{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns
, ExistentialQuantification
, NoImplicitPrelude
, TypeSynonymInstances
, FlexibleInstances
module GHC.Event.TimerManager
, new
, newWith
, newDefaultBackend
, emControl
, finished
, loop
, step
, shutdown
, cleanup
, wakeManager
, TimeoutCallback
, TimeoutKey
, registerTimeout
, updateTimeout
, unregisterTimeout
) where
#include "EventConfig.h"
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Data.Foldable (sequence_)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', mkWeakIORef, newIORef, readIORef,
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Clock (getMonotonicTimeNSec)
import GHC.Conc.Signal (runHandlers)
import GHC.Enum (maxBound)
import GHC.Num (Num(..))
import GHC.Real (quot, fromIntegral)
import GHC.Show (Show(..))
import GHC.Event.Control
import GHC.Event.Internal (Backend, Event, evtRead, Timeout(..))
import GHC.Event.Unique (Unique, UniqueSource, newSource, newUnique)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import qualified GHC.Event.Internal as I
import qualified GHC.Event.PSQ as Q
#if defined(HAVE_POLL)
import qualified GHC.Event.Poll as Poll
# error not implemented for this operating system
newtype TimeoutKey = TK Unique
deriving Eq
type TimeoutCallback = IO ()
data State = Created
| Running
| Dying
| Finished
deriving ( Eq
, Show
type TimeoutQueue = Q.PSQ TimeoutCallback
type TimeoutEdit = TimeoutQueue -> TimeoutQueue
data TimerManager = TimerManager
{ emBackend :: !Backend
, emTimeouts :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef TimeoutQueue)
, emState :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef State)
, emUniqueSource :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UniqueSource
, emControl :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Control
handleControlEvent :: TimerManager -> Fd -> Event -> IO ()
handleControlEvent mgr fd _evt = do
msg <- readControlMessage (emControl mgr) fd
case msg of
CMsgWakeup -> return ()
CMsgDie -> writeIORef (emState mgr) Finished
CMsgSignal fp s -> runHandlers fp s
newDefaultBackend :: IO Backend
#if defined(HAVE_POLL)
newDefaultBackend = Poll.new
newDefaultBackend = errorWithoutStackTrace "no back end for this platform"
new :: IO TimerManager
new = newWith =<< newDefaultBackend
newWith :: Backend -> IO TimerManager
newWith be = do
timeouts <- newIORef Q.empty
ctrl <- newControl True
state <- newIORef Created
us <- newSource
_ <- mkWeakIORef state $ do
st <- atomicModifyIORef' state $ \s -> (Finished, s)
when (st /= Finished) $ do
I.delete be
closeControl ctrl
let mgr = TimerManager { emBackend = be
, emTimeouts = timeouts
, emState = state
, emUniqueSource = us
, emControl = ctrl
_ <- I.modifyFd be (controlReadFd ctrl) mempty evtRead
_ <- I.modifyFd be (wakeupReadFd ctrl) mempty evtRead
return mgr
shutdown :: TimerManager -> IO ()
shutdown mgr = do
state <- atomicModifyIORef' (emState mgr) $ \s -> (Dying, s)
when (state == Running) $ sendDie (emControl mgr)
finished :: TimerManager -> IO Bool
finished mgr = (== Finished) `liftM` readIORef (emState mgr)
cleanup :: TimerManager -> IO ()
cleanup mgr = do
writeIORef (emState mgr) Finished
I.delete (emBackend mgr)
closeControl (emControl mgr)
loop :: TimerManager -> IO ()
loop mgr = do
state <- atomicModifyIORef' (emState mgr) $ \s -> case s of
Created -> (Running, s)
_ -> (s, s)
case state of
Created -> go `finally` cleanup mgr
Dying -> cleanup mgr
_ -> do cleanup mgr
errorWithoutStackTrace $ "GHC.Event.Manager.loop: state is already " ++
show state
go = do running <- step mgr
when running go
step :: TimerManager -> IO Bool
step mgr = do
timeout <- mkTimeout
_ <- I.poll (emBackend mgr) (Just timeout) (handleControlEvent mgr)
state <- readIORef (emState mgr)
state `seq` return (state == Running)
mkTimeout :: IO Timeout
mkTimeout = do
now <- getMonotonicTimeNSec
(expired, timeout) <- atomicModifyIORef' (emTimeouts mgr) $ \tq ->
let (expired, tq') = Q.atMost now tq
timeout = case Q.minView tq' of
Nothing -> Forever
Just (Q.E _ t _, _) ->
let t' = t - now in t' `seq` Timeout t'
in (tq', (expired, timeout))
sequence_ $ map Q.value expired
return timeout
wakeManager :: TimerManager -> IO ()
wakeManager mgr = sendWakeup (emControl mgr)
expirationTime :: Int -> IO Q.Prio
expirationTime us = do
now <- getMonotonicTimeNSec
let expTime
| (maxBound - now) `quot` 1000 < fromIntegral us = maxBound
| otherwise = now + ns
where ns = 1000 * fromIntegral us
return expTime
registerTimeout :: TimerManager -> Int -> TimeoutCallback -> IO TimeoutKey
registerTimeout mgr us cb = do
!key <- newUnique (emUniqueSource mgr)
if us <= 0 then cb
else do
expTime <- expirationTime us
editTimeouts mgr (Q.unsafeInsertNew key expTime cb)
return $ TK key
unregisterTimeout :: TimerManager -> TimeoutKey -> IO ()
unregisterTimeout mgr (TK key) = do
editTimeouts mgr (Q.delete key)
updateTimeout :: TimerManager -> TimeoutKey -> Int -> IO ()
updateTimeout mgr (TK key) us = do
expTime <- expirationTime us
editTimeouts mgr (Q.adjust (const expTime) key)
editTimeouts :: TimerManager -> TimeoutEdit -> IO ()
editTimeouts mgr g = do
wake <- atomicModifyIORef' (emTimeouts mgr) f
when wake (wakeManager mgr)
f q = (q', wake)
q' = g q
wake = case Q.minView q of
Nothing -> True
Just (Q.E _ t0 _, _) ->
case Q.minView q' of
Just (Q.E _ t1 _, _) ->
t0 /= t1
_ -> True