barlow-lens: lens via string literals

[ bsd3, generics, lens, library, records ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]
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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), first-class-families, generic-lens, lens, profunctors [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Danila Danko, kana
Author Danila Danko, kana
Maintainer Danila Danko, kana
Category Generics, Records, Lens
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Source repo head: git clone
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Readme for barlow-lens-

[back to package description]


Barlow lens increases your magnification and let's you see the stars sparkles

In other words, barlow lens makes creating complex lenses such as record lenses super simple.

This package is a port of purescript-barlow-lens based on generic-lens.


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
import Control.Lens ((%~), (&), (^.), (^..), (^?))
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Lens.Barlow
import GHC.Generics


Barlow creates optics for the following types:


zodiac ~ field @"zodiac"

data AlphaRecord = AlphaRecord {alpha :: String} deriving (Generic, Show)
data VirgoRecord = VirgoRecord {virgo :: AlphaRecord} deriving (Generic, Show)
data ZodiacRecord = ZodiacRecord {zodiac :: VirgoRecord} deriving (Generic, Show)

sky :: ZodiacRecord
sky = ZodiacRecord{zodiac = VirgoRecord{virgo = AlphaRecord{alpha = "Spica"}}}

spica :: String
spica = sky ^. (bw @"zodiac.virgo.alpha")

-- >>> spica
-- "Spica"

-- >>> alfa = sky ^. barlow @"zodiac.virgo.alfa"
-- The type AlphaRecord does not contain a field named 'alfa'.
-- In the second argument of `(^.)', namely
--   `barlow @"zodiac.virgo.alfa"'
-- In the expression: sky ^. barlow @"zodiac.virgo.alfa"
-- In an equation for `alfa':
--     alfa = sky ^. barlow @"zodiac.virgo.alfa"


Use ? to zoom into a Maybe.

  • ? ~ _Just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
newtype AlphaMaybe = AlphaMaybe {alpha :: Maybe String} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype VirgoMaybe = VirgoMaybe {virgo :: Maybe AlphaMaybe} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype ZodiacMaybe = ZodiacMaybe {zodiac :: Maybe VirgoMaybe} deriving (Generic, Show)

skyMaybe :: ZodiacMaybe
skyMaybe = ZodiacMaybe{zodiac = Just VirgoMaybe{virgo = Just AlphaMaybe{alpha = Just "Spica"}}}

spicaMaybe :: Maybe String
spicaMaybe = skyMaybe ^? bw @"zodiac?.virgo?.alpha?"

-- >>> spicaMaybe
-- Just "Spica"


Use < for Left and > for Right to zoom into an Either.

  • < ~ _Left :: Prism (Either a c) (Either b c) a b
  • > ~ _Right :: Prism (Either c a) (Either c b) a b
newtype AlphaLeft = AlphaLeft {alpha :: Either String ()} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype VirgoRight = VirgoRight {virgo :: Either () AlphaLeft} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype ZodiacEither = ZodiacEither {zodiac :: Either VirgoRight VirgoRight} deriving (Generic, Show)

skyLeft :: ZodiacEither
skyLeft = ZodiacEither{zodiac = Left VirgoRight{virgo = Right AlphaLeft{alpha = Left "Spica"}}}

starLeftRightLeft :: Maybe String
starLeftRightLeft = skyLeft ^? bw @"zodiac<virgo>alpha<"

-- >>> starLeftRightLeft
-- Just "Spica"

starLeftLeft :: Maybe VirgoRight
starLeftLeft = skyLeft ^? bw @"zodiac>"

-- >>> starLeftLeft
-- Nothing


Use + to zoom into Traversables.

  • + ~ traversed :: Traversable f => IndexedTraversal Int (f a) (f b) a b
newtype AlphaLeftRight = AlphaLeftRight {alpha :: Either String String} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype VirgoLeftRight = VirgoLeftRight {virgo :: Either AlphaLeftRight AlphaLeftRight} deriving (Generic, Show)
newtype ZodiacList = ZodiacList {zodiac :: [VirgoLeftRight]} deriving (Generic, Show)

skyList :: ZodiacList
skyList =
    { zodiac =
        [ VirgoLeftRight{virgo = Right AlphaLeftRight{alpha = Left "Spica1"}}
        , VirgoLeftRight{virgo = Right AlphaLeftRight{alpha = Right "Spica2"}}
        , VirgoLeftRight{virgo = Left AlphaLeftRight{alpha = Right "Spica3"}}
        , VirgoLeftRight{virgo = Left AlphaLeftRight{alpha = Left "Spica4"}}

starList :: [String]
starList = skyList ^.. bw @"zodiac+virgo>alpha>" & bw @"++" %~ toUpper

-- >>> starList
-- ["SPICA2"]

alphaRight :: [AlphaLeftRight]
alphaRight = skyList ^.. bw @"zodiac+virgo>"

-- >>> alphaRight
-- [AlphaLeftRight {alpha = Left "Spica1"},AlphaLeftRight {alpha = Right "Spica2"}]


Use ! to zoom into a newtype.

  • ! ~ wrappedIso :: Iso s t a b
newtype AlphaNewtype = AlphaNewtype {alpha :: String} deriving (Generic)
newtype VirgoNewtype = VirgoNewtype {virgo :: AlphaNewtype} deriving (Generic)
newtype ZodiacNewtype = ZodiacNewtype {zodiac :: VirgoNewtype} deriving (Generic)

skyNewtype :: ZodiacNewtype
skyNewtype = ZodiacNewtype (VirgoNewtype (AlphaNewtype "Spica"))

starNewtype :: [Char]
starNewtype = skyNewtype ^. bw @"zodiac!!"

-- >>> starNewtype
-- "Spica"

Data types

Barlow supports zooming into arbitrary sum and product types as long as there is a Generic instance.

Use %<NAME> to zoom into sum types, where <NAME> is the name of your data constructor. E.g. %VirgoData for the data constructor VirgoData.

Use %<INDEX> to zoom into product types, where <INDEX> is a natural number. Note that counting for product types and tuples usually starts with 1 and not 0. So the first element of a product is %1.

It is more readable if you separate your sum lens from your product lens with a . dot.

  • %<NAME> ~ _Ctor :: AsConstructor ctor s t a b => Prism s t a b
  • %<INDEX> ~ position :: HasPosition i s t a b => Lens s t a b
data ZodiacData
  = CarinaData {alpha :: String}
  | VirgoData {alpha :: String, beta :: String, gamma :: String, delta :: String}
  | CanisMaiorData String
  deriving (Generic)

skyData :: ZodiacData
skyData = VirgoData{alpha = "Spica", beta = "Beta Vir", gamma = "Gamma Vir", delta = "Del Vir"}

starData :: [Char]
starData = skyData ^. bw @"%VirgoData%3"

-- >>> starData
-- "Gamma Vir"



Quick start

  1. Install Nix - see how.

  2. In a new terminal, start a devshell, build and test the app.

    nix develop
    cabal build
    cabal test
  3. Write settings.json and start VSCodium.

    nix run .#writeSettings
    nix run .#codium .
  4. Open a Haskell file app/Main.hs and hover over a function.

  5. Wait until Haskell Language Server (HLS) starts giving you type info.

  6. Sometimes, cabal doesn't use the Nix-supplied packages (issue). In this case, use cabal v1-* - commands.
