battleship-combinatorics- Compute number of possible arrangements in the battleship game
type ShipSize = Int Source #
type NumberOfShips = Int Source #
type Fleet = Map ShipSize NumberOfShips Source #
data Orientation Source #
(==) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
(/=) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
compare :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Ordering #
(<) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
(<=) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
(>) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
(>=) :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Bool #
max :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Orientation #
min :: Orientation -> Orientation -> Orientation #
showsPrec :: Int -> Orientation -> ShowS #
show :: Orientation -> String #
showList :: [Orientation] -> ShowS #
data Ship Source #
(==) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
(/=) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
compare :: Ship -> Ship -> Ordering #
(<) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
(<=) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
(>) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
(>=) :: Ship -> Ship -> Bool #
max :: Ship -> Ship -> Ship #
min :: Ship -> Ship -> Ship #
showsPrec :: Int -> Ship -> ShowS #
show :: Ship -> String #
showList :: [Ship] -> ShowS #
data Board Source #