-- |
-- Module      : Basement.Block
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Haskell Foundation
-- A block of memory that contains elements of a type,
-- very similar to an unboxed array but with the key difference:
-- * It doesn't have slicing capability (no cheap take or drop)
-- * It consume less memory: 1 Offset, 1 CountOf
-- * It's unpackable in any constructor
-- * It uses unpinned memory by default
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Basement.Block
    ( Block(..)
    , MutableBlock(..)
    -- * Properties
    , length
    -- * Lowlevel functions
    , unsafeThaw
    , unsafeFreeze
    , unsafeIndex
    , thaw
    , freeze
    , copy
    , unsafeCast
    , cast
    -- * safer api
    , empty
    , create
    , isPinned
    , isMutablePinned
    , singleton
    , replicate
    , index
    , map
    , foldl'
    , foldr
    , foldl1'
    , foldr1
    , cons
    , snoc
    , uncons
    , unsnoc
    , sub
    , splitAt
    , revSplitAt
    , splitOn
    , break
    , breakEnd
    , span
    , elem
    , all
    , any
    , find
    , filter
    , reverse
    , sortBy
    , intersperse
    -- * Foreign interfaces
    , createFromPtr
    , unsafeCopyToPtr
    , withPtr
    ) where

import           GHC.Prim
import           GHC.Types
import           GHC.ST
import qualified Data.List
import           Basement.Compat.Base
import           Data.Proxy
import           Basement.Compat.Primitive
import           Basement.NonEmpty
import           Basement.Types.OffsetSize
import           Basement.Monad
import           Basement.Exception
import           Basement.PrimType
import qualified Basement.Block.Mutable as M
import           Basement.Block.Mutable (Block(..), MutableBlock(..), new, unsafeThaw, unsafeFreeze)
import           Basement.Block.Base
import           Basement.Numerical.Additive
import           Basement.Numerical.Subtractive
import           Basement.Numerical.Multiplicative
import qualified Basement.Alg.Mutable as MutAlg
import qualified Basement.Alg.Class as Alg
import qualified Basement.Alg.PrimArray as Alg

instance (PrimMonad prim, st ~ PrimState prim, PrimType ty) 
         => Alg.RandomAccess (MutableBlock ty st) prim ty where
    read :: MutableBlock ty st -> Offset ty -> prim ty
read (MutableBlock MutableByteArray# st
mba) = MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> prim ty
forall ty (prim :: * -> *).
(PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) =>
MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> prim ty
primMbaRead MutableByteArray# st
MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim)
    write :: MutableBlock ty st -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
write (MutableBlock MutableByteArray# st
mba) = MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
forall ty (prim :: * -> *).
(PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) =>
MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
primMbaWrite MutableByteArray# st
MutableByteArray# (PrimState prim)

instance (PrimType ty) => Alg.Indexable (Block ty) ty where
    index :: Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
index (Block ByteArray#
ba) = ByteArray# -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => ByteArray# -> Offset ty -> ty
primBaIndex ByteArray#
    {-# INLINE index #-}

instance Alg.Indexable (Block Word8) Word64 where
    index :: Block Word8 -> Offset Word64 -> Word64
index (Block ByteArray#
ba) = ByteArray# -> Offset Word64 -> Word64
forall ty. PrimType ty => ByteArray# -> Offset ty -> ty
primBaIndex ByteArray#
    {-# INLINE index #-}

-- | Copy all the block content to the memory starting at the destination address
unsafeCopyToPtr :: forall ty prim . PrimMonad prim
                => Block ty -- ^ the source block to copy
                -> Ptr ty   -- ^ The destination address where the copy is going to start
                -> prim ()
unsafeCopyToPtr :: Block ty -> Ptr ty -> prim ()
unsafeCopyToPtr (Block ByteArray#
blk) (Ptr Addr#
p) = (State# (PrimState prim) -> (# State# (PrimState prim), () #))
-> prim ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
PrimMonad m =>
(State# (PrimState m) -> (# State# (PrimState m), a #)) -> m a
primitive ((State# (PrimState prim) -> (# State# (PrimState prim), () #))
 -> prim ())
-> (State# (PrimState prim) -> (# State# (PrimState prim), () #))
-> prim ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# (PrimState prim)
s1 ->
    (# ByteArray#
-> Int#
-> Addr#
-> Int#
-> State# (PrimState prim)
-> State# (PrimState prim)
forall d.
ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr# -> Int# -> State# d -> State# d
copyByteArrayToAddr# ByteArray#
blk Int#
0# Addr#
p (ByteArray# -> Int#
sizeofByteArray# ByteArray#
blk) State# (PrimState prim)
s1, () #)

