bencode: Parsers and printers for bencoded data.
Parsers and printers for bencoded data. Bencode (pronounced like B encode) is the encoding used by the peer-to-peer file sharing system BitTorrent for storing and transmitting loosely structured data.
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- bencode- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,,,, (info) |
Dependencies | base (>=4 && <5), binary, bytestring, containers, parsec, transformers, transformers-compat (>=0.4) [details] |
Tested with | ghc ==7.6.3, ghc ==7.8.4, ghc ==7.10.3, ghc ==8.0.2, ghc ==8.2.2, ghc ==8.4.4, ghc ==8.6.5, ghc ==8.8.2 |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | (c) 2005-2009, David Himmelstrup, (c) 2006 Lemmih <>, (c) 2005 Jesper Louis Andersen <> |
Author | Lemmih <>, Jesper Louis Andersen <>, Christopher Reichert <> |
Maintainer | Peter Simons <> |
Category | Text |
Source repo | head: git clone |
Uploaded | by PeterSimons at 2020-02-28T09:16:41Z |
Distributions | Arch:, Debian:, Fedora:, FreeBSD:, LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage:, openSUSE: |
Reverse Dependencies | 3 direct, 78 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 16732 total (55 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 1.75 (votes: 2) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs available [build log] Last success reported on 2020-02-28 [all 1 reports] |