Packages tagged text

1062 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (975), bsd3 (609), program (242), mit (209), data (101), web (76), deprecated (74), gpl (56), apache (54), parsing (47), json (44), xml (30), bsd2 (21), csv (18), public-domain (16), language (15), user-interfaces (15), natural-language-processing (14), pretty-printer (11), agpl (9), lgpl (9), system (9), configuration (8), mpl (8), codec (7), enumerator (7), search (7), unicode (7), conduit (6), console (6), control (6), html (6), logging (6), string (6), development (5), generics (5), interpolation (5), utils (5), template (4), tools (4), application (3), builders (3), bytestring (3), compilers-interpreters (3), foreign-binding (3), format (3), gemini (3), graphics (3), network (3), nlp (3), pipes (3), regex (3), sound (3), toml (3), utility (3), algorithms (2), data-structures (2), database (2), diagnostics (2), filesystem (2), filter (2), irc (2), monad (2), monads (2), numeric (2), numerical (2), parser (2), quasiquotes (2), serialization (2), streaming (2), testing (2), time (2), type-system (2), uniform (2), utilities (2), yaml (2), Excel (1), ai (1), algebra (1), applicative (1), attribute-grammars (1), bit (1), cli (1), codegen (1), combinators (1), composite (1), compression (1), concurrency (1), conversion (1), debug (1), diagram (1), documentation (1), ebnf (1), fay (1), ffi (1), find (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
AhoCorasick210.01Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm (bsd3, library, text)2023-10-140.0.4SergeyLymar, kostmo
AttoJson (deprecated in favor of aeson)120.04Simple lightweight JSON parser, generator & manipulator based on ByteString (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2011-02-030.5.10HiromiIshii
BNFC-meta370.01Deriving Parsers and Quasi-Quoters from BNF Grammars (development, gpl, language, library, parsing, text)2020-02-090.6.1JeanPhilippeBernardy, JonasDuregard, ArtemPelenitsyn
BluePrintCSS (deprecated)50.01Html document layout library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, web)2010-08-030.1SergeyMironov
Bookshelf140.01A simple document organizer with some wiki functionality (program, text)2016-01-110.6EmilAxelsson
Bravo30.01Static text template generation library (bsd3, library, text)2010-03-
Cassava (deprecated in favor of cassava)31.751A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, deprecated, library, text, web)2017-09-300.5.1.0fozworth
CirruParser (deprecated in favor of cirru-parser)50.01Cirru Parser in Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, text)2015-05-100.0.1jiyinyiyong
Condor60.01Information retrieval library (bsd3, library, program, search, text)2014-01-200.3klangner
Encode170.02Encoding character data (codec, library, program, text)2016-05-261.3.8OtakarSmrz
Flippi40.01Wiki (bsd3, program, text)2008-03-160.0.5AudreyTang, GwernBranwen
FontyFruity612.510A true type file format loader (bsd3, font, graphics, library, text)2019-10-
GGg50.01GGg cipher (mit, program, text)2015-02-
GenericPretty560.019A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2018-03-101.2.2RazvanRanca
GoogleCodeJam50.01A monad for flexible parsing of Google Code Jam input files with automatic parallelization. (library, mit, text)2017-01-220.0.3johannesgerer
HExcel42.250Create Excel files with Haskell (Excel, bsd3, data, library, spreadsheet, text)2020-03-
HMarkov120.01Markov-generated sequences (bsd3, library, text)2016-12-
HPath40.01Extract Haskell declarations by name. (bsd3, library, program, source-tools, text)2010-01-020.0.2JasonDusek
HPhone (deprecated)50.01Phone number parser and validator - This is now DEPRECATED! (deprecated, library, text)2016-06-, raghuugare
HSmarty150.01Small template engine (bsd3, library, text)2022-07-310.4.2AlexanderThiemann
HStringTemplate1202.022StringTemplate implementation in Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)2021-08-120.8.8SterlingClover
HStringTemplateHelpers170.04Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate (library, text)2009-11-030.0.14ThomasHartman
HaTeX-meta (deprecated)70.01This package is deprecated. From version 3, HaTeX does not need this anymore. (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)2013-04-041.2.1DanielDiaz
HaTeX-qq80.01Quasiquoters for HaTeX (bsd3, library, text)2017-05-
HaXml830.053Utilities for manipulating XML documents (lgpl, library, program, text, xml)2024-12-121.25.14JensPetersen, MalcolmWallace, phadej
HandsomeSoup280.05Work with HTML more easily in HXT (bsd3, library, text)2015-06-090.4.2AdityaBhargava
Hayoo32.01The Hayoo! search engine for Haskell API search on hackage (data, mit, program, text)2012-03-011.2.3UweSchmidt
Holumbus-Searchengine100.01A search and indexing engine. (data, library, mit, text)2012-03-011.2.3UweSchmidt
HsHyperEstraier170.01HyperEstraier binding for Haskell (library, public-domain, text)2011-07-280.4MasatakeDaimon
HsSyck240.07Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper (library, mit, pugs, text)2015-02-270.53AudreyTang, GwernBranwen, OliverCharles
HsYAML1881.516Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor (gpl, library, text)2024-04-, HerbertValerioRiedel, sjakobi
HsYAML-aeson1142.257JSON to YAML Adapter (codec, gpl, json, library, text, web, yaml)2021-11-, HerbertValerioRiedel, sjakobi
IntFormats20.00Convert integers in various bases to and from strings (library, mpl, text)2019-10-
Interpolation260.02Multiline strings, interpolation and templating. (data, library, text)2012-10-050.3.0VilleTirronen
Interpolation-maxs80.01Multiline strings, interpolation and templating. (data, library, text)2014-03-140.3.0MaxwellSwadling
JSONParser90.01Parse JSON (bsd3, library, text)2019-05-
JSONb120.05JSON parser that uses byte strings. (bsd3, library, text)2012-02-101.0.8JasonDusek
JustParse50.01A simple and comprehensive Haskell parsing library (library, public-domain, text)2014-06-232.1grantslatton
Konf (deprecated)20.01A configuration language and a parser. (deprecated, library, text)2013-08-
ListLike2122.052Generalized support for list-like structures (bsd3, bytestring, library, list, string, text, vector)2023-10-, DavidFox, JohnGoerzen, JohnLato
MoeDict50.01Utilities working with JSON dataset (library, public-domain, text)2016-02-040.0.4AudreyTang
MorseCode130.02Morse code (gpl, library, text)2010-10-140.0.5AndyStewart
NameGenerator140.01A name generator written in Haskell (gpl, library, text)2018-09-010.0.2
NaturalSort (deprecated)30.01Natural sorting for strings (bsd3, deprecated, text)2010-04-050.2.1JoachimFasting
PCLT (deprecated)20.02Extension to Show: templating, catalogizing, languages, parameters, etc. (deprecated, library, text)2009-12-120.1AndreySisoyev
PPrinter72.01A generic derivable Haskell pretty printer (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2016-10-250.1.0iamzhenyi
PageIO40.01Page-oriented extraction and composition library (bsd3, library, program, text)2008-08-010.0.3AudreyTang
PyF992.06Quasiquotations for a python like interpolated string formatter (bsd3, library, text)2025-01-
QuasiText212.03A QuasiQuoter for Text. (bsd3, library, text)2016-06-
Quickson (deprecated in favor of aeson-quick)50.01Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2015-07-120.2ssadler
R-pandoc70.00 (bsd3, library, program, text)2019-11-150.2.3CorentinDupont
RJson160.04A reflective JSON serializer/parser. (bsd3, library, text)2009-02-220.3.7AlexDrummond
ReplaceUmlaut50.01converting text to properly encoded german umlauts (library, program, text)2023-04-
ShowF50.03Show for * -> * (bsd3, library, text)2013-11-270.1.1ConalElliott
SimpleTableGenerator62.01Simple table generator (gpl, library, text)2017-02-
Snusmumrik (deprecated)40.01E-library directory based on FUSE virtual file system. (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)2010-03-200.0.1SergeyAstanin
Sonnex60.01Sonnex is an alternative to Soundex for french language (gpl, library, natural-language-processing, text)2014-12-
Spintax300.01Random text generation based on spintax (bsd3, library, text)2024-11-
SpreadsheetML110.02Write support for Excel's SpreadsheetML format (bsd3, library, text)2012-02-210.1JasonDagit
StrappedTemplates220.02General purpose templates in haskell (bsd3, library, text)2015-07-
StringUtils70.01String manipulation utilities (lgpl, library, text)2018-05-
Tablify40.01Tool to render CSV into tables of various formats (bsd3, program, text)2011-04-210.8.2DanielLyons
URLb30.01DEPRECATED A simple, liberal URL parser. (bsd3, library, text)2012-03-140.0.1JasonDusek
UTFTConverter50.00Processing popular picture formats into .c or .raw format in RGB565 (graphics, library, mit, program, text)2016-05-
WEditor90.02Generic text-editor logic for use with fixed-width fonts. (apache, library, text)2020-04-
WEditorHyphen100.00Language-specific hyphenation policies for WEditor. (apache, library, text)2020-04-
WordNet60.01Haskell interface to the WordNet database (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)2013-08-261.1.0JoelTaylor, MaxRabkin
WordNet-ghc7430.01Haskell interface to the WordNet database (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)2013-09-060.1.3JoelTaylor
Wordlint110.01Plaintext prose redundancy linter. (library, program, text)2015-02-
X120.01A light-weight XML library (library, text, xml)2019-11-
XSaiga132.01An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP (attribute-grammars, bsd3, library, memoization, natural-language-processing, parser-combinators, parsing, program, text)2020-10-
YamlReference200.01YAML reference implementation (library, program, text)2016-02-230.10.0OrenBenKiki
Yocto (deprecated in favor of yocto)70.01A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, text)2014-01-270.1.0ajg
Zwaluw20.01Combinators for bidirectional URL routing (bsd3, library, text)2010-11-070.1MartijnVanSteenbergen
abnf110.01Parse ABNF and generate parsers for the specified document (bsd2, library, text)2016-06-
acme-left-pad52.01free your haskell from the tyranny of npm! (agpl, library, text)2016-03-303.0JoeQuinn
addy30.00A full-featured library for parsing, validating, and rendering email addresses (bsd2, library, text)2020-10-
advent-of-code-ocr80.00Parse Advent of Code ASCII art letters (bsd3, library, program, text)2022-12-
aeson10753.02348Fast JSON parsing and encoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-06-, BasVanDijk, BryanOSullivan, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, lyxia
aeson-better-errors500.012Better error messages when decoding JSON values. (json, library, mit, text, web)2022-03-
aeson-combinators490.00Aeson combinators for dead simple JSON decoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2023-12-
aeson-commit140.00Parse Aeson data with commitment (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-06-161.6.0jonascarpay
aeson-filthy60.02Several newtypes and combinators for dealing with less-than-cleanly JSON input. (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2019-12-080.1.4AlecHeller
aeson-flatten90.01JSON flatten for Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2016-05-
aeson-generic-compat150.01Compatible generic class names of Aeson (bsd3, library, text)2023-11-
aeson-generic-default60.00Type-level default fields for aeson Generic FromJSON parser (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-10-
aeson-jsonpath382.00Parse and run JSONPath queries on Aeson documents (json, library, mit, text, web)2025-02-
aeson-modern-tojson60.00Provide a handy way for derving ToJSON proprely. (json, library, text, web)2022-07-
aeson-native (deprecated in favor of aeson)60.010Fast JSON parsing and encoding (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2012-01-
aeson-parsec-picky50.01Alternative JSON parser based on Parsec and Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text)2015-12-
aeson-picker100.01Tiny library to get fields from JSON format (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-03-, maksbotan
aeson-prefix50.01Hiearchical prefixing for aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2016-04-
aeson-pretty3282.25144JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool. (bsd3, json, library, pretty-printer, text, web)2023-07-010.8.10FalkoPeters, martijnbastiaan
aeson-single-field22.00Conveniently wrap a single value in a record when encoding to and from JSON (json, library, mit, text, web)2022-06-
aeson-toolkit90.01A generalization of Aeson over Failure (json, library, mit, text, web)2013-12-070.0.1SimonHengel
aeson-typescript750.02Generate TypeScript definition files from your ADTs (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2024-11-
aeson-yaml411.51Output any Aeson value as YAML (pure Haskell library) (bsd3, json, library, text, web, yaml)2021-11-, janey
alfred-margaret260.02Fast Aho-Corasick string searching (bsd3, data, library, program, text)2024-09-, rkrzr
align-text40.01A simple unix filter to align text on specified substrings (mit, program, text)2015-01-
anagrep60.00Find strings with permutations (anagrams) that match a regular expression (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-12-
animalcase80.02Convert camelCase to snake_case and vice versa (library, mit, text)2014-11-
annotated-wl-pprint560.05The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support (bsd3, library, text)2015-08-270.7.0dchristiansen
ansi-pretty150.01AnsiPretty for ansi-wl-pprint (bsd3, library, text, user-interfaces)2019-11-
ansi-wl-pprint (deprecated in favor of prettyprinter)2782.5119The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces)2023-05-181.0.2EdwardKmett, MaxBolingbroke, phadej, quchen
api-opentheory-unicode100.01OpenTheory unicode character API (library, mit, text)2015-05-131.2JoeHurd
arff40.01Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files (bsd3, data, library, text)2008-11-180.1.0StefanKersten
arpa30.00Library for reading ARPA n-gram models (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, program, text)2015-04-
arx180.01Archive execution tool. (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-040.3.2JasonDusek
ascetic60.03Generic markup builder. (library, mit, text)2014-07-
ascii792.012The ASCII character set and encoding (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-case350.05ASCII letter case (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-caseless140.03ASCII character without an upper/lower case distinction (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-char330.09A Char type representing an ASCII character (apache, data, library, text)2023-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-flatten30.00Flattens European non-ASCII characaters into ASCII (library, mit, program, text)2016-05-
ascii-group340.01ASCII character groups (apache, data, library, text)2023-12-311.0.0.17chris_martin, Monoid_Mary
ascii-numbers230.01ASCII representations of numbers (apache, data, library, numeric, text)2025-01-
ascii-predicates400.01Various categorizations of ASCII characters (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-superset910.04Representing ASCII with refined supersets (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
ascii-th420.01Template Haskell support for ASCII (apache, data, library, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
