{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.Avro.Deriving
, FieldStrictness(..)
, FieldUnpackedness(..)
, NamespaceBehavior(..)
, defaultDeriveOptions
, mkPrefixedFieldName
, mkAsIsFieldName
, mkLazyField
, mkStrictPrimitiveField
, makeSchema
, makeSchemaFrom
, deriveAvroWithOptions
, deriveAvroWithOptions'
, deriveFromAvroWithOptions
, deriveAvroFromByteString
, deriveAvro
, deriveAvro'
, deriveFromAvro
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Avro hiding (decode, encode)
import Data.Avro.Schema as S
import qualified Data.Avro.Types as AT
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Int
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH as TH hiding (notStrict)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib as TH hiding (notStrict)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Avro.Deriving.NormSchema
import Data.Avro.EitherN
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSC8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Avro.Decode.Lazy.FromLazyAvro
import qualified Data.Avro.Decode.Lazy.LazyValue as LV
import Data.Avro.Deriving.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
data NamespaceBehavior =
| HandleNamespaces
data FieldStrictness = StrictField | LazyField
deriving Generic
data FieldUnpackedness = UnpackedField | NonUnpackedField
deriving Generic
data DeriveOptions = DeriveOptions
fieldNameBuilder :: Text -> Field -> T.Text
, fieldRepresentation :: TypeName -> Field -> (FieldStrictness, FieldUnpackedness)
, namespaceBehavior :: NamespaceBehavior
} deriving Generic
defaultDeriveOptions = DeriveOptions
{ fieldNameBuilder = mkPrefixedFieldName
, fieldRepresentation = mkLazyField
, namespaceBehavior = IgnoreNamespaces
mkPrefixedFieldName :: Text -> Field -> T.Text
mkPrefixedFieldName prefix fld =
sanitiseName $ updateFirst T.toLower prefix <> updateFirst T.toUpper (fldName fld)
mkLazyField :: TypeName -> Field -> (FieldStrictness, FieldUnpackedness)
mkLazyField _ _ =
(LazyField, NonUnpackedField)
mkStrictPrimitiveField :: TypeName -> Field -> (FieldStrictness, FieldUnpackedness)
mkStrictPrimitiveField _ field =
if shouldStricten
then (StrictField, unpackedness)
else (LazyField, NonUnpackedField)
unpackedness =
case S.fldType field of
S.Null -> NonUnpackedField
S.Boolean -> NonUnpackedField
_ -> UnpackedField
shouldStricten =
case S.fldType field of
S.Null -> True
S.Boolean -> True
S.Int -> True
S.Long -> True
S.Float -> True
S.Double -> True
_ -> False
mkAsIsFieldName :: Text -> Field -> Text
mkAsIsFieldName _ = sanitiseName . updateFirst T.toLower . fldName
deriveAvroWithOptions :: DeriveOptions -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
deriveAvroWithOptions o p = readSchema p >>= deriveAvroWithOptions' o
deriveAvroWithOptions' :: DeriveOptions -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
deriveAvroWithOptions' o s = do
let schemas = extractDerivables s
types <- traverse (genType o) schemas
hasSchema <- traverse (genHasAvroSchema $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
fromAvros <- traverse (genFromAvro $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
fromLazyAvros <- traverse (genFromLazyAvro $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
toAvros <- traverse (genToAvro o) schemas
pure $ join types <> join hasSchema <> join fromAvros <> join fromLazyAvros <> join toAvros
deriveFromAvroWithOptions :: DeriveOptions -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromAvroWithOptions o p = readSchema p >>= deriveFromAvroWithOptions' o
deriveFromAvroWithOptions' :: DeriveOptions -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromAvroWithOptions' o s = do
let schemas = extractDerivables s
types <- traverse (genType o) schemas
hasSchema <- traverse (genHasAvroSchema $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
fromAvros <- traverse (genFromAvro $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
fromLazyAvros <- traverse (genFromLazyAvro $ namespaceBehavior o) schemas
pure $ join types <> join hasSchema <> join fromAvros <> join fromLazyAvros
deriveAvro :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
deriveAvro = deriveAvroWithOptions defaultDeriveOptions
deriveAvro' :: Schema -> Q [Dec]
deriveAvro' = deriveAvroWithOptions' defaultDeriveOptions
deriveAvroFromByteString :: LBS.ByteString -> Q [Dec]
deriveAvroFromByteString bs = case eitherDecode bs of