-- | Create a new array of size @n by settings each cells through the
-- function @f.
create :: forall ty . PrimType ty
       => CountOf ty           -- ^ the size of the block (in element of ty)
       -> (Offset ty -> ty) -- ^ the function that set the value at the index
       -> Block ty          -- ^ the array created
create :: CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
create CountOf ty
n Offset ty -> ty
    | CountOf ty
n CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0    = Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
mb <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new CountOf ty
        (Offset ty -> ty) -> MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s ()
forall ty (prim :: * -> *).
(PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) =>
(Offset ty -> ty) -> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim ()
M.iterSet Offset ty -> ty
initializer MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))

-- | Freeze a chunk of memory pointed, of specific size into a new unboxed array
createFromPtr :: PrimType ty
              => Ptr ty
              -> CountOf ty
              -> IO (Block ty)
createFromPtr :: Ptr ty -> CountOf ty -> IO (Block ty)
createFromPtr Ptr ty
p CountOf ty
sz = do
    MutableBlock ty RealWorld
mb <- CountOf ty -> IO (MutableBlock ty (PrimState IO))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new CountOf ty
    Ptr ty
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState IO)
-> Offset ty
-> CountOf ty
-> IO ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
Ptr ty
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty
-> CountOf ty
-> prim ()
M.copyFromPtr Ptr ty
p MutableBlock ty RealWorld
MutableBlock ty (PrimState IO)
mb Offset ty
0 CountOf ty
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState IO) -> IO (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty RealWorld
MutableBlock ty (PrimState IO)

singleton :: PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty
singleton :: ty -> Block ty
singleton ty
ty = CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
create CountOf ty
1 (ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const ty

replicate :: PrimType ty => CountOf ty -> ty -> Block ty
replicate :: CountOf ty -> ty -> Block ty
replicate CountOf ty
sz ty
ty = CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
create CountOf ty
sz (ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const ty

-- | Thaw a Block into a MutableBlock
-- the Block is not modified, instead a new Mutable Block is created
-- and its content is copied to the mutable block
thaw :: (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
thaw :: Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
thaw Block ty
array = do
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma <- PinnedStatus
-> CountOf Word8 -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
-> CountOf Word8 -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
M.unsafeNew PinnedStatus
Unpinned (Block ty -> CountOf Word8
forall ty. Block ty -> CountOf Word8
lengthBytes Block ty
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> Block ty
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> Block ty
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyBytesRO MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma Offset Word8
0 Block ty
array Offset Word8
0 (Block ty -> CountOf Word8
forall ty. Block ty -> CountOf Word8
lengthBytes Block ty
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
{-# INLINE thaw #-}

-- | Freeze a MutableBlock into a Block, copying all the data
-- If the data is modified in the mutable block after this call, then
-- the immutable Block resulting is not impacted.
freeze :: (PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
freeze :: MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
freeze MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma = do
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma' <- PinnedStatus
-> CountOf Word8 -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
-> CountOf Word8 -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
unsafeNew PinnedStatus
Unpinned CountOf Word8
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyBytes MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma' Offset Word8
0 MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
ma Offset Word8
0 CountOf Word8
    --M.copyAt ma' (Offset 0) ma (Offset 0) len
    MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
    len :: CountOf Word8
len = MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> CountOf Word8
forall ty st. MutableBlock ty st -> CountOf Word8
M.mutableLengthBytes MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)

-- | Copy every cells of an existing Block to a new Block
copy :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> Block ty
copy :: Block ty -> Block ty
copy Block ty
array = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST (Block ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
thaw Block ty
array ST s (MutableBlock ty s)
-> (MutableBlock ty s -> ST s (Block ty)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= MutableBlock ty s -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)

-- | Return the element at a specific index from an array.
-- If the index @n is out of bounds, an error is raised.
index :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
index :: Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
index Block ty
array Offset ty
    | Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
isOutOfBound Offset ty
n CountOf ty
len = OutOfBoundOperation -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ty
forall ty a. OutOfBoundOperation -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> a
outOfBound OutOfBoundOperation
OOB_Index Offset ty
n CountOf ty
    | Bool
otherwise          = Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
array Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
{-# INLINE index #-}

