bluefin-algae- Algebraic effects and named handlers in Bluefin.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Algebraic effects and named handlers

Algebraic effect handlers are a powerful framework for user-defined effects with a simple equational intuition.

Algebraic effect handlers are expressive enough to define various effects from scratch. In comparison, the runState handler from Bluefin.State requires mutable references (IORef), relying on IO's built-in statefulness. In terms of pure expressiveness, delimited continuations are all you need.

An "algebraic effect" is a signature for a set of operations which we represent with a GADT. For example, the "state effect" State s contains two operations: Get takes no parameter and returns a value of type s, and Put takes a value of type s and returns (). The constructors Get and Put are "uninterpreted operations": they only describe the types of arguments and results, with no intrinsic meaning.

data State s r where
  Get :: State s s
  Put :: s -> State s ()

Below is an example of a stateful computation: a term of some type Eff zz a with a state handler h :: Handler (State s) z in scope (z :> zz). The State operations can be called using call and the state handler h.

-- Increment a counter and return its previous value.
incr :: z :> zz => Handler (State Int) z -> Eff zz Int
incr h = do
    n <- get
    put (n + 1)
    pure n
    get = call h Get
    put s = call h (Put s)

We handle the state effect by giving an interpretation of the Get and Put operations, as a function f :: HandlerBody (State s) zz a.

To call Get or Put is to call the function f supplied by handle. The following equations show how handle propagates an interpretation f throughout a computation that calls Get and Put:

handle f (\h -> call h Get     >>= k h) = f Get     (handle f (\h -> k h))
handle f (\h -> call h (Put s) >>= k h) = f (Put s) (handle f (\h -> k h))
handle f (\h -> pure r) = pure r

With those equations, handle f applied to the above incr simplifies to:

handle f incr =
  f Get \n ->
  f (Put (n+1)) \() ->
  pure n




type AEffect = Type -> Type Source #

Algebraic effect.

Simple interface

type HandlerBody f ss a = forall x. f x -> (x -> Eff ss a) -> Eff ss a Source #

Interpretation of an algebraic effect f: a function to handle the operations of f.

data Handler f s Source #

Handler to call operations of the effect f.

type ScopedEff f ss a = forall s. Handler f s -> Eff (s :& ss) a Source #

Effectful computation with in scope ss and final result a, extended with a scoped algebraic effect f.

This type guarantees that the handler of f cannot escape its scope: the Eff computation cannot smuggle it out. All of the uses of the handle will happen in the span of the ScopedEff computation.

handle :: HandlerBody f ss a -> ScopedEff f ss a -> Eff ss a Source #

Handle operations of f.

Warning for exception-like effects

If the handler might not call the continuation (like for an exception effect), and if the handled computation manages resources (e.g., opening files, transactions) prefer handle' to trigger resource clean up with cancellable continuations.

call :: s :> ss => Handler f s -> f a -> Eff ss a Source #

Call an operation of algebraic effect f with a handler.

Cancellable continuations

Cancellable continuations are useful to work with resource-management schemes with exception handlers such as bracket

Cancellable continuations should be called exactly once (via continue or cancel):

  • at least once to ensure resources are eventually freed (no leaks);
  • at most once to avoid use-after-free errors.

Enforcing this requirement with linear types would be a welcome contribution.



Given bracket and a Fail effect, the simple handle may cause resource leaks:

handle (\_e _k -> pure Nothing)
  (bracket ex acquire release (\_ -> call h Fail))

bracket is intended to ensure that the acquired resource is released even if the bracketed function throws an exception. However, when the Fail operation is called, the handler (\_e _k -> pure Nothing) discards the continuation _k which contains the exception handler installed by bracket. The resource leaks because release will never be called.


Using handle' instead lets us cancel the continuation.

handle' (\_e k -> cancel k >> pure Nothing)
  (bracket acquire release (\_ -> call h Fail))

type HandlerBody' f ss a = forall ss0 x. f x -> Continuation ss0 ss x a -> Eff ss a Source #

Generalization of HandlerBody with cancellable continuations.

handle' :: HandlerBody' f ss a -> ScopedEff f ss a -> Eff ss a Source #

Generalization of handle with cancellable continuations.

continue :: Continuation t s b a -> b -> Eff s a Source #

Resume a cancellable continuation with a result.

In other words, this converts a cancellable continuation to a simple continuation.

cancel :: Continuation t s b a -> Eff s () Source #

Cancel a continuation: resume by throwing a scoped exception and catch it.

The continuation SHOULD re-throw unknown exceptions. (That is guaranteed if you don't use Exception.Dynamic.)