{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Build HTML tables using @blaze-html@ and @colonnade@. The bottom
--   of this page has a tutorial that walks through a full example,
--   illustrating how to meet typical needs with this library. It is
--   recommended that users read the documentation for @colonnade@ first,
--   since this library builds on the abstractions introduced there.
--   A concise example of this library\'s use:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :module + Colonnade Text.Blaze.Html Text.Blaze.Colonnade
-- >>> let col = headed "Grade" (toHtml . fst) <> headed "Letter" (toHtml . snd)
-- >>> let rows = [("90-100",'A'),("80-89",'B'),("70-79",'C')]
-- >>> printVeryCompactHtml (encodeHtmlTable mempty col rows)
-- <table>
--     <thead>
--         <tr><th>Grade</th><th>Letter</th></tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr><td>90-100</td><td>A</td></tr>
--         <tr><td>80-89</td><td>B</td></tr>
--         <tr><td>70-79</td><td>C</td></tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>
module Text.Blaze.Colonnade
  ( -- * Apply
  , encodeCellTable
  , encodeTable
  , encodeCappedTable
    -- * Cell
    -- $build
  , Cell(..)
  , htmlCell
  , stringCell
  , textCell
  , lazyTextCell
  , builderCell
  , htmlFromCell
    -- * Interactive
  , printCompactHtml
  , printVeryCompactHtml
    -- * Tutorial
    -- $setup

    -- * Discussion
    -- $discussion
  ) where

import Text.Blaze (Attribute,(!))
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml)
import Colonnade (Colonnade,Headed,Headless,Fascia,Cornice)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty as Pretty
import qualified Text.Blaze as Blaze
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
import qualified Colonnade.Encode as E
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TBuilder