asciichart80.01Line charts in terminal (library, mit, text)2020-09-291.0.2madnight
asciidiagram192.01Pretty rendering of Ascii diagram into svg or png. (bsd3, diagram, library, program, text)2019-06-
aspell-pipe300.02Pipe-based interface to the Aspell program (bsd3, library, text)2020-11-240.6JonathanDaugherty
atto-lisp110.07Efficient parsing and serialisation of S-Expressions. (bsd3, data, library, text)2018-09-
attoparsec5052.75937Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2022-01-100.14.4BasVanDijk, BenGamari, BryanOSullivan
attoparsec-arff70.01An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec (ai, data, gpl, library, text)2012-02-090.0PaulWilson
attoparsec-csv40.01A parser for CSV files that uses Attoparsec (library, text)2016-07-310.1.1.0RobinBateBoerop
attoparsec-enumerator (deprecated)250.023Pass input from an enumerator to an Attoparsec parser. (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text)2015-05-160.3.4JohnMillikin
attoparsec-expr170.05Port of parsec's expression parser to attoparsec. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2015-05-, ErikHesselink, SebastiaanVisser
attoparsec-text (deprecated in favor of attoparsec)90.012(deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)2012-01-300.8.5.3BryanOSullivan, FelipeLessa
attoparsec-text-enumerator80.02(deprecated) (enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text)2012-01-300.2.0.1FelipeLessa
augur60.01Renaming media collections in a breeze. (bsd3, program, text)2008-11-172008.11.17DavidHimmelstrup
authoring100.01A library for writing papers (bsd3, library, text)2014-07-070.3.4TakayukiMuranushi
balkon120.01Text layout engine built on top of HarfBuzz. (gpl, library, text)2023-07-
base-encoding70.02RFC4648 Binary-to-text encodings (e.g. base64) (bsd3, codec, library, text)2022-09-
bbcode60.00Library for parsing, constructing, and printing BBCode (gpl, library, text)2023-12-310.2.0.1repetitive
beautifHOL40.01A pretty-printer for higher-order logic (program, text)2009-01-210.11LeePike
bencode531.753Parsers and printers for bencoded data. (bsd3, library, text)2020-02-, PeterSimons, ChristopherReichert
betacode40.01A codec for beta code ( (apache, library, text)2014-11-
bibdb60.01A database based bibliography manager for BibTeX (mit, program, text)2016-11-180.5.3cacay
bibtex430.04Parse, format and processing BibTeX files (bsd3, library, text)2023-07-
bits-show20.00Showing data as strings of 0 and 1 (apache, bit, library, text)2023-03-300.0.0.0chris_martin
blaze-from-html230.01Tool to convert HTML to BlazeHtml code. (bsd3, program, text)2017-01-
blaze-html4742.5226A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2024-03-, SimonMeier
blaze-html-hexpat20.01A hexpat backend for blaze-html. (bsd3, library, text)2010-12-
blaze-html-truncate110.01A truncator for blaze-html (bsd3, library, text)2013-03-
blaze-htmx50.00Blaze integration of the htmx library (bsd3, library, text, web)2022-05-
blaze-json60.01tiny library for encoding json (json, library, mit, text)2015-04-030.2.1HirotomoMoriwaki
blaze-markup2690.0136A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2023-09-, JasperVanDerJeugt
blaze-textual1750.020Fast rendering of common datatypes (bsd3, library, text)2023-03-, swamp_agr
blaze-textual-native (deprecated in favor of blaze-textual)50.03Fast rendering of common datatypes (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2012-01-
blazeT90.01A true monad (transformer) version of the blaze-markup and blaze-html libraries (data, library, mit, text, web)2023-09-110.0.6alaminium, johannesgerer
blizzard-html80.00An HTML generator for Haskell (library, mit, text)2023-09-
boomerang800.08Library for invertible parsing and printing (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2024-05-, JeremyShaw
boxes1260.0272D text pretty-printing library (bsd3, library, text)2018-03-100.1.5BrentYorgey, dfeuer, kindaro
byte-count-reader280.00Read strings describing a number of bytes like 2Kb and 0.5 MiB (gpl, library, text)2024-10-
bytestring-encoding480.05ByteString ↔ Text converter based on GHC.IO.Encoding (bsd3, data, library, text)2022-01-
bytestring-nums230.07Parse numeric literals from ByteStrings. (bsd3, library, text)2012-11-230.3.6JasonDusek
bytestring-short100.03Backport copy of ShortByteString (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-
bytestring-show180.016Efficient conversion of values into readable byte strings. (bsd3, library, text)2014-03-310.3.5.6DanDoel
bytestring-strict-builder2170.06An efficient strict bytestring builder (builders, bytestring, library, mit, serialization, text)2025-02-
bytestringparser70.01Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2008-01-270.3BryanOSullivan
bytestringparser-temporary170.02Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2009-09-150.4.1JasonDusek
bytestringreadp40.01A ReadP style parser library for ByteString (bsd3, library, text)2007-12-130.2GracjanPolak
ca-patterns40.00Manipulate patterns in cellular automata, create and parse RLE files (data, library, mit, parsing, text)2022-04-
canonical-json890.01Canonical JSON for signing and hashing JSON values (bsd3, json, library, text)2022-09-, EdskoDeVries, HerbertValerioRiedel
case-conversion90.01Convert between different cases (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-01-150.2AlanHawkins
case-insensitive2460.0368Case insensitive string comparison (bsd3, data, library, text)2019-05-, SimonHengel
case-insensitive-match160.00A simplified, faster way to do case-insensitive matching. (bsd3, library, program, text)2016-08-
cased130.01Track string casing in its type (library, mit, text)2015-06-
cases300.05A converter for spinal, snake and camel cases (library, mit, text)2023-12-
casing770.030Convert between various source code casing conventions (library, mit, text)2019-09-
cassava2932.597A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2024-08-, HerbertValerioRiedel, JohanTibell, phadej
cassava-embed161.251CSV-file embedding library (bsd3, csv, library, text)2017-09-, typeable
cassava-megaparsec740.02Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava (csv, library, mit, parsing, text, web)2024-02-282.1.1jsl, stackbuilders, sestrella, wild_willy
cassava-records90.01Auto-generation of records data type. (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-01-
cassava-streams180.01io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library. (bsd3, csv, data, io-streams, library, text)2020-10-
cassette20.01A combinator library for simultaneously defining parsers and pretty printers. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2012-03-190.1.0MathieuBoespflug
category-printf80.01Highbrow approach to type-safe printf format specifications. (bsd3, library, text)2016-05-
cedict80.01Convenient Chinese phrase & character lookup. (library, program, text)2008-07-300.2.5JasonDusek
celtchar (deprecated)70.00A tool to build a novel (deprecated, library, mit, program, text)2018-03-
cereal-enumerator70.01Deserialize things with cereal and enumerator (library, public-domain, text)2011-10-070.3.1PatrickPalka
change-monger120.01Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs (bsd3, development, library, program, text)2008-05-150.0GwernBranwen
char-boxdrawing20.00Combinators for unicode or ASCII box drawing characters (bsd3, library, text)2024-06-041MikeLedger
char-decode60.00Convert legacy byte encodings to and from Unicode (bsd3, library, text)2019-01-080.0.1nbloomf
charsetdetect250.01Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector (library, text)2024-01-
charsetdetect-ae250.03Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector (library, text)2018-05-
chatty300.06Some monad transformers and typeclasses for text in- and output abstraction. (agpl, library, text)2021-01-
chatty-text60.03Provides some classes and types for dealing with text, using the fundaments of Chatty. (agpl, library, text)2016-04-
cheapskate440.09Experimental markdown processor. (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-01-
cheapskate-highlight60.01Code highlighting for cheapskate (bsd3, library, text)2016-03-
chronologique (deprecated in favor of core-data)292.04Time to manipulate time (deprecated, library, mit, text)2020-07-23AndrewCowie
chunks50.02Simple template library with static safety (library, text)2007-04-182007.4.18MatthewSackman
cirru-parser60.01Cirru Parser in Haskell (library, mit, text)2015-05-100.0.2jiyinyiyong
citation-resolve260.02convert document IDs such as DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID to bibliographic reference. (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-020.4.3TakayukiMuranushi
citeproc4090.04Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles. (bsd2, library, text)2025-02-
citeproc-hs180.05A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2015-03-170.3.10AndreaRossato
citeproc-hs-pandoc-filter20.01A Pandoc filter for processing bibliographic references with citeproc-hs (gpl, program, text)2015-03-170.1AndreaRossato
cjk80.01Data about Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters and languages (bsd3, library, text)2013-02-
cld250.01Haskell bindings to Google's Compact Language Detector 2 (apache, library, text)2018-03-, k_bx
cless40.01Colorized LESS (mit, program, text)2015-03-
clevercss100.03A CSS preprocessor (bsd3, library, program, text)2011-01-060.2.4GeorgBrandl
clippings60.01A parser/generator for Kindle-format clipping files (`My Clippings.txt`), (library, mit, program, text)2015-08-270.2.0vi
clogparse30.01Parse IRC logs such as the #haskell logs on (bsd3, irc, language, library, text)2010-10-020.2KeeganMcAllister
cmark772.2511Fast, accurate CommonMark (Markdown) parser and renderer (bsd3, library, text)2023-07-080.6.1JohnMacFarlane
cmark-gfm910.04Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer (bsd3, library, text)2023-08-280.2.6kivikakk, janus, velveteer
cmark-highlight50.01Code highlighting for cmark (bsd3, library, text)2016-07-
cmark-patterns20.01Pattern synonyms for cmark (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2017-08-
cmark-sections90.01Represent cmark-parsed Markdown as a tree of sections (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-
colorful-monoids280.02Styled console text output using ANSI escape sequences. (library, mit, monad, text, user-interfaces)2020-06-
colour-text40.00Print and parse colors (apache, graphics, library, text)2025-01-
columnar120.00A CSV toolkit based on cassava and enum-text (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-07-
comark20.00Commonmark processing in pure haskell. (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-09-210.1.0zudov
comark-html20.01Commonmark (markdown) to HTML renderer. (bsd3, library, text)2017-09-210.1.0zudov
comark-parser30.01Parser for Commonmark (markdown) (bsd3, library, text)2017-09-210.1.0zudov
comark-syntax30.03Definitions of AST that represents a Commonmark (markdown) document. (bsd3, library, text)2017-09-210.1.0zudov
comma90.00CSV Parser & Producer (library, text)2017-02-071.1.0lovasko
commander20.00pattern matching against string based commands (bsd3, library, program, text)2016-03-
commonmark3012.011Pure Haskell commonmark parser. (bsd3, library, text)2024-10-, zudov
commonmark-cli50.00Command-line commonmark converter and highlighter. (bsd3, program, text)2023-12-110.2.1JohnMacFarlane
commonmark-extensions5160.08Pure Haskell commonmark parser. (bsd3, library, text)2025-02-090.2.6JohnMacFarlane
commonmark-pandoc4120.07Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST. (bsd3, library, text)2025-02-090.2.3JohnMacFarlane
commonmark-simple40.01Simple interface to commonmark-hs (library, mit, text)2022-02-
compdoc130.02Parse a Pandoc to a composite value. (composite, library, mit, pandoc, text)2021-07-
composite-aeson-cofree-list70.01Print a Cofree [] as a JSON value. (library, mit, text)2020-09-
composite-aeson-throw100.02MonadThrow behaviour for composite-aeson. (library, mit, text)2020-09-
composite-aeson-writeonly60.02WriteOnly indicators for composite-aeson. (library, mit, text)2020-09-
condor (deprecated)30.01Information retrieval library (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, search, text)2014-01-200.3klangner
conduit-iconv70.01Conduit for character encoding conversion. (bsd3, conduit, library, text)2018-02-
conduit-parse1050.08Parsing framework based on conduit. (conduit, library, public-domain, text)2022-05-
config-parser130.01Parse config files using parsec and generate parse errors on unhandled keys (library, mit, text)2018-01-
connection-string60.01A library for parsing connection strings. (bsd3, library, text)2018-05-
console-style (deprecated in favor of colorful-monoids)90.02Styled console text output using ANSI escape sequences. (deprecated, library, mit, monad, text, user-interfaces)2016-12-
countable-inflections160.01Countable Text Inflections (library, mit, text)2020-12-220.3.0tippenein
crc16-table60.02Compute CRC16 checksums using a lookup table. (bsd3, library, text)2010-09-210.1KeeganMcAllister
cron662.06Cron datatypes and Attoparsec parser (library, mit, parsing, system, text)2024-11-090.7.2MichaelXavier
cron-compat (deprecated in favor of cron)30.01Cron datatypes and Attoparsec parser (deprecated, library, mit, parsing, system, text)2015-06-090.2.6andrewthad
csv522.019CSV loader and dumper (library, mit, text)2010-11-080.1.2JaapWeel
csv-conduit560.05A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell. (bsd3, conduit, csv, data, library, text)2024-10-, OzgunAtaman, dmvianna
csv-nptools70.01A collection of CSV tools (development, program, text, utils)2013-10-290.4.1NicolasPouillard
csv-to-qif120.01A small program that will read csv files and create qif files (bsd3, console, program, text)2018-02-210.3.3palo
ctemplate (deprecated)40.01Binding to the Google ctemplate library (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2008-02-150.1AdamLangley
ctkl40.01packaging of Manuel Chakravarty's CTK Light for Hackage (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-
ctpl30.02A programming language for text modification. (gpl, library, program, text)2016-04-
curly-expander180.00Curly braces (brackets) expanding (lgpl, library, text)2024-05-
custom-interpolation50.01Customizable string interpolation quasiquoters (bsd3, interpolation, library, quasiquotes, text)2023-01-
data-base20.01Utilities for accessing and comparing types based on so called bases - representations with limited polymorphism. (apache, library, text)2016-01-301.1danilo2, iamrecursion
data-construction40.01Data construction abstractions including Constructor, Destructor, Maker, Destroyer, Producer and Consumer. (apache, library, text)2016-01-301.1danilo2, iamrecursion
data-layer60.03Data layering utilities. Layer is a data-type which wrapps other one, but keeping additional information. If you want to access content of simple newtype object, use Lens.Wrapper instead. (apache, library, text)2016-01-301.0.4danilo2, iamrecursion
data-object-json (deprecated in favor of aeson)160.03Serialize JSON data to/from Haskell using the data-object library. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2012-01-
data-pprint160.04Prettyprint and compare Data values (bsd3, library, testing, text)2022-03-, lspitzner, GaborPali, gombocarti
