{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module: Data.Aviation.WX
-- Copyright: (C) 2014-2016, Hans-Christian Esperer
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Hans-Christian Esperer <hc@hcesperer.org>
-- Stability: experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Parse aviation weather reports. A qualified import is recommended.
module Data.Aviation.WX(
  , Weather(..)
  , HasWeather(..)
  , AsWeather(..)
  , Date(..)
  , HasDate(..)
  , Station(..)
  , Flag(..)
  , HasFlag(..)
  , AsFlag(..)
  , Wind(..)
  , HasWind(..)
  , Visibility(..)
  , HasVisibility(..)
  , AsVisibility(..)
  , Runway(..)
  , HasRunway(..)
  , AsRunway(..)
  , VisTrend(..)
  , HasVisTrend(..)
  , AsVisTrend(..)
  , RunwayCondition(..)
  , HasRunwayCondition(..)
  , AsRunwayCondition(..)
  , WeatherPhenomenon(..)
  , HasWeatherPhenomenon(..)
  , Cloud(..)
  , HasCloud(..)
  , AsCloud(..)
  , Pressure(..)
  , HasPressure(..)
  , AsPressure(..)
  , Trend(..)
  , HasTrend(..)
  , AsTrend(..)
  , WPDesc(..)
  , HasWPDesc(..)
  , AsWPDesc(..)
  , WPPrecipitation(..)
  , HasWPPrecipitation(..)
  , AsWPPrecipitation(..)
  , WPObfuscation(..)
  , HasWPObfuscation(..)
  , AsWPObfuscation(..)
  , WPOther(..)
  , HasWPOther(..)
  , AsWPOther(..)
  , Distance(..)
  , HasDistance(..)
  , AsDistance(..)
  , Direction(..)
  , HasDirection(..)
  , AsDirection(..)
  , RwyCoverType(..)
  , HasRwyCoverType(..)
  , AsRwyCoverType(..)
  , RunwayBraking(..)
  , HasRunwayBraking(..)
  , AsRunwayBraking(..)
  , Vertical(..)
  , HasVertical(..)
  , AsVertical(..)
  , WindDirection(..)
  , HasWindDirection(..)
  , AsWindDirection(..)
  , Cover(..)
  , HasCover(..)
  , AsCover(..)
  , CloudType(..)
  , HasCloudType(..)
  , AsCloudType(..)
  , WPIntensity(..)
  , HasWPIntensity(..)
  , AsWPIntensity(..)
  , Transition(..)
  , HasTransition(..)
  , AsTransition(..)
  , Unit(..)
  , HasUnit(..)
  , AsUnit(..)
  , ReportType(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative(Alternative((<|>), some, many), optional)
import Control.Lens(makeClassy, makeClassyPrisms, makeWrapped)
import Control.Monad(when, void)
import Data.Maybe(isNothing, catMaybes)
import Data.Text(Text, pack)
import Text.Parser.Char(CharParsing, space, spaces, char, satisfy, text, digit, anyChar)
import Text.Parser.Combinators(try, option, choice, sepBy, sepBy1, count, unexpected)

takeChars ::
  CharParsing f =>
  -> f Text
takeChars n =
  pack <$> count n anyChar

data ReportType
    = MetarReport | TafReport
    deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