Right schema -> deriveAvroWithOptions' defaultDeriveOptions schema
Left err -> fail $ "Unable to generate AVRO for bytestring: " <> err
deriveFromAvro :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromAvro = deriveFromAvroWithOptions defaultDeriveOptions
makeSchema :: FilePath -> Q Exp
makeSchema p = readSchema p >>= lift
makeSchemaFrom :: FilePath -> Text -> Q Exp
makeSchemaFrom p name = do
s <- readSchema p
case subdefinition s name of
Nothing -> fail $ "No such entity '" <> T.unpack name <> "' defined in " <> p
Just ss -> lift ss
readSchema :: FilePath -> Q Schema
readSchema p = do
qAddDependentFile p
mbSchema <- runIO $ decodeSchema p
case mbSchema of
Left err -> fail $ "Unable to generate AVRO for " <> p <> ": " <> err
Right sch -> pure sch
genFromAvro :: NamespaceBehavior -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
genFromAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Enum n _ _ _ ) =
[d| instance FromAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromAvro (AT.Enum _ i _) = $([| pure . toEnum|]) i
fromAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Record n _ _ _ fs) =
[d| instance FromAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromAvro (AT.Record _ r) =
$(genFromAvroFieldsExp (mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) fs) r
fromAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Fixed n _ s) =
[d| instance FromAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromAvro (AT.Fixed _ v)
| BS.length v == s = pure $ $(conE (mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n)) v
fromAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromAvro _ _ = pure []
genFromAvroFieldsExp :: Name -> [Field] -> Q Exp
genFromAvroFieldsExp n [] = [| (return . return) $(conE n) |]
genFromAvroFieldsExp n (x:xs) =
[| \r ->
$(let extract fld = [| r .: T.pack $(mkTextLit (fldName fld))|]
ctor = [| $(conE n) <$> $(extract x) |]
in foldl (\expr fld -> [| $expr <*> $(extract fld) |]) ctor xs
genFromLazyAvro :: NamespaceBehavior -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
genFromLazyAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Enum n _ _ _) =
[d| instance FromLazyAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromLazyAvro (LV.Enum _ i _) = $([| pure . toEnum|]) i
fromLazyAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromLazyAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Record n _ _ _ fs) =
[d| instance FromLazyAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromLazyAvro (LV.Record _ r) =
$(genFromLazyAvroFieldsExp (mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) fs) r
fromLazyAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromLazyAvro namespaceBehavior (S.Fixed n _ s) =
[d| instance FromLazyAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) where
fromLazyAvro (LV.Fixed _ v)
| BS.length v == s = pure $ $(conE (mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n)) v
fromLazyAvro value = $( [|\v -> badValue v $(mkTextLit $ S.renderFullname n)|] ) value
genFromLazyAvro _ _ = pure []
genFromLazyAvroFieldsExp :: Name -> [Field] -> Q Exp
genFromLazyAvroFieldsExp n [] = [| (return . return) $(conE n) |]
genFromLazyAvroFieldsExp n (x:xs) =
[| \r ->
$(let extract fld = [| r .~: T.pack $(mkTextLit (fldName fld))|]
ctor = [| $(conE n) <$> $(extract x) |]
in foldl (\expr fld -> [| $expr <*> $(extract fld) |]) ctor xs
genHasAvroSchema :: NamespaceBehavior -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
genHasAvroSchema namespaceBehavior s = do
let sname = mkSchemaValueName namespaceBehavior (name s)
sdef <- schemaDef sname s
idef <- hasAvroSchema sname
pure (sdef <> idef)
hasAvroSchema sname =
[d| instance HasAvroSchema $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior (name s)) where
schema = pure $(varE sname)
newNames :: String
-> Int
-> Q [Name]
newNames base n = sequence [newName (base ++ show i) | i <- [1..n]]
genToAvro :: DeriveOptions -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
genToAvro opts s@(S.Enum n _ _ vs) =
toAvroInstance (mkSchemaValueName (namespaceBehavior opts) n)
conP' = flip conP [] . mkAdtCtorName (namespaceBehavior opts) n
toAvroInstance sname =
[d| instance ToAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n) where
toAvro = $([| \x ->
let convert = AT.Enum $(varE sname) (fromEnum $([|x|]))
in $(caseE [|x|] ((\v -> match (conP' v)
