa (epsilon <> transitionNfsaEpsilon (C.index t3 0)) consume
C.write m ix transition
C.unsafeFreeze m
in Nfsa t5 f3
nextIdentifier :: State.State Conversion Int
nextIdentifier = do
Conversion n a b c <- State.get
State.put (Conversion (n + 1) a b c)
return n
complete :: Int -> State.State Conversion ()
complete s = do
c <- State.get
State.put c
{ conversionTraversed = S.insert s (conversionTraversed c)
, conversionPending = M.delete s (conversionPending c)
resolveSubset :: Array (TransitionNfsa t) -> SU.Set Int -> State.State Conversion Int
resolveSubset transitions s0 = do
let s = epsilonClosure transitions s0
Conversion _ resolutions0 _ _ <- State.get
case M.lookup s resolutions0 of
Nothing -> do
ident <- nextIdentifier
c <- State.get
State.put c
{ conversionResolutions = M.insert s ident (conversionResolutions c)
, conversionPending = M.insert ident s (conversionPending c)
return ident
Just ident -> return ident
epsilonClosure :: Array (TransitionNfsa t) -> SU.Set Int -> SU.Set Int
epsilonClosure s states = go states SU.empty where
go new old = if new == old
then new
let together = old <> new
in go (mconcat (map (\ident -> transitionNfsaEpsilon (indexArray s ident)) (SU.toList together)) <> together) together
data Node t = Node
!(DM.Map t Int)
toDfsa :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Nfsa t -> Dfsa t
toDfsa = snd . toDfsaMapping
toDfsaMapping :: forall t. (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Nfsa t -> (Map (SU.Set Int) Int, Dfsa t)
toDfsaMapping (Nfsa t0 f0) = runST $ do
let ((len,nodes),c) = State.runState
(go 0 [])
(Conversion 1 (M.singleton startClosure 0) S.empty (M.singleton 0 startClosure))
resolutions = conversionResolutions c
marr <- C.new len
forM_ nodes $ \(Node ident transitions) -> C.write marr ident transitions
arr <- C.unsafeFreeze marr
let f1 = SU.fromList (M.foldrWithKey (\k v xs -> if SU.null (SU.intersection k f0) then xs else v : xs) [] resolutions)
let (canonB,r) = minimizeMapping arr f1
canon = fmap (fromMaybe (error "toDfsaMapping: missing canon value") . flip M.lookup canonB) resolutions
return (canon,r)
startClosure :: SU.Set Int
startClosure = epsilonClosure t0 (SU.singleton 0)
go :: Int -> [Node t] -> State.State Conversion (Int, [Node t])
go !n !edges0 = do
Conversion _ _ _ pending <- State.get
case M.foldMapWithKey (\k v -> Just (First (k,v))) pending of
Nothing -> return (n, edges0)
Just (First (m,states)) -> do
t <- DM.traverseBijection (resolveSubset t0) (mconcat (map (transitionNfsaConsume . indexArray t0) (SU.toList states)))
complete m
go (n + 1) (Node m t : edges0)
minimize :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Array (DM.Map t Int) -> SU.Set Int -> Dfsa t
minimize t0 f0 = snd (minimizeMapping t0 f0)
minimizeMapping :: forall t. (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Array (DM.Map t Int) -> SU.Set Int -> (Map Int Int, Dfsa t)
minimizeMapping t0 f0 =
let partitions0 = go (S.fromList [f1,S.difference q0 f1]) (S.singleton f1)
partitions1 = case L.find (S.member 0) partitions0 of
Just startStates -> startStates : deletePredicate (\s -> S.member 0 s || S.null s) (S.toList partitions0)
Nothing -> error "Automata.Nfsa.minimize: incorrect"
assign :: Int -> Map Int Int -> [Set Int] -> Map Int Int
assign !_ !m [] = m
assign !ix !m (s : ss) = assign (ix + 1) (M.union (M.fromSet (const ix) s) m) ss
assignments = assign 0 M.empty partitions1
newTransitions0 = E.fromList (map (\s -> DM.map (\oldState -> fromMaybe (error "Automata.Nfsa.minimize: missing state") (M.lookup oldState assignments)) (PM.indexArray t1 (S.findMin s))) partitions1)
canonization = establishOrder newTransitions0