-- | Aviation weather, currently only METARs and TAFs are supported.
data Weather
    = -- | A METeorological Aerodrome Report
    { -- | The type of the report
      _reporttype                               :: ReportType
    , -- | The observation date.
      _metardate                                :: Date
    , -- | The designation of the observing station.
      _station                                  :: Station
    , -- | A remark about the reported observation.
      _flags                                    :: [Flag]
    , -- | The observed wind.
      _metarwind                                :: Maybe Wind
    , -- | The observed visibility.
      _metarvisibility                          :: [Visibility]
    , -- | The observed visibility for specific runways,
      -- usually reported if the runway visibility significantly
      -- differs from the general reported visibility.
      _runwayvis                                :: [(Runway, [Visibility], Maybe VisTrend)]
    , -- | Surface or close conditions of a specific runway.
      _runwaycond                               :: [RunwayCondition]
    , -- | Observed weather phenomena
      _wx                                       :: [WeatherPhenomenon]
    , -- | Observed cloud layers
      _clouds                                   :: [Cloud]
    , -- | Measured pressure
      _metarpressure                            :: Maybe Pressure
    , -- | Measured pressure
      _temperature                              :: Maybe Int
    , -- | Determined dew point
      _dewPoint                                 :: Maybe Int
    , -- | Expected changes within the next two hours
      -- There can be more than one; for example a TEMPO and a BECMG prediction
      _weathertrend                             :: [Trend]
    , -- | RMK section (Additional parts of a METAR report that are not
      -- part of the official METAR message but are commonly used
      -- in various parts of the world; unparsed)
      _remark                                   :: Maybe Text
    , --
      _maintenance                              :: Bool }
    | -- | An automatic terminal information service report
    | -- | A non-scheduled METAR
    | -- | A terminal aerodrome forecast
    { -- | The type of the report
      _reporttype                               :: ReportType
    , -- | The date the TAF was issued
      _tafissuedat                              :: Date
    , -- | A remark about the reported observation.
      _flags                                    :: [Flag]
    , -- | The designation of the observing station.
      _station                                  :: Station
    , -- | The beginning of the validity period
      _tafvalidfrom                             :: Date
    , -- | The end of the validity period
      _tafvaliduntil                            :: Date
    , -- | The initial conditions predicted to be valid
      -- for the duration of the TAF
      _tafinitialconditions                     :: [Transition]
    , -- | Zero or more predicted changes
      _tafchanges                               :: [Trend] }
    | -- | An aviation wx hazard message of moderate severity
    | -- | A significant meteorological information message
    | -- | A general aviation forecast message
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A flag describing an aviation meteorological report
data Flag
    = -- | A message has been corrected after the beginning of
      -- its original validity period
    | -- | A message has been corrected prior to its
      -- original validity period
    | -- | A message has been generated fully automatic
      -- without a plausibility check by a human
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The trend part of an observation message specifies expected
-- changes in weather conditions within the next two hours.
-- A Trend/Transition part of a TAF message specified expected
-- changes in weather conditions within the specified range.
data Trend
    = -- | A transition that will start within the defined
      -- time frame and be completed at the end of the defined
      -- time frame
    { _becmgStart           :: Maybe Date
    , _becmgFinished        :: Maybe Date
    , _becmgTransitions     :: [Transition] }
    | -- | A transition that will start within the defined
      -- time frame and be finished at the end of the defined
      -- time frame
    { _tempoFrom            :: Maybe Date
    , _tempoTo              :: Maybe Date
    , _tempoTransitions     :: [Transition] }
    | -- | A probability specification.
      -- As one of my FIs (ex-atc at EDDF) used to put it:
      -- 30% means "I'm quite sure it won't happen but will still
      -- put it in here, in case it does after all."
      -- 40% means "I'm certain it will happen but will still
      -- put it with 40%, in case it does not happen after all."
      PROB Int Trend
    | -- | NOSIG is only applicable to METARs. It means that
      -- no significant changes are expected within the next
      -- two hours.
    | -- | NOTAVAIL is only applicable to METARs. It means that
      -- the METAR message in question does not contain a TREND
      -- section.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A transition in weather conditions.
-- A transition can either be temporary or permanent;
-- this will be encoded in the container structure.
data Transition
    = -- | A change of wind strength or direction
      TransWind Wind
    | -- | A change of visibility
      TransVis [Visibility]
    | -- | A change of visibility for a specific runway
      TransRunwayVis [(Runway, [Visibility], Maybe VisTrend)]
    | -- | A change of weather phenomenon
      TransWX [WeatherPhenomenon]
    | -- | A change of ceiling or cloud layers
      TransClouds [Cloud]
    | -- | A change of ceiling or cloud layers
      TransPressure [Pressure]
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A visibility trend specifically for runway conditions
data VisTrend
    = -- | Visibility will improve (maybe do wait a bit)
    | -- | Visibility will deteriorate (still, don't rush
      -- the take off and use proper phraseology at all times)
    | -- | No expected change in runway visibility conditions
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A pressure value. This is intentionally coded
-- individually and not converted to a specific reference.
data Pressure
    = -- | The QNH value in hectopascals. QNH is the current
      -- pressure at sea level, corrected for pressure and
      -- temperature changes at the station level.
      QNH Int
    | -- | The same as QNH, only in inches
      -- (Do you know the old joke?:
      --   * ATC: Liner 1723 descend to 3,000ft, the QNH is 1013mb.
      --   * Liner 1723: Uh, approach, can we have that in inches please?
      --   * ATC: Liner 1723 descend to 36,000 inches, the QNH is 1013mb.
      Altimeter Int
    | -- | The current pressure at station level in hectopascals.
      QFE Int
    | -- | The current pressure at sea level in hectopascals.
      QFF Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A weather phenomenon.
-- This can be an observed phenomenon in the case of METARs or an
-- expected phenomenon in the case of TAFs.
data WeatherPhenomenon
    = Phenomenon
    { -- | The intensity of the phenomenon.
      _intensity :: WPIntensity
    , -- | The description of the weather phenomenon.
      _desc      :: Maybe WPDesc
    , -- | The precipitation type of the weather phenomenon.
      _prec      :: Maybe WPPrecipitation
    , -- | The effects of the phenomenon on the visibility
      _obfus     :: Maybe WPObfuscation
    , -- | Other details about the phenomenon.
      _other     :: Maybe WPOther }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The intensity of an observed or expected weather phenomenon.
data WPIntensity
    = -- | Light
    | -- | Moderate
    | -- | Heavy
    | -- | Only applicable to METARs. The weather phenomenon was
      -- observed in the vicinity of the observed area, not within
      -- the observed area itself.
    | -- | Only applicable to METARs. The weather phenomenon was
      -- recently observed in the past, but was not observed at
      -- the time the report was issued.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)

