Packages tagged lens

19 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (19), bsd3 (14), generics (7), data (5), records (5), dependent-types (2), gpl (2), mit (2), composite (1), database (1), optics (1), overloadelabels (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
barlow-lens50.00lens via string literals (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)2023-08-310.1.0.2deemp, kana
composite-lens-extra70.00Extra lens functions for composite. (composite, data, lens, library, mit)2022-09-
cornea162.03classy optical monadic state (lens, library)2022-02-
generic-lens2092.7588Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)2023-04-, kcsongor, michaelpj
generic-lens-core1500.05Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)2022-01-, michaelpj
generic-lens-labels80.01GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel instance for lenses from ghc-generics (bsd3, generics, lens, library, overloadelabels, records)2018-01-
generic-lens-lite170.01Monomorphic field lens like with generic-lens (bsd3, generics, lens, library)2024-06-070.1.1phadej
generic-optics890.03Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)2022-01-, michaelpj
generic-optics-lite120.00Monomorphic field opics like with generic-lens (bsd3, generics, lens, library, optics)2024-06-070.1.1phadej
hedgehog-lens20.00Hedgehog properties for lens laws. (lens, library, mit, testing)2022-04-
hexml-lens120.01Lenses for the hexml package (bsd3, lens, library)2022-04-050.2.2PepeIborra
http-client-lens30.01Optics for http-client (bsd3, lens, library)2014-04-150.1.0ReinH, reactormonk
lens-named70.01Helper for use with lens (bsd3, lens, library)2018-02-
minilens82.01A minimalistic lens library, providing only the simplest, most basic lens functionality. (data, gpl, lens, library)2016-05-311.0.0.2RaminHonary
persistent-template-classy90.01Generate classy lens field accessors for persistent models (bsd3, database, lens, library, yesod)2021-05-300.2.0k_bx
ral-lens100.00Length-indexed random access lists: lens utilities. (data, dependent-types, gpl, lens, library, singletons)2024-06-080.2.1phadej
text-lens40.03Lenses for operating over text (bsd3, lens, library)2017-01-290.1.1ChrisPenner
these-lens460.03Lenses for These (bsd3, data, lens, library, these)2024-05-161.0.2phadej
vec-lens110.00Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: lens support (bsd3, data, dependent-types, lens, library)2024-06-080.4.1phadej