description = "[canonization=" ++ show canonization ++ "][assignments=" ++ show assignments ++ "]"
newTransitions1 :: Array (DM.Map t Int) = C.map' (DM.mapBijection (\s -> fromMaybe (error ("Automata.Nfsa.minimize: canonization missing state [state=" ++ show s ++ "]" ++ description)) (M.lookup s canonization))) newTransitions0
newTransitions2 = runST $ do
marr <- C.replicateM (M.size canonization) (error ("Automata.Nfsa.minimize: uninitialized element " ++ description))
flip C.itraverse_ newTransitions1 $ \ix dm -> C.write marr (fromMaybe (error ("Automata.Nfsa.minimize: missing state while rearranging [state=" ++ show ix ++ "]" ++ description)) (M.lookup ix canonization)) dm
C.unsafeFreeze marr
newAcceptingStates = foldMap (maybe SU.empty SU.singleton . (flip M.lookup canonization <=< flip M.lookup assignments)) f1
finalCanonization = fmap (fromMaybe (error ("minimizeMapping: failed to connect the canons.\npartitions:\n" ++ show partitions1 ++ "\ninitial canon:\n" ++ show initialCanonization ++ "\nsecond canon:\n" ++ show canonization)) . (flip M.lookup canonization <=< flip M.lookup assignments)) initialCanonization
in (finalCanonization,Dfsa newTransitions2 newAcceptingStates)
q0 = S.fromList (enumFromTo 0 (C.size t1 - 1))
f1 = S.fromList (mapMaybe (\x -> M.lookup x initialCanonization) (SU.toList f0))
t1' :: Array (DM.Map t Int)
t1' = C.map' (DM.mapBijection (\s -> fromMaybe (error "Automata.Nfsa.minimize: t1 prime") (M.lookup s initialCanonization))) t0
t1 = runST $ do
marr <- C.replicateM (M.size initialCanonization) (error "Automata.Nfsa.minimize: t1 uninitialized element")
flip C.itraverse_ t1' $ \ix dm -> case M.lookup ix initialCanonization of
Nothing -> return ()
Just newIx -> C.write marr newIx dm
C.unsafeFreeze marr
initialCanonization = establishOrder t0
invertedTransitions :: DM.Map t (MLL.Map Int (Set Int))
invertedTransitions = mconcat (toList (C.imap (\ix m -> DM.mapBijection (\dest -> MLL.singleton dest (S.singleton ix)) m) t1 :: Array (DM.Map t (MLL.Map Int (Set Int)))))
go :: Set (Set Int) -> Set (Set Int) -> Set (Set Int)
go p1 w1 = case S.minView w1 of
Nothing -> p1
Just (a,w2) ->
let (p2,w3) = DM.foldl'
(\(p3,w4) m ->
let x = foldMap (\s -> fromMaybe S.empty (MLL.lookup s m)) a
in foldl'
(\(p4, w5) y ->
let diffYX = S.difference y x
intersectYX = S.intersection y x
in if not (S.disjoint x y) && not (S.null diffYX)
( S.insert diffYX (S.insert intersectYX (S.delete y p4))
, if S.member y w5
then S.insert diffYX (S.insert intersectYX (S.delete y w5))
else if S.size intersectYX <= S.size diffYX
then S.insert intersectYX w5
else S.insert diffYX w5
else (S.insert y p4, w5)
) (S.empty, w4) p3
) (p1,w2) invertedTransitions
in go p2 w3
establishOrder :: Array (DM.Map t Int) -> Map Int Int
establishOrder t = go 0 [0] M.empty where
go :: Int -> [Int] -> Map Int Int -> Map Int Int
go !ident !unvisited0 !assignments = case unvisited0 of
[] -> assignments
state : unvisited1 -> if isNothing (M.lookup state assignments)
let unvisited2 = DM.foldl'
(\unvisited s -> if isNothing (M.lookup s assignments) then s : unvisited else unvisited)
(PM.indexArray t state)
in go (ident + 1) unvisited2 (M.insert state ident assignments)
else go ident unvisited1 assignments
deletePredicate :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
deletePredicate _ [] = []
deletePredicate p (y:ys) = if p y then deletePredicate p ys else y : deletePredicate p ys
intersection :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Dfsa t -> Dfsa t -> Dfsa t
intersection = compose (&&)
scoot :: Ord t => Int -> DM.Map t Int -> DM.Map t Int -> DM.Map t Int