(normalB [| convert (T.pack $(mkTextLit v))|]) []) <$> V.toList vs))
genToAvro opts s@(S.Record n _ _ _ fs) =
toAvroInstance (mkSchemaValueName (namespaceBehavior opts) n)
toAvroInstance sname =
[d| instance ToAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n) where
toAvro = $(genToAvroFieldsExp sname)
genToAvroFieldsExp sname = do
names <- newNames "p_" (length fs)
let con = conP (mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n) (varP <$> names)
lamE [con]
[| record $(varE sname)
$(let assign (fld, n) = [| T.pack $(mkTextLit (fldName fld)) .= $(varE n) |]
in listE $ assign <$> zip fs names
genToAvro opts s@(S.Fixed n _ size) =
toAvroInstance (mkSchemaValueName (namespaceBehavior opts) n)
toAvroInstance sname =
[d| instance ToAvro $(conT $ mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n) where
toAvro = $(do
x <- newName "x"
lamE [conP (mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n) [varP x]] [| AT.Fixed $(varE sname) $(varE x) |])
schemaDef :: Name -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
schemaDef sname sch = setName sname $
x :: Schema
x = sch
setName :: Name -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]
setName = fmap . map . sn
sn n (SigD _ t) = SigD n t
sn n (ValD (VarP _) x y) = ValD (VarP n) x y
sn _ d = d
genType :: DeriveOptions -> Schema -> Q [Dec]
genType opts (S.Record n _ _ _ fs) = do
flds <- traverse (mkField opts n) fs
let dname = mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n
sequenceA [genDataType dname flds]
genType opts (S.Enum n _ _ vs) = do
let dname = mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n
sequenceA [genEnum dname (mkAdtCtorName (namespaceBehavior opts) n <$> (V.toList vs))]
genType opts (S.Fixed n _ s) = do
let dname = mkDataTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) n
sequenceA [genNewtype dname]
genType _ _ = pure []
mkFieldTypeName :: NamespaceBehavior -> S.Type -> Q TH.Type
mkFieldTypeName namespaceBehavior = \case
S.Boolean -> [t| Bool |]
S.Long -> [t| Int64 |]
S.Int -> [t| Int32 |]
S.Float -> [t| Float |]
S.Double -> [t| Double |]
S.Bytes -> [t| ByteString |]
S.String -> [t| Text |]
S.Union branches -> union (V.toList branches)
S.Record n _ _ _ _ -> [t| $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n) |]
S.Map x -> [t| Map Text $(go x) |]
S.Array x -> [t| [$(go x)] |]
S.NamedType n -> [t| $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n)|]
S.Fixed n _ _ -> [t| $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n)|]
S.Enum n _ _ _ -> [t| $(conT $ mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior n)|]
t -> error $ "Avro type is not supported: " <> show t
where go = mkFieldTypeName namespaceBehavior
union = \case
[Null, x] -> [t| Maybe $(go x) |]
[x, Null] -> [t| Maybe $(go x) |]
[x, y] -> [t| Either $(go x) $(go y) |]
[a, b, c] -> [t| Either3 $(go a) $(go b) $(go c) |]
[a, b, c, d] -> [t| Either4 $(go a) $(go b) $(go c) $(go d) |]
[a, b, c, d, e] -> [t| Either5 $(go a) $(go b) $(go c) $(go d) $(go e) |]
_ ->
error "Unions with more than 5 elements are not yet supported"
updateFirst :: (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
updateFirst f t =
let (l, ls) = T.splitAt 1 t
in f l <> ls
decodeSchema :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Schema)
decodeSchema p = eitherDecode <$> LBS.readFile p
mkAdtCtorName :: NamespaceBehavior -> TypeName -> Text -> Name
mkAdtCtorName namespaceBehavior prefix nm =
concatNames (mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior prefix) (mkDataTypeName' nm)
concatNames :: Name -> Name -> Name
concatNames a b = mkName $ nameBase a <> nameBase b
sanitiseName :: Text -> Text
sanitiseName =
let valid c = isAlphaNum c || c == '\'' || c == '_'
in T.concat . T.split (not . valid)
renderName :: NamespaceBehavior
-> TypeName
-> Text
renderName namespaceBehavior (TN name namespace) = case namespaceBehavior of
HandleNamespaces -> Text.intercalate "'" $ namespace <> [name]
IgnoreNamespaces -> name
mkSchemaValueName :: NamespaceBehavior -> TypeName -> Name
mkSchemaValueName namespaceBehavior typeName =
mkTextName $ "schema'" <> renderName namespaceBehavior typeName
mkDataTypeName :: NamespaceBehavior -> TypeName -> Name
mkDataTypeName namespaceBehavior = mkDataTypeName' . renderName namespaceBehavior
mkDataTypeName' :: Text -> Name
mkDataTypeName' =
mkTextName . sanitiseName . updateFirst T.toUpper . T.takeWhileEnd (/='.')