data-repr20.02Alternative to Show data printing utility. (apache, library, text)2015-10-221.0danilo2, iamrecursion
data-result30.01Data types for returning results distinguishable by types. (apache, library, text)2016-01-301.0danilo2, iamrecursion
data-rtuple20.01Recursive tuple data structure. It is very usefull when implementing some lo-level operations, allowing to traverse different elements using Haskell's type classes. (apache, library, text)2015-10-211.0danilo2, iamrecursion
data-textual630.07Human-friendly textual representations. (bsd3, data, library, text)2019-11-
deburr92.01Convert Unicode characters with burrs to their ASCII counterparts. (library, mit, text)2017-08-
decode-utf8110.01Decode a UTF-8 byte stream on standard input (mit, program, text)2015-05-131.2JoeHurd
derp-lib20.01combinators based on parsing with derivatives (derp) package (bsd3, library, text)2011-11-
detrospector60.01Markov chain text generator (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program, text)2013-04-080.3KeeganMcAllister
diagrams-pandoc90.00A Pandoc filter to express diagrams inline using the Haskell EDSL _Diagrams_ (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-02-290.4BrentYorgey, bergey
dice2tex30.01Convert a Diceware wordlist into a printer-ready LaTeX file. (gpl, program, text)2017-01-
dictionaries130.00Tools to handle StarDict dictionaries. (bsd3, library, program, text)2018-01-
directory-listing-webpage-parser180.00directory listing webpage parser (bsd3, library, text)2016-05-
discount120.01Haskell bindings to the discount Markdown library. (library, mit, text)2012-10-120.1.1PatrickHurst
display100.01Display things for humans to read (bsd3, library, text)2018-02-070.0.1ChrisDone
djot2090.01Parser and renderer for djot light markup syntax. (library, mit, program, text)2024-10-
doclayout2870.011A prettyprinting library for laying out text documents. (bsd3, library, text)2024-09-090.5JohnMacFarlane
doctemplates3142.2511Pandoc-style document templates (bsd3, library, text)2024-09-
domplate40.01A simple templating library using HTML5 as its template language. (bsd3, library, text, web)2015-05-
dotgen840.013A simple interface for building .dot graph files. (bsd3, library, text)2020-06-160.4.3AndyGill, ryanglscott
double-conversion3390.034Fast conversion between single and double precision floating point and text (bsd2, library, text)2024-02-, Haskell_Mouse
dsv70.00DSV (delimiter-separated values) (csv, library, mit, pipes, text)2022-03-, Monoid_Mary
dtd (deprecated)150.01Parse and render DTD files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2014-03-
dtd-text110.02Parse and render XML DTDs (bsd3, data, library, parsing, text, xml)2014-01-, M15K
dtd-types110.03Basic types for representing XML DTDs (bsd3, data, library, text, xml)2018-11-, M15K
dynamic-pp30.01A pretty-print library that employs a dynamic programming algorithm for optimal rendering. (bsd3, library, text)2015-07-190.2.0emc2
easyjson30.01Haskell JSON library with an emphasis on simplicity, minimal dependencies, and ease of use. (library, mit, text)2014-08-
ebnf-bff40.00Parser combinators & EBNF, BFFs! (ebnf, library, metalanguage, mit, parsing, program, text)2015-09-
ede1210.05Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2. (library, mpl, program, template, text, web)2024-12-
editor-open300.02Open the user's $VISUAL or $EDITOR for text input. (apache, library, program, text)2015-05-
ehaskell90.01like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell. (program, text)2008-12-070.7YoshikuniJujo
ehs60.01Embedded haskell template using quasiquotes. (language, library, mit, template, text)2015-03-150.7.0minpou
email-validate2552.2534Email address validation (bsd3, library, text)2024-09-, GeorgePollard
emailaddress91.752Wrapper around email-validate library adding instances for common type classes. (bsd3, library, text)2016-11-
emojis2160.04Conversion between emoji characters and their names. (bsd3, library, text)2024-06-
encode-string50.01Safe string conversion and encoding (data, library, mit, string, text)2017-03-
enum-text200.04A text rendering and parsing toolkit for enumerated types (bsd3, library, text)2022-03-
enum-utf820.00An experimental Utf8 parsing toolkit for enumerated types (bsd3, library, text)2019-03-
epub (deprecated in favor of epub-metadata)110.02EPUB E-Book construction support library (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)2012-06-230.0.7RadoslavDorcik
epub-metadata382.01Library for parsing epub document metadata (codec, library, program, text)2024-01-265.4DinoMorelli
eros260.01A text censorship library. (bsd3, library, text)2014-07-
eros-client40.01DEPRECATED in favor of eros-http (bsd3, program, text)2014-07-
eros-http40.01JSON HTTP interface to Eros. (bsd3, program, text)2014-07-
ert80.01Easy Runtime Templates (gpl, library, program, text)2015-04-300.0.2.1kayo
escape-artist92.01ANSI Escape Sequence Text Decoration Made Easy (bsd3, library, text)2020-01-
escaped60.00Produce Text with terminal escape sequences (library, mit, program, text)2024-08-
expand20.01Extensible Pandoc (library, text)2013-09-170.0.1MarcosViera
expat-enumerator (deprecated)50.01Enumerator-based API for Expat (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)2010-12-
expression-parser30.01Generalization of parsec's expression parser. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2013-01-270.1SebastiaanVisser
fastedit30.01find nearest neighbours by edit-distance (library, mit, text)2015-02-
fay-text200.06Fay Text type represented as JavaScript strings (data, fay, library, mit, text)2015-02-
feed862.2524Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds. (bsd3, library, text)2022-03-, DmitryDzhus, DonaldStewart, IavorDiatchki, SigbjornFinne, jkeuhlen, elland, alexmingoia
feed-cli40.01A simple command line interface for creating and updating feeds like RSS (bsd3, program, text, web)2009-07-052009.7.5IsaacJones
feed-crawl70.01Utility for fetching feeds with redirect info and HTML link detection (library, mit, text)2015-03-
fillit20.01Flexible string substitution (bsd3, library, text)2017-09-
final-pretty-printer20.01Extensible pretty printing with semantic annotations and proportional fonts (library, mit, text)2017-05-, dchristiansen
fix-symbols-gitit80.01Gitit plugin: Turn some Haskell symbols into pretty math symbols. (bsd3, library, text)2010-11-180.1.0ConalElliott
fix-whitespace270.00Fixes whitespace issues. (library, mit, program, text)2023-08-070.1AndreasAbel, AndresSicardRamirez, NilsAndersDanielsson, UlfNorell, LTChen
fixedwidth-hs130.01Quick parsing of fixed-width data formats. (library, mit, program, text)2015-05-
fixhs70.01FIX (co)parser (lgpl, library, parsing, program, protocol, text)2012-07-110.1.4ArvinMoezzi
flamethrower150.01A template engine for HTML (html, library, mit, text, web)2014-12-
flat-tex120.01flatten a latex multi-file latex document and remove all comments (gpl, program, text)2022-03-250.8.0JohannesWaldmann
floatshow400.03Alternative faster String representations for Double and Float, String representations for more general numeric types. (bsd3, library, text)2014-03-190.2.4DanielFischer
fluffy-parser42.01The parser for fluffy to parsec the question bank in .docx type (gpl, library, text)2017-11-
fmt760.031A new formatting library (bsd3, library, text)2021-09-
fmt-for-rio50.00Adaptor for getting fmt to work with rio (bsd3, control, library, text)2019-07-
fmt-terminal-colors80.01ANSI terminal colors formatters for fmt library (bsd3, library, text)2018-10-
focuslist210.01Lists with a focused element (bsd3, library, text)2022-01-, JosefThorne
folgerhs120.00Toolset for Folger Shakespeare Library's XML annotated plays (gpl, library, program, text)2018-01-
fontconfig-pure180.01Queries your system (Linux/BSD/etc) font database. (library, mit, program, text)2025-02-
forger (deprecated)30.00Library for generating fake placeholder data (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)2015-04-
format30.01Rendering from and scanning to format strings (library, mit, text)2012-05-
formatn390.03Formatting of doubles. (bsd3, library, text)2024-10-
formattable60.01Business-quality formatting of numbers, dates, and other things (bsd3, library, text)2015-08-070.1.1DougBeardsley
formatting2152.2578Combinator-based type-safe formatting (like printf() or FORMAT) (bsd3, library, text)2022-11-257.2.0ChrisDone, AlexChapman
formlets (deprecated in favor of digestive-functors)240.06Formlets implemented in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)2010-12-220.8ChrisEidhof, DougBeardsley
formlets-hsp (deprecated in favor of digestive-functors-hsp)40.02HSP support for Formlets (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)2010-10-182.3.1JeremyShaw
forms-data-format70.01Parse and serialize FDF, the Forms Data Format (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-03-010.2.1MarioBlazevic
freq90.00Are you ready to get freaky? (data, library, mit, text)2019-04-290.1.1chessai
frisby240.01Linear time composable parser for PEG grammars (bsd3, library, text)2023-12-020.2.5BenGamari, ChrisDone
fromhtml150.00Simple adapter for transformation of HTML to other formats (library, mit, program, text)2020-01-141.0.4MarekSuchanek
frquotes50.01Lexical extension for Quasi-Quotations using French-Quotes (bsd3, library, program, text)2011-10-130.2.1NicolasPouillard
full-text-search240.01In-memory full text search engine (bsd3, data, library, search, text)2025-01-, BenGamari, DuncanCoutts, MikolajKonarski
funnyprint60.01funnyPrint function to colorize GHCi output. (library, mit, text)2016-06-060.0.5netsu
fuzzily40.01Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search (filter, find, fuzzy, library, search, text)2024-05-
fuzzy1270.06Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search. (library, mit, text)2024-01-
fuzzy-parse110.00Tools for processing unstructured text data (library, mit, parsing, text)2020-07-
fuzzyfind150.00Fuzzy text matching (library, mit, program, text)2024-06-273.0.2runar
gemmula142.01a tiny gemtext parser (gemini, lgpl, library, text)2024-08-051.2.0jan_sena
gemmula-altera (deprecated)80.00A tiny gemtext converter for gemmula (agpl, deprecated, gemini, library, program, text)2024-07-232.1.1jan_sena
generic-pretty40.01Pretty printing for Generic value (library, mit, text)2015-04-050.1.0HideyukiTanaka
generic-pretty-instances40.03GenericPretty canonical instances (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2022-07-
gentlemark20.01Gentle markup language (bsd3, library, text, web)2012-09-301.0.0AndriyPolishchuk
gettext-th80.01gettext-th can internationalise a haskell program without runtime dependencies (bsd3, i18, i18n, i18n-text, library, text)2022-09-
ghc-syntax-highlighter790.04Syntax highlighter for Haskell using the lexer of GHC (bsd3, library, text)2025-01-
gigaparsec242.50Refreshed parsec-style library for compatibility with Scala parsley (bsd3, library, text)2025-01-
ginger860.03An implementation of the Jinja2 template language in Haskell (library, mit, text)2023-08-, TravisCardwell
glabrous490.02A template DSL library (bsd3, library, text, web)2024-01-
glaze100.01Framework for rendering things with metadata/headers and values (bsd3, library, text)2017-03-
glider-nlp30.03Natural Language Processing library (bsd3, library, nlp, text)2016-10-030.4klangner
gnuidn180.02Bindings for GNU IDN (codec, gpl, library, text)2015-10-250.2.2StephenWeber
google-isbn190.01 (bsd3, library, text, web)2018-11-161.0.3apeyroux
google-search50.02EDSL for Google and GMail search expressions (bsd3, language, library, text, web)2016-03-310.2.0.0LiyangHu
googlepolyline52.01Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder (data, library, mit, text)2016-04-
grab-form92.00Applicative parsers for form parameter lists (library, mit, text)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
grammatical-parsers430.03parsers that combine into grammars (bsd3, library, parsing, program, text)2024-12-150.7.2MarioBlazevic
graphtype50.01A simple tool to illustrate dependencies between Haskell types (bsd3, program, text)2010-09-130.2.0DmitryAstapov, MaxDesyatov
graphwiz140.00Monadic DOT graph builder DSL (bsd3, data, library, program, text)2025-02-241.0.0nicuveo
gridtables1780.01Parser for reStructuredText-style grid tables. (library, mit, text)2022-09-300.1.0.0JohnMacFarlane, tarleb
groom322.014Pretty printing for well-behaved Show instances. (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-04-
hOff-parser30.01The parser to parser the OFF(Object File Format, Princeton ModelNet). (gpl, library, text)2017-12-
hack-contrib-press70.01Hack helper that renders Press templates (library, text, web)2009-08-070.1.2BrandonBickford
haiji160.01A typed template engine, subset of jinja2 (bsd3, library, text)2022-09-
hako40.01A mako-like quasi-quoter template library (bsd3, library, text)2012-11-281.0.0TobiasDammers
hakyll-alectryon80.00Hakyll extension for rendering Coq code using Alectryon (library, mit, text, web)2022-09-
halipeto (deprecated)70.01Haskell Static Web Page Generator (deprecated, library, text)2013-04-052.4.1PeterSimons
han2zen40.00Convert Halfwidth Katakana to Fullwidth Katakana. (bsd3, library, text)2018-12-230.1WataruYamada
haphviz150.01Graphviz code generation with Haskell (library, mit, text)2016-12-
harfbuzz-pure130.02Pure-functional Harfbuzz language bindings (library, mit, program, text)2023-09-
haskell-conll40.01Core Types for NLP (library, mit, text)2019-07-, sigrlami
haskell-gettext172.03GetText runtime library implementation in pure Haskell (bsd3, library, program, text)2019-01-
haskell-say332.00Let the Haskell logo talk to your users! (bsd3, console, library, program, text, utils)2020-04-
hasmin202.01CSS Minifier (bsd3, library, program, text)2018-12-301.0.3contivero
hastache (deprecated in favor of mustache)310.017Haskell implementation of Mustache templates (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)2014-12-230.6.1DaniilFrumin, SergeyLymar
hastache-aeson30.02render hastache templates using aeson values (bsd3, library, text)2015-09-
hdiscount20.01Haskell bindings to the Discount markdown library (bsd3, library, text)2012-09-
heckin70.00Oh heck, it's a heckin' case conversion library. (data, library, mit, text)2019-11-
hello230.01Hello World, an example package (bsd3, console, program, text)2010-07-
herb52.00Accessible format for structured data serialization (bsd2, library, program, serialization, text)2025-01-
heredoc732.2511multi-line string / here document using QuasiQuotes (library, public-domain, text)2013-05-
heredocs170.02Heredocument on Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2021-06-
hermes-json262.00Fast JSON decoding via simdjson C++ bindings (ffi, json, library, mit, text, web)2023-08-
hex-text392.09ByteString-Text hexidecimal conversions (library, mit, text)2023-06-, Monoid_Mary
hexdump40.01A library for forming hexdumps. (library, public-domain, text)2008-08-260.1TimNewsham
hformat230.02Simple Haskell formatting (bsd3, library, text)2018-09-
hgeos200.01Simple Haskell bindings to GEOS C API (data, geography, geometry, library, mit, text)2016-08-
hgettext170.03Bindings to libintl.h (gettext, bindtextdomain) (bsd3, library, program, text)2025-01-, HerbertValerioRiedel, VasylPasternak, NH000
highjson90.02Spec based JSON parsing/serialisation (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