scoot n2 d1 d2 = DM.unionWith (\s1 s2 -> n2 * s1 + s2) d1 d2
{-# NOINLINE errorThunkUnion #-}
errorThunkUnion :: a
errorThunkUnion = error "Automata.Dfsa.union: slot not filled"
union :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => Dfsa t -> Dfsa t -> Dfsa t
union = compose (||)
composeMapping :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Dfsa t -> Dfsa t -> (Map (Int,Int) Int, Dfsa t)
composeMapping combineFinalMembership (Dfsa t1 f1) (Dfsa t2 f2) = runST $ do
let Pairing oldToNew reversedOld n3 = compositionReachable t1 t2
m <- PM.newArray n3 errorThunkUnion
let go !_ [] = return ()
go !ix (statePair@(stateA,stateB) : xs) = do
PM.writeArray m ix (DM.unionWith (\x y -> fromMaybe (error "Automata.Dfsa.union: could not find pair in oldToNew") (M.lookup (x,y) oldToNew)) (PM.indexArray t1 stateA) (PM.indexArray t2 stateB))
go (ix - 1) xs
go (n3 - 1) reversedOld
frozen <- PM.unsafeFreezeArray m
let finals = SU.fromList (M.foldrWithKey (\(stateA,stateB) stateNew xs -> if combineFinalMembership (SU.member stateA f1) (SU.member stateB f2) then stateNew : xs else xs) [] oldToNew)
let (secondMapping, r) = minimizeMapping frozen finals
return (M.map (\x -> fromMaybe (error "composeMapping: bad lookup") (M.lookup x secondMapping)) oldToNew, r)
compose :: (Ord t, Bounded t, Enum t) => (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Dfsa t -> Dfsa t -> Dfsa t
compose combineFinalMembership a b = snd (composeMapping combineFinalMembership a b)
compositionReachable :: Ord t => Array (DM.Map t Int) -> Array (DM.Map t Int) -> Pairing
compositionReachable a b = State.execState (go 0 0) (Pairing M.empty [] 0) where
!szA = PM.sizeofArray a
!szB = PM.sizeofArray b
go :: Int -> Int -> State.State Pairing ()
go !stateA !stateB = do
Pairing m xs s <- State.get
case M.lookup (stateA,stateB) m of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> do
State.put (Pairing (M.insert (stateA,stateB) s m) ((stateA,stateB) : xs) (s + 1))
DM.traverse_ (uncurry go) (DM.unionWith (,) (PM.indexArray a stateA) (PM.indexArray b stateB))
unionNfsa :: (Bounded t) => Nfsa t -> Nfsa t -> Nfsa t
unionNfsa (Nfsa t1 f1) (Nfsa t2 f2) = Nfsa
( runST $ do
m <- C.replicateM (n1 + n2 + 1)
( TransitionNfsa
[ SU.mapMonotonic (+1) (transitionNfsaEpsilon (C.index t1 0))
, SU.mapMonotonic (\x -> 1 + n1) (transitionNfsaEpsilon (C.index t2 0))
, SU.tripleton 0 1 (1 + n1)
(DM.pure SU.empty)
C.copy m 1 (fmap (translateTransitionNfsa 1) t1) 0 n1
C.copy m (1 + n1) (fmap (translateTransitionNfsa (1 + n1)) t2) 0 n2
C.unsafeFreeze m
(SU.mapMonotonic (+1) f1 <> SU.mapMonotonic (\x -> 1 + n1 + x) f2)
!n1 = PM.sizeofArray t1
!n2 = PM.sizeofArray t2
translateTransitionNfsa :: Int -> TransitionNfsa t -> TransitionNfsa t
translateTransitionNfsa n (TransitionNfsa eps m) = TransitionNfsa
(SU.mapMonotonic (+n) eps)
(DM.mapBijection (SU.mapMonotonic (+n)) m)
acceptance :: Bounded t => Dfsa t
acceptance = Dfsa (C.singleton (DM.pure 0)) (SU.singleton 0)
rejection :: Bounded t => Dfsa t
rejection = Dfsa (C.singleton (DM.pure 0)) SU.empty
empty :: Bounded t => Nfsa t
empty = Nfsa
( C.doubleton
(TransitionNfsa (SU.singleton 0) (DM.pure (SU.singleton 1)))
(TransitionNfsa (SU.singleton 1) (DM.pure SU.empty))
(SU.singleton 0)
rejectionNfsa :: Bounded t => Nfsa t
rejectionNfsa = Nfsa
(C.singleton (TransitionNfsa (SU.singleton 0) (DM.pure SU.empty)))
instance (Ord t, Enum t, Bounded t) => Semiring (Dfsa t) where
plus = union
times = intersection
zero = rejection
one = acceptance
instance (Bounded t) => Semiring (Nfsa t) where
plus = unionNfsa
times = append
zero = rejectionNfsa
one = empty
data Epsilon = Epsilon !Int !Int
newtype State s = State Int