{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-prof-auto #-}
module Basement.Types.OffsetSize
( FileSize(..)
, Offset(..)
, Offset8
, sentinel
, offsetOfE
, offsetPlusE
, offsetMinusE
, offsetRecast
, offsetCast
, offsetSub
, offsetShiftL
, offsetShiftR
, sizeCast
, sizeLastOffset
, sizeAsOffset
, sizeSub
, countOfRoundUp
, offsetAsSize
, (+.)
, (.==#)
, CountOf(..)
, sizeOfE
, csizeOfOffset
, csizeOfSize
, sizeOfCSSize
, sizeOfCSize
, Countable
, Offsetable
, natValCountOf
, natValOffset
) where
#include "MachDeps.h"
import GHC.Types
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int
import GHC.Prim
import System.Posix.Types (CSsize (..))
import Data.Bits
import Basement.Compat.Base
import Basement.Compat.C.Types
import Basement.Compat.Semigroup
import Data.Proxy
import Basement.Numerical.Number
import Basement.Numerical.Additive
import Basement.Numerical.Subtractive
import Basement.Numerical.Multiplicative
import Basement.Numerical.Conversion (intToWord)
import Basement.Nat
import Basement.IntegralConv
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Prelude
import GHC.IntWord64
newtype FileSize = FileSize Word64
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
type Offset8 = Offset Word8
newtype Offset ty = Offset Int
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum,Additive,Typeable,Integral,Prelude.Num)
sentinel = Offset (-1)
instance IsIntegral (Offset ty) where
toInteger (Offset i) = toInteger i
instance IsNatural (Offset ty) where
toNatural (Offset i) = toNatural (intToWord i)
instance Subtractive (Offset ty) where
type Difference (Offset ty) = CountOf ty
(Offset a) - (Offset b) = CountOf (a-b)
(+.) :: Offset ty -> Int -> Offset ty
(+.) (Offset a) b = Offset (a + b)
{-# INLINE (+.) #-}
(.==#) :: Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Bool
(.==#) (Offset ofs) (CountOf sz) = ofs == sz
{-# INLINE (.==#) #-}
offsetOfE :: CountOf Word8 -> Offset ty -> Offset8
offsetOfE (CountOf sz) (Offset ty) = Offset (ty * sz)
offsetPlusE :: Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
offsetPlusE (Offset ofs) (CountOf sz) = Offset (ofs + sz)
offsetMinusE :: Offset ty -> CountOf ty -> Offset ty
offsetMinusE (Offset ofs) (CountOf sz) = Offset (ofs - sz)
offsetSub :: Offset a -> Offset a -> Offset a
offsetSub (Offset m) (Offset n) = Offset (m - n)
offsetRecast :: CountOf Word8 -> CountOf Word8 -> Offset ty -> Offset ty2
offsetRecast szTy (CountOf szTy2) ofs =
let (Offset bytes) = offsetOfE szTy ofs
in Offset (bytes `div` szTy2)
offsetShiftR :: Int -> Offset ty -> Offset ty2
offsetShiftR n (Offset o) = Offset (o `unsafeShiftR` n)
offsetShiftL :: Int -> Offset ty -> Offset ty2
offsetShiftL n (Offset o) = Offset (o `unsafeShiftL` n)
offsetCast :: Proxy (a -> b) -> Offset a -> Offset b
offsetCast _ (Offset o) = Offset o
{-# INLINE offsetCast #-}
sizeCast :: Proxy (a -> b) -> CountOf a -> CountOf b
sizeCast _ (CountOf sz) = CountOf sz
{-# INLINE sizeCast #-}
sizeSub :: CountOf a -> CountOf a -> CountOf a
sizeSub (CountOf m) (CountOf n)