highjson-swagger50.01Derive swagger instances from highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
highjson-th40.01Template Haskell helpers for highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)2021-05-
highlight90.00Command line tool for highlighting parts of files matching a regex. (bsd3, library, program, text)2022-05-
highlighter130.02source code highlighting (bsd3, library, text)2012-07-090.2.2AlexSuraci, GuillaumeHoffmann
highlighter290.02source code highlighting (bsd3, library, text)2015-03-200.2.5chemist
highlighting-kate (deprecated in favor of skylighting)1780.014Syntax highlighting (deprecated, library, text)2017-01-310.6.4JohnMacFarlane
hjpath150.02XPath-like syntax for querying JSON (bsd3, library, text)2010-07-033.0.1JaroslavGridin
hjson150.06JSON parsing library (bsd3, library, text)2011-02-041.3.2JaroslavGridin
hjson-query50.01library for querying from JSON (bsd3, library, text)2011-01-221.0.2YuriyIskra
hlatex90.01A library to build valid LaTeX files (bsd3, library, text)2020-09-210.3.2NicolasPouillard
hmark30.01A tool and library for Markov chains based text generation. (bsd3, library, program, text)2015-01-231.2JaroslavGridin
hoodle-builder110.02text builder for hoodle file format (bsd3, library, text)2016-07-250.4IanWooKim
hoodle-parser110.03Hoodle file parser (bsd3, library, text)2016-07-250.4IanWooKim
hprotoc750.01Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-11-052.4.17ChrisKuklewicz, DavidFeng, TvH, k_bx
hprotoc-fork30.01Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, program, text)2014-08-
hpygments80.02Highlight source code using Pygments (library, mit, text)2016-01-070.2.0DavidLazar, yamadapc
hpyrg20.01pyrg utility done right (mit, program, text)2012-10-
hs-bibutils650.04Haskell bindings to bibutils, the bibliography conversion utilities. (library, text)2020-04-, wilx
hs-openmoji-data120.00The OpenMoji emoji dataset (bsd3, data, library, program, text)2024-01-2615.0.0abrar
hs-vcard40.01Implements the RFC 2426 vCard 3.0 spec (bsd3, library, text)2011-04-280.1MichaelSchade
hsass240.05Integrating Sass into Haskell applications. (library, mit, text)2018-11-250.8.0jakubfijalkowski
hschema-prettyprinter100.01Describe schemas for your Haskell data types. (data, lgpl, library, schema, text)2018-11-
hstidy40.01Takes haskell source on stdin, parses it, then prettyprints it to stdout. (bsd3, program, text)2008-07-010.2MattMorrow
html-conduit1020.019Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes. (conduit, library, mit, text, web)2021-08-, MichaelSnoyman
html-email-validate140.02Validating an email address against HTML standard (bsd3, library, text)2015-07-
html-entity100.01HTML entity decoding and encoding for Text (bsd3, library, text)2018-07-
html-minimalist (deprecated)110.03Minimalist haskell html library (deprecated, library, text)2014-10-160.15RohanDrape
html-parse240.03A high-performance HTML tokenizer (bsd3, library, text)2023-12-
html-parse-util60.00Utility functions for working with html-parse (bsd3, library, text, xml)2023-06-290.2.3TonyZorman
html-rules40.01Perform traversals of HTML structures using sets of rules. (bsd3, html, library, text, transformation, web)2014-05-
html-truncate70.02A HTML truncator (bsd3, library, text)2013-03-
html2hamlet80.01HTML to Hamlet converter (bsd3, program, text)2015-06-280.3.0HideyukiTanaka
html5-entity140.02A library for looking up and validating HTML5 entities. (bsd3, library, text)2015-04-
htoml200.07Parser for TOML files (bsd3, configuration, data, json, language, library, parser, text)2016-11-
htoml-megaparsec390.04Parser for TOML files (bsd3, configuration, data, language, library, text, toml)2023-10-
human-parse40.01A lawless typeclass for parsing text entered by humans. (apache, library, text)2018-02-
human-text60.01A lawless typeclass for converting values to human-friendly text. (apache, library, text)2018-02-
hunt-searchengine50.01A search and indexing engine. (data, library, mit, text)2015-03-
hunt-server60.01A search and indexing engine server. (data, mit, program, text)2015-03-
hw-dsv180.03Unbelievably fast streaming DSV file parser (bsd3, csv, data-structures, library, program, simd, succinct-data-structures, text)2024-01-, haskellworks, GeorgeWilson
hxt-charproperties740.010Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode (library, mit, text)2021-02-
hxt-regex-xmlschema750.08A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions (library, mit, text)2021-02-
hxt-unicode700.09Unicode en-/decoding functions for utf8, iso-latin-* and other encodings (library, mit, text)2015-02-
hyphenate (deprecated)110.01Text hyphenation algorithm (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2009-02-100.1RohanDrape
hyphenation1402.06Configurable Knuth-Liang hyphenation (bsd2, library, text)2025-03-030.8.3EdwardKmett, EricMertens, VladimirShabanov, ryanglscott
hzenhan100.01Zenhan library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2021-04-120.0.5karky7
i18n120.01Internationalization for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2016-08-, filib
iCalendar342.02iCalendar data types, parser, and printer. (bsd3, library, text)2024-12-, ClintAdams, EelcoLempsink, schoettl
iconv490.011String encoding conversion (bsd3, library, text)2015-06-, IanLynagh
idiii140.01ID3v2 (tagging standard for MP3 files) library (bsd3, library, program, sound, text)2012-11-, BartonMassey, ChrisWagner
idna140.03Implements IDNA (RFC 3490). (bsd3, data, library, rfc, text)2014-01-060.3.0GeorgePollard
illuminate22.01A fast syntax highlighting library built with alex. (bsd3, library, text)2011-07-080.1JohnMacFarlane
imbib40.01Minimalistic .bib reference manager. (library, program, text)2024-02-081.2.5JeanPhilippeBernardy
imparse40.01Multi-platform parser analyzer and generator. (gpl, library, program, text)2013-08-
indent120.00Fix your indentation. (bsd3, indentation, library, program, text)2019-06-120.0.5vapourismo
indentparser70.01A parser for indentation based structures (library, public-domain, text)2012-01-170.1PiyushKurur
indents380.06indentation sensitive parser-combinators for parsec (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2019-10-, SamAnklesaria
inflections462.07Inflections library for Haskell (library, mit, text)2023-08-, stackbuilders, sestrella, camm, elcuy, DiegoCenteno
inject40.01A minimalistic template engine (library, mit, program, text)2013-06-090.1.0SimonHengel
inserts60.01Stupid simple bytestring templates. (library, mit, text)2015-01-130.1.2JosephAbrahamson
interp80.00Tracery-like randomized text interpolation (bsd3, interpolation, library, program, text)2019-02-
interpolate872.018String interpolation done right (data, library, mit, text)2020-06-050.2.1SimonHengel
invertible-syntax40.02Invertible syntax descriptions for both parsing and pretty printing. (bsd3, library, text)2011-09-210.2.1TillmannRendel
ipprint160.04Tiny helper for pretty-printing values in ghci console (bsd3, library, text)2015-10-080.6GlebAlexeyev, SpencerJanssen
iptables-helpers60.01iptables rules parser/printer library (bsd3, library, program, text)2013-05-190.5.0EvgenyTarasov
ipynb1730.01Data structure for working with Jupyter notebooks (ipynb). (bsd3, library, text)2022-01-120.2JohnMacFarlane
irc-colors70.01Colourize your IRC strings (bsd3, irc, library, text)2015-04-130.1EdwardTjornhammar
jacinda322.250Functional, expression-oriented data processing language (agpl, data, interpreters, language, library, program, text)2025-02-
jira-wiki-markup2120.01Handle Jira wiki markup (library, mit, program, text)2023-03-131.5.1tarleb
json-b80.03JSON parser that uses byte strings. (bsd3, library, program, text)2009-10-010.0.4JasonDusek
json-litobj20.01Extends Text.JSON to handle literal JS objects. (bsd3, library, text)2015-08-
json-stream662.03Incremental applicative JSON parser (bsd3, json, library, text)2024-09-
json-tools120.01A collection of JSON tools (bsd3, json, program, text, tools, utils)2019-10-180.5.1NicolasPouillard
json-types60.06Basic types for representing JSON (json, library, mit, text)2010-12-230.1JohnMillikin
json2140.03Library provides support for JSON. (bsd3, data, json, library, text)2011-05-290.8.3YuriyIskra
json2-types80.03Defined JSON data types and function for renders JSON to string. (bsd3, data, json, library, text)2011-04-060.1YuriyIskra
json2sg20.00Lossy conversion from JSON to Sugar (configuration, library, program, text)2022-07-290.0.1jxv
json5hs112.00Serialising to and from JSON5 (bsd3, json5, library, text, web)2020-09-
jsonl150.01JSON Lines (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-05-
jsonl-conduit162.00Conduit interface to JSONL-encoded data (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2023-05-010.1.4ocramz
jsonpath320.02Library to parse and execute JSONPath (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2022-07-
jsonresume40.01Parser and datatypes for the JSON Resume format (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-
jsonschema-gen92.01JSON Schema generator from Algebraic data type (bsd3, data, json, library, text)2017-08-
jsonsql50.01Interpolate JSON object values into SQL strings (mit, program, text)2015-08-
jsontsv200.01JSON to TSV transformer (mit, program, text)2016-05-
jsonxlsx30.01json to xlsx converter (mit, program, text)2017-03-
jspath20.01Extract substructures from JSON by following a path. (bsd3, library, text)2010-09-210.1KeeganMcAllister
karver110.01A simple template engine, inspired by jinja2 (bsd3, library, text)2015-04-220.1.2JeremyHull
katip1830.037A structured logging framework. (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)2024-08-
katip-datadog40.00Datadog scribe for the Katip logging framework (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)2020-10-
katip-elasticsearch430.01ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework. (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)2020-10-
katip-logzio80.00Logz.IO scribe for the Katip logging framework (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)2023-04-
kcd30.01Kayak .kcd parsing library. (library, mit, text)2017-01-
kickass-torrents-dump-parser30.01Parses torrent dumps (library, mit, text)2013-01-160.0.1MichaelXavier
knit-haskell110.00a minimal Rmarkdown sort-of-thing for haskell, by way of Pandoc (bsd3, library, text)2020-07-
koellner-phonetic20.01"map German words to code representing pronunciation" (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)2014-02-040.0MarcWeber
kparams30.00Extracts values from /proc/cmdline. (library, mit, program, text)2021-09-
kvitable390.00Key/Value Indexed Table container and formatting library (library, text)2024-09-
l10n100.01Enables providing localization as typeclass instances in separate files. (bsd3, library, text)2017-03-
lambda-options201.50Declarative command-line parser with type-driven pattern matching. (bsd3, library, text)2020-09-
lambdatex90.01Type-Safe LaTeX EDSL (library, text)2017-04-
language-dickinson372.00A language for generative literature (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library, program, text)2024-05-
language-gemini70.00Datatypes and parsing/printing functions to represent the Gemini markup language (bsd3, gemini, library, text)2023-07-
latex360.02Parse, format and process LaTeX files (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-310.1.0.4HenningThielemann
latex-function-tables90.00Function table specifications in latex (bsd3, library, program, text)2016-11-
layout40.04Turn values into pretty text or markup (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text, typography)2016-07-
layout-bootstrap (deprecated)50.01Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text.Blaze.Html5 (deprecated, library, mit, text)2012-03-070.2.2AlexanderBondarenko
lazy-csv280.05Efficient lazy parsers for CSV (comma-separated values). (bsd3, library, program, text)2015-06-250.5.1MalcolmWallace
ldapply30.01LDIF idempotent apply tool (mit, network, program, text)2017-01-120.2.0ip1981
ldif130.01The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) tools (bsd3, library, text)2013-01-130.0.13RadoslavDorcik
leetify30.01Leetify text (bsd3, program, text)2014-10-
lens-regex150.01Lens powered regular expression (bsd3, library, text)2021-02-210.1.3TakahiroHimura
lens-text-encoding30.01Isomorphisms and prisms for text <=> bytestring conversions (library, mit, text)2014-10-
lex-applicative (deprecated)40.00See README for more info (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)2019-12-
liboleg190.02An evolving collection of Oleg Kiselyov's Haskell modules (bsd3, library, text)2010-10-162010.1.10.0DonaldStewart, shergill
libxml-enumerator (deprecated)140.01Enumerator-based API for libXML's SAX interface (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)2011-04-060.5JohnMillikin
libxml-sax320.05Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface (foreign, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)2024-11-260.7.6StephenWeber
libxslt30.01Binding to libxslt (bsd3, foreign-binding, library, text, xml)2009-09-130.1
libyaml2680.09Low-level, streaming YAML interface. (bsd3, library, text)2024-03-150.1.4MichaelSnoyman
libyaml-clib1620.02libyaml clibs (library, mit, text)2024-03-130.2.5maerwald
libyaml-streamly232.01Low-level, streaming YAML interface via streamly. (bsd3, library, text)2024-04-
ligature20.01Expand ligatures in unicode text (library, mit, text)2013-08-
line-break50.01Convert newlines in text (gpl, program, text)2017-01-
line2pdf220.01Simple command-line utility to convert text into PDF (bsd3, library, program, text)2008-07-210.0.7AudreyTang
linebreak270.02breaks strings to fit width (bsd3, library, text)2023-04-
linguistic-ordinals80.01Express Integral types as linguistic ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) (bsd3, library, text)2017-08-
lipsum-gen40.01Generators for random sequences of English-like nonsense text. (bsd3, library, testing-, text)2015-03-
llama-cpp-haskell230.00Haskell bindings for the llama.cpp llama-server (agpl, library, text)2025-02-
llvm-pretty200.05A pretty printing library inspired by the llvm binding. (bsd3, library, text)2024-08-300.12.1.0EricMertens, TrevorElliott, ryanglscott, mccleeary
llvm-pretty-bc-parser180.02LLVM bitcode parsing library (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-08-300.4.2.0EricMertens, TrevorElliott, ryanglscott, galoisinc, mccleeary
loc252.01Line and column positions and ranges in text files (apache, data-structures, library, text)2023-06-, Monoid_Mary
localize40.02GNU Gettext-based messages localization library (bsd3, library, text)2022-02-
log2json20.01Turn log file records into JSON. (json, library, logging, program, text, tools, utils)2012-11-020.1HaroldLee
logfmt60.00Formatting (bsd3, library, system, text)2021-06-080.0.1cmk
logger-thread130.00Run FastLogger in a thread and direct all queued messages to it. (bsd3, library, program, text)2016-12-
logplex-parse40.01Parse Heroku application/logplex documents (library, mit, text)2015-12-
lorem20.00Library for generating filler text (bsd3, library, program, text)2015-04-
lsql-csv100.00A tool for CSV files data querying from the shell with short queries. (gpl, library, program, text)2024-05-