-- $setup
-- We start with a few necessary imports and some example data
-- types:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Monoid (mconcat,(<>))
-- >>> import Data.Char (toLower)
-- >>> import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor(lmap))
-- >>> import Colonnade (Colonnade,Headed,Headless,headed,cap,Fascia(..))
-- >>> import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml, toValue)
-- >>> import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
-- >>> data Department = Management | Sales | Engineering deriving (Show,Eq)
-- >>> data Employee = Employee { name :: String, department :: Department, age :: Int }
-- We define some employees that we will display in a table:
-- >>> :{
-- let employees = 
--       [ Employee "Thaddeus" Sales 34
--       , Employee "Lucia" Engineering 33
--       , Employee "Pranav" Management 57
--       ]
-- :}
-- Let's build a table that displays the name and the age
-- of an employee. Additionally, we will emphasize the names of
-- engineers using a @\<strong\>@ tag.
-- >>> :{
-- let tableEmpA :: Colonnade Headed Employee Html
--     tableEmpA = mconcat
--       [ headed "Name" $ \emp -> case department emp of
--           Engineering -> H.strong (toHtml (name emp))
--           _ -> toHtml (name emp)
--       , headed "Age" (toHtml . show . age)
--       ]
-- :}
-- The type signature of @tableEmpA@ is inferrable but is written
-- out for clarity in this example. Additionally, note that the first
-- argument to 'headed' is of type 'Html', so @OverloadedStrings@ is
-- necessary for the above example to compile. To avoid using this extension,
-- it is possible to instead use 'toHtml' to convert a 'String' to 'Html'.
-- Let\'s continue:
-- >>> let customAttrs = HA.class_ "stylish-table" <> HA.id "main-table"
-- >>> printCompactHtml (encodeHtmlTable customAttrs tableEmpA employees)
-- <table class="stylish-table" id="main-table">
--     <thead>
--         <tr>
--             <th>Name</th>
--             <th>Age</th>
--         </tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr>
--             <td>Thaddeus</td>
--             <td>34</td>
--         </tr>
--         <tr>
--             <td><strong>Lucia</strong></td>
--             <td>33</td>
--         </tr>
--         <tr>
--             <td>Pranav</td>
--             <td>57</td>
--         </tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>
-- Excellent. As expected, Lucia\'s name is wrapped in a @\<strong\>@ tag 
-- since she is an engineer.
-- One limitation of using 'Html' as the content
-- type of a 'Colonnade' is that we are unable to add attributes to
-- the @\<td\>@ and @\<th\>@ elements. This library provides the 'Cell' type
-- to work around this problem. A 'Cell' is just 'Html' content and a set
-- of attributes to be applied to its parent @<th>@ or @<td>@. To illustrate
-- how its use, another employee table will be built. This table will
-- contain a single column indicating the department of each employ. Each
-- cell will be assigned a class name based on the department. To start off,
-- let\'s build a table that encodes departments:
-- >>> :{
-- let tableDept :: Colonnade Headed Department Cell
--     tableDept = mconcat
--       [ headed "Dept." $ \d -> Cell
--           (HA.class_ (toValue (map toLower (show d))))
--           (toHtml (show d))
--       ]
-- :}
-- Again, @OverloadedStrings@ plays a role, this time allowing the
-- literal @"Dept."@ to be accepted as a value of type 'Cell'. To avoid
-- this extension, 'stringCell' could be used to upcast the 'String'.
-- To try out our 'Colonnade' on a list of departments, we need to use
-- 'encodeCellTable' instead of 'encodeHtmlTable':
-- >>> let twoDepts = [Sales,Management]
-- >>> printVeryCompactHtml (encodeCellTable customAttrs tableDept twoDepts)
-- <table class="stylish-table" id="main-table">
--     <thead>
--         <tr><th>Dept.</th></tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr><td class="sales">Sales</td></tr>
--         <tr><td class="management">Management</td></tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>
-- The attributes on the @\<td\>@ elements show up as they are expected to.
-- Now, we take advantage of the @Profunctor@ instance of 'Colonnade' to allow
-- this to work on @Employee@\'s instead:
-- >>> :t lmap
-- lmap :: Profunctor p => (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c
-- >>> let tableEmpB = lmap department tableDept
-- >>> :t tableEmpB
-- tableEmpB :: Colonnade Headed Employee Cell
-- >>> printVeryCompactHtml (encodeCellTable customAttrs tableEmpB employees)
-- <table class="stylish-table" id="main-table">
--     <thead>
--         <tr><th>Dept.</th></tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr><td class="sales">Sales</td></tr>
--         <tr><td class="engineering">Engineering</td></tr>
--         <tr><td class="management">Management</td></tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>
-- This table shows the department of each of our three employees, additionally
-- making a lowercased version of the department into a class name for the @\<td\>@.
-- This table is nice for illustrative purposes, but it does not provide all the
-- information that we have about the employees. If we combine it with the
-- earlier table we wrote, we can present everything in the table. One small
-- roadblock is that the types of @tableEmpA@ and @tableEmpB@ do not match, which
-- prevents a straightforward monoidal append:
-- >>> :t tableEmpA
-- tableEmpA :: Colonnade Headed Employee Html
-- >>> :t tableEmpB
-- tableEmpB :: Colonnade Headed Employee Cell
-- We can upcast the content type with 'fmap'.
-- Monoidal append is then well-typed, and the resulting 'Colonnade'
-- can be applied to the employees:
-- >>> let tableEmpC = fmap htmlCell tableEmpA <> tableEmpB
-- >>> :t tableEmpC
-- tableEmpC :: Colonnade Headed Employee Cell
-- >>> printCompactHtml (encodeCellTable customAttrs tableEmpC employees)
-- <table class="stylish-table" id="main-table">
--     <thead>
--         <tr>
--             <th>Name</th>
--             <th>Age</th>
--             <th>Dept.</th>
--         </tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr>
--             <td>Thaddeus</td>
--             <td>34</td>
--             <td class="sales">Sales</td>
--         </tr>
--         <tr>
--             <td><strong>Lucia</strong></td>
--             <td>33</td>
--             <td class="engineering">Engineering</td>
--         </tr>
--         <tr>
--             <td>Pranav</td>
--             <td>57</td>
--             <td class="management">Management</td>
--         </tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>

-- $build
-- The 'Cell' type is used to build a 'Colonnade' that 
-- has 'Html' content inside table cells and may optionally
-- have attributes added to the @\<td\>@ or @\<th\>@ elements
-- that wrap this HTML content.

-- | The attributes that will be applied to a @\<td\>@ and
--   the HTML content that will go inside it. When using
--   this type, remember that 'Attribute', defined in @blaze-markup@,
--   is actually a collection of attributes, not a single attribute.
data Cell = Cell
  { cellAttribute :: !Attribute
  , cellHtml :: !Html

instance IsString Cell where
  fromString = stringCell

instance Semigroup Cell where
  (Cell a1 c1) <> (Cell a2 c2) = Cell (a1 <> a2) (c1 <> c2)

instance Monoid Cell where
  mempty = Cell mempty mempty
  mappend = (<>)

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'Widget'
htmlCell :: Html -> Cell
htmlCell = Cell mempty

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'String'
stringCell :: String -> Cell
stringCell = htmlCell . fromString

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'Char'
charCell :: Char -> Cell
charCell = stringCell . pure

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'Text'
textCell :: Text -> Cell
textCell = htmlCell . toHtml

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a lazy text
lazyTextCell :: LText.Text -> Cell
lazyTextCell = textCell . LText.toStrict

-- | Create a 'Cell' from a text builder
builderCell :: TBuilder.Builder -> Cell
builderCell = lazyTextCell . TBuilder.toLazyText