| diff >= 0 = CountOf diff
| otherwise = error "sizeSub negative size"
diff = m - n
sizeLastOffset :: CountOf a -> Offset a
sizeLastOffset (CountOf s)
| s > 0 = Offset (pred s)
| otherwise = error "last offset on size 0"
sizeAsOffset :: CountOf a -> Offset a
sizeAsOffset (CountOf a) = Offset a
{-# INLINE sizeAsOffset #-}
offsetAsSize :: Offset a -> CountOf a
offsetAsSize (Offset a) = CountOf a
{-# INLINE offsetAsSize #-}
newtype CountOf ty = CountOf Int
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum,Typeable,Integral)
instance Prelude.Num (CountOf ty) where
fromInteger a = CountOf (fromInteger a)
(+) (CountOf a) (CountOf b) = CountOf (a+b)
(-) (CountOf a) (CountOf b)
| b > a = CountOf 0
| otherwise = CountOf (a - b)
(*) (CountOf a) (CountOf b) = CountOf (a*b)
abs a = a
negate _ = error "cannot negate CountOf: use Foundation Numerical hierarchy for this function to not be exposed to CountOf"
signum (CountOf a) = CountOf (Prelude.signum a)
instance IsIntegral (CountOf ty) where
toInteger (CountOf i) = toInteger i
instance IsNatural (CountOf ty) where
toNatural (CountOf i) = toNatural (intToWord i)
instance Additive (CountOf ty) where
azero = CountOf 0
(+) (CountOf a) (CountOf b) = CountOf (a+b)
instance Subtractive (CountOf ty) where
type Difference (CountOf ty) = Maybe (CountOf ty)
(CountOf a) - (CountOf b) | a >= b = Just . CountOf $ a - b
| otherwise = Nothing
instance Semigroup (CountOf ty) where
(<>) = (+)
instance Monoid (CountOf ty) where
mempty = azero
mappend = (+)
mconcat = foldl' (+) 0
sizeOfE :: CountOf Word8 -> CountOf ty -> CountOf Word8
sizeOfE (CountOf sz) (CountOf ty) = CountOf (ty * sz)
countOfRoundUp :: Int -> CountOf ty -> CountOf ty
countOfRoundUp alignment (CountOf n) = CountOf ((n + (alignment-1)) .&. complement (alignment-1))
csizeOfSize :: CountOf Word8 -> CSize
csizeOfSize (CountOf (I# sz)) = CSize (W32# (int2Word# sz))
csizeOfSize (CountOf (I# sz)) = CSize (W64# (int2Word# sz))
csizeOfOffset :: Offset8 -> CSize
csizeOfOffset (Offset (I# sz)) = CSize (W32# (int2Word# sz))
csizeOfOffset (Offset (I# sz)) = CSize (W64# (int2Word# sz))
sizeOfCSSize :: CSsize -> CountOf Word8
sizeOfCSSize (CSsize (-1)) = error "invalid size: CSSize is -1"
sizeOfCSSize (CSsize (I32# sz)) = CountOf (I# sz)
sizeOfCSSize (CSsize (I64# sz)) = CountOf (I# sz)
sizeOfCSize :: CSize -> CountOf Word8
sizeOfCSize (CSize (W32# sz)) = CountOf (I# (word2Int# sz))
sizeOfCSize (CSize (W64# sz)) = CountOf (I# (word2Int# sz))
natValCountOf :: forall n ty proxy . (KnownNat n, NatWithinBound (CountOf ty) n) => proxy n -> CountOf ty
natValCountOf n = CountOf $ Prelude.fromIntegral (natVal n)
natValOffset :: forall n ty proxy . (KnownNat n, NatWithinBound (Offset ty) n) => proxy n -> Offset ty
natValOffset n = Offset $ Prelude.fromIntegral (natVal n)
type instance NatNumMaxBound (CountOf x) = NatNumMaxBound Int
type instance NatNumMaxBound (Offset x) = NatNumMaxBound Int
type Countable ty n = NatWithinBound (CountOf ty) n
type Offsetable ty n = NatWithinBound (Offset ty) n