Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype Username = Username {}
- newtype Password = Password {}
- newtype SKU = SKU {}
- mkSku :: Text -> Maybe SKU
- data GetRate = GetRate {}
- data RateOptions = RateOptions {
- rateOptionCurrency :: Currency
- rateOptionGroupBy :: GroupBy
- rateOptionWarehouseId :: Maybe WarehouseId
- rateOptionWarehouseExternalId :: Maybe WarehouseExternalId
- rateOptionWarehouseRegion :: Maybe WarehouseRegion
- rateOptionIgnoreUnknownSkus :: Maybe IgnoreUnknownSkus
- rateOptionCanSplit :: CanSplit
- rateOptionWarehouseArea :: WarehouseArea
- rateOptionChannelName :: Maybe ChannelName
- rateOptionExpectedShipDate :: Maybe ExpectedShipDate
- rateOptionHighAccuracyEstimates :: Maybe HighAccuracyEstimates
- data CanSplit
- data RateOrder = RateOrder {}
- data ShipTo = ShipTo {}
- data IsCommercial
- data IsPoBox
- type Items = [ItemInfo]
- data ItemInfo = ItemInfo (SKU, Quantity)
- newtype Quantity = Quantity {}
- newtype AddressLine = AddressLine {}
- newtype City = City {}
- newtype PostalCode = PostalCode {
- unPostalCode :: Text
- newtype Region = Region {}
- data IgnoreUnknownSkus
- newtype Country = Country {}
- data Currency = USD
- data GroupBy
- newtype WarehouseArea = WarehouseArea {}
- data RateResponse = RateResponse {}
- newtype ResponseStatus = ResponseStatus {}
- newtype ResponseMessage = ResponseMessage {}
- newtype ResponseWarnings = ResponseWarnings {}
- newtype ResponseErrors = ResponseErrors {
- unResponseErrors :: [Error]
- newtype ResponseResourceLocation = ResponseResourceLocation {}
- data Warning = Warning {}
- newtype WarningCode = WarningCode {}
- newtype WarningMessage = WarningMessage {}
- data WarningType
- data Error = Error {}
- data ErrorCode
- newtype ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage {}
- data ErrorType
- data RateResource = RateResource {}
- newtype Rates = Rates {}
- data ServiceOptions = ServiceOptions {}
- type GroupId = Id
- type GroupExternalId = ExternalId
- newtype Id = Id {}
- newtype ExternalId = ExternalId {
- unExternalId :: Text
- data ServiceOption = ServiceOption {}
- newtype ServiceOptionServiceLevelName = ServiceOptionServiceLevelName {}
- data ServiceLevelCode
- data Shipment = Shipment {
- shipmentWarehouseName :: WarehouseName
- shipmentCarrier :: Carrier
- shipmentCost :: Cost
- shipmentSubtotals :: [Subtotal]
- shipmentPieces :: [Piece]
- shipmentExpectedShipDate :: Maybe ExpectedShipDate
- shipmentExpectedDeliveryDateMin :: Maybe ExpectedDeliveryDateMin
- shipmentExpectedDeliveryDateMax :: Maybe ExpectedDeliveryDateMax
- newtype WarehouseName = WarehouseName {}
- newtype ExpectedShipDate = ExpectedShipDate {}
- type ExpectedDeliveryDateMin = ExpectedShipDate
- type ExpectedDeliveryDateMax = ExpectedShipDate
- data Carrier = Carrier {}
- newtype CarrierCode = CarrierCode {}
- newtype CarrierName = CarrierName {}
- newtype CarrierProperties = CarrierProperties {
- unCarrierProperties :: [Text]
- data Cost = Cost {}
- newtype CostCurrency = CostCurrency {}
- newtype CostType = CostType {
- unCostType :: Text
- newtype CostName = CostName {
- unCostName :: Text
- newtype CostAmount = CostAmount {}
- newtype CostConverted = CostConverted {}
- newtype CostOriginalCost = CostOriginalCost {}
- newtype CostOriginalCurrency = CostOriginalCurrency {}
- data Subtotal = Subtotal {}
- newtype SubtotalCurrency = SubtotalCurrency {}
- newtype SubtotalType = SubtotalType {}
- newtype SubtotalName = SubtotalName {}
- newtype SubtotalAmount = SubtotalAmount {}
- newtype SubtotalConverted = SubtotalConverted {}
- newtype SubtotalOriginalCost = SubtotalOriginalCost {}
- newtype SubtotalOriginalCurrency = SubtotalOriginalCurrency {}
- data Piece = Piece {}
- data PieceLength = PieceLength {}
- newtype Length = Length {}
- newtype PieceLengthUnits = PieceLengthUnits {}
- data PieceWidth = PieceWidth {}
- newtype Width = Width {}
- newtype PieceWidthUnits = PieceWidthUnits {}
- data PieceHeight = PieceHeight {}
- newtype Height = Height {}
- newtype PieceHeightUnits = PieceHeightUnits {}
- data PieceWeight = PieceWeight {}
- newtype Weight = Weight {}
- newtype PieceWeightUnits = PieceWeightUnits {}
- newtype PieceWeightType = PieceWeightType {}
- data PieceSubWeight = PieceSubWeight {}
- newtype PieceSubWeightUnits = PieceSubWeightUnits {}
- newtype PieceSubWeightType = PieceSubWeightType {}
- data PieceContent = PieceContent {}
- type Reply = Response ByteString
- type Method = Method
- data ShipwireRequest a b c = ShipwireRequest {}
- mkShipwireRequest :: Method -> Text -> [Params TupleBS8 ByteString] -> ShipwireRequest a b c
- type family ShipwireReturn a :: *
- data RateRequest
- data StockRequest
- data StockResponse = StockResponse {}
- newtype ParentId = ParentId {}
- newtype ProductIdParam = ProductIdParam {
- productIdParam :: [Text]
- newtype ProductExternalIdParam = ProductExternalIdParam {}
- newtype WarehouseIdParam = WarehouseIdParam {
- warehouseIdParam :: [Text]
- newtype WarehouseExternalIdParam = WarehouseExternalIdParam {}
- newtype WarehouseRegionParam = WarehouseRegionParam {
- warehouseRegionParam :: [Text]
- newtype WarehouseAreaParam = WarehouseAreaParam {
- warehouseAreaParam :: [Text]
- newtype ChannelName = ChannelName {
- channelName :: Text
- newtype IncludeEmpty = IncludeEmpty {}
- newtype VendorIdParam = VendorIdParam {
- vendorIdParam :: [Integer]
- newtype VendorExternalIdParam = VendorExternalIdParam {}
- newtype DisableAutoBreakLots = DisableAutoBreakLots {}
- data Mode
- modeToBS8 :: Mode -> ByteString
- newtype IncludeEmptyShipwireAnywhere = IncludeEmptyShipwireAnywhere {}
- newtype Offset = Offset {}
- newtype Total = Total {}
- newtype Previous = Previous {
- unPrevious :: Text
- newtype Next = Next {}
- newtype Limit = Limit {}
- data StockResource = StockResource {}
- newtype ResponseOffset = ResponseOffset {}
- newtype ResponseTotal = ResponseTotal {}
- newtype ResponsePrevious = ResponsePrevious {}
- newtype ResponseNext = ResponseNext {}
- data StockItem = StockItem {}
- data StockItemResource = StockItemResource {
- sirProductId :: Maybe ProductId
- sirProductExternalId :: Maybe ProductExternalId
- sirSku :: SKU
- sirIsBundle :: IsBundle
- sirIsAlias :: IsAlias
- sirWarehouseRegion :: WarehouseRegion
- sirWarehouseId :: WarehouseId
- sirWarehouseExternalId :: Maybe WarehouseExternalId
- sirPending :: StockItemResourcePending
- sirGood :: StockItemResourceGood
- sirReserved :: StockItemResourceReserved
- sirBackordered :: StockItemResourceBackordered
- sirShipping :: StockItemResourceShipping
- sirShipped :: StockItemResourceShipped
- sirCreating :: StockItemResourceCreating
- sirConsuming :: StockItemResourceConsuming
- sirConsumed :: StockItemResourceConsumed
- sirCreated :: StockItemResourceCreated
- sirDamaged :: StockItemResourceDamaged
- sirReturned :: StockItemResourceReturned
- sirInreview :: StockItemResourceInReview
- sirAvailableDate :: Maybe StockItemResourceAvailableDate
- sirShippedLastDay :: StockItemResourceShippedLastDay
- sirShippedLastWeek :: StockItemResourceShippedLastWeek
- sirShippedLast4Weeks :: StockItemResourceShippedLast4Weeks
- sirOrderedLastDay :: StockItemResourceOrderedLastDay
- sirOrderedLastWeek :: StockItemResourceOrderedLastWeek
- sirOrderedLast4Weeks :: StockItemResourceOrderedLast4Weeks
- newtype ProductId = ProductId {}
- type ProductExternalId = ExternalId
- newtype WarehouseRegion = WarehouseRegion {}
- newtype StockItemResourcePending = StockItemResourcePending {}
- newtype StockItemResourceGood = StockItemResourceGood {}
- newtype StockItemResourceReserved = StockItemResourceReserved {}
- newtype StockItemResourceBackordered = StockItemResourceBackordered {}
- newtype StockItemResourceShipping = StockItemResourceShipping {}
- newtype StockItemResourceShipped = StockItemResourceShipped {}
- newtype StockItemResourceCreating = StockItemResourceCreating {}
- newtype StockItemResourceConsuming = StockItemResourceConsuming {}
- newtype StockItemResourceConsumed = StockItemResourceConsumed {}
- newtype StockItemResourceCreated = StockItemResourceCreated {}
- newtype StockItemResourceDamaged = StockItemResourceDamaged {}
- newtype StockItemResourceReturned = StockItemResourceReturned {}
- newtype StockItemResourceInReview = StockItemResourceInReview {}
- type StockItemResourceAvailableDate = ExpectedShipDate
- newtype StockItemResourceShippedLastDay = StockItemResourceShippedLastDay {}
- newtype StockItemResourceShippedLastWeek = StockItemResourceShippedLastWeek {}
- newtype StockItemResourceShippedLast4Weeks = StockItemResourceShippedLast4Weeks {}
- newtype StockItemResourceOrderedLastDay = StockItemResourceOrderedLastDay {}