-- | Encode a table. This handles a very general case and
--   is seldom needed by users. One of the arguments provided is
--   used to add attributes to the generated @\<tr\>@ elements.
encodeTable :: forall h f a c. (Foldable f, E.Headedness h)
  => h (Attribute,Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ and its @\<tr\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
  -> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<tbody\>@ element
  -> (a -> Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of each @\<tr\>@ element
  -> ((Html -> Html) -> c -> Html) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
  -> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
  -> Colonnade h a c -- ^ How to encode data as a row
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeTable mtheadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
  H.table ! tableAttrs $ do
    case E.headednessExtractForall of
      Nothing -> return mempty
      Just extractForall -> do
        let (theadAttrs,theadTrAttrs) = extract mtheadAttrs
        H.thead ! theadAttrs $ H.tr ! theadTrAttrs $ do
          -- E.headerMonoidalGeneral colonnade (wrapContent H.th)
          foldlMapM' (wrapContent H.th . extract . E.oneColonnadeHead) (E.getColonnade colonnade)
        extract :: forall y. h y -> y
        extract = E.runExtractForall extractForall
    encodeBody trAttrs wrapContent tbodyAttrs colonnade xs

foldlMapM' :: forall g b a m. (Foldable g, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> g a -> m b
foldlMapM' f xs = foldr f' pure xs mempty
  f' :: a -> (b -> m b) -> b -> m b
  f' x k bl = do
    br <- f x
    let !b = mappend bl br
    k b

-- | Encode a table with tiered header rows.
-- >>> let cor = mconcat [cap "Personal" (fmap htmlCell tableEmpA), cap "Work" tableEmpB]
-- >>> let fascia = FasciaCap (HA.class_ "category") (FasciaBase (HA.class_ "subcategory"))
-- >>> printCompactHtml (encodeCappedCellTable mempty fascia cor [head employees])
-- <table>
--     <thead>
--         <tr class="category">
--             <th colspan="2">Personal</th>
--             <th colspan="1">Work</th>
--         </tr>
--         <tr class="subcategory">
--             <th colspan="1">Name</th>
--             <th colspan="1">Age</th>
--             <th colspan="1">Dept.</th>
--         </tr>
--     </thead>
--     <tbody>
--         <tr>
--             <td>Thaddeus</td>
--             <td>34</td>
--             <td class="sales">Sales</td>
--         </tr>
--     </tbody>
-- </table>

encodeCappedCellTable :: Foldable f
  => Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
  -> Fascia p Attribute -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
  -> Cornice Headed p a Cell 
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeCappedCellTable = encodeCappedTable mempty mempty (const mempty) htmlFromCell

-- | Encode a table with tiered header rows. This is the most general function
--   in this library for encoding a 'Cornice'.
encodeCappedTable :: Foldable f
  => Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ 
  -> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<tbody\>@ element
  -> (a -> Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of each @\<tr\>@ element in the @\<tbody\>@
  -> ((Html -> Html) -> c -> Html) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
  -> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
  -> Fascia p Attribute -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
  -> Cornice Headed p a c 
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeCappedTable theadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs fascia cornice xs = do
  let colonnade = E.discard cornice
      annCornice = E.annotate cornice
  H.table ! tableAttrs $ do
    H.thead ! theadAttrs $ do
        (Just (fascia, \attrs theHtml -> H.tr ! attrs $ theHtml))
        [ ( \msz c -> case msz of
              Just sz -> wrapContent H.th c ! HA.colspan (H.toValue (show sz))
              Nothing -> mempty
          , id
      -- H.tr ! trAttrs $ do
      -- E.headerMonoidalGeneral colonnade (wrapContent H.th)
    encodeBody trAttrs wrapContent tbodyAttrs colonnade xs

encodeBody :: Foldable f
  => (a -> Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of each @\<tr\>@ element
  -> ((Html -> Html) -> c -> Html) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
  -> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<tbody\>@ element
  -> Colonnade h a c -- ^ How to encode data as a row
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeBody trAttrs wrapContent tbodyAttrs colonnade xs = do
  H.tbody ! tbodyAttrs $ do
    forM_ xs $ \x -> do
      H.tr ! trAttrs x $ E.rowMonoidal colonnade (wrapContent H.td) x

-- | Encode a table. Table cells may have attributes
--   applied to them.
encodeCellTable :: 
     Foldable f
  => Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
  -> Colonnade Headed a Cell -- ^ How to encode data as columns
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeCellTable = encodeTable
  (E.headednessPure (mempty,mempty)) mempty (const mempty) htmlFromCell 

-- | Encode a table. Table cell element do not have 
--   any attributes applied to them.
encodeHtmlTable :: 
     (Foldable f, E.Headedness h)
  => Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
  -> Colonnade h a Html -- ^ How to encode data as columns
  -> f a -- ^ Collection of data
  -> Html
encodeHtmlTable = encodeTable
  (E.headednessPure (mempty,mempty)) mempty (const mempty) ($) 