mkField :: DeriveOptions -> TypeName -> Field -> Q VarStrictType
mkField opts typeName field = do
ftype <- mkFieldTypeName (namespaceBehavior opts) (fldType field)
let prefix = renderName (namespaceBehavior opts) typeName
fName = mkTextName $ (fieldNameBuilder opts) prefix field
(fieldStrictness, fieldUnpackedness) =
fieldRepresentation opts typeName field
strictness =
case fieldStrictness of
StrictField -> strict fieldUnpackedness
LazyField -> notStrict
pure (fName, strictness, ftype)
genNewtype :: Name -> Q Dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
genNewtype dn = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
fldType <- [t|ByteString|]
let ctor = RecC dn [(mkName ("un" ++ nameBase dn), notStrict, fldType)]
pure $ NewtypeD [] dn [] Nothing ctor [DerivClause Nothing ders]
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
genNewtype dn = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
fldType <- [t|ByteString|]
let ctor = RecC dn [(mkName ("un" ++ nameBase dn), notStrict, fldType)]
pure $ NewtypeD [] dn [] Nothing ctor ders
genNewtype dn = do
[ConT eq, ConT sh, ConT gen] <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
fldType <- [t|ByteString|]
let ctor = RecC dn [(mkName ("un" ++ nameBase dn), notStrict, fldType)]
pure $ NewtypeD [] dn [] ctor [eq, sh, gen]
genEnum :: Name -> [Name] -> Q Dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
genEnum dn vs = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Ord|], [t|Enum|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] Nothing ((\n -> NormalC n []) <$> vs) [DerivClause Nothing ders]
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
genEnum dn vs = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Ord|], [t|Enum|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] Nothing ((\n -> NormalC n []) <$> vs) ders
genEnum dn vs = do
[ConT eq, ConT sh, ConT or, ConT en, ConT gen] <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Ord|], [t|Enum|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] ((\n -> NormalC n []) <$> vs) [eq, sh, or, en, gen]
genDataType :: Name -> [VarStrictType] -> Q Dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
genDataType dn flds = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] Nothing [RecC dn flds] [DerivClause Nothing ders]
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
genDataType dn flds = do
ders <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] Nothing [RecC dn flds] ders
genDataType dn flds = do
[ConT eq, ConT sh, ConT gen] <- sequenceA [[t|Eq|], [t|Show|], [t|Generic|]]
pure $ DataD [] dn [] [RecC dn flds] [eq, sh, gen]
notStrict :: Strict
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
notStrict = Bang SourceNoUnpack NoSourceStrictness
notStrict = NotStrict
strict :: FieldUnpackedness -> Strict
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
strict UnpackedField = Bang SourceUnpack SourceStrict
strict NonUnpackedField = Bang SourceNoUnpack SourceStrict
strict UnpackedField = Unpacked
strict NonUnpackedField = IsStrict
mkTextName :: Text -> Name
mkTextName = mkName . T.unpack
mkLit :: String -> ExpQ
mkLit = litE . StringL
mkTextLit :: Text -> ExpQ
mkTextLit = litE . StringL . T.unpack