aws-kinesis: Bindings for Amazon Kinesis
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Bindings for Amazon Kinesis
Amazon Kinesis is an AWS service for real-time processing of streaming data at massive scale.
API Version: 2013-12-02
[Skip to Readme]
- Aws
- Aws.Kinesis
- Commands
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.CreateStream
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.DeleteStream
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.DescribeStream
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.GetRecords
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.GetShardIterator
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.ListStreams
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.MergeShards
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.PutRecord
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.PutRecords
- Aws.Kinesis.Commands.SplitShard
- Aws.Kinesis.Core
- Aws.Kinesis.Types
- Commands
- Aws.Kinesis
- aws-kinesis-0.1.5.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] | 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.1.2, 0.1.3, 0.1.4, 0.1.5 |
Change log | |
Dependencies | aeson (>=0.7), aws (>=0.9), aws-general (>=0.2.2), base (>=4 && <5), base64-bytestring (>=1.0), blaze-builder (>=0.3), bytestring (>=0.10), conduit (>=1.1), conduit-extra (>=1.1), deepseq (>=1.3), http-conduit (>=2.1), http-types (>=0.8), parsers (>=0.11), QuickCheck (>=2.7), quickcheck-instances (>=0.3), resourcet (>=1.1), text (>=1.1), time (>=1.4), transformers (>=0.3) [details] |
License | Apache-2.0 |
Copyright | Copyright (c) 2013-2015 PivotCloud, Inc. |
Author | Lars Kuhtz <> |
Maintainer | Lars Kuhtz <> |
Category | Network, Web, AWS, Cloud, Distributed Computing |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Source repo | head: git clone this: git clone 0.1.5) |
Uploaded | by larsk at 2015-03-30T22:35:28Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 4 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 5928 total (9 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs available [build log] Last success reported on 2015-03-30 [all 1 reports] |