-- | Map all element 'a' from a block to a new block of 'b'
map :: (PrimType a, PrimType b) => (a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b
map :: (a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b
map a -> b
f Block a
a = CountOf b -> (Offset b -> b) -> Block b
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> (Offset ty -> ty) -> Block ty
create CountOf b
lenB (\Offset b
i -> a -> b
f (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Block a -> Offset a -> a
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block a
a (Proxy (b -> a) -> Offset b -> Offset a
forall a b. Proxy (a -> b) -> Offset a -> Offset b
offsetCast Proxy (b -> a)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy Offset b
  where !lenB :: CountOf b
lenB = Proxy (a -> b) -> CountOf a -> CountOf b
forall a b. Proxy (a -> b) -> CountOf a -> CountOf b
sizeCast (forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
forall a b. Proxy (a -> b)
Proxy :: Proxy (a -> b)) (Block a -> CountOf a
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block a

foldr :: PrimType ty => (ty -> a -> a) -> a -> Block ty -> a
foldr :: (ty -> a -> a) -> a -> Block ty -> a
foldr ty -> a -> a
f a
initialAcc Block ty
vec = Offset ty -> a
loop Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> a
loop !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = a
        | Bool
otherwise  = Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
vec Offset ty
i ty -> a -> a
`f` Offset ty -> a
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] foldr :: (Word8 -> a -> a) -> a -> Block Word8 -> a #-}

foldl' :: PrimType ty => (a -> ty -> a) -> a -> Block ty -> a
foldl' :: (a -> ty -> a) -> a -> Block ty -> a
foldl' a -> ty -> a
f a
initialAcc Block ty
vec = Offset ty -> a -> a
loop Offset ty
0 a
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> a -> a
loop !Offset ty
i !a
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = a
        | Bool
otherwise  = Offset ty -> a -> a
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
1) (a -> ty -> a
f a
acc (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
vec Offset ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] foldl' :: (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Block Word8 -> a #-}

foldl1' :: PrimType ty => (ty -> ty -> ty) -> NonEmpty (Block ty) -> ty
foldl1' :: (ty -> ty -> ty) -> NonEmpty (Block ty) -> ty
foldl1' ty -> ty -> ty
f (NonEmpty Block ty
arr) = Offset ty -> ty -> ty
loop Offset ty
1 (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
arr Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> ty -> ty
loop !Offset ty
i !ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = ty
        | Bool
otherwise  = Offset ty -> ty -> ty
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
1) (ty -> ty -> ty
f ty
acc (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
arr Offset ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [3] foldl1' :: (Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8) -> NonEmpty (Block Word8) -> Word8 #-}

foldr1 :: PrimType ty => (ty -> ty -> ty) -> NonEmpty (Block ty) -> ty
foldr1 :: (ty -> ty -> ty) -> NonEmpty (Block ty) -> ty
foldr1 ty -> ty -> ty
f NonEmpty (Block ty)
arr = let (Block ty
initialAcc, Block ty
rest) = CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
revSplitAt CountOf ty
1 (Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty))
-> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NonEmpty (Block ty) -> Block ty
forall a. NonEmpty a -> a
getNonEmpty NonEmpty (Block ty)
               in (ty -> ty -> ty) -> ty -> Block ty -> ty
forall ty a. PrimType ty => (ty -> a -> a) -> a -> Block ty -> a
foldr ty -> ty -> ty
f (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
initialAcc Offset ty
0) Block ty

cons :: PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
cons :: ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
cons ty
e Block ty
    | CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0  = ty -> Block ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty
singleton ty
    | Bool
otherwise = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
muv <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new (CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyElementsRO MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
muv Offset ty
1 Block ty
vec Offset ty
0 CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
muv Offset ty
0 ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty

snoc :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> ty -> Block ty
snoc :: Block ty -> ty -> Block ty
snoc Block ty
vec ty
    | CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0  = ty -> Block ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty
singleton ty
    | Bool
otherwise = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
muv <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new (CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyElementsRO MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
muv Offset ty
0 Block ty
vec Offset ty
0 CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
muv (Offset ty
0 Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
`offsetPlusE` CountOf ty
len) ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
     !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty

sub :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub :: Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub Block ty
blk Offset ty
start Offset ty
    | Offset ty
start Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Offset ty
end' = Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise     = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
dst <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new Difference (Offset ty)
CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyElementsRO MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
dst Offset ty
0 Block ty
blk Offset ty
start Difference (Offset ty)
CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
    newLen :: Difference (Offset ty)
newLen = Offset ty
end' Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Difference (Offset ty)
forall a. Subtractive a => a -> a -> Difference a
- Offset ty
    end' :: Offset ty
end' = Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min (CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall a. CountOf a -> Offset a
sizeAsOffset CountOf ty
len) Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty

uncons :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> Maybe (ty, Block ty)
uncons :: Block ty -> Maybe (ty, Block ty)
uncons Block ty
    | CountOf ty
nbElems CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0 = Maybe (ty, Block ty)
forall a. Maybe a
    | Bool
otherwise    = (ty, Block ty) -> Maybe (ty, Block ty)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
vec Offset ty
0, Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub Block ty
vec Offset ty
1 (Offset ty
0 Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
`offsetPlusE` CountOf ty
    !nbElems :: CountOf ty
nbElems = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty

unsnoc :: PrimType ty => Block ty -> Maybe (Block ty, ty)
unsnoc :: Block ty -> Maybe (Block ty, ty)
unsnoc Block ty
vec = case Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
vec CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Difference (CountOf ty)
forall a. Subtractive a => a -> a -> Difference a
- CountOf ty
1 of
    Difference (CountOf ty)
Nothing -> Maybe (Block ty, ty)
forall a. Maybe a
    Just offset -> (Block ty, ty) -> Maybe (Block ty, ty)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub Block ty
vec Offset ty
0 Offset ty
lastElem, Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
vec Offset ty
                     where !lastElem :: Offset ty
lastElem = Offset ty
0 Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
`offsetPlusE` CountOf ty

splitAt :: PrimType ty => CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
splitAt :: CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
splitAt CountOf ty
nbElems Block ty
    | CountOf ty
nbElems CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= CountOf ty
0 = (Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty, Block ty
    | Just nbTails <- Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
blk CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Difference (CountOf ty)
forall a. Subtractive a => a -> a -> Difference a
- CountOf ty
nbElems, CountOf ty
nbTails CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> CountOf ty
0 = (forall s. ST s (Block ty, Block ty)) -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty, Block ty)) -> (Block ty, Block ty))
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty, Block ty)) -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
left  <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty s
right <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyElementsRO MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
left  Offset ty
0 Block ty
blk Offset ty
0                      CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> prim ()
M.unsafeCopyElementsRO MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
right Offset ty
0 Block ty
blk (CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall a. CountOf a -> Offset a
sizeAsOffset CountOf ty
nbElems) CountOf ty
        (,) (Block ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty))
-> ST s (Block ty) -> ST s (Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
left ST s (Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty))
-> ST s (Block ty) -> ST s (Block ty, Block ty)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
    | Bool
otherwise    = (Block ty
blk, Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] splitAt :: CountOf Word8 -> Block Word8 -> (Block Word8, Block Word8) #-}

revSplitAt :: PrimType ty => CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
revSplitAt :: CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
revSplitAt CountOf ty
n Block ty
    | CountOf ty
n CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= CountOf ty
0                         = (Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty, Block ty
    | Just nbElems <- Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
blk CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Difference (CountOf ty)
forall a. Subtractive a => a -> a -> Difference a
- CountOf ty
n = let (Block ty
x, Block ty
y) = CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
splitAt CountOf ty
nbElems Block ty
blk in (Block ty
y, Block ty
    | Bool
otherwise                      = (Block ty
blk, Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a

break :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
break :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
break ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
blk = Offset ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
findBreak Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    findBreak :: Offset ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
findBreak !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len                    = (Block ty
blk, Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
        | ty -> Bool
predicate (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
i) = CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
splitAt (Offset ty -> CountOf ty
forall a. Offset a -> CountOf a
offsetAsSize Offset ty
i) Block ty
        | Bool
otherwise                     = Offset ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
findBreak (Offset ty
i Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ Offset ty
    {-# INLINE findBreak #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] break :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Block Word8 -> (Block Word8, Block Word8) #-}

breakEnd :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
breakEnd :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
breakEnd ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
    | Offset ty
k Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Offset ty
forall ty. Offset ty
sentinel = (Block ty
blk, Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise     = CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
CountOf ty -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
splitAt (Offset ty -> CountOf ty
forall a. Offset a -> CountOf a
offsetAsSize (Offset ty
kOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
1)) Block ty
    !k :: Offset ty
k = (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall container ty.
Indexable container ty =>
(ty -> Bool) -> container -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
Alg.revFindIndexPredicate ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
blk Offset ty
0 Offset ty
    !end :: Offset ty
end = CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall a. CountOf a -> Offset a
sizeAsOffset (CountOf ty -> Offset ty) -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] breakEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Block Word8 -> (Block Word8, Block Word8) #-}