ltext210.01Parameterized file evaluator (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-01-050.1.5athanclark
luthor50.01Tools for lexing and utilizing lexemes that integrate with Parsec. (bsd3, language, library, text)2015-11-250.0.2ZankokuOkuno
maccatcher270.03Obtain the host MAC address on *NIX and Windows. (bsd3, library, text)2011-10-232.1.5JasonDusek
machines-attoparsec50.00Parse machines streams with attoparsec parsers. (bsd3, control, data, enumerator, library, parsing, text)2019-01-310davean
machines-encoding30.00Transcode encodings with machines. (bsd3, control, data, enumerator, library, text)2019-01-310davean
madlang1170.01Randomized templating language DSL (bsd3, library, text)2019-11-
magic360.05Interface to C file/magic library (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-271.1JohnGoerzen
mainland-pretty800.017Pretty printing designed for printing source code. (bsd3, library, text)2024-07-, TroelsHenriksen
markdown-pap140.01markdown parser with papillon (bsd3, library, text)2014-02-
markdown2svg (deprecated)320.01markdown to svg converter (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)2014-02-
marked-pretty30.02Pretty-printing library, with scoping, based on pretty. (bsd3, library, text)2015-05-, ryanglscott
markup-preview90.01A simple markup document preview (markdown, textile, reStructuredText) (gpl, program, text)2015-03-
marvin-interpolate90.01Compile time string interpolation a la Scala and CoffeeScript (bsd3, library, text)2017-05-101.1.2justus
marxup130.01Markup language preprocessor for Haskell (gpl, library, program, text)2019-11-
mbox142.02Read and write standard mailbox files. (bsd3, data, library, system, text)2017-08-160.3.4GershomBazerman
mcm52.01Machine Configuration Manager (gpl, language, program, system, text)2018-11-
mdcat70.01Markdown viewer in your terminal (library, mit, program, text)2015-03-
mediawiki2latex110.01Convert MediaWiki text to LaTeX (program, text)2019-01-067.33dhun
metadata220.01metadata library for semantic web (bsd3, data, library, text, web)2016-03-
microaeson1230.01A tiny JSON library with light dependency footprint (gpl, json, library, text, web)2024-06-, HerbertValerioRiedel
microstache1772.53Mustache templates for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2024-05-171.0.3phadej
mime-directory130.02A library for parsing/printing the text/directory mime type. (library, text)2016-01-110.5.2MathieuBoespflug
mmark612.04Strict markdown processor for writers (bsd3, library, text)2024-07-
mmark-cli150.01Command line interface to the MMark markdown processor (bsd3, cli, program, text)2024-01-
mmark-ext260.02Commonly useful extensions for the MMark markdown processor (bsd3, library, text)2022-04-
modern-uri1412.2530Modern library for working with URIs (bsd3, library, text)2023-08-, mrkkrp
monoid-subclasses3212.028Subclasses of Monoid (algebra, bsd3, data, library, text)2025-03-011.2.6MarioBlazevic
mplayer-spot60.00Save your spot when watching movies with @mplayer@. (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-02-
mpppc50.02Multi-dimensional parametric pretty-printer with color (library, text)2012-12-080.1.3DarinMorrison
mpretty20.01a monadic, extensible pretty printing library (bsd3, library, text)2013-08-
multifile130.01create many files from one (bsd3, program, text)2019-05-
musicxml90.02MusicXML format encoded as Haskell type and functions of reading and writting. (bsd3, library, music, text, xml)2009-08-040.1.2SamuelSilva
mustache-haskell70.01Straight implementation of mustache templates (library, mit, program, text)2014-12-
namelist20.01fortran90 namelist parser/pretty printer (library, mit, text)2015-06-120.1.0HirotomoMoriwaki
nanoparsec30.01An implementation of attoparsec-like parser around list-like (bsd3, library, text)2011-01-300.1.1MaciejPiechotka
naturalcomp50.01Natural-order string comparison (bsd3, library, text)2014-01-070.0.3HironaoKomatsu
neat20.01A Fast Retargetable Template Engine (library, mit, program, text)2014-02-080.1.0ajg
newline50.00newline specifications as values (bsd3, library, text)2023-03-
nicify130.04Pretty print the standard output of default `Show` instances. (mit, program, text, tools, utilities)2015-03-221.2.1JulianFleischer
nicify-lib210.03Pretty print the standard output of default `Show` instances. (library, mit, text, tools, utilities)2015-03-221.0.1JulianFleischer
nme30.01Bindings to the Nyctergatis Markup Engine (library, text)2012-02-270.2StephenWeber
nmis-parser50.01NMIS file parser (bsd3, library, parsers, text)2018-11-
noise20.01A friendly language for graphic design (library, mit, program, text)2013-05-210.0.1TomBrow
non-empty-text212.01Non empty Data.Text type (data, library, mit, nonempty, text)2023-12-170.2.1TrevisElser, onslaughtq, flipstone, qxjit
normalization-insensitive150.01Normalization insensitive string comparison (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)2021-03-142.0.2harendra, ppelleti
nowdoc180.04Here document without variable expansion like PHP Nowdoc (bsd3, library, text)2018-09-
nptools100.01A collection of random tools (bsd3, development, program, system, text, utils)2013-03-170.6.0NicolasPouillard
number-show50.01Flexible and accurate (for a given precision) numerical->string conversion (gpl, library, text)2017-02-
numerals70.01Convert numbers to number words (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, numerical, text)2016-12-270.4.1RoelVanDijk
numerals-base (deprecated in favor of numerals)20.02Convert numbers to number words (bsd3, deprecated, library, natural-language-processing, numerical, text)2011-09-150.3RoelVanDijk
nyan-interpolation82.00Flexible production-scale string interpolation library (interpolation, library, mpl, text)2023-07-120.9.2martoon, serokell
nyan-interpolation-core90.02Customize your nyan interpolator! (interpolation, library, mpl, text)2023-07-120.9.2martoon, serokell
nyan-interpolation-simple90.00Simplified lightweight interpolation (interpolation, library, mpl, text)2023-07-120.9.2martoon, serokell
ods2csv160.00Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV (bsd3, csv, program, text)2025-01-
om-show130.06Utilities for showing string-like things. (library, mit, text)2024-08-
omaketex30.01A simple tool to generate OMakefile for latex files. (bsd3, program, text)2013-10-
onama90.01HTML-parsing primitives for Parsec. (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-04-
one-line-aeson-text142.01Pretty-printing short Aeson values as text (apache, json, library, text)2024-11-
open-pandoc (deprecated in favor of pandoc)40.01Conversion between markup formats (deprecated, text)2010-04-
opencc40.00OpenCC bindings (library, mit, text)2022-02-
opentheory-char (deprecated in favor of opentheory-unicode)70.01Unicode characters (deprecated, library, mit, program, text)2012-11-101.41JoeHurd
opentheory-unicode100.02Unicode characters (library, mit, text)2015-10-191.142JoeHurd
opml60.02Representing and handling OPML subscription information. (bsd3, library, text, web)2008-07-180.4DonaldStewart
opml-conduit340.01Streaming parser/renderer for the OPML 2.0 format. (conduit, library, public-domain, text, xml)2020-08-
org-parser20.00Parser for Org Mode documents. (gpl, library, text)2023-07-
oso2pdf30.01Better conversion of Oxford Scholarship Online material to PDF (gpl, program, text)2015-09-280.1.0spwhitton
ot80.01Real-time collaborative editing with Operational Transformation (library, mit, text)2015-10-
ottparse-pretty130.01Pretty-printer for Ott parse trees (bsd3, program, text)2016-05-
owoify-hs50.00Turn any English text into nonsensical babyspeaks. (library, mit, text)2023-12-
pager270.02Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more' (bsd2, data, library, program, system, text)2015-05-
paint80.01Colorization of text for command-line output (library, program, text)2020-02-222.0.0lovasko
pandoc20633.091Conversion between markup formats (gpl, library, text)2025-02-093.6.3JohnMacFarlane
pandoc-builder-monadic70.00A monadic DSL for building pandoc documents (bsd3, library, text)2023-11-261.1.1414owen
pandoc-citeproc (deprecated in favor of citeproc)2212.03Supports using pandoc with citeproc (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)2020-08-
pandoc-citeproc-preamble260.01Insert a preamble before pandoc-citeproc's bibliography (gpl, program, text)2020-07-261.6spwhitton
pandoc-cli2830.00Conversion between documentation formats (gpl, program, text)2025-02-093.6.3JohnMacFarlane
pandoc-columns30.00A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for columns. (bsd3, library, program, text)2023-03-
pandoc-crossref1630.01Pandoc filter for cross-references (gpl, library, program, text)2024-12-
pandoc-csv2table190.00Convert CSV to Pandoc Table Markdown (library, mit, program, text)2021-03-141.0.9baig, vmandela
pandoc-filter-graphviz40.01A Pandoc filter to use graphviz (bsd3, program, text)2017-04-
pandoc-filter-indent100.00Pandoc filter formatting Haskell code fragments using GHC lexer. (bsd3, library, program, text)2021-09-
pandoc-highlighting-extensions (deprecated)90.00Syntax highlighting customization for Pandoc (deprecated, library, mit, text)2019-02-, Monoid_Mary
pandoc-include30.01Include other Markdown files (library, mit, program, text)2015-12-080.0.1steindani
pandoc-include-plus30.00Pandoc filter to include files, with image path and heading level adjustment. (bsd3, library, program, text)2023-03-170.1.2AmyDeBuitleir
pandoc-japanese-filters50.01Japanese-specific markup filters for pandoc. (gpl, program, text)2016-01-
pandoc-lens172.01Lenses for Pandoc documents (bsd3, library, text)2020-04-030.7.0BenGamari
pandoc-linear-table30.00A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension to wrap text in table cells. (bsd3, library, program, text)2023-03-
pandoc-link-context100.01Extract "contextual links" from Pandoc (bsd3, library, text)2023-11-
pandoc-logic-proof20.00A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for logic proofs. (bsd3, library, program, text)2023-03-
pandoc-lua-engine1870.01Lua engine to power custom pandoc conversions (gpl, library, text)2024-12-230.4.1JohnMacFarlane
pandoc-markdown-ghci-filter30.00Pandoc-filter to evaluate `code` section in markdown and auto-embed output. (documentation, filter, library, mit, program, text)2019-07-
pandoc-placetable150.01Pandoc filter to include CSV files (program, text)2020-03-290.6mb21
pandoc-plantuml-diagrams120.00Render and insert PlantUML diagrams with Pandoc (library, mit, program, text)2021-02-
pandoc-plot822.00A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from code blocks using your plotting toolkit of choice. (gpl, library, program, text)2024-09-271.9.1LaurentRDC
pandoc-query40.00Pandoc filter to extract only the links. (gpl, library, text)2023-11-171.0.0AmyDeBuitleir
pandoc-select-code30.00Pandoc filter to extract only the code blocks. (bsd3, program, text)2023-03-
pandoc-server1550.00Pandoc document conversion as an HTTP servant-server (gpl, library, text)2024-12-
pandoc-stylefrommeta380.01Pandoc filter to customize links, images and paragraphs (bsd3, program, text)2024-05-
pandoc-symreg80.00A tool to convert symbolic regression expressions into different formats. (gpl, library, math, program, text)2023-06-
pandoc-throw120.02MonadThrow behaviour for Pandoc. (library, mit, text)2020-09-
pandoc-types3592.575Types for representing a structured document (bsd3, library, text)2023-08-061.23.1JohnMacFarlane
pandoc-utils90.00Utility functions to work with Pandoc in Haskell applications. (library, mit, text)2020-05-250.7.1Krasjet
pandoc-vimhl220.01Pandoc filter for native Vim code highlighting (bsd3, program, text)2024-11-
panhandle40.00Pandoc filter to unwrap nested blocks (library, program, public-domain, text)2017-09-
panpipe20.00Pandoc filter to execute code blocks (library, program, public-domain, text)2017-05-
pappy70.01Packrat parsing; linear-time parsers for grammars in TDPL. (bsd3, program, text)2012-10-
para90.01Text paragraph formatting (bsd3, library, text)2010-01-191.1KevinQuick
parcom-lib120.01A simple parser-combinator library, a bit like Parsec but without the frills (bsd3, library, text)2015-07-
paripari160.00Parser combinators with fast-path and slower fallback for error reporting (library, mit, program, text)2020-06-
parsable190.02Parsable and Printable classes (agpl, library, text)2025-02-
parsec-class260.02Class of types that can be constructed from their text representation (library, mit, text)2024-01-
parsec-free90.01Parsec API encoded as a deeply-embedded DSL, for debugging and analysis (library, mit, text)2023-03-
parsec-parsers (deprecated in favor of parsers)60.01Parsing instances for Parsec (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)2013-11-050.2DagOdenhall, EdwardKmett
parsec-pratt20.00Pratt Parser combinator for Parsec (library, mit, program, text)2016-08-020.1.1jh3141
parseerror-eq30.01Adds and Eq instance for Parsec's ParseError if needed (library, mit, text)2015-04-, sestrella
parsers3052.2585Parsing combinators (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2024-10-260.12.12EdwardKmett, EricMertens, ryanglscott
parsers-megaparsec70.02`parsers` instances for Megaparsec (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2023-04-
patat752.01Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc (gpl, library, program, text)2025-02-
path-text-utf8162.51Read and write UTF-8 text files (apache, filesystem, library, text)2023-06-
patience490.05Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence (algorithms, bsd3, library, text)2019-07-290.3KeeganMcAllister, chessai
pattern-arrows252.02Arrows for Pretty Printing (combinators, library, mit, pretty-printer, text)2014-03-290.0.2PhilFreeman
pcre-less (deprecated)80.01Nicer interface to regex-pcre. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2010-10-110.2.1
pcre-light1480.034Portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions (bsd3, library, text)2025-02-, DonaldStewart
pcre-light-extra30.01pcre-light extra functionality (bsd3, library, text)2010-12-040.0.0SteffenSiering
pcre-utils340.05Perl-like substitute and split for PCRE regexps. (bsd3, library, text)2023-01-310.1.9SimonMarechal
pcre2470.01Regular expressions via the PCRE2 C library (included) (apache, library, text)2025-01-062.2.2SShuck
pdf2line160.01Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text (program, text)2008-05-050.0.1AudreyTang
pdfinfo320.02Wrapper around the pdfinfo command. (bsd3, library, text)2015-04-131.5.4ChrisDone
pdftotext70.00Extracts text from PDF using poppler (bsd3, library, pdf, program, text)2020-12-
period120.00Parse and format date periods, collapse and expand their text representations. (bsd3, library, program, text)2018-08-
phaser120.01Incremental multiple pass parser library. (bsd3, library, text)2024-08-
phonetic-code70.02Phonetic codes: Soundex and Phonix (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)2014-09-
picoparsec (deprecated in favor of grammatical-parsers, incremental-parser, attoparsec)92.01Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)2015-08-
pipeclip80.01Open your editor, pipe the output to the system clipboard (bsd2, program, system, text)2015-05-
pipes-key-value-csv110.01Streaming processing of CSV files preceded by key-value pairs. (bsd3, csv, library, pipes, text)2017-12-
