{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
module Data.Avro.Encoding.FromAvro
( FromAvro(..)
  -- ** For internal use
, Value(..)
, getValue

import           Control.DeepSeq             (NFData)
import           Control.Monad               (forM, replicateM)
import           Control.Monad.Identity      (Identity (..))
import           Control.Monad.ST            (ST)
import qualified Data.Aeson                  as A
import qualified Data.Avro.Internal.Get      as Get
import           Data.Avro.Internal.Time
import           Data.Avro.Schema.Decimal    as D
import           Data.Avro.Schema.ReadSchema (ReadSchema)
import qualified Data.Avro.Schema.ReadSchema as ReadSchema
import qualified Data.Avro.Schema.Schema     as Schema
import           Data.Binary.Get             (Get, getByteString, runGetOrFail)
import qualified Data.ByteString             as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString             as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy        as BL
import qualified Data.Char                   as Char
import           Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict         as HashMap
import           Data.Int
import           Data.List.NonEmpty          (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map                    as Map
import           Data.Text                   (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                   as Text
import qualified Data.Text                   as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding          as Text
import qualified Data.Time                   as Time
import qualified Data.UUID                   as UUID
import           Data.Vector                 (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                 as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable         as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as UV
import           GHC.Generics                (Generic)
import           GHC.TypeLits

-- | An intermediate data structute for decoding between Avro bytes and Haskell types.
-- Because reader and writer schemas, and therefore expected data types and layout
-- can be different, deserialising bytes into Haskell types directly is not possible.
-- To overcome this issue this intermediate data structure is used: bytes are decoded into
-- values of type 'Value' (using reader's layout and rules) and then translated to target
-- Haskell types using 'FromAvro' type class machinery.
data Value
      = Null
      | Boolean Bool
      | Int     ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Int32
      | Long    ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Int64
      | Float   ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Float
      | Double  ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Double
      | Bytes   ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} BS.ByteString
      | String  ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Text
      | Array   (Vector Value)
      | Map     (HashMap Text Value)
      | Record  ReadSchema (Vector Value)
      | Union   ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Int Value
      | Fixed   ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} BS.ByteString
      | Enum    ReadSchema {-# UNPACK #-} Int {-# UNPACK #-} Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)

-- | Descrive the value in a way that is safe to use in error messages
-- (i.e. do not print values)
describeValue :: Value -> String
describeValue = \case
  Null          -> "Null"
  Boolean b     -> "Boolean"
  Int s _       -> "Int (" <> show s <> ")"
  Long s _      -> "Long (" <> show s <> ")"
  Float s _     -> "Float (" <> show s <> ")"
  Double s _    -> "Double (" <> show s <> ")"
  Bytes s _     -> "Bytes (" <> show s <> ")"
  String s _    -> "String (" <> show s <> ")"
  Union s ix _  -> "Union (position = " <> show ix <> ", schema = " <> show s <> ")"
  Fixed s _     -> "Fixed (" <> show s <> ")"
  Enum s ix _   -> "Enum (position = " <> show ix <> ", schema =" <> show s <> ")"
  Array vs      -> "Array (length = " <> show (V.length vs) <> ")"
  Map vs        -> "Map (length = " <> show (HashMap.size vs) <> ")"
  Record s vs   -> "Record (name = " <> show (ReadSchema.name s) <> " fieldsNum = " <> show (V.length vs) <> ")"


-- fromRecord :: Schema -> Either String a

-- | Descrives how to convert a given intermediate 'Value' into a Haskell data type.
class FromAvro a where
  fromAvro :: Value -> Either String a