-- | The description of a weather phenomenon.
data WPDesc
    = -- | Shallow.
    | -- | Patches.
    | -- | Partial.
    | -- | Low, drifting.
    | -- | Blowing.
    | -- | Shower.
    | -- | Thunderstorm.
    | -- | Freezing.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The type of the precipitation
data WPPrecipitation
    = -- | Drizzle.
    | -- | Rain.
    | -- | Snow.
    | -- | Snow grains.
    | -- | Ice crystals.
    | -- | Ice pellets.
    | -- | Hail.
    | -- | Snow pellets.
    | -- | No precipication detected (fully automated measurement)
    | -- | Unknown type of precipitation.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Effects on the visibility by a weather phenomenon
data WPObfuscation
    = -- | Mist. Visibility impaired but still greater than 1000m
    | -- | Fog. Visibility less than 1000m.
    | -- | Smoke.
    | -- | Volcanic ash.
    | -- | Dust.
    | -- | Sand.
    | -- | Haze.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Other important information about a weather phenomenon.
data WPOther
    = -- | Dust or sand whirls.
    | -- | Squalls.
    | -- | Tornado.
    | -- | Sand storm.
    | -- | Dust storm.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The Distance.
data Distance
    = -- | The distance in metres.
      Metres Int
    | -- | The distance in km.
      KM Int
    | -- | The distance in statute miles.
      SM Int
    | -- | The distance in nautical miles.
      NM Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Vertical visibility.
data Visibility
    = -- | Ten kilometres or more. This is also used for "P6SM" which means 6 statute miles or more.
      -- Do note that 6SM is a little less than 10km (9.6km)
    | -- | Fifty metres or less.
    | -- | Two kilometres or more.
    | -- | A specific visibility.
      SpecificVisibility Distance (Maybe Direction)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Directions.
data Direction
    = -- | North.
    | -- | South.
    | -- | East.
    | -- | West.
    | -- | Northwest.
    | -- | Northeast.
    | -- | Southwest.
    | -- | Southeast.
    | -- | No direction could be determined
    | -- | Left runway for runways of the same QFU
      -- (part of the runway designator)
    | -- | Right runway for runways of the same QFU
      -- (part of the runway designator)
    | -- | Centre runway for runways of the same QFU
      -- (part of the runway designator)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Runway specification.
data Runway
    = -- | All runways.
    | -- | A specific runway.
    { -- | The runway's magnetic orientation, divided by ten and rounded.
      _runwayQFU                 :: Int
    , -- | For multiple runways with the same QFU, a left, right or centre
      -- selector is added.
      _runwayDirection           :: Maybe Direction }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The runway contamination type.
data RwyCoverType
    = -- | The runway is not contaminated.
    | -- | The runway is moist.
    | -- | The runway is wet.
    | -- | The runway is convered with rime.
    | -- | The runway is covered with dry snow.
    | -- | The runway is covered with wet snow.
    | -- | The runway is covered with slush.
    | -- | The runway is covered with ice.
    | -- | The runway is covered with frozen ruts or ridges.
    | -- | The runway contamination type is unknown.
    deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