pipes-text510.014properly streaming text (bsd3, library, pipes, text)2022-05-261.0.1PeterJones, MichaelThompson
plat30.01Simple templating library (bsd3, library, template, text, web)2012-10-300.1.0.1MiguelMitrofanov
playlists160.02Library and executable for working with playlist files. (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-05-150.5.2PeterJones
playlists-http100.01Library to glue together playlists and http-client (bsd3, library, text)2019-04-
polyparse1700.018A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries. (library, parsing, text)2019-08-221.13MalcolmWallace, phadej
portable-lines120.03Alternative 'lines' implementation that understands CR-LF and CR (bsd3, library, text)2011-11-140.1JoeyAdams
portray100.010Rendering to pseudo-Haskell syntax (apache, library, text)2022-09-250.3.0AndrewPritchard
portray-pretty100.02Portray backend for pretty (apache, library, text)2022-09-
portray-prettyprinter80.00Portray backend for prettyprinter (apache, library, text)2022-09-250.2.1AndrewPritchard
pprecord30.00A library for pretty printing Records (library, mit, text)2020-01-
pptable162.02Pretty Print containers in a tabular format (library, mit, text)2018-03-
pragmatic-show140.02Alternative Show class that gives shorter view if possible. (gpl, library, text)2019-10-
prefix-expression130.01 (bsd3, library, text)2018-04-111.2.6vonfry
press40.02Text template library targeted at the web / HTML generation (library, text, web)2009-08-080.1.2BrandonBickford
prettify80.06Haskell2010 structured text formatting (bsd3, library, text)2013-06-031.0HansHoglund
pretty592.0447Pretty-printing library (bsd3, library, text)2018-01-, IanLynagh
pretty-class (deprecated in favor of prettyclass, pretty)140.03Pretty printing class similar to Show. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2014-09-
pretty-compact160.04Pretty-printing library (lgpl, library, text)2024-02-143.1JeanPhilippeBernardy
pretty-display200.01Typeclass for human-readable display (bsd3, library, program, text)2016-11-260.1.10jsermeno
pretty-ghci62.00Functionality for beautifying GHCi (bsd3, library, program, text)2019-04-
pretty-loc60.00Tracking and highlighting of locations in source files (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, data, diagnostics, library, pretty-printer, text)2019-06-
pretty-ncols60.02A implementation of multi-column layout w/ Text.PrettyPrint (bsd3, library, text)2009-04-160.1JoeFredette
pretty-show2722.595Tools for working with derived `Show` instances and generic inspection of values. (library, mit, program, text)2020-01-301.10IavorDiatchki
pretty-show-ansi-wl60.00Like pretty-show, but only for ansi-wl-pprint (library, mit, text)2018-11-301.9.2.1LiamOConnorDavis
pretty-simple3322.543pretty printer for data types with a 'Show' instance. (bsd3, library, text)2024-12-, andrewlei, GeorgeThomas
pretty-types202.03A small pretty printing DSL for complex types. (bsd3, library, text)2021-01-
prettyclass420.022Pretty printing class similar to Show. (bsd3, library, text)2008-12-
prettyprint-avh430.00API for prettyprinting custom syntax trees (extracted from elm-format) (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text)2023-04-
prettyprinter2322.5201A modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2021-09-111.7.1quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-ansi-terminal2151.7552ANSI terminal backend for the »prettyprinter« package. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2021-09-111.1.3quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-combinators210.03Some useful combinators for the prettyprinter package (apache, library, text, user-interfaces)2024-05-120.1.3SergeyVinokurov
prettyprinter-compat-annotated-wl-pprint240.01Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »annotated-wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2020-12-271.1quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint1330.05Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »ansi-wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2021-09-111.0.2quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-compat-wl-pprint230.01Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2021-09-111.0.1quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-configurable50.00Configurable pretty-printing (apache, library, text, user-interfaces)2024-11-
prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint250.00Converter from »ansi-wl-pprint« documents to »prettyprinter«-based ones. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)2021-09-111.1.2quchen, sjakobi
prettyprinter-interp340.01Efficient interpolation for Prettyprinter (bsd2, data, library, text)2023-01-310.2.0.0PeterLebbing
printf-mauke160.01A Perl printf like formatter. (bsd3, library, text)2016-04-170.7.0LukasMai
printf-safe70.01Type safe interface for Text.Printf (bsd3, library, text)2016-09-
prints40.01The Artist Formerly Known as Prints (bsd3, library, text)2018-03-
pronounce80.01A library for interfacing with the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-
protocol-buffers782.021Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, text)2020-11-052.4.17ChrisKuklewicz, TvH, k_bx
protocol-buffers-descriptor1880.019Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification (bsd3, library, text)2020-11-052.4.17ChrisKuklewicz, TvH, k_bx
protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork50.03Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification (bsd3, library, text)2014-08-282.0.16StefanWehr
protocol-buffers-fork40.05Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, text)2014-08-282.0.16StefanWehr
publish140.00Publishing tools for papers, books, and presentations (mit, program, text)2023-02-132.5.3AndrewCowie
pugixml100.01pugixml binding. (library, mit, text, xml)2016-11-050.3.3NeilMitchell, HirotomoMoriwaki
pugs-HsSyck30.01Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper (library, text)2008-02-200.41GwernBranwen
pugs-hsregex30.01Haskell PCRE binding (bsd3, library, text)2008-02-201.0GwernBranwen
punkt50.01Multilingual unsupervised sentence tokenization with Punkt. (library, mit, natural-language-processing, text)2014-10-170.1.1bryant
punycode220.04Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492 (bsd3, library, text, web)2013-01-052.0JonKristensen, MylesMaxfield
qq-bytes160.00QuasiQuoter for byte sequence (apache, library, text)2025-02-
quickcheck-text390.04Alternative arbitrary instance for Text (library, mit, text)2016-09-
quickcheck-unicode620.01Generator and shrink functions for testing Unicode-related software. (bsd2, library, testing, text)2017-05-
quickson (deprecated in favor of aeson-quick)80.01Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)2017-01-090.3ssadler
rating-systems70.01Implementations of several rating systems: Elo, Glicko, etc (bsd3, library, text)2016-11-070.1DougBeardsley
raw-strings-qq902.033Raw string literals for Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)2015-12-131.1MikhailGlushenkov
rawstring-qm250.03Simple raw string quotation and dictionary interpolation (bsd3, library, text)2016-11-
razom-text-util50.01Common text/parsing tools for Razom language packages. (library, public-domain, text)2015-06-
read-bounded161.52Class for reading bounded values (bsd3, library, text)2020-09-
readability30.00Extracts text of main article from HTML document (bsd3, html, library, program, text)2020-07-
readable1152.013Reading from Text and ByteString (bsd3, library, text)2015-02-070.3.1DougBeardsley
reformat50.01The parser and render to parsec and render the string. (gpl, library, text)2017-12-
regex1020.09Toolkit for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)2022-06-
regex-applicative1302.525Regex-based parsing with applicative interface (library, mit, text)2020-07-240.3.4RomanCheplyaka
regex-applicative-text140.05regex-applicative on text (bsd3, library, text)2016-02-
regex-base2972.066Common "Text.Regex.*" API for Regex matching (bsd3, library, text)2025-03-, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, topos
regex-compat1890.0103Replaces/enhances "Text.Regex" (bsd3, library, text)2025-03-, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, topos
regex-compat-tdfa210.08Unicode Support version of Text.Regex, using regex-tdfa (bsd3, library, text)2013-10-
regex-deriv70.01Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Brzozowski's Deriviatives (bsd3, library, text)2015-08-160.0.5KennyLu
regex-dfa20.02Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)2007-03-050.91ChrisKuklewicz
regex-examples510.01Tutorial, tests and example programs for regex (bsd3, program, text)2022-06-
regex-generator50.00Generate a random string from a PCRE (library, mit, text)2018-12-
regex-genex160.03From a regex, generate all possible strings it can match (library, program, regex, text)2015-09-240.7.0AudreyTang
regex-parsec40.01Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)2007-03-050.90ChrisKuklewicz
regex-pcre842.037PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)2025-03-, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, topos
regex-pcre-builtin1200.022PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)2021-09-, JeffShaw, TimothyHobbs
regex-pcre-text40.01Text-based PCRE API for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)2017-06-
regex-pcre2222.00PCRE2 Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)2025-02-
regex-pderiv150.01Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Antimirov's partial derivatives. (bsd3, library, text)2016-03-180.2.0KennyLu
regex-posix2700.091POSIX Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)2025-03-, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, topos
regex-posix-clib770.01"Regex for Windows" C library (lgpl, library, text)2019-09-302.7HerbertValerioRiedel
regex-posix-unittest30.01Unit tests for the plaform's Posix regex library (bsd3, program, text)2010-06-111.1ChrisKuklewicz
regex-rure320.00Bindings to Rust's regex library (agpl, library, regex, text)2025-02-
regex-tdfa3402.5140Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)2025-03-, AudreyTang, ChrisKuklewicz, HerbertValerioRiedel, phadej, topos
regex-tdfa-pipes20.01Parse with regular expressions on Producers. (bsd3, library, text)2015-08-
regex-tdfa-quasiquoter70.01Quasi-quoter for TDFA (extended POSIX) regular expressions. (bsd3, library, text)2017-08-
regex-tdfa-rc (deprecated in favor of regex-tdfa)90.02Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2014-07-
regex-tdfa-text (deprecated in favor of regex-tdfa)110.020Text interface for regex-tdfa (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2015-08-
regex-tdfa-unittest (deprecated in favor of regex-tdfa)40.01Unit tests for the regex-tdfa (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)2010-10-171.1ChrisKuklewicz
regex-tdfa-utf820.01This combines regex-tdfa with utf8-string to allow searching over UTF8 encoded lazy bytestrings. (bsd3, library, text)2009-03-221.0ChrisKuklewicz
regex-tre30.01Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)2007-03-050.91ChrisKuklewicz
regex-with-pcre640.03Toolkit for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)2022-06-
regex-xmlschema70.01A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions (bsd3, library, text)2010-06-200.1.5UweSchmidt
regexchar180.01A POSIX, extended regex-engine. (library, program, regex, text)2020-06-300.9.0.18AlistairWard
regexpr280.019regular expression like Perl/Ruby in Haskell (library, text)2011-07-060.5.4YoshikuniJujo
regexpr-symbolic80.01Regular expressions via symbolic manipulation (bsd3, library, text)2012-05-080.5MartinSulzmann
regexqq80.01A quasiquoter for PCRE regexes. (bsd3, library, text)2008-06-250.6MattMorrow
relit120.01Literal for regular expression (bsd3, library, text)2012-02-100.1.3KazuYamamoto
render-utf880.01Simple Utf8 wrapper for ByteString Builder with conversion classes (bsd3, library, text)2019-03-
repr140.01Render overloaded expressions to their textual representation. (bsd3, library, numeric, text)2012-09-
repr-tree-syb90.01Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB (debug, library, mit, pretty-printer, text, tree)2016-09-220.1.1NikitaVolkov
reprinter120.01Scrap Your Reprinter (apache, library, text)2021-04-, raehik
rfc5051420.05Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051. (bsd3, library, text)2020-08-010.2JohnMacFarlane
richreports90.02Integrated pretty-printing and error/static analysis reporting. (library, mit, text)2014-07-
ron-hs40.00RON format implementation in haskell (library, text)2025-03-070.4.0morj
rope-utf16-splay370.07Ropes optimised for updating using UTF-16 code units and row/column pairs. (bsd3, data, language, library, text)2022-01-, OlleFredriksson
roundtrip190.05Bidirectional (de-)serialization (bsd3, library, text)2020-05-
roundtrip-string60.02Bidirectional (de-)serialization (bsd3, library, text)2014-01-300.1.0.1StefanWehr
roundtrip-xml160.01Bidirectional (de-)serialization for XML. (bsd3, library, text)2014-01-300.3.0.5StefanWehr
rowrecord20.02Build records from lists of strings, as from CSV files. (bsd3, data, library, text)2010-09-270.1KeeganMcAllister
safe-printf20.01Well-typed, flexible and variadic printf for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)2015-06-
sajson30.00Fast JSON parsing powered by Chad Austin's sajson library (json, library, mit, program, text, web)2021-09-
sax20.01Monadic streaming XML parser (bsd3, library, sax, text)2018-04-
say722.07Send textual messages to a Handle in a thread-friendly way (library, mit, text)2018-08-
sayable312.03Construction of context-adjusted pretty output (library, text)2024-09-
scanf130.01Easy and type-safe format strings for parsing and printing (library, mit, text)2018-03-
scholdoc40.02Converts ScholarlyMarkdown documents to HTML5/LaTeX/Docx format (library, program, text)2014-10-170.1.3timtylin
scholdoc-citeproc30.01Scholdoc fork of pandoc-citeproc (bsd3, library, program, text)2014-10-170.6timtylin
scholdoc-texmath50.02Scholdoc fork of texmath (library, text)2015-02-
scholdoc-types40.04Scholdoc fork of pandoc-types (library, text)2015-02-
sci-ratio40.01Rational numbers in scientific notation. (library, mit, text)2014-12-
sdf2p1-parser80.01A parser for SDF version 2.1 using Parsec (library, mit, text)2015-01-290.1.1kojung
seonbi192.00SmartyPants for Korean language (lgpl, library, program, text)2022-09-170.3.4hongminhee
sequitur30.00Grammar-based compression algorithms SEQUITUR (bsd3, compression, formal-languages, language, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, text)2024-07-
servant-static-th412.02Embed a directory of static files in your Servant server (bsd3, library, text)2024-10-, cdepillabout
sext (deprecated in favor of static-text)80.01Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors with type-encoded length (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text, type-system)2017-10-
shell-escape320.06Shell escaping library. (bsd3, library, text)2015-07-080.2.0JasonDusek
shellwords920.02Parse strings into words, like a shell would (library, mit, text)2025-02-
shortcut-links120.02Link shortcuts for use in text markup (library, markdown, mpl, text, web)2021-01-
show-combinators1020.06Combinators to write Show instances (library, mit, text)2020-03-