instance FromAvro Int where
  fromAvro (Int _ x)  = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro (Long _ x) = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro x          = Left ("Unable to decode Int from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Int32 where
  fromAvro (Int _ x) = Right x
  fromAvro x         = Left ("Unable to decode Int32 from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Int64 where
  fromAvro (Long _ x) = Right x
  fromAvro (Int _ x)  = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro x          = Left ("Unable to decode Int64 from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Double where
  fromAvro (Double _ x) = Right x
  fromAvro (Float _ x)  = Right (realToFrac x)
  fromAvro (Long _ x)   = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro (Int _ x)    = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro x            = Left ("Unable to decode Double from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Float where
  fromAvro (Float _ x) = Right x
  fromAvro (Long _ x)  = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro (Int _ x)   = Right (fromIntegral x)
  fromAvro x           = Left ("Unable to decode Double from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Bool where
  fromAvro (Boolean x) = Right x
  fromAvro x           = Left ("Unable to decode Bool from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Text where
  fromAvro (String _ x) = Right x
  fromAvro (Bytes _ x) = case Text.decodeUtf8' x of
    Left unicodeExc -> Left (show unicodeExc)
    Right text      -> Right text
  fromAvro x          = Left ("Unable to decode Text from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro BS.ByteString where
  fromAvro (Bytes _ x)  = Right x
  fromAvro (String _ x) = Right (Text.encodeUtf8 x)
  fromAvro x            = Left ("Unable to decode Bytes from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro BL.ByteString where
  fromAvro (Bytes _ bs) = Right (BL.fromStrict bs)
  fromAvro (String _ x) = Right (BL.fromStrict $ Text.encodeUtf8 x)
  fromAvro x            = Left ("Unable to decode Bytes from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance (KnownNat p, KnownNat s) => FromAvro (D.Decimal p s) where
  fromAvro (Long _ n) = Right $ D.fromUnderlyingValue $ fromIntegral n
  fromAvro (Int _ n)  = Right $ D.fromUnderlyingValue $ fromIntegral n
  fromAvro x          = Left ("Unable to decode Decimal from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro UUID.UUID where
  fromAvro (String _ x) =
    case UUID.fromText x of
      Nothing -> Left "Unable to UUID from a given String value"
      Just u  -> Right u
  fromAvro x            = Left ("Unable to decode UUID from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Time.Day where
  fromAvro (Int (ReadSchema.Int (Just ReadSchema.Date)) n) = Right $ fromDaysSinceEpoch (toInteger n)
  fromAvro x                                               = Left ("Unable to decode Day from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Time.DiffTime where
  fromAvro (Int (ReadSchema.Int (Just ReadSchema.TimeMillis)) n)          = Right $ millisToDiffTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro (Long (ReadSchema.Long _ (Just ReadSchema.TimestampMillis)) n) = Right $ millisToDiffTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro (Long (ReadSchema.Long _ (Just ReadSchema.TimeMicros)) n)      = Right $ microsToDiffTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro (Long (ReadSchema.Long _ (Just ReadSchema.TimestampMicros)) n) = Right $ microsToDiffTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro x                                                              = Left ("Unable to decode TimeDiff from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro Time.UTCTime where
  fromAvro (Long (ReadSchema.Long _ (Just ReadSchema.TimestampMicros)) n) = Right $ microsToUTCTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro (Long (ReadSchema.Long _ (Just ReadSchema.TimestampMillis)) n) = Right $ millisToUTCTime (toInteger n)
  fromAvro x                                                              = Left ("Unable to decode UTCTime from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro [a] where
  fromAvro (Array vec) = mapM fromAvro $ V.toList vec
  fromAvro x           = Left ("Unable to decode Array from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro (Vector a) where
  fromAvro (Array vec) = mapM fromAvro vec
  fromAvro x           = Left ("Unable to decode Array from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance (UV.Unbox a, FromAvro a) => FromAvro (UV.Vector a) where
  fromAvro (Array vec) = UV.convert <$> mapM fromAvro vec
  fromAvro x           = Left ("Unable to decode Array from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro (Identity a) where
  fromAvro (Union _ 0 v) = Identity <$> fromAvro v
  fromAvro (Union _ n _) = Left ("Unable to decode Identity value from value with a position #" <> show n)
  fromAvro x             = Left ("Unable to decode Identity from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro (Maybe a) where
  fromAvro (Union _ _ Null) = Right Nothing
  fromAvro (Union _ _ v)    = Just <$> fromAvro v
  fromAvro x                = Left ("Unable to decode Maybe from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance (FromAvro a, FromAvro b) => FromAvro (Either a b) where
  fromAvro (Union _ 0 a) = Left <$> fromAvro a
  fromAvro (Union _ 1 b) = Right <$> fromAvro b
  fromAvro (Union _ n _) = Left ("Unable to decode Either value with a position #" <> show n)
  fromAvro x             = Left ("Unable to decode Either from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro (Map.Map Text a) where
  fromAvro (Map mp) = traverse fromAvro (Map.fromList (HashMap.toList mp))
  fromAvro x        = Left ("Unable to decode Map from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

instance FromAvro a => FromAvro (HashMap.HashMap Text a) where
  fromAvro (Map mp) = traverse fromAvro mp
  fromAvro x        = Left ("Unable to decode Map from: " <> show (describeValue x))
  {-# INLINE fromAvro #-}

getValue :: ReadSchema -> Get Value
getValue sch =
  let env = ReadSchema.extractBindings sch
  in getField env sch

getField :: HashMap Schema.TypeName ReadSchema -> ReadSchema -> Get Value
getField env sch = case sch of
  ReadSchema.Null     -> pure Null
  ReadSchema.Boolean  -> fmap Boolean                Get.getBoolean

  ReadSchema.Int _ -> fmap (Int sch)              Get.getInt

  ReadSchema.Long ReadSchema.ReadLong _     -> fmap (Long sch)                Get.getLong
  ReadSchema.Long ReadSchema.LongFromInt _  -> fmap (Long sch . fromIntegral)  Get.getInt

  ReadSchema.Float ReadSchema.ReadFloat      -> fmap (Float sch)                Get.getFloat
  ReadSchema.Float ReadSchema.FloatFromInt   -> fmap (Float sch . fromIntegral) Get.getInt
  ReadSchema.Float ReadSchema.FloatFromLong  -> fmap (Float sch . fromIntegral) Get.getLong

