backblaze-b2-hs: A client library to access Backblaze B2 cloud storage in Haskell.

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A client library to access Backblaze B2 Cloud storage in Haskell. It provides a high-level API to access Backblaze B2 storage allowing for quick application developlment.

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Dependencies aeson, backblaze-b2-hs, base (>=4.7 && <5), base64-bytestring, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, containers, cryptonite, formatting, http-client, http-types, protolude, req, req-conduit, scientific, text, time, unliftio, unliftio-core [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2019 Aditya Manthramurthy
Author Aditya Manthramurthy
Maintainer ~donatello/
Category Network, Cloud
Home page
Bug tracker ~donatello/
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by AdityaManthramurthy at 2019-07-24T00:25:38Z
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Last success reported on 2019-07-24 [all 1 reports]

Readme for backblaze-b2-hs-

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NOTE: This library is still in early development. Do not depend on it just yet.

A client library to access Backblaze B2 Cloud storage in Haskell. It provides a high-level API to access Backblaze B2 storage allowing for quick application developlment.