show-prettyprint272.01Robust prettyprinter for output of auto-generated Show instances (bsd3, library, text, user-interfaces)2019-07-, sjakobi
shwifty40.00Generate swift types from haskell types. (codegen, library, mit, templatehaskell, text)2020-05-310.0.3.0chessai
silkscreen170.00Prettyprinting transformers. (bsd3, library, text)2022-02-
simple-config100.02Simple config file parser generator (bsd3, library, text)2014-08-
simple-tabular20.02Simple tabular-text formatter (library, mit, text)2012-12-
simple-text-format50.01Simple text based format strings with named identifiers. (bsd3, development, library, text)2017-05-240.1justus
skylighting8712.2512syntax highlighting library (gpl, library, text)2025-01-070.14.6JohnMacFarlane
skylighting-core5100.013syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2025-01-070.14.6JohnMacFarlane
skylighting-extensions (deprecated)110.01Customized Skylighting syntax highlighters (deprecated, library, mit, text)2019-02-, Monoid_Mary
skylighting-format-ansi1750.01ANSI formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2022-07-300.1JohnMacFarlane
skylighting-format-blaze-html2210.01HTML formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2024-12-
skylighting-format-context1920.01ConTeXt formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2023-02-
skylighting-format-latex1560.01LaTeX formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2022-07-300.1JohnMacFarlane
skylighting-format-typst1480.00Typst formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)2025-01-070.1JohnMacFarlane
skylighting-modding (deprecated)80.02Utilities for modifying Skylighting syntaxes (deprecated, library, mit, text)2019-02-, Monoid_Mary
skypelogexport30.01Export Skype chat logs to text files (bsd3, program, text)2011-04-100.2EugenyDzhurinsky
slab40.00A programmable markup language to generate HTML (bsd2, library, program, text)2024-07-
slugger122.00Clean URI slugs for Haskell (bsd3, data, library, program, text, web)2023-01-310.1.0.2robertwpearce
smallcaps240.01Flatten camel case text in LaTeX files (bsd3, latex, library, program, text)2019-05-
smap80.00A command line tool for working with sets and maps (bsd3, library, program, text)2019-07-050.3.3wyager
snack40.00Strict ByteString Parser Combinator (library, parsing, text)2022-07-
snippet-extractor70.01Extracts labeled snippets of code to files. (bsd3, program, text)2010-12-290.2.0JasonDagit
snowball120.01Bindings to the Snowball library. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)2012-12-
sockets-and-pipes82.00Support for the Sockets and Pipes book (apache, http, library, network, streaming, text)2023-05-
sort190.02A Haskell sorting toolkit (bsd3, library, text)2017-06-
spars20.00A sparse set-based parsing library for Haskell. (library, mit, text)2020-08-
spelling-suggest90.01Spelling suggestion tool with library and command-line interfaces. (bsd3, console, library, program, text)2012-08-, GregWeber
sphinx400.01Haskell bindings to the Sphinx full-text searching daemon. (bsd3, database, library, search, text)2024-03-250.6.1ChrisEidhof, GregWeber, JeroenBransen, paulrouse, swamp_agr
sphinx-cli30.01Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library (bsd3, database, program, search, text)2008-07-140.1EelcoLempsink
sphinxesc30.00Transform queries for sphinx input (library, mit, program, text)2017-03-
splitter20.01Use numerical ranges to split out certain lines from a file. (mit, program, text)2013-07-
spreadsheet350.01Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way (bsd3, data, library, text)2023-12-
sssp40.01HTTP proxy for S3. (bsd3, library, text)2012-11-141.1.1JasonDusek
ssv80.01Comma-separated-value (CSV) read, show and write routines (library, mit, program, text)2014-09-150.3BartonMassey
stache582.07Mustache templates for Haskell (library, mit, program, text)2023-06-232.3.4jsl, stackbuilders, sestrella, mrkkrp, felixminom
static-text212.01Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors of statically known length (bsd3, data, library, text, type-system)2021-07-
stemmer (deprecated in favor of snowball)130.02Haskell bindings to the Snowball stemming library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, natural-language-processing, text)2016-04-130.5.2BenGamari, EelcoLempsink
step-function250.02Staircase functions or piecewise constant functions (bsd3, library, text)2024-07-030.2.1phadej, petterb
str20.01A type class to abstract between many different string types. (library, mit, text)2014-07-
streamly-examples72.00Examples for Streamly (apache, concurrency, filesystem, network, program, reactivity, streaming, streamly, text)2023-12-150.2.0harendra, adithyaov, ranjeetra
string-class310.05String class library (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-06-, SergeyAlirzaev, k_bx
string-conv1091.7527Standardized conversion between string types (bsd3, data, library, string, text)2022-03-040.2.0DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
string-conv-tests (deprecated in favor of string-conv)30.00Tests for the string-conv library (bsd3, data, deprecated, string, text)2022-02-190.1.1DinoMorelli
string-convert140.02Universal string conversions (bsd3, library, text)2016-12-304.0.0.1TobiasDammers
string-fromto61.50Conversions between common string types, as well as Base16/Base32/Base64. (bsd3, conversion, library, text)2019-09-301.0.0.0patrick, janey
string-interpolate1522.2543Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-07-
string-isos32.01Tools for working with isomorphisms of strings (bsd3, library, text)2018-02-
string-random652.02A library for generating random string from a regular experession (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-12-310.1.4.4hiratara
string-transform240.02simple and easy haskell string transform wrapper (library, mit, text)2019-07-021.1.1ncaq
stringable (deprecated)220.014A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable (bytestring, data, deprecated, library, mit, text)2014-05-020.1.3JohnWiegley, KetilMalde
stringlike20.01Transformations to several string-like types (library, mit, text)2013-03-210.0.0FedorGogolev
strings210.07Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc. (library, mit, string, text, utility)2013-05-261.1JulianFleischer
stringsearch822.2535Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings (bsd3, library, search, text)2015-03-, DanielFischer
strip-ansi-escape470.01Strip ANSI escape code from string. (apache, library, text)2019-07-
submark50.00Extract a part from CommonMark/Markdown docs (gpl, library, program, text)2022-03-150.3.1hongminhee
substring-parser60.01Match / replace substrings with a parser combinators. (apache, library, parsing, text)2018-07-
subtitleParser130.02A parser for .srt and .sub files (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2013-03-260.5RubenAstudillo
sugar50.03A pretty, sweet data language (configuration, library, text)2022-07-300.0.1.1jxv
sugar-data30.00Convert sugar to common data types for code generation (configuration, library, text)2022-07-300.0.0.0jxv
sugar-json40.00Sugar with JSON (configuration, library, text)2022-07-
sugar-scheme30.00Sugar with Scheme (language, library, text)2022-07-280.0.1jxv
sundown340.01Bindings to the sundown markdown library (foreign-binding, library, public-domain, text)2014-01-170.6FrancescoMazzoli
sv130.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2020-04-, GeorgeWilson
sv-cassava40.01Integration to use sv with cassava's parser (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.3qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-core120.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-08-130.5qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-svfactor40.01sv-core + svfactor (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.2qfpl, GeorgeWilson
svfactor30.01Syntax-preserving CSV manipulation (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-07-190.1qfpl
sxml80.01A SXML-parser (library, public-domain, text, xml)2017-01-
symantic-atom30.00Library for reading and writing Atom. (gpl, library, text, xml)2020-08-
symantic-document290.02Symantics combinators for generating documents. (agpl, library, text)2021-08-311.5.3.20200320julm
symantic-xml40.01Library for reading, validating and writing XML. (gpl, library, text, xml)2020-08-
tabl90.00Table layout (library, text)2017-01-191.0.3lovasko
table20.01Simple tool to generate tables from DSV input (mit, program, text)2015-01-
table-layout522.02Format tabular data as grid or table. (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-07-
tablize50.01Pretty-printing of CSV files (program, text)2017-01-271.0.0lovasko
tabular580.06Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions (bsd3, library, text)2020-09-, EricKow, PeterSimons
taggy130.04Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library (bsd3, library, program, text, web)2017-12-210.2.1AlpMestanogullari, vi
taggy-lens80.04Lenses for the taggy html/xml parser (bsd3, library, text, web)2014-07-150.1.2AlpMestanogullari, vi
tagsoup-selection50.04Selecting subtrees from TagSoup's TagTrees using CSS selectors (bsd3, library, text)2016-09-
tagstew20.00Black magic tagsoup (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-09-200FumiakiKinoshita
tamper330.01Blaze-style HTML templates as a Monad Transformer. (bsd3, library, text)2020-01-
tapioca20.00A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-02-
tdoc140.01TDoc is a typed document builder with support for (X)HTML (bsd3, library, text, web)2017-07-240.4.7NicolasPouillard
template320.011Simple string substitution (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-, PeterTrsko
template-toolkit51.51Template Toolkit implementation for Haskell (gpl, library, text)2018-12-
template-yj50.01Process template file (bsd3, library, text)2015-10-300.0.0.2YoshikuniJujo
templater90.01Simple string templater (library, mit, text)2015-04-300.0.3.0geraud
termbox-bindings90.00Bindings to the Termbox library (bsd3, library, program, text)2015-05-
termonad432.50Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell (bsd3, library, program, text)2024-02-
tex2txt40.01LaTeX to plain-text conversion (gpl, library, program, text)2015-03-
texmath11102.08Conversion between math formats. (gpl, library, text)2025-01-
text8642.755651An efficient packed Unicode text type. (bsd2, data, library, text)2024-10-262.1.2BryanOSullivan, HerbertValerioRiedel, Bodigrim, lyxia, chessai, topos
text-all (deprecated)112.02Everything Data.Text related in one package (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2018-03-100.4.2Artyom
text-and-plots60.01EDSL to create HTML documents with plots based on the C3.js library. (library, mit, text)2015-04-
text-ascii72.250ASCII string and character processing. (apache, library, text)2024-01-211.2.1koz_ross
text-builder1902.017Efficient strict text builder (builders, library, mit, text)2025-02-
text-builder-dev1930.03Edge of developments for "text-builder" (builders, library, mit, text)2025-02-
text-builder-linear700.06Builder for Text and ByteString based on linear types (bsd3, library, text)2024-07-100.1.3Bodigrim
text-cp43790.01Conversion of Text to and from CP437 (bsd3, library, text)2019-07-240.2.2clord
text-display542.257A typeclass for user-facing output (library, mit, text)2025-01-
text-format550.052Text formatting (bsd3, library, text)2022-11-, BryanOSullivan
text-format-heavy152.08Full-weight string formatting library, analog of Python's string.format (bsd3, library, text)2019-09-
text-format-simple170.02Simple text formatting library. (bsd3, library, text)2012-03-221.1.0DmitryBespalov
text-generic-pretty30.01A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2016-12-241.2.1joe9
text-icu2202.041Bindings to the ICU library (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-04-, VladimirShabanov, chessai, topos
text-icu-normalized150.02Dealing with Strict Text in NFC normalization. (data, gpl, library, text)2017-04-300.4.1misandrist
text-icu-translit60.01ICU transliteration (bsd3, library, text)2014-08-
text-latin1550.06Latin-1 (including ASCII) utility functions (bsd3, library, text)2018-03-090.3.1MikhailVorozhtsov
text-ldap330.01Parser and Printer for LDAP text data stream (bsd3, library, program, text)2021-09-
text-lips40.01Monadic parsing combinator library with attention to locations (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2022-09-
text-loc90.01Line-column locations within a text. (bsd3, library, text)2022-09-170.1.1MikhailVorozhtsov
text-locale-encoding130.01Encode and decode Text to/from ByteString using TextEncoding (bsd3, codec, data, library, text)2013-09-
text-manipulate1150.012Case conversion, word boundary manipulation, and textual subjugation. (data, library, mpl, text)2022-03-
text-markup20.01A data structure for mapping metadata to text subsequences (bsd3, library, text)2016-09-050.1JonathanDaugherty
text-metrics1222.012Calculate various string metrics efficiently (algorithms, bsd3, library, text)2024-09-280.3.3mrkkrp
text-misc-yj120.01tribial tools about text (bsd3, data, library, text)2024-11-
text-offset20.00Library for converting between line/column and byte offset. (apache, library, text)2020-01-
text-position20.03Handling positions in text and position-tagging it. (data, library, public-domain, text)2015-04-
text-printer680.07Abstract interface for text builders/printers. (bsd3, library, text)2021-11-
text-regex-replace180.02Easy replacement when using text-icu regexes. (apache, data, library, text)2022-11-
text-region110.01Marking text regions (bsd3, library, text)2018-05-
text-render80.03A type class for rendering objects as text, pretty-printing, etc. (library, mit, text)2017-09-
text-replace202.00Simple text replacements from a list of search/replace pairs (apache, application, library, program, text)2023-01-
text-rope1752.259Text lines and ropes (bsd3, library, text)2024-07-170.3Bodigrim
text-rope-zipper40.002D text zipper based on text-rope (apache, library, text)2024-07-
text-show2052.2560Efficient conversion of values into Text (bsd3, library, text)2024-12-283.11.1ryanglscott
text-show-instances1231.251Additional instances for text-show (bsd3, library, text)2024-11-053.9.10ryanglscott
text-stream-decode (deprecated in favor of streaming-commons)160.04Streaming decoding functions for UTF encodings. (deprecated) (data, deprecated, library, mit, text)2014-03-
text-utf8 (deprecated in favor of text)30.03An efficient packed UTF-8 backed Unicode text type. (bsd2, data, deprecated, library, text)2018-05-, Bodigrim, topos
text-xml-qq30.01Quasiquoter for xml. XML DSL in Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)2010-10-230.1OscarFinnsson
text-zipper1120.011A text editor zipper library (bsd3, library, text)2023-02-040.13JonathanDaugherty
text-zipper-monad30.01Monadic interface to the text-zipper package (bsd3, library, text)2016-08-
textual (deprecated in favor of string-conversions, string-convert)40.01Textual type class for data that represent text (deprecated, library, mit, text)2016-01-310.2.0.0marcosdumay
th-compat4280.021Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types (bsd3, library, text)2024-12-050.1.6ryanglscott
th-printf280.09Quasiquoters for printf (library, mit, text)2023-07-160.8JudeTaylor