- newtype StockItemResourceOrderedLastWeek = StockItemResourceOrderedLastWeek {}
- newtype StockItemResourceOrderedLast4Weeks = StockItemResourceOrderedLast4Weeks {}
- data IsBundle
- data IsAlias
- type Host = Text
- data ShipwireHost
- hostUri :: ShipwireHost -> Text
- data ShipwireConfig = ShipwireConfig {}
- prodEnvConfig :: IO ShipwireConfig
- sandboxEnvConfig :: IO ShipwireConfig
- data Params b c
- type TupleBS8 = (ByteString, ByteString)
- (-&-) :: ShipwireHasParam request param => ShipwireRequest request b c -> param -> ShipwireRequest request b c
- filterBody :: [Params b c] -> ByteString
- filterQuery :: [Params (ByteString, ByteString) c] -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
- data CreateReceivingRequest
- data GetReceivingsRequest
- newtype UpdatedAfter = UpdatedAfter {}
- newtype ReceivingStatusParams = ReceivingStatusParams {}
- data ReceivingStatusParam
- statusParamToBS8 :: ReceivingStatusParam -> ByteString
- newtype OrderNoParam = OrderNoParam {
- orderNoParam :: [Text]
- newtype OrderIdParam = OrderIdParam {
- orderIdParam :: [Text]
- newtype ExternalIdParam = ExternalIdParam {
- externalIdParam :: [Text]
- newtype TransactionIdParam = TransactionIdParam {
- transactionIdParam :: [Text]
- newtype ExpandReceivingsParam = ExpandReceivingsParam {}
- data ExpandReceivings
- expandReceivingsToBS8 :: ExpandReceivings -> ByteString
- newtype CommerceNameParam = CommerceNameParam {
- commerceNameParam :: [Text]
- type CreateReceivingResponse = ReceivingsResponse
- type GetReceivingsResponse = ReceivingsResponse
- data ReceivingsResponse = ReceivingsResponse {}
- data ReceivingsResource = ReceivingsResource {}
- newtype ReceivingsItems = ReceivingsItems {}
- data ReceivingsItem = ReceivingsItem {}
- data ReceivingsItemResource = ReceivingsItemResource {
- rirId :: Id
- rirExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- rirOrderNo :: Maybe OrderNo
- rirTransactionId :: TransactionId
- rirExpectedDate :: Maybe ExpectedDate
- rirCommerceName :: CommerceName
- rirLastUpdatedDate :: LastUpdatedDate
- rirStatus :: ItemResourceStatus
- rirHolds :: ItemResourceHolds
- rirItems :: ItemResourceItems
- rirTrackings :: ItemResourceTrackings
- rirShipments :: ItemResourceShipments
- rirLabels :: ItemResourceLabels
- rirOptions :: ItemResourceOptions
- rirArrangement :: ItemResourceArrangement
- rirShipFrom :: ItemResourceShipFrom
- rirEvents :: ItemResourceEvents
- rirRouting :: ItemResourceRouting
- rirInstructionsRecipients :: ItemResourceInstructionsRecipients
- data ItemResourceInstructionsRecipients = ItemResourceInstructionsRecipients {}
- data ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsResource = ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsResourceItems = ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsItem = ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsItem {}
- data ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsItemResource = ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsItemResource {
- iririrEmail :: Email
- iririrName :: Name
- iririrNote :: Maybe Note
- data ItemResourceRouting = ItemResourceRouting {}
- data ItemResourceRoutingResource = ItemResourceRoutingResource {}
- newtype Latitude = Latitude {
- unLatitude :: Double
- type Longitude = Latitude
- newtype ExpectedDate = ExpectedDate {}
- type LastUpdatedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- data ItemResourceEvents = ItemResourceEvents {}
- data ItemResourceEventsResource = ItemResourceEventsResource {
- irerCreatedDate :: CreatedDate
- irerPickedUpDate :: Maybe PickedUpDate
- irerSubmittedDate :: Maybe SubmittedDate
- irerProcessedDate :: Maybe ProcessedDate
- irerCompletedDate :: Maybe CompletedDate
- irerExpectedDate :: Maybe ExpectedDate
- irerDeliveredDate :: Maybe DeliveredDate
- irerCancelledDate :: Maybe CancelledDate
- irerReturnedDate :: Maybe ReturnedDate
- irerLastManualUpdateDate :: Maybe LastManualUpdateDate
- type CreatedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type PickedUpDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type SubmittedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type ProcessedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type CompletedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type CancelledDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type ReturnedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type LastManualUpdateDate = ExpectedShipDate
- data ItemResourceShipFrom = ItemResourceShipFrom {}
- data ItemResourceShipFromResource = ItemResourceShipFromResource {}
- data ItemResourceArrangement = ItemResourceArrangement {}
- data ItemResourceArrangementResource = ItemResourceArrangementResource {}
- data ItemResourceOptions = ItemResourceOptions {}
- data ItemResourceOptionsResource = ItemResourceOptionsResource {}
- data ItemResourceLabels = ItemResourceLabels {}
- data ItemResourceLabelsResource = ItemResourceLabelsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceLabelsResourceItems = ItemResourceLabelsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceLabelsResourceItem = ItemResourceLabelsResourceItem {}
- data ItemResourceLabelsResourceItemResource = ItemResourceLabelsResourceItemResource {}
- type LabelId = Id
- type OrderId = Id
- type OrderExternalId = ExternalId
- newtype ItemResourceStatus = ItemResourceStatus {}
- data ItemResourceShipments = ItemResourceShipments {}
- data ItemResourceShipmentsResource = ItemResourceShipmentsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItems = ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItem = ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItem {}
- data ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItemResource = ItemResourceShipmentsResourceItemResource {}
- type ShipmentId = Id
- newtype TextHeight = TextHeight {
- unTextHeight :: Text
- newtype TextLength = TextLength {
- unTextLength :: Text
- newtype TextWeight = TextWeight {
- unTextWeight :: Text
- newtype TextWidth = TextWidth {
- unTextWidth :: Text
- data ItemResourceTrackings = ItemResourceTrackings {}
- data ItemResourceTrackingsResource = ItemResourceTrackingsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItems = ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItem = ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItem {}
- data ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItemResource = ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItemResource {
- irtrirId :: Id
- irtrirOrderExternalId :: Maybe OrderExternalId
- irtrirOrderId :: OrderId
- irtrirTracking :: Tracking
- irtrirCarrier :: CarrierName
- irtrirContact :: Maybe Contact
- irtrirPhone :: Maybe Phone
- irtrirUrl :: Maybe URL
- irtrirSummary :: Maybe Summary
- irtrirSummaryDate :: Maybe SummaryDate
- irtrirTrackedDate :: Maybe TrackedDate
- irtrirDeliveredDate :: Maybe DeliveredDate
- type TrackedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type DeliveredDate = ExpectedShipDate
- newtype Summary = Summary {}
- type SummaryDate = ExpectedShipDate
- newtype URL = URL {}
- data ItemResourceItems = ItemResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceItemsResource = ItemResourceItemsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceItemsResourceItems = ItemResourceItemsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceItemsResourceItem = ItemResourceItemsResourceItem {}
- data ItemResourceItemsResourceItemResource = ItemResourceItemsResourceItemResource {
- iririrOrderExternalId :: Maybe OrderExternalId
- iririrOrderId :: OrderId
- iririrProductExternalId :: Maybe ProductExternalId
- iririrProductId :: ProductId
- iririrQuantity :: Quantity
- iririrSku :: SKU
- iririrExpected :: Expected
- iririrPending :: Pending
- iririrGood :: Good
- iririrInReview :: InReview
- iririrDamaged :: Damaged
- newtype Expected = Expected {}
- type Pending = StockItemResourcePending
- type Good = StockItemResourceGood
- type InReview = StockItemResourceInReview
- data ItemResourceHolds = ItemResourceHolds {}
- data ItemResourceHoldsResource = ItemResourceHoldsResource {}
- newtype ItemResourceHoldsResourceItems = ItemResourceHoldsResourceItems {}
- data ItemResourceHoldsResourceItem = ItemResourceHoldsResourceItem {}
- data ItemResourceHoldsResourceItemResource = ItemResourceHoldsResourceItemResource {}
- type ExternalOrderId = ExternalId
- newtype Description = Description {}
- type ClearedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- type AppliedDate = ExpectedShipDate
- newtype ItemStatus = ItemStatus {
- unItemStatus :: Text
- newtype CommerceName = CommerceName {}
- type TransactionId = ExternalId