-- | Convert a 'Cell' to 'Html' by wrapping the content with a tag
-- and applying the 'Cell' attributes to that tag.
htmlFromCell :: (Html -> Html) -> Cell -> Html
htmlFromCell f (Cell attr content) = f ! attr $ content

data St = St
  { stContext :: [String]
  , stTagStatus :: TagStatus
  , stResult :: String -> String -- ^ difference list

data TagStatus 
  = TagStatusSomeTag 
  | TagStatusOpening (String -> String)
  | TagStatusOpeningAttrs 
  | TagStatusNormal 
  | TagStatusClosing (String -> String)
  | TagStatusAfterTag

removeWhitespaceAfterTag :: String -> String -> String
removeWhitespaceAfterTag chosenTag = 
  either id (\st -> stResult st "") . foldlM (flip f) (St [] TagStatusNormal id)
  f :: Char -> St -> Either String St
  f c (St ctx status res) = case status of
      | c == '<' -> Right (St ctx TagStatusSomeTag likelyRes)
      | isSpace c -> if Just chosenTag == listToMaybe ctx
          then Right (St ctx TagStatusNormal res) -- drops the whitespace
          else Right (St ctx TagStatusNormal likelyRes)
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx TagStatusNormal likelyRes)
      | c == '/' -> Right (St ctx (TagStatusClosing id) likelyRes)
      | c == '>' -> Left "unexpected >"
      | c == '<' -> Left "unexpected <"
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx (TagStatusOpening (c:)) likelyRes)
    TagStatusOpening tag
      | c == '>' -> Right (St (tag "" : ctx) TagStatusAfterTag likelyRes)
      | isSpace c -> Right (St (tag "" : ctx) TagStatusOpeningAttrs likelyRes)
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx (TagStatusOpening (tag . (c:))) likelyRes)
      | c == '>' -> Right (St ctx TagStatusAfterTag likelyRes)
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx TagStatusOpeningAttrs likelyRes)
    TagStatusClosing tag
      | c == '>' -> do
          otherTags <- case ctx of
            [] -> Left "closing tag without any opening tag"
            closestTag : otherTags -> if closestTag == tag ""
              then Right otherTags
              else Left $ "closing tag <" ++ tag "" ++ "> did not match opening tag <" ++ closestTag ++ ">"
          Right (St otherTags TagStatusAfterTag likelyRes)
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx (TagStatusClosing (tag . (c:))) likelyRes)
      | c == '<' -> Right (St ctx TagStatusSomeTag likelyRes)
      | isSpace c -> if Just chosenTag == listToMaybe ctx
          then Right (St ctx TagStatusAfterTag res) -- drops the whitespace
          else Right (St ctx TagStatusNormal likelyRes)
      | otherwise -> Right (St ctx TagStatusNormal likelyRes)
    likelyRes :: String -> String
    likelyRes = res . (c:)

-- | Pretty print an HTML table, stripping whitespace from inside @\<td\>@,
--   @\<th\>@, and common inline tags. The implementation is inefficient and is
--   incorrect in many corner cases. It is only provided to reduce the line
--   count of the HTML printed by GHCi examples in this module\'s documentation.
--   Use of this function is discouraged.
printCompactHtml :: Html -> IO ()
printCompactHtml = putStrLn 
  . List.dropWhileEnd (== '\n')
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "td" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "th" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "strong" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "span" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "em" 
  . Pretty.renderHtml

-- | Similar to 'printCompactHtml'. Additionally strips all whitespace inside
--   @\<tr\>@ elements and @\<thead\>@ elements.
printVeryCompactHtml :: Html -> IO ()
printVeryCompactHtml = putStrLn 
  . List.dropWhileEnd (== '\n')
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "td" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "th" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "strong" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "span" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "em" 
  . removeWhitespaceAfterTag "tr" 
  . Pretty.renderHtml

-- $discussion
-- In this module, some of the functions for applying a 'Colonnade' to
-- some values to build a table have roughly this type signature:
-- > Foldable a => Colonnade Headedness Cell a -> f a -> Html
-- The 'Colonnade' content type is 'Cell', but the content
-- type of the result is 'Html'. It may not be immidiately clear why
-- this is useful done. Another strategy, which this library also
-- uses, is to write
-- these functions to take a 'Colonnade' whose content is 'Html':
-- > Foldable a => Colonnade Headedness Html a -> f a -> Html
-- When the 'Colonnade' content type is 'Html', then the header
-- content is rendered as the child of a @\<th\>@ and the row
-- content the child of a @\<td\>@. However, it is not possible
-- to add attributes to these parent elements. To accomodate this
-- situation, it is necessary to introduce 'Cell', which includes
-- the possibility of attributes on the parent node.