thimk (deprecated in favor of spelling-suggest)40.01Command-line spelling word suggestion tool (application, bsd3, console, deprecated, program, text)2010-09-130.3.1BartonMassey
time-locale-vietnamese190.01Vietnamese locale for date and time format (apache, library, text)2017-11-
timeprint50.01Prints timestamps after each line evaluated (bsd3, library, text)2016-06-
timerep350.023Parse and display time according to some RFCs (RFC3339, RFC2822, RFC822) (bsd3, library, parser, text, time, web)2022-06-, koral
tinytemplate42.01A tiny text templating library (library, mit, text)2015-09-, karchie
titlecase242.02Convert English Words to Title Case (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-07-171.0.1PeterSimons, NikitaKaretnikov
tn100.01A simple daily journal program (data, library, program, text, utility)2016-05-
tokenizer30.00Check uniqueness and tokenize safely (library, mit, text)2022-09-
tokenizer-monad90.02An efficient and easy-to-use tokenizer monad. (gpl, library, text)2019-01-
tokenizer-streaming50.00A variant of tokenizer-monad that supports streaming. (gpl, library, text)2019-01-
toml-parser2292.56TOML 1.0.0 parser (library, text)2024-05-312.0.1.0EricMertens
toml-reader270.03TOML format parser compliant with v1.0.0. (bsd3, configuration, library, text, toml)2025-03-
toml-test-drivers20.00toml-parser test drivers (program, text)2024-02-
tomland1532.517Bidirectional TOML serialization (configuration, library, mpl, text, toml)2024-06-, vrom911
transf90.01Text transformer and interpreter. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program, text)2014-08-190.13.1HansHoglund
translate50.01Haskell binding to Google's AJAX Language API for Translation and Detection (bsd3, library, text)2010-01-242010.1.24JinjingWang
trasa-reflex30.01Reactive Type Safe Routing (library, mit, text)2017-06-170.2andrewthad, mckeankylej, chessai
trifecta2102.544A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics (bsd3, diagnostics, library, logging, parsing, pretty-printer, text)2024-02-072.1.4EdwardKmett, EricMertens, quchen, ryanglscott
trim20.00A command-line tool for trimming whitespace (bsd3, library, program, text)2019-01-300.1.0.0ndrewtl
tsv2csv160.00Convert tsv to csv (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-04-
tsvsql40.01Template tsv into SQL (mit, program, text)2016-07-
ttc390.02Textual Type Classes (data, library, mit, text)2025-01-
tw80.01Trailing Whitespace (bsd3, program, text)2016-11-
twiml110.01TwiML library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2018-05-
twine40.01very simple template language (bsd3, library, text)2011-02-200.1.2JamesSanders
txt (deprecated in favor of text-utf8)101.251Text (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text)2019-03-
txt2rtf130.01Filter to convert plain text files to RTF (program, text)2010-04-201.0.1JohnGoerzen
txtblk40.01Deprecated in favor of eros. (bsd3, library, text)2014-07-
type-cache20.01Utilities for caching type families results. Sometimes complex type families take long time to compile, so it is proficient to cache them and use the final result without the need of re-computation. (apache, library, text)2016-01-301.0danilo2, iamrecursion
type-of-html582.251High performance type driven html generation. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)2021-02-
type-of-html-static110.01Optimize static parts of type-of-html. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)2018-05-
typed-encoding210.01Type safe string transformations (bsd3, data, library, text)2023-10-
typed-encoding-encoding50.00Bridge between encoding and typed-encoding packages (bsd3, data, library, text)2020-06-
typelits-printf210.00Type-safe printf from parsing GHC TypeLits Symbol (bsd3, library, text)2024-09-
typist40.00Typelevel printf (library, mit, text)2024-04-300.1.0.1goosedb
typst8900.01Parsing and evaluating typst syntax. (bsd3, library, text)2025-02-090.6.2JohnMacFarlane
typst-symbols2580.02Symbol and emoji lookup for typst language (library, mit, text)2024-10-220.1.7JohnMacFarlane
tyro50.01Type derived JSON parsing using Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)2017-07-
ucd (deprecated)80.01Unicode Character Database — Predicates on characters specified by Unicode (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text)2020-07-
uhexdump80.01hex dumper for UTF-8 text (bsd3, program, text)2011-08-070.3EricKow
ui40.00Minimalistic console UI (getLine), arrow key support (edit, browse cmd history). (console, data, library, mit, program, text, ui)2024-12-281.0.0drJonas
unac-bindings20.00Bindings for libunac(3) (library, text)2023-08-300.1.0.0diasbruno
unescaping-print72.01Tiny package providing unescaping versions of show and print (bsd3, library, text)2018-09-230.1bravit
unicode170.01Construct and transform unicode characters (bsd3, library, text)2018-09-
unicode-collation5660.04Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (bsd2, library, text)2023-12-
unicode-data2812.256Access Unicode Character Database (UCD) (apache, data, library, text, unicode)2024-07-030.6.0Bodigrim, harendra, adithyaov, wismill
unicode-data-names100.00Unicode characters names and aliases (apache, data, library, text, unicode)2024-07-030.4.0wismill
unicode-data-parser80.00Parsers for Unicode Character Database (UCD) files (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)2024-06-
unicode-data-scripts130.00Unicode characters scripts (apache, data, library, text, unicode)2024-07-030.4.0harendra, adithyaov, wismill
unicode-data-security100.00Unicode security mechanisms database (apache, data, library, text, unicode)2024-07-030.4.0harendra, adithyaov, wismill
unicode-names160.01Unicode 3.2.0 character names (bsd3, library, text)2008-09-, poorlyknitsweater
unicode-normalization50.01Unicode normalization using the ICU library (bsd3, library, text)2007-11-130.1ReinierLamers
unicode-properties110.02Unicode 3.2.0 character properties (bsd3, library, text)2008-09-, poorlyknitsweater
unicode-show590.05print and show in unicode (bsd3, library, text)2022-03-, igrep
unicode-transforms2040.011Unicode normalization (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)2022-03-, harendra, adithyaov, wismill
unicoder80.01Make writing in unicode easy. (bsd3, library, program, text)2017-06-100.5.0ZankokuOkuno
unidecode200.02Haskell binding of Unidecode (bsd3, library, text)2017-01-
uniform-http30.01uniform text based operations to call http (data, library, text, uniform)2023-03-
uniform-webserver50.01uniform text based operations to call http (data, library, text, uniform)2023-03-
units-parser400.03A parser for units of measure (bsd3, library, text)2023-07-, RichardEisenberg, ryanglscott
unliftio-path140.04UnliftIO using well-typed Paths. (library, mit, text)2020-10-
unparse-attoparsec40.00An attoparsec roundtrip (library, mit, parsing, text)2018-12-
unscramble60.01Solve Boggle-like word games (mit, program, text)2013-12-301.0JoelTaylor
upskirt (deprecated in favor of sundown)50.01Binding to upskirt (deprecated, foreign-binding, library, public-domain, text)2011-07-240.0.4FrancescoMazzoli
uri230.010Library for working with URIs (bsd3, library, text)2018-10-
uri-conduit (deprecated)170.03Read and write URIs (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2014-03-
uri-enumerator (deprecated in favor of uri-conduit)50.03Read and write URIs (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2012-01-
uri-enumerator-file (deprecated in favor of uri-conduit)80.01uri-enumerator backend for the file scheme (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2012-01-
urldecode40.01Decode percent-encoded strings. (bsd3, program, text)2012-06-
utf (deprecated)30.00UTF-8 (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)2019-12-
uu-interleaved120.03An interleaving combinator for use with applicative style implementations. (applicative, control, library, mit, parsing, text)2018-08-, JeroenBransen
uu-parsinglib620.018Fast, online, error-correcting, monadic, applicative, merging, permuting, interleaving, idiomatic parser combinators. (library, mit, parsercombinators, parsercombinators-parsing-text, parsing, parsing-text, text, text.parsercombinators, text.parsercombinators-parsing-text)2022-04-042.9.2DoaitseSwierstra, JeroenBransen
uu-tc70.02Haskell 98 parser combinators for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2015-11-112015.1.1TrevorMcDonell, joaopizani
uu-tc-error70.00Haskell 98 parser combintors for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2024-11-
vcard110.01A library for parsing/printing vCards from/to various formats. (library, text)2010-12-170.1.4MathieuBoespflug
verbalexpressions30.01Regular expressions made easy (library, mit, text)2013-10-
vflow-types30.00types for ingesting vflow data with aeson (bsd3, data, library, parsing, text, utility)2019-05-210.1chessai
vformat160.03A Python str.format() like formatter (bsd3, format, library, text)2020-01-300.14.1.0gqk007
vformat-aeson30.01Extend vformat to Aeson datatypes (bsd3, format, json, library, text)2020-01-
vformat-time90.01Extend vformat to time datatypes (bsd3, format, library, text, time)2020-01-
vorbiscomment90.01Reading of Vorbis comments from Ogg Vorbis files (library, mit, sound, text)2010-07-280.0.2ChrisWagner
wavesurfer80.01Parse WaveSurfer files (bsd3, data, library, sound, text)2009-03-230.0.6StefanKersten
wcwidth560.05Native wcwidth. (bsd3, library, text)2011-04-040.0.2JasonDusek
weighted-regexp90.02Weighted Regular Expression Matcher (bsd3, library, parsing, text)2012-02-
whiskers70.01Mustache templates with Template Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)2014-10-300.1.0.3peter
wikipedia4epub140.01Wikipedia EPUB E-Book construction from Firefox history. (bsd3, library, program, text)2011-10-020.0.12RadoslavDorcik
wl-pprint280.029The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer (bsd3, library, text)2018-04-211.2.1NoamLewis, OtakarSmrz, StefanORear
wl-pprint-annotated1490.08Pretty printer with annotation support (bsd3, library, text)2018-08-, janus
wl-pprint-ansiterm40.01ANSI Terminal support with wl-pprint-extras (bsd3, library, system, text)2015-02-
wl-pprint-console130.01Wadler/Leijen pretty printer supporting colorful console output. (library, mit, text)2018-08-
wl-pprint-extras340.08A free monad based on the Wadler/Leijen pretty printer (bsd3, control, library, monads, text)2015-06-, NathanielFilardo
wl-pprint-terminfo600.03A color pretty printer with terminfo support (bsd3, control, library, monads, text)2016-06-, NathanielFilardo
wl-pprint-text1000.043A Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values (bsd3, library, text)2022-01-
word-wrap1040.05A library for word-wrapping (bsd3, library, text)2021-09-250.5JonathanDaugherty
wordlist92.00Command-line tool to get random words (apache, application, library, program, text)2023-03-
wybor70.01Console line fuzzy search (bsd2, library, text)2014-08-170.1.0MatveyAksenov
xformat80.03Extensible, type-safe formatting with scanf- and printf-like functions (bsd3, generics, library, text)2013-12-310.1.2.1SeanLeather
xhaskell-library (deprecated in favor of regex-pderiv)60.01Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2010-04-200.0.6KennyLu
xhtml-combinators110.01Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators. (bsd3, library, text, web)2011-06-070.3AlasdairArmstrong
xkbcommon60.03Haskell bindings for libxkbcommon (library, mit, text)2016-10-020.0.3AukeBooij
xlsx-tabular240.01Xlsx table cell value extraction utility (bsd3, codec, library, text)2018-01-310.2.2.1KazuoKoga
xml2032.25102A simple XML library. (bsd3, library, text, xml)2015-02-231.3.14DonaldStewart, IavorDiatchki
xml-catalog (deprecated)190.02Parse XML catalog files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)2014-03-
xml-conduit-parse100.04Streaming XML parser based on conduits. (conduit, library, text, xml)2017-11-
xml-conduit-writer350.06Warm and fuzzy creation of XML documents. (library, mit, text)2024-01-
xml-hamlet720.09Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content (bsd3, library, text)2022-01-
xml-helpers180.02Some useful helper functions for the xml library. (bsd3, library, text, xml)2011-04-031.0.0AdamWick
xml-html-qq190.02Quasi-quoters for XML and HTML Documents (bsd3, library, text)2017-02-
xml-indexed-cursor180.01Indexed XML cursors similar to 'Text.XML.Cursor' from xml-conduit (bsd3, library, text)2017-02-
xml-monad70.02Monadic extensions to the xml package. (bsd3, library, text, xml)2011-01-130.5AristidBreitkreuz
xml-prettify20.01Pretty print XML. (bsd3, library, program, text)2010-06-
xml-tydom-conduit30.01Typed XML encoding for an xml-conduit backend. (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2017-02-
xml-tydom-core30.01Typed XML encoding (core library). (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)2017-02-
xml-types1760.067Basic types for representing XML (library, mit, text, xml)2020-07-130.3.8StephenWeber
xml2json40.02translate xml to json (bsd3, library, program, text)2012-10-
xmlbf330.07XML back and forth! Parser, renderer, ToXml, FromXml, fixpoints. (apache, library, text, xml)2022-12-080.7RenzoCarbonara
xmlbf-xeno310.02xeno backend support for the xmlbf library. (apache, library, text, xml)2022-12-080.2.2RenzoCarbonara
xmlbf-xmlhtml160.01xmlhtml backend support for the xmlbf library. (apache, html, library, text, xml)2022-12-080.2.2RenzoCarbonara
xmlgen400.04Fast XML generation library (bsd3, library, text, xml)2018-03-
xmlhtml590.029XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode (bsd3, library, text, xml)2023-02-, DougBeardsley, GregoryCollins, JasperVanDerJeugt, imalsogreg
xournal-builder70.02text builder for xournal file format (bsd3, library, text)2012-09-
xournal-parser180.05Xournal file parser (bsd3, library, text)2015-02-260.5.1IanWooKim
xpathdsv70.01Command line tool to extract DSV data from HTML and XML with XPATH expressions (bsd3, program, text)2016-05-
yajl-enumerator (deprecated)110.01Enumerator-based interface to YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation (deprecated, enumerator, gpl, json, library, parsing, text)2012-10-280.4.1JohnMillikin
yaml-combinators130.01YAML parsing combinators for improved validation and error reporting (library, mit, text)2023-02-, mitchellwrosen
yasi170.00Yet another string interpolator (library, quasiquotes, string, text)2025-01-
yate92.01Yet Another Template Engine (bsd3, library, text)2020-02-
yeganesh200.01small dmenu wrapper (bsd3, program, text)2012-04-212.5DanielWagner
yocto90.01A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell (library, mit, text)2014-02-101.0.1ajg
yoda60.01Parser combinators for young padawans (bsd3, library, text)2018-11-
yst422.01Builds a static website from templates and data in YAML or CSV files. (gpl, program, text)2023-02-040.7.2JohnMacFarlane
yuuko130.02A transcendental HTML parser gently wrapping the HXT library (bsd3, library, program, text)2010-11-282010.11.28JinjingWang
zampolit50.01A tool for checking how much work is done on group projects. (bsd3, program, text)2011-05-090.3BrianSniffen
zenc560.05GHC style name Z-encoding and Z-decoding (bsd3, library, text)2021-06-210.1.2JasonDagit
zettelkast30.00Command-line utility for working with zettelkast files (bsd3, library, program, text)2020-09-
zinza350.00Typed templates with jinja like syntax (gpl, library, template, text)2024-06-050.2.1phadej