span :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
span :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
span ty -> Bool
p = (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
(ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> (Block ty, Block ty)
break (Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> (ty -> Bool) -> ty -> Bool
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. ty -> Bool

elem :: PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty -> Bool
elem :: ty -> Block ty -> Bool
elem ty
v Block ty
blk = Offset ty -> Bool
loop Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> Bool
loop !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len             = Bool
        | Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
i ty -> ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== ty
v = Bool
        | Bool
otherwise              = Offset ty -> Bool
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] elem :: Word8 -> Block Word8 -> Bool #-}

all :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Bool
all :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Bool
all ty -> Bool
p Block ty
blk = Offset ty -> Bool
loop Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> Bool
loop !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len            = Bool
        | ty -> Bool
p (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
i) = Offset ty -> Bool
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
        | Bool
otherwise             = Bool
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] all :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Block Word8 -> Bool #-}

any :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Bool
any :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Bool
any ty -> Bool
p Block ty
blk = Offset ty -> Bool
loop Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> Bool
loop !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len            = Bool
        | ty -> Bool
p (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
i) = Bool
        | Bool
otherwise             = Offset ty -> Bool
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] any :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Block Word8 -> Bool #-}

splitOn :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> [Block ty]
splitOn :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> [Block ty]
splitOn ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
    | CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0  = [Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise = Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Block ty]
go Offset ty
0 Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    go :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Block ty]
go !Offset ty
prevIdx !Offset ty
        | Offset ty
idx Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = [Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub Block ty
blk Offset ty
prevIdx Offset ty
        | Bool
otherwise    =
            let e :: ty
e = Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
                idx' :: Offset ty
idx' = Offset ty
idx Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ Offset ty
             in if ty -> Bool
predicate ty
                    then Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
forall ty.
PrimType ty =>
Block ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Block ty
sub Block ty
blk Offset ty
prevIdx Offset ty
idx Block ty -> [Block ty] -> [Block ty]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Block ty]
go Offset ty
idx' Offset ty
                    else Offset ty -> Offset ty -> [Block ty]
go Offset ty
prevIdx Offset ty

find :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Maybe ty
find :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Maybe ty
find ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
vec = Offset ty -> Maybe ty
loop Offset ty
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    loop :: Offset ty -> Maybe ty
loop Offset ty
        | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = Maybe ty
forall a. Maybe a
        | Bool
otherwise  =
            let e :: ty
e = Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
vec Offset ty
             in if ty -> Bool
predicate ty
e then ty -> Maybe ty
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ty
e else Offset ty -> Maybe ty
loop (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty

filter :: PrimType ty => (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Block ty
filter :: (ty -> Bool) -> Block ty -> Block ty
filter ty -> Bool
predicate Block ty
vec = [Item (Block ty)] -> Block ty
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList ([Item (Block ty)] -> Block ty) -> [Item (Block ty)] -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ty -> Bool) -> [ty] -> [ty]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
Data.List.filter ty -> Bool
predicate ([ty] -> [ty]) -> [ty] -> [ty]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Block ty -> [Item (Block ty)]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
toList Block ty

reverse :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> Block ty
reverse :: Block ty -> Block ty
reverse Block ty
    | CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0  = Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
mb <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
forall s. MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
go MutableBlock ty s
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
    !endOfs :: Offset ty
endOfs = Offset ty
0 Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
`offsetPlusE` CountOf ty

    go :: MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
    go :: MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
go MutableBlock ty s
mb = Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop Offset ty
endOfs Offset ty
        loop :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop Offset ty
o Offset ty
            | Offset ty
i Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = () -> ST s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
            | Bool
otherwise  = MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
mb Offset ty
o' (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
i) ST s () -> ST s () -> ST s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop Offset ty
o' (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
          where o' :: Offset ty
o' = Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Enum a => a -> a
pred Offset ty

sortBy :: PrimType ty => (ty -> ty -> Ordering) -> Block ty -> Block ty
sortBy :: (ty -> ty -> Ordering) -> Block ty -> Block ty
sortBy ty -> ty -> Ordering
ford Block ty
    | CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf ty
0  = Block ty
forall a. Monoid a => a
    | Bool
otherwise = (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
mblock <- Block ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
thaw Block ty
        (ty -> ty -> Ordering)
-> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) container ty.
(PrimMonad prim, RandomAccess container prim ty) =>
(ty -> ty -> Ordering)
-> Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> container -> prim ()
MutAlg.inplaceSortBy ty -> ty -> Ordering
ford Offset ty
0 CountOf ty
len MutableBlock ty s
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
  where len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty
{-# SPECIALIZE [2] sortBy :: (Word8 -> Word8 -> Ordering) -> Block Word8 -> Block Word8 #-}