- data CreateReceiving = CreateReceiving {
- createReceivingExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- createReceivingOrderNo :: Maybe OrderNo
- createReceivingExpectedDate :: Maybe ExpectedDate
- createReceivingOptions :: ReceivingOptions
- createReceivingArrangement :: ReceivingArrangement
- createReceivingShipments :: ReceivingShipments
- createReceivingLabels :: Maybe ReceivingLabels
- createReceivingTrackings :: Maybe ReceivingTrackings
- createReceivingItems :: ReceivingItems
- createReceivingShipFrom :: ReceivingShipFrom
- createReceivingInstructionsRecipients :: Maybe ReceivingInstructionsRecipients
- newtype OrderNo = OrderNo {}
- data ReceivingOptions = ReceivingOptions {}
- newtype WarehouseId = WarehouseId {}
- newtype WarehouseExternalId = WarehouseExternalId {}
- data ReceivingArrangement = ReceivingArrangement {}
- newtype Contact = Contact {}
- newtype Phone = Phone {}
- newtype Type = Type {}
- data ArrangementType
- newtype ReceivingShipments = ReceivingShipments {}
- data ReceivingShipment = ReceivingShipment {}
- newtype ReceivingLabels = ReceivingLabels {
- rLabels :: [ReceivingLabel]
- data ReceivingLabel = ReceivingLabel {}
- newtype ReceivingTrackings = ReceivingTrackings {}
- data ReceivingTracking = ReceivingTracking {}
- newtype Tracking = Tracking {
- unTracking :: Text
- newtype ReceivingItems = ReceivingItems {
- rItems :: [ReceivingItem]
- data ReceivingItem = ReceivingItem {}
- data ReceivingShipFrom = ReceivingShipFrom {}
- newtype Email = Email {}
- newtype Name = Name {}
- newtype State = State {}
- newtype ReceivingInstructionsRecipients = ReceivingInstructionsRecipients {}
- newtype Note = Note {}
- data ReceivingInstructionsRecipient = ReceivingInstructionsRecipient {}
- data GetReceivingRequest
- data ReceivingResponse = ReceivingResponse {}
- newtype ReceivingId = ReceivingId {}
- getReceivingId :: ReceivingId -> Text
- data ModifyReceivingRequest
- type ModifyReceiving = CreateReceiving
- data SimpleResponse = SimpleResponse {}
- data CancelReceivingRequest
- type CancelReceivingResponse = SimpleResponse
- data CancelReceivingLabelsRequest
- type CancelReceivingLabelsResponse = CancelReceivingResponse
- data GetReceivingHoldsRequest
- data GetReceivingHoldsResponse = GetReceivingHoldsResponse {}
- data IncludeClearedParam
- data GetReceivingInstructionsRecipientsRequest
- data GetReceivingInstructionsRecipientsResponse = GetReceivingInstructionsRecipientsResponse {}
- data GetReceivingItemsRequest
- data GetReceivingItemsResponse = GetReceivingItemsResponse {}
- data GetReceivingShipmentsRequest
- data GetReceivingShipmentsResponse = GetReceivingShipmentsResponse {}
- data GetReceivingTrackingsRequest
- data GetReceivingTrackingsResponse = GetReceivingTrackingsResponse {}
- data GetReceivingLabelsRequest
- data GetReceivingLabelsResponse = GetReceivingLabelsResponse {}
- data GetProductsRequest
- data GetProductsResponse = GetProductsResponse {}
- data GetProductsResponseResource = GetProductsResponseResource {}
- newtype GetProductsResponseResourceItems = GetProductsResponseResourceItems {}
- data GetProductsResponseResourceItem = GetProductsResponseResourceItem {}
- data ProductsWrapper
- data BaseProductResponseResource = BaseProductResponseResource {
- bprClassification :: Classification
- bprBatteryConfiguration :: Maybe BatteryConfiguration
- bprMasterCase :: Maybe BaseProductResponseMasterCase
- bprItemCount :: ItemCount
- bprId :: Id
- bprSku :: SKU
- bprArchivedDate :: Maybe ArchivedDate
- bprEnqueuedDimensions :: EnqueuedDimensions
- bprDimensions :: Dimensions
- bprInnerPack :: Maybe InnerPack
- bprPallet :: Maybe Pallet
- bprExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- bprAlternateNames :: AlternateNamesResponse
- bprValues :: ValuesResponse
- bprStatus :: Status
- bprCategory :: Maybe Category
- bprVendorId :: Maybe VendorId
- bprVendorExternalid :: Maybe VendorExternalId
- bprDescription :: Description
- bprFlags :: Flags
- bprCreationDate :: CreationDate
- bprHsCode :: Maybe HsCode
- bprCountryOfOrigin :: Maybe CountryOfOrigin
- bprStorageConfiguration :: StorageConfiguration
- bprTechnicalData :: Maybe TechnicalData
- data TechnicalData = TechnicalData {}
- data TechnicalDataResource = TechnicalDataResource {}
- newtype NumberOfBatteries = NumberOfBatteries {}
- newtype BatteryType = BatteryType {}
- newtype NumberOfCells = NumberOfCells {}
- newtype BatteryWeightResponse = BatteryWeightResponse {}
- newtype BatteryWeight = BatteryWeight {}
- newtype CapacityResponse = CapacityResponse {
- unCapacityR :: Text
- newtype Capacity = Capacity {}
- newtype CapacityUnit = CapacityUnit {}
- data StorageConfiguration
- newtype CountryOfOrigin = CountryOfOrigin {}
- newtype HsCode = HsCode {}
- type CreationDate = ExpectedDate
- data Flags = Flags {}
- data FlagsResource = FlagsResource {
- frIsMedia :: IsMedia
- frIsDeletable :: IsDeletable
- frHasPallet :: Maybe HasPallet
- frIsPackagedReadyToShip :: IsPackagedReadyToShip
- frHasMasterCase :: Maybe HasMasterCase
- frIsFragile :: IsFragile
- frIsArchivable :: IsArchivable
- frIsLiquid :: IsLiquid
- frIsDangerous :: Maybe IsDangerous
- frIsPerishable :: IsPerishable
- frHasEditRestrictions :: HasEditRestrictions
- frHasInnerPack :: Maybe HasInnerPack
- frIsAdult :: IsAdult
- data IsAdult
- data HasInnerPack
- data HasEditRestrictions
- data IsPerishable
- data IsDangerous
- data IsLiquid
- data IsArchivable
- data IsFragile
- data HasMasterCase
- data HasPallet
- data IsDeletable
- data IsMedia
- newtype Category = Category {
- unCategory :: Text
- newtype Status = Status {}
- data AlternateNamesResponse = AlternateNamesResponse {}
- data AlternateNamesResponseResource = AlternateNamesResponseResource {}
- newtype AlternateNamesResponseResourceItems = AlternateNamesResponseResourceItems {}
- data AlternateNamesResponseResourceItem = AlternateNamesResponseResourceItem {}
- data AlternateNamesResponseResourceItemResource = AlternateNamesResponseResourceItemResource {}
- data Pallet = Pallet {}
- type PalletResource = BaseProductResponseMasterCaseResource
- data InnerPack = InnerPack {}
- type InnerPackResource = BaseProductResponseMasterCaseResource
- data EnqueuedDimensions = EnqueuedDimensions {}
- data EnqueuedDimensionsResource = EnqueuedDimensionsResource {}
- newtype ItemCount = ItemCount {}
- type ArchivedDate = ExpectedDate
- data Classification
- data BatteryConfiguration
- data BaseProductResponseMasterCase = BaseProductResponseMasterCase {}
- data BaseProductResponseMasterCaseResource = BaseProductResponseMasterCaseResource {}
- data Dimensions = Dimensions {}
- data DimensionsResource = DimensionsResource {}
- newtype DimensionsWeight = DimensionsWeight {}
- type WeightUnit = PieceWeightUnits
- newtype DimensionsHeight = DimensionsHeight {}
- type HeightUnit = PieceHeightUnits
- newtype DimensionsWidth = DimensionsWidth {}
- type WidthUnit = PieceWidthUnits
- newtype DimensionsLength = DimensionsLength {}
- type LengthUnit = PieceLengthUnits
- data ValuesResponse = ValuesResponse {}
- data ValuesResource = ValuesResource {}
- data Values = Values {}
- newtype CostValueCurrency = CostValueCurrency {}
- newtype WholesaleValueCurrency = WholesaleValueCurrency {}
- newtype RetailValueCurrency = RetailValueCurrency {}
- newtype CostValueResponse = CostValueResponse {
- unCostValueR :: Text
- newtype CostValue = CostValue {
- unCostValue :: Centi
- newtype IndividualItemsPerCase = IndividualItemsPerCase {}
- data MasterCaseFlags = MasterCaseFlags {}
- newtype MasterCaseFlagsResource = MasterCaseFlagsResource {}
- data IsPackagedReadyToShip
- data MarketingInsertResponseResource = MarketingInsertResponseResource {
- mirId :: Id
- mirExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- mirSku :: SKU
- mirDescription :: Description
- mirInclusionRuleType :: Maybe InclusionRuleType
- mirCreationDate :: CreationDate
- mirArchivedDate :: Maybe ArchivedDate
- mirStatus :: Status
- mirStorageConfiguration :: StorageConfiguration
- mirClassificaion :: Classification
- mirItemCount :: ItemCount
- mirDimensions :: Dimensions
- mirAlternateNames :: AlternateNamesResponse
- mirFlags :: Maybe MarketingInsertFlagsResponse
- mirInclusionRules :: Maybe InclusionRules
- mirMasterCase :: Maybe MarketingInsertMasterCaseResponse
- data MarketingInsertMasterCaseResponse = MarketingInsertMasterCaseResponse {}
- data MarketingInsertMasterCaseResponseResource = MarketingInsertMasterCaseResponseResource {}
- newtype InclusionRuleType = InclusionRuleType {}
- data InclusionRules = InclusionRules {}
- data InclusionRulesResource = InclusionRulesResource {
- irrProductId :: ProductId
- irrInsertAfterDate :: Maybe InsertAfterDate