-- | Runway conditions.
data RunwayCondition
    = -- | Specific runway conditions exist.
    { -- | The runway for which specific conditions
      -- have been observed.
      _rwcondRunway :: Runway
    , -- | Whether and how the runway is contamindated.
      _rwcondCover  :: RwyCoverType
    , -- | The extent of the contamination in percent.
      _rwcondSpread :: Maybe Int
    , -- | The height of the contamination in millimetres.
      _rwcondCoverHeight :: Maybe Int
    , -- | The friction coefficient or braking action value.
      _rwcondBrkCoeff :: RunwayBraking }
    | -- | The runway is closed.
    { -- | The runway that is closed.
      _rwclosedRunway :: Runway }
    | -- | The whole aerodrome is closed.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The measured brake efficiency of a specific runway.
data RunwayBraking
    = -- | The friction coefficient.
      BrakingFriction Int
    | -- | The braking coefficient.
      BrakingEffect Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | An obersvation date.
data Date
    = Date {
      _dayOfMonth :: Int
    , _hour :: Int
    , _minute :: Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | An aeronautical weather station designator.
newtype Station
    = -- | The station as identified by its aerodrome's
      -- ICAO code.
      ICAO Text
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A vertical position specification.
data Vertical
    = -- | A vertical position with reference to the ground
      -- in feet.
      Height Int
    | -- | A vertical position with reference to the mean
      -- sea level/QNH in feet.
      Altitude Int
    | -- | A pressure altitude with reference to the
      -- standard QNH of 1013 hectopascals in hundrets of feet.
      FlightLevel Int
    | -- | Vertical position is not specified.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Wind information.
data Wind
    = Wind
    { -- | The direction the wind is blowing from.
      _winddirection :: Maybe WindDirection
    , -- | The wind speed.
      _velocity  :: Maybe Unit
    , -- | The strength of the observed gusts, if any.
      _gusts     :: Maybe Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The direction the wind is blowing from.
data WindDirection
    = -- | The wind is blowing in equal or almost equal
      -- strength from a wide variety of directions.
    | -- | The wind is blowing from the specified direction.
      -- Directions can be given with reference to true or
      -- magnetic north, depending on the type of weather
      -- observation/forecast message.
      Degrees Int
    | -- | The wind is blowing from a specific direction
      -- range.
    { -- | The mean direction the wind is blowing from.
      _windmean :: Int
    , -- | The minimum direction the wind is blowing from.
      _windfrom :: Int
    , -- | The maximum direction the wind is blowing from.
      _windto   :: Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A speed unit.
data Unit
    = -- | Nautical miles per hour
      Knots Int
    | -- | Statute miles per hour
      Miles Int
    | -- |  Unknown (miles per second?)
      MPS Int
    | -- | Kilometres per hour
      KMH Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A cloud specification.
data Cloud
    = -- | No specific clouds could be observed, because
      -- the (given) ground visibility was too low or because
      -- the ground is covered in clouds.
      VVis (Maybe Int)
    | -- | Clouds were observed.
      ObservedCloud Cover Vertical CloudType
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The type of cloud.
data CloudType
    = -- | A cumulonimbus cloud.
    | -- | A developing cb cloud.
    | -- | A stratus cloud.
    | -- | A cumulus cloud.
    | -- | A stratocumulus cloud.
    | -- | An altostratus cloud.
    | -- | An altocumulus cloud.
    | -- | A cirrostratus cloud.
    | -- | A cirrus cloud.
    | -- | An unclassified cloud.
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)

-- | The area that is covered.
data Cover
    = -- | 1-2 eights are covered.
    | -- | 3-4 eights are covered.
    | -- | 5-7 eights are covered.
    | -- | More than 7 eights are covered.
    | -- | Cover not specified
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