  ReadSchema.Double ReadSchema.ReadDouble      -> fmap (Double sch)                 Get.getDouble
  ReadSchema.Double ReadSchema.DoubleFromInt   -> fmap (Double sch . fromIntegral)  Get.getInt
  ReadSchema.Double ReadSchema.DoubleFromFloat -> fmap (Double sch . realToFrac)    Get.getFloat
  ReadSchema.Double ReadSchema.DoubleFromLong  -> fmap (Double sch . fromIntegral)  Get.getLong

  ReadSchema.String _              -> fmap (String sch)           Get.getString
  ReadSchema.Record _ _ _ fields   -> fmap (Record sch)             (getRecord env fields)
  ReadSchema.Bytes _               -> fmap (Bytes sch)            Get.getBytes

  ReadSchema.NamedType tn          ->
    case HashMap.lookup tn env of
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to resolve type name " <> show tn
      Just r  -> getField env r

  ReadSchema.Enum _ _ _ symbs      -> do
    i <- Get.getLong
    case symbs V.!? fromIntegral i of
      Nothing -> fail $ "Enum " <> show symbs <> " doesn't contain value at position " <> show i
      Just v  -> pure $ Enum sch (fromIntegral i) v

  ReadSchema.Union opts            -> do
    i <- Get.getLong
    case opts V.!? fromIntegral i of
      Nothing      -> fail $ "Decoded Avro tag is outside the expected range for a Union. Tag: " <> show i <> " union of: " <> show opts
      Just (i', t) -> Union sch (fromIntegral i') <$> getField env t

  ReadSchema.Fixed _ _ size _ -> Fixed sch <$> getByteString (fromIntegral size)

  ReadSchema.Array t -> do
    vals <- getBlocksOf env t
    pure $ Array (V.fromList $ mconcat vals)

  ReadSchema.Map  t  -> do
    kvs <- getKVBlocks env t
    return $ Map (HashMap.fromList $ mconcat kvs)

  ReadSchema.FreeUnion ix t -> do
    v <- getField env t
    pure $ Union sch ix v

getKVBlocks :: HashMap Schema.TypeName ReadSchema -> ReadSchema -> Get [[(Text, Value)]]
getKVBlocks env t = do
  blockLength <- abs <$> Get.getLong
  if blockLength == 0
  then return []
  else do vs <- replicateM (fromIntegral blockLength) ((,) <$> Get.getString <*> getField env t)
          (vs:) <$> getKVBlocks env t
{-# INLINE getKVBlocks #-}

getBlocksOf :: HashMap Schema.TypeName ReadSchema -> ReadSchema -> Get [[Value]]
getBlocksOf env t = do
  blockLength <- abs <$> Get.getLong
  if blockLength == 0
  then return []
  else do
    vs <- replicateM (fromIntegral blockLength) (getField env t)
    (vs:) <$> getBlocksOf env t

writeByPositions :: MV.MVector s Value -> [(Int, Value)] -> ST s ()
writeByPositions mv writes = foldl (>>) (return ()) (fmap (go mv) writes)
  where go :: MV.MVector s Value ->  (Int, Value) -> ST s ()
        go mv (n, v) = MV.write mv n v

getRecord :: HashMap Schema.TypeName ReadSchema -> [ReadSchema.ReadField] -> Get (Vector Value)
getRecord env fs = do
  moos <- forM fs $ \f ->
    case ReadSchema.fldStatus f of
      ReadSchema.Ignored       -> getField env (ReadSchema.fldType f) >> pure []
      ReadSchema.AsIs i        -> fmap ((:[]) . (i, )) (getField env (ReadSchema.fldType f))
      ReadSchema.Defaulted i v -> pure [(i, convertValue v)] --undefined

  return $ V.create $ do
    vals <- MV.unsafeNew (length fs)
    writeByPositions vals (mconcat moos)
    return vals

-- | This function will be unnecessary when we fully migrate to 'Value'
convertValue :: Schema.DefaultValue -> Value
convertValue = \case
  Schema.DNull -> Null
  Schema.DBoolean v       -> Boolean v
  Schema.DInt s v         -> Int (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DLong s v        -> Long (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DFloat s v       -> Float (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DDouble s v      -> Double (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DBytes s v       -> Bytes (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DString s v      -> String (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DArray v         -> Array $ fmap convertValue v
  Schema.DMap v           -> Map $ fmap convertValue v
  Schema.DFixed s v       -> Fixed (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) v
  Schema.DEnum s i v      -> Enum (ReadSchema.fromSchema s) i v
  Schema.DUnion vs sch v  ->
    case V.elemIndex sch vs of
      Just ix -> Union (ReadSchema.fromSchema sch) ix (convertValue v)
      Nothing -> error "Union contains a value of an unknown schema"
  Schema.DRecord sch vs   ->
      fldNames = Schema.fldName <$> Schema.fields sch
      values = fmap (\n -> convertValue $ vs HashMap.! n) fldNames
    in Record (ReadSchema.fromSchema sch) $ V.fromList values