- irrInsertBeforeDate :: Maybe InsertBeforeDate
- irrInsertWhenWorthValue :: InsertWhenWorthValueResponse
- irrInsertWhenWorthValueCurrency :: InsertWhenWorthValueCurrency
- irrInsertWhenQuantity :: InsertWhenQuantity
- irrFlags :: Maybe InclusionRulesResourceFlags
- newtype InsertAfterDate = InsertAfterDate {}
- newtype InsertBeforeDate = InsertBeforeDate {}
- newtype InsertWhenWorthValueResponse = InsertWhenWorthValueResponse {}
- type InsertWhenWorthValueCurrency = CostCurrency
- newtype InsertWhenQuantity = InsertWhenQuantity {}
- newtype InclusionRulesResourceFlags = InclusionRulesResourceFlags {}
- data MarketingInsertFlagsResponse = MarketingInsertFlagsResponse {}
- data MarketingInsertFlagsResponseResource = MarketingInsertFlagsResponseResource {}
- data VirtualKitResponseResource = VirtualKitResponseResource {}
- data VirtualKitResponseContent = VirtualKitResponseContent {}
- data VirtualKitContentResource = VirtualKitContentResource {}
- newtype VirtualKitContentResourceItems = VirtualKitContentResourceItems {}
- data VirtualKitContentResourceItem = VirtualKitContentResourceItem {}
- data VirtualKitContentResourceItemResource = VirtualKitContentResourceItemResource {}
- newtype VirtualKitFlags = VirtualKitFlags {}
- data KitResponseResource = KitResponseResource {
- krId :: Id
- krExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- krSku :: SKU
- krDescription :: Description
- krHsCode :: Maybe HsCode
- krCountryOfOrigin :: Maybe CountryOfOrigin
- krCreationDate :: CreationDate
- krArchivedDate :: Maybe ArchivedDate
- krStatus :: Status
- krStorageConfiguration :: StorageConfiguration
- krBatteryConfiguration :: Maybe BatteryConfiguration
- krClassification :: Classification
- krCategory :: Maybe Category
- krItemCount :: ItemCount
- krDimensions :: Dimensions
- krValues :: ValuesResource
- krAlternateNames :: AlternateNamesResponse
- krKitContent :: Maybe KitResponseContent
- krTechnicalData :: Maybe KitResponseTechnicalData
- krFlags :: Flags
- krEnqueuedDimensions :: EnqueuedDimensions
- krInnerPack :: Maybe InnerPack
- krMasterCase :: Maybe KitResponseMasterCase
- krPallet :: Maybe Pallet
- type KitResponseMasterCase = BaseProductResponseMasterCase
- data KitResponseTechnicalData = KitResponseTechnicalData {}
- newtype KitResponseTechnicalDataResource = KitResponseTechnicalDataResource {}
- data KitResponseTechnicalDataResourceBattery = KitResponseTechnicalDataResourceBattery {}
- type KitTechnicalDataResourceBatteryResource = TechnicalDataResource
- type KitResponseContent = VirtualKitResponseContent
- newtype ExpandProductsParam = ExpandProductsParam {}
- data ExpandProducts
- expandProductsToBS8 :: ExpandProducts -> ByteString
- data ClassificationParam
- classificationToBS :: ClassificationParam -> ByteString
- newtype DescriptionParam = DescriptionParam {}
- data IncludeArchived
- includeArchivedToBS :: IncludeArchived -> ByteString
- newtype ProductStatusParams = ProductStatusParams {}
- data ProductStatusParam
- productStatusParamToBS :: ProductStatusParam -> ByteString
- newtype FlowParams = FlowParams {
- unFlowParams :: [FlowParam]
- data FlowParam
- flowParamToBS :: FlowParam -> ByteString
- newtype IdsParam = IdsParam {
- unIdsParam :: [ByteString]
- newtype SkusParam = SkusParam {
- unSkusParam :: [ByteString]
- data CreateProductsRequest
- type CreateProductsResponse = GetProductsResponse
- data CreateProductsWrapper
- data BaseProduct = BaseProduct {
- bpId :: Maybe Id
- bpSku :: SKU
- bpExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- bpClassification :: Classification
- bpDescription :: Description
- bpHsCode :: Maybe HsCode
- bpCountryOfOrigin :: Maybe CountryOfOrigin
- bpCategory :: Category
- bpBatteryConfiguration :: BatteryConfiguration
- bpValues :: Values
- bpAlternateNames :: Maybe BaseProductAlternateNames
- bpDimensions :: BaseProductDimensions
- bpTechnicalData :: Maybe BaseProductTechnicalData
- bpFlags :: Maybe BaseProductFlags
- bpInnerPack :: Maybe BaseProductInnerPack
- bpMasterCase :: Maybe BaseProductMasterCase
- bpPallet :: Maybe BaseProductPallet
- data BaseProductPallet = BaseProductPallet {}
- data BaseProductMasterCase = BaseProductMasterCase {}
- data BaseProductInnerPack = BaseProductInnerPack {}
- newtype BaseProductAlternateNames = BaseProductAlternateNames {}
- newtype BaseProductAlternateName = BaseProductAlternateName {}
- data BaseProductFlags = BaseProductFlags {}
- newtype BaseProductPalletFlags = BaseProductPalletFlags {}
- newtype BaseProductMasterCaseFlags = BaseProductMasterCaseFlags {}
- newtype BaseProductInnerPackFlags = BaseProductInnerPackFlags {}
- newtype BaseProductTechnicalData = BaseProductTechnicalData {}
- data BaseProductTechnicalDataBattery = BaseProductTechnicalDataBattery {}
- data BaseProductDimensions = BaseProductDimensions {}
- newtype BaseProductLength = BaseProductLength {}
- newtype BaseProductWidth = BaseProductWidth {}
- newtype BaseProductHeight = BaseProductHeight {}
- newtype BaseProductWeight = BaseProductWeight {}
- newtype RetailCurrency = RetailCurrency {}
- newtype WholesaleCurrency = WholesaleCurrency {}
- newtype RetailValue = RetailValue {}
- newtype RetailValueResponse = RetailValueResponse {}
- newtype WholesaleValue = WholesaleValue {}
- newtype WholesaleValueResponse = WholesaleValueResponse {}
- data MarketingInsert = MarketingInsert {
- miId :: Maybe Id
- miSku :: SKU
- miExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- miClassification :: Classification
- miDescription :: Description
- miInclusionRuleType :: InclusionRuleType
- miAlternateNames :: Maybe MarketingInsertAlternateNames
- miDimensions :: MarketingInsertDimensions
- miFlags :: Maybe MarketingInsertFlags
- miInclusionRules :: Maybe MarketingInsertInclusionRules
- miMasterCase :: MarketingInsertMasterCase
- newtype MarketingInsertAlternateNames = MarketingInsertAlternateNames {}
- newtype MarketingInsertAlternateName = MarketingInsertAlternateName {}
- data MarketingInsertDimensions = MarketingInsertDimensions {}
- newtype MarketingInsertLength = MarketingInsertLength {}
- newtype MarketingInsertWidth = MarketingInsertWidth {}
- newtype MarketingInsertHeight = MarketingInsertHeight {}
- newtype MarketingInsertWeight = MarketingInsertWeight {}
- data MarketingInsertInclusionRules = MarketingInsertInclusionRules {}
- data ShouldNotFold
- newtype MarketingInsertFlags = MarketingInsertFlags {}
- newtype InsertWhenWorthValue = InsertWhenWorthValue {}
- newtype InsertWhenWorthCurrency = InsertWhenWorthCurrency {}
- data MarketingInsertMasterCase = MarketingInsertMasterCase {}
- data MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensions = MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensions {}
- newtype MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsHeight = MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsHeight {}
- newtype MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsLength = MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsLength {}
- newtype MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsWidth = MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsWidth {}
- newtype MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsWeight = MarketingInsertMasterCaseDimensionsWeight {}
- newtype ProductError = ProductError {}
- data VirtualKit = VirtualKit {}
- newtype VirtualKitContent = VirtualKitContent {}
- data VirtualKitContentObject = VirtualKitContentObject {}
- data Kit = Kit {
- kId :: Maybe Id
- kSku :: SKU
- kExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- kClassification :: Classification
- kDescription :: Description
- kBatteryConfiguration :: BatteryConfiguration
- kHsCode :: Maybe HsCode
- kCountryOfOrigin :: Maybe CountryOfOrigin
- kValues :: KitValues
- kAlternateNames :: Maybe KitAlternateNames
- kContent :: KitContent
- kDimensions :: KitDimensions
- kTechnicalData :: Maybe KitTechnicalData
- kFlags :: Maybe KitFlags
- kInnerPack :: Maybe KitInnerPack
- kMasterCase :: Maybe KitMasterCase
- kPallet :: Maybe KitPallet
- data KitPallet = KitPallet {}
- newtype KitPalletFlags = KitPalletFlags {}
- data KitMasterCase = KitMasterCase {}
- newtype KitMasterCaseFlags = KitMasterCaseFlags {}
- data KitInnerPack = KitInnerPack {}
- newtype KitInnerPackFlags = KitInnerPackFlags {}
- data KitFlags = KitFlags {
- kfIsPackagedReadyToShip :: IsPackagedReadyToShip
- kfIsFragile :: IsFragile
- kfIsDangerous :: IsDangerous
- kfIsPerishable :: IsPerishable
- kfIsMedia :: IsMedia
- kfIsAdult :: IsAdult
- kfIsLiquid :: IsLiquid
- kfHasBattery :: HasBattery
- kfHasInnerPack :: HasInnerPack
- kfHasMasterCase :: HasMasterCase
- kfHasPallet :: HasPallet