makeClassy       ''Weather
makeClassyPrisms ''Weather
makeClassy       ''Flag
makeClassyPrisms ''Flag
makeClassy       ''Trend
makeClassyPrisms ''Trend
makeClassy       ''Transition
makeClassyPrisms ''Transition
makeClassy       ''VisTrend
makeClassyPrisms ''VisTrend
makeClassy       ''Pressure
makeClassyPrisms ''Pressure
makeClassy       ''WeatherPhenomenon
makeClassy       ''WPIntensity
makeClassyPrisms ''WPIntensity
makeClassy       ''WPDesc
makeClassyPrisms ''WPDesc
makeClassy       ''WPPrecipitation
makeClassyPrisms ''WPPrecipitation
makeClassy       ''WPObfuscation
makeClassyPrisms ''WPObfuscation
makeClassy       ''WPOther
makeClassyPrisms ''WPOther
makeClassy       ''Distance
makeClassyPrisms ''Distance
makeClassy       ''Visibility
makeClassyPrisms ''Visibility
makeClassy       ''Direction
makeClassyPrisms ''Direction
makeClassy       ''Runway
makeClassyPrisms ''Runway
makeClassy       ''RwyCoverType
makeClassyPrisms ''RwyCoverType
makeClassy       ''RunwayCondition
makeClassyPrisms ''RunwayCondition
makeClassy       ''RunwayBraking
makeClassyPrisms ''RunwayBraking
makeClassy       ''Date
makeWrapped      ''Station
makeClassy       ''Vertical
makeClassyPrisms ''Vertical
makeClassy       ''Wind
makeClassy       ''WindDirection
makeClassyPrisms ''WindDirection
makeClassy       ''Unit
makeClassyPrisms ''Unit
makeClassy       ''Cloud
makeClassyPrisms ''Cloud
makeClassy       ''CloudType
makeClassyPrisms ''CloudType
makeClassy       ''Cover
makeClassyPrisms ''Cover

instance HasWPIntensity WeatherPhenomenon where
  wPIntensity =
    intensity . wPIntensity

--instance HasWindDirection Wind where
--  windDirection =
--    winddirection . windDirection

--instance HasUnit Wind where
--  unit =
--    velocity . unit

stationParser :: CharParsing f => f Station
stationParser = ICAO <$> takeChars 4

dateParser :: CharParsing f => f Date
dateParser = Date <$> twin <*> twin <*> (twin <* text "Z")
    where twin = (\a b -> read [a, b]) <$> digit <*> digit

dateParserSansZulu :: CharParsing f => f Date
dateParserSansZulu = Date <$> twin <*> twin <*> twin
    where twin = (\a b -> read [a, b]) <$> digit <*> digit

briefDateParser :: CharParsing f => f Date
briefDateParser = Date <$> twin <*> twin <*> pure 0
    where twin = (\a b -> read [a, b]) <$> digit <*> digit

variableWindParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => Maybe WindDirection -> f WindDirection
variableWindParser (Just (Degrees meanWind)) = try $ do
    dir1 <- (\a b c -> read [a, b, c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit
    _ <- char 'V'
    dir2 <- (\a b c -> read [a, b, c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit
    return $ Varying meanWind dir1 dir2
variableWindParser _ = unexpected "Erroneous parameters"

windParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Wind
windParser = do
    dir <- choice [Just <$> readwinddir, Just <$> variablewind, text "///" >> return Nothing]
    str <- choice [Just <$> readwindstr, text "//" >> return Nothing]
    gustsies <- option Nothing readgusts
    unit' <- readunit
    dir2 <- option dir (Just <$> (char ' ' >> variableWindParser dir))
    return $ Wind dir2 (unit' <$> str) gustsies
        variablewind = "VRB" `means` Variable
        readwinddir = (\a b c -> Degrees . read $ [a, b, c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit
        readwindstr = (\a b -> read [a, b]) <$> digit <*> digit
        readunit = choice [ "KT" `means` Knots
                          , "MPH" `means` Miles
                          , "MPS" `means` MPS
                          , "KM" `means` KMH]
        readgusts = (\_ b c -> Just . read $ [b, c]) <$> char 'G' <*> digit <*> digit

pressureParser :: CharParsing f => f  Pressure
pressureParser = choice [qnha, mmhg, qnh]
      qnh  = (\_ a b c d -> QNH $ read [a, b, c, d]) <$> char 'Q' <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit
      qnha = (\_ a b c d _ -> Altimeter $ read [a, b, c, d]) <$> text "QNH" <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> text "INS"
      mmhg = (\_ a b c d -> Altimeter $ read [a, b, c, d]) <$> char 'A' <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit

wxParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WeatherPhenomenon
wxParser = do
    intsy <- intensityParser
    dsc <- perhaps descParser
    prc <- perhaps precipitationParser
    obfs <- perhaps obfuscationParser
    othr <- perhaps otherParser
    when ( (== 0) . Prelude.length . Prelude.filter not $
        [ isNothing dsc, isNothing prc
        , isNothing obfs, isNothing othr ] ) $ unexpected ""
    return $ Phenomenon intsy dsc prc obfs othr

perhaps :: Alternative m => m a -> m (Maybe a)
perhaps parser = option Nothing $ Just <$> parser