intersperse :: forall ty . PrimType ty => ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
intersperse :: ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
intersperse ty
sep Block ty
blk = case CountOf ty
len CountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> Difference (CountOf ty)
forall a. Subtractive a => a -> a -> Difference a
- CountOf ty
1 of
    Difference (CountOf ty)
Nothing -> Block ty
    Just 0 -> Block ty
    Just size -> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty)
-> (forall s. ST s (Block ty)) -> Block ty
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        MutableBlock ty s
mb <- CountOf ty -> ST s (MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)))
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new (CountOf ty
lenCountOf ty -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+CountOf ty
        MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
forall s. MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
go MutableBlock ty s
        MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> ST s (Block ty)
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
PrimMonad prim =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
    !len :: CountOf ty
len = Block ty -> CountOf ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length Block ty

    go :: MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
    go :: MutableBlock ty s -> ST s ()
go MutableBlock ty s
mb = Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop Offset ty
0 Offset ty
        loop :: Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop !Offset ty
o !Offset ty
            | (Offset ty
i Offset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ Offset ty
1) Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
forall ty. Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
.==# CountOf ty
len = MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
mb Offset ty
o (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
            | Bool
otherwise        = do
                MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
mb Offset ty
o     (Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
forall ty. PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex Block ty
blk Offset ty
                MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s)) -> Offset ty -> ty -> ST s ()
forall (prim :: * -> *) ty.
(PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) =>
MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite MutableBlock ty s
MutableBlock ty (PrimState (ST s))
mb (Offset ty
oOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
1) ty
                Offset ty -> Offset ty -> ST s ()
loop (Offset ty
oOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty
2) (Offset ty
iOffset ty -> Offset ty -> Offset ty
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+Offset ty

-- | Unsafely recast an UArray containing 'a' to an UArray containing 'b'
-- The offset and size are converted from units of 'a' to units of 'b',
-- but no check are performed to make sure this is compatible.
-- use 'cast' if unsure.
unsafeCast :: PrimType b => Block a -> Block b
unsafeCast :: Block a -> Block b
unsafeCast (Block ByteArray#
ba) = ByteArray# -> Block b
forall ty. ByteArray# -> Block ty
Block ByteArray#

-- | Cast a Block of 'a' to a Block of 'b'
-- The requirement is that the size of type 'a' need to be a multiple or
-- dividend of the size of type 'b'.
-- If this requirement is not met, the InvalidRecast exception is thrown
cast :: forall a b . (PrimType a, PrimType b) => Block a -> Block b
cast :: Block a -> Block b
cast blk :: Block a
blk@(Block ByteArray#
    | CountOf Word8
aTypeSize CountOf Word8 -> CountOf Word8 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf Word8
bTypeSize Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| CountOf Word8
bTypeSize CountOf Word8 -> CountOf Word8 -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== CountOf Word8
1 = Block a -> Block b
forall b a. PrimType b => Block a -> Block b
unsafeCast Block a
    | Int
missing   Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Int
0                           = Block a -> Block b
forall b a. PrimType b => Block a -> Block b
unsafeCast Block a
    | Bool
otherwise                                =
        InvalidRecast -> Block b
forall a e. Exception e => e -> a
throw (InvalidRecast -> Block b) -> InvalidRecast -> Block b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RecastSourceSize -> RecastDestinationSize -> InvalidRecast
InvalidRecast (Int -> RecastSourceSize
RecastSourceSize Int
alen) (Int -> RecastDestinationSize
RecastDestinationSize (Int -> RecastDestinationSize) -> Int -> RecastDestinationSize
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
alen Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Additive a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
    (CountOf Int
alen) = Block a -> CountOf Word8
forall ty. Block ty -> CountOf Word8
lengthBytes Block a

    aTypeSize :: CountOf Word8
aTypeSize = Proxy a -> CountOf Word8
forall ty. PrimType ty => Proxy ty -> CountOf Word8
primSizeInBytes (Proxy a
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy a)
    bTypeSize :: CountOf Word8
bTypeSize@(CountOf Int
bs) = Proxy b -> CountOf Word8
forall ty. PrimType ty => Proxy ty -> CountOf Word8
primSizeInBytes (Proxy b
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy b)

    missing :: Int
missing = Int
alen Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. IDivisible a => a -> a -> a
`mod` Int