- data HasBattery
- newtype KitTechnicalData = KitTechnicalData {}
- data KitTechnicalDataBattery = KitTechnicalDataBattery {}
- data KitDimensions = KitDimensions {}
- newtype KitLength = KitLength {}
- newtype KitWidth = KitWidth {
- unKitWidth :: Double
- newtype KitHeight = KitHeight {}
- newtype KitWeight = KitWeight {}
- newtype KitContent = KitContent {}
- data KitContentObject = KitContentObject {}
- newtype KitAlternateNames = KitAlternateNames {}
- newtype KitAlternateName = KitAlternateName {}
- data KitValues = KitValues {}
- utcToShipwire :: UTCTime -> Text
- data RetireProductsRequest
- data RetireProductsResponse = RetireProductsResponse {}
- newtype ProductsToRetire = ProductsToRetire {}
- newtype Message = Message {}
- newtype MoreInfo = MoreInfo {
- miItems :: [MoreInfoItems]
- newtype MoreInfoItems = MoreInfoItems {
- miiItems :: [MoreInfoItem]
- data MoreInfoItem = MoreInfoItem {}
- newtype Configuration = Configuration {}
- newtype Success = Success {}
- data ModifyProductsRequest
- data ModifyProductsResponse = ModifyProductsResponse {}
- data GetProductRequest
- data GetProductResponse = GetProductResponse {}
- newtype GetProductResponseResource = GetProductResponseResource {}
- data ModifyProductRequest
- type ModifyProductResponse = ModifyProductsResponse
- data CreateOrderRequest
- type CreateOrderResponse = GetOrdersResponse
- data CreateOrder = CreateOrder {
- coExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- coOrderNo :: Maybe OrderNo
- coProcessAfterDate :: Maybe ProcessAfterDate
- coCommerceName :: Maybe CommerceName
- coOptions :: Maybe CreateOrderOptions
- coShipFrom :: Maybe OrderShipFrom
- coShipTo :: OrderShipTo
- coCommercialInvoice :: Maybe CommercialInvoice
- coPackingList :: Maybe PackingList
- coOrderItems :: OrderItems
- data OrderItem = OrderItem {}
- newtype CommercialInvoiceValueCurrency = CommercialInvoiceValueCurrency {}
- newtype CommercialInvoiceValue = CommercialInvoiceValue {}
- newtype OrderItems = OrderItems {
- unOrderItems :: [OrderItem]
- data PackingList = PackingList {}
- data PackingListMessage = PackingListMessage {}
- data PackingListOther = PackingListOther {}
- newtype MessageBody = MessageBody {}
- newtype MessageHeader = MessageHeader {}
- newtype MessageDocument = MessageDocument {}
- newtype MessageLocation = MessageLocation {}
- data CommercialInvoice = CommercialInvoice {}
- newtype AdditionalValue = AdditionalValue {}
- newtype AdditionalValueCurrency = AdditionalValueCurrency {}
- newtype InsuranceValue = InsuranceValue {}
- newtype InsuranceValueCurrency = InsuranceValueCurrency {}
- newtype ShippingValue = ShippingValue {}
- newtype ShippingValueCurrency = ShippingValueCurrency {}
- data OrderShipTo = OrderShipTo {
- ostEmail :: Maybe Email
- ostName :: Name
- ostCompany :: Maybe Company
- ostAddress1 :: AddressLine
- ostAddress2 :: Maybe AddressLine
- ostAddress3 :: Maybe AddressLine
- ostCity :: City
- ostState :: State
- ostPostalCode :: Maybe PostalCode
- ostCountry :: Country
- ostPhone :: Phone
- ostIsCommercial :: IsCommercial
- ostIsPoBox :: Maybe IsPoBox
- newtype OrderShipFrom = OrderShipFrom {}
- newtype Company = Company {}
- newtype ShipFromCompany = ShipFromCompany {}
- data CreateOrderOptions = CreateOrderOptions {
- cooWarehouseId :: Maybe WarehouseId
- cooWarehouseExternalId :: Maybe WarehouseExternalId
- cooWarehouseRegion :: Maybe WarehouseRegion
- cooWarehouseArea :: Maybe WarehouseArea
- cooServiceLevelCode :: ServiceLevelCode
- cooCarrierCode :: Maybe CarrierCode
- cooSameDay :: SameDay
- cooForceDuplicate :: Maybe ForceDuplicate
- cooForceAddress :: Maybe ForceAddress
- cooChannelName :: Maybe ChannelName
- cooReferrer :: Maybe Referrer
- cooAffiliate :: Maybe Affiliate
- cooCurrency :: Currency
- cooCanSplit :: Maybe CanSplit
- cooNote :: Maybe Note
- cooDiscountCode :: Maybe DiscountCode
- cooHold :: Maybe Hold
- cooHoldReason :: Maybe HoldReason
- cooServer :: Maybe Server
- newtype Server = Server {}
- newtype HoldReason = HoldReason {
- unHoldReason :: Text
- data Hold
- newtype DiscountCode = DiscountCode {}
- newtype Affiliate = Affiliate {
- unAffiliate :: Text
- newtype Referrer = Referrer {
- unReferrer :: Text
- data ForceAddress
- data ForceDuplicate
- data SameDay
- newtype ProcessAfterDate = ProcessAfterDate {}
- data GetOrdersRequest
- data GetOrdersResponse = GetOrdersResponse {}
- data GetOrdersResponseResource = GetOrdersResponseResource {}
- newtype GetOrdersResponseResourceItems = GetOrdersResponseResourceItems {}
- data GetOrdersResponseResourceItemResource = GetOrdersResponseResourceItemResource {
- gorrirExternalId :: Maybe ExternalId
- gorrirOrderNo :: Maybe OrderNo
- gorrirCommerceName :: Maybe CommerceName
- gorrirProcessAfterDate :: Maybe ProcessAfterDate
- gorrirStatus :: OrderStatus
- gorrirLastUpdatedDate :: LastUpdatedDate
- gorrirId :: Id
- gorrirTransactionId :: TransactionId
- gorrirNeedsReview :: NeedsReview
- gorrirHolds :: GetOrdersHolds
- gorrirItems :: GetOrdersItems
- gorrirTrackings :: GetOrdersTrackings
- gorrirReturns :: GetOrdersReturns
- gorrirOptions :: GetOrdersOptions
- gorrirShipFrom :: OrderShipFromResponse
- gorrirShipTo :: OrderShipToResponse
- gorrirCommercialInvoice :: CommercialInvoiceResponse
- gorrirPackingList :: PackingListResponse
- gorrirShippingLabel :: ShippingLabelResponse
- gorrirRouting :: RoutingResponse
- gorrirEvents :: EventsResponse
- gorrirPricing :: PricingResponse
- gorrirPricingEstimate :: PricingEstimateResponse
- gorrirShipwireAnywhere :: ShipwireAnywhereResponse
- gorrirSplitOrders :: SplitOrdersResponse
- gorrirFreightSummary :: Maybe FreightSummaryResponse
- gorrirExtendedAttributes :: Maybe ExtendedAttributesResponse
- data SplitOrdersResponse = SplitOrdersResponse {}
- data SplitOrdersResponseResource = SplitOrdersResponseResource {}
- newtype SplitOrdersResponseResourceItems = SplitOrdersResponseResourceItems {
- sorriItems :: Array
- data ShipwireAnywhereResponse = ShipwireAnywhereResponse {}
- newtype ShipwireAnywhereResponseResource = ShipwireAnywhereResponseResource {}
- data PricingEstimateResponse = PricingEstimateResponse {}
- data PricingResponse = PricingResponse {}
- type PricingEstimateResource = PricingResponseResource
- data RoutingResponseResource = RoutingResponseResource {
- rrrWarehouseId :: Maybe WarehouseId
- rrrWarehouseExternalId :: Maybe WarehouseExternalId
- rrrWarehouseName :: Maybe WarehouseName
- rrrDestinationLatitude :: Maybe DestinationLatitudeResponse
- rrrDestinationLongitude :: Maybe DestinationLongitudeResponse
- rrrOriginLatitude :: OriginLatitudeResponse
- rrrOriginLongitude :: OriginLongitudeResponse
- newtype DestinationLatitudeResponse = DestinationLatitudeResponse {}
- newtype DestinationLongitudeResponse = DestinationLongitudeResponse {}
- type OriginLatitudeResponse = Latitude
- type OriginLongitudeResponse = Longitude
- data ShippingLabelResponse = ShippingLabelResponse {}
- data ShippingLabelResponseResource = ShippingLabelResponseResource {}
- data PackingListResponse = PackingListResponse {}
- data PackingListResponseResource = PackingListResponseResource {}
- data PackingListResponseResourceOther = PackingListResponseResourceOther {}
- type PackingListResponseResourceOtherResource = PackingListOther
- data PackingListResponseResourceMessage = PackingListResponseResourceMessage {
- plrrmResource :: PackingListResponseResourceMessageResource
- plrrmResourceLocation :: Maybe ResponseResourceLocation
- data CommercialInvoiceResponse = CommercialInvoiceResponse {}
- data CommercialInvoiceResponseResource = CommercialInvoiceResponseResource {}
- newtype DocumentLocation = DocumentLocation {}
- data OrderShipToResponse = OrderShipToResponse {}
- type OrderShipToResponseResource = OrderShipTo
- data OrderShipFromResponse = OrderShipFromResponse {}
- data OrderShipFromResponseResource = OrderShipFromResponseResource {}
- data GetOrdersOptions = GetOrdersOptions {}
- data GetOrdersOptionsResource = GetOrdersOptionsResource {
- goorWarehouseId :: Maybe WarehouseId
- goorWarehouseExternalId :: Maybe WarehouseExternalId
- goorWarehouseRegion :: Maybe WarehouseRegion
- goorWarehouseArea :: Maybe WarehouseArea
- goorServiceLevelCode :: Maybe ServiceLevelCode
- goorCarrierCode :: Maybe CarrierCode
- goorSameDay :: SameDay
- goorForceDuplicate :: ForceDuplicate
- goorForceAddress :: ForceAddress
- goorChannelName :: Maybe ChannelName
- goorReferrer :: Referrer
- data GetOrdersReturns = GetOrdersReturns {}
- data GetOrdersReturnsResource = GetOrdersReturnsResource {}
- newtype GetOrdersReturnsResourceItems = GetOrdersReturnsResourceItems {}
- data GetOrdersTrackings = GetOrdersTrackings {}
- data GetOrdersTrackingsResource = GetOrdersTrackingsResource {}
- newtype GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItems = GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItems {}
- data GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItem = GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItem {}
- data GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItemResource = GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItemResource {
- gotrirId :: Id
- gotrirOrderid :: OrderId
- gotrirOrderExternalid :: Maybe OrderExternalId
- gotrirTracking :: Tracking
- gotrirCarrier :: CarrierName
- gotrirUrl :: Maybe URL
- gotrirSummary :: Maybe Summary
- gotrirSummaryDate :: Maybe SummaryDate
- gotrirLabelCreatedDate :: Maybe LabelCreatedDate
- gotrirTrackedDate :: Maybe TrackedDate
- gotrirFirstScanDate :: Maybe FirstScanDate
- gotrirFirstScanRegion :: Maybe FirstScanRegion
- gotrirFirstScanPostalCode :: Maybe FirstScanPostalCode
- gotrirFirstScanCountry :: Maybe FirstScanCountry
- gotrirDeliveredDate :: Maybe DeliveredDate
- gotrirDeliveryCity :: Maybe DeliveryCity
- gotrirDeliveryRegion :: Maybe DeliveryRegion
- gotrirDeliveryPostalCode :: Maybe DeliveryPostalCode
- gotrirDeliveryCountry :: Maybe DeliveryCountry
- type FirstScanRegion = Region
- type FirstScanPostalCode = PostalCode
- type FirstScanCountry = Country
- type DeliveryCity = City
- type DeliveryRegion = Region
- type DeliveryPostalCode = PostalCode
- type DeliveryCountry = Country
- newtype FirstScanDate = FirstScanDate {}
- newtype LabelCreatedDate = LabelCreatedDate {}
- data GetOrdersItems = GetOrdersItems {}
- data GetOrdersItemsResource = GetOrdersItemsResource {}
- newtype GetOrdersItemsResourceItems = GetOrdersItemsResourceItems {}
- data GetOrdersItemsResourceItem = GetOrdersItemsResourceItem {}
- data GetOrdersItemsResourceItemResource = GetOrdersItemsResourceItemResource {
- goirirProductId :: ProductId
- goirirProductExternalId :: Maybe ProductExternalId
- goirirSku :: SKU
- goirirOrderId :: OrderId
- goirirOrderExternalId :: Maybe OrderExternalId
- goirirQuantity :: Quantity
- goirirCommercialInvoiceValue :: Maybe CommercialInvoiceValue
- goirirSerialNumbers :: SerialNumbersResponse
- goirirOrdered :: Ordered
- goirirBackordered :: Maybe Backordered
- goirirReserved :: Reserved
- goirirShipping :: Shipping
- goirirShipped :: Shipped
- newtype Shipped = Shipped {}
- newtype Shipping = Shipping {}
- newtype Reserved = Reserved {}
- newtype Backordered = Backordered {}
- newtype Ordered = Ordered {}
- data SerialNumbersResponse = SerialNumbersResponse {}
- data SerialNumbersResponseResource = SerialNumbersResponseResource {}
- newtype SerialNumbersResponseResourceItems = SerialNumbersResponseResourceItems {}
- data SerialNumbersResponseResourceItem = SerialNumbersResponseResourceItem {}
- data SerialNumbersResponseResourceItemResource = SerialNumbersResponseResourceItemResource {}
- newtype SerialNumber = SerialNumber {}
- data GetOrdersHolds = GetOrdersHolds {}
- data GetOrdersHoldsResource = GetOrdersHoldsResource {}
- newtype GetOrdersHoldsResourceItems = GetOrdersHoldsResourceItems {}
- data GetOrdersHoldsResourceItem = GetOrdersHoldsResourceItem {}
- data GetOrdersHoldsResourceItemResource = GetOrdersHoldsResourceItemResource {}
- newtype NeedsReview = NeedsReview {}
- type EventsResponse = ItemResourceEvents
- data GetOrdersResponseResourceItem = GetOrdersResponseResourceItem {}
- data PricingResponseResource = PricingResponseResource {}
- newtype TotalValue = TotalValue {}
- newtype HandlingValue = HandlingValue {}
- newtype PackagingValue = PackagingValue {}
- data RoutingResponse = RoutingResponse {}
- data ExpandOrders
- newtype ExpandOrdersParam = ExpandOrdersParam {}
- expandOrdersToBS8 :: ExpandOrders -> ByteString
- newtype OrderStatusParam = OrderStatusParam {
- unStatusParam :: [OrderStatus]
- data OrderStatus
- newtype ReferrerParam = ReferrerParam {
- unReferrerParam :: [Text]
- data CancelOrderRequest
- type CancelOrderResponse = SimpleResponse
- data IdWrapper
- data GetOrderTrackingsRequest
- data GetOrderTrackingsResponse = GetOrderTrackingsResponse {}
- data GetOrderTrackingsResponseResource = GetOrderTrackingsResponseResource {}
- newtype GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItems = GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItems {}
- data GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItem = GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItem {}
- data GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItemResource = GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItemResource {
- gotrrirId :: Id
- gotrrirOrderId :: OrderId
- gottrirOrderExternalId :: OrderExternalId
- gotrrirTracking :: Tracking
- gotrrirCarrier :: CarrierName
- gotrrirUrl :: URL
- gotrrirSummary :: Summary
- gotrrirSummaryDate :: SummaryDate
- gotrrirLabelCreatedDate :: LabelCreatedDate
- gotrrirTrackedDate :: TrackedDate
- gotrrirFirstScanDate :: FirstScanDate
- gotrrirFirstScanRegion :: FirstScanRegion
- gotrrirFirstScanPostalCode :: FirstScanPostalCode
- gotrrirFirstScanCountry :: FirstScanCountry
- gotrrirDeliveredDate :: DeliveredDate
- gotrrirDeliveryCity :: DeliveryCity
- gotrrirDeliveryRegion :: DeliveryRegion
- gotrrirDeliveryPostalCode :: DeliveryPostalCode
- gotrrirDeliveryCountry :: DeliveryCountry
- data ValidateAddressRequest
- data ValidateAddressResponse = ValidateAddressResponse {}
- type ValidateAddressResponseResource = OrderShipTo
- type AddressToValidate = OrderShipTo
- newtype ValidateAddressWarnings = ValidateAddressWarnings {}
- data WarningObject = WarningObject {
- woEmail :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woName :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woCompany :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woAddress1 :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woAddress2 :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woAddress3 :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woCity :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woState :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woPostalCode :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woCountry :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woPhone :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woIsCommercial :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- woIsPoBox :: Maybe InnerWarningObject
- data GetOrderRequest
- data GetOrderResponse = GetOrderResponse {}
- type GetOrderResponseResource = GetOrdersResponseResourceItemResource
- data ExtendedAttributesResponse = ExtendedAttributesResponse {}
- data ExtendedAttributesResponseResource = ExtendedAttributesResponseResource {}
- newtype ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItems = ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItems {}
- data ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItem = ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItem {}
- data ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItemResource = ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItemResource {}
- newtype ExtendedAttributeValue = ExtendedAttributeValue {}
- data FreightSummaryResponse = FreightSummaryResponse {}
- data FreightSummaryResponseResource = FreightSummaryResponseResource {}
- newtype MeasurementType = MeasurementType {}
- newtype FreightSummaryTotalWeight = FreightSummaryTotalWeight {}
- data ErrorObject = ErrorObject {
- eoEmail :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoName :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoCompany :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoAddress1 :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoAddress2 :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoAddress3 :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoCity :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoState :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoPostalCode :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoCountry :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoPhone :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoIsCommercial :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- eoIsPoBox :: Maybe InnerErrorObject
- newtype ValidateAddressErrors = ValidateAddressErrors {}
- newtype InnerErrorObject = InnerErrorObject {}
- newtype InnerErrorObjectRules = InnerErrorObjectRules {
- ieorObject :: Object
- newtype InnerWarningObject = InnerWarningObject {}
- newtype InnerWarningObjectRules = InnerWarningObjectRules {
- iworObject :: Object
Username type used for HTTP Basic authentication.
Password type used for HTTP Basic authentication.
data RateOptions Source #
data IsCommercial Source #
newtype AddressLine Source #
newtype PostalCode Source #
data IgnoreUnknownSkus Source #
newtype WarehouseArea Source #
newtype ResponseStatus Source #
newtype ResponseMessage Source #
newtype ResponseWarnings Source #
newtype ResponseErrors Source #
newtype ResponseResourceLocation Source #
newtype WarningCode Source #
newtype WarningMessage Source #
data WarningType Source #
newtype ErrorMessage Source #
data RateResource Source #
type GroupExternalId = ExternalId Source #
newtype ExternalId Source #
newtype ServiceOptionServiceLevelName Source #
data ServiceLevelCode Source #
newtype WarehouseName Source #
newtype ExpectedShipDate Source #
newtype CarrierCode Source #
newtype CarrierName Source #
newtype CarrierProperties Source #
newtype CostCurrency Source #
newtype CostAmount Source #
newtype CostConverted Source #
newtype CostOriginalCost Source #
newtype CostOriginalCurrency Source #
newtype SubtotalCurrency Source #
newtype SubtotalType Source #
newtype SubtotalName Source #
newtype SubtotalAmount Source #
newtype SubtotalConverted Source #
newtype SubtotalOriginalCost Source #
newtype SubtotalOriginalCurrency Source #
data PieceLength Source #
newtype PieceLengthUnits Source #
data PieceWidth Source #
newtype PieceWidthUnits Source #
data PieceHeight Source #
newtype PieceHeightUnits Source #
newtype PieceWeightUnits Source #
newtype PieceWeightType Source #
newtype PieceSubWeightUnits Source #
newtype PieceSubWeightType Source #
data PieceContent Source #
type Reply = Response ByteString Source #
data ShipwireRequest a b c Source #
mkShipwireRequest :: Method -> Text -> [Params TupleBS8 ByteString] -> ShipwireRequest a b c Source #
type family ShipwireReturn a :: * Source #
data RateRequest Source #
type ShipwireReturn RateRequest Source # | |
data StockRequest Source #
newtype ProductIdParam Source #
newtype ProductExternalIdParam Source #
newtype WarehouseIdParam Source #
newtype WarehouseExternalIdParam Source #
newtype WarehouseRegionParam Source #
newtype WarehouseAreaParam Source #
newtype ChannelName Source #
newtype IncludeEmpty Source #
newtype VendorIdParam Source #
newtype VendorExternalIdParam Source #
newtype DisableAutoBreakLots Source #
modeToBS8 :: Mode -> ByteString Source #
newtype IncludeEmptyShipwireAnywhere Source #
newtype ResponseOffset Source #
newtype ResponseTotal Source #
newtype ResponsePrevious Source #
newtype ResponseNext Source #
data StockItemResource Source #
type ProductExternalId = ExternalId Source #
newtype WarehouseRegion Source #
newtype StockItemResourcePending Source #
newtype StockItemResourceGood Source #
newtype StockItemResourceReserved Source #
newtype StockItemResourceBackordered Source #
newtype StockItemResourceShipping Source #
newtype StockItemResourceShipped Source #
newtype StockItemResourceCreating Source #
newtype StockItemResourceConsuming Source #
newtype StockItemResourceConsumed Source #
newtype StockItemResourceCreated Source #
newtype StockItemResourceDamaged Source #
newtype StockItemResourceReturned Source #
newtype StockItemResourceInReview Source #
newtype StockItemResourceShippedLastDay Source #
newtype StockItemResourceShippedLastWeek Source #
newtype StockItemResourceOrderedLastDay Source #
newtype StockItemResourceOrderedLastWeek Source #
data ShipwireHost Source #
hostUri :: ShipwireHost -> Text Source #
Parameters for each request which include both the query and the body of a request
type TupleBS8 = (ByteString, ByteString) Source #
Type alias for query parameters
(-&-) :: ShipwireHasParam request param => ShipwireRequest request b c -> param -> ShipwireRequest request b c Source #
Add an optional query parameter
filterBody :: [Params b c] -> ByteString Source #
Find the body from the list of [Params TupleBS8 BSL.ByteString]
filterQuery :: [Params (ByteString, ByteString) c] -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] Source #
Find the query parameters from the list of [Params TupleBS8 BSL.ByteString]
data CreateReceivingRequest Source #
POST apiv3/receivings
data GetReceivingsRequest Source #
GET apiv3/receivings
newtype UpdatedAfter Source #
ISO 8601 format, ex: "2014-05-30T13:08:29-07:00"
newtype ReceivingStatusParams Source #
data ReceivingStatusParam Source #
newtype OrderNoParam Source #
OrderNoParam | |
newtype OrderIdParam Source #
OrderIdParam | |
newtype ExternalIdParam Source #
newtype TransactionIdParam Source #
newtype ExpandReceivingsParam Source #
data ExpandReceivings Source #
newtype CommerceNameParam Source #
data ReceivingsResponse Source #
newtype ReceivingsItems Source #
data ReceivingsItemResource Source #
newtype ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsResourceItems Source #
data ItemResourceInstructionsRecipientsItemResource Source #
newtype ExpectedDate Source #
type LastUpdatedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
data ItemResourceEventsResource Source #
type CreatedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type PickedUpDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type SubmittedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type ProcessedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type CompletedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type CancelledDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type ReturnedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
newtype ItemResourceLabelsResourceItems Source #
type OrderExternalId = ExternalId Source #
newtype ItemResourceStatus Source #
type ShipmentId = Id Source #
newtype TextHeight Source #
newtype TextLength Source #
newtype TextWeight Source #
data ItemResourceTrackingsResourceItemResource Source #
type TrackedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type DeliveredDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type SummaryDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
newtype ItemResourceItemsResourceItems Source #
data ItemResourceItemsResourceItemResource Source #
type Pending = StockItemResourcePending Source #
type Good = StockItemResourceGood Source #
type InReview = StockItemResourceInReview Source #
newtype ItemResourceHoldsResourceItems Source #
type ExternalOrderId = ExternalId Source #
newtype Description Source #
type ClearedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
type AppliedDate = ExpectedShipDate Source #
newtype ItemStatus Source #
newtype CommerceName Source #
type TransactionId = ExternalId Source #
data CreateReceiving Source #
newtype WarehouseId Source #
newtype WarehouseExternalId Source #
data ReceivingArrangement Source #
data ArrangementType Source #
newtype ReceivingShipments Source #
newtype ReceivingLabels Source #
newtype ReceivingTrackings Source #
newtype ReceivingItems Source #
data ReceivingShipFrom Source #
ReceivingShipFrom | |
newtype ReceivingInstructionsRecipients Source #
data GetReceivingRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}
data ReceivingResponse Source #
newtype ReceivingId Source #
getReceivingId :: ReceivingId -> Text Source #
data ModifyReceivingRequest Source #
PUT apiv3receivings{id}
type ModifyReceiving = CreateReceiving Source #
data CancelReceivingRequest Source #
POST apiv3receivings{id}/cancel
data CancelReceivingLabelsRequest Source #
POST apiv3receivings{id}labelscancel
data GetReceivingHoldsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/holds
data IncludeClearedParam Source #
data GetReceivingInstructionsRecipientsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/instructionsRecipients
data GetReceivingItemsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/items
data GetReceivingShipmentsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/shipments
data GetReceivingTrackingsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/trackings
data GetReceivingLabelsRequest Source #
GET apiv3receivings{id}/labels
newtype GetProductsResponseResourceItems Source #
data ProductsWrapper Source #
This a wrapper for different classifications of products. Possible options are: baseProduct, marketingInsert, virtualKit, kit.
data BaseProductResponseResource Source #
newtype NumberOfBatteries Source #
newtype BatteryType Source #
newtype NumberOfCells Source #
newtype BatteryWeightResponse Source #
newtype BatteryWeight Source #
newtype CapacityResponse Source #
newtype CapacityUnit Source #
data StorageConfiguration Source #
newtype CountryOfOrigin Source #
type CreationDate = ExpectedDate Source #
data FlagsResource Source #
data HasInnerPack Source #
data HasEditRestrictions Source #
data IsPerishable Source #
data IsDangerous Source #
data IsArchivable Source #
data HasMasterCase Source #
data IsDeletable Source #
type ArchivedDate = ExpectedDate Source #
data Classification Source #
data BatteryConfiguration Source #
data Dimensions Source #
newtype DimensionsWeight Source #
type WeightUnit = PieceWeightUnits Source #
newtype DimensionsHeight Source #
type HeightUnit = PieceHeightUnits Source #
newtype DimensionsWidth Source #
type WidthUnit = PieceWidthUnits Source #
newtype DimensionsLength Source #
type LengthUnit = PieceLengthUnits Source #
newtype CostValueCurrency Source #
newtype WholesaleValueCurrency Source #
newtype RetailValueCurrency Source #
newtype CostValueResponse Source #
newtype IndividualItemsPerCase Source #
newtype MasterCaseFlagsResource Source #
data IsPackagedReadyToShip Source #
data MarketingInsertResponseResource Source #
newtype InclusionRuleType Source #
data InclusionRulesResource Source #
newtype InsertAfterDate Source #
newtype InsertBeforeDate Source #
newtype InsertWhenWorthValueResponse Source #
newtype InsertWhenQuantity Source #
newtype InclusionRulesResourceFlags Source #
newtype VirtualKitContentResourceItems Source #
newtype VirtualKitFlags Source #
data KitResponseResource Source #
newtype KitResponseTechnicalDataResource Source #
newtype ExpandProductsParam Source #
data ExpandProducts Source #
data ClassificationParam Source #
newtype DescriptionParam Source #
data IncludeArchived Source #
newtype ProductStatusParams Source #
data ProductStatusParam Source #
newtype FlowParams Source #
flowParamToBS :: FlowParam -> ByteString Source #
IdsParam | |
data CreateProductsRequest Source #
POST apiv3/products
data CreateProductsWrapper Source #
You can create multiple products of different classifications at the same time by passing them inside a JSON array. To distinguish between different ToJSON instances we use this wrapper datatype.
data BaseProduct Source #
newtype BaseProductAlternateNames Source #
newtype BaseProductAlternateName Source #
newtype BaseProductPalletFlags Source #
newtype BaseProductMasterCaseFlags Source #
newtype BaseProductInnerPackFlags Source #
newtype BaseProductTechnicalData Source #
newtype BaseProductLength Source #
newtype BaseProductWidth Source #
newtype BaseProductHeight Source #
newtype BaseProductWeight Source #
newtype RetailCurrency Source #
newtype WholesaleCurrency Source #
newtype RetailValue Source #
newtype RetailValueResponse Source #
newtype WholesaleValue Source #
newtype WholesaleValueResponse Source #
data MarketingInsert Source #
newtype MarketingInsertAlternateNames Source #
newtype MarketingInsertAlternateName Source #
newtype MarketingInsertLength Source #
newtype MarketingInsertWidth Source #
newtype MarketingInsertHeight Source #
newtype MarketingInsertWeight Source #
data ShouldNotFold Source #
newtype MarketingInsertFlags Source #
newtype InsertWhenWorthValue Source #
newtype InsertWhenWorthCurrency Source #
newtype ProductError Source #
There is a separate error class for /products endpoint apparently. It returns back JSON with field names as object names and details hidden inside that object. It is not specified anywhere what those might be. So for now I treat them as an Object. There must be a better way of dealing with it. E.g.: "errors": { "myMarketingInsert": { "code": "productSubmitFailed", "externalId": null, "id": null, "sku": "myMarketingInsert", "message": { "sku": { "stringLengthTooLong": "SKU must be between 1 and 16 characters" }, "masterCase_sku": { "stringLengthTooLong": "Master case SKU must be between 1 and 16 characters" }, }, "type": { "sku": { "stringLengthTooLong": "error" }, "masterCase_sku": { "stringLengthTooLong": "error" }, } } }
data VirtualKit Source #
newtype VirtualKitContent Source #
newtype KitPalletFlags Source #
newtype KitMasterCaseFlags Source #
newtype KitInnerPackFlags Source #
data HasBattery Source #
newtype KitTechnicalData Source #
data KitDimensions Source #
newtype KitContent Source #
newtype KitAlternateNames Source #
newtype KitAlternateName Source #
utcToShipwire :: UTCTime -> Text Source #
data RetireProductsRequest Source #
POST apiv3productsretire
newtype ProductsToRetire Source #
MoreInfo | |
newtype MoreInfoItems Source #
data MoreInfoItem Source #
MoreInfoItem | |
newtype Configuration Source #
data ModifyProductsRequest Source #
PUT apiv3/products
newtype GetProductResponseResource Source #
data ModifyProductRequest Source #
PUT apiv3products{id}
data CreateOrder Source #
newtype CommercialInvoiceValueCurrency Source #
newtype CommercialInvoiceValue Source #
newtype OrderItems Source #
newtype MessageBody Source #
newtype MessageHeader Source #
newtype MessageDocument Source #
newtype MessageLocation Source #
newtype AdditionalValue Source #
newtype AdditionalValueCurrency Source #
newtype InsuranceValue Source #
newtype InsuranceValueCurrency Source #
newtype ShippingValue Source #
newtype ShippingValueCurrency Source #
data OrderShipTo Source #
OrderShipTo | |
newtype OrderShipFrom Source #
newtype ShipFromCompany Source #
data CreateOrderOptions Source #
Specify one of WarehouseId, WarehouseExternalId, WarehouseRegion, WarehouseArea
newtype HoldReason Source #
newtype DiscountCode Source #
data ForceAddress Source #
data ForceDuplicate Source #
newtype ProcessAfterDate Source #
newtype GetOrdersResponseResourceItems Source #
data GetOrdersResponseResourceItemResource Source #
newtype SplitOrdersResponseResourceItems Source #
newtype ShipwireAnywhereResponseResource Source #
data RoutingResponseResource Source #
newtype DestinationLatitudeResponse Source #
newtype DestinationLongitudeResponse Source #
type OriginLatitudeResponse = Latitude Source #
type OriginLongitudeResponse = Longitude Source #
data PackingListResponseResourceMessage Source #
PackingListResponseResourceMessage | |
newtype DocumentLocation Source #
data GetOrdersOptionsResource Source #
newtype GetOrdersReturnsResourceItems Source #
newtype GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItems Source #
data GetOrdersTrackingsResourceItemResource Source #
type FirstScanRegion = Region Source #
type FirstScanPostalCode = PostalCode Source #
type FirstScanCountry = Country Source #
type DeliveryCity = City Source #
type DeliveryRegion = Region Source #
type DeliveryPostalCode = PostalCode Source #
type DeliveryCountry = Country Source #
newtype FirstScanDate Source #
newtype LabelCreatedDate Source #
newtype GetOrdersItemsResourceItems Source #
data GetOrdersItemsResourceItemResource Source #
newtype Backordered Source #
newtype SerialNumber Source #
newtype GetOrdersHoldsResourceItems Source #
newtype NeedsReview Source #
type EventsResponse = ItemResourceEvents Source #
newtype TotalValue Source #
newtype HandlingValue Source #
newtype PackagingValue Source #
data ExpandOrders Source #
newtype ExpandOrdersParam Source #
newtype OrderStatusParam Source #
data OrderStatus Source #
newtype ReferrerParam Source #
data CancelOrderRequest Source #
POST apiv3orders{id}cancel or apiv3ordersE{externalId}cancel
type CancelOrderResponse = SimpleResponse Source #
data GetOrderTrackingsRequest Source #
GET apiv3orders{id}trackings or apiv3ordersE{externalId}trackings
data GetOrderTrackingsResponseResourceItemResource Source #
data ValidateAddressRequest Source #
POST apiv3.1/addressValidation
type AddressToValidate = OrderShipTo Source #
newtype ValidateAddressWarnings Source #
data WarningObject Source #
data GetOrderRequest Source #
GET apiv3orders{id} or apiv3ordersE{externalId}
data ExtendedAttributesResponseResourceItemResource Source #
newtype ExtendedAttributeValue Source #
newtype MeasurementType Source #
newtype FreightSummaryTotalWeight Source #
data ErrorObject Source #
newtype ValidateAddressErrors Source #
newtype InnerErrorObject Source #
newtype InnerErrorObjectRules Source #
newtype InnerWarningObject Source #