perhaps_ :: Alternative f => f a -> f ()
perhaps_ parser = void $ perhaps parser

callsfor :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => Text -> m b -> m b
a `callsfor` b = text a >> b

means :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => Text -> b -> m b
a `means` b = text a >> return b

means' :: (CharParsing m, Monad m) => Text -> a -> m a
a `means'` b = try $ spaces >> text a >> spaces >> return b

descParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WPDesc
descParser = choice
    [ "MI" `means` Shallow
    , "BC" `means` Patches
    , "PR" `means` WXPartial
    , "DR" `means` LowDrifting
    , "BL" `means` Blowing
    , "SH" `means` Shower
    , "TS" `means` Thunderstorm
    , "FZ" `means` Freezing ]

precipitationParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WPPrecipitation
precipitationParser = choice
    [ "DZ" `means` Drizzle
    , "RA" `means` Rain
    , "SN" `means` Snow
    , "SG" `means` ShowGrains
    , "IC" `means` IceCrystals
    , "PL" `means` IcePellets
    , "GR" `means` Hail
    , "GS" `means` SnowPellets
    , "// " `means` NoPrecipitationDetected
    , "UP" `means` UnknownPrecipitation ]

obfuscationParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WPObfuscation
obfuscationParser = choice
    [ "BR" `means` Mist
    , "FG" `means` Fog
    , "FU" `means` Smoke
    , "VA" `means` VolcanicAsh
    , "DU" `means` Dust
    , "SA" `means` Sand
    , "HZ" `means` Haze ]

otherParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WPOther
otherParser = choice
    [ "PO" `means` DustOrSandwhirls
    , "SQ" `means` Squalls
    , "FC" `means` Tornado
    , "SS" `means` Sandstorm
    , "DS" `means` Duststorm ]

intensityParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f WPIntensity
intensityParser = option Moderate $ choice
    [ char '-' >> return Light
    , char '+' >> return Heavy
    , "VC" `means` Vicinity
    , "RE" `means` Recent ]

visibilityParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Visibility
visibilityParser = spaces >> choice [ tenormorendv, tenormore, sixmilesormore, arb, arb1, metres ]
        tenormorendv =  text "9999NDV" >> return TenOrMore
        tenormore = text "9999" >> return TenOrMore
        sixmilesormore = text "P6SM" >> return TenOrMore
        metres = (\a b c d dir -> SpecificVisibility (visunit $ read [a,b,c,d]) dir) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> directionParser
        visunit :: Int -> Distance
        visunit n = if n > 5000
            then KM (n `quot` 1000)
            else Metres n
        arb  = (\a b unit' -> SpecificVisibility (unit' $ read [a,b])) <$> digit <*> digit <*> distanceUnitParser <*> directionParser
        arb1 = (\a unit' -> SpecificVisibility (unit' $ read ['0', a])) <$> digit <*> distanceUnitParser <*> directionParser

directionParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f (Maybe Direction)
directionParser = Nothing `option` (Just <$> choice
    [ "NE" `means` NorthEast, "NW" `means` NorthWest
    , "SE" `means` SouthEast, "SW" `means` SouthWest
    , "NDV" `means` NDV
    , "N" `means` North, "S" `means` South
    , "E" `means` East, "W" `means` West ])

distanceUnitParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f (Int -> Distance)
distanceUnitParser = choice
    [ "KM" `means` KM
    , "SM" `means` SM
    , "NM" `means` NM ]

cloudParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f [Cloud]
cloudParser = choice [ (:[]) <$> vvisParser, cavok
                     , catMaybes <$> sepBy1 (choice [ Just <$> clds, noclouds ]) (char ' ')]
        clds = do
            perhaps_ space
            intsy <- cloudIntensityParser
            height <- choice
                [ "///" `means` VertNotSpec
                , (\a b c -> Height $ (* 100) $ read [a, b, c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit ]

            cloudType' <- cloudTypeParser
            return $ ObservedCloud intsy height cloudType'

        cavok = spaces >> "CAVOK" `means` []

        noclouds = choice [ clr, nsc
                          , ncd, skc, nsw, nowx, ncd2 ]
        nsc   = "NSC " `means`    Nothing
        clr   = "CLR " `means`    Nothing
        skc   = "SKC " `means`    Nothing
        nsw   = "NSW " `means`    Nothing
        ncd   = "NCD " `means`    Nothing
        nowx  = "// " `means`     Nothing
        ncd2  = "////// " `means` Nothing

vvisParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Cloud
vvisParser = do
    _ <- text "VV"
        [ "///" `means` VVis Nothing
        , (\a b c -> VVis . Just . read $ [a,b,c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit ]

cloudIntensityParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Cover
cloudIntensityParser = choice
    [ "FEW" `means` FEW
    , "SCT" `means` SCT
    , "BKN" `means` BKN
    , "OVC" `means` OVC
    , "///" `means` CoverNotSpecified ]

cloudTypeParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f CloudType
cloudTypeParser = option Unclassified $ choice
    [ "CB" `means` Cumulonimbus
    , "TCU" `means` ToweringCumulus
    , "ST" `means` Stratus
    , "CU" `means` Cumulus
    , "SC" `means` Stratocumulus
    , "AS" `means` Altostratus
    , "AC" `means` Altocumulus
    , "CS" `means` Cirrostratus
    , "CI" `means` Cirrus
    , "///" `means` Unclassified]

perhapsMinus :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f String
perhapsMinus = "" `option` (char 'M' >> return "-")

tdParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
tdParser = do
    tmpr <- choice
        [ text "//" >> return Nothing
        , Just <$> tmpParser ]
    _ <- char '/'
    dewpoint <- choice
        [ text "//" >> return Nothing
        , Just <$> tmpParser ]
    return (tmpr, dewpoint)
        tmpParser = (\pm a b -> read (pm ++ [a, b]) :: Int) <$> perhapsMinus <*> digit <*> digit

flagsParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f [Flag]
flagsParser = many $ choice
    [ "COR" `means'` COR
    , "AMD" `means'` AMD
    , "AUTO" `means'` AUTO ]

runwayvisParser ::  (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f (Runway, [Visibility], Maybe VisTrend)
runwayvisParser = do
    runway' <- runwayDesignationParser
    _ <- char '/'
    vis <- parseRwyVis
    vistrend <- Nothing `option` (Just <$> choice
        [ "D" `means` VisTrendDownward
        , "N" `means` VisTrendNoDistinctTendency
        , "U" `means` VisTrendUpward ] )
    return (runway', vis, vistrend)
        parseRwyVis = do
            worstvis <- Nothing `option` (Just <$> choice visspec <* text "V")
            vis <- Just <$> choice visspec
            return $ catMaybes [worstvis, vis]

        visspec =
            [ "M0050" `means` FiftyMetresOrLess
            , "P2000" `means` TwoOrMore
            , fourDigits >>= \a -> return $ SpecificVisibility (Metres a) Nothing
            , trieDigits >>= \a -> return $ SpecificVisibility (Metres a) Nothing ]

runwayconditionParser ::  (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f RunwayCondition
runwayconditionParser = do
    runway' <- runwayDesignationParser
    _ <- char '/'
        [ "SNOCLO" `means` ADClosed
        , rwycond runway' ]

        rwycond runway' = do
            cover' <- RCTUnknown `option` ((toEnum . read . (:[])) <$> digit)
            spread <- choice
                [ char '/' >> return Nothing
                , (Just . read . (:[])) <$> digit ]
            spreadheight <- choice
                [ text "//" >> return Nothing
                , Just <$> tuhDigits ]
            rkorbw <- tuhDigits
            let coff = if rkorbw <= 90
                    then BrakingFriction rkorbw
                    else BrakingEffect rkorbw
            return $ SpecificRunwayCondition runway' cover' spread spreadheight coff

fourDigits :: CharParsing f => f Int
fourDigits = (\a b c d -> read [a,b,c,d]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit <*> digit

trieDigits :: CharParsing f => f Int
trieDigits = (\a b c -> read [a,b,c]) <$> digit <*> digit <*> digit

tuhDigits :: CharParsing f => f Int
tuhDigits = (\a b -> read [a,b]) <$> digit <*> digit

runwayDesignationParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Runway
runwayDesignationParser = choice ["R88" `means` AllRunways, oneRunway]
        oneRunway = do
            _ <- char 'R'
            magheading <- (\a b -> read [a,b]) <$> digit <*> digit
            dir <- Nothing `option` (Just <$> choice
                [ "L" `means` RWYLeft
                , "R" `means` RWYRight
                , "C" `means` RWYCenter ])
            return $ SpecificRunway magheading dir

trendParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f [Trend]
trendParser = choice
    [ "NOSIG" `means` [NOSIG]
    , changesParser ]

changesParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f [Trend]
changesParser = some $ spaces >> transitionTypeParser
        transitionTypeParser = choice
                [ "TEMPO" `callsfor` (TEMPO <$> parseFrom <*> parseTo <*> transitionParser)
                , "BECMG" `callsfor` (BECMG <$> parseFrom <*> parseTo <*> transitionParser)
                , "FM" `callsfor` (BECMG <$> parseFromFM <*> pure Nothing <*> transitionParser)
                , "PROB" `callsfor`  (PROB  <$> twoDigits <*> (head <$> changesParser)) ]
        transitionParser = sepBy1 oneTransition (char ' ')
        parseFromFM = do
            fromDate <- dateParserSansZulu
            void $ text " "
            return $ Just fromDate
        parseFrom = Nothing `option` do
            fromDate <- briefDateParser
            void $ text "/"
            return $ Just fromDate
        parseTo = Nothing `option` (Just <$> briefDateParser)
        oneTransition = do
            choice . map try $
              [ TransClouds    <$> cloudParser
              , TransWind      <$> windParser
              , TransVis       <$> some visibilityParser
              , TransWX        <$> many wxParser
              , TransPressure . (:[]) <$> pressureParser
              , TransRunwayVis <$> sepBy runwayvisParser (char ' ') ]

twoDigits :: CharParsing f => f Int
twoDigits = (\a b -> read [a,b]) <$> digit <*> digit

tafParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Weather
tafParser = do
    _ <- text "TAF"
    tafflags <- flagsParser
    identifier <- spaces >> stationParser
    issuedate <- spaces >> dateParser
    validFrom <- spaces >> briefDateParser
    validTo <- text "/" >> briefDateParser
    predictedWind <- Nothing `option` (spaces >> Just <$> windParser)
    predictedVisibility <- [TenOrMore] `option` some visibilityParser
    predictedRunwayvis <- sepBy runwayvisParser (char ' ')
    predictedWx <- many wxParser
    predictedClouds <- [] `option` (spaces >> cloudParser)
    predictedQnh <- many $ spaces >> pressureParser -- Sometimes, multiple pressure values are offered
    let initialConditions = catMaybes
            [ TransWind <$> predictedWind
            , Just $ TransVis predictedVisibility
            , Just $ TransRunwayVis predictedRunwayvis
            , Just $ TransWX predictedWx
            , Just $ TransClouds predictedClouds
            , Just $ TransPressure predictedQnh ]
    changes <- [] `option` changesParser
    return TAF
        { _reporttype=TafReport
        , _tafissuedat=issuedate
        , _flags=tafflags
        , _station=identifier
        , _tafvalidfrom=validFrom
        , _tafvaliduntil=validTo
        , _tafinitialconditions=initialConditions
        , _tafchanges=changes}

metarParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Weather
metarParser = do
    _ <- text "METAR"
    reportflags <- flagsParser
    identifier <- spaces >> stationParser
    reportdate <- spaces >> dateParser
    reportflags2 <- flagsParser
    reportwind <- Nothing `option` (spaces >> Just <$> windParser)
    reportvis <- [TenOrMore] `option` some visibilityParser
    reportrunwaycond <- sepBy runwayconditionParser (char ' ')
    reportrunwayvis <- sepBy runwayvisParser (char ' ')
    reportwx <- many wxParser
    reportclouds <- [] `option` (spaces >> cloudParser)
    (reporttemp, reportdewpoint) <- (Nothing, Nothing) `option` (spaces >> tdParser)
    reportpressure <- Nothing `option` (spaces >> Just <$> pressureParser)
    void $ many $ spaces >> pressureParser -- Sometimes, multiple pressure values are offered
    reporttrend <- [] `option` trendParser
    reportrmk <- maybeRMK
    maintenance' <- or <$> optional (True <$ char '$' <|> False <$ char '=')
    return $ METAR MetarReport reportdate identifier (reportflags ++ reportflags2)
        reportwind reportvis reportrunwayvis reportrunwaycond reportwx
        reportclouds reportpressure reporttemp reportdewpoint
        reporttrend reportrmk maintenance'

maybeRMK :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f (Maybe Text)
maybeRMK = Nothing `option` do
    void $ choice [ text "RMK ", text " RMK " ]
    Just . pack <$> some (satisfy (`notElem` ("$=" :: String)))

-- | An attoparsec parser that can parse METAR messages.
weatherParser :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Weather
weatherParser = choice [ metarParser, tafParser ]