{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Barbie.Internal.Constraints
( ConstraintsB(..)
, bmapC
, btraverseC
, AllBF
, CanDeriveConstraintsB
, GAllBC(..)
, GAllBRep, X
, TagSelf, Self, Other
, GConstraintsB(..)
, gbaddDictsDefault
, adjProof
, ConstraintsOf
import Data.Barbie.Internal.Dicts (ClassF, Dict (..), requiringDict)
import Data.Barbie.Internal.Functor (FunctorB (..))
import Data.Barbie.Internal.Traversable (TraversableB (..))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (..))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const (..))
import Data.Functor.Product (Product (..))
import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum (..))
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Generics.GenericN
class FunctorB b => ConstraintsB (b :: (k -> *) -> *) where
type AllB (c :: k -> Constraint) b :: Constraint
type AllB c b = GAllB c (GAllBRep b)
baddDicts :: forall c f. AllB c b => b f -> b (Dict c `Product` f)
default baddDicts
:: forall c f
. ( CanDeriveConstraintsB c b f
, AllB c b
=> b f -> b (Dict c `Product` f)
baddDicts = gbaddDictsDefault
bmapC :: forall c b f g.
(AllB c b, ConstraintsB b)
=> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a)
-> b f
-> b g
bmapC f bf = bmap go (baddDicts bf)
go :: forall a. (Dict c `Product` f) a -> g a
go (d `Pair` fa) = requiringDict (f fa) d
:: forall c b f g h
. (TraversableB b, ConstraintsB b, AllB c b, Applicative g)
=> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (h a))
-> b f
-> g (b h)
btraverseC f b = btraverse (\(Pair (Dict :: Dict c a) x) -> f x) (baddDicts b)
type AllBF c f b = AllB (ClassF c f) b
{-# DEPRECATED ConstraintsOf "Renamed to AllBF (now based on AllB)" #-}
type ConstraintsOf c f b = AllBF c f b
{-# DEPRECATED adjProof "Renamed to baddDicts" #-}
:: forall b c f. (ConstraintsB b, AllB c b) => b f -> b (Dict c `Product` f)
adjProof = baddDicts
type GAllBRep b = TagSelf b (RepN (b X))
data X a
type CanDeriveConstraintsB c b f
= ( GenericN (b f)
, GenericN (b (Dict c `Product` f))
, AllB c b ~ GAllB c (GAllBRep b)
, GConstraintsB c f (GAllBRep b) (RepN (b f)) (RepN (b (Dict c `Product` f)))
:: forall b c f
. ( CanDeriveConstraintsB c b f
, AllB c b
=> b f -> b (Dict c `Product` f)
= toN . gbaddDicts @c @f @(GAllBRep b) . fromN
{-# INLINE gbaddDictsDefault #-}
class GAllBC (repbf :: * -> *) where
type GAllB (c :: k -> Constraint) repbf :: Constraint
class GAllBC repbx => GConstraintsB c (f :: k -> *) repbx repbf repbdf where
gbaddDicts :: GAllB c repbx => repbf x -> repbdf x
instance GAllBC repbf => GAllBC (M1 i k repbf) where
type GAllB c (M1 i k repbf) = GAllB c repbf
GConstraintsB c f repbx repbf repbdf
=> GConstraintsB c f (M1 i k repbx)
(M1 i k repbf)
(M1 i k repbdf) where
gbaddDicts = M1 . gbaddDicts @c @f @repbx . unM1
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
instance GAllBC V1 where
type GAllB c V1 = ()
instance GConstraintsB c f V1 V1 V1 where
gbaddDicts _ = undefined
instance GAllBC U1 where
type GAllB c U1 = ()
instance GConstraintsB c f U1 U1 U1 where
gbaddDicts = id
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
instance (GAllBC l, GAllBC r) => GAllBC (l :*: r) where
type GAllB c (l :*: r) = (GAllB c l, GAllB c r)
( GConstraintsB c f lx lf ldf
, GConstraintsB c f rx rf rdf
) => GConstraintsB c f (lx :*: rx)
(lf :*: rf)
(ldf :*: rdf) where
gbaddDicts (l :*: r)
= (gbaddDicts @c @f @lx l) :*: (gbaddDicts @c @f @rx r)
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
instance (GAllBC l, GAllBC r) => GAllBC (l :+: r) where
type GAllB c (l :+: r) = (GAllB c l, GAllB c r)
( GConstraintsB c f lx lf ldf
, GConstraintsB c f rx rf rdf
) => GConstraintsB c f (lx :+: rx)
(lf :+: rf)
(ldf :+: rdf) where
gbaddDicts = \case
L1 l -> L1 (gbaddDicts @c @f @lx l)
R1 r -> R1 (gbaddDicts @c @f @rx r)
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
type P0 = Param 0
instance GAllBC (Rec (P0 X a) (X a)) where
type GAllB c (Rec (P0 X a) (X a)) = c a
instance GConstraintsB c f (Rec (P0 X a) (X a))
(Rec (P0 f a) (f a))
(Rec (P0 (Dict c `Product` f) a)
((Dict c `Product` f) a)) where
= Rec . K1 . Pair Dict . unK1 . unRec
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
instance GAllBC (Rec (Self b (P0 X)) (b X)) where
type GAllB c (Rec (Self b (P0 X)) (b X)) = ()
( ConstraintsB b
, AllB c b
) => GConstraintsB c f (Rec (Self b (P0 X)) (b X))
(Rec (b (P0 f)) (b f))
(Rec (b (P0 (Dict c `Product` f)))
(b (Dict c `Product` f))) where
= Rec . K1 . baddDicts . unK1 . unRec
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
( ConstraintsB b'
, SameOrParam b b'
) => GAllBC (Rec (Other b (P0 X)) (b' X)) where
type GAllB c (Rec (Other b (P0 X)) (b' X)) = AllB c b'
( SameOrParam b b'
, ConstraintsB b'
, AllB c b'
) => GConstraintsB c f (Rec (Other b (P0 X)) (b' X))
(Rec (b (P0 f)) (b' f))
(Rec (b (P0 (Dict c `Product` f)))
(b' (Dict c `Product` f))) where
= Rec . K1 . baddDicts . unK1 . unRec
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
instance GAllBC (Rec a a) where
type GAllB c (Rec a a) = ()
instance GConstraintsB c f (Rec a a)
(Rec a a)
(Rec a a) where
gbaddDicts = id
{-# INLINE gbaddDicts #-}
data Self (b :: (k -> *) -> *) (f :: k -> *)
data Other (b :: (k -> *) -> *) (f :: k -> *)
type family TagSelf (b :: (k -> *) -> *) (repbf :: * -> *) :: * -> * where
TagSelf b (M1 mt m s)
= M1 mt m (TagSelf b s)
TagSelf b (l :+: r)
= TagSelf b l :+: TagSelf b r
TagSelf b (l :*: r)
= TagSelf b l :*: TagSelf b r
TagSelf b (Rec (b f) (b g))
= Rec (Self b f) (b g)
TagSelf (b :: (k -> *) -> *) (Rec (b' f) ((b'' :: (k -> *) -> *) g))
= Rec (Other b' f) (b'' g)
TagSelf b (Rec p a)
= Rec p a
TagSelf b U1
= U1
TagSelf b V1
= V1
instance ConstraintsB Proxy where
type AllB c Proxy = ()
baddDicts _ = Proxy
{-# INLINE baddDicts #-}
instance (ConstraintsB a, ConstraintsB b) => ConstraintsB (Product a b) where
type AllB c (Product a b) = (AllB c a, AllB c b)
baddDicts (Pair x y) = Pair (baddDicts x) (baddDicts y)
{-# INLINE baddDicts #-}
instance (ConstraintsB a, ConstraintsB b) => ConstraintsB (Sum a b) where
type AllB c (Sum a b) = (AllB c a, AllB c b)
baddDicts (InL x) = InL (baddDicts x)
baddDicts (InR x) = InR (baddDicts x)
{-# INLINE baddDicts #-}
instance ConstraintsB (Const a) where
type AllB c (Const a) = ()
baddDicts (Const x) = Const x
{-# INLINE baddDicts #-}
instance (Functor f, ConstraintsB b) => ConstraintsB (f `Compose` b) where
type AllB c (f `Compose` b) = AllB c b
baddDicts (Compose x)
= Compose (baddDicts <$> x)
{-# INLINE